#yes i posted this early i couldn't resist
emyn-arnens · 1 year
west, west away
written for the Three Sentence Ficathon on Dreamwidth, also crossposted to AO3
prompt: Tolkien, any, it is strange, living, to journey west
Sam stood on the deck of the Elven ship, feeling small and out of place in the presence of so many great Elves; greatest of all was the Elvenking of Bilbo’s tales, who stood several feet away, gazing at the disappearing haven and the hills encircling it with a strange, sorrowful expression upon his face, as if he felt the same uncomfortable tug of uprooting that Sam did, feeling as if he had been removed from his familiar soil and planted somewhere he didn’t belong—though he wanted with all his heart to sail West and to see Frodo again.
It was strange to think that a king of the Elves might feel as displaced as Sam did, but Sam felt in that moment that he understood the Elvenking, high and lordly though he was: Legolas had spoken at times, in the early days of the quest, of his people’s history and how they had never known any home other than Middle-earth; they did not know the country that lay over the sea that beckoned to the likes of Lady Galadriel, and the longing for it was slow to waken in their hearts.
And Sam guessed that it was for Legolas, too, that sorrow cloaked the Elvenking’s face; his son did not stand at his side on the ship, but dwelt still in Ithilien; with a pang, Sam thought again of his children, who had been the hardest part of leaving the Shire, and with a sudden flush of bravery, he moved to stand at the Elvenking’s side, and looking up into the Elf’s fair, mournful face, he said, “Begging your pardon, sir, but you look a bit down in the mouth, as we say in the Shire, and I thought I might come and share a few words with you, being out of place myself here among all your fine folk”—a blush crept over his face as he realized he was rambling, and he crumpled the band of his hat in his hands as the Elvenking watched him with curiosity—“and what I mean to say is, I understand this sailing West not being what you expect and leaving behind everything you love for something you’ve never clapped eyes on, sir,” he finished, crushing his hat harder between his hands, and a trace of a smile curved the corners of the Elvenking’s mouth.
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ferrstappen · 7 months
max the wag: caught in the middle l mv1
a/n: so... this isn't the best part of the series but I saw this post on instagram last week and just couldn't resist! hope you enjoy it <3 x
pairing: Max Verstappen x fem reader
genre: fluff
you can find the rest of max the wag here <3
summary: You find Max on a WAGs Instagram page, just not how you'd imagine.
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Mexico Grand Prix, 2023
The only time you left the energy station during race weekends was when Max was crowned the winner of the Grand Prix, making your usual route the back entrance, energy station, parc fermé and then, if people were lucky, would catch a glimpse of Max and you leaving hand in hand, big smiles on your faces even if you always tried to keep your head down.
Sure, this wasn’t always the easiest for you, wanting to be there with Max most time, but in the early stages of your relationship when you first attended a Grind Prix as his girlfriend, you told Max it wasn’t an interest of yours to be known or to have your face plastered on Instagram profiles. Of course, it was inevitable, but both you and Max tried your best to make it work, even if it meant Max would have to begrudgingly answer a question about the relationship to the fans so they wouldn’t start speculating.
Max even made an effort to stop F1TV from broadcasting you, and it cost him an app exclusive interview. 
This never worked to ease the break up rumors always emerging. You were able to put the latest one to rest during Qatar where you were waiting with your arms wide open when he was crowned champion, shortly kissing his lips and forehead during the commotion, everyone trying to get a hold of him. 
Of course, that was the highlight of the weekend even if Max didn’t win the race, but a close second was the appearance of a new WAG, a gossip both you and Max had closely followed since pretty much the beginning of the season, but you never crossed paths with her and were only aware of the confirmation when you were back in the hotel.
Now, you were mindlessly scrolling through Instagram posts, getting ready to watch the race in your apartment in Monaco with Jimmy and Sassy, the F1 app playing on the iPad screen, when a particular post caught your attention. 
It was Max, completely clueless of what was going on behind him: Rebecca and Carlos were easy to spot, absolutely not trying to hide, happy smiles and not trying to hide. 
You didn’t notice the F1 transmission was focusing on Max inside the garage, but the first thing you did was send the post to Max.
The camera kept following Max as he checked his phone for the last time, and this time you were thankful for it since you were able to check his every facial expression as he opened the message. 
What am I looking at, schatz? A terrible picture of me before the race??
Are you trying to help Lando win??
The transmission showed how GP approached Max to go over the strategy, forcing Max to hand over his phone before seeing your answers. 
Babe, she’s Carlos gf! Remember back in Barcelona when we weren’t sure if it was true? WELL IT IS
The gossip was soon forgotten was you watched Max win once again, texting your congratulations while pointing at Max in the TV for Jimmy and Sassy to see, even if you could sense their judgement.
Right after the podium ended the phone vibrated, your favorite part of race day when you weren’t able to be with Max, was the mandatory FaceTime call, showing you his trophy, completely soaked in champagne, giving you his best smile. 
“Congratulations honey! You were incredible, it was a great race, I’m sure you enjoyed it!” You animatedly said to him while wearing one of your own Red Bull jersey with his number on it. 
“Yes, yes… so, did he really cheat on his ex?” Max asked and you gave him a confused look.
“What are you talking about?”
Max stared at your face in the screen, giving you a look of disbelief. “Carlos! You sent me that post of that horrible picture with them in the back,”
Now that you were caught up, it was impossible not to appreciate your boyfriend right now, with his blue eyes wide open, still holding his trophy, but waiting to be updated on whatever was going on outside the track. “I have no idea if he cheated, you were the one who overheard the Ferrari mechanics!”
“But you are the WAG, schatz!” Max argued. 
You scoffed. “Yes, and I am the worst WAG ever and you know that!”
“Don’t say that about yourself, there’s nothing wrong about wanting to keep your privacy,” Max reassured you, like he always did. 
“Maybe I can put on a show next week and try to find out what people know…” You said to yourself. 
“I’m sure Charles’ ex knows… what was her name?” Max asked you while trying his best to remember. 
You chuckled before answering. “Charlotte, baby,” you replied and he nodded his head as if he was trying to tell you he always knew, it just slipped his mind. “and yeah, I’m sure she knows but I don’t want to talk to her just to interrogate her, you know? Maybe,” you were going to continue before Max interrupted.
“Schatz, I have to go but I swear I’ll figure out who may know more about this, okay? I love you, can’t wait to see you,”
You hurriedly said an “I love you” before the call ended, knowing Max was going to do his best to gather information he’d be waiting to share once you reunited in Brazil. And maybe, just maybe, you’d consider arrive to the track walking hand in hand, kissing his cheek for good luck, for everyone to see. 
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wonderlandwalker · 3 months
A Hero on Socks | Virgin!Eddie Munson x Reader
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Stranger Things Masterlist / Inbox
Summary: You've always known your now boyfriend Eddie was a virgin, but with how worked up you've been while teasing him recently, you're not gonna let the first time be over that quickly
Content Warnings / Tags: Smut, mdni, virgin!eddie, established relationship, wrap it before you tap it obviously, overstimulation, no use of y/n
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Couldn't resist my Eddie Munson fixation any longer. The title comes from a Dutch expression and it basically means someone who seems courageous but is actually a nervous little shit and it seemed perfect for Eddie. I haven't written in a little while so I hope this is still good <3 (This accidentally posted early so enjoy xx)
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The two of you had been dancing on a delicate line of 'just friends' for a while now, and you're not even entirely sure what the turning point was, but eventually you crossed it, now officially being able to call Eddie Munson your boyfriend.
He made heart eyes at you every time you walked in a room, and not a single one of your friends failed to point this out when you told them you got together, none of them the slightest bit surprised. 
It might be a new relationship, but you have known each other for years now, and you knew how to get what you wanted from Eddie. So yes, you knew he was still a virgin, but you failed to see how this would make a difference to you, you didn't care, people shouldn't have to worry that others will hold that against them. What you hadn't counted on, however, was how shy he actually turned whenever you started to tease him.
While you were still friends he would flirt with you unrelentingly, constantly making suggestive comments and touching you in one way or another. But maybe the fact that nothing was supposed to come of it gave him the boost he now seemed to have lost, because whenever you slipped your hand underneath his shirt when you were on the couch next to him, every moment you tried to heat up a kiss, he would go rigid, you would feel his body tense as he ceased any and all actions to create some distance between you. 
You asked him what was going on, asked him if he didn't want to have sex with you, and you had never seen him swivel his head in place so fast, his eyes wide with confusion as he looked at you, sputtering to tell you that wasn't the problem at all. And that's when you learned that the dungeon master of the hellfire club was in fact nervous. 
And really, it was quite cute to see the blood rush to his cheeks when you took your top off, his Adams apple bobbing as you sucked on his pulse point. The boy was downright bashful. 
As the days passed, you found more and more ways in which to get a rise of out him, in more ways than one. From walking into the chill living room without a bra under your t-shirt to not so subtly grinding your ass into him while standing closeby, but your plan began to backfire as you just wanted him more and more yourself, wondering how much longer your patience would hold up. 
The silent curses and groans had you losing your own mind with lust as the days passed, up until the moment he had finally snapped, dragging you into his bedroom in frenzy, trying to get you on top of him as fast as he could.
All of your hard work had led to this moment right here, you could hear his panting from underneath you, his breath becoming more shallow as the muscles in his abdomen started to twitch, and if you weren't so lost in pleasure yourself, you might have teased him for how fast he was becoming undone. 
It's only been a few minutes, and there's a heat creeping up on his neck, you can't resist bending over to meet his lips in a searing kiss. When you move on to mouth at the soft skin of his neck, delicately sucking hickeys into it, the sounds that leave him are nothing less than sinful.
His hands have a death grip on your hips, trying to ground himself but miserably failing every time you grind yourself further into him. You're trying to figure out what he's saying, but it's no more than mumbling in-between his moans of your name, and with how hazy your head is you don't have it in yourself to figure it out. It's only when he suddenly slams his head back against the pillow, face screwed up in a way you can see the small crease between his eyebrows as he curses wildly that you pick up on the fact he wasn't just close, no, he just came. 
At any other time you would have found it adorable, you would have giggled and coed at him softly as you assured him with a sweet kiss that it's okay, but not this time. This time you've been getting yourself worked up from teasing him, from leading him up to this, from the feeling of finally, finally  getting his dick inside you. So no, not this time, this time you won't let the feeling in your stomach fade away, won't stop just yet. 
You feel his cum coating your walls, and the feeling only keeps you going further. It takes Eddie a few seconds to catch on in his state, heavy breath he's trying to catch and a permanent look of pleasure now etched on his face, but you know the exact moment he realizes from the small twitch his dick is already giving again.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" He sounds almost close to tears, but he looks at you with nothing but amazement in his eyes.
"You might be done Eddie, but that doesn't mean that I am" youre starting to get a little out of breath yourself, the sentence caught between small whimpers, he scrunches his eyes shut again when you tell him, and the most heavenly moan leaves his mouth as you continue to roll your hips. 
You knew deep down that if he truly wanted to, he could easily get you off him, even in a euphoric state, and so you knew that he is enjoying himself just as much as you are.
His eyes snap back open as you start to go faster, chasing that warm feeling bubbling up inside you, his dick is fully hard again inside you, and you don't doubt it has turned an angry red colour by now. 
"It's too much baby, I can't-" he doesn't manage to finish his thought from the guttural groan that follows him, and you can't deny it only turns you on further to see him this blissed out. 
He's struggling to keep his eyes open, wanting to watch you but gettig lost in the vision of it. Torn between pleasure and pain, the two merging together as you keep going. You can feel the satisfaction of it tugging at your heart as you keep moving, feeling his throbbing dick inside of you as you change the rythm. Eddie is still a mess underneath you, whimpering and groaning for anything, for everything, and it’s too fun not to tease him further.
“What do you want Eddie, tell me and I might give it to you.” You wonder if it even matters what you’re saying, sure that at this point he’s far beyond reach, but he doesnt dare leave you unanswered. 
“You’re so warm baby fuck, just please, please”
You lean into him again, leaving a trail of kisses down the spot on his neck you know make him go weak. “Please what, finish your sentences honey, or I’ll stop right now” The both of you know it’s an empty threat, you’re too close yourself to even dare abandon your goal, but the mere thought of it is enough to make Eddie give you anything you’d want, youre decently sure you could ask for the moon right now and he would go out to catch it for you.
“Please let me cum, I wanna cum so bad holy shit” He can feel you tightening around him as he asks, another pornographic moan leaving him, and you would have made fun of him for it if you weren’t basking in the fact you’ve got him wrapped around your finger.
“Alright baby, because you asked so nicely, go ahead, cum for me.” you whisper the response in his ear, and it takes him mere seconds to find your lips, hiding away in the sweet escape of your tongue against his. For the second time you can feel his cock pulsing his cum inside of you, desperate for the realease. And it’s that feeling exactly, the feeling of his pleasure, that tips you over the edge yourself. The ecstasy taking over your mind, helplessly keeping rocking against him as you slump over, moaning his name as you cum. He catches you in his arms, already tracing patterns in your skin as you’re still riding out your orgasm. 
It takes you a few minutes to fully come back to earth, stars twinkling in your vision. You can feel Eddie’s steady breathing underneath you, his heart still thumping rapidly as you listen for his regular pattern of breaths, mimicking it in order to catch your own. 
“You alright?” His soft voice soothes you, always so gentle, even if most can’t see it. It makes you chuckle this time around, amused at the irony.
“I feel like I should be asking you that.” He mirrors your expression now, a grin breaking out across his face.
“Never been better sweetheart” He accompanies his words with sloppy kisses all over your face, smacking his lips against you in a manner that has you giggling against him.
“Was worried it was too much is all” You look down when you tell him, and he cups your jaw, silently asking you to face him again
“There isn’t a world out there where there could be too much of you.” He kisses you slowly this time, not rushed, not chasing anything, simply enjoying the moment as it is.
You lift yourself up slightly, feeling him leave from inside of you, and when he does you already miss the feeling again. You feel his seed dripping out of you, revelling in how he filled you up until you were so, so full. He’s watching, and you can feel his dick make a small twitch at the sight as he’s holding his breath, completely fixated on it.
“Fucking hell-” he still can’t seem to tear his gaze away, and you’re not immune to the effect itself.
“Give me a few minutes and we can go for another round” You’re laughing at his antics now, his nerves seeming to have fully disappeared and the Eddie you know so well has made it back to you.
He coaxes you to the side to lay down next to him as he slides his arms around you, your leg tangling over his as you snuggle up beside him. Your limbs feel like jelly as he holds you, his fingers still delicately moving across your skin as you can hear his heartbeat evening out from where you're lying down on his chest. This was Eddie, your Eddie, a guy who put on a big show for everyone, but when he was with you got to see his true self, and it only made you love him more.
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candysims4 · 10 months
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It's a new month, and you know what that means – time for a new cc! Today, I'm thrilled to share my latest creation – the beautiful Patricia Hair!
I loved the Ranch Set EP and the newest update meshes, so I was inspired to do franken-meshing with them. After working on some work-in-progress items (yes, we're talking plural here, I'm inspired), I'm excited to finally release this hair. A stunning long hairstyle with stylish side-swept bangs for that extra touch of charm. But that's not all! I couldn't resist adding hair clips that perfectly complement the look. These hair clips come in various colors, including a cute tortoise pattern that has quickly become my favorite. I hope you'll like them and are having an awesome day!
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119 SWATCH COLORS - 24 plain colors from EA Color Palette - 95 plain colors from my Candy Color Palette
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70 SWATCH COLORS - 15 single colors - 15 color combinations type 1 - 38 color combinations type 2 - 2 patterned
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MY SITE (NO AD.FLY) - Free release on 25th August 2023 PATREON EARLY ACCESS (+ MERGED OPTION)
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Thanks to all the cc creators that I used in the pic. And thanks to @maxismatchccworld​, @simblrcollective, @s4library, @wewantmods, and everybody who reblog this post!
If you’re a cc finds and want to be tagged when I post, please, let me know. You can send me an ask or in DM.
With your help, more people can know about my work! 💖 Love you all, XOXO <33
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space-mango-company · 3 months
Stranger | Chapter 2
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
TW: Descriptions of Violence, Mentions of Cannibalism
Tags: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Atreides!Reader, Arranged Marriage, Eventual Smut (still not in this chapter lmao), No use of y/n, Original Characters, Canon what canon
Word Count: 2k
A/N: So... this was posted prematurely a couple hours ago. This is the actual finished longer version. If you don't know what I'm talking about, thank god. Sorry this took so long, lmao
Just letting you guys know that my knowledge of the lore is purely based off of the movies and the Dune wiki rabbit hole I fell into right after watching part two. I also took a few liberties with the canon here.
I'm super open to constructive criticism, or any criticism at all (feel free to absolutely roast me). Like I mentioned, I've never written fanfic before so I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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The evening of your first day in Giedi Prime was celebrated with a banquet where you were introduced to the most important people on the planet. You've heard many stories of the ruthlessness and brutality of the Harkonnens, hence surprised by the courtly welcome during the dinner. Although you did your best to politely ignore the Baron who floated at the head of the table being fed by servants.
You were sat beside his nephew who, despite your mother's education, has evaded your insight. You couldn't quite get a read on him.
Feyd-Rautha whispers to you amid the buzzing conversations of the banquet hall, "are you enjoying the food, little hawk?"
You shoot him a questioning look.
"I like your hairpin," he sneers.
You resist from reaching to touch the Atreides symbol affixed in your hair.
"We don't see such ornaments often here." He quietly laughs in his devilish way, only too amused with himself.
Ah, you realize. He means to torment you.
"Seems early for pet names," you say, picking at your plate, "we've only just met."
"Oh, and yet we are to be wed in less than a week's time," his raspy voice rings in your ear, "I should like to be familiar with my future wife, Lady Atreides."
The marriage pact had been signed when you were only a little girl. Inheriting your father's inclinations, you swore you would uphold your duty, undeterred by the gruesome and abhorrent stories about the Harkonnens—because you knew that centuries of conflict could end within a generation with this union. You were a willing bride.
And yet.
You give him a smile that, to those not privy to your conversation, would seem genuine, "You know nothing of me, na-Baron."
"I should like to learn," you doubt his sincerity but care not enough to discern it. He takes a smug bite of a forkful of meat, "perhaps tomorrow, you shall learn something of me."
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The following morning Iassa helps you into another black gown, this time with a veil in anticipation of the black sun.
"Is it not dangerous for Feyd-Rautha to wager his life for a show?" you question.
"The na-Baron is a skilled fighter, my lady. He will emerge victorious," Iassa is straight-faced as she drapes the veil over you.
"Yes, I do not doubt it, but given he is the Baron's heir. Does it not seem a touch irresponsible to even risk it at all."
Not that you actually cared for his life, you just expected that the Harkonnens would be concerned with the preservation of their house regardless of their brutality. You recall your grandfather who got himself killed fighting bulls for sport.
"The na-Baron will be fighting war prisoners. They will be drugged beforehand. It is perfectly safe, my lady."
"Oh." You couldn't decide if you were disappointed or not, "I see."
Iassa seemed intent on dropping the subject, so you do.
You stand before a mirror and take a look at yourself. It is impossible not to be reminded of your mother. She was never one for vanity, but you like to think there was a part of her that always enjoyed the elegant dresses she and you 'had' to wear. You allow yourself a somber smile behind your veil.
"You look beautiful, my lady," Iassa curtsies.
"Thank you," you look at her bowed figure, gray robes made more dull by the stark black choker on her neck. You were sure she was at least 2 standard years younger than you are and it had only been a few months since you came of age. You wondered if she liked pretty dresses too.
Before you can ask her, there is a knock at your door.
The house steward, Jaromir, clears his throat when Iassa opens it for you, "The na-Baron requests your presence before he enters the arena."
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Heavy doors open for you in one of the chambers beneath the arena. You are greeted by the sight of a half-dressed Feyd-Rautha being helped into his armor by a servant.
"Lady Atreides," he looks you up and down, "I hope you slept well."
You bow your head in acknowledgment.
"Your knives, master," a large man whom you assume to be the bladesmith presents Feyd-Rautha with two daggers.
The young Harkonnen takes one and caresses the blade with his fingers.
"I've come to wish the brave na-Baron well before his fight in the arena," you say in false earnestness.
He smiles at your inflation of his ego.
"Though I must say, I am relieved it is all for show. I would not like to see my groom wounded before we are wed."
"For show?" Feyd-Rautha tilts his head and you see his arrogant facade show the slightest crack.
"Yes, I've heard your opponents will be drugged will they not?" your voice dripping with innocence, "to ensure your safety, of course."
His grip on the dagger tightens, "and where did you hear this exactly?"
You sense the awkwardness and tension in the servants. The one who had helped don Feyd-Rautha's armor has quietly retreated to the far side of the chamber. There is a subtle tremble in the hands of one holding a plate of towels. You finally notice the three women piled upon a raised platform glaring at you.
"Just voices around the fortress," you shrug.
A deep breath recovers Feyd-Rautha's smug expression. "Call for the warden," he orders one of the guards by the door, "tell him to prepare new prisoners. Sober ones."
"My lord, you need not endanger yourself," you feign worry.
"Nonsense." The na-Baron walks closer to tower over you, "My lady bride deserves to see my true prowess."
He sees through your challenge, but you don't care. Seeing his self-satisfied smirk wiped from his face for even just a second was worth it.
"Besides," he turns away from you to inspect the second knife, "my darlings enjoy meat that's fought for its life."
The three women sneer at this and you see their sharp teeth as they hiss amongst themselves.
You've heard of Feyd-Rautha's concubines long before you arrived on Giedi Prime. Tales of their taste for human flesh were one of the things that tested your resolve in fulfilling the marriage pact. You didn't mind that the na-Baron would keep other women. It would result in less of his attentions on yourself, you figured. It was their perverse appetite that nauseated you.
A look of revulsion hides behind your veil which you sense they would be all too happy to rip to shreds.
"I will see you in the stands, little hawk," Feyd-Rautha whispers to you as he waves for a guard to escort you out.
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You do your best to drown out the noise of what seemed to be a countless audience that came to see the na-Baron fight. You could understand now why they uphold such brutal traditions. The people are so excited for it.
On the other side of the arena, you sense Vladimir Harkonnen watching you from the Baron's Box that towered over the whole arena. The blazing sun only helps you avoid looking in his direction. You were sat at a viewing box, still for nobility and separated from the masses, but much lower and closer to the sands of the arena. Jaromir had told you that you were to 'give the na-Baron your favor'.
Before long, the master of ceremonies announces Feyd-Rautha's entrance in Giedi Prime Speech. They are celebrating his betrothal to you and the union of Harkonnen and Atreides, you translate in your head. You wonder if the people care for the politics of the Great Houses. They seemed no less excited to cheer at your name despite the centuries-old blood feud.
Massive doors open as the na-Baron walks into the arena. His arms outstretched holding his knives like an extension of his limbs. He riles up the crowd as he walks towards the Baron's Box and kneels to his uncle. He then rises and walks toward you, smirking under the stark light of the black sun.
You may not fear earning the Harkonnens' contempt, but you were the Duke of Caladan's daughter and you knew that the favor of the people was invaluable.
You stand and walk to the edge of the viewing box. The glowing smile you reveal as you lift your veil draws cheers from the crowd that rival what Feyd-Rautha received. You produce a pure white handkerchief from your dress pocket and make a show of kissing it and waving the cloth at the buzzing crowd. You throw it off the edge and it floats toward the na-Baron who had moved both daggers to one hand to catch it. He looks up at you with what you think could be the seeds of respect and tucks the cloth into the tight armband around his right bicep.
He turns back to the audience and raises his knives in a war cry. The crowd explodes in guttural cheers and applause. Feyd-Rautha takes his position in the middle of the arena as his first opponent is released into the white sands.
You've heard of the Harkonnen heir's aptitude in single combat. It's time to see if the stories were true or if it was just another part of their menacing facade.
You were handed a pair of spyglasses to observe with. The two fighters approach each other, the prisoner wielding a knife of his own. Feyd-Rautha holds a taunting stance. The prisoner was sober, you were sure, but even without the spyglasses, you could see he was weak. You surmised the Harkonnen cells weren't very hospitable. He attempts a swipe but the na-Baron parries with ease. Another and the na-Baron dodges. Zooming in, you could see Feyd-Rautha's twisted amusement. He was toying with the poor man—and the people loved it.
The crowds cheered at the clashing of metal, thundering when the na-Baron drew first blood by slashig his opponent's arm. It wasn't long before Feyd-Rautha's dagger had impaled the prisoner's heart. There was no pause before a second prisoner was brought out to meet a similar fate.
Feyd-Rautha stood unwounded, seething with exhilaration. He enjoyed this; the thrill of killing. He basked in the roar of the crowd. You had never ended a life before, but some deep part of you could almost understand how he felt in that moment.
A third prisoner enters the arena. He looked older than the first two, bearded and taller. He reminded you of Gurney Halleck, the Atreides Warmaster. This man certainly wasn't at his prime but you could tell he would not go down as easily as the first two.
The warrior holds his blade out in a firm fighting stance, refusing to make the first move. You notice picadors in black suits have entered the arena, circling the na-Baron and his opponent. Feyd-Rautha lunges at the prisoner and a quick series of parries from both sides occur. You see the finesse in the na-Baron's movement. He recognizes his opponent's skill and he is taking this one seriously. You were not sure what you expected of the Harkonnen's fighting style but Feyd-Rautha was vicious but precise. The crowd gasps when the prisoner disarms one of the na-Baron's knives. The warrior manages to get a grip on Feyd-Rautha's armed hand and aims to pierce the na-Baron's neck with his blade. The na-Baron struggled against his hold and the arid air was thick with anticipation.
You were unsure what outcome you desired as you stared through your spyglass. Perhaps this warrior kills your betrothed. What then? Would you really be able to go back to Caladan's windy cliffs again? Return to the arms of your mother as if it were all a bad dream? You wonder if when Feyd-Rautha becomes baron, and you his baroness, could you convince him to let you see your family.
The warrior's blade was dangerously close to your future husband's throat when one of the picadors lashes at the warrior. The na-Baron growls at the offending picador as the warrior is weakened. Feyd-Rautha pushes him off and allows him a moment to recover, taunting him to try again. Blades clash once more and after a sequence of quick ferocious movements, Feyd-Rautha's blade slashes the warrior's throat. Blood made black by the infrared of the sun splatters onto the na-Baron. He licks the darkness that landed on his lips. Heaving, he takes your bloodied handkerchief off his armband and raises it to you and the roaring crowd.
You did not even realize you were already standing, breathless at the sight.
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Taglist: @torchbearerkyle @austinswhitewolf @dreamlandcreations @emeraldsgirl @strawberryfieldsforevermore
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392 notes · View notes
scribblesofagoonerr · 28 days
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— found family | inner demons prologue
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pairings: leah williamson x teen reader
summary: reader discovers that family isn't always blood
This is a sort of prologue to inner demons, some background of readers' life in the early years when she transferred to the club.
Also, this is rewrite as I wasn't happy with the original that I posted.
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There's always been tell-tail signs that you should've recognised, all throughout the past several years and yet you will still so obviously blind to it all.
It wasn't easy to come to terms with things, but the realisation of it all didn't sit right at all, and in turn you weren't exactly sure how to cope with it all.
It was clear as day for everyone else around to see, your mother was a complete narcissist, she was manipulative and gaslighting. It was something that she had been doing your whole entire life, always making you out to be the bad day in every situation and acting like she was the victim.
How were you so obliviously blind to see that?
You guess your niave self choice to always refuse to believe it, it was the easiest option to just do that.
Looking back to the last several years, your childhood was full of moments like it, but of course you had always thought that your upbringing was completely terrible, it could have been a worse situation.
Growing up, it was only ever the 2 of you, you and your mum. Your parents split up when you were little, the seperation was messy and ever since that day, you'd always been to blame for the reason that it never worked out.
You had always wondered how exactly could it be your fault? You were 3 years old when your dad walked out, so how could it be like that?
"You were always to much to handle, Y/N. He couldn't cope," Your mum would make the excuse, all of them long nights when you would have your tiny arms wrapped around her and sob your little heart out when you asked where he was.
"I'm here, you've got me. You've only ever got me," Her words were imbeded in your head from the day that you'd decided to try and have an open conversation about the possibility of finding your dad, "Why go and find him? Haven't I been good enough. I'm the one that's looked after you for all of these years, and yet this is the thanks that I get in return!?"
It was always something like that, a way to guilt trip you and you always ended up feeling for it.
Her manipulation was completely toxic, of course you didn't realise it until later on in life.
Eventually, you just choice to accept that for the reason that you had such an estranged relationship with your dad.
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"Aren't you happy for me? I made it, mum!" You exclaim, you were so happy enough to share the news with her, but you were left so dumbfounded by her response which left you feeling shame and judgement for even wanting to tell her.
The harsh statement of this current conversation with the older women is leaving a bitter taste in your mouth and make you question every single thing in life.
"Yes, you have made it Y/N, but you know, you only have me to thank for that now, don't you?" Your mum once again found a wa to make it about herself, regardless of the situation.
It was always and only ever about herself, no matter what type of news you wanted to share with her. Why was so selfish to not care about you?
"I'm sure that you can find some way to thank me though," You listen to your mum continue to talk and you resist the urge to scoff, "After all of these years and the amount of money I have spent on football boots for you, you'd be nowhere if it wasn't for me and I think you owe me now, don't you?"
Her words stun you and there's a lot of emotions that are building up inside of you. Ultimately you feel confused, how can she manage to twist this to make it all about herself, but of course shes' quick enough to make an excuse to end the call when she grows bored of talking to you.
You should know better, every single phone call has the same pattern to end the same way and you always leave with a pang of guilt for making a life for yourself.
It turns out that this phone call was no different either.
You are so excited to spill the news of making it into the senior squad of the national team, however the excitement soon fades and now you're replaced by mixed feelings of confusion, anger and upset instead. You fight to hold back the tears during the initial phone call but now its' over, you feel on the verge of a breakdown.
You feel like your news is a big deal, you've only been a part of the arsenal women's first team for shy of a year but it feels like such a massive achievement to be selected to represent your country and straightaway, the first person you thought-- you wanted to call was your mum. You thought she was going to be so pleased for you, so excited about it but you can't be further away from the truth.
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The conversation happened a week ago, yet you still couldn't let it escape your mind.
Ever since the phone call, you had tried to distance yourself from her but even that hurt to do. The women was the only blood related family member that you had, it had only ever been the two of you, sticking together through thick and thin.
"You seem quiet tonight," Your guardian and fellow team member, Leah, perches on the arm of the sofa as she looks at you in concern, "I'm about to start cookin' tea soon. How do you feel about chicken nuggets and smiley faces?" She wonders.
"That sounds good to me," You shrug your shoulders and glumly stare staight ahead at the wall in front of you, the TV is playing but you barely even pay attention to whatever it is that's playing.
Its' been a long day with training ahead of a crucial game in the season, but all you can think about right now is the conversation you had with your mum a week ago previously on a constant loop in your head.
You still can't help but think about the conversation; The bitterness, the manipulation, every single time you thought about it, it made you think of every single time that something else happened like this throughout the years.
Maybe your childhood wasn't as great as you really thought it was?
"Okay," Leah nods and smiles in agreement but she doesn't move away just yet, "Is there anything that you want to talk about at all, bubs?" You know she's only asking for a bit more insight on your current mood, after returning from her own rehab session to find you shut away in your bedroom, the entire shift in mood was concerning to her.
The usual car rides over the past week had been quiet instead of the raised music level and sarcastic comments that the blonde was used to, replaced instead by the quiet, dull mood with you slumped against the car door and staring out of the window.
Leah definitely knew there was something wrong with you.
"Nope, I'm fine," You stand firm on your reply, shaking your head and keeping your eyes glued on the TV screen, choosing to look anywhere other than at the blonde, who would be able to see right through you in seconds.
"Are you sure?" Leah questions, furrowing her eyebrows in concern as she could see the tears welling up in your eyes, "Bubs, what's the matter? You look like you're gonna cry," She notes, worriedly.
"I... I'm fine," You mumble, fighting to keep the tears at bay until you can escape to your bedroom and allow yourself to be vulnerable when you're alone.
You always feel complete shame to show any sort of vulnerability in front of anyone, let alone the blonde defender who has taken you under her wing ever since you joined during the transfer window of 2022.
Crying only shows signs of weakness, you refuse to be seen as weak.
"Okay," Leah exhales a sigh and taps your knee gently, deciding to drop the subject when she realises you aren't be open and talk about things, "Its' okay if you don't want to talk about it, but just remember that I'm always here to listen, alright? Anytime that you want to talk, I'm here,"
Unforuntately, you are too stubborn to not give in and blurt everything out there and then to her. You feel like you still need time to wrap your head around the idea and see things for how they really are now.
"Uh huh. Thanks," You murmer in repsonse, getting up from the sofa and shuffling away to the confined space where you can be alone.
Leah exhales another sigh and shakes her head, heading into the kitchen to make a head start on dinner but she can't help but still be worried about you. Of course the women knew better than to try and get you to talk if you didn't want to though.
The blonde has always been around to witness moments like this and the backlash of it, you hadn't told her outright what was going on but she already had an idea what it was about.
All of your upset stems down to the one person causing you to be like this and she hated it every time you were left upset when you spoke to her.
Every single time you and your mum spoke, you would always become quiet and be in a general bad mood, often resulting in lashing out at people around you as a coping mechanism.
You know that all the arsenal girls have their own opinions on your mother, but they would never voice them out loud to you, because you wouldn't agree with it, but you knew it. They know it wouldn't be fair on you as the youngest member in the squad, even after the countless times they had seen the girl upset by her own mums actions.
You were so grateful for every single of the girls on the team, Leah especially, she'd always been there for you since day one.
Ever since you moved in with Leah, there's been several nights where she would be the one to comfort you and pick up the pieces, waking up in the middle of the night to hear your heartbroken sobs and feel her own heart shatter every single time, wanting nothing more than to take away any sort of pain that you were experiencing.
It was heartbreaking for all of the team to witness and always sought out to comfort you, they knew no matter what they said, it still wouldn't stop you contacting our mum.
Ultimately, it was your own decision to make soon enough when you turn 18 and until then they would be there to pick up the broken pieces when your mum let you down.
It happened time and time again, unfortunately.
You have lashed out way too many times as a result of that.
None of the girls ever took it to heart of course, they were old and wise enough to realise that none of your anger was directly aimed towards them and there was much bigger issues to be dealt with.
They have always vowed to support you, regardless of what happens in the long-run.
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"I... I should've realised sooner," You think to yourself as you lay crumpled up in your bed that following night, its' almost 4 am in the morning, but you were still wide awake with your thoughts spiraling.
You can't help but think about things, replaying every single conversation with your mum that you have had, the numerous times that you've started to talk to her and she's cut you off with her own problems.
Why was it always like this? It wasn't fair.
The first mistake was ignoring her gaslighting this whole time.
The second being that you believed her manipulation for years, always twisting things to make it seem like she was the victim in the different situations - first when you were a child and even now as your nearly an adult.
Why had it taken you so long to finally realise it after all of these years? Why couldn't you have just realised it sooner?
Without much realisation to the current moment, your sobbing aloud with a tight clutch of your pillow. The pent up anger is replaced by sadness and loss, your grieving the loss of a women who you have always seeked the approval off and now you realise you can never have it.
The phone call was the last chance, the reality of it all coming to light.
Every time you have now learned to understand that youwhen speak to her, it's nothing but a vicious cycle of emotional abuse, something you were so oblivious to believe.
As much as you didn't want to believe it, it's true. Its' clear as day of what it is but yet, you still find it hard to believe it.
It's your mum, your flesh and blood, so could she be like that?
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The sound of your sobs were what woke Leah up, she's quick to pad out of her bedroom and push open your bedroom door to find you crumpled up in your bed, "Bubs?" The women stands in the doorway of your bedroom, her heart cracks to see you looking so distraught and vulnerable.
Without any hesistance, the blonde is quick move to be beside you on your bed and envelope you in a warm hug, "Its' okay, its' okay. I'm here now," She's quick to comfort you, she wouldn't ever stop doing that as long as you need her, "Let it all out, I'm right here," She adds.
Leah keeps you in her arms, gently rocking you as she runs her slender fingers through your messy bedhead, "Just let it all out, alright? I'm here, I'm not going anywhere," She reassures you.
As always, she's patient enough to wait for you to calm down before she gives you chance to speak, she won't ever push you to talk if you don't want too.
"L... Le," You cry aloud, clutching onto her tightly. Your breath becomes more shaky as sobs wrack your body, trying to find the words but nothing wants to come out of your mouth right now.
"I'm here, it's okay," Leah repeats in a calming voice, continuing to try and comfort you in the best way that she knows, but she already knows it's going to be a long night ahead of them, or day rather.
An emotional night that will leave you drained tomorrow for sure.
A vicious cycle on a loop, once more.
"Ready to tell me what's going on inside that head of yours now, hm?" The blonde quietly asks with caution, already having a feeling that she knows the answer to that question.
There's a brief pause of silence in the room and the blonde thinks that you wouldn't talk, but regardless of that, she still continues to comfort you and reassure you that she's here and not leaving at all.
To Leahs' surprise though, you do start open up this time though and the words spill out of your mouth without you even thinking about it.
"I... It's my mum," You mumble quietly, making the mistake to speak aloud than think it like you thought you have done, "I... I should've realised. I should have done,"
Leah furrows her eyebrows on confusion, "What should you have realised, bubs?" she questions about what you mean.
Snapping your head in the blondes' direction, you bite your bottom lip and debate whether to be open with your thoughts that you have been trying to buried.
"I should have realised about my mum, she's so... she's so toxic," You admit as you try to fight more tears from spilling, "Why does everything I tell her-- Why does it always get turned back around so its' about her?"
There it is. You've blurted it all out in the open, your feelings were laid out now and there's no more hiding how you feel.
Leah smiles sadly and continues to hold you in her arms, "I... I'm sorry bubs," she speaks honestly.
"So many people, so many people have told me-- They've warned me, you've warned me about her, but I... I never wanted to listen, did I?" You confess, the tears spilling again and you don't care a less if you look like a blubbering mess right now, but you still can't stop the emotions pouring out right now, "And now... now I finally realise how its' always been. Why is she like this, Le?" You question.
"I can't say I know the answer to that one, bubs. I wish I knew," Leah replies, exhaling a sigh as she can't fathem herself how your mother can be like to her you, her own child.
The blonde feels so much for you, your still so young and she always wished that she can make the situation better for you.
"Listen, I know its' hard but you've got us. All of us girls here at arsenal, we're all here for you and you're so loved by all of us," Leah continues to tell you gently, running her slending fingers through your hair.
"I... I just want her to love me, and she just... she doesn't even care about my feelings!" You state, roughly trying to wipe at your tear stained cheeks to the point where you made them red and angry, "Why does she always throw everything back in my face? Everything that I have ever done, she makes it about herself. Always!" You cry.
"I know, I know it hurts... I know that it does," You keep your head buried in the blondes' chest as you hiccup from the sudden breakdown in the middle of the night, "And I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I'm so sorry, because it's not fair on you, bubs," She adds, trying to comfort you in the best way that she can for you.
The whole wave of emotions leave you feeling entirely exhausted in the end, you are trying to fight to keep your eyes open as you lie slumped up against the blonde.
"Come on you, lets' get you back into bed, yeah? I mean you're almost falling asleep on me here, bubs," Leah notes your exhaustion and is concerned for your lack of sleep, trying to get you to crack a smile even as it feels impossible right now, before she gently moves you to lie back in bed.
"M' not tired," You mumble, trying to protest against the idea of sleep.
"I don't think thats' true now, is it?" Leah chuckles, tucking you into bed, "I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this now, bubs, but you know that you have a family here with us. We may not be blood, but we really do love you so much," Before you know it, your eyes are fluttering shut but you don't miss hearing the blondes' words before she presses a gentle kiss against your forehead.
You really had found your family here at arsenal.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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choisanboobenthusiast · 7 months
The Ring
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Pairing: Sub!Hwa x fem reader
Genre: smut MDNI
Word count: 6k
Summary: Seonghwa comes home after a day of schedules in that YSL shirt. After thinking about him all day you finally get to play with him and he wants nothing more than to let you.
If you want a nice audio to go along with this story @sugarnspice630 posted this one and it just fits sooo perfectly I couldn’t resist adding it.
Warnings: extremely sub Hwa, so much nipple play (duh he’s wearing that shirt), oral/fingering (f receiving), toys, ass play (m receiving, the bulk of this fic is ass play, if that’s not your thing don’t read this), overstimulation, dacryphilia, cum eating, slight choking, name calling, praise, slight degradation, begging. If I missed anything please let me know!
a/n: hiiii, it’s been a while! I’ve been working on this for ages 😭 I just didn’t have motivation to write anything for a long while. However, this shirt on Seonghwa made me go absolutely bonkers like I just wanna play with his nips y’know? I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you to @shinestarhwaa for requesting subhwa 🫶🏻 Feedback and reblogs are super appreciated :) (and yes I chose The Ring as the title to be funny bc well… you’ll see)
You had been hanging around the house all day by yourself, trying to keep yourself busy with random tasks, watching your favorite show, playing videos games, even cleaning. You'd gone as far as getting yourself off three separate times but no matter what you did you couldn't distract yourself from all the dirty thoughts you were having about your boyfriend.
You had woken up early with him when his alarm went off even though you had the day off of work. You always liked waking up with him, even if it was at the ass crack of dawn sometimes. It meant you'd get a few snuggles in with him before he had to leave, which you appreciated since he would often be gone literally all day. Today wasn't any different except you cuddled too long, causing him to be a bit behind on getting ready. He showered faster than you'd ever seen him do. Seonghwa was usually the type to take his time as he took his hygiene and self care routine very seriously. But today he just didn't have the time, he had a photoshoot and various other schedules to get to.
It had all started when he came busting out of the bathroom back into your room, clad in nothing but the small beads of water he had failed to dry off of himself. They sparkled against his tan skin under the dim light of your bedside lamp and his wet hair hung messily around his face. It's not like you hadn't seen Seonghwa naked before, of course you had, plenty of times but there was just something about the way he looked in that moment, naked and wet, that made you instantly want him. You couldn't help this was yours bodies response and Seonghwa couldn't help that he didn't have time to do anything about it. No matter how much you whined about it.
You had eyed him up and down as he walked over to the dresser, definitely not staring at his cock as it hung soft in between his legs and certainly not thinking of making him late by putting it in your mouth. Your lingering gaze didn't go unnoticed by Seonghwa as he chuckled, facing away from you while he grabbed his clothing out of the dresser, his cute little ass on display for you. Your panties suddenly soaked at the mere thought of bending him over the dresser so you could play with him. You weren't sure what had come over you so early in the morning, the sun not even up yet, but you were never one to ignore your desires and Seonghwa was never one to deny them.
"Seonghwaaaa." You whined as you crawled to the end of the bed, grabbing his ass playfully as you stood next to him and began to pepper his shoulder with kisses, your other hand playing across his stomach.
"Yesss." He giggled at your actions.
"You can be late can't you?" The hand you'd placed on his stomach flitted up to his chest, your thumb just barely catching one his nipples as your other hand massaged his ass.
"Ughh." He groaned in frustration, his head tilting back slightly. "This is really important, I can't be late today and I'm already running behind- ah!" You had let your hand wander further south to stroke at his slowing hardening cock. He breathed in deeply before catching your wrist in his hand and removing it, apprehensively, from his appendage. "I'm sorry, baby, I really can't."
You groaned but accepted your defeat, telling him it was alright to which he kissed you sweetly on the forehead and promised to make it up to you later when he got home. And it was that promise that had you on the edge of your seat all day.
Finally, after what had felt like an eternity, you heard the front door unlock. You nearly ran from your spot on the couch to meet him, stopping dead in your tracks when you saw him. He had been styled to all hell, but in the best way possible. He wore a pair of dark slacks, his hair straightened and framing his face perfectly. On top he had a blazer that matched the pants, underneath he appeared to be wearing something very sheer, it piqued your interest.
"Wow." You gawked as you strolled closer to him. "What's all this?"
"Got to keep the outfit today." He beamed.
"It's nice." You fiddled with the front of his jacket, trying to take a peak inside as unobviously as possible but he caught on quickly.
"You wanna see the shirt?" He cocked an eyebrow at you. You only nodded, a devious smirk playing on your lips. He laughed lowly, removing his jacket to reveal a long sleeve blouse, completely sheer and extremely see through. Your heart jumped at the sight of him, gosh he really was so beautiful. "Like it?" As if he even needed to ask, you were practically drooling as you eyed his toned torso throughout the fabric, paying close attention to the way it brushed over his nipples whenever he moved.
"Love it." You answered, placing your hands gingerly on his hips before leaning in to kiss him. "You look sexy, baby."
He didn't bother responding, instead lifting his hands to snake them through your hair as he kissed you back. You groaned into his mouth as you pulled your bodies together, your hands finding their way quickly under his shirt to roam over the soft skin of his back. You stayed like this for a little bit, just kissing, hands roaming, tongues sliding together, breath quickening. His pants did nothing to hide his growing erection, every passing second you could feel him growing harder, pressing into you. You had been waiting all day to touch him, to feel him up against you, to play with him how you knew he liked. Now that you finally had him you were becoming restless more quickly than normal.
Still standing in the entryway, you suggested moving things to your bedroom, he was quick to agree. You could hardly keep your hands off each other as you made your way there, stopping every couple of steps just to kiss and touch.
"Been thinking about you all day, Hwa." You said, your hands chasing after his hips as he backed into your bedroom.
"Oh yeah?" He pulled you flush to him, fingers tickling at your collarbones.
"Mhm." You smirked and dipped your hands down to grab at his belt buckle. "You gonna be a good boy for me?" He nodded as you began to undo his pants, smirking at the effect these simple words had on him. "Yeah?" You unzipped his slacks and pushed your hand into them, feeling his hard cock through his underwear. "Gonna let me play with you until I'm satisfied?"
He groaned at the contact. "God, yes." His normally sweet and innocent eyes had turned lustful in an instant, staring down at you with need.
"So hard already, baby." You continued to palm him through his boxers.
"Been thinking about you all day, too." His fingers dug into the skin of your shoulders as his eyes closed. His mouth fell open slightly as you snaked your hand inside his underpants. You grabbed him gently, stroking his length slowly and running your thumb over his leaking tip. "Can I touch you too? Please."
Without a word you retracted your hand and rid yourself of your top, leaving your chest completely bare for him. "You can touch me up here but not anywhere else yet. Got it?"
"Mhmm." He wasted no time, his hands flying to your tits as soon as you gave him permission. He pinched at your nipples, rolling the hardening buds between his fingers while he kissed down your jaw, relishing in the tiny noises he drew from your lips. "So pretty." He mumbled, his lips making their way to your neck.
He continued to massage your breasts as you returned your hand to it's previous position, allowing the other to explore underneath his top. He loved the way you touched him. Loved how your hands felt as they grazed his stomach and flitted up to caress his chest. He was always so sensitive to your touch, his body jolting at the feeling of your fingers on one of his nipples, a tiny whine escaping him. You let your thumb rub slow circles over the bud as he grabbed your face in both his hands, kissing you hard. You kept your ministrations up as his tongue entered your mouth with ease, tasting you like it was his first time.
Still slowly stroking his cock you pinched and pulled at his nipple, earning yourself a string of whines and groans as his head tilted backward. There was nothing prettier than the sounds he made and you couldn't wait to pull more out of him. "Take you clothes off and get on the bed." You instructed, pulling your hands from him. "But leave this pretty little thing on." You fingered the hem of his shirt.
He followed your instructions immediately, taking his pants and underwear off hurriedly before getting on the bed on his back, propping himself up slightly on the pillows. His cock twitched against his stomach, leaking beads of precum onto his skin and shirt as he waited for you to come touch him. He stared at you hungrily, anticipating your next move, the mystery of what you might do sending excitement through him.
Today you weren't going to make him wait, mostly because you were so worked up already yourself. Usually, you'd tease him until he was begging and squirming, which admittedly didn't take all that long. But today you wanted to please him and then make him get you off afterwards, although you knew it wouldn't take anything to convince him. So before joining him on the bed you sauntered over to the closet, grabbing a box from the top shelf. Inside the box was every toy you and Seonghwa owned, save for some things like restraints and lingerie, neither of which were in your plans for the evening. Typically you'd just pick a toy and surprise him but you were feeling generous and wanted to let him choose.
"What do you want today, Hwa?" You asked, peeling the lid from the box and coming to sit beside him.
He looked at you wide eyed, surprised you were asking. "Whatever you want." He answered.
You set the box on the nightstand and touched his thigh gently. "I want you to choose, baby." You smiled, stroking his skin lightly. "Just pick what you want and set it on the bed." You turned your head away, wanting to be surprised.
You felt the bed shift a little underneath you and then heard him sifting through the box before he whispered out a meek "okay."
When you turned back to face him you were surprised to see three toys laid out next to him as opposed to one, which you were expecting. "Aren't we being a little greedy here?" You teased, taking note of the fact that they were all his and none were yours. "These are all for you, what about me?"
He was apologetic immediately. "I-I can put one back or swap one out-"
"Well, we're definitely not doing that." You nearly laughed, closing up the box and placing it on the floor before putting his chosen toys in it's place on the bedside table. "You chose these three things, we're gonna use all three. I guess you'll just have to work extra hard to get me off yourself then, huh?"
"I'll be good, I promise." He sat up, leaning into you, caressing your sides and kissing your shoulder. "Wanna make you cum." His fingers flitted back up to your chest, toying with your nipples once again as you sighed and turned to kiss him.
Before you knew it you were lying on your back, head pressed into the pillows with Seonghwa in between your legs, knuckle deep in your pussy. He had already made you cum once from just his fingers and was now determined to get you off again with his mouth. He loved how you writhed beneath him when he sucked on your clit and pulled at his hair when he curled his fingers inside you just right. You were a wet, sticky mess beneath him, gasping and moaning as your cunt clenched around him repeatedly.
There were few moments were Seonghwa got dominant but with his face pressed in between your thighs he leaned into it quite a bit more, which you never complained about. He'd edge you and overstimulate you until you switched roles again. You'd get this tone in your voice that let him know it was time to stop or give you what you want. And being the good boy that he was, he'd always listen.
"Fuuck." He groaned out, eyes darting upward to look at you, lips still attached to your leaking core. "Taste s'good." You couldn't find it in you to respond, at least not with words. Instead, gripping his hair tighter while grinding against him. While he played the dom part in this position, it was really you who was in control. He knew it, and loved it, wanting nothing more than to be controlled by you. "Fuck yes, baby, fuck my fingers." He was relentlessly pushing his digits in and out of you, an obscene squelching sound filling the air as he licked and sucked on your clit. He felt your walls clenching down on his fingers, watching your eyes roll back. "Gonna cum?"
"Mmm!" You whined, still unable to form a single coherent thought. The only thing on your mind the feeling of Seonghwa's long tongue dipping into your entrance with his fingers, your clit catching on his nose, your whole body seeming to light on fire at the sensation. Seonghwa loved it when you rode his face, wanted to be covered in your slick by the time you were done. You, of course, would grant his wish every time.
As you ground onto him with a tight hold on his hair he groaned lowly into you, the vibration of his voice sending you over the edge. Your body trembled and shook as you came undone, your legs snapping closed around your lover's head as he worked you through your high. As your body went slack he slowed his movements, massaging your thigh with his free hand and peppering kisses along your skin gently. He removed his fingers slowly, rubbing them through your soaked folds a few more times before you gave his hair a harsh tug. He got the message, retracting from your sensitive core completely and lifting his face to stare at you.
With your bare chest heaving, you looked down at him, and what a sight he was. His face glistened with your wetness, smeared across his nose and cheeks, dripped down his chin and with a wide smile and sparkling eyes he licked you off his lips. He sighed out, resting his cheek on your inner thigh, both his arms still hooked around you as he stroked your skin lovingly.
"I did good for you?" He asked.
"So good." You mused, sitting up a bit, your hand still tangled in his dark locks, you pulled him backward. He didn't resist, allowing you to do what you wanted. "Now it's your turn baby boy."
Seonghwa had grabbed three toys, a vibrating cock ring which you planned to put on him right away, and a butt plug and vibrator which you planned to tease him with until he was crying. You made him lie on his back first, sliding the cock ring onto his shaft and placing it just below the head, the vibrating part on the underside where you knew he liked it. He fisted the sheets while you stroked him lazily, not yet turning on the vibrations. His lips trembled as he watched you rub your palm over the head and pump him slowly, little gasps and groans escaping him.
"Feels good?" You questioned, although you already knew the answer.
"Fuck, feels so good." He answered.
"Ready for more?"
"Please." He nodded eagerly.
"Flip over, hands and knees."
He did as you said, switching positions to get on his hands and knees. He knew what was coming of course and his body shook with anticipation. You trailed your hands over his back, massaging him lightly, squeezing his shoulders and neck gently, raking your fingers through his hair. He still wore the shirt he'd come home in, it hung loosely around his shoulders as the hem brushed across the mattress. You let your hands travel down his sides and over his hips before squeezing his plump ass in both your hands, being sure to massage the flesh there too. As you did so he fell forward slightly, now supporting himself on his elbows as his breath quickened.
You grabbed a bottle of lube, dripping some in between his cheeks before coating your index and middle finger in the substance. You carefully rubbed your fingers over his hole, his breath hitching at the contact. You kept a slow pace, prodding your middle finger into his entrance just slightly before removing it to rub over him again. Simultaneously your free hand wandered over his soft skin, squeezing his cock and pinching his nipples, drawing out little whines from him. Any minute now he would start begging you to fill him and fuck him and let him cum. You sunk your middle finger into him completely and he groaned out into the sheets, his fists clenching at the feeling of you moving in and out of him slowly.
"Please, more." There it was. He lifted his head from the pillow it had been shoved into and peered back at you, his big brown eyes pleading as he whimpered for more. "Please, baby."
"Want another finger?" You asked.
"Yes, please." He nodded.
"Since you're being such a good boy."
You complied with his request, slotting your pointer finger in slowly next to your middle finger. He watched you still, mouth agape as you stretched him out, nearly drooling as you pumped you fingers a little faster. He groaned and closed his eyes, giving himself over to the pleasure and burying his face back in the pillows. Eventually your fingers moved quickly in and out of him, your other hand nonstop toying with his nipples. His body was shaking with every thrust of your fingers, moans and whimpers escaping him as you pinched and pulled at his sensitive buds which were now red from being played with. You purposely avoided touching his leaking cock all that much, wanting him as desperate as possible.
"P-please, fuck me." He whined into the pillow, his hips moving involuntarily with the motions of your hand. "Fuck, pleeease."
"You want your toy now, baby?" You slowed your movements, finally dropping your hand down from his chest to stroke at his cock, red and leaking all over the sheets.
"Yes, y-yes, want you to fuck me." He pleaded, voice shaking, taking on a high pitched tone. "P-please, please, I've been so good. Been a good boy. Wanna cum." He babbled on.
"You have been a good boy." You agreed, carefully removing your fingers from him. "My good boy." You grabbed his vibrator from the nightstand, lubing it up generously. It was certainly larger than your two fingers, but you knew he could take it. You rubbed the toy over his hole, prodding his entrance with the tip of it. "You're such a little slut, Seonghwa," He groaned. "Asking me to fuck you with three different toys. Begging me to fill you up."
"Yes, please, f-fill me, please." He was grinding his hips back onto the toy, desperate for it to enter him.
"You love it when I stretch you out? Fuck your tight little hole until you're crying?" You started to push the toy into him at an extremely slow pace.
"Please please please." He begged. "Please, more. Want m- unghh." He moaned as you turned on the vibrations, pushing it in further.
"I love it when you beg me, baby." You reached for his cock again, this time flicking on the cock ring. His whole body shuddered as you did so, causing the toy to slip in further and the most obscene sounds to fall from his lips. You began to slowly move the toy in and out of him, pushing it deeper with each thrust as you pumped his cock in unison. "Doing such a good job." You praised. "Taking it so well, Hwa. Does it feel good?"
"Yes!" He nearly shouted. "F-fuck, it feels so good. Love when you fuck me."
You continued like this for a little while, fucking him harder and faster but not yet letting the toy sink all the way in. You were honestly surprised he hadn't cum yet with the way he was mewling and gasping for air. At the very least you knew he must be close.
"D-deeper." He whimpered. "Need it deeper."
"Oh yeah? My baby boy wants the whole thing?" He nodded eagerly and whined when you gave him what he wanted. With the entire length of the vibrator sheathed inside him you released his cock from your hold and brought your fingers up to curl harshly into his hair. You pulled his face up from where it was in the pillow, his eyes wide as he looked back at you, face flushed, a bit of drool dribbling down his chin. You were no longer moving the toy in and out of him, instead just letting it sit inside him as it buzzed. Nearly every breath he exhaled was accompanied by a broken whimper, his mouth agape as he stared at you with all the admiration in the world. Without warning him you turned the vibrations up, hitting the button twice to put it at it's highest setting.
"Ah!" His breath hitched violently, the muscles in his back and arms tensing. His tanned skin now glistening with a sheen of sweat. "Please keep f-fucking me. Wanna cum. Let me cum please."
"Seonghwa, you can cum whenever you want, my prince."
"Mm-mm." He shook his head. "Don't wanna cum unless you- unless you're fucking me. Need you to fuck me." His voice trembled as he spoke and the way his fingers dug into the pillow told you he was holding back on purpose.
"Fuck, Seonghwa." You groaned at the sight of him, the throbbing in your pussy growing greater by the second. "Just need to have your ass fucked, huh?" You began to do as he asked, moving the toy in and out of him again, your other hand still gripping his hair. "Can't cum unless I play with your little ass? Fuck, look how good you're taking it." You released his hair, smacking his ass hard. He let out a high pitched strangled moan.
"Harder, please." He whined and you complied. Though you weren't sure if he meant fuck him harder or smack his ass harder, you opted to just do both. Going as fast and hard as your tired wrist would allow you to with the toy you slapped his cheeks a few more times, red marks beginning to form immediately. He was shaking now, a near constant stream of whimpers escaping his throat.
"Wanna cum?" You asked, obviously already knowing the answer.
"Yes, yes, yes." He cried.
"Play with your cock then." You demanded.
He did as you said, snaking a hand underneath his torso to stroke himself needily. "Ahhh, I'm g-gonna cum, gonna cum for you."
"Dirty boy. Gonna cum from getting your ass fucked?"
"Yes! Fuuuuck." He was pumping his cock quickly, hips stuttering as he tried to simultaneously fuck into his fist and move his ass back on the toy. "Right there, oh fuck, don't stop!"
"When you cum you're gonna catch it all in your hand, understood?"
"Mmmmf!" He nodded.
"That's my good boy."
With your praise he fell apart, his other hand coming down to catch his release as his entire body shook. His voice cracked as he moaned, his eyes squeezed shut and mouth agape as he rode out his high.
"Good fucking boy, cumming so much for me." You continued to praise him as he shot his load into his hand. "Make sure you don't drop any or you'll be in trouble."
Once the trembling in his his legs died down you removed the vibrator carefully, setting it aside before turning off his cock ring. Seonghwa stayed in his position, face down, ass up, chest heaving, tiny sounds still managing to be heard from him.
"On your back now." You helped him turn over, gazing at his fucked out face. Strands of his hair stuck to his forehead, his cheeks flushed red and he glistened with sweat everywhere. "Use your cum as lube, I'm gonna ride you." You instructed, grabbing his butt plug off the nightstand. "And get this nice and wet for me." You presented it to him and he followed your directions, lubing himself up with his own release, gasping and whining at the feeling of overstimulating his softening cock. He then reached his hand out to rub it around the butt plug and without having to be asked shifted the cock ring to rest at the base of his shaft instead of the head. "You're being so good for me, baby." You cooed, rubbing the flesh of his thighs gently. "Now show me your little ass. You want it plugged up don't you?"
He nodded fervently. Hooking his hands behind his knees, not seeming to care one bit that one of them was fully covered in his arousal, he pulled them towards his chest, displaying himself for you just as you'd asked. His cock twitched against his stomach as he stared down at you In between his legs, rubbing the plug over his abused hole. He was fully hard again almost immediately, throwing his head back with his eyebrows threaded together as you pushed the plug past his rim. He squeaked when the plug settled fully in his asshole and you ran your hands along his legs, admiring him spread out before you.
"So pretty, Hwa." You complimented, pulling his legs back down onto the mattress and straddling him. "My gorgeous boy." You slotted your wet pussy right over his dick, grinding yourself over him, leaning forward to kiss him. His hands grabbed at your ass, encouraging you to continue to move. A bit of the cum that was still left on his hand now transferred to your skin but you didn't care, you'd both need a shower after this anyways. "This shirt looks so good on you, baby." You sat up a bit to trace his collarbones and shoulders through the sheer material before bringing your fingers down to his nipples, circling your thumbs over them gently. His breath caught in his throat, his body jumping slightly. "Awe, my baby's so sensitive." You pushed his shirt up, bending down to attach your mouth to one of his nipples, circling your tongue around it and nipping at it carefully with your teeth as you continued to pinch and pull at the other. This earned you a series of whines and his hands in your hair.
"Fuck. Please, wanna be inside you." He breathed.
"Oh yeah?" You pulled away from his chest and his own hands found their way to your breasts, giving you the same treatment he'd just received. You sighed out and closed your eyes. "Want you inside me too, Hwa."
You reached down and turned the vibrations back on his cock ring, causing him to jolt at the sensation. You pumped his hard cock a few times, sliding the tip through your folds and over your clit, both of you moaning. You lined him up with your entrance, slowly sinking down onto his length, the cock ring coming in contact with your clit as he bottomed out. You planted your hands on his chest as he grabbed at your hips, looking up at you with stars in his eyes, eyebrows pinching, mouth agape.
"Fuck baby, your pussy feels so good." His fingers dug into your flesh as you began to move.
Before long you were riding him like your life depended on it, bouncing on his cock quickly. The sound of your wet skin slapping together filled the room, as did both of your obscene moans. You were close to cumming already, the feeling of his fat cock filling you over and over mixed with the vibrations of the cock ring hitting your clit every time you came down on him causing you immense pleasure. Seonghwa didn't look like he was going to last long either, his fucked out expression only worsening with time, tears forming in his eyes, a few escaping. His overly sensitive cock just taking what you gave him. Eventually you collapsed onto his chest, grinding your clit over the cock ring while kissing his neck fervently, nibbling at his earlobe, making sure to whine right in his ear.
"Fuck, you're gonna cum aren't you?" He asked, voice cracking, slapping your ass harshly as you nodded into his shoulder. "Fuck yes, baby, cum on my cock." He encouraged, smacking your ass again. "Gonna cum with you. Gonna fill up your pussy. Can I? Fill up your slutty little cunt?"
“Fuck yes, Seonghwa.” You gripped his hair, feeling the coil within you getting dangerously close to snapping with his words. “Be a good boy, cum inside me. Fuuuck, I love your cock.”
“Please! Please cum!” He shouted suddenly. “S’too much, I can’t.” He let the tears flow freely now, it appeared he had been holding them in. With his arms wrapped around your torso he held your body tightly to his, with his eyes squeezed shut and his little sobs falling right into your ear. “Please, need you to cum. Ican’tIcan’tIcan’t.”
You felt his fingers digging into your back, his body shaking beneath you as he cried. You knew if he truly didn’t want to continue he’d use your safe word. Seonghwa took pleasure in the immense overstimulation and enjoyed crying for you because he knew you liked it when he did. “Yes, you c-can, Seonghwa. Doing so good, baby, just a little more- ohh shit.” You felt your orgasm approaching quickly, the heat in your core building. You wrapped your fingers around his neck, applying some pressure. “Cumming, Hwa, m’cumming! Fill up my pussy, baby.”
Didn’t have to tell him twice, he came immediately as your cunt clenched around him, both of your bodies shaking as you climaxed together. He let a loud, broken sob as he released deep into you. You both rode out your orgasms, panting and whining, Seonghwa still crying. After a minute, both your highs died down and you lied on top of him, sticky skin sticking to his as you released your heavy grip on his throat. He tapped at your back quickly.
“P-please, t-turn it off.” You had almost forgotten about the cock ring buzzing around his length. He sniffled as he spoke, his voice sounding pained. “Please! Turn if off, t-turn it off!”
You almost didn’t, considering keeping it on and fucking him again. But with the way he was crying and shaking you thought he might not be able to handle anymore. So you complied with his request, sitting up just enough to reach in between your sweat covered bodies and turn off the toy.
“There you go, baby.” You cooed, petting his face sweetly. He let out a sigh of relief, a jumble of quiet and tired “thank you’s” falling from his swollen lips. His head slumped to the side as his body calmed down a bit. “My prince looks so pretty when he cries.”
You kissed his jaw gently, swiping some of his tears away. You stayed like that for a little while longer, his cock softening inside you as you continued to stroke his skin softly and pepper him with gentle kisses. You couldn’t bring yourself to part from him yet, wanting to be connected to him forever. His breathing eventually slowed, his crying nearly subsided and he began to run his own fingers along your back. You felt his cum dripping out of you, spilling out down the sides of his shaft. You reached your hand in between your bodies once again, this time to collect some of the sticky substance that was dribbling out of you. You swiped your fingers around his dick and through your folds before bringing them up to his face.
“Open up.” You said softly. “Look at me.”
He obeyed. Opening his mouth and jutting his tongue out slightly while simultaneously opening his watery eyes to look at you. You slid your three fingers along his tongue and he closed his lips around them as you pushed them back into his mouth.
“Mmm.” He groaned around your digits.
“That’s my good boy.” You praised. “Do you taste good?”
He nodded and continued sucking on your fingers, swirling his tongue around them and swallowing down the mixture of both your juices. When you removed your fingers he opened his mouth wide, sticking his tongue out to show you he had swallowed it all. When he closed his mouth he puckered his lips cutely, silently asking you for a kiss. You obliged, pressing your lips sweetly onto his, parting his lips with your tongue. The salty taste of his own cum lingered and you could faintly taste it as you lazily made out. Before long you could feel him hardening inside you once again.
“Getting hard again, Hwa.” You whispered into his ear, placing chaste kisses along his jaw.
“Can’t help it.” He said quietly. “Pussy’s so warm around me.”
“You wanna go again?” You asked, very gently rocking your hips once. He immediately dug his fingers into your side, holding your firmly in place and shaking his head.
“No, can’t.” He almost sounded like he was going to cry again. “Please, can’t go again.”
“Shh, okay, it’s okay.” You pet his hair and carefully lifted yourself off of him. “No more tonight, baby, you did so good for me.” You continued talking to him as you sat beside him and reached down to remove the cock ring, trying your best to distract him from the feeling. “You wanna take a bath?” You began to pull the ring up his shaft slowly and his hands fisted into the sheets. He nodded, squeezing his eyes closed. “Okay, good. We’ll get you all cleaned up.” You wiggled the ring over the head of his cock, which was now bright red and overly sensitive. He sucked in sharply, a tiny squeak leaving the back of his throat as you the ring brushed over his sensitive tip. “Good job, honey.” You set the cock ring to the side and rubbed his arms lovingly. “You okay?”
He released the sheets from his tight grip and placed both his hands on your thighs, a tired smile spreading across his lips as he stared up at you. “I’m okay, my love. You take such good care of me.”
You placed a hand on his cheek and he nuzzled his face into your palm, giving you a kiss there. “Let’s get you into that bath then.” You leant down and kissed him. “Wanna cuddle.”
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corioswife · 5 months
first post 🎀 nsfw 18+ skip if uncomfortable !!
Early President!Coriolanus Snow x Fem!Reader
please check out my newest coriolanus fic here, then enjoy reading!
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Coriolanus Snow, the infamous President of Panem, found himself alone in the Capitol's vast library. The dim lighting cast an ethereal glow over his surroundings, adding an air of intimacy to the usually austere environment.
" I shouldn't be here " he mused aloud, his deep voice echoing through the shelves. Yet here he was, unable to shake off the thought of you - the woman who had captured his heart and mind like no other.
You were unlike any other woman Coriolanus had met - fierce and fearless, with a wit as sharp as your tongue. Your laughter was contagious, and your eyes held a sparkle that set him on fire every time they met.
As he paced through the aisles, his hands clenched into fists at his sides, fighting against the desire coursing through him. He couldn't deny it any longer; he needed you, craved you, wanted nothing more than to feel your body pressed against his.
With a growl of frustration, President Snow made his way towards the secluded section of the library where he knew you often retreated during your visits to the Capitol. The scent of your favorite lavender-scented candles wafted through the air, guiding him towards you.
" You " he breathed out, his heart hammering against his chest as he finally laid eyes on you. You were curled up on a plush armchair, lost in a book, unaware of his presence.
Coriolanus slowly approached, stepping closer to you until he was directly in front of you. Without breaking your gaze, he extended his hand invitingly, his voice low and seductive. " May I? " May I join you? " You glance up at him, a small smile tugging at your lips. Despite the political tension between you, there's an undeniable spark between you two that refuses to be ignored
" Of course " you replied, setting your book aside on the table next to you. As you shifted slightly, your skirt hitched up just enough to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of lace-trimmed black lingerie beneath.
Coriolanus couldn't resist reaching out to touch you, running his fingers lightly down your arm. " You look so radiant " he murmured, his voice thick with desire.
" President Snow " you purred, leaning into his touch. Your eyes locked onto his, a silent invitation passing between you.
The tension between you two was palpable as Coriolanus stepped closer, his body brushing against yours. His hand trailed up your thigh, tracing the delicate lace of your undergarment. " I've been thinking about this moment for far too long "
You breathed out softly, your heart racing as his fingers teased against your sensitive skin. " And what have you been thinking? " you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Coriolanus' lips curved into a devilish grin as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against your neck. " I've been thinking about what it would be like to taste you " he whispered, his fingers tracing patterns on your inner thigh.
Your heart raced as his fingers skimmed ever closer to your core. " Coriolanus " you gasped out, your body shivering in anticipation. " Yes? " He paused, his fingertips lingering on the edge of your undergarment.
With one final, teasing swipe, he pushed aside the lace and exposed you to his touch. His warm breath fanned across your sensitive folds, sending shivers down your spine. " I want to taste you " he confirmed, his voice low and husky.
" Then taste " you breathed out, arching your hips up towards him. His tongue darted out and licked gently against you, teasing and exploring every inch of your sensitive skin.
You moaned softly, your body trembling with anticipation. You wanted more, needed more, as his tongue danced across your sensitive skin. " More " you whispered, your voice barely more than a breath.
With a groan of desire, Coriolanus plunged deeper into the wet heat between your legs. His tongue delved inside you, exploring every curve and tight spot with precision.
You cried out, gasping as his tongue flicked against your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your hips began to rock rhythmically against his mouth, seeking more of the exquisite pleasure he was giving you.
Encouraged by your reactions, Coriolanus pushed further inside you, his tongue working in tandem with his fingers to fill you completely. He moaned around you, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine.
You whimpered, lost in the sensation of his fingers and tongue working in tandem inside you. Your entire being seemed to focus on the exquisite pleasure coursing through you.
" Coriolanus " you cried out, your voice breaking. You could feel the approaching climax building deep within you, threatening to break free.
" Let go " he growled against your skin, his fingers digging into your hips as he held you still for his pleasure. You did as he commanded, your body shuddering as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over you.
" Coriolanus " you moaned, your voice still weak with pleasure. You felt him grow hard against your leg, and you knew what he wanted. " Yes " you breathed as he finally gave into his desire, sliding slowly into you. " Yes "
" Fuck " he groaned, his hips bucking forward as he buried himself inside you. You arched your back, meeting his every thrust with equal passion. " So Good " he murmured, his hands gripping your hips tightly.
You moaned in agreement, your body trembling under the onslaught of sensations. You could feel him growing larger inside you, stretching you to new depths. " Harder " you begged, needing more of his strength to drive you over the edge once more.
With a growl, he complied, his powerful strokes claiming your body as his own. The bed beneath you creaked under the force of their lovemaking. Your cries of pleasure echoed through the room, fueling his lust even further.
Coriolanus's fingers dug deeper into your skin, leaving trails of pleasure-pain as he found your sweet spot again and again. Your body felt like it was on fire, consumed by desire for him.
" I want to feel you come apart again " he groaned against your ear, his thrusts erratic with need. Your core clenched around his length, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. Your back arched in pleasure, your cries echoing through the room.
With one last, powerful thrust, Coriolanus slammed into you, filling you up completely. Your entire body shuddered with the force of your orgasm, clenching around him with unending pleasure.
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prettygirl-gabi · 1 year
Rainy Streams
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Rating: General Audiences
Warning:Fluffy fluff, even more fluff
Fandom: Vinnie hacker (streamer,  tiktoker)
Relationships: !boyfriend Vinnie x !f reader
Summary: You and Vinnie do a late night 24 hour stream
Vinnie has become a household name in the online world, especially with the teen girls and gamers. However, what many people don't know is that behind his charismatic persona lies a soft-hearted and affectionate person who loves nothing more than spending time with you, his girlfriend.
One rainy night, you and Vinnie were cuddled up on the couch in the cozy apartment watching your all time favorite anime. As you snuggled closer together under a warm blanket, Vinnie turned his head to rest on yours and said, "I have an idea. How about we do a 24-hour stream together?"
You looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure? That's going to be a lot of work, plus its like 3 am right now."
Vinnie grinned mischievously. "Come on Y/n, it'll be fun! We can play games, chat with the fans, and just hang out all night long. Please baby."
You couldn't resist Vinnie's infectious enthusiasm and agreed to the idea. You and Hera watched as Vinnie quickly set up the equipment and started streaming.
"Hey guys I wanted to do a 24-hour stream at 3 am how smart of me right, but I'm gonna have help form my lovely girl to keep me up with you all!" Vinnies stated as he pulled you onto his lap.
As the hours ticked by, you and Vinnie played games together while chatting with the fans who had tuned in from all over the world. The rain continued to pour outside as you laughed and joked around like old friends with chat. The both of you kept taking turns plaing a few rounds with some of the fans from chat just to keep this interesting.
At one point during the stream, You leaned on head on Vinnie's shoulder with Hera in your arms as he wrapped his arm around your waist. "I'm so glad we're doing this," he whispered.
"Me too," you replied softly as you kissed his neck without squashing Hera.
You were about 12 hours into the stream
As the both of you played game after game. Exhausted but happy from how early you both decide to start streaming together, you both had ended up in the pull out bed from the couch in each other's arms.
But the stream was still going and you could tell that some of the fans we just rolling in or just lurking the stream.
"That was the most amazing sleep ever," you said with a yawn.
Vinnie smiled sleepily at you as he rubbed his eyes."Yeah, it was. But you know what's even better?"
"What?" You asked while yawning once again.
Vinnie leaned in and kissed you gently on the lips. "Spending time with you."
The cause you to blush and snuggle closer to him. "I love you," you whispered.
"I love you too," Vinnie replied as they took turns keeping the stream interesting while they each got ready and freshend to finish out the stream.
"So Vinnie they said we should cook dinner to end the stream, watcha think." You asked us you look up with the most purest doe eyes ever. "Yeah, yeah let's do it."
Buy the time the both of you were done the kitchen was a mess, the food had long been devoured and stream was ticking closer to the 24 hour mark.
"Alright chat, we're done with our food and it's almost 3 am. I just wanna say thanks for watching and staying the whole stream, and also if we don't post for two days we're sleeping." You chuckled at his statement but nod in agreement.
"Yeah even though we took at 4 hour nap it didn't help much, but we will do another 24-hour stream in a few weeks and we shall be better prepared." You stated as you yawned once more for the 10th time
"Yes but for now everyone, everywhere, I hope you all have a good morning, day, or night, we shall be going to sleep now."
After you both said your final farewells you both crashed and you crashed hard. "Sleep well baby, you deserve it." You said in a low tone as you drift into a deep sleep.
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Mondstadt Girls and an Inazuman Deserter!Reader - Amber, Rosaria & Eula x Male!Reader
A/N: A bit specific to be sure, but I hope it's still entertaining! C/W: Some mentions of frontline hardships and horrors.
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There weren't any early warning signs to what was about to befall Inazuma. 
It was as if the Almighty Shogun, so beloved by her people, one day decided to pay her subjects back by trampling on their ambitions. And so Inazumans were forced to, willingly or less so, give up their Visions. Not all went smoothly, however. An obvious backlash was what Narukami’s outrageous demand to hand over Watatsumi’s Visions had been met with, escalating into an invasion in a matter of days. 
At first, the small but professional army of your homeland managed to strike at Watatsumi's unprepared shores, but excited news reports of rapid progress soon died down. Watatsumi's resistance was ferocious, which in tandem with the enlistment of every Vision Bearer in the small state forced the shogunate’s troops back. Not only did they defend their home island, but also succeeded in taking the fight to the bordering Yashiori Island. Unofficial channels reported mounting losses, and with mounting losses came the dreaded mobilization. 
The recruiters and state officials chanted the word “defend!” at anyone who would listen. But what ethical merit had it when you were the aggressors? 
As a male in his prime years, you were one of the first to get drafted when things got rough for the Shogunate. The punishment for evading this duty was harsh - multiple years of prison and unavoidable social ostracism was what awaited you if you were to refuse the God of Thunder's call. With only 24 hours to pack, you took only the necessary items and said your goodbyes for what could very well be your final time. You were off to the frontlines, fighting a war you never asked for and had no business supporting. 
What awaited you was hell. 
With the competent commanders either dead, wounded or having deserted altogether, the military was condemned to fight under inexperienced and cowardly commanders. Soon the “meat assaults”, as your comrades called them, would become the staple of military tactics. There was scarce food, scarce medical assistance, intelligence, scouting, ammunition and everything necessary to fight, and your comrades were melting before your eyes. No friendship lasted - sooner or later a “category second load” was all that you were left with. Bodies were everywhere, rotting under artillery fire in the trenches, on the fields, beaches and forests with nobody to collect them, let alone give them a burial. You lived among them, getting weaker and sicker with each day. The stench was overpowering, barring you from keeping anything in your stomach - not that you had anything to eat but dry crackers and cat soup anyway. The wounded lay scattered among your unit, slowly bleeding out and succumbing to their injuries with few chances of being rescued and tended to. With the losses mounting, you soon came to regret your skill at avoiding suicidal assaults. You were surrounded with homeless and criminals forced into uniform. With the latter came prison discipline as rank integrity and morale decayed. You found your “comrades” to change from fellow citizens to murderers, rapists, robbers, smugglers, bandits - criminals both petty and serious. Humiliations, beatings, lynchings and animalisation became an integral part of your daily life as you found yourself amongst them. Until you couldn't take it anymore. 
You fled. You deserted your post, cast your weapon into the sea, burned your uniform and spent all your savings on bribing locals to smuggle you back to Ritou where you took off with the Krux towards the mainland. 
Whatever you faced there would be a far better life than one of chaos and decay on the frontlines. 
You survived, yes. You made it through hell with your life, but it didn't mean you were proud of it. In the eyes of your people, you have become a coward, a traitor and an unworthy man. Would others share their outlook?
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Your first encounter with a certain Outrider wasn't long after you've got yourself a job. As an equipment technician for the Knights of Favonius, you were charged with keeping her and the others’ weapons and armor in top condition. 
Amber made quite the impression on you when she came crashing through the balcony and into the workshop, scattering tools, weapons and outfits across the entire room. She knocked over a candle while bashfully apologizing, setting some fabric on fire. Despite the rough landing, the mess and the arson, her genuine smile and bright disposition sparked a true wildfire in your heart, one she - as you would come to know - shared. 
All was well for a few months. Amber didn't take interest in politics, placing the war outside of her attention. She did once mention it, but stopped at simply wishing your family safety. She didn't pay much attention to your scars - she had many of her own from the various accidents she had and adventures she regularly embarked on. You having some too didn't really strike her as unusual. 
What Amber did notice was your attitude towards certain topics. Wherever her service in the Knights or war in general came up, you turned rather pessimistic and dismissive. Phrases akin to “we’ll die anyway” or “we are replaceable” would frequently reach her ears. This, combined with your general dislike towards war-related topics and scarce - if any - sharing of your past in Inazuma gave her more than enough clues. She quickly put two and two together and, preferring to stay genuine, asked you outright. 
After hearing about what got you in Mondstadt, she didn't know what to say. She just sat there, blinking, her mouth slightly agape. In her defense, nothing could have prepared Amber for a story about sleeping amongst rotting corpses or hearing another soldier cry for help for hours until he finally bled out. 
It's no wonder you wanted out. Nobody deserves this treatment for risking their lives for their god. What kind of god Raiden Shogun even is? One who strips her followers of their Visions and sends her soldiers to fight in these conditions, without even bothering to show up and support them? Your desertion, no, your escape is fully justified. If anything you should be proud to have made such a bold decision, risking execution if your despicable superiors were to find out. 
For Amber, hearing you doubt yourself as man was an honest surprise. In a situation as inhuman as that, how could you even consider societal expectations? Only people truly separated from reality would call you a wimp. These people are likely women or those fortunate enough to never experience actual war first hand, so you shouldn't bother about their opinions.
As for herself, well… Amber knows that, as an Outrider, she will be sent to the frontlines should the need arise. But she rests easy, knowing that offensive warfare isn't something very likely to be in Mondstadt’s future. Even if there will be, Amber is sure that it will happen only if absolutely necessary and in good cause. 
Amber: You've been through things that no man should ever experience. You are very brave to have said ‘enough’ and left that hell behind, no matter the risk. Now, my brave warrior, you deserve to rest - I swore to defend every citizen of Mondstadt, including you. If you could, leave the defending to me! I’ll make sure that you won't ever have to fight again! Outrider's promise!
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When you arrived in Mondstadt, you were obviously placed in Rosaria’s sights. Every outlander that takes residence in the city must be investigated, as per her orders. There wasn’t a lot to go off, as she found. You didn’t speak Mondstadtian, only the universal language of Teyvat. Your face was slightly different from the locals, hinting at a South-Eastern origin. You were of a rather sturdier stature, suggesting your previous occupation involved physical tasks. After a few weeks of witnessing absolutely ordinary behavior from you, she just tagged you as a blue collar immigrant and called it a day. 
The war left you hurt, but it did leave you with some skills too. You were in generally fit physical form - after eating up, that is - and more than remembered the training you received back in Inazuma. Being practical, you decided to start with a simple guard job. As it happened, the leader of the nation left his city to embark on a crusade of sorts, leaving the local force - The Knights of Favonius as you came to know them - very short handed. This meant that you were quickly accepted first as a squire and then promoted to a regular knight after a few months of work and some exams. 
Nobody wanted to be on guard duty. Except for you, that is. You were tired of killing, tired of constantly being on alert and risking your neck every second. You were thankful for the opportunity to lean back and pretend to work while still getting the money and the credit for standing in for someone else. And that’s how your life flowed for the most part. 
The first time Rosaria actually spoke to you in person came when she was outside the cathedral for her usual smoke break. Normally she would smoke inside the church, but that day she wasn’t in the mood to put up with the whining of that one young nun who would always make it out as if it was a big issue. When she reached into her pockets, as luck would have it, she couldn’t locate her cigarette pouch. When she started heading home, annoyed, she stumbled upon you, casually smoking in a secluded spot. It was a habit you caught from your comrades - the stress had to be resolved in some way, after all. When Rosaria came up to you and asked for one of your cigarettes, you gladly shared - and that’s how the relationship started. 
The closer you got to each other, the more interested Rosaria became in your past. You never spoke of it, and she could tell it was not the most pleasant of topics for you. She understood that - Rosaria herself disliked talking about her “was”, after all. But she couldn’t stop her curiosity from asking the questions - where did you get all these scars? From monsters? As if a guy like you would succumb to some Hilichurls. 
She would come to learn the truth one Friday night. Both of you had just a little too much to drink, resulting in the alcohol loosening your tongue. You went on and on about what happened to you in Inazuma, and Rosaria managed to remember enough of it to piece together a coherent backstory in the morning.
It was a story like many others she heard throughout her life. A mistreated soldier, fighting for a cause he didn’t support, escaping back to freedom. The recurrence of stories like yours didn’t make it any less tragic, of course. But that’s just it, no? It happened, and there was nothing you could do about it anymore. It was fate’s dark design, and no matter how much you would try, you couldn’t change it. The right course of action was to make peace with the past and move on. 
Much to her surprise, however, you didn’t seem to take the reasonable route this time. Your choice of desertion seemed to weigh you down. You were frequently referring to yourself as a traitor and a coward, both of which Rosaria would find amusing. Because you were neither. 
Rosaria: “Ah, really now? This “coward” you speak of somehow had the courage to go against the will of his god, just as this “traitor” saw the so-called conquest for what it was - a civil war. You refused to accept tyranny, you refused being treated by your god as some nameless cannon fodder. More - not only did you resist and escape with your life, but you also recovered. You rolled your sleeves up and returned to civilian life, determined to regain what was taken away from you. This is a feat no ordinary man is capable of, Y/N.”
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After an entire year in hell, there was no chance you would be willing to ever find yourself near a weapon anymore. Not professionally at least. You needed a job to keep yourself afloat, and you decided that the simpler, the better. You decided to do as many have - you took a loan and started your bakery. 
It was a difficult task at first, but you managed to get a foothold, and it was fairly simple from then on. Was it monotonous? Sure, but that’s what you signed up for. You decided that routine would do you good. 
During your uneventful but still busy days, you would turn your attention towards the streets and the people that walked them. One particular, blue haired woman caught your attention. She was clearly a member of the Knights, but unlike the others she wasn’t very popular among the people of Mondstadt, so much so that other shopkeepers oftentimes refused to sell her any of their wares. Was she a criminal of some sort? An outcast? You asked your fellow store owner for a reason, and it absolutely baffled you. 
It turned out she was Eula Lawrence, a woman from a tyrannical clan that once ruled the city. When you asked a few knights that did their shopping at your store about what kind of a person she was, your suspicions turned out to be true. She has been hurt by her family name and her somewhat distant attitude, on top of her way of speaking of course. 
When she came to you the first time, she asked if you also didn’t want her to visit your shop. Her face betrayed genuine surprise as you handed her a loaf of fresh bread, but she was even more suspicious when you refused to take her money. There was something very unusual about your attitude, so starkly different from how others treated her. 
Nonetheless, she accepted the gift. She accepted it the second time. And the third. And the fourth, and the fifth and over and over and over again. The profit decrease of a few loaves of bread was negligible, but Eula still insisted on paying for her food after being given so much. You still gave her a discount, though. 
Over time you started getting along better and better. You started looking out for her in more ways as well, getting her medication when she was sick or getting her back to the Knights of Favonious barracks when she went overboard with alcohol. It was a bad habit, and you tried distracting her from her worries with offers to go out, even if she wanted to drink - at least she wouldn’t drink alone. 
This quality time brought you closer, progressing up to the point of you inviting her to live in the same home. Eula obviously welcomed the chance to take her living conditions up a notch, as the barracks weren’t really a nice place to live in. You were overjoyed at her accepting the proposal, but anxiety lingered in your mind - how long would it be before she found out? And what would happen when she did? Eula was a woman of honor, a proud soldier with a well developed moral code and the determination to stick to it. How would she look at you when she found out you were nothing but a pathetic deserter? 
Unbeknownst to you, the Spindrift Knight has long since figured that something is up with you. No ordinary baker would have a body so rugged as yours, and you seemed aware of the fact - whenever she invited you for her ice baths, you would politely decline. On hot days you still wore a more revealing shirt, letting her see and examine your scars discreetly. She had seen many of such marks before, she herself had many, and it was easy to guess that they were man made. Your habits also supported her suspicions - she found a dagger under your pillow and a dusty spear in your closet, though she never saw you use either. 
One day, Eula decided enough was enough - if she were to love you with all the honesty of her heart, you would have to be genuine as well. She approached you with a stern expression and a single demand - “spar with me”. You accepted, being uncertain at first but later relaxing and giving it your all. You thought that a woman such as her wouldn’t be impressed with weakness, and so you called on all your experience and knowledge. What you didn’t realize was that Eula kept a close eye on you and concluded that you had to have any sort of military training to fight like you do. You still lost the fight though. The captain called you out and, not wanting to keep pretending anymore, you told her everything. 
Eula was, above all, pleased that you were able to be honest with her (and that she figured everything out correctly, of course). Admitting to such a decision required bravery, just as escaping the horrid conditions you were fighting in. Facing the risks involved with avoiding detection and sailing to a whole new nation, filled with foreign designs and speaking in a foreign language was a true testament to your courage. 
Second, far stronger, came the disgust. How could any soldier be treated as deplorably as the men of Inazuma were? No food, no water, no supplies and no help are the rewards for putting your lives on the line and taking the lives of others? Just the thought makes Eula’s teeth grit to this very day. To think that all these neglected aspects of planning might as well have killed you…
She didn’t need time to consider if she loved you now that she knew of your past. You were still the man that gave her bread that one day, still the man that faced monsters with her, side by side, still the patient and caring man that touched her heart. If anything, knowing of the extent of your bravery and determination only made her admire you more.
Eula: “The right to live isn’t something exclusive to women, children and the elderly, you know. Every man has the same right to not die in a war as a woman. Not only those that volunteered deserve respect - any soul that carried the burden of war deserves acknowledgment for their bravery. What you had been forced into was not war - it was a crime. And for that I will have vengeance on that god of yours, I swear it.
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Thanks for reading!
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cottonlemonade · 4 months
Actions Have Consequences
word count: 729 || avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Daichi x chubby!Reader
genre: smut, established relationship
warnings: mdni, nsfw
synopsis: Daichi is having a day at work and you’re not helping
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He had spent the day running after the new recruits, trying to get them to behave and properly put away their gear, but they didn't take anything seriously and so most of the morning and afternoon was filled with face palms, exasperated sighs and desperate wishes for a quick end to his suffering.
So, to cheer him up, you had sent him uplifting messages throughout, ranging from venting along with him to sweet encouragement to promises of a delicious dinner and a new episode of your favourite show waiting when he came over after work but nothing seemed to really help.
And so, towards the early evening you tried something a little different and sent him a picture. It was innocent enough, you were sitting on your bed, in a cream-colored, silky nightgown you knew he loved, smiling angelically into the camera, showing just enough cleavage that it still could be considered an accident.
He smiled at the photo and told you he missed you.
You then took it a little further. The next picture he got a few minutes later showed you now lying on the bed playing with the strap of the nightgown, still that adorable smile playing on your lips.
He had to swallow when he saw that one, knowing exactly where it would lead and he was not pleased that you were teasing him while he was still dealing with the rookies.
He told you to have patience and to wait for him, promising to make you feel good as soon as he was done.
When Daichi’s phone buzzed in his pocket a third time, he expected you urging him to hurry, maybe even a little neediness, telling him how much you wanted him. What he didn't expect was a picture of his barely dressed girlfriend on her bed, biting her lip with her hand somewhere he very much had forbidden her to go without his permission.
Daichi: You better not be doing what I think you're doing, princess.
You: What if I am?
He felt himself grow harder at the thought of your gorgeous figure in your big bed, enjoying yourself. The silk hugging your delicious curves just right and your hard nipples pushing sinfully against the fabric.
But not without him. Especially not today.
"Are you alright, lieutenant?", one of the rookies asked, looking concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Daichi’s voice was more tense than he would have liked.
Having to leave you on read he tried to resume the training, but was so distracted that he asked a colleague to take over. The rest of his shift he spent at his desk, glad that the wood of the table was disguising his own, counting the minutes until he could leave.
When it was time, Daichi quickly grabbed his jacket and keys and jogged out of the building to his car.
The harsh rap on your door was enough for you to know who it was. You jumped out of bed and purposely slowly made your way to the front door.
You couldn't resist to call out, "Who is it?"
Your boyfriend's low voice came from the other side.
"I swear to god, babygirl, if you don't open up in the next five seconds, you're not gonna walk for a week."
You suppressed a chuckle as you unlocked the door.
He had his hand resting against the frame and a hungry look on his face when he pushed you inside, closing the door with his foot, pressing you up against the opposite wall.
His kisses were rough and sloppy and you could feel the outline of his already hard cock straining against his pants, making you smirk into the kiss.
"You know the rules, princess.", his voice was calm, but he licked his lips as his eyes bored into yours.
"Yes, I do."
His hands cupped your breasts through the thin fabric of your nightgown. You hummed.
"Yes what?", he murmured.
"Yes, sir."
Daichi rarely got like this. Usually when you made love it was sweet and passionate. But every once in a while the stress got to him and he got needy and rough. Impatient.
He dragged his lips across your exposed neck, grinding his thigh between your legs and giving your plump ass a tight squeeze.
When you started to moan, he stopped and looked at you again.
"On your knees, princess."
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fertilize-my-eggs · 22 days
King of decay
New game ch.1
Ch.2 ch.3 A03
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A/N: since everyone pick king shigaraki in the poll, I couldn't resist making this story asap. I was into this idea for the longest. If you guys enjoy this story please let me know. So this is a dark romantic fantasy theme au where it doesn't follow the mha plot but I'll add characters into this story, I'll post this every Friday if this get popular. ( Not this Friday but the next one. ) anyway I hope y'all enjoy this one. MINOR N ANTIS DNI, IT'S 18+ AND YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
New game
—>press start (click)
Choose a player?
—> Player one (click)
Player two
Will you have a love story or not?
—> yes (click)
Select a difficulty
—> legendary (click)
Are you sure you want to continue?
—>yes (click)
Shigaraki's pov
It's the beginning of my life, I lost my family by accidentally killing them with my bare hands. I met a strange man before the incident, I didn't know much until I was cursed with it, I couldn't touch anything and anyone with these hands.
Blood covered my hands as I sob uncontrollably, I ran away from my village to live in the forest alone.
The days went on as my clothes got dirty and I felt cold, I lay on an old tree as a resting spot.
No one in my village helped me, I was truly alone, I curled into a ball and couldn't stop crying.
Until I hear him, the strange man that brought me home as I look up with tears.
“ Are you lost? ” he had a sincere smile as he put a hand on my head and pull me close.
“ don't worry, I'll take care of you young one.”
“ What's your name? ” he looked into my eyes as I stare in silence.
“ tenko shimura..” he has a comfort aura as he smiles softly.
“ tenko… you will be reborn, you don't need your old life from that village. ” I tilt my head in confusion as he pet my hair softly.
“ you will be known as tomura shigaraki as the new~.. come on little one.” and I don't remember much about my childhood but I had everything a kid asked for, a massive bedroom, a feast, so many maids to help me out.
As I grew older into my early adulthood, my old man king Shigaraki made me become a king.
He wished for two things for me, a new heir and to rule the world with a fist.
A new heir?uh I'm not sure about it since I'm cursed with decay. I can't do anything like that but fear of not finding a wife and starting a family is running out of time.
I sit on my throne lazily as my mentor Kurogiri, he was around when Afo brought me into his kingdom when I was a child.
He cleared his throat as he had a princess in line and in hand in marriage as I sighed softly.
None of them catch my attention, they're a bit too rude and entitled little brats that pisses me off.
“ Switch one would you like your highness? ” I roll my eyes as I tilt my head at him then at the women.
“ ehh.. they're not interesting to me. ” Kurogiri bowed his head as he apologized.” I deeply apologize your highness, we'll find more princesses!! ” he politely escorted the women away as they looked neither offended nor annoyed about wasting their time. At least I didn't send them to the dungeon to go rot.
This is wasting my time, I need some fresh air, I told my guards not to worry about me as I'll be taking a long walk.
I head quietly to my master bedroom as I dressed myself in civilian clothes. Baggy black outfit and deep red cloak.
I pull my hood over my long messy white hair as I begin to scroll to the village nearby.
This village is doing a bit better these days, afo was an evil man and so evil that he forced everyone to bow to his knees and give him money. I didn't understand back then how he brainwashed them into thinking he's a good king and made them starve.
I destroyed that man after he was laying in bed after I became king. He didn't say anything, he seemed like he's ready to pass away so I ended his suffering by decaying his face. Putting his ashes into a jar on the shelf never went into his old room afterwards.
I passionately hate him and how he's treating everyone in this kingdom.
I begin to walk into a flea market, looking around as I observe the surroundings.
This village has gotten a lot better, there were people enjoying their own life and gossip as I eavesdropped.
“ Man, that new king seems more intimidating than the last one.”
“ yeah but at least he's a bit helpful by making us have better jobs and- ” I was too distracted by their conversation but I didn't realize a young woman bumped into me, costing me to catch her while she was falling.
My eyes wide in shock, too stunned by what was happening.
You were covered in dirt, covered in rags as you immediately apologized." Oh God!! I'm sorry Mister, I didn't see you coming.” as you're rambling, I wasn't shocked by bumping into you. No no no.. you didn't decay immediately, my hands were on your arms for a second and you didn't get affected by this.
Strange as I thought to myself, could this be my new lover? A person that is immune to this cursed and be alive.
“ it's o-okay.. don't worry about it sweetheart.” I give you a playful wink as I walk away. Who is this woman and I need to make her mine.
Mine and mine only, seeing you blushed even though you had a rough life with dirty old clothes on and hair that hasn't been washed for days.
I couldn't help but find you adorable and remind me a lot like myself when I was young and in the forest once.
I turn my head back as you slowly walk away from people who have jobs selling fruit on the streets.
You definitely peak my interest, I need to follow you.
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nimona-week · 5 months
Nimona Week 2024 FAQ
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What is this?
Nimona Week is a celebration of our favorite shapeshifting sidekick, in both her movie and comic incarnations. We're hoping to encourage new art and fics (of any length!), but we're also happy to see fic recs and art recs of existing fanworks (just remember to reblog/otherwise properly credit the artist!).
When is it?
Nimona Week will take place from Sunday, March 31 to Saturday, April 6, 2024. Those dates were chosen because March 31st is both Trans Day of Visibility and Easter Sunday in 2024, and @zyrafowe-sny couldn't resist a resurrection joke.
That said, it's never "too late" to be inspired or post fanworks. We'll try to reblog tagged posts during actual Nimona Week, so keep that in mind if you decide to post early or late.
Are there prompts?
Yes! There are three to choose from each day and some alternate prompts as well. This post has the final prompts and explains the tagging system. Many thanks to @candyskiez for helping finalize the list.
Are there event graphics?
Yes! @violet-prism-creatively has done amazing work. This post has the prompt list, banners you can use for posts, graphics for fic and art recs, and participant/completionist badges.
What can I make?
You can make or write basically anything: haikus, limericks, 100 word drabbles, ficlets, long fics, traditional art, digital art, gifsets, cosplay, embroidery, etc.
Is there an AO3 Collection?
Yes! The AO3 Collection for new fanworks will open sometime on March 30th (just ahead of Nimona Week). You can add fics directly and can also add bookmarks with links to other kinds of fanworks (Tumblr posts with art, etc).
What about existing fanworks?
You are welcome to recommend existing fanworks that match the prompts, including your own. Those will need to be tagged appropriately, and of course, the artist/writer needs to be properly credited. Click on the links below for more details and graphics.
Guide to Fic Recs | Guide to Art Recs
What if I'm not interpreting a prompt correctly?
We are not policing people's interpretations of the prompts. If a prompt inspires you to create, that's fantastic!
What about Goldenheart/Blackloin?
This event is Nimona-centric, but there will be a Goldenheart-focused event later this year. Fanworks for this event can absolutely include Ballister and Ambrosius (or other characters!) in addition to Nimona, but we want to keep her in the spotlight.
If you are interested in organizing Goldenheart Week, please reach out to @zyrafowe-sny. :)
Are there any other Nimona fandom events?
YES! There's a @nimonabigbang. Sign ups for writers are open through March 1st and sign ups for artists are open through April 1st.
What about...?
Feel free to send an ask if you have additional questions. We will also be updating the FAQ as needed.
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wreckingtickles · 1 month
Stirrups 2 - The Revenge (NSFW)
A short, filthy sequel to Stirrups.
Tagging @wigglywormy and @unnacessary because yes, a sequel was indeed in the works (technically finished before the first story was out).
Too short. Why can't I properly wreck Kiri when it seems like it's the one thing I really want to do?!?! I don't know if I'll ever expand on this, but anyone is welcome to chime in. Give Bakugo ideas. He's probably reading the comments.
Words: 732
"Yeah, now you are. 37 left."
Kirishima's morning had started out great, pulsating hangover headache aside. He'd awakened to a pleasant tingle in his nether regions, the disheveled mess he'd made of Bakugo the night before playing over and over, distorted and enhanced, in his dreams.
Unfortunately, when the urge to palm himself at the threshold of consciousness caught him, he realized that he couldn't move. Bakugo had woken up early and gotten into his hero paraphernalia, tying him spread-eagle to his bed. That pleasant pressure he'd felt? Bakugo pulling down his underwear and securing his fleshlight in place. And he coudldn't even see squat because a blindfold had been placed over his eyes.
Kirishima wasn't even given the chance to say anything before Bakugo began his prolonged siege of his underarms.
Very Bakugo-like. Go for the worst spot right away. No build-up, no quarter. Just make sure he breaks as fast and as hard as possible.
Kirishima was too groggy to put up a fight, too groggy to use hsi Quirk, too groggy to resist. He dissolved into laughter right away, melting under the fingertips that clawed at his armpits with frenzied vigor.
"Yes, fucking there."
"Not my fucking problem. You're laughing, Shitty Hair. You're laughing for a long fucking time."
He was ruthless. It didn't take much effort to have Kirishima burst into incontrollable ticklish laughter, much less when his hollows were under attack, but Bakugo was positively relentless. The closest things Kiri got to a break were Bakugo briefly moving to his feet - in a transparent attempt to have Kirishima's desperate squirming exceed his own from the night before, though this Hammurabi-like retribution wasn't anywhere near as satisfying as he'd hoped - and his ribs, which were only slightly less ticklish than his pits, meaning that the redhead's situation didn't really improve much, though whenever Bakugo would leave his ribcage (why did he have to sleep in his underwear only?!) to plunge into his underarms again, Kirishima felt like he was thrown into a brand new circle of hell.
"Not yet you aren't," retorted Bakugo as he switched on the fleshlight.
But Bakugo robbed him of the ability to form coherent sentences when he began raking at his ribs with a back massager while scribbling his fingers into his left armpit.
Between yesterday's unsettled horniness and Bakugo going scorched earth on his defenses, Kirishima grunted through his laughter and let out a bassy moan mere minutes later, spilling his pleasure into the unfeeling device.
But Bakugo didn't stop. Not at all. "Who said you could enjoy this, Shitty Hair?" he teased as both of his hands were plunged into the sweaty hollows once more, gliding even more effortlessly than before, whcih did NOT mix well with the post-climax sensitivity boost.
"Say that a hundred times, maybe I'll believe you."
And thus Kirishima was forced to apologize through the hysteria, with Bakugo doing everything in his power to make it impossible.
"You have to finish the word, Shitty Hair. Still at 32."
"Why, does it feel like electricity when you're oversensitized and it keeps going? Sucks to be you, uh. And you're hard again?"
Not being able to see made it all even worse, although at least he couldn't see himself drooling, crying, and disheveled. But he would have loved to see Bakugo's expression cycle between single-minded revenge and grinning enjoyment.
"58... 59... 50... 51..."
"Keep going, Shitty Hair. And don't you dare cum before you're done."
He cut it close. He cut it really close. The last notes of mounting arousal had made his last apologies, words disconnected from meaning, deeper, breathier. But he'd done it. 100. And the climax that he couldn't avoid was his reward.
Bakugo kept going through the pleasure – see if he liked it (and he probably did). Then, he stopped. He glared down at Kirishima, eyes fluttering in the afterglow, waiting for the oxygen to reach his brain so he’d be able to hear Bakugo’s next words.
"I said 'maybe', Shitty Hair,” whispered the vengeful blond that knew no moderation, his fingers wiggling less than an inch away from Kirishima’s terribly sensitive hollows. “Die."
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Summary: You never thought it would happen. It wasn't supposed to, but it did. You're on the run from the Empire, pregnant with Crosshair's child. Feelings come to light and you get the chance to live your dream life both with the man you love, and your child's father.
Pairing: Hunter x reader, previous Crosshair x reader
Warnings: Pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, brief discussions of abortion, mentions of a casual relationship, lots of discussion of pregnancy related stuff, lots of feelings, repressed feelings, description of labor but nothing graphic, may cause baby fever, brief mention of PTSD, major AU, kind of a crappy ending.
A/N: This was originally a very early version of how Midnight was gonna play out and I decided to change it and make it it's own story. I was going to post this for Father's Day but I just couldn't get a good feel for it that day and so I'm posting it a few days late. I'd also like to say I've never given birth, I based most of this off of what I learned going through my landlords pregnancy while she still lived with us.
Part 2 here
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It comes out of nowhere. 
The nausea, the uncontrollable vomiting. The smells. You know they don’t smell good. Getting them to shower is like trying to brush a tooka. You had quickly grown accustomed to the sweaty man stench that permeated the air in the ship, only noticing it when it got exceedingly bad. 
Now it’s almost unbearable. 
You groan, pressing your head back into the wall behind you. Every little movement of the ship is sending your stomach rolling, but there’s nothing left in it to puke back up. You’re exhausted, but the thought of sleep is so far from your mind. 
“Are you...alright?” The gentle hand on your shoulder is almost too much. 
Sweet, sweet Hunter always looking out for you. 
“Don’t feel good.” You murmur, your words almost a slur in an attempt to move as little as possible. The last thing you need is to puke again. 
He moves away from you, speaking quietly with someone. You crack your eyes open as the presence returns, this one a little different. You jerk back as a datapad is thrust in your face, your hand weakly batting at Tech’s arm. 
“Body temperature is normal.” He says, moving the datapad down as he scans your body. “No sign of any respiratory distress either.” He lowers the datapad as you smack his arm again. 
“‘M fine.” You murmur, curling up in a ball. “Nauseous.” 
“Yes, it’s likely just a stomach ailment.” Tech says, moving to stand. “Bacteria related, from either food or contaminated water.” 
“But we eat the same food.” Wrecker says, listening in on the conversation. 
“Yes, but we were designed to be resistant to most common illnesses that nat-borns can be ailed with. They pass through us with hardly any symptoms.” Tech says. 
“Lucky you.” You murmur, leaning your head against the wall. It’s cold and feels nice against your skin. 
“She’ll be fine in a day.” Tech says, unconcerned as always. 
You are not fine. 
Your stomach had settled a bit later that day, enough to eat a ration bar and chug some water. You’d gotten some sleep, at least for a few hours. 
Then you’d puked through the landing on Ord Mantell. 
You drag your feet as you follow the guys to Cid’s, exhausted from the constant sickness. You lean against the bar, considering downing a bottle to either knock you out or at least give you an excuse to be puking your guts out. 
“I want you to stay here.” Hunter says, pulling you aside. “No offense, but you’re not exactly in the best shape.” 
You nod. “No complaints. I don’t think I’d want to go anyway.” 
“Omega is staying too.” He says. 
“Oh good. Maybe she can kick some ass at dejarik again.” You jest. 
A smile pulls at Hunter’s mouth. You’re still making jokes which is a good sign. “Keep an eye on her.” 
You wave your hand. “Yeah, yeah. I’m not going anywhere.” 
You slump over towards one of the booths, stretching out on it. 
Your eyes snap open as something hits the table in front of you. You look up blearily, seeing a cup sitting there. “What is that?” You slur, pushing yourself to sit up. 
“Water.” Cid says. “The kid says you need it.” 
“Thanks.” You murmur, shocked she’s not charging you for it. 
“What’s the matter with you anyway, sassy?” Cid asks. 
“Been sick to my stomach the last couple days.” You say, taking a sip of the water. It’s room temperature, likely from the tap, but it’s still water. “Tech said it's probably some bacteria. Something I ate.” 
“You sure you’re not pregnant?” 
You sit up a little straighter, the fog clearing. You stare at Cid, wide eyed. “What?” 
Cid shrugs. “I just figured, cute thing like you cooped up on a ship with a bunch of men...” She begins walking away. “They’re a bunch of fools if they haven’t even tried.” 
They have.
It started because you hated each other. Crosshair pushed your buttons more than anyone you’d ever met. He enjoyed it, pushing you to the point you were seeing red. He rarely ever saw consequences, Hunter stepping in before you could break his teeth or rearrange his face. 
You hated him. He was rude, crass, and downright mean to you for literally no reason other than things that were out of your control. You hadn’t chosen to be added to their squad. In fact, you would have preferred literally anything else. They weren’t unkind, well, most of them weren’t, you just weren’t happy about being cooped up in a far too small space with four, eventually five, men. 
Something shifted after you quite literally saved their asses. The 100% success rate would have been broken had you not been there to save the day. 
That was the first time you and Crosshair fucked. 
He had been seething, more so at his own failure and you having to be the one that saved the day, than anything else. You had wound up pinned to the fresher wall, his hips slamming into yours as his teeth drew blood on your neck and shoulders and his fingers left bruises on your hips. 
It became something after that. 
Hate fucking turned into just fucking which turned into...something. 
You wouldn’t call it love, at least not to him. You’re not sure he’s capable of that much. Lust, perhaps, was a better word. 
You fucked after every mission. Even between missions. You fucked in the fresher, in the bunks, even once in his bunk on Kamino. 
You felt bad for Hunter, but he never complained. 
He’d been the one to hold you while you cried endlessly about Crosshair’s betrayal. When you’d shut down, going through the basic emotions because a switch had been flipped in Crosshair and he’d turned into someone else. Someone who didn’t care. 
You’re still not over it, but at least you can ignore the pain now. 
Or, you thought you could. 
It couldn’t be possible. You both had implants. It was supposed to be impossible. 
It would have been...right before Kaller. 
That only makes it so much worse. 
Your hands are shaking as you make your way down the street. You had left Omega with Cid, not telling her where you were going, but she probably knew. You hadn’t even thought it could be a possibility. The symptoms checked out, though. The nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to stimuli. All the stereotypical signs you knew of. 
You hope to the Maker it’s some sort of bacteria, some foreign parasite slowly eating your insides. 
The clinic isn’t difficult to find. It’s tucked away in a corner, inconspicuous, unless you’re looking for it. You had considered going to the medical center, but you couldn’t trust they wouldn’t report you to the Empire. You had to be on some sort of wanted list now. 
So you had sought out a rather sketchy private clinic, paying upfront. You’re led back into a small room with old medical equipment. You take a seat on the table, anxiously awaiting the doctor’s arrival. 
An older woman steps into the room, giving you a quick once over. You probably look like most of her clientele. Young, desperate, nervous. You tell her why you’re there, the symptoms you’ve been experiencing. She instructs you to lay on the table, doing a quick scan head to toe. You stare at the screen, watching the results pop up. 
“There.” She points at a small dot in your uterus. “There’s a fetus, all right.” 
She zooms in, showing the small, deformed looking thing that could barely be described as human-like. Tears blur your vision for a moment and you hastily blink them back. 
“But...but how? We both have the...the implant.” You ask. 
“Implants are only 99% effective.” She answers. “They work most of the time, but then there’s still that 1%. If the conditions are right, viable pregnancy is still possible.” She studies the scan. “I’d say you’re about 8 weeks in. Still well within the realm of a safe termination, if that’s what you want.” 
You should. You can’t raise a child. Even if circumstances were different, you’re by no means capable of taking care of another human being. But...this is Crosshair’s baby. This may be the only part of him you ever get to see again. Can you really throw him away so easily like this? 
“I...I don’t know.” You whisper, staring at the screen still. 
“Well, I’ll remove your implant while you decide. Keeping it in any longer runs the risk of harm to the fetus. Replacing it will be easy.” You barely feel it, the quick cut and pull and then the cold bacta spray. You’ve gone numb. “Think on it.” She says, patting your shoulder. “Come back if you decide.” 
You walk out of the clinic in a daze. You’re not sure where you’re going, the world around you spinning. You’re pregnant. You’re pregnant with Crosshair’s baby. There’s a baby inside you. You feel like you may be sick. 
You’re not sure where you are. You’ve been wandering. You’re not even sure how long. You’re half dazed and lost. Even if you had been in your right mind, you’re not sure you could have found your way back now. You should stop, you should sit down, find a map, anyone that can point you where to go. 
You can’t stop walking. 
If you stop moving, you’ll have to feel. 
You don’t want to feel. 
You nearly walk straight into someone’s chest, a strong hand grips your arm to keep you standing. Your name is being called, drawing you from your dazed state. You look up, meeting a familiar pair of brown eyes. 
“Echo.” You say, blinking in surprise. 
It must be far later than you thought. 
“I’ve located her.” He says into his comm, looking you over. “She appears unhurt.” He holds you at arm length again, staring down at you. “What could you possibly be doing clear across town?” 
“I’m...what?” You look around. You don’t recognize anything. 
He pulls you slightly closer, looking at your eyes, checking your head. “No head injury that I can see. Cid said you left on an errand. You’ve been gone for hours.” 
“Oh.” Is all you can say. 
“Hunter is not pleased.” 
The words bring tears to your eyes. Of course he’s not. You’re in for a brutal reprimanding when you return. You’re not sure you can handle it. You don’t have much of a choice as Tech all but pulls you along behind him in the streets, leading you back towards the spaceport. 
At least Cid wouldn’t have to bear witness to your reprimanding. 
You’re already in tears by the time you’re climbing the steps to the Marauder, the others already back. Hunter turns on you as soon as you enter, his face stern and eyes practically blazing. 
“What the hell were you thinking?” He snaps, stomping towards you. “Running off alone like that, wandering around the city unprotected. You put all of us at risk being that careless!” 
“Hunter,” Echo warns, taking a step closer to the angry clone, but Hunter ignores him. 
“You can’t keep making these stupid mistakes. What if you had been seen? What if something had happened? You left Omega alone, wandered off somewhere doing what? What was so important that you selfishly put all of us at risk?” 
You can’t help it. You deserve the reprimanding for being so careless, but you still can’t help it. The tears come, flooding down your cheeks and dripping onto the floor of the Marauder. A sob tears from your lips, your body folding in on itself as you cry. 
Hunter and the others blink in surprise. You never cry. Not all the times you’d been injured, not when you watched the regs shoot General Billaba, not when Crosshair had betrayed all of you. You wanted to. You desperately wanted to cry over Crosshair, over losing everything, but you hadn’t. 
Now everything comes out at once. 
“I’m pregnant.” You sob, squeezing your eyes shut, hoping it might stop the tears. It doesn’t. They still keep falling. 
The Marauder is still in stunned silence. Your legs threaten to give out, Tech guiding you into one of the seats. You bury your face in your hands, unable to stop the tears from falling. 
Echo puts a gentle hand on your shoulder, kneeling down next to you. “It’s Crosshair’s, isn’t it?” 
You nod, inhaling shakily. “Eight weeks. Right before Kaller.” 
“But you both have implants.” Echo says. “That should be impossible.” 
“Technically the implants are only 99% effective. Though the chance is small, there’s still a chance of pregnancy even with both parties being protected.” Tech says. “We’ll need to remove the implant if you intend on seeing the pregnancy through.” 
“Are you going to keep it?” Echo asks. 
“I don’t know.” You sigh. “I shouldn’t. I can’t raise a baby in this. It’s too dangerous. The Empire and bounty hunters chasing us, the dangerous missions we’re being sent on. We live on a ship that’s too small for us already, I can’t have a baby in here. I shouldn’t.” 
“But...it’s Crosshair’s.” Echo says, voicing the unspoken.
You curl in on yourself again, wrapping your arms around yourself. You’re not sure you’re ready to let Crosshair go yet. 
“I think you should take some time. Consider your options.” Echo says. 
“We don’t have time.” You croak. “I can’t go on missions like this.” 
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” Hunter finally says. “I think we all need to get some sleep.” 
He at least has the heart to look guilty. 
You can’t sleep. 
You had ensured them you were fine on the floor still, at least for now. You knew you weren’t going to sleep, so the thought of taking one of their spots is too much. You’re not sure what you’re going to do. You don’t want to terminate the pregnancy, but you may not have a choice. You can always leave, go off on your own. You don’t want to, though. The boys are like family now. 
You rise from the floor, heading towards the front of the ship. Hunter is in the cockpit, having stayed up to keep watch. You’re still in the dock on Ord Mantell, and the ship is locked and secured, but still he insisted on staying up. 
You sit in the pilot’s seat, not bothering to announce yourself. He knows. He probably knew you weren’t sleeping. 
It’s quiet between you two for a few moments. You’re both staring out the viewport, refusing to look at each other. 
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier.” He finally says, glancing at you. “I had no idea.” 
“You couldn’t have known.” You say. “Cid was the one that suggested it. When I told her I was sick she immediately asked if I was pregnant. I had to know. I went to some backdoor clinic. Somewhere that wouldn’t ask questions.” 
“Do you want to keep it?” He asks. 
“It’s a baby, Hunter.” You chastise. Over the last few hours, you’d been thinking more and more about the fact there’s an actual human growing inside of you.
“That doesn’t answer my question.” 
You finally look at him, meeting his gaze. It's the serious look you recognize, the look of a Sergeant worried about one of the soldiers under his command. But there's something deeper. Something more under that gaze. 
"The smart thing is to terminate. You know that and I know that." You say. "Before the war, I never thought about having children. I never considered it. I never wanted it. But then Omega came into our lives and...I started to think maybe I do want a family. Maybe I do want children." You look back out the viewport. "I don't want to keep the baby just because of Crosshair. That wouldn't be fair." You shake your head. "The war's over. If the situation had been different, I would have gone back to my life and had to decide what comes next. Maybe...maybe I want to settle down. Maybe I want kids and a house and a boring job. I don’t want to leave, but...Hunter I’m tired.” You turn to look at him again. 
“I know.” He says. The look is still there in his eyes. He knows. He knows better than any of them. “It’s your decision. Whatever you decide to do, you know we’ll support you completely. I think you’ll make a great mother.” 
You smile, leaning your head back against the seat. “Thanks. In my daydreams about my life, I’m not a single mother, but I guess some things don’t happen in the order you expect them to.” 
“Crosshair isn’t the...paternal type.” Hunter says. “Even if he knew...” 
You shake your head. “Crosshair wasn’t ever part of those daydreams.” He looks at you in surprise, but your gaze is out the viewport again. “I know he didn’t love me. I don’t even think he liked me. We fucked because it was easy. Stress relief. I...I don’t think I loved him either. He...He was rough. He hurt me sometimes, but I never said anything. I know he needed it, and it was easy to pretend with him.” You lift one of your legs, resting your heel on the edge of the seat. “I...I liked someone else when I first joined. But they were unattainable, and Crosshair just...jumped right in. I don’t regret it. I knew it would end when the war did. I just never thought I’d be here.” 
“I don’t think any of us did.” Hunter says. “None of us could have guessed what was going to happen two months ago. I never knew how you felt about Crosshair. I thought...maybe he was the one you liked. I could hear your heart rate pick up, the way your breathing quickened, I could smell the sweat, see and hear every little nervous twitch and shift. I thought it was about him. I tried not to let it bother me. I shouldn’t have...I would have been decommissioned if anyone just heard my thoughts.” 
You turn the seat, staring at him wide eyed. Your heart is pounding harder than it was a moment ago. “Hunter...” 
“I was in love with you from the first time we met. You already knew our names, knew all about us. You...cared. Kriff, I wanted to tell you. I wanted to confess, but I knew it was a risk. Then Crosshair...I had to accept that you didn’t feel the same way.” 
Tears pool in your eyes once more as you stare at him. Had he felt the same way? Had he been willing all this time, even after you had fallen in bed with Crosshair to forget? 
Hunter moves from the copilot seat, kneeling in front of you. “I’ll find us a place, somewhere safe to settle down. Someplace you can have your house and your family and Omega can be a kid. Just tell me that I’m the one in that daydream.” 
A tear slides down your cheek as you stare at him. “You can be.” 
He cups your face, brushing the tear from your cheek. “Can I kiss you?” 
You nod, closing your eyes as he leans in. The kiss is soft, hesitant but you can feel the emotion behind it. All those times he’d had to lay there, all those times he’d been forced to listen to you and Crosshair and he never said anything. 
He wraps his arms around you, tugging you onto the edge of the seat. You feel tears prick your eyes once more. He shushes you, pressing small kisses against your lips. 
“Hunter.” You quietly sob, trying to pull away. “I’m so sorry.” 
“Don’t be.” He says, pulling you against his chest. “I won’t lie and say it didn’t hurt, but I thought you were happy and that’s all I ever wanted. I could live with it, so long as you were happy.” 
You cling to him tighter, clutching onto the edges of his armor. You hate crying. You hate it, but you can’t stop. “Stupid pregnancy hormones.” You cry. “I hate this.” 
“It’s alright.” He says, rubbing your back. “We’ll get through this.” 
His words don’t help, only making you cry harder. “I don’t deserve you.”
“You deserve the whole galaxy, cyare.” He says, kissing the side of your head. “While I can’t give all that to you, I’ll give you what I can.” 
You don’t get your chance to find your new home right away. 
Instead you find yourselves back on Kamino. You had avoided all of the action, Hunter refusing to allow you to join them. 
You stand on the landing platform, staring at Crosshair. It’s been weeks since you’ve seen him. The last time, he’d been so willing to kill you for the Empire. You also hadn’t known at that time that you were pregnant. 
You walk up to him, staring hard at him. He glares at you, not unusual for him. He was being stubborn, determined not to come with you despite the Empire having just tried to kill all of you. You know they don’t care. However loyal he is, he’ll never be anything but expendable to them, just like to the Republic. 
“Crosshair,” You hate the way your voice wavers. “I’m pregnant. I’m pregnant and it’s yours.” 
His glare hardens, staring hard at you. He knows you’re not lying, at least about being pregnant. You’re beginning to show, hardly more than a small bump but it’s very noticeable that it hadn’t been there before. 
“You deserve to know that what happened between us was nothing more than physical.” You continue. “I never really had true feelings for you. I don’t expect you to be with me. I don’t expect you to even be a parent to this child, but they deserve to have you in their life, and you deserve to be in theirs. So march your ass over there and get on that ship.” You point behind you at the ship. 
He narrows his eyes at you. “Why would I want to do that?” 
“Don’t be a prick, you know damn well that the Empire doesn’t care about you. You’re expendable to them, just like you were to the Republic.” You curse the tears gathering in your eyes. “Your brothers love you, Crosshair. Yes, they left and I can attest to the fact they regret it. Get your ass on that ship now before I have Wrecker come out here and drag you on board.” 
He continues to glare at you for a moment before his shoulders sag a bit. You know you’ve gotten to him, but you don’t back down, even as he walks past you. He climbs the steps to the ship slowly, passing Hunter as he goes. Hunter puts a hand on your back, and you feel a bit of a weight come off your shoulders. Crosshair’s back and safe, and you’re all dead in the Empire’s eyes. 
You put a hand on your stomach, breathing for a moment. The pressure is getting worse, something you can no longer ignore. You push yourself to stand, making your way towards the fresher. 
“Again?” Crosshair asks as you pass the couch. 
“Well, if your child would stop kicking me in the bladder, I wouldn’t have to go so much.” You snap, though you’re not so much angry as annoyed. 
It’s been nine months since that fateful day before Kaller, nine months since your lives had changed and fallen apart. You’ve been working hard to piece your lives back together slowly. It will never go back to being the same, and you all know that. 
Finding this planet has been a lifesaver. Far off the beaten track, filled with nothing but farmlands, it hadn’t been hard to decide this was your new home. You had found an abandoned, worn down place and fixed it up, making it your own. Tech had built more than enough rooms, but they had quickly realized sleeping alone was a lot harder when you’d had someone around you your entire life. 
Wrecker had quickly moved into Tech’s room, both of them usually keeping different sleep schedules, and Tech usually passed out hard enough Wrecker’s snoring didn’t bother him. Crosshair had moved into Echo’s room silently, both of them still plagued by nightmares. Omega was the only one thrilled to have her own room, and a real bed. 
Of course, you and Hunter had taken the largest room, which had quickly become stuffed with things for the baby. 
You knew the change had been a bit jarring for Crosshair. Even if he hadn’t felt much of anything for you, you hadn’t missed the jealousy that had crossed his face whenever you and Hunter were close. He never said anything, he never acted on anything, just silently brooding as he usually did. 
Things changed when you’d held him one night, his head in your lap, fingers laced with his as he shivered through another nightmare. Something shifted between you two, an understanding. Even though you weren’t involved physically with each other any more, he was still the father of your child. You still cared for him and wanted him around. 
You were in love with Hunter, but you still cared about Crosshair. 
It had come so easily, the love and affection between you and Hunter. He loved your unborn child like she was his, even if she was technically his brother’s baby. Tech had proudly jumped in, correcting you that since they were clones, technically the baby could genetically be all of theirs. Of course, with Crosshair’s enhancements, it was uncertain how much they would affect the baby, how much of those enhancements would pass on to offspring. 
That only made you worry, and it often kept you up at night. Would something like their accelerated growth pass on? It was hard enough coming to terms that you would likely outlive all of them. You can’t stand the thought of outliving your children too. 
You sink down on the couch next to Crosshair after finishing in the fresher. He passes a sideways glance at you before going back to whatever he was doing on his datapad. You let out a sigh, stretching your legs out. Your feet and ankles are swollen, something you’ve come to terms with. They’re always swollen, always aching. Something’s always hurting. 
Being pregnant certainly had its ups and downs. Did you regret it? No, but you couldn’t wait for it to be over. Of course, once it was over, there was an entirely new battle to face. You’d have a newborn baby, another human entirely reliant on you to care for them. That idea scared you more than actual childbirth. 
You lean your head back, relaxing on the couch in the quiet of the house. Wrecker, Tech, and Echo were in the barn working on some upgrades before the harvest season. Hunter had gone into town to pick up Omega from a friend’s house. It was just you and Crosshair, both of you happy to sit in silence. 
You’re nearly asleep when the door opens, Omega and Hunter coming in. Omega is talking about something animatedly, Hunter only halfway listening.
“Why don’t you go get cleaned up then you can help start dinner.” He says, steering her down the hallway. He bends down, kissing the top of your head. “Feeling alright, cyare?” He murmurs, leaning over the back of the couch. 
You open your eyes, smiling up at him. “Yeah. But if I have to visit the ‘fresher one more time because this baby is kicking me in the bladder, I might scream.” 
He chuckles lightly, kissing your forehead. “She’s going to be a fighter.” 
“She already is. She’s been beating me up for six months.” You pout. “I can’t wait until she’s here.” 
“Tech says any day now. If she’s not here in two weeks, we may have to consider inducing.” 
You make a face. “I’d rather not. It’s bad enough Tech is going to be the third member of this squad to see my vagina.” 
Crosshair’s shoulders shake as he laughs silently. 
“We might as well invite Wrecker and Echo in, make it a full set.” You push yourself up from the couch. “Everyone gets to see my vagina.” You start making your way down the hall. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to scream in the ‘fresher.” 
You can’t sleep. It’s early, the sky still dark out the window. Hunter is awake too, his arms wrapped around you, cradling your stomach. She’s been moving a lot, every time you’d settled and gotten close enough to rest, she’d move again, pushing on some organ inside you. 
You’d given up on sleeping. Hunter had snoozed for a bit, but he’d been awake most of the night too. He had told you not only could he hear her heartbeat, but he could also hear her moving. It freaked you out, and you can only imagine how he feels. His nose is pressed against your neck, inhaling deeply. 
“Are you smelling me?” You ask quietly. It wasn’t unusual, he smelled you more than what most would consider normal, but you knew with his senses he could pick up even the smallest change if he focused. 
“I think it’s going to happen soon.” He says, kissing your shoulder. “She sounds different.” 
You sigh. “I hope so. I can’t stand this waiting.” 
You’d lost your mucus plug a week ago. Tech had said she could come at any time now. AZI’s predicted due date was technically tomorrow, but if you didn’t go into labor by next week, Tech said you’d need to be induced. 
You were hoping that was not going to be needed. You’ve been having some light cramping since yesterday, but nothing substantial. 
You smooth your hands over your stomach, breathing out a sigh. “Come on, baby girl. I know you want out as much as I want you out.” You push yourself up to sit, rubbing your eyes. “Hunter?” He grunts in response. “Will you get me some of the leftover meat from last night?” 
You can practically hear his smile as he pushes himself up. “You want some fruit too?” 
“No, just the meat.” 
He gets up, heading down the hall to the kitchen. He had grown used to your strange cravings quickly, keeping many things on hand just in case. There was never any waste, as Wrecker would eat anything and everything you didn’t want. You move to the rocking chair in the corner, hoping you can get her to settle enough that you can get some sleep. Once you go into labor, you know sleep will be impossible. 
Half the day passes and there’s no sign yet. The cramps have started to increase a bit, getting more uncomfortable than painful. Hunter sticks close, watching and waiting. He’s hovering a bit, but you know it’s just what he’s going to do. 
You spend a lot of the day on the couch, trying to relax and sleep as much as possible. You get up every so often, stretching your legs. You’re in the kitchen when it happens, something wet leaking down your thighs. 
“Well, either this is very embarrassing, or my water just broke.” You say. 
Chaos erupts, both Hunter and Tech trying to see. Omega is jumping excitedly as Echo tries to contain her, poor Wrecker looking around confused. Crosshair is the only calm one, seated at the table. The only movement he makes is moving the toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other. 
You move into the bedroom as planned, having refused Tech’s offer to give birth in his lab. It was much more sterile, he insisted, but you wanted to be comfortable. This was already going to be awful, the least you could get was some comfort. 
The contractions begin to get stronger into the night, most of what you had to do now was more waiting. At least things were moving. Sometime in the next two days the baby would come. You shift through various positions sitting and standing, just trying to be comfortable through the contractions. Tech and Hunter wait patiently, Hunter helping support you when needed. AZI does regular scans, checking on the baby’s progress, making sure she’s not in distress. 
The only thing that’s missing is Crosshair.
You wanted him to be present for the birth, since this was his daughter. He deserved to see the birth of his child. Even if he wanted nothing to do with her, he deserved to see her be born. 
“Go tell Crosshair to get his toothpick chewing ass in here.” You grit out after another contraction. They’re getting closer and closer together, the time getting closer and closer. 
Hunter steps out, leaving you leaning against the side of the bed. He returns shortly after, Crosshair stepping in. Whatever Hunter had said, it had motivated him without much of an argument. 
You wave him over, leaning against his chest. “I’m gonna kill you after this.” You murmur, wrapping your arms around him. “This sucks.” 
He wisely keeps his mouth shut, wrapping his arms around you. You squeeze him as another contraction tears through you, the night getting later and later. 
It’s not until early in the morning when it happens. Hunter sits behind you, propping you up and supporting you. Crosshair kneels beside the bed, holding your hand as you push. Tech kneels at the end of the bed, AZI keeping a live scan to make sure everything is going fine. 
You’re half delirious, weak and exhausted as you bring your daughter into the world. Tech lays her on your chest, getting the warm rags to clean her off. Tears blur your vision as you listen to her cry, letting go of Hunter and Crosshair to hold her. She’s so small, so delicate. You can hardly believe it’s happened, it’s finally over. 
Tech has to practically pry her from your arms to check her over and clean her up, Hunter helping clean you up. He and Crosshair get you settled in bed, Tech bundling your daughter in a blanket before passing her off to you. 
You hold her, staring down at her in awe. You can hardly believe she’s really here, your baby is finally here with you. She’s so tiny and pink, with a shock of white hair on top of her head. You smile, tears rolling down your cheeks as you stare at her. 
“She’s so beautiful.” You whisper, holding her close. “You made a beautiful baby, Crosshair.”
“I think that’s all you.” He says, moving closer to you as Hunter all but shoves him closer. 
You smile. “Would you like to hold her?” 
He blinks at you for a moment. You shift, offering her over. He takes her hesitantly, like he’s scared of breaking her. You adjust her in his arms, making sure they’re both comfortable. He stares down at her for a long time, like he can’t believe he really made her, like she’s not real. 
You smile, watching him as his eyes soften a bit, his finger lifting to trace her cheek. She opens her eyes, staring up at him. They look like little shining stars, and you hope they’ll be brown like his. 
“Have you thought of a name?” Tech asks, cleaning up the rest of the mess. 
You had discussed it with both Hunter and Crosshair, the latter being less enthusiastic about having to choose. You wanted his input, even if he was positive he wanted nothing to do with raising her. 
“Stella.” Crosshair answers, still staring down at her face. 
You had brought that name forward as an option, adding it to the neverending list of possibilities. You had decided to wait to officially choose, wanting one that would match her perfectly. 
You glance at Hunter and he gives a small nod. “Stella it is.” 
Hunter wraps his arms around you, letting you lean against his chest. “Get some rest, mesh’la.” He says, kissing your head. “You did a lot of work. She’s in good hands.” 
Crosshair glances up at Hunter, Hunter giving him a reassuring smile. Maybe he does want to be part of her life after all. 
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@bobaprint, @star-trekker-0013, @rosechi, @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
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ikkosu · 2 months
Throwing this at you ikko, because I am obsessed with Pinks fairy’s in Archie’s Knightformers au, butttt, Pharma the freaky little man finding a fairy that can’t run or fly because their wings broken<3 and he uses old test subjects wings to fix theirs despite their disgust to it, partnered with him keeping them as his little pet/experiment.
(Also my friend sent me more pics to use as reaction <3 so I am blessing you with a cat)
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rubs hand evilly ohohoh I've been plagued with knightformer pharma and his evil little smile. He's definitely getting his own little fae too.
Quick incomprehensive ramble about my husband, for a moment (sorry prowl) Knightformers / Faeformers are by :
@archie-sunshine and @pinkanonwrites (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
(oofm gets a little bit violent at the end)
I'd say before Pharma went bonkers, his methods are a little less unethical. Like Prowl, he won't care much for these playful cretins. They're adorable, yes. Very soft, too. He can see why First Aid and Ambulon are always so keen on squishing their plush cheeks.
Unfortunately, as much as he tries to find them tolerable, one fae in particular switched his colorcoded books to different shelves can you believe that?
How utterly vulgar. He ought to put them in a Jar and send them to Nyon where Rodimus or whatever lives. That'll do the fine job of shutting them up.
Even more strange, this fae prefers to bother him, of all people. Always pottering along with their tiny feet. The wisp flutter of their wigs as they hover close, tugging on his hat, and cloak. Hiding behind pillars, peeking out then giggling when he notices them.
He'd imagine they go for humans like First Aid or Ambulon, since they are far more gentle with their words than he is to them
The annoyance to that particular fae, though, doesn't last too long.
It was a busy day at the hospital. Darkness veiled the night. He's working the night shift again and everyone had gone to their quarters. The halls are empty. It feels a little isolating but he'll have to make do.
After a small dreadful nap on his desk that left his throat sore and back.pained — Pharma wakes up with something warm over his back. He sits up straight and the something his back billows and pool to the ground. A — he pinches the material between his fingers, eyebrows cocked — blanket?
And the sprinkled dust of glitter on one end drew a smile to that face.
"Good, little cretin."
Pharma and fae aren't particularly close after, but he does acknowledge the fae and does, a little bit, grow more tolerant of them. In the gardens, where he'd go out for fresh air and a semblance for peace, fae would perch on his shoulder as he reads his book. Their tiny legs would swing aimlessly as their eyes peering over to read.
He's not sure the little thing understands but when he'd flip a page a little too early, he's halted by their itty hands and a trill. Pharma waits little, couldn't resist raising a finger and scratching the back of their ears, before turning the page after.
He couldnt retract his finger since fae is already nuzzling against it. So he keeps it there for as long as he remembers ( he couldn't perform surgery and had First Aid take over because of how sore his hand was).
Post-delphi Pharma, though. Yikes, okay. Everything is in shambles. Tarn comes and goes, and as he goes, chaos runs rampant and dances along every crook and cranny of Delphi like a forest fire.
Pharma isn't spared, either.
Fae, and the many others, find themselves scuttling away to a nearby forest. Their friend, a fae with green streaks to their wings, breedles to them about a new hideout in the caves.
Fae nods and follows along, before the group breaks off unceremoniously when a panther had caught on to their little group.
Fae persists to a different path. In doing so, unluckily encounters a bandit when they were trying to flee. It's not your usual, pillaging, loot lover bandit — these were the ones who snatch faeries and strip them of their magic dust.
A lot of fae's have been caught recently and the growing numbers are not one to mess with.
And, a quick scuffle between the two, led to fae hitting the floor hard. They squeak weakly, pawing the ground, trying and failing to flutter their wings. But it hurts. Thair back hurts. Their body hurts
Distraught, the shadow closes in on them, eyes of the bandit white half-moons of mirth as hands almost curl around fae's body—
And a sickening splat resounds after.
Fae opens their eyes and sees a different man looming. It's Pharma, eyes half lidded as he stares over the crook of his nose, down at the body in front of him — not the fae.
One side of his cheek had blood smeared across and over his hand, curls a crimson mottled axe. Fae doesn't want to see what's left of the body and looks away with a small shuddered trill, arms covering their faces.
This isn't the Pharma they knew..
Crass as he were — Pharma would never be so grotesquely vulgar as this.
The medic regards the little cretin for a moment, likely assessing the damage of their wings. He notices there's a stutter in the movements. Muscles, strained. Arms, limp.
Then, with another look to the body, silently, pharma grabs the fae with his free hand — blatantly ignoring their startled trills and their little kicks — and starts heading back to Delphi.
Everything was quiet. The hallways were quiet. The evening air was quiet. Even the gardens they so often mingle about — were dreadfully stale.
Pharma lays the fae down on the table, who scuttles to the edge in a fit of panic.
"I did tell the man to go after the least energetic ones." He murmered and pinches their ankle to stop their movements
Fae kicks at his fingers. He doesn't budge. Instead, he brings out wires from a drawer and starts coiling them into rings.
"Seems like he doesn't very much like listening to my orders." The wires were cold to their wrists then more cooler around ankles. "He's got what's coming, poor fellow. But that's done, now. I don't have to pay him, anymore. He's done enough—"
Fae let's out a squeal and thrashes around.
"Oh, don't give me that look, cretin. You'd think I'd spare your kind after the potential results you could give me?" He says lowly and clamps his entire hand on their body.
The table rattles..Fae shudders and weakly trills, pawing away at his palm. Tears sting their cheeks.
"But no worries." He leans closer. A small smile. "I'm fond of you, I'll give you that. That's only if the gift I'm planning to give you is of your taste. Look around, cretin. A new wing i've culled — just for you. You can choose as many as you like."
And fae swivels around, heart lurching in their chest. They've realized there were jars all around, perched in the shelves and were filled with faes...
Limp shadows. No longer bright. No longer breathing.
A particular jar caught their eye. They were wings. The miniscule body is a mere silhouette under the dim light. And, streaks of green dances across the glint of the wings.
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