#yandere akira
animeyanderelover · 1 year
Can I have yandere hc for devilman crybaby character?
I just went with my two favorites from the show.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, stalking, manipulation, gaslighting, sabotage, blackmailing, isolation, abduction, violence, death
Yandere Devilman Crybaby Hc's
Fudo Akira
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👿 Akira would fall for his darling before being possessed by the demon Amon in which case he'd be a very meek, shy and insecure yet very caring person. Too much of a coward to confess his feelings for his darling, he'd still go to rather questionable lengths at times such as following you around or just in general watching you a lot, eyes averting yours the moment you look at him. It's all he can do as words always fail him and coherent thoughts leave his head when you actually start a conversation with him. His shyness aside, Akira would be a really obsessed individual to the point where it's a bit creepy. He remembers things about you that he overhears others saying, is definitely the type to keep a few things that you might have lost and sometimes even scribbles down the words he can never say in front of you.
👿 After transforming into a Devilman, a few things change for him. With the increase of strength comes an initial wave of cockiness and suddenly he's approaching you far more often than he used too. Suddenly he isn't afraid to casually touch you or brush your hands although it doesn't escalate to something perverted. His possessive side has gone up together with his overprotective traits, especially once demons start lurking around more. He has less hesitation to be more violent and challenge even humans to fights if they get on his nerves by trying to woo you and you always have to stop him. He's stalking you still a lot of course since he's always worried that something might happen to you. I feel like as a human he would have been more oblivious to his unhealthy feelings but as a Devilman he seems to realize that his feelings and his behavior overall have worsened and so he does feel guilt at times.
👿 He cares about those he loves and his darling is the one he cares about most. Even as a human he's always felt jealous though although it was always accompanied by a sense of insecurity since he knew that most people didn't take him that seriously. The insecurities are gone for the most part when he becomes a Devilman and instead the jealousy is suddenly mixed together with a possessive urge to have his s/o for himseld. He's no longer someone who hides behind the corner and watches with clenched fists and a pained heart but instead squeezes himself quite literally in between you and the person who tries to make a move on you, shielding you behind his back and just giving them a withering glare. His appearance alone is all of a sudden very intimidating and once it becomes obvious for everyone that he feels something for you, a lot would think twice before trying to flirt with you again.
👿 As a human he would be weak and obviously scared but would overcome that fear of his every time you'd be in troubles. It might have happened that he got himself beaten up for your sake but saw it as worth it in order to protect you. No one took him serious back then though when he tried to threaten someone but failed miserably. Now, as a Devilam, the situation for Akira has changed significantly though. He's aware that he has become strong and that at times fills his chest with pride since he now can protect you better. He's no longer your shy and weak rabbit that would get scared of everything as he gets into a lot of fights suddenly whenever someone gets on his possessive or overprotective side. Whilst humans manage to spark his possessive side most of the time, demons are instantly associated with danger for you in his mind so he gets rid of them almost all the time.
👿 Abduction is an aspect that could inflict a lot of guilt on him since he knows that it's a morally wrong action. Akira is also a very protective guy though, especially after becoming a Devilman and seeing all the chaos the demons and even humans can create and how easily they can kill others. An abduction would precisely because of his experience and growing paranoia be an action out of a deep-rooted fear to lose you. Akira is still aware that it isn't something he should do but considering the situation he's in right now, he thinks of it as a safety measurement to keep you alive. You might hate him and fear him for finding out what he has become and what he has done to you but he'll take it over you dying and him having been unable to do anything. 
👿 Even if he has grown more cocky and more possessive, he still retains his caring side for you. There are times where he's still easily flustered when in your presence and even if he's now strong, he's also scared of you finding out. His sexual need has increased a lot since becoming a Devilman so it has definitely happened that he masturbated to the thought of his darling for multiple rounds and there is a lingering sense of guilt and shame whenever he has done so. Ryo has known about you for almost as long as Akira has and probably was aware of his friend's crush before Akira was himself. Since Ryo is Ryo, he has teased his friend and you already a lot of times, more than often in somewhat rude and unsettling ways and he's probably all the more interested in seeing the relationship develop after Akira's transformation. Akira trusts his friend obviously but he can't help but keep a closer eye on you and stick closer to you when you're around Ryo. Miki is just very supporting. He’d probably be quite harmless if it wouldn’t be for the fact that his feelings sometimes just take control of him.
Asuka Ryo
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👼 Ryo is a major red flag and an absolute menace so staying away from him would be the best choice. However, such fortune is not yours as soon as the man has taken an interest in you. He doesn't perceive it even as love or obsession at first, rather as a curiosity since somehow you caught his eye. Even then he already showcases various signs of obsessive behavior though and a borderline clingy and stalkerish behavior. You often catch him following around, pretty uncaring if he creeps you out by doing so or not. Straightforward and unashamed to ask you intrusive and highly personal questions that he shouldn't have to know about you. It escalates at one point as he hears from your friends and acquaintances that he has even started bothering them about you yet when you call him out for it and threaten him, he doesn't appear to be bothered at all. To your great shock you find out that Ryo always manages to manipulate the situation and talk his way out of any troubles.
👼 Once the young man comes to realize that his obsession has gone pretty far to the point of not being able to go back, he grows very possessive. I'd say he's smart enough to realize that his feelings are not something you'd view as normal nor would most people but he's quite apathetic about it. There's even this sick curiosity to see how this will turn out for both him and you as he's never felt quite that strongly about someone before besides maybe Akira. It's decided then and there though that he won't leave your life again. You bump into him even more than before as the man tries his best to weasle his way into your life, not even above sabotaging your relationship with others in order to get closer to you. He could definitely be cunning enough to hide the greater damage he inflicts on your social life and he does so at times for the sake of appearing more trustworthy in your eyes, sometimes he doesn't seem to care if you know though. He can't deny that he's a bit curious to see if you would be capable of still feeling affection for his true self.
👼 Ryo is confident about himself so I'd wager he's less jealous and instead more possessive about it all. He's definitely the type of Yandere who would love nothing more than have his darling all to himself and he looks quite literally down on everyone you interact with. He's unable to understand their appeal and he's not shy to speak his mind out which is a guarantee to insult whoever you're talking to at the moment. At one point he even spreads rumors that you two are dating and suddenly everyone you hang around with asks you about your boyfriend. You deny it obviously but as soon as he pops up, he's acting more affectionate and denies your cries of outrage of protest as shyness. Even without those rumors people avoid you due to the sheer unnerving eccentricity of Ryo as he makes almost everyone uncomfortable, including you.
👼 His possessive side is already quite bad as he drives away and scares all possibly competition he could have but his generally all but sane behavior makes it all even worse. Ryo is willing to kill everyone and manipulate your entire life if it means that he can keep you. He's fully aware that you'll end up being terrified but he doesn't care as long as he still gets to keep you. He doesn't shy away from killing people nor does he shy away from killing people. Interestingly enough there are times where he drags you willingly into danger only to come and save you at the last minute to force you to rely on him and trust him a bit more although he makes sure that situation can never escalate to the point where you get severely injured though. If you think that this is already quite cruel just wait until He's reverted back to being Satan where he becomes even more uncaring as long as he can keep you.
👼 Ryo is never quite sure whether he wants to imprison you or let you wander around outside although you're still the farthest thing from being free since he always watches you and has even trackers installed on you. So you kind of switch back and forth and it all seriously just depends on his mood. Sometimes he's more curious and wants to observe you in which case you're left to go on outside and do your daily tasks, as good as you can whilst being fully aware of his presence, at other times you're stuck in his expensive mansion where Psycho Jenny keeps an eye out over you when Ryo is busy and feels more possessive. After the destruction of humanity and after revealing his true identity as Satan, he constantly keeps you with him though, especially if we're talking about the scenario where Akira has died on him in which case Satan would be quite devastated and more paranoid to keep you close.
👼 What can be said for sure though is that you have never really a peaceful moment around Ryo. He's always there in your life and always rises some ruckus inside of it to watch in entertainment how you handle the situation at hand. It's quite disturbing how openly he talks with you about his feelings and the things he tends to do in a somewhat giddy tone since he never tells anyone else about it. He fully acknowledges that he makes awful choices in his life and harms and hurts others by doing so but it's all done for his own goals in mind and you just happen to be one goal of his. Once he becomes Satan, his obsession sort of grows as his darling is by that point pretty much the only human alive and his desire to keep them safe and with him only worsens. Akira's death influences that only more as he realizes how much he loved him and cared about him and in return only holds tighter onto you.
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taitavva · 5 months
hi the way you draw pego makes me deeply ill i love it
he also makes me deeply ill. hoping that akechi finally does his job & spares the rest of us from falling deeper in delusion
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frickingnerd · 2 months
throw away your mask
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pairing: ren amamiya / joker x gn!reader
summary: after finding out about the deal your boyfriend made with the god of control, you confront him! but ren has since changed...
tags: evil joker, kinda yandere joker too, established relationship, angst, spoilers for persona 5's bad ending, implied corruption
a/n: i replayed persona 5 and went for a bad ending this time! after seeing evil joker, i had to write this immediately! <3
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“w-who are you…?”
the man in front of you wore your boyfriend's face, but there wasn't a single trace of the boy you once loved. ren amamiya was a good guy, who wanted to help people! never would he have made a deal with a god, that only brought suffering upon people!
“you know me.”
ren's eyes were covered by his glasses, making his expression impossible to read. only the hint of a smile on the corner of his lips was there to show any sort of emotion.
“you're not the boy i fell in love with! the ren amamiya that i know would've never sided with a god, much less the god of control! how could you betray everything the phantom thieves stood against!?”
ren took a step towards you, his lips parting, as he was ready to talk back at you. but you quickly stepped back and cried out:
“don't come any closer!”
ren adjusted his glasses, finally allowing you to get a glimpse of his eyes. they were staring at you uncomfortably from behind those glasses, almost as if they were piercing right through you. could this really be the same boy you once fell in love with? could those same kind eyes that made you feel all warm and fuzzy now scare you like this?
“i didn't betray the phantom thieves. i saved us! we can continue our work and finally get the recognition we deserve! the public loves us, just like they should! isn't that what we all wanted? we are heroes!”
he sounded insane! with each word that left his lips, you felt more disgusted with him. is this truly how he viewed the world? how he viewed the phantom thieves?
“heroes? don't make me laugh!” you yelled at ren. “you are not a hero! you are the villain of this story! you enslaved the whole world for your selfish wants! you are no better than those we took down! you are… just like them…”
for a split second, ren's face distorted. your words seemed to wound him, but the anger quickly faded from his face again. slowly, he stepped forward. even as you took steps backwards, it was impossible for you to escape him. soon, he had you cornered, his hand resting on your cheek.
“i am not like the palace rulers we disposed of. they were weak fools, but me? i am on the same level as a god now! the people worship and adore me! all of us, all phantom thieves, can be as gods! we can forever continue this way of life! we never have to change! we can simply live as heroes, worshiped like gods, for eternity!”
a twisted smile had spread over ren's face.
“why should we waste our time worrying about humans? humanity is enslaved by the god of control? well, this isn't our problem! you and i, we stand above them! so, join me! you and i, we can become as gods! you only have to join me and give up your foolish rebellion against me…”
ren took a step back, yet reached out his hand towards you. he didn't force you to take it, but whether you'd accept his hand or reject him would change your life forever. there were only two options; either you were with him or against him!
“what do you say, darling? will you choose humanity over me? or will you come to your senses and realize you belong by my side?”
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beloved-blaiddyd · 2 months
A Tasteless Cup [Yandere!Joker/Reader]
Prompt: After the destruction of your previous reality, you and Akira Kurusu landed in Teyvat. In an effort to stay afloat, Akira had set up a book café in Mondstadt alongside you. However, is this the true flavor of "Freedom"? [Dedicated to: Riley H. Goodheart, for the Alone Together event]
CW: yandere themes, dubious food, manipulation/controlling behavior, toxic relationship dynamic. P.S: Akira is aged up [20s] in this fic, happens after Persona 5.
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To Akira, those he lets into his heart will become an intrinsic part of him. They are more than a trick of a card, more than a mask to mimic and steal for his own, more than a numbers game. Every bit of them is his soul. His relationships are the culmination of his being and, eventually, his raison d'etre. 
And Akira Kurusu had a hard time coping with losing these links. 
To others, relationships are no different from chains. The surrounding people are less a home and more like bars to a cage— a prison. And despite being somewhat of a Mr/Ms. Congeniality, you aren't as affected by the fact that neither of you can return to your respective world.
You are both empty. You have been handed a clean slate, an empty card, and an empty vision.
You are both "fools" again.      
"Bit too early in the morning to start a serious discussion…" Akira tiredly muttered, removing his glasses before rubbing his eyes.
But as long as the sun rises once more, does a rebirth truly matter?
Anyone would be remiss to disregard the sheer jadedness in his eyes and the slight breathlessness of his speech. Akira poured himself a cup. Normally served to others rather than his indulgence, you quietly noticed that his cup lacked sugar. The cafe owner drank and embraced its bitterness, unflinching. 
It's been three months since you both arrived in the world of Teyvat. Getting by as an Outlander proved difficult, and thankfully, Akira is kind towards you and a jack-of-all-trades. One might say he has "maxed out his stats." Charismatic, skilled, and bold, he has the makings for an entrepreneur with a pyro vision to boot. Unsurprisingly, he had become one of old Mond's eligible bachelors in a short time frame. 
So, by just the third week, he managed to persuade Master Ragnvindr with a solid pitch. The cafe you both sit in is a testament to your shared hard work. With his brew proficiency and your hobby of accumulating knowledge through books and art pieces, the cozy place had become a second home for individuals such as the local librarian and the Guild's investigator. 
But you'll always remember his words the night before he was invited into Duke Ragnvindr's study room.
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"Akira, are you sure about this?" You muttered, tugging his sleeve. "Once you finalize it, you can't just..."
"Hmm? Why are you hesitating?" He tilted his chin up slightly, confused. "It's a good way to keep our finances afloat, right? Don't you want to keep collecting books and art supplies? I thought you said you wanted to have a small library someday."
"But, for you to work this much for it-"
"You matter to me. You are the only thing left binding me down here in Teyvat." He casually shot you down, but his light tone could not erase the heaviness of his words. "Besides..."
"Don't you like it when I make a hot cup and fresh pastries just for you?" 
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That dream materialized into something called Cafe LeBlanc. Though he claims the name wasn't his but a charming, cranky old man's— you doubt anyone else can come up with that. But he sounded genuine enough. His unexplainable "silent" face can sometimes make him a hard read.
… This isn't one of those times. You know what's troubling him quite well. 
"Yeah…" you muttered. "Can't we save this conversation for the end of the day instead?"
Akira laughed. 
"Smart," he hummed humorlessly. 
"You know I get too tired to do anything at night except washing dishes and doing crosswords. It's not happening. We'll have this talk now."
Fair enough. Avoiding one's problems is a mindset you never advocated. You'd be a terrible hypocrite if you start now. "Alright, I'll hear you out."
You shifted from your seat, dragging it closer to the counter. Akira downed his cup on the other side, revealing no liquid gold in its bottom. His eyes were wide awake thanks to the caffeine, yet you couldn't even glance upward. 
"(Y/n), do you remember how I got this pyro vision?"
You blinked, unsure how he'd make the fact relevant. Still, you nodded.
A long time ago, you liked how open Akira was about himself. You can tell he had immense trust issues he had worked on fixing. Akira is a good man. Being wrongfully expelled and imprisoned at a young age must've done damages you can't quite comprehend fully. Sometimes, you wish you had the courage to be just as vulnerable, too.
He traced the outline of a pyro symbol on the table with his slender finger collecting not a single dust nor stain. Despite the warmth his vision may hold, it did not detract from the cold atmosphere you both had to face. With the angle you were viewing him, you can't help but notice his eyelashes. They're prettier than yours, you thought. If only his glare wasn't so pointed.
"When I arrived in this world, I was alone and confused. But you? You weren't. I saw your face— the face of someone who had nothing to lose to begin with."
Akira's gaze softened. He was right. You adapted to this new world so suspiciously well. 
"I couldn't tell whether you saw our situation as a positive or whether you thought this whole transfer to another reality was a cruel joke. But I had a feeling you were as horrified as I was. That you couldn't bear the thought of living alone. I think that you also had friends you cared for, but now, you will never be able to hear their voices again."
He breathed in shakily, his eyes heavy. Akira may seem like a silent person, no different from Duke Ragnvindr, but the time you spent together backs up what your instincts are testifying right this second.
There's one true thought in his mind.
After all his efforts.
After all that he has gone through so that you'll stay by his side.
What was it all for?
"So, when a Lawachurl wounded you in Windrise, I stepped in. I can't help but project myself onto you. I thought about how you must also have friends waiting– family waiting– whether it's a cat or a sister— I knew I just had to. I had to risk everything, even if you were just a stranger to me then." He clenched his fists. "And you were worth it. You were absolutely worth every risk. You were worth everything. I knew I had to survive, if not for myself, but to help you."
"Even without some sort of— card– or whatever— to indicate it, I knew our relationship was progressing. That our understanding of each other has reached such high ranks. I know we had become each other's most trusted confidant, so why? Listen, I value freedom too, but—"
He slammed his cup down— you jolted as you heard it chip slightly. It wasn't his intent to scare. Akira would never wish to frighten you. But he can't stop his emotions and movements from being brash and pointed. 
"... Why did you want to quit working with me?"
There it goes.
"Is it because I haven't spent much time with you lately? You know I've been busy with trying to invest in a better flat—"
The pace of his breathing was starting to quicken.
"Kurusu, it's not that…" You need to rationalize this with him. Fast.
"I-Is it because work has been too much? I told you we could hire someone if you feel too faint for the job. I care about your health— hell— maybe even more than you do—"
"Akira, listen to me—"
His futile attempt to maintain control was like an age-weakened thread. The fibers of his composure whittled away string by string, itching to snap entirely. Akira's jaw clenched. 
The manacle may not be anchoring his feet down as it did in the Velvet Room, but there's no denying that doubt is tugging and clawing at his neck. He knew that if he should continue, only strained words would come from his coffee-bitter lips. 
He rubbed his head against his shoulder. He had to have been wiping a tear away, trying to make it unnoticeable but failing.
"But why are you LEAVING m—"
"Behold, for this fine hour, you are not only graced with the presence of soft rays— you are also blessed by myself: Fischl, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung!"
"Mein Fräulein meant to say good morning to you both, Arsene and Sholmes."
... Akira chuckled a short and strained sound that could easily be missed by a weak ear.
As though a switch had been flipped, Akira's contorted expression turned back to his customer service smile. You trembled slightly. Perhaps it's a skill he mastered during his part-time worker years in high school, but he seemed a little too good at hiding such overwhelming frustrations— almost shape-shifting.
He's smiling. It's his usual smile he has that has a calm allure and a hint of cockiness.
As if nothing happened five seconds ago.
"Ah, greetings, Your Highness!"
The guests were none other than some of the regulars, Amy and her bird familiar. This blonde, eye-patched girl is the only person in Little Mond who consistently makes Akira act dramatic. 
He bowed, not missing a beat of young Amy's theatrics. After spending so many years chatting with Yusuke, he's gotten used to bouncing back conversations of this nature. Akira enjoys the young investigator's company. He saw tiny bits of his friend in her.
"What shall we, humble servants, offer you this dawn? Will it be your usual order, or does our dear royal have something else in mind entirely? We will do our best to provide you with maximum entertainment! After all, this is your castle, Mein Fräulein."
You stiffened.
He's not letting you go just yet. You caught a glimpse of his dark pupils, slightly moving to meet yours. Imploring you without words to act out of his best interest.
Akira Kurusu has always been a witty man, but there is no way there's no anger beneath that mask.
"Are you alright, Sholmes?" Oz asked.
For whatever reason, Akira persuaded Amy to call you both Arsene Lupin and Herlock Sholmes. The former was likely a nod to his first persona's name. His explanation for the latter was something along the lines of "you strike me as the type who always wants to search for your truth."
You blinked.
Right. You're his version of Sherlock Holmes.
Even here, he gets to dictate everything about you.
"... Yes, Your Highness, to what do I owe the pleasure?" you said. The blonde girl smiled and tilted her head up pompously. 
"What other brew could I possibly order but the darkest taste that leaves any normal mortal to shrivel in imagination?" Amy shrugged, her eyebrow raised as though everyone knew what she babbled on with commendable sass. Her aviator companion thankfully cleared the air— albeit a little too blunt.
"Mein Fräulein desires a cinnamon ginger affogato with more sugar than last time, please. Two spoons for the poor Mein Fräulein."
It's easily one of the least bitter cups on the menu. It consists of vanilla gelato, a tablespoon of espresso powder, cinnamon sticks, hazelnut liqueur, and bits of dried sunsettia. I can't say what would make anyone fear such a thing except for those with complications. Someone else shared the same sentiment.
You and Akira laughed in unison.
Your eyes widened in astonishment. That was in sync. You immediately looked away as Akira busied himself with Amy's order. It was awkward knowing that even with your efforts to cut things off, there was still some vague commonality between you two.
"... Say, your Highness?" Akira smiled softly. "Would it be alright for me to probe some of your most revered royal musings?"
... What is his play this time?
"You have my ears, dear subject."
"Suppose there is a princess who is facing an uphill battle. Furthermore, her valiant knight aspires to rescue her. However, the princess, for unknown reasons, declines his assistance. Is that..." He shut his eyes, laughing that strained chuckle once more. "... equittable?"
"Oh, most grievous indeed! A knight, who is obligated by the code of chivalry, shall always respond to the plea of his princess when she is in peril. His solemn obligation is to protect her honor and safeguard her from any danger!"
Akira looked at you.
His eyes were cold.
"But what if the princess doesn't want to be saved? What if she believes she can handle the situation herself, or maybe she thinks having assistance would make her weak?"
"Ah, but thou dost speak in riddles!" Amy scoffed, unamused. "A princess may exhibit abundant power and courage, yet it is the responsibility of her faithful knight to guarantee her safety, especially when she questions her own necessity. For what good is a knight's valor if not to serve and protect his liege?"
"Would you say her actions essentially strip him of his purpose?"
"Why, of course!" Amy replied with full conviction. "One would not require Oz if he lacks such a necessary trait! It is the basis of our trust– our relationship! A true knight's honor lies not in the glory of battle, but in his unwavering commitment to his princess, even in the face of her refusal."
You sucked in a deep breath.
Akira, you—!
"Speak frankly. Do these inquiries pertain to me?" Amy glared at him. Akira shook his head immediately, umping up his flamboyant voice inflections.
It's about you.
It's always about you when it comes to him.
"Of course not!" Akira feigned worry. "It was for a novel I'm writing— to honor one's love."
… To honor one's "love".
Love? You froze. He calls this relationship love? It hadn't been that for the past few months! Love is meant to be like coming home to a comforting home— not a cold palace with your unfeeling statue at the heart of it all.  
You were hoping that your life would be dictated by what you want it to mean this time around. You hope to create your own purpose, your own identity. You hope to reject his titles—being his partner and his "Sholmes." 
But mostly, you sincerely hoped his words were untrue and did not allude to something as sinister and self-destructive as his love.
Besides, you already have a lover waiting for you to leave this mess behind.
You and he already have everything planned out. A rented flat, food, work— everything is set. The only box to tick off was leaving itself, and then you'll be in your lover's arms.
But you swore.
You swore you just saw him smirk.
"(Y/n), could you please lend me a hand? Can you pass the cinnamon sticks from the cupboard?"
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Starting your day by serving Amy leads to serving a hundred more. You can't just stand up and leave whenever someone asks for your service. It's impossible to make the shortest comment about how you no longer work for LeBlanc, even more so when people beg for book recommendations. Being friendly is part of who you are. It can't be helped.
What made matters worse was that people were ordering seconds. Apparently, Akira must've adjusted all the recipes on the menu because whatever was added to those cups made it all the more divine. You knew his skills were perfection, but to think he could even exceed that...
In the end, despite multiple delays, Akira still got you right where he wanted you.
"Thank you. Please come again!" He escorted the final customer outside and flipped the closing sign himself.
Now, it was just the two of you left.
"... You must be tired." You offered, hoping he wouldn't catch on. "It's been a long day, why don't you take a rest—"
"Nice try." 
Well, it was worth a shot.
You stiffly waited for him to say something. Anything. But instead, he took a kettle off the icebox and heated the stove with his vision. 
"Back to my story, do you remember where we left off?"
The wisest thing to have down was biting your tongue or pretending not to know what he was talking about. Unfortunately, your answer was immediate.
"Something about how you got your vision?"
"Ah, yes, that." Akira laughed. "Say, I told you about how I used to be the leader of the Phantom Thieves when I was in High School, right?"
While waiting, Akira tapped his fingers against the table but stopped when he realized you were becoming distracted. Snapping out of it, you cleared your throat.
"You were stealing hearts in the Metaverse, yes, I recall..." You mumbled. Due to the sudden need to speak, you ended up unwittingly playing by his script again. "You manifested a Persona and used that to reform the heart of rotten adults."
You flinched slightly when his tea was starting to release thin smokes. It smelled too much like rust. Maybe he exhausted it too much today. The customers you had were double the amount. You had to commend his willpower for still managing exceed his usual sleep schedule.
"Isn't the kettle burning?"
"Trust me, it's not," he answered nonchalantly. "I remember when I told my story to you, you were mostly understanding of our actions. You didn't judge us. Rather, you told me that humanity is selfish and destructive."
"But back to how I got my vision," he finally turned the stove off. "I genuinely thought my most distinct trait was my appreciation for Freedom."
"Yet you got a pyro vision." You joked lightly.
He didn't laugh. Instead, he nodded.
"Strange, isn't it?" Akira tilted his head to look at you for a bit, before back at the hot cup he was pouring. It's the same liquid he's been adding the entire day. This must be the last of those ten pints. "Here, try it."
You slowly took it. It's still a bit too warm, so you continued talking.
"I thought about it, too. If we go by theories, it will make more sense if Barbatos blessed me instead. But with you here..." Akira laughed. "Pyro is definitely my element. I'm seeing a pattern with vision-wielders like me. Based on what I've seen so far, pyro users are often the most passionate. And passion can put a leash on freedom when need be."
You took a sip.
He put an elbow on the table and propped his chin on his palm.
"How is it?"
"It's... tasteless?" You blinked. 
You thought he must've added something grand to the cups today. Was it all just one big placebo effect?
"Makes it no different than regular water, huh?"
"Well, yeah, I guess?"
"I've actually been disposing of this the entire day, that's why the coffees looked darker. Diluting the original sample is hard work but worth it. Enough as a substitute for normal water in case we run out. Who knew you could empty 10 pints so quickly in a day..." 
"You. In case you run out." You sighed, finally addressing it. "Akira, I'm no longer your partner."
"So is he."
You both paused.
He returned the kettle to the ice box before unmasking its contents.
"You were near-fatally wounded once before. You tasted it in your mouth when I defended you from that Lawachurl-
"You should know by now that blood isn't supposed to be tasteless."
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Riley H. Goodheart can now message Akira Kurusu
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akiraiscute · 6 months
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Yandere!Steven Universe X Reader
Tw ; Yandere shit, idk what else help
Steven Universe Future! || NO SMUT U FLITHY ANIMALS.
A/N ; bro no one is writing for steven universe and i badly need smth😭
Steven was talking to garnet, on the couch while garnet was petting cat steven. It was 2AM, both of them were waiting for you, Steven sighed as he heard the door opening. Garnet was looking at you already, Steven turned around as he saw you… he looked shocked, You were in baggy jeans, a long sleeves and crop-top but you stole his jacket before you went out, which both of them were sleeping or gone.. You were slowly taking off your sneakers, getting the silent house uncomfortable really so you tried to distract yourself and kept into your head really until Steven spoke up.
“Soo.. Where were you?”
You looked at Steven confused before smiling.
“You know how sadie is Back into town for her tour with the sadie spects? They asked me to go shopping with them and of course i said yes!”
Garnet looked away from steven to look at you, smiling as she already knew that. She just wanted to make sure you were alright, Cat Steven jumped down from Garnet’s lap and ran to you. Quickly starting to purr and rub against your leg, you bent down and pet her gently as to pick her up as well.. Steven was still looking at you, slightly jealous that you spent all your night talking to them instead of him. Why didn’t they invite him though? That’s- weird, he was the one who introduced everyone to you when you first moved in which was probably when.. he still didn’t know his own powers, those times made him shiver sometimes.
“Were you safe?”
“Why wouldn’t I? We have nothing to fear anymore so I just have been relaxing. Why aren’t you in bed Steven? You planned to propose to connie to tomorrow or is it today since… it’s 2AM??”
“Well, i wanted to wait for-.. my best.. friend.”
“As you are already here (N/N) {Nickname}, I should get going as I have some stuff to do.”
You smiled and waved bye to garnet as you saw her disappear into her room. You turned to steven and walked over to him, gently putting cat Steven in his lap and watched cat steven purr softly and get comfortable on steven’s lap. You giggled as the thought of cat steven and human steven being alike, you walked back and walked to the hallway of the bathroom saying..
“Alright! You should prepare for bed Steven! Ima take a shower!”
Well sorta yelled that out, Steven watched you leave him with this cat steven… He sighed softly, fully forgetting that he told the gems and you that he liked connie, when he was mildly obsessed with you… well he wasn’t always, half way through his past he got obsessed. Can you guess how? Well, really. he got obsessed with you because you almost died by the hands of the diamonds. You're human.. not like him, not like the gems where you can poof but come back better and new, not like him where he can magically heal himself if he got hurt. but at that point, he didn't even realize it was obsessive, he just thought it was friendly love untillll….
He got rejected by Connie which was a few weeks ago, It was bad enough he had to deal with humiliation but she literally pointed out that she thought he liked you. That made him shocked, as you and him well before had nothing in common, he and you only saw each other as friends until Connie pointed out how he looked at you after everything with the diamonds, she pointed out how he looked at you with so much admiration, so much love in his eyes. Connie found it adoring, cute, sweet. She wasn’t even mad.. Which got Steven absolutely confused. If He saw connie being like- oh. He slowly started to realize that he does and did do that.. how dumb is he that he didn’t notice himself? It got awkward quick..
It was already morning as he got the sleep he needed and so did you. Steven was happily okay with you sleeping on the bed as you two got older, he didn’t find it weird that you guys had to share a bed when you two grew up, which until you told him if it was okay if you slept on the couch and not with him and not near him? That absolutely made him feel like shit, he didn’t know that at time either really. You slowly got up and looked at Steven, confused.
“Steven.. why do you have brea—”
Before you could finish your sentence the gems were already coming up, you sighed softly as you ate the breakfast sandwich Steven made as he talked with the gems. You were too tired to say anything so when you got up, you realized they were already downstairs. You softly shook your head as you started to get dress already, you went down to see them talking.. it was nice seeing it. You liked seeing them all talk, happily.. it felt refreshing, You walked to the bathroom and opened the door to start your routine. You walked out to see Steven get piled in snow, you giggled as you started to get something to drink.
“You know what we haven’t played in awhile..?”
Amethyst said as she looked at steven, before slowly getting up and then. Turning into young steven, which made you look shock as you started to laugh, hard.
Steven looked tired before looking at you, his eyes looked a bit shocked before they softened of all of his tiredness, suddenly gone just by hearing your pretty laugh. Before he knew it, he kept dodging Amethyst from tagging him. He kept complaining until he ran into the bathroom, quickly rolling a towel up and putting it in the gap of the door, he sat on it until he heard your far away laughter fading away and amethyst footsteps walking away. He slowly started to put the towel back and open the door, he walked out as garnet was looking around.
“Yea Garnet?”
“Have you seen Cat Steven, I have been looking all over for her. Can you look for her in the cabinets?”
Steven nodded as he walked to the cabinets, about to ask this one before he dodged amethyst’s trying to tag him. He gasped a bit as he dodged it, looking at her going into garnet and tagging garnet instead but also making you fall down since garnet almost knocked you down. You laughed it off as it didnt even hurt, being trained witn Connie and pearl, you could deal with a lot of things whicn always made steven admire you from afar. Speaking of Steven, he looked shocked before running to you.
“Are you okay?!”
He said as he kneel down and checked you. You chuckled softly as your laughter died down, you nodded before steven dodged both of them and ran to the warpad. Running into pearl..
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EEK!! Finished it myself, 6 more drafts to complete. Im dying slowly omg- i should write each other that im planning until Christmas broskis😊 TOMORROW IS TWO STORIES OKAY?? DW DW I’LL DO TWO BECAUSE I HAVE TOO SO IT’LL WORK. I promise it’ll work😭😭 anyways!! Enjoy this my pretties, i have been having mentall problems so im sorry for being gone for awhile of couple times.<3
— Akira!!<3… Akira!!<3 is.. iss… Logg- Logging off. Goodbye!
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Platonic Yandere Phantom Thieves x reader
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A/n: So, I'm taking a break from The Last of Us to write some P5 headcanons. After this, I'm going to start on Regret pt.2 and then some headcanons for The Last of Us, so expect that this weekend. Please Like, Comment, and Relog if you enjoy. (Also warning, I am very much American and don't know how the Japanese schooling system works, so please take that into account before reading)
The Phantom Thieves are as thick as, well, thieves. They are pretty protective of each other, mostly due to all they been through together. They were all once loners and outcasts, you know? That's a big reason why you become friends with them.
You transferred to Shujin in your second year. You were new to the area, and you weren't in a rush to make friends. You planned on just keeping to yourself until you graduated. Unlike a lot of your peers, you were not that worried about the "delinquent" school who was on parole. You've seen him around hanging with some other students. He didn't look that bad. His friend group was pretty diverse though, a true delinquent and a model, both of which were in your year.
A part of you was jealous, this guy who was branded as a criminal was able to make more friends than you. You shouldn't be upset at him for something that he can't control, but when you're eating lunch alone and catch them out of the corner of your eye, or when your when you're at the shopping district and you hear them loudly talking in the store you're in, even over your music, you can't help but get agitated. It's like they're following you, flaunting their friendship in your face.
You were doing your thing for about a few months before the supposed delinquent introduced himself to you. Akira Kurusu was his name, and he asked if you wanted to have lunch with him and his friends. You were kind of surprised, since he's literally never talked to you before this, nor has any of his friends. You were reluctant to except his invitation, thinking it was some sort of a prank, but you took the risk, since you were very desperate for friends.
Lunch was nice, and you learned a lot about his friend group. Akira was very much, not a delinquent, and shared some food with you. The real delinquent, Ryuji Sakamoto, was also really nice. He was pretty talkative and argued a lot with one of Akira's other friend Ann Takamaki. She was girly and sweet, which made it impossible to dislike her. Finally, there was Makoto Niijima, a third year, and the student council president. She was definitely the most intimidating, but of course, she was very nice, even offering to help you study if you ever needed.
You really enjoyed your time together with them. It was surprising that such a seemingly tightknit group was willing to let you hang out with them. At first, you thought this was a onetime thing, them just taking pity on a new student, but then the next day they acted confused when you went to your regular spot for lunch, Ann having to drag you over to their table. Then a week past and you had each of their phone numbers, each of them texting you nonstop. After a month went by, you met their other friend, Yusuke Kitagawa, who was definitely strange, but still very friendly and likeable.
You even got to meet Akira's strange cat Morgana, who definitely seemed more human than cat. You've seen him around school, appearing in some of the areas you would hang around by yourself. You assumed it was a coincidence, that they Akira took him in because he was a stray, but you couldn't help but feel as though he was watching you.
It was a strange friendship, but you were thankful, nonetheless. However, they were times when they would disappear for a while, with very little words for why. When you'd ask, they would play it off as being busy. You knew it was a lie, all of them were busy? At all the same time? Not very likely.
A part of you thought the problem was you. They all conveniently stopped hanging out with you around the time they became friends with another third year, Haru Okumura, a semi-celebrity and a young prodigy Futaba Sakura. They were obviously bored of you; you didn't offer them anything. You weren't extremely smart or attractive, nor were you particularly talented at anything. You were nothing compared to them, of course they wouldn't want to be around you anymore.
You stopped hanging out with them, and slowly stopped responding to their messages, even when your phone blew up with messages asking about where you were. You didn't show up to school as often, your grades dropping. You didn't care about your grades anymore, to busy wallowing in yourself pity to even notice your friends attempts on reaching out to you.
The Phantom Thieves were worried. Everything was going fine until you randomly stopped talking with them. You didn't respond to their messages, nor did you show up to school, so how were they supposed to help you? Ryuji immediately accused you of having a palace, and it took both Akira and Makoto both to calm him down enough so that they could come up with a plan to help you. Haru suggested that they just corner you at your home, which they of course new the location of. They all agreed that that would be the best solution.
When they arrived at you home, they let themselves in, knowing that your family wouldn't be home around this time. Ryuji immediately finds your room and starts demanding that you talk to them, even when you tell him to go away. After many minutes of pleading from the Phantom Thieves, you finally told them how you were feeling.
They all were conflicted. They didn't know whether or not to just straight up tell you what's been going on, since there's a large chance you wouldn't believe them. However, the took the chance and told you everything, claiming they were The Phantom Thieves. At first you though it was a joke, that they came up with an outlandish excuse for ignoring you, but you remembered the calling cards littered around the school during the incident with Mr. Kamoshida. You remember feeling eyes on you when you picked up one of them and read it out to yourself. Suddenly, everything made a little bit more sense.
It was strange, learning that your friends were a secrete group of vagilities, but you were happy to have them back. Though, you couldn't help but feel as though they were more possessive. Suddenly, one of them was walking you to and from school. You were always with one of them when they weren't busy, and they were checking up on you obsessively when they couldn't be with you. It became a little suffocating, but you assumed that's just what friends do, right?
A/n: Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to request persona 5 stuff from now on.
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ilylovelyz · 10 months
haikyuu as dog/cat breeds (prt 2.)
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prt 2 lets gooooo - i really like pondering 🤔 about their breeds (includes aobajohsai and shiratorizawa) - c prt 1.
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oikawa - he's such a ragdoll. pretty and nice coat, not too long/fluffy or thin/short. won many cat competitions. he's real sweet and friendly with your guests but once they leave he'll attack your leg for treats. he's manipulative? really smart too. a very loud cat and loves to play. can be a total brat and knock your shit over just to fuck with you. absolutely traumatizes your dogs if you have any, gets really pissed off if you smell like another cat and almost borderline bullying if you do get another cat.
iwaizumi - either a tosa or dutch shepard. he's really energetic and you thought he would calm down as he grows but nope! he's still dragging you out of bed for walks lol. somehow gentle and rough while playing with you. doesnt really bite you, only nibbles. not rlly protective of you but wary of strangers, not really hostile and open to guests. barks a lot, but will quiet down if you shush him cuz hes a good boy. def has a silver chain for a collar cuz hes cool like that 😈 really good with kids, never runs away because he's content with the life he has.
akira - a really lazy snowshoe cat. can be really mean but sweet afterwards cuz he feels bad. the type to run away if you start to cry. sleeps majority of the time and usually only eats when hes awake. really curious but doesnt like it when you have guests. likes to sleep in the middle of your bed and will fight back if you try to move him. doesn't like being picked up. at first he wasnt really cuddly but now he'll be all up in your business if you lay down.
kentaro - boerboel. he's super aggressive and protective of you, barks at everyone who isnt you. he's super rough when playing and has given you a few scars. really heavy but i can see him being kinda cuddly. he'll sit at your side, ears perked up and doing that half bark thing dogs do when something catches their eye. definitely has a chain and you have to use it a few times cuz he doesn't listen that well. fights with any dog, but does have this specific friend thats not even a dog, but a cat 😭 loves to play fetch. doesnt run away because his instincts to protect the house are too strong. not the best with kids 😬
mattsun - simple black cat that is really chill. not necessarily friendly but doesnt run away from strangers. super sleepy and his meows are really deep for some reason. not super vocal but will occasionally meow for your attention. not too cuddly but sweet. when he cleans himself it's super loud and almost obnoxious and always at night when ur trying to sleep. not very fond of dogs. doesn't necessarily get scared of anything unless he's being toyed with.
hanamaki - a simple labrador. not necessarily full of energy and lays around, not even sleeping, just watching you. kinda judgy of you for some reason and always side eyes you. not really cuddly either and just overall just exists. occasionally howls tho. sometimes he'll have the urge to play, but it's not really playing but rather straight bullying cuz he's a jerk 😒 was a really cute puppy and you miss those days a lot
ushijima - please i was so excited for this one, he's a saint bernard. a really big and heavy one too. was even big as a puppy. doesnt bark often but when he does it's loud, only really barking for your attention. he's really good with commands. likes walks and occasionally plays. he doesn't get along too well with other dogs, just because he just stands there and watches. gives the sweetest puppy eyes ever. again, really heavy, and growls when someone gets into his personal space. but he is really patient, but will run away from little kids. has teeth, but doesnt know how to use them 😕
tendo - a greyhound. a really silly one that is so cuddly, he's practically glued to you. hes so energetic and always slipping. real vocal but not too loud. gets really sad if someone doesnt wanna play with him ☹️ really great with kids and really protective of them. not necessarily protective of you. chases after cars 100%. HE HAS A FAVORITE TOY. has kinda severe separation anxiety 💔
semi - hes a beautiful grey tonkinese cat. his personality is really dependable whether he slept well. moderately playful and just really nice. hes really chill, but can get a little annoyed if someone is bothering him. not scared of fireworks or loud noises, moderately vocal. he can be a bit of an asshole tho 💔 but its okay cuz hes pretty 🫶🏼
shirabu - obviously the biggest asshole so hes a chausie. you got him cuz he was really beautiful and calm as a baby, but you woke up the same night you got him to him clawing at your toe that was poking out of your blanket. bites hard and makes you bleed. gives many battle scars 😒 surprisingly very vocal and has screaming matches with you. not necessarily very playful but he does chase you from time to time. bro he has such a mean face 😭 not fond of people or other animals. sometimes cuddles, sometimes.
goshiki - a jack russel terrier 😭 please he's all bark no bite 🤦🏽‍♀️ tries to act tough and menacing but the only thing thats menacing is the way hes a squeaker 🌚 real playful and kinda protective, but theres not much he can rlly do cuz hes a small dog. cant even fight off a cat (shirabu), and will cry out if something bigger than him goes after him. hes a real good boy tho, absolutely smitten for you and has separation anxiety if ur gone for a little too long.
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thornybubbles · 10 months
Sick Love (Yandere Akira Otoishi x Reader)
**Note: Man, I struggled with this one. I just kept starting and stopping on it and getting increasingly frustrated. I kept finding plot holes and inconsistencies and it was driving me crazy trying to fix them all without completely changing what I was trying to convey. Well it’s done now and I really hope it’s good enough. I did this while taking a break from “Kinder Than Love” because I was struggling with that one too, but don’t worry, I’ll be resuming work on it just as soon as I post this!**
**Another picker wheel story prompt with a character I’ve not written for yet**
Prompt: Darling finds out about yandere's murder/s.
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There was a time when the roar of the crowd was enough for Akira. Having all those people looking up at him with amazement, excitement, and awe reserved only for gods was all he needed. The way women looked at him with their eyes filled with tears and desperation as they reached out, aching to touch him, struggling to just be able to feel the fabric of his clothing or even just heat from his body as if that alone would grant them some kind of salvation…it used to be enough to keep him satisfied. 
Not anymore. 
Because THEY weren’t YOU. 
After meeting you, getting to know you, falling for you…
Everything changed. 
Everything felt empty and lifeless when you weren’t involved. 
Even his beloved music sounded dull, generic, and lacked the edge it needed to make him the star he deserved to be. 
But, he started writing songs inspired by his love for you and it launched him into a new popularity almost overnight. He put every ounce of his love and longing into his music and EVERYONE could feel it. At first he feared that the new sound would drive his old fans (what little he had at the time) away. But no. They loved it. Even the critics took notice and raved about how his songs hit harder, felt grittier and more intense than ever before. People were singing along at his performances. They never did that before. His dream of being the greatest rocker the world had ever seen was becoming a reality. And it was all thanks to you!
You had to be some kind of angel. 
But it wasn’t until after he gained stardom that he realized how important you were to him. He would be nothing without you. You were the one to put him on the right path and you did it for no reason at all. You wanted no payment and asked for no favors. You did it simply because you cared about him. That’s when he realized he loved you and he could never, ever let you go. He couldn’t let things go back to the way they were without you. Even if he stayed famous, he wouldn’t be able to live without you. He loved you that much. 
But there was one thing that he hated about his relationship with you, and that was the fact that he had to keep it a secret. 
His manager kept going on and on about keeping up appearances. He told Akira that a lot of his fans would be very unhappy if they found out that he was in a relationship. For the sake of his career, he was forced to pretend to be single. Sure. Fine. He could handle that. It was safer for you anyway. Some of his groupies got a little… well… carried away sometimes. If they found out about you, they’d track you down and tear you apart. He couldn’t have that. So for your own safety, it was better that he kept you a secret. 
So maybe pretending he was single was fine when he was in the limelight. He could always make up for it later when he was home and it was just the two of you. 
But what he couldn’t handle…
What he absolutely couldn’t tolerate…
…was his manager telling him to break up with you. 
“What do you mean I can’t get married?” Akira demanded, straining to keep his voice from dropping to a growl. 
His manager puffed cigar smoke in his face. 
“Just what I said, Otoishi. You can’t get married. A secret relationship is one thing, but a marriage is much harder to keep under wraps. The media will be all over it!” 
“It’s not like we were gonna throw some big party or anything!” Akira protested. “It was just gonna be a private thing!” 
His manager shook his head. 
“It won’t matter. Someone will find out about it. Someone will talk. Trust me, I’ve been in this industry for a long time and I know how it goes.”
His manager leaned back in his office chair. He took another drag off his cigar before putting it out in the ashtray on his desk. He blew the smoke out and sighed. 
“While we’re on the topic… I really need to talk to you about this relationship of yours.” 
Akira’s eyes narrowed. What else could his manager possibly have to complain about? Wasn’t it bad enough that he was forbidding him from marrying you?
“I think you need to break up with your lover, Otoishi.” 
Akira felt like he’d just been shot. He stood there and stared, dumbfounded at his manager. 
“What… did you say?” he said, voice coming out in a stunned whisper. 
His manager sighed. 
“I know how it is, kid, believe me. You find someone and they’re the love of your life, you can’t live without them, they’re your world, your soulmate, yadda, yadda, freakin’ yadda..” 
Akira could feel his body beginning to tremble with the strain of keeping Red Hot Chili Pepper in check. He was getting angrier the more his manager spoke. 
“...but at the end of the day, your career should come first. Always. First of all, you can’t keep the relationship a secret forever. The only reason I haven’t said anything about it before now is because I figured you would’ve moved on to another lover by now. That’s how it usually goes anyway. In this business the groupies don’t care if you sleep around, just so long as they feel they’ve got a chance. You know what I mean? Second, tying yourself down to one lover is just a hassle. You’re young. You got plenty of time to worry about things like marriage once you’ve got your name out there. You’re already on your way to becoming a superstar, but there’s no reason to hold yourself back. Getting married? Not only will you turn your fans against you, but your spouse will start to get on your nerves. One minute you’re in domestic bliss, the next thing you know they’ll be wantin’ more jewelry or cars or whatever, then they’ll be on your ass about stayin’ out all night, or goin’ on tour and leaving them all by themselves…. It’ll turn to hell quicker than lightning. You’ll end up divorced, broke, and with no career to speak of. I’ve seen it happen a million times…” 
Akira listened in silence. With every word, he lost more and more control on his Stand. Eventually, he let go and Red Hot Chili Pepper manifested, sitting cross-legged on his manager’s desk. Akira just looked on with wild eyes as his Stand reached out to touch the phone on the desk. 
“It’s just plain bad for business. I’m tellin’ ya. You’re better off forgetting about all that romance and marriage stuff. You don’t wanna piss fame and glory down your leg, now do ya?” 
The desk phone lit up and started ringing. 
His manager huffed. 
“Hang on a sec, gotta get this.” 
His manager reached for the phone, picking it up and putting it to his ear. 
“Yeah?” he said with a bored sigh. 
Only static and shrill feedback could be heard on the other end. 
His manager jerked the receiver away from his ear, squinting one eye closed in pain. 
“The hell?” he grumbled. “Hey! Can’t hear ya! There's too much feedback! Who is this anyway?” 
Sparks flew from the phone, arching upward and wrapping around the length of his manager’s arm. Bolts of electricity encircled his body and the man’s whole frame froze up in agony. He cried out in pain and terror. One hand was practically crushing the phone receiver while the other’s fingers dug into the leather of the arm of his chair. Moments later, the cries of agony died down and Akira’s manager slumped over in his chair. He’d been reduced to a smoking corpse. His wide eyes stared blankly, the expression on his face frozen in pain and fear, jaw tight with lips pulled away from his teeth in a tortured grimace. His hand was still clutching the phone to his ear. Ever so often the body would twitch and jerk, but all signs of life were long gone. The phone on his desk had been reduced to a pile of melted circuitry and plastic. 
Akira plopped down in the chair across from his manager’s desk and began playing his beloved guitar. He really, really needed to calm down now. He plucked at the strings, belting out a laid back tune. It was soft and calm, not his usual style, but it reminded him of your soothing voice. He focused his thoughts on you, He imagined that the music was you telling him, 
“It’s okay, baby. Everything’s alright. You did what you had to. He won’t be taking me away from you. It’s all over now…” 
Eventually the murderous look on his face gave way to a dreamy, lovestruck expression. A slight blush spread across his face and he sighed, feeling much better. 
He cast a glance at his manager’s still smoking carcass and resisted the urge to spit on him. Who did that fat fuck think he was, telling him that he had to break up with you? He squinted his eyes closed, taking a deep breath, and strumming another tune or two on his guitar. No point in working his anger up again. He was going to have to leave soon. Let someone find the body in the morning. There was no chance of it being linked back to him, as long as no other nosy Stand users like that Josuke asshole got involved, it would be fine. It would be deemed a freak accident due to faulty wiring or something. He could hire another manager… one who wouldn’t pry into his personal relationships… and everything would go back to normal. 
To think that his manager wanted him to break up with you… It was madness! Akira would be lost without you! After getting out of jail, he had a hard time picking himself off the ground. Staying in Morioh was out of the question, so he left, hoping to start anew. It didn’t go as well as he planned. Getting a job was the really hard part. He couldn’t seem to find work other than gigs in sleazy bars and busking in the park. 
No one listened. 
No one heard his music. At the bars his audience was too drunk and rowdy to even look at who was performing for them. At the parks people would overlook him completely. If anyone paid any attention to him at all it was to offer him a polite smile before dropping a few measly pity coins into his jar, but no one stayed to listen. His confidence was starting to deflate and all his energy was draining. 
By the time you found him, he was as low as he could be. You came across him slumped on a park bench one evening, staring with empty eyes into a beer bottle. You recognized him immediately and couldn’t stop yourself from approaching him. 
“I don’t mean to bother you, but aren’t you Akira Otoishi?” 
His head shot up as he looked at you, sobering up almost right away. He was stunned that not only had some pretty thing approached him, but actually recognized him. 
“Uh… do… do I owe you money or something?” he asked. 
You laughed and that was how it all started. 
It wasn’t long after that, that you and Akira became an item and he fell for you in a way he never thought he’d fall for anyone. You became his muse and he began writing songs inspired by you and the rest is history. You saved him. With all his confidence and ego, he could fully admit that he would be nothing without you. You pulled him out of the depths of despair. You kept him from fading into obscurity. 
And now some low life came along and wanted to separate you? First his fans, then his own manager!? UNFORGIVABLE! 
Akira would have to be more careful. He would have to make sure that NOBODY knew about you. They would just try to make him leave you, make you leave him, or worse; actually take you away from him!. No way! Not if he had anything to say about it!
You were living in a dream. You had to be, because the last four years just felt too perfect to be real. Everyday you thought about how lucky you were to have a guy like Akira Otoishi. You befriended the washed out rocker and helped him regain his lost gusto for music and living. You watched as he rose from nobody to superstar almost overnight. You never suspected that the loud, obnoxious, funny, energetic musician named Akira Otoishi would become the love of your life. But that’s what happened. Now you strolled down the halls of the music studio on your way to surprise him with some flowers. He loved it when his fans sent him stuff, but he always seemed to be more excited when those gifts came from you, a fact that melted your heart. You wanted to give this bouquet to him personally this time because you loved watching him turn into a blushing mess. 
It was late at night and there weren’t many people in the building. With the exception of the receptionist and the janitor on the lower floor, it was practically deserted. Walking down the empty halls with no sounds but the hum and buzz of the fluorescent lights overhead was a bit unnerving, but it was worth it for your baby. 
You nearly jumped out of your skin when an anguished scream echoed through the halls. The lights flickered crazily and you could feel your hair standing on end from the static in the air. Some kind of electrical malfunction? What was that scream just now? You tore down the corridor and headed for Akira’s room. He wasn’t there but you could hear music coming from the next room over. That was Akira’s manager’s office. You sprinted to the door and knocked on it loudly. 
Akira stopped playing when he heard your frantic knocks. He stared at the door in horror. 
“Akira! Akira, are you in there? What was that scream just now? Are you alright?!” he heard you shout through the door. 
Panic washed over him. 
“I’m here, babe!” he answered, hoping the sound of his voice would calm you down. He got up from the chair and turned to the door just as it started to open.  “Just give me a second and I’ll…. NO! DON’T OPEN THE DOOR!!” 
Hearing the panic in his voice caused you to burst into the room. 
“What happened? Are you o….k….” 
The sight that greeted you there caused the words to catch in your throat. 
Akira stepped to the side, trying to hide his manager’s corpse from you, but it was already far too late. 
“Is he… dead?” you choked out, already knowing the answer. 
“It was an accident!” Akira exclaimed. “Something is wrong with the wiring in the building, I guess.” 
This was the worst possible outcome. You weren’t supposed to see this. You weren’t even supposed to be here right now! 
“What are you doing here anyway? It’s not a good idea for you to hang around the studio, remember?” he said. 
“We need to call someone! Paramedics or--” 
He cut you off. 
“Phone’s dead. Wiring issues.” he said in a clipped tone. He didn’t know how he was going to get out of this, but his mind was already coming up with a number of ideas. 
“Then we’ll tell the receptionist downstairs. She was using her phone when I came in. So the phone line downstairs aren’t affected.” you offered, trying to stay cool and collected. 
“No good.” Akira said quickly. 
You gave him a look of confusion. 
“Why not? Someone has to know what happened! We can’t just do nothing!” you cried. 
“Yes we can.” Akira said darkly.
That static feeling in the air was coming back. You felt your skin prickle and it felt as if something brushed past you. You heard the sound of the door behind you closing shut and locking. You looked behind you at the closed door in growing dread. You turned back to your boyfriend. He was approaching you now, guitar hanging lazily from its strap as he reached out for you. You flinched and froze, not knowing what he was planning to do. You held back a shriek as he pulled the bouquet from your hands. 
“Aw! Are these for me?” he said, burying his face into the blossoms and taking in their smell. His eyes were closed and he was smiling blissfully, a blush across his cheeks. Normally seeing Akira acting so smitten over your gifts would have you looking on with adoration, but your eyes kept flicking back and forth between your seemingly oblivious boyfriend and the corpse of his manager. 
“Akira…” you said, gulping down your growing terror. “Why are you acting so weird? Your manager’s dead! Don’t you… don’t you care?!”
“He deserved it.” Akira said, looking up from the bouquet to stare you right in the eyes. 
He decided that there really wasn’t much point in keeping you in the dark any longer. You may as well know everything. That’s the way it was with couples, right? They share their darkest secrets with each other all the time! 
You stared up at him in shock. 
“...what?” you said after finally finding your voice again. 
“He told me that we shouldn’t get married. Then he told me that I should just break up with you altogether. Can you imagine, babe? He wanted me to just abandon you! You, my little muse! So I did what I had to.” 
Your little dream was falling apart around you. All this time you’d been so smug about bagging a hot, up and coming rocker guy… all this time that you swooned over him and let yourself be swept up in a romance that happened much too fast to be normal…. It was crumbling into dust. You knew that Akira had a lot of secrets. You knew that he’d been in prison before you met him. But this was too much. Fearful tears pricked at your eyes and Akira noticed. 
“Don’t cry, sweet thing! You don’t have to worry! I won’t let anybody come between us!” he cooed and wiped your eyes with his thumb. You were frozen to the spot and unable to pull away no matter how much you wanted to. 
“You killed him.” you stated. 
“I did.” he said with a grin that made your skin crawl. 
You glanced at the body again. You could tell that the poor man had been electrocuted but how Akira managed to do something like that was beyond you. 
“That’s a little tougher to explain,” he said mysteriously. “Maybe it’s best if I give you a demonstration.” 
That staticy feeling in the air increased and the lights in the room started doing strange things. They flickered, brightened, dimmed, and shut off completely only to come back on moments later. The digital clock on the wall cycled through the hours at rapid speed and the damaged phone sparked worryingly. You watched the scene wordlessly, unable to process what you were witnessing. 
Suddenly a pair of arms grabbed a hold of you. You looked all around you in a frenzy of terror but you couldn’t see anything. You were being held by something that was totally invisible! Your skin prickled at the feeling of its hold and you could feel your hair standing on end. You started to scream when an invisible hand clamped over your mouth. You struggled, but whatever held you was far stronger than you. You looked at Akira with wide, fear-filled eyes. He just stared back at you with his usual loving expression. The expression looked so wrong on him now. 
“That there is Red Hot Chili Pepper. He’s my Stand. I wish I could’ve given you a proper introduction, but under the circumstances, that’ll have to wait. You don’t have to be scared of him, though. He won’t hurt you unless I want him to. If I had another Stand arrow I could give you a Stand and you’d be able to see him. But I’d never risk it. The arrow would kill you if your will’s not strong enough. Not that I don’t think you’re strong willed or anything, but I’d never take a chance with my baby’s life like that. ” 
What… the… hell… was he rambling about? 
All this talk of Stands, and arrows, and chili peppers….
You didn’t know if he was going insane or if you were. 
All that you knew is the man you called your boyfriend had murdered his manager, somehow he was controlling the electricity in the room, and you were being held captive by something he called a Stand. The thing, whatever it actually was, nuzzled into the back of your neck and you found yourself once again on the verge of tears. 
Akria, ever vigilant when it came to you, noticed your watery eyes yet again. 
“Hey! None of that!” he said, walking over and wiping the tears from your eyes once more. 
“Water and electricity don’t mix, you know!” 
He offered you a sickly sweet smile and you felt the bile rise in your throat. 
He glanced back at his manager’s body and sighed. 
“No one’s gonna look at this and see it as anything other than a freak accident. Even if Josuke and Jotaro were to find out about this and relate me to it, they can’t do shit to me now. I’m way out of their jurisdiction. We’ll just leave the body here. The receptionist and the janitor are the only people that knew that I was in here with him so I guess I’ll have to kill them, too. Probably best if we don’t leave the building in the usual way, so we’ll just go through the electrical system.” he muttered, talking more to himself than to you.
No, he was definitely the crazy one here. 
How had he been hiding this side of himself from you all this time? 
He prattled on for another minute or two before kneeling down next to you. 
“Babe, you’re shaking,” he said, noting your trembling form. “You’re… you’re not scared are you?” 
You didn’t respond. You couldn’t respond with the invisible hand over your mouth. All you could do was give him a desperate look, pleading with your eyes for him to let you go. 
He didn’t. 
Instead he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to his chest while the invisible thing snuggled you from behind. 
“You know I’d never hurt you, don’t you?” he asked, straightening up to look at you. 
You moaned pathetically into the invisible hand over your mouth. You wanted to cry, but didn’t dare.
“I’ll come back to take care of those other two later, but first, I gotta take you somewhere where no one will find you.” 
Your eyes widened and your face went ghastly pale. You looked up at him but he just gave you a stern stare down. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” he said. “I gotta do it, baby! They’ll take you away from me if I don’t hide you from them! Now hang on, this will be kinda scary at first, but you’ll get used to it.” 
You didn’t have a clue as to what he was talking about, but you didn’t have much time to think about it as you were promptly blinded by a bright yellow light. You squeezed your eyes closed, hoping to block the blinding light from your vision. It dimmed a moment later and you slowly opened your eyes. You were glowing, and so was Akira! All around you was snapping, popping, sizzling electricity and yet somehow it didn’t seem to harm you at all. As Akira held onto you, you could feel the both of you being pulled towards something. You looked around Akira to see that you both were being pulled into a wall socket. You let out a muffled scream as you were pulled into the socket and forced to travel through the building’s electrical wiring. You didn’t know how such a thing was possible, but you did know one thing:
Your little dream of dating a famous rocker had become a nightmare that you would never wake up from.
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yyxandere · 7 months
Hello! I have a small idea about the attitude of several yanderes from the Tojo clan towards their darling (this will be drastic and inexperienced, be careful 🤺):
Daigo, during his idle period, may take you for granted, neglecting you, but after Kiryu knocked some sense into him and became chairman, he began to greatly regret his behavior in the past. Therefore, he tries in every possible way to make amends to you like a beaten puppy. Mine tries to help him with this, looking for all the information about you and keeping an eye on you, reporting all the details to his master. If Daigo finds out that some men are too close to you, he will "convince" you to behave more decently (if they are lucky enough to survive).
Nishikiyama is not shy about showing his affection for you by giving you gifts or taking you on dates to expensive restaurants. Such an obvious braggart for you both before the events of Kiwami and after. He rarely takes his eyes off you, so I don’t rely on myself for a particularly long time.
Kiryu is so awkward when it comes to expressing his feelings, but he really tries! Oh, how he loves it when you spend time with the children! The way you take care of them even including Haruka just makes his heart swell with respect and love for you. In addition, Kamurocho is rich in all sorts of places for entertainment such as bowling alleys, game clubs and especially vending machines with plush toys. So you two are definitely not bored.
Kashiwagi may seem callous and cold at first glance, especially in Yakuza 0, but this is only at first glance. He expresses his concern when no one is looking. Did you leave after preparing food for him? He devoured it in a short period of time like a man possessed. Were you offended by some idiot? Don't worry, he's already kicked his ass. Do you want something? Everything is settled, the desired item is already on your coffee table! But over time, he becomes more open about his feelings towards you, becoming softer and more relaxed. Imagine his indescribable gratitude and happiness when you still agreed to be with him even after he left the Tojo clan. He is completely yours, your honor!
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Anon. I will kiss you on your sweet, delectable lips right now. CAUSE THIS ASK IS HEAVEN SENT.
It’s been so long since I played Yakuza, so if the characters are OOC then please forgive me cuz it’s really been a long time (ノωヽ)
Daigo in his early day would definitely be an asshole to you, he won't lay a finger on them but he would definitely ignore his you. Daigo loves them all right, but after what happened (Him and Ryuji), his pride is shattered and because of that he acted more of an asshole and of yes, in that period of time he really took you for granted, but when Kiryu saw or heard of what was happening (maybe you and Daigo still in a relationship, no kidnapping yet) Kiryu would absolutely slam him and like what you said knock some sense into him, he will give Daigo an ear of how to treat you properly.
After he became chairman, Daigo grew into a much more level-headed person, he thought more logically and more of a decent person rather than a brute. It wasn't easy for him, but he finally managed to learn better ways to approach you. However, you were always very cautious around him since he has been so cruel in the past, he knows. So he started to pay attention and he is trying to get closer to you. And he is making progress by spending time with you even if it's a fraction of time. Let's say even if he tries to spend time with you it doesn't work because you can't really seem to love him anymore because of his past. Then he got that part covered, you are now dating one of the strongest Yakuza clan in Kamurucho, hell even if you leave the city, the Tojo clan's reputation and influence is everywhere, so no matter where you are you're always going to be found, plus is it not for the better if you stay with him rather then leave? If you leave Daigo you won't have any protections against other Yakuza rivals, plus he is a whole new man mostly for you.
And since he is the new head of the Tojo clan he will have many men on his side, and one of the most loyal of them all is Mine. he is absolutely devoted to Daigo and will do anything to keep him happy, so if Daigo requested him to set up cameras, Mine would obey his command without hesitation. Daigo need information about the friend you were hanging out with? Bam, he has all of their records, their family, their last hospital check, their messages, whatever Daigo needs is there. Daigo's schedule may be full but if he does manage to make time, be prepared to be snuggled with love and riches. You've been eyeing that bag for a while now? He will come inside the store with you grab it and give it to you THEN pay for it and whoever decides to even harm you both on your outing, their ass be prepared for an ass whooping of a night and after that maybe if they are still conscience he will call one of his men to deal with the random thug. Most of all, Daigo now as a chairman will be more soft and loving towards you, like you said anon, like a puppy.
UGH MY FAVORITE KOI TATTOOED MAN NISHKIII :(((( (i just really wanna hug him bro)
Now Nishki was never afraid to show his love, it was like he was always in that honeymoon phase in the relationship, always bringing you flowers, you and him going out on walks or him giving them chocolates, you kept on telling him many times that he shouldn't do all of this, but he disagrees. St first you thought that it was only a phase in the relationship, but nope, many months in and he still does it, and slowly it's getting quite overbearing, even if you ask Nishki to give you some space, Niski is going to look at you with eyes like a beaten puppy and so ever since you have not said anything, worrying that you might hurt Nishki's feelings. Nishki is a huge romantic, he would always hold your bags and all and he would always pester you about living in the same apartment as him, you told him that it was too quick, Nishki at first would give you some space, but that wouldn't stop him from asking over and over again.
Now if we go the Nishki who is a different man than before, it's now like talking to a different person, Nishki before was a romantic wherever you went, he would always give you kisses and whatnot, but our blood-stained Nishki doesn't, don't get him wrong he loves you dearly but now it is a WHOLE different level. Remember you don't want to live in the same house as him? Too bad, he doesn't even ask the question, your'e already at his house with high security, so make sure that you will never leave. Nishki had been through hell and back, losing his brother, being compared to him, swallowing his own pride in front of his men, and the cherry on top, the passing of his dead sister. Nishki grew more paranoid, he became selfish he is like a feral dog protecting a bone or such, he is fuming and ready to blow someone's head off if they EVEN think to take you away from him, his keeping you captive is like a defense mechanism after all the things he went through, screaming and yelling won't do anything, it is much better to be quiet and do whatever he wants rather then be starved or slapped by him.
Can't make a post without mentioning my GOAT!!!!
Ah, Kiryu. The Dragon of Dojima is such an honorable and respectable person, the art that was placed on his back signifies the power and strength he holds, everyone knows his name in the city of Kamurucho or the dark underground, he is what a man wants to be, strong, respected and cold- wait is that him with a person holding their hands?! And in a closer look, HE IS BLUSHING?!!!
Jokes aside, our main man, Kiryu is an absolute oddball, he's a strong and composed man and can manage to have a clear line of thinking even in a dire situation, but whenever you near, or even hold his hands, inside of him, he is FLUSTRED, let us just hope that you're oblivious to that or else this man will go in a blushing state, good thing that Kiryu doesn't show to many expressions and just shows a stoic one. Like you said noonie, he really tries to show that he really loves you, Kiryu knows that he can be kind of bad when it comes to FULLY expressing what he wants to express, so he does a lot of acts of service, he regularly listens to your problem he even tries to learn how to cooks so you won't ever eat anything unhealthy.
Now if this is the time when Kiryu has Haruka, that's when things start getting interesting. Kiryu desires a normal life, especially a domestic one, he doesn't care who wheres the apron not, and he doesn't care at least you're happy, heck he would be content if he is a stay-at-home husband, and while you work, every time you went back home after a long day you would smell newly cooked food and steamed rice ready, while Haruka helps Kiryu with preparings the plates, but of course if you want to take a bath first, the tub is already filled with warm water its really your choice. Kiryu trusts you, that you won't go away or leave cause of Haruka, You heard what happened to Haruka and Kiryu knows your kind heart and in that moment knew that you won't ever leave Haruka or him, such thoughts could make you feel guilt for the rest of your life., you'll be another parental figure to Haruka no matter what.
Still, on the idea of domestic Kiryu, I would imagine all three of you go to a family outing or some such, maybe a weekend when you guys are in the park eating picnics or even the nearby arcades, both Haruka and Kiryu are gaming nerds. If ever Haruka wins a plushie from a vending machine, she will give it to you and the scene always makes Kiryu's heart flutter since Kiryu is a family man, if there was someone who would be foolish enough to hurt his family (even if you guys aren't married yet) he will show them that living in the Yakuza for many years showed him many different punching techniques…
Now…for my favorite old man……
Devotion. That's one word to describe Kashiwagi when it comes to your love.
You know how much he cares because even after all of those years with you he never lost the way his heart beats faster or his cheeks burn red, because of you, because of what you did and made of him, it is hard to imagine the day where he doesn't feel your presence, your heartbeat in his ears. When you first met him he was cold, and his piercing gaze was frightening, but with some kind of miracle both of you decided to see each other, he became softer, of course, but is still cold and stern when it comes to the Yakuza business, but at home or whenever yall meet, hell ease up his worries. I highly doubt that anyone would even dare stand where ever you are when beside you is a menacing man, who they do NOT wanna fuck with. He is very overprotective of you especially when he is a high-ranked officer, so there are going to be many enemies just waiting to strike against you.
And oh lord, whenever you do such domestic things like, make him coffee, give him his bento, or even kiss him after a long day doing shady business, he will just become putty on your hands, your hands are like magic to him and I feel like his men know about you, so whenever you visit Kashiwagi whenever he's in a bad mood he will immediately lighten up keep his voice to a minimum to not scare you.
After he left the Yakuza, he would do more acts that he had to restrain because he was in the Yakuza, most of the time he would kiss you (on the cheek only) when there were few people around. You also bet your ass that yall are gonna get married, he always dreamt of marrying you when you both became a thing muttering your name with his last name or better yet both of you having kids of your own. So when both of you were married he was crying his eyes out man, seeing you in a white shiromuku (traditional Japanese wedding dress) just comforts something in him and the ring on your finger signifies the love you both have for each other. If you ever have a kid (biologically or adopted) he would give them all the love there is, he might be a stern father but he has his sweet and soft moments with them (I find him having a girl). Like Kiryu, he is a family man, and whoever touches his small family must know that this man was in the Yakuza and knows his way to pummel people to the ground.
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lyomeii · 2 years
Yandere Phantom Thieves
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Changing people evil hearts to good, doing a favor to society while their enemies are trying to get them no matter what the consequences. That’s the job of the Phantoms Thieves of Hearts.
A group know for their actions against people who abuse those who can’t defend themself, bringing justice to this corrupt world, what a grandiose job for a Phantom Thieve….but at the same time, hippocratic for them being people whose hearts are bad and dark as their enemies, the only difference is that the Thieves are way worst. And the boys in the team aren’t not denying that.
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-> the leader, well know by his friends, ren isn’t someone much of talking, only speaking in moments he find important and crucial to his life, either as a friend or as a leader of the group
-> you, the shy and kind student who once helped him one time during the time that kamoshida was at school, you might not remember that , but ren fell in love with you the moment you his dark eyes were connected to yours
-> as someone who have a reputation of delinquent even after what happened to kamoshida, ren did his best to approach you and befriend with you with his charms, after all, the little blushes on you make him want to pinch your adorable cheeks
-> with his charms high, didn’t take much time to make you dating him as he planned since the beginning, and taking you to dates with him around the cities around shibuya is something he now do at least one per week
-> seeing your smile everyday at school and during dates is his payment and reward
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-> this boy is something else, after getting kick out of his club, he is now considered a delinquent like ren, the difference is that many still speaking about him, saying that because of him the team is not the same, isolating him faster
-> and even though he has Ann, Ren and Makoto at school to talk, ryuji still feel some empty space on him but couldn’t say exactly what… that’s until he saw you
-> a transfer student, someone who didn’t know ryuji story! a great chance to befriend the new classmate, and he quickly executed his plan, and slowly but effectively, you two get closer as he wanted
->the blonde definitely asked ren for advice to ask you out, after all, his friend already has a significant other, so ren knows how to deal with dates and those stuffs
-> now, not only you are dating him, become a little outcast from your friends of school but you met his mother! what a sweetie soul that woman is
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-> not different from the others, you naivety attract him way faster than he admits, instead of painting ann, he offered to paint you but you immediately refused along the other phantoms
-> but he keep going trying interact with you, but instead of asking to paint you, he would take you to visit art galleries, showing you how he sees the world and introducing you as his significant other
-> he kept doing it so much, that now everyone accepts that you are dating him, holding your hand always no matter the place you went with him, he needs to feel your touch
-> and unfortunately, you couldn’t do much, whatever attempts to tell the others the true, yusuke would grab your hand with force, making you stopped trying to tell the true
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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ahaha-fvckjjj · 27 days
I need my fictional men to be unwell and feral
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delicious-p4ncakes · 1 month
The first chapter of my akeshuake yandere fic is up!! Can't thank @/miogrod from twt enough, srsly tysm for being my beta reader!! <3
UPDATE: Second chapter is out now!! The fic is complete!! <3
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suns-pott · 1 year
Hello, If it's still open, i wanna ask for yandere Ren/Akira/P5 protag. Like what would he do? Would we have to face him in his Palace(assuming we became a phantom thief) or would he sabotage us, instigating our Palace to manipulate our emotions?
My first persona 5 request :D
Yandere Akira
Having known Akira for some number of months now made his descent into madness less noticeable to you and the phantom thieves.
After all, he's normally very quiet and keeps to himself a lot of the time. It makes it difficult to tell what he's thinking.
When he first met you, he really didn't know what he felt. At first he assumed it was a desire to become friends with you and get to know you better, but he soon realized that he wanted to be with you.
To you, he seemed like a trustworthy guy, when you had an actual conversation. Of course, you had heard all the rumors circulating around Shujin, but gossip is not always the truth anyways.
He friends soon accepted you as a part of the group and you awakened your persona one day when you accidentally followed them into the metaverse. The group started to gain new members and you were glad to have met such good people, but as time progressed, so did Akira's obsession with you.
Sure it was nice to hand out with him from time to time, and you knew how much people wanted his attention, but when he actively went out of his way to hang out with you, it raised a few suspicions in your mind.
One day when it was just the two of you hanging in Le blanc, he told you about his true feelings. The whole time you had no idea, but who could blame you, when he keeps almost all of his emotions hidden behind those charming glasses of his. You had to reject him as softly as you could, not really knowing what to do with the new information. He was never really the same after that.
he kept his distance from everyone, even Morgana, about everything. Morgana said that he's stopped going out as much and the rest of the group grew concerned for his wellbeing, but no matter who asked him, he always said he was fine. It wasn't fine. The phantom thieves eventually met up in order to discuss the leader's odd behavior. Futaba was the first one to suggest it. His behavior was similar to what she experienced before the changed her heart, she said, she pulled up the metanav on her phone, Morgana said it would be impossible for a persona user to have a palace, but everyone decided that it wouldn't hurt to look. Sure enough, Akira Kurusu has a palace.
With no other options, they all decided to input the rest of the details. When they entered, it was a huge palace, with many extravagant paintings of Joker and you, all over the place. Reminiscent of Kamoshida's palace, but with a darker color palette.
While exploring, the phantom thieves came across a huge dining room. A long decadent table with many foods crowding the space, and at the end sat Joker, a brighter version of his outfit with many ornate details. He leaned forward, a proud smirk across his face as he stared directly at you, absentmindedly nibbling on a fork. His smile grew wider as he said "Welcome my friends! I do hope you'll enjoy your stay, as our fun little game begins.." and in a flash, he disappeared. The game to get our leader back begins.
"Not to worry my dear, in the end you will be mine."
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yume-fanfare · 1 month
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they've also updated hajime's profile to call him possessive though !
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amusedyan · 2 years
Hi, I'm a little bit shy. How would shadow Akira (or regular Akira if you think it'd be more fun) react to having a darling who's a notorious escape artist, but not because she wants to get away, but rather to have fun with her darling thief. A fun game of cat and mouse. After all, the thrill of the hunt comes from the chase, right? Even if you know one has the other's heart, it's still fun to chase.
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You're not in your room.
Once, it might have scared Akira, or even made him angry.
Now it just makes him excited.
Basically, a cat and mouse game with Shadow Akira is the equivalent to enrichment with your pet.
Akira is meant to hunt, to solve puzzles, and you give him that.
You never make the same mistake twice, and you always surprise him.
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akiraiscute · 4 months
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Yandere!Killua X Hunter!Reader
Tw ; Yandere shit, gore (idk what to add)
Yet all of this could off been avoided, everything could off been avoided if you didn’t go to the hunter exam. Everything, every last detail, every single word you said to both of them but here the fuck you are. Hugging the person who is absolutely obsessed with you, yes you don’t know but still.. its such a horrible move but you’re here with gon, Killua can’t just confess his love for you in front of gon or that blonde guy and black hair guy! That would make it awkward as well. But You were worried sick about killua, you even came with gon and uh, Kurapika and Le- Leorio.. Doesn’t that mean you care about him? If he even thinks about it, he gets this weird feeling. Killua doesn’t like that weird feeling at all.
“Kil! You’re bruised?! Are you okay?!”
“Oh..oh im fine..”
“You don’t look fine!”
“Oh shut up gon!…”
Killua said embarrassed as his reddening face got called out by gon, again. Leorio and kurapika smiled at the three, adoring this scene as it played. They both started to laugh a bit.. Just because he gets red around you, doesn’t mean shit! Doesn’t mean he has a crush on you, not at all. That’s weird! Super duper weird! But, but seeing you get even more worried for him, was making him weak.. isn’t that a bad sign?! Being weak is bad, right..? Yea! It is! He can’t stand you making him suddenly weak, just because you care about him doesn’t matter! Doesn’t mean anything either.. God, maybe Killua was head over heels for you, maybe he would just.. confess his love, maybe. And maybe! You’ll say yes and you two could live happily, away from his family too… god he wanted that. He didn’t want his fucked up family to take you away, nor take him away from you. He can’t stand being away fro- What is he thinking! He just met you, maybe a few weeks ago! Or a month ago! He can’t be talking like this about you. Ugh..
“Let’s go already, my mother may already be heading this way.”
“Oh! Okay!”
“What is your mother like anyways?”
That made Killua’s gears turning. He started to rant about his mother doing stuff, crazy stuff. Might i add.. Walking past the servants or whatever and kept talking as gon and you said bye and ran after him, Kurapika and leorio doing the same but walking. When You five got outside, kurapika started to speak, sorta talking over Killua but Killua didn’t mind as along as he got to look at you really, maybe he’s realizing he’s obsessed.. maybe he is! Maybe he’s gonna try stopping himself from doing anything.
After the two left, Killua was already talking to gon about him beating hisoka. He tried to show how far away gon was from hisoka as well, making sure gon knows.
“What about you?”
Gon asked before Killua immediately made the line medium size.. Killua thought he was so humble, yea right but it made you laugh. He.. he made you laugh right?! That counts, he made you laugh… god he was going to think this over in his head over and over, gon groaned as he let out another sigh, not knowing what to do even. Before Killua suggested to go to heavens arena, which both of you and gon found that going to heavens arena was a good idea! Even if you both don’t even know what heavens arena is..
You three got the tickets online, and was on the airline as soon as it was there. Both gon and killua talking, sometimes you adding in as well.. as you were just tired from going to killua’s house even! God, opening those big ass doors were horrible for you and your back.. you yawned before leaning back into your seat, finally falling asleep as Killua and Gon were talking until Killua noticed you sleeping and he stared at you sleeping so peacefully.. he felt sorta at peace for that at least you were sleeping and not hurt. He zoned out really before Gon snapped him out of it really.
Im tired soso, Everything i do will have a part two prob😭😭 but have this my bbys, finally getting into my hxh stuff😊🫶
— Aki.. Akira… Loggi.. Logging… off..
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