#yippee done!! :D
sobredunia · 2 months
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Hey guys is it just me or are the stars in the sky looking a bit weirder than usual
Alt version + tagging of the creators of all the starlos under the cut
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I was messing with this static filter thing and ngl it looks neat
anyways. tagging avalanche time. Left to right up to down
RustyRedemption!Starlo by EldritchDream_ on twitter (THE BODY/PLANT HORROR IS JUST *chefs kiss*) edit: THEY HAVE A TUMBLR THEY HAVE A TUMBLR THEY GET TO SEE THIS LET'S GOOOOO @eldritchdream99 LOOK!! ITS UR SILLY!!!
AntiMatter!Starlo by ghoulishthingz on twitter (I KNOW YOUR NAME NOW FUCKER. v good one ngl it fucks severely)
Hero!Starlo by @zedleaked (he b t-posing baybeyy)
Goldstar by @s0ckh3adstudios (fun fact I named the layer he's on "I miss my husband Tails". also this is the first time i've drawn him. and yet i've drawn utg chujin thrice already which i think says something. not sure what but it says something)
Gilded!Starlo by @moreworldliness (I LOVE HIM SOSO MUCH I JUST WANT HIM TO BE OKAY PLEASE)
VOACT!Starlo by mee :3
Sirius by @here1snyan (I don't need to explain myself you already know how insane this man makes me you've seen the dog art)
Nebula by @llamapear (THE FUCKING GUY OF ALL TIME)
Starry screen buddy by @therealcallmekd (i love his girl outfit i had to draw it)
Fell!Starlo by @pantamonte (he's so silly i want to see him flattened by a steam roller /pos)
Lover's amalgamate by @silverika326 (literally obsessed with this concept you dont even know. ive wanted to draw them for so long)
Devotion!Starlo by @specklx (really proud of how the pose came out ngl. he serves so much cunt)
Apollo by @vastrophel (not exactly a starlo but the design fucks how could i not draw him)
Cat!Starlo by @fivepedal (i lov. kimty :3 )
Starfell by @stringsbasement-vitale (he gives off ACAB vibes you just know he'd be a redswap starlo hater)
Redswap!Starlo by @wist-eri (I'm sorry i had to do it. i have literally never drawn this man in a serious situation/taking the situation seriously and I'm not gonna start now)
Hollow!Starlo by @floataaaa (literally the design of all time i love him)
Alright that's all of them. I have drawn so many stars my god
also. art taglist time
@rotkad @sansxfuckyou @blackfright @beetroot-merchant @ashs-hellhole @h3xt0r @bree-sae @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @zecrisketch
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zoroslost · 3 months
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Its like burning...
Inspired by this:
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diabolical-on-ao3 · 2 months
Lyric Allocations Out!
The deadline is June 10 at 6pm CST
Bolded usernames are the main lyric you got, unbolded usernames are the extra randomly assigned one you got if you opted in for it in the sign-up form!
If you find yourself unable to handle that second lyric (or the first lyric for that matter) feel free to dm me about it and we'll figure something out
Find the rules/FAQ at this link for any clarifications, and if you still have questions send in an ask or dm :D
@lindentree @insoucianceart @a-storm-of-moss-and-rats @astronautbeans @smallishdruid @sophiadoesstuff @artemfluid @leopardmask-ao3 @sourorchard @acolorboom @foolofatook001 @daniofcrows @apollothetransboy
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Doodles of the week!! Eye strain and some blood under cut!
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The amount of people’s personas I’ve drawn—
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Eye strain and blood so under cut :D
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some will wood shit for you as well :3
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art--harridan · 8 months
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[Image description: A digital drawing based on the film Slaughterhouse Rock. It depicts the character Alex Gardener floating in the air, wrapped up in his sheets. His head falls back and his arms hang limp. This drawing of his figure is repeated four times: one in blue slightly below the first, one in a light green further down and slightly more left, and finally one in a pinkish red a bit down and to the right of the previous one. There's a vague pink outline around the first one. The figures have a light blue outline around them, making them standout against the darker blue background. At the bottom of the piece, a beam of bright light begins. It gets slightly wider as it progress upwards towards the original figure, which is where it stops. Some faded sparkles surround it.]
Inktober - Day 1 (Dream)
Movie - Slaughterhouse Rock (Dimitri Logothesis, 1988)
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federthenotsogreat · 10 months
The 🔥soul system🔥in My Crown In Red!
It's finally time to share some information on the idea of souls in MCIR! This one might get a bit long, but I'll try my best to explain everything as simple as possible!
I'll go over:
🔥- What souls are
🔥- Soul transformation
🔥- Abilities of the soul
🔥- Soul regeneration
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🔥What are souls?🔥
The human soul is the physical form of one's subconscious, taking on the appearance of an anthropomorphic animal, which is always an earthly creature which determined at birth and cannot be changed. The soul houses deep in the subconscious of its human form, which it can only be separated from via soul travel or upon death.
Even though at first souls appear to have anatomy similar to the animal who's form they take, they are actually made out of light and energy. Light is what gives the soul it's appearance. Every strand of hair, every tooth and every drop of blood is made out of light, while energy is what gives the soul the power to attack, or to regenerate. Souls also don't possess any genitals and there are no indicators to determine a soul's sex.
Souls change throughout their life. Impactful experiences, character growth or change in personality can all have an effect on the souls appearance. Most of the time, these changes are rather small, but sometimes they go as far as even changing the soul's light color or their powers. Souls also try to compensate for the suffering they endure throughout their life, becoming stronger the more hardships they face.
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🔥Soul transformation🔥
It is possible for the soul to permanently change their appearance via absorbing another soul's light, thus reaching their ideal form. This process is called soul transformation. Upon transforming, the soul takes on a more complex appearance, most often, but not always, sprouting some from wings in the process. Upon transforming, souls become much stronger, increasing the power of their attacks and abilities immensely. Their regeneration abilities also strengthen. To transform, a soul must absorb another soul's light, which can only be done upon the target's death. A transformed soul is an incredibly powerful being.
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Even though transformation causes the soul to morph into it's ideal form, it is theoretically possible for a soul to temporarily transform a second time. This however is incredibly agonizing, as the soul is incapable of consisting of such high amounts of light, which is why souls often start growing additional limbs or sensory organs through the process. In this form, the mere thought of using their powers would cause the soul to fire off extremely powerful attacks, causing everything in its path to crumble to pieces. With relative ease, the soul can let go of the additional light, therefor transforming back into their regular, transformed form. This whole process is called true soul transformation, or soul illumination.
Since the soul shouldn't be capable of such powers, it is not possible to achieve soul illumination via absorption of additional light. Therefor the tools needed to achieve true transformation are unknown.
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🔥Abilities of the soul🔥
Every soul has different abilities that are often determined at birth, but in rare cases, change over time. Most of these abilities can be used as offensive threats during battle, while others just assist in navigating around. The soul uses its energy to generate these attacks, the color of which are often determined by the color of the soul's light.
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While every soul has their own unique abilities, there are still some that can be utilized by a greater range of individuals. For example, almost every soul is able to power up their bites, kicks and slashes with energy, making them hit much harder.
On top of that, every soul is able to generate what I simply like to call a "light staf". It is a staf like weapon that glows in the soul's light color. If used correctly, the staf can be used as an offensive, defensive or just overall useful tool for daily tasks. Depending on the amount of energy that's put into the attack, the staf can cause slash wounds, pierce through the enemy, or even decapitate them.
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🔥Soul regeneration🔥
Souls cannot die of old age, catch an illness or succumb to any kind of poison. The only way to kill them is by doing so in battle. This is why regeneration is the soul's most important ability.
Upon being wounded, no matter how light the injury might be, the soul will automatically regenerate itself. The pain however, it cannot get rid of so easily, as the wound will continue to hurt, even after it has long been regenerated. Depending on the severity of the wound, the pain can last for a few minutes, to several days. Being wounded several times in quick succession, will cause the pain to stack up. An arm that's been chopped of twice will hurt twice as much as an arm that has only been lost once.
However, souls cannot keep this up infinitely, as there is a limit to their regeneration powers, which varies from individual to individual. Sooner or later, the soul will prioritize healing more severe wounds over smaller ones, and by the time the powers are close to failing all together, the soul would be a bloody, mangled mess more than anything.
The soul ultimately dies due to not being able to regenerate a fatal wound. When a soul dies, they start glowing and eventually explode in a powerful blast of energy. What's left is their light, now calmly floating through the air, until its glow eventually dies down, and it fades completely. Due to its shape and the way it slowly falls to the ground, this form of light is sometimes referred to as snow.
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Aaand that's that!! I know this one got a bit longer than the others, but I hope that it's still a somewhat enjoyable read!
I also wanted to mention that Cackletta's soul is not a human soul, even though in MCIR, they share a lot of similarities (most notably the regeneration abilities). They work really similar, but are not the same!
As always, should you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or send an ask, I'll answer them as soon as possible. Have a nice day, and thanks for reading! :3
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katamarigender · 2 years
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now listen to me young man, i am talking directly into your ear now. i need you to do me a favor. you will do this for me. i need you to go to gamestop, and i need you to ask the bastard working the counter if they have ratchet & clank: a crack in time on the ps3. if you come back empty handed youll be in big trouble mister. you will never see the light of day.
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riverthebooknerd · 3 months
no but all i'm saying is that if keith david called me a power bottom at rock bottom, it'd be over for me. that'd be it. i would never recover- psychologically, emotionally, financially, i'm done.
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 8 months
haha whoops! im super stressed <3
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appleebees · 10 months
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ACE ATORNEYYY HERE WE COME! Join @ariostea and I at 3 PM today as we start the final case of Justice For All; Farewell, My Turnabout!
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justinspiratioon · 1 year
Maybe I should kill myself lol
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timothylawrence · 2 years
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im DONE.
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aroace-poly-show · 10 months
possible autism be damned this guy can work a sewing machine 💪
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keeps-ache · 2 years
today i made a realization ._.
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dreamyprinx · 1 year
my oc trinket will have existed for a year in march
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arkhmlcst · 1 year
headcanon. cw ; child abuse ment., violence
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dewey very much has the abuse she suffered from her father still in her head. she believes child discipline works. after all, it got her to talk. she would never put her hands on a child of course, but she wouldn’t stop a parent from doing the same. she doesn’t understand why it pains her to see if it works so well. this was the one correct thing her father did …right ?
as toyman she takes it to the extreme. capturing corrupt officials who funded the asylum during her days imprisoned and tormenting them with her toys ; taking batman’s words to the extreme. so long as she doesn’t kill - she’s a hero. she’s right for teaching them a lesson. she’s right for getting her revenge. beating it into them with her creations until they understand. very rarely does she put her hands on the actual victims themselves - although when she does it’s often out of a tantrum. a big, emotional reaction where she just hits and kicks and does whatever she can to inflict damage - like a child.
toyman is essentially her coping mechanism. the result of her father beating her bottled up and released when she puts on the costume ; let out when she just can’t take it anymore - and with no one to comfort her, her tantrums just leave her feeling dirty and worse off than she did before.
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