#writer tingz
milfjuulpod · 1 month
me getting excited reading my fics as if they aren't perfectly tailored to my brain,,,because i wrote them
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nateezfics · 2 years
to the fanfic writers who can put sentences together so eloquently and can create astounding imagery just from their words alone and can make the reader feel so submersed in the fic and can actually complete their wips in a timely manner,,how tf y’all do that?????
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veryrealauthorthings · 2 months
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babybratzmaraj · 3 months
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The Fics listed below are 18+ and contains everything an adult would do. If you are under the age of 18, Please use the door on the right. Those who refuse will be prosecuted to the fullest intent of the law.
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Marshawn Lynch
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Grill Em’ Agora Hills
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Fairytale 1 2
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emsprovisions · 4 months
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castle-dominion · 1 year
Are there no [hyperspecific search] fics out there???? Ugh I guess I will have to write my own.
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crypticspacecat · 1 year
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I lived to be 26! Now I'll stop procrastinating and write again lmaoo. I promise y'all, I'll come out with new stuff 🤣
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amiharana · 1 year
the saddest part about rereading your own concepts for your ships is that you're the only who can write them so when you reach the end of the document and it cuts off mid sentence and you're like Wtf where's the rest, you must sit there and realize it was your own fault. the rest lies within your own head
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urlocalclosetcase · 2 years
There does come a time when you wonder if you’re capable of being loved. You lay on your bed in agony as the little digital numbers on the top part of your screen count up to 59 and reset. You’ll toss and turn and rerun every scenario you can think of. You’ll stare in silence, silence that if you listen hard enough, you’ll hear your eyelids open and close. Then you ask yourself that question- “Am I capable of being loved?”
There’s a reason you ask that question. It’s not because of movies or tv shows or some other superficial thing. It’s because of the people around you. You’ll see your friends say what you want, do what you want, feel what you want- have what you want. Why does it come so easily for them? Are you broken? Is there some small shitty gear inside of you that’s too rusty? Too deformed?
Time and time again, you’ll see them fall in and out of love. They’ll fall in love with the idea of love and grow to hate it. All the while you sit and watch like some crow perched on a wire. Waiting for a chance where you can swoop down and grab love with all your might. Just when you think the moment is right, a scarecrow appears. Or maybe it was always there. Maybe it wants to keep whatever it’s guarding all to itself. Maybe it’s because you’re undeserving. Maybe it’s something not meant for you.
There come moments when you may not receive love, but rather you give it. You give and give and give, you view these mundane actions as Hollywood movies come to life. You think you’re writing one of the worlds greatest love stories and your pen is flowing so swiftly across the paper and the ink is marking every last detail and- and something stops it. Some debris gets under the paper which offsets the course of the pen making it look dirty. What happened? Oh. Right. You. You happened. You somehow messed this up and now the ink has been spilled and it’s ruining your writing and the ink is consuming everything and making it all a mess with no real meaning and you’re watching in horror as it all goes to shit. You can’t even give love without messing it up in your own spectacular way.
Maybe you’re just meant to teach others just how much love they can experience. Maybe you nudge them in the right direction, maybe you teach them some life long lesson. You show someone how a person can truly love them, which gives them hope. Hope you haven’t experienced. You’ve never been the kid that had people say “I have a crush on you.” No one’s ever gone out of their way for you. No one’s ever done anything that even comes close to your lesser gestures of love. You’re just… there.
Eventually all that needs an outlet. And so you seek validation from any and every corner you can think of. You’ll have some good experiences and some horrible experiences. You’ll hear constant remakes about how exotic your skin is and how good you feel. You’ll hear just about anything and everything about your outer layer- “Nice hair. I like your legs. You have a nice complexion. You feel good. You’re hot. You’re sexy.” And yea, you’ll like it for about 2-3 times total. But then you long for more- yearn for more. You want someone to say “you have nice eyes. I like that when you smile your ears fly back. I think it’s cool that you’re into this. I like how you make me laugh. I like how your overly sentimental about your cameras and the pictures and videos you take and the way you capture people in the moment.”
But that day doesn’t come. After countless attempts of putting yourself out there and going through so many talking stages and awkward situations, all you have left to show for all that is a broken, unlovable, deformed, overly optimistic heart.
After all I’ve endured, and I can’t even say the proper nouns or pronouns. “You” and “I” become one of the same when avoidance is your solution. I can’t admit when it’s me and I project onto others. The “you” is me and the “I” is you. This constant merry go round of shit covered horses that’s in flames just keeps on going and going. I hope that one day someone asks me to ride a different ride that makes me get off of this malicious contraption.
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itsgrimeytime · 11 months
Thanks for the tag @l0vergirlwrites
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Tags for the Rick GirliesTM: @catt-leya @sinsandsweetness @virtualreader
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sat0sugu-angst · 2 years
Yalllll I hit 700 followers today!! Ty all so much for the love 🧡
I wasn't anticipating hitting it so soon! I've been working on a new journalist!reader x prohero!bkg fic (thanks to @asmaechan 's wonderful idea 👏🏻) and I was hoping to have pt 1 done for the milestone, but I'll put together a little teaser hopefully by next week so yall can have a taste of what's to come 😊
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im sorry i havent been writing anything but school started again and i have this stupid crush thats taking up all of my brain and ahhhhhhh
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swagging-back-to · 5 months
brb gonna stare at a word doc for an hour and then fall asleep for the rest of the day
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calibabii21 · 5 months
struggles of a writer:
*nearly* busting your lip when your laptop falls on your face.
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 6 months
time to go into a writer's coma and finish all the fanfics I planned
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salamisandcheese · 11 months
Y’all heard it here first
I kicked a cup of sprite yesterday holding my mom’s iPad, headphones in at full volume not paying attention to my nephew telling me to “watch out”. slammed the back of my head to the ceramic floor which made a noise my youngest sister heard, and THAT made me start writing my book!
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