#you know I would have cake right now if neptune had made the cake but she didn't isn't she so terrible and lazy ☹️☹️☹️☹️'
twilightarcade · 1 month
I loooove when people respond to you being mad by being mean to you. Like yeah thanks that's really improving my mood
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bugtransport · 1 year
Kamen Rider X Finished February 14th, 2023
Here's your warning now: this one also got away from me. I BROKE 4k...
Kamen Rider X is… a show!
Look. I don’t know how to start this. I don’t know how many of you have seen this show. I don’t know how many of you saw me lose my fucking mind when I watched the first two episodes of this one. I had to kick myself out of the house and go get a breath of fresh air and went to H Mart and bought a shitton of side dishes. Just to cope, you know? Sometimes you need some fish cakes, for the soul. I ate great that whole week but that’s besides the point. X does have what I myself would describe as “a beginning” so let’s just recap that first, I guess, because it sure kicks the show off.
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Pictured: welcome to Wet Boy Wonderland.
Before we begin fully: I think I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that there are… a couple issues with and themes in this show that I appreciated having a heads up on before I got to them. I think that what I might have to say might come off as far too complimentary without this disclaimer and to spoil my final conclusion, my actual feelings are a little mixed. We’ll be touching on this later with how it ties into what my thesis ends up being, but there’s a switch in the theme of the monsters part way through the show from Greek Mythology to Various Bad Guys In History and the thing about various bad guys in history and also shows that are made in, let I remind you, the 70s, is that sometimes things can be… well, I’ll be blunt. There’s a pretty racist caricature in there and some of the picks can be a little off color and also there’s Starfish Hitler which does feature swastikas and was a decision that the boys and I dubbed “sure a choice.” I mean yeah, he gets killed like all the other bad guys do, but still. Do you know the experience of watching Aristocats for the first time as an adult and being like “Hmm, I really do not remember this weird racist scene in the middle of this film, what the fuck? I mean I guess it was a different time, but still…” That’s kind of what this feels like in spots. Jin Keisuke also has maybe the world’s worst dad. This is a guy who seems to have decided that a “signs of parental abuse” checklist is a game of bingo and that somehow it can be won. This is most apparent during the first couple episodes for reasons you’ll see in like, a minute or so if you read at the same speed I do or faster, but it flavors the entire show in a way I’ll hopefully convince you of by the end. Trust me on this one. Those are the two big disclaimers I have out of the way; if either of those are non-negotiable issues for you, I recommend not finishing this and watching something that isn’t Kamen Rider X. For the rest of you? Buckle up. 
Here’s (roughly) what happens in the first two episodes of X. Jin Keisuke comes back home for a visit. He gets jumped by some goons at the boat docks who want to kidnap him because of his dad and gets shot at and falls into the water. He gets out of the water and reconnects with his… fiancee? I think? Keisuke goes to visit his father at his lab in a seaside cave, says that again, dad, he has no interest in going into science, and gets promptly judo thrown in response. His dad then tells him to put on a vest, which he does. Keisuke and his fiancee (?) go out to eat dinner and she tries to guilt him into sticking around because his dad is lonely. Keisuke gets a message saying that GOD is coming to fuck his shit up. Oh, right, GOD is the name of the bad guy organization in this one. Just roll with it... Neptune and the goons (great band name, the more that I think about it) overthrow a ship. Keisuke’s fiancee comes to visit them at the cave-lab; Keisuke’s dad shoots his son. This is okay because it turns out that the vest was bulletproof. Everyone laughs at this. Keisuke presumably goes to sleep at some point after this but gets woken up in the middle of the night and attacked by some goons and oh look, one of them happens to be his fiancee! What a surprise! Keisuke rushes to his dad’s side to find the guy bleeding out on the rocks in front of his cave-lab. Goons pop up and shoot him too, killing him. Keisuke’s dad has enough fight left in him to drag his son into his cave-lab and borg him and somehow get him onto a boat, where Keisuke wakes up after an indeterminate amount of time, surprised to be alive. Keisuke’s dad left a message for him telling that he built a supercomputer that is also an island (the Jin Station) to house his consciousness on a computer now that he’s dead. He gives Keisuke a bike and a quick rundown on how to become the X Rider and then asks Keisuke to explode his corpse for him. He does this. There’s a flashback of Keisuke as a kid running to his dad and his dad grabbing him and just fucking slamming the kid down. Keisuke goes off and defeats Neptune and the goons and gets helped by a woman who looks exactly like his fiancee but isn’t actually her, who gives no explanation as to why this is the case. 
…So that’s episode one. 
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Pictured: father-son bonding at its finest!
I’ll make episode two shorter: Keisuke has another run in with his fiancee and her doppelganger which doesn’t explain anything either. Our monster of the week plotline is about a kid whose dad was just killed in a car accident a couple weeks ago and who apparently fought with his dad a lot and doesn’t know how to deal with the guilt that comes from that. Keisuke tries to protect this kid from misinformed townspeople who think that he’s hypnotizing people and the fact that he’s a borg starts to sink in. Keisuke goes back to the Jin Station to experience his first bout of borg angst with some support from his computer-father, whose response to his son wanting comfort is to call him a weak bitch and tell him that he can’t rely on anyone, he has to fight alone, and insist that Keisuke blow up the Jin Station, killing him again. This happens. Keisuke manages to convince the public that the boy was being slandered by GOD and that he wasn’t actually hypnotizing people. He then beats up the guy actually responsible. Keisuke comforts the kid by straightening out his flute, which got bent in the fight, and contemplates that maybe there are some good things about being a borg after all. 
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Pictured: I might have understated exactly how the stages of grief impacted him on this one here.
If you think I'm exaggerating anything here you're more than welcome to fact check me. These first two episodes are available for free on the Toei Youtube channel, go ham! Good luck.
In any case, you might be seeing a theme emerging here. Don’t worry, we’ll get to that in just a minute. There’s a little bit of contrasting that I want to do first with the previous riders. Jin Keisuke is pretty different than the guys that we’ve had before and is especially jarring coming off of a dude like Kazami Shiro. Keisuke’s wet. He doesn’t have a support network like even Hongo did with at least knowing Tachibana from the start. Hell, it’s debatable that the guy even knows Kamen Riders are like, a thing, and not just some random shit his dad made up. He certainly doesn’t know them personally like Hongo was able to make sure both Hayato and Kazami did from the start. There’s a vague kind of uncertainty undercutting everything that Jin Keisuke does as a borg because he wasn’t borged in the same way that the other previous riders were. It was by someone who he ostensibly should be able to trust (unlike Hongo and Hayato) and for a fight that wasn’t at all his (unlike Kazami) and in a way that, because of these facts, comes off as more malicious and personal than Shocker’s sterile, random cruelty and while yes, his dad was technically saving his life, it doesn’t really seem to come from a place of kindness. It really comes off like his dad wanted to have just another way to control him after he was gone and when he realized that his son was still something that he viewed as “weak,” died to save himself the embarrassment. He explicitly requested that Keisuke not lean on anyone and instead take on the fight himself, despite doing exactly the opposite of that in giving the fight over to his son in the first place. What a hypocritical ass. 
It’s not just that – there’s the way that he fights with a weapon, kind of like Riderman, but essentially fences, which is so unlike any of the boys previously. He just kind of coincidentally falls into fighting GODborgs for the first part of the show with no real rhyme or reason, not with any plan, not necessarily being targeted by them even, really not seeming like he has any stake in the fight at all. He kind of doesn’t. Everyone else had some kind of personal vendetta and sure, GOD killed his dad the first time around, but Keisuke also got asked by his computer-dad to kill him, and he did. So. I mean, he could have just kept his dad alive that way. This is explicitly not his fight. He just kind of ended up here. Once the show gets going and Jin Keisuke gets into the swing of things and we start getting back into something that feels… a bit more like the previous Rider seasons, there’s still this odd disbelief in his abilities that all the characters, including Tachibana and the rest of his allies, approach Keisuke with. With Kazami, he’d do completely off the wall shit and everyone would be like “haha, that’s our guy!” Keisuke will play dead to try and throw someone off his tracks and go a little overboard with the fake blood or something and it’ll work, but in the same breath Tachibana will just look at him all confused and question why on earth he decided to go that way in the first place. I feel like I’m going full Pepe Syliva; is this not meant to mirror his father’s disbelief in his son’s abilities/path in life and the subsequent control that he tried to push onto him? In fact, there’s really only one character who I can think of who doesn’t underestimate him near constantly: Apollo Geist, baby.
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Pictured: the creature in question
PART TWO: Fuck it, call me a Jin Keisuke apollogeist
Sorry, I had to fit that joke in here somewhere. I’ve been trying for weeks to make it work. Apollo Geist is the leader of GOD’s secret police, a position that is basically analogous to any of the other commanders that we’ve seen before. Weekly monster gets sent out, he’s the one above them in the ranks so he oversees their progress, critiques them, ends up 1v1ing the rider at some point, gets their shit kicked in. We’ve seen this before, we’ve loved this before, it works so well and I think it’s definitely something that the beginning episodes were lacking. We have to get some structure in these evil organizations in order to be able to even start to think about tearing them down. Though – because of the aforementioned constant and relentless underestimating of Jin Keisuke, when Apollo Geist appears and becomes obsessed with taking him down and claims that he’s the only one who can actually defeat the rider and stands on cliffsides watching him fight it really comes off as way more personal than anyone else we’ve had before. He can transform, not really into a monster, but into something way closer to X or any of the riders than we’ve had with anyone else previously. Apollo Geist feels like he’s set up to be Jin Keisuke’s equal, and it’s mad yaoi. 
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Oh yeah, and totally forgot about this until I was looking back through my caps to write this, but Keisuke’s fiancee? Yeah, she was trying to do like whole double agent thing with her twin (who was the other one who looked like her) and it didn’t work out and she exploded mere minutes before Apollo Geist was introduced for the first time. She never really gets mentioned again. But that does leave the spot for a romantic interest open…
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Pictured: special friends...
So. What the hell else am I supposed to think. Like, sorry, the man butts into pretty much every fight because he doesn’t trust his lackeys with this man. He wants to take X down in a way that’s satisfying to him. He checks in with Tachibana when Jin Keisuke fakes his death without telling him that he’s with GOD, leading Tachibana to think he must be one of Keisuke’s friends. He does the same thing when visiting the coffee shop later. He’s fucking obsessed with this guy. The two of them bike joust. Apollo Geist will jump onto his bike from 20 floors up, tenderizing his nuts into oblivion when he hits the saddle, just to show off. He’s obsessive and wild and wears a suit that’s all one color and man, I cannot imagine who else this might be reminding me of right now, but my word… and, both times he dies, he does so trying to take X down with him. 
“Both times he dies?” Both times he dies. The man fails to hold down X the first time around when he tried to explode him with his arm bomb and following that gets rebuilt and upgraded in the process. Long story short, after donning his little cowboy fit and realizing that he has shit aim suddenly during his daily shooting practice to kill Jin Keisuke, he learns that he only has a day or two left to live and that the literal only way to reverse this is to take a piece of the X suit and have it attached to his heart. 
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Pictured: heterosexual behavior
Yes, you heard me correctly there: the only way for Apollo Geist to live here is for him to quite literally accept Jin Keisuke into his heart. Fucking incredible, isn’t it? He doesn’t do this, obviously, because he did die a second time, but look. The metaphor. It’s right there!! Maybe if Apollo Geist and Jin Keisuke had met under different circumstances, or maybe if they had a common enemy, or maybe if Apollo Geist wanted to admit his newfound weakness to Jin Keisuke or accept Jin Keisuke’s weaknesses as well (like the part where Keisuke didn’t want to transform because he was hurt, right, and Apollo Geist wanted to force him into changing so they could fight) and get into something that isn’t just this back and forth will they won’t they tension, the “what if we were two boys?” complex, the fucking starcrossed lovers of it all. 
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Pictured: he likes to be tall
Sorry, wait a fucking second, wasn’t there someone else who died a horrible explosive death because they didn’t want to accept Keisuke into his heart? Who also saw Jin Keisuke as someone who should be able to put up a good, satisfying fight, regardless of what his wishes might be? Does Apollo Geist… also tie back to the whole dad thing? 
PART 3: The whole dad thing. 
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Pictured: not a compliment
So. The whole dad thing. There are so, so many examples I could pull from, but lemme just run through what I specifically took notes on while watching the show as being repeated quite a distracting amount: 
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Human experimentation. My fucking god, X has a lot of it randomly peppered in throughout the show. Not even really things that GOD is doing – the one that comes to mind is in one episode when the GODborg was influencing a bunch of kids to commit suicide and the tie between all of them was that they were all taking an experimental drug because they’re all honors students or something and they wanted to boost their brains even further. Honestly sounds like some shit that would happen in the suburb I used to live in, which is why I remember this one so well. The person who developed this thing gets nervous because like, I believe that the last kid alive on this drug is their kid. Jin Keisuke does save them, but you know who fucking else experimented on their kid? Jin Keisuke’s dad. 
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Vampires. What the fuck, this show has I think at least 5 separate instances of vampires in it. In a 35 episode show. There are so many vampires. You know, the monster that’s notorious for infecting other people and sucking their life from them and changing them irreversibly in the process, making them stronger physically but also condemning them to living a hellish life. Wow, you know what that sounds like to me? Kind of like turning your son into a cyborg to save him and forcing him into a fight with a bunch of guys that were trying to kill you. 
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The switch in monster themes in the middle of the show. There’s a point post Apollo Geist where the monsters swap over from being themed after figures in Greek mythology to historical figures. Yes, like I stated in the warning at the beginning of this post. Almost as if Jin Keisuke spent the time up to Apollo Geist fighting the mythos of his father, his ideals and the impact that left on him, and then when Apollo Geist died because he refused to let Keisuke into his heart, swapped over to fighting the actual sins of his father’s past. As if Apollo Geist dying for a similar reason that his father did when he asked Keisuke to blow him up so that he could “build character” or whatever, make Keisuke then realize that his father’s beliefs were… kinda fucked. That maybe the way he treated him wasn’t right. That maybe after that realization, he can move on slightly and begin the actual work of taking GOD down. 
[[Important to note but not a section in the dad saga – after Apollo Geist and the monster switch happens, the new guy leading the GODborgs is one big robolad named King Dark. Yeah, this thing has already gone on for too long and I didn’t want to recap even more of the show so I’m just giving you the context. Couldn’t figure out how else to do it and make it coherent and again, don’t know how many of you have actually watched this show. Okay back to the essay:]]
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Kazami Shiro shows up and upgrades Jin Keisuke towards the end. After this point, Keisuke gets a perm (irrelevant) and his fighting style completely changes (very relevant) to be much more traditional Rider. The Ridol stick that his father gave him that he used to fight all the time with? Not used anymore. He has a new henshin pose and a new finisher. It’s just like, oh, I don’t know, being able to meet people he relates to and find a new family with the other riders is maybe helping him find his identity separate from his dad? While he is still obviously impacted by the trauma his father imposed upon him (in being a rider in the first place) he’s taking it and changing it into something his own? Quite literally, textually, physically changed by the people he’s met? Who would have thought!
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The GOD leader? The one who we’ve been working towards fighting all this time? The person controlling King Dark? Yeah. That’s Keisuke’s dad’s friend, who was the one behind getting him dragged into GOD business, which of course is then in turn the reason that Keisuke got dragged into this mess in the first place. Remember above when I mentioned how the monsterswap lead to Keisuke fighting the actual sins of his father and his past actions? Yeah. That’s the final boss. Just to cement and drive home really how much of this could have been avoided. How much the entire thing was his dad’s fault. Keisuke gets stabbed all the way through his chest while in King Dark but still manages to come out on top. Yeah, it hurt him, but the man was finally cut off. 
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The ending scene of the show, where Keisuke rides off into the distance and Tachibana reads the note that he left for him explaining his plans going forward, is so much different than the end of V3. V3 ends with Kazami Shiro experiencing loss once more and going to go off to deal with that. X, on the other hand, ends on one of the most hopeful notes I’ve seen yet. Keisuke seems… really happy. He’s excited to head out on his own, like the other riders before him. He’s excited to experience what they’ve experienced. He’s finally shed the weight of his father and his expectations for him and he can figure out what being a Kamen Rider means to him, specifically. It’s really, really sweet. It’s the ending I want in a story about parental abuse. It didn’t make me cry, because I was too happy for him, but it really stuck with me something vicious.
Do I sound like I’m going off the rails? I feel like I am! 
The thing is… most if not all of these things can totally be explained away in ways that don’t have a damn thing to do with Jin Keisuke’s dad. The change of the monster themes from mythology to reality? I know that one’s because the person who handled the monster designs for the first part of the show left and they had to bring someone new in. The vampires? I’m convinced they got a great deal on the fangs and just wanted to use them where they could. The human experimentation themes? Sure, that’s always been a theme in Rider, not really to this degree of lethality, but maybe they’re just trying to bring in a somewhat older audience or something. V3 upgrading him? Kazami Shiro fucking rules, of course they’d want to bring him back into the show, and why not have him give Keisuke something cool so they’d have an excuse to do just that. The contrast between the endings of V3 and X are super apparent to me because I’m watching them as an adult less than a month apart, but so many other characters also ride off into the sunset, it could just as easily mean nothing. 
I don’t care, I guess; I can’t see it any other way. It’s about defeating his dad and learning to deal with the trauma that your shit parents gave you. It’s Saturn Devouring His Son. Jin Keisuke is battling GOD but really, he’s just fighting all the demons that his father passed down to him. He’s fighting his ideals and his past and his old friend. He was fighting his father’s fight, and he’s done now. He’s found people that are like him, who have similar ideals and can support him in a way that his father couldn’t, and so when he rides off into the sunset at the end of the show, it’s maybe the lightest that I think the show has ever felt. He’ll have to deal with the consequences of his father’s actions for the rest of his life, there’s no question about that, but at least now he’s shed most of the baggage he was saddled with and is all the stronger for it. And I really, really don’t think that their intentions going into the show matter, because I think being able to read it that way can be enough for me. It feels like the story itself wanted to be told. It might have been messy, but hell, what weird relationships with your parents aren’t, right? 
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Pictured: sure that was probably just a throwaway line but damn, I get why you would associate those things...
Kamen Rider X is a show where I think that the curtains were blue because that’s what was on sale at the store; maybe yellow curtains were more in season so they got a good deal on the blue ones, and that’s why they used them. Still, whether or not they meant anything by them or not and again, let’s be real, I don’t really think that they did, sometimes they can blow in the breeze and catch the wind just right and ripple like the surface of the ocean, and maybe if you squint your eyes and think about it in just the right way, you can see the debris from the Jin Station floating by. 
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Would I recommend Kamen Rider X?
FUCKING UHHHHHHHHHHH look okay. Yes if you’re nuts like me and think that this sounds like at least an interesting ride to watch. I can’t say that it really ever got boring and the fact that it’s only 35 episodes? It goes by fast. I was entertained throughout… that entertainment however did range a little bit from feeling like I was watching a fun little toku show to sometimes maybe watching a car wreck. I might have been rubbernecking down the freeway. I wouldn’t recommend that you start with X. Please, for the love of god, start with something that isn’t X. Heed the warning I wrote at the start. Maybe skip this one if you aren’t interested in thinking about some dude’s dad issues for a few weeks! But… it’s still compelling. I still keep thinking about it. It did a lot accidentally and I like it for that. Jin Keisuke, I wish you all the best! 
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One last Apollo Geist for the road:
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miss-writes-a-lot · 3 years
Ozpinweek2021 Day 7: Free Day : Happy birthday Professor Ozpin!
(@ozpinweek day 7! Didn't get them all but I got some of them! Hope this was entertaining or something. Happy Ozpinweek everyone!)
One Spring morning, Nora had gathered teams RWBY, CFVY, SSSN, and JNPR in the common room and announced that she had apparently found out that Professor Ozpin's birthday was the next day and they were going to throw a surprise birthday party in his office.
Now every single one of them were sceptical of this proclamation. Very few people knew when Ozpin's birthday was. Uncle Qrow never disclosed the date because Ozpin apparently didn't like to celebrate his birthday and would have much rather celebrated other's special days. But - Nora was sure in her knowledge and somehow had convinced the group to help her out.
The plan was perfect. Team RWBY knew that Garnet would have to go to her monthly treatments in the bunker for a good chunk of the morning, and Oscar and Maylea didn't have school so they would be joining them as well.
So, they would sneak into the tower around the time they would all head down to the bunker and set up inside of his office. Ren made the cake - Nora argued that a pancake cake would make a much better choice of cake but quickly changed her tune once she saw the many layered cookie cake.
Pyrrha, Fox, and Velvet kept watch outside until they were certain they were in the clear. Once they were, they snuck inside with the supplies and got to setting up.
Yatsuhashi, Sun, and Sun's clones hung the banner, Nora, Velvet, and Blake blew up the balloons (Weiss supervised Nora so she wouldn't pop or suck the helium out of the balloons) Jaune, Yang, and Coco hung up the streamers while everyone else stuck party games and other decorations from the discount bin at the bargain market.
Ruby squealed happily as she looked around the room, "This is gonna be so cool! I hope Professor Ozpin likes it!"
"I'm sure he'll enjoy it, " Pyrrha said, "Though I still feel uneasy about all of this. "
"Well if anything goes south, we can always use Ruby's super speed before we get caught. " Neptune said.
"Relaaaaxx you guys!" Nora exclaimed, "We're not gonna get in trouble!"
"Easy for you to say. How do you even know if he even wants a party? Or that it's even his birthday?" Weiss questioned, crossing her arms.
"Come on, Weiss. Have a little faith in Nora!" Sun exclaimed, "She's doing this for a good cause!"
"Yeah Weiss. Have a little fun!"
Weiss rolled her eyes, opening her mouth to speak but being cut off by the sound of the door of the office opening. Everyone froze in place.
'Oh no! He's here early!'
A heavy boot stepped in, followed by a pale hand, and then a pale face. It was Garnet.
Everyone sighed in relief.
"Oh, thank the brothers. It's just you, Garnet." Pyrrha sighed.
"What are you doing?" The youngest Pine asked, scanning the room.
"We're setting up for your old man's birthday!" Sun said.
Garnet raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about?"
"Ozpin! His birthday!"
"It's not his birthday."
The room fell silent. Everyone exchanged a look with one another.
"His birthday is in the fall. Some time in the third week of September or something."
The color drained from their faces. Weiss whipped around and shot an icy glare at Nora, who ducked down behind a table.
"Crap!" Yang exclaimed.
"We have to take this down before they get here," Coco said.
"They're actually coming up the elevator now -"
"On it!"
"Wait, no-"
Ruby took off, flying around the room and sucking everything into her tornado of petals.
The teams began to lift off the ground and fly into her petal burst along with her.
"Ru-u-u-uby! Put us do-w-w-w-wn!" Weiss yelled.
"I think I'm gonna be sick." Jaune exclaimed.
"Don't you dare, Vomit boy!" Scarlet yelled.
The red head finally took notice and stopped, making a not so smooth landing on the office floor.
"Ugh...never...never again." Blake moaned.
"I'm seriously going to be sick…" Jaune added.
"Sorry guys…" Ruby said, rubbing the side of her head.
The door to the now destroyed office clicked open. It was too late to run. Ozpin, Qrow, Professor Goodwitch, General Ironwood, Oscar, and Maylea all entered and all taking in the destruction around them.
"What in the world happened here?!" Glynda shouted.
"Ah! We're sorry, Professor - er, Professors! We -"
"It was Nora's idea!" Yang exclaimed.
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"What is happening right now?" Maylea asked.
"I have no idea." Oscar replied.
"Enough! Ms. Rose-" Professor Goodwitch pointed her wand at Ruby, "Explain."
Ruby took a breath. "We were trying to plan a birthday party for Professor Ozpin, but we got the date wrong and when I tried to clean it up, this... happened."
Ozpin stepped forward, picking up the plate that once held the now smashed cookie cake.
"We're so sorry, Professor Ozpin. We'll clean it up! Right guys?"
"And we take full responsibility for what happened here."
Ozpin said nothing. He continued to examine the plate.
"Uh... Professor Ozpin?"
"September 23rd."
Everyone exchanged a look of confusion.
"Uh, come again?"
"My birthday is September 23rd. A day or two after the first day of autumn. It's... it's not something I tell many people. Doesn't have positive connotations. It's…" Ozpin paused, a small smile tugging at his lips, "It was nice of you all to do this. I appreciate it. I mean that."
Ruby beamed, "You're welcome, Professor Ozpin -"
"That being said, I'd appreciate it very much if you all put the same effort into fixing my office."
"There it is."
"There's a sizable custodial closet in the main building. Should have everything you need to get started."
Everyone groaned. "Yes Professor Ozpin…"
"Good. Now, come along now, Garnet. Let's get you home."
"G-give me a minute…"
Qrow sighed, going to pick up the disoriented child. "C'mon Nettie. A good nap'll fix you up."
Qrow chuckled. "Let's go home."
"Wait! Uncle Qrow! Take us with you!" Yang pleaded.
"Sorry, rules are rules."
"You said you were allergic to the rules!"
Qrow shrugged. The others followed him out, Glynda stomping ahead of them in frustration. Ruby looked back at Ozpin. He smirked as he followed the others to the elevator. She smirked back.
Overall, it wasn't a bad party.
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osir-ethria · 3 years
...... I have ideas and all but if anyone finds my head canons interesting enough feel free to ask me about a topic that I can turn into a head canon or scenario/drabble/mini story/one shot. If anyone does do this then fair warning I may not immediately respond or it may take me a bit to think of something or create said something. Or I may not choose to respond to it if I don’t feel comfortable to do so.
For now, Happy B-Day Weiss! (I finally got an idea and it’s probably late to some people but it’s still May 15th for me so here we go.)
How RWBYJNRWWWQEOK+AceOps and maybe Sun and Neptune act today... Maybe Raven and Tai too, I want Raven to join them and Tai to reunite. More so let’s just have the entire found family.
(Setting they are in a building, not a tent. Like maybe a room in Haven or after Salem fight and they survive but making sure the world doesn’t break is becoming stressful on the group because they were main figures in the war. Now hold leading positions that I won’t get into but y’know it be hard for them.)
First is the mutual agreement to LET WEISS SLEEP IN TILL LIKE NOON. They be letting the Ice Queen rest especially with all the bullshit she has to put up with on a daily basis and the fact she hasn’t slept properly in days.
Weiss does try to wake up, thinking it’s a normal day but it isn’t, Ruby pins her to the bed where she is laying on top of Ice Queen. Weiss doesn’t have the strength to resist and just lays there asking Blake and Yang for help but no response. She eventually passes out again and Ruby gives Weiss her cape before sneaking out.
Yang and Blake go out to get ingredients and anything they need to make a meal of the size of the party they are going host for Weiss.
Ruby is making cookies with the current ingredients, Yang’s style based on Summer’s recipe, and Winter is getting some coffee ready.
Whitley, Ren, and Jaune are organizing presents. I’ll list what they got Weiss.
Ruby: A pocketknife she made, girl be way into weapons. (I’m giving you choice here, choose the design.)
Yang: (She be making the cake but y’know) I like the idea she gets Bumblebee back and it would be upgraded. Taking Weiss on a ride with it.
Blake: Simple but gets the new White Fang badge with the Schnee insignia as an acceptance. Would offer to help her with duel wielding after learning that she can and had to do so when they fell.
Jaune & Neptune: They’d go off on how much of assholes they were during Beacon. Jaune for not taking “No” as an answer and Neptune acting the way he did. Weiss would get a good laugh then retaliate with “I was just as much of an asshole as you two but thanks for saying that.”
Ren: Would carve out the flower he associates Weiss with the most out of wood and paint it over perfectly.
Nora: Depending on the timeline either new kitchen ware or take over any manual labor tasks for the next week for her. Maybe both.
Willow: She found a store filled with puzzles of all sorts. Buy Weiss three and a book on puzzle making and concept. Probably get her a lot of information based books but she knows by now that Weiss likes them and isn’t weary on if it’s the right thing to buy.
Whitley (Depending on if CVFY joins then with Coco): New stylized clothing of both grouped “feminine” and “masculine”... Do you hear my sarcasm. They just styled and got tailored Weiss’ new wardrobe. Whitley has the courtesy of a sweater/hoodie with FIGHT on the back representing her response to Jacques’s abuse. Also got Winter one with ‘Flight to Fight’, Willow one with “Froze but Thawed”, and himself “Fawned but Freed”. Just something nice. (Klein got a hoodie with “True Schnee Dad” on it and I don’t take no for an answer).
Winter: Got Myrenaster sharpened, taking over all ‘logically enduring’ tasks of the next week that don’t require Weiss specifically. Going out to dinner the next day but that’s the next day. With the help of Ruby she picked out new jewelry. The one she thought would suit Weiss the most was a custom made necklace with silver, the Schnee emblem, and small rubies.
Klein: Did a stand up comedy act with his many split personalities with a little help from Neo. There, that’s Neo contribution. Acts like his butler self for the day which brings a rather nice nostalgia to a poor past.
Qrow: After years of traveling together, much to Winter’s dismay, he has allowed Weiss to refer to him as Uncle if she wants to. Paid for the material to her new wardrobe by Whitley and Coco.
Tai: Helps her with hand to hand combat. Knitted a sweater for her that has some goofy dad joke on it in reference to her. (Btw, as much as Weiss cringed she loves the damn thing.)
Raven: Goes on the whole apology, she did a big one for everyone but this one was directly for Weiss. She teaches Weiss how she made the dust blades and the whole concept, and to Weiss’s request, will be teaching Ruby the same thing. (I wouldn’t take it as an unknown thing, dust blades, but it’s difficult to craft and you need to master it perfectly.)
Emerald: Probably also put on something funny but this time she’d disguise herself as Jacques for an hour as Weiss goes all out on how much he hates him. Best thing to watch and the entire time Emerald has to keep herself from breaking down by the reminder that this is towards Jacques not her. After the whole ordeal Weiss hugs Emrald thanking her and said she acted him out perfectly.
(You guys got to think of other characters, I can’t think of anything else for presents right now while writing this.)
Weiss wakes up after, after Ruby finished cookies and Winter coffee and Klein a proper breakfast, and she is greeted by both of them along with Whitley and Willow. Ruby is smiling animatedly which always gets Weiss to grin, Winter sits down on the edge of the bed with a calmer smile but she has gotten better with emotion, Willow is at the edge with a motherly look that Weiss starts to cry a bit, and Whitley has climbed onto the bed and is on the other side of his sister, sitting there, smiling.
Ruby places her breakfast down before using her semblance in a quick burst to get directly to Weiss’s right side and lean on her. A few rose petals are there but nothing has been disturbed. (At this point the Schnees have gotten used to Ruby’s and Weiss’ closeness, either as partners or if you ship them like me then maybe more.)
After brunch she is dragged out by Ruby again to just lounge about the town or city. Weiss is saying that she should be doing tasks and Ruby is always responding with “nope” which leads Weiss to give up.
When dinner comes they go back and to Weiss’s surprise their entire group is there with presents, food, and a huge cake. They all scream happy birthday to Weiss and she starts crying. Past birthdays for her weren’t great and she has gotten used to smaller celebrations by her team, but seeing all those she considers family here, she breaks.
Gets all the hugs, Ice Queen deserves them.
Afterwards she just outright says-
“I honestly forgot it was my birthday, just thought everyone was being soft for no reason.”
Everyone is stunned but in the end everyone is laughing.
The rest of the night is a blast, everyone is having fun, Weiss roles her eyes at most of the presents or smiles genuinely. Just Weiss smiling the entire time because of pure joy. They get Sun to use a aura clone to take a picture of their entire group which is huge. That was using Velvet’s camera.
(Weiss treasures that photo like it’s more expensive than any jewel/gem one will find.)
As a last gift given by her team they all do a snuggle pile when they sleep. Yang holding all of them, Blake snuggling into Yang’s left side, Ruby either snuggling into Yang’s right side or Weiss, Weiss’s arms a little under Yang and just wrapping around far enough to just meet Blake, and Blake has her arm, like Weiss, going as far as it can.
It’s loving Weiss day and I wrote this as me showing how much I love her.
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bssaz97 · 4 years
It’s A Halloween Birthday!
A/N: I know this is coming a little late but gotta have a post for the birthday girl! Also thanks to my buddy @darksaiyangoku for inspiring most of this post with me, love ya man! Also every character used in this post is loved and not bashed on, even if some are used for comedic purposes. Onwards and Upwards, let’s go!
- Rose-Xiao-Long Residence -
Jaune, dressed as an angel warrior, walked to the front door and opened it to greet the new arrivals. Upon opening the door, Jaune is met with Oscar Pine who himself is dressed as Nero (DMC 4).
Jaune: Hey Oscar, glad you can make it! *lowers voice* Is Yang still keeping Ruby occupied?
Oscar: Thankfully yes. How’s preparation going?
Jaune: We just finished, and a few of our guests have arrived so all we gotta do is wait for the lady of the night.
Oscar: Great! Who’s here by the way?
Jaune: That would be Blake, Sun, Nora and Ren.
Oscar peeks into the living room but grows a confused expression upon finding only Blake and Sun, both dressed as Han Solo and Princess Leia, present chatting at the Fountain of Blood (punch bowl).
Oscar: Uh Jaune… where’s Ren and Nora?
Jaune: *blank stare* You know where they’re at.
A series of knocking sounds can be heard from a closet in the upstairs level of the house.
Oscar: ...Oh.
Jaune: Yeah… those two came dressed as a Raider and a noble person. Take a guess on who’s who.
Oscar: I’m guessing Nora’s the noble one, right?
Jaune: *laughs* Sure let's go with that.
Oscar: So who else are we waiting on besides Yang and Ruby?
Jaune: That would be Neptune and Weiss. Nep just messaged me that they were getting close, so they should be here any minute.
Oscar: Ok, what about Tai and Qrow?
Jaune: That’s the best part, they’re gonna be a no show. So it’s just us for tonight!
Oscar: Cool!
Jaune: Oh! That must be them right now.
Both huntsmen went to the door and let in both Weiss and Neptune.
Weiss: *dressed as Snow White* Pardon our tardiness, we would have been here sooner but we almost had a run in with the birthday girl and it nearly blew both our covers, so we had to go an alternate route through a local neighborhood.
Jaune: That’s fine Weiss, we’re just happy that you are here. Also nice Snow White costume, is that custom?
Weiss: Of course, I know it seems much but I can’t stand the store bought costumes, the material makes me itch too easily.
Oscar: Fair enough, also what’s your costume Neptune?
Neptune: *Flexes* You like it? I’m dressed as Aquaman, King of Atlantis!
Neptune’s costume looks similar to the final version of DCEU Aquaman’s super suit, however, there are some noticeable additions. Such as the purple starfish masking his nose, a purple belt instead of a gold one, and two purple shells on his chest looking like a bra…
Jaune/Oscar: *try holding in their laughter*
Neptune: Hm?
Jaune: So, where’s Barnacle Boy?
Neptune: *grew a confused expression* What?
Oscar: *snorting and gasping* Is he with Man Ray?
Neptune: Guys what are you talking about? It almost sounds like you think I’m-
Neptune was cut off by the sound of boisterous laughter coming from the punch bowl, where Sun can be seen kneeling over laughing his ass off. This seemed to increase his ire.
Neptune: Why are you laughing? I really am Aquaman.
Jaune: *chuckles* Not with that bra, you’re not.
Neptune: Bra? *Eyes widen in realization* SUN!
Sun, Jaune and Oscar’s laughter increased tenfold.
Sun: *gasping for breath* I-I’m sorry man, I couldn’t resist.
Neptune: Ughh! Gods Damnit! No wonder those kids were saying, “Evil’s Afoot!” It all makes sense now.
Oscar: *wiping away a tear* If it bothers you that much, why don’t you take it off?
Neptune: I can’t, I kinda... glued it on. Plus I’m already here, what’s done is done.
Sun: Nonsense! *grabs the bra and rips it off*
What happened as Sun tore away the bra from the costume was exactly what Neptune warned, thus as the shells came off so too did the chest portion of his costume.
Neptune: ....
Oscar: ...maybe Weiss likes it?
Weiss: It does have a certain appeal, and it does show off your naturalness dear. *she hums rubbing Nep’s exposed chest*
Neptune: ...I’m completely ok with these results.
Night had come, and the group waited another half hour until both Ruby and Yang arrived at the house, who by then had all been hidden and turned off the lights.
Ruby: Hey why’s it so dark in here? *flicks on the lights*
“SURPRISE! Happy Birthday!”
Ruby: *jumps up in her demon warrior costume* Oh my-Guys, what are you all?
Yang: *dressed as Trish* Like your surprise sis?
Ruby: Oh my gods, you were planning this all day?
Yang: Can’t take all the credit, VB here set everything up while I had to keep you busy trick or treating.
Ruby: *eyes watering* Jaune? I thought you had to go on a mission.
Jaune: Yeah… I may have twisted the details on what kind of mission I was gonna be on today. You like it?
Ruby: Dang it, Vomit Boy… I love it! *rubs up and hugs her boyfriend*
Oscar: *walks up to Yang* Thanks for keeping her busy Yang, couldn’t have done it without you.
Yang: It’s no biggie, I’m just glad I can make both of my little devils happy this evening. Also how’s my costume? *she teased while doing a spin*
Oscar: *blushes* It suits you… but it might’ve made more sense to go as Kyrie.
Yang: Aw, but I kinda wanted to bring the ‘devil’ outta you tonight.~
Oscar: ...That’s also good.
Blake: *comes in with a cake* Alright birthday girl, time to make your wish.
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday dear Ruby~
Happy birthday to you!~
Ruby: *smiles then blows out her candles* Thank you, all of you. I’m so happy everyone could make it.
The group suddenly hears the sounds of rushing footsteps coming from upstairs and from the stairs they see both Ren and Nora arrive with shocked expressions.
Nora: *dressed as a Mistralian noble* Aw dang it! We missed the best part!
Oscar: Ha! I knew I was right!
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chayacat · 3 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (17)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
Haaa... what a pleasure to reopen your business after an absence. Well, you didn’t want it, but you must admit that this little weekend has done you good. Even if in the end, Ghostface came to see you in your hospital room. But you are finally back in your café, your kingdom, your haven of peace.  If some people find their work too stressful and boring in the long run, for you, your coffee is the opposite. The faces of the customers, their smile, the little conversations you have with them or that they have with each other... You'll never get tired of it.
The customers are numerous, and happy to see you again! Rumors are going fast in Roseville and when the locals found out what had happened to you, they all worried about you! And seeing you again was a real relief. One of your clients, a little old lady even brought you a small bouquet of flowers! How adorable! The room was full and your Neptune's pie was always the little favorite of the guests. Even though your March cake and Ufo brownies were also starting to be popular with people. And with your new cakes, people were flocking more and more. How nice it was to see a room filled.
“Have you read the papers lately? It seems that a certain Hoggins would be in the middle of a scandal. And Mr McKellan would also be involved!” said a woman to her colleagues.  
“What? Really? What did they done?” ask one of them.
“Apparently, Hoggins would sign partnerships with his competitors, then sink them thanks to McKellan's complicity to recover more profits!” replied the woman
“What a bastard.”
“Personally, this does not surprise me. I saw the article on the website of a Georgia newspaper. They're the ones who have that exclusivity. Too bad, usually it's our little newspaper that gets good scoop like this.” said the man of the group.
“At the same time, they have another Ghostface murder to write about. This Jed Olsen is really super good! I don't know how he gets so much information!” said another woman.  
This conversation caught your attention. Yet Jed told you that the journalist from Georgia got caught, didn't he? So how is it that they publish the article before Roseville? Unless...
“Hey!” said Mattew, entering the café with a childish smile.
“Mattew! Nice to see you!  Melina isn't with you?” you answer with a bright smile.
“Nah, she’s already at work, Since the scandal came out, she's been motivated. Then? Feeling better?”
“Yeah, doctor said to not make too much efforts. But I'll be fine. The same as usual?”
“Yup! It's going to wake me up a little bit for work.”
You smile while you were preparing Mattew's order. Let's talk about him, shall we?
Mattew Erins is a lovely California Boy. His family, from Irish immigration, moved to America to pursue a career. And careers are diverse! Comedians, musicians, workers, cooks... Mattew is the only one in the family who has tried journalism. His mother, a great theatre actress, and his father, a director, tried everything to keep their son in line. But little Mattew still preferred the quest for truth to comedy. The same size as Jed, his beautiful green eyes, his body a little skinny and his blond hair make him one of the prettiest boys in Ohio. His parents were very open-minded, so he had no fear of introducing them to his boyfriend Chris, who was freaking out about the meeting. 3 years of pure love and laughter between these two and few arguments. The most interesting fact about him is that he can eat like an ogre.... without gaining weight.
“There you go!” you said, giving him his order.
“Thanks a lot! This will help!” he said taking a sip. “Haaa that’s good.”
“By the way, I heard that a newspaper in Georgia published the article on Hoggins... But Jed told me that whoever was at the reception had been caught...”
“Oh, the boss changed his strategy, to prevent Hoggins from attacking us, we sent our article to this newspaper and we waited for them to publish it to publish it right after. That way we don't risk anything, even if I think it's a bit unfair.”
“it is, but in a sense, you are protected. I heard there was a new murder of Ghostface... Jed had told me about it as well. Do we know who it is?”
“It...It was Mike. Police find Mike’s body in a state...Well, it's not pretty to see. Apparently, he went wild this time.”
“Oh God...I'm sorry to hear that...” you replied.
“He was an asshole, but he didn’t deserve it. Even the worst man in the world didn’t deserve a death like that. Well, I gotta go or my boss will be angry at me again. I'm a bit of a champion of delays at the Journal... I'll see you later! and rest from time to time!” said Mattew before leaving, smiling at you.  
You take a little time to assimilate what Mattew told you. Ghostface killed Mike. In a way, Mattew was right, even the worst man didn't deserve to die atrociously. But on the other hand, He had gone after Jed. He almost killed him. So... He looked for it. But that means you have to thank Ghostface. Because if he hadn't killed Mike... Who knows what he would have done to Jed?  
The thought of feeling indebted to Ghostface disgusts you. Because you know that he will use it to get what he wants from you. But it's a fact, he saved Jed's life. Unintentionally. The memories of last night came back to you. He saw you naked and had fun scaring you with his knife. But the cold of the blade passing over your chest didn't really displease you. It even gave you little thrills of pleasure. But it's out of the question to show it to him. Only Jed can give you these sensations. Not this lunatic who only tries to satisfy his fantasies.
But let's keep this to us, okay? For now, Jed and you are not officially together. Not yet, anyway. With what happened to him, and since he still hasn't turned the page, does he only feel ready to engage in a new relationship? Maybe it won't last? Maybe he's too scared? But yet this kiss he gave you... Isn't that proof to the contrary? That he wants to move on? And that with you he finally hopes he will get there?
All this is still confused. You'll have to discuss it with him... be sure that's what he wants. Because you’re sure about what you want: for you he's the only one that can make you happy, you're sure. But what about him? You sigh while shaking your head, you don't have time to think about that at the moment. you have to focus on your work... And on Ghostface.  
If you couldn't find out more about him last night, you know that sooner or later he'll let his guard down, or he'll say something interesting to bring him down. And there, and maybe there, you can turn the situation to your advantage. But sneaky as it is, it is able to tell you anything... or to find out the truth. And you're in serious danger of regretting it.
“Excuse me, Miss! Can I have a refill please?” said a young man.
“Of course!” you answer taking the coffee pot to refill the young man’s cup.  
Another one asks for a refill and when you are about to serve him, a man came in with a gun. A man you recognize among a thousand since he is the one who attacked you. He pointed his gun at you, ready to shoot.  Your blood only made one turn. And before he can say or do anything, you throw the coffee in his face. He screamed knocking down his gun. You take the opportunity to hit him in the stomach and you put him on the ground. You give him an arm wrench and press his back with your knees to keep him on the ground.
“Someone calls the cops! Quick! I won't be able to hold him for long!” you shout at everyone before looking at him: “Wasn't it enough to stab me? You want to kill me with a bullet between the eyes now??? I've had enough of you and your boss! You can tell McKellan I intend to stay here whether he likes it or not!” you whisper to his ear.
The police arrived a few minutes later and boarded the young man. You warn them that this is the man who stabbed you. They took note of it, alerted the police station and greeted you before leaving, the suspect in the vehicle. Once inside, everyone applauded you. You feel both flattered and embarrassed, you acted only instinctively... nothing more. You resumed your work for the rest of the day. Proud of your action, you can't help but smile, you can't wait to tell Melina, Mattew and Jed all about it.
The end of the day came and as usual you go around your café to make sure everything was locked. Especially the back shop. As you went to close the back door, two hands came to hide your eyes which startled you. A little laugh was heard, a familiar laugh.
“Ready to go home Miss?” Said Jed laughing a little.
“Jed! You’ve scared me!” you answer, tapping his shoulder as he turned around and laughed.
“Sorry, I couldn't help it. Are you done going around? Are you ready to go home?”
“I am. We can go. I have to tell you something crazy.”
“What? A client fell on his butt because you clean the floor too much?”
“No... The man who stabs me attacked me again. Don’t worry he didn't have time to do anything. I sent him coffee in the face and I mastered him like a champion of martial arts! You should have seen that!” you replied proudly.
“You've mostly had some pretty sharp reflexes. Someone told the police? Did they come?” He asks.  
“Yes. I told them that he was the one who stabbed me. But it seems that they already knew at the police station. Thanks to your testimony. Besides Mattew told me for... your former colleague. Mike. Ghostface apparently didn't miss him.”
Jed only nod before opening the van’s door. You get in and put your belt before watching Jed again hoping he answers. But nothing. He simply started the car and hit the road to get home. You look at the road slightly annoyed thinking that you have to thank Ghostface for somehow saving Jed's life. Jed noticed your annoyance and patted your leg while smiling before refocusing on the road.
He parked, went down, and you both took the opportunity to pick up your respective mail. Mrs. Lawson took you in her arms when she saw you, which made Jed sneer at this embarrassing situation. You reassure the old lady before you say goodbye and leave with Jed to your respective apartments.
“Hey... it doesn't seem to be going well. You... Do you want to talk about it?” ask Jed, worried.
“It's just that... I feel compelled to thank Ghostface for killing Mike. After all, he tried to kill you at work... Who knows what could have happened to you? Maybe Mike would have come here, he'd come home and...” you said, some tears forming at your eyes.  
“Hey hey hey...It’s over now. And you don't have to feel indebted to this murderer. Mike didn't know where I was living anyway. He could never have done anything to me. And then... I know how to defend myself a little bit. Even if you don't see it... You know what? Tomorrow night I'll invite you to dinner. At home or in the restaurant of your choice. I owe you that. It'll change your mind. Ok?”  
You nod and kiss him on the cheek before wishing him good night. You close the door of your apartment and sigh with relief, but look dreamy. a one-on-one dinner with Jed. Well, this is not the first time but ... There you can discuss. Either you're officially together, or he'd rather wait. But with the sign numbers you've seen, if he tells you, he's not sure he wants to engage in a relationship with you, you'll be disappointed... but not discouraged.  
You head to the kitchen to get ready to eat. Tonight, it's Mexican. Homemade fajitas to reward yourself for your day. You've earned them! You prepare your meal, the sweet smells of spices spreading throughout the room, sweet and slightly spicy smells. You smile proudly of the result when suddenly two hands came to hide your eyes.
“Smells pretty good here... There are some for me, I hope?” Said Ghostface by releasing one of your eyes to try to catch a fajita. A gesture stopped by a wooden spoon on the hand.
“Don't even think about it. I'm not going to let you sting my food. Why don't you go steal your meal from one of your future victims? Or go home.” you answer frowning.
“Oh, come on. You can do it again. Given the amount, you could feed your whole building. I have the right to eat at least one. So? I’ve heard you've mastered your attacker? You see that sometimes diplomacy is not always the best solution. And again... I'm sure you would have slaughtered him if you had been alone.” he replied, laughing.
“I already told you that I'm not twisted as you are. And I only did it because he was pointing a gun at me. It's self-defence.” You said slightly angry.
“Of course, Of course! But you know... you start with a kick or a punch... And then you move on to an iron bar... or a stab wound. You know when you've lived a life like mine... After a while you think: either you are the prey or the predator. I'll let you guess which route I took.”
“I'd never be like you.”
“And I don't want to! You'll just be my accomplice; you won't say anything... you'll lie to the police... You will be... my guardian angel. My beautiful angel. And then who knows... Maybe you'll save me from madness. or that I will train you with me.”
“I have someone now and...”
“Do you really want to live with that Nerdy Boy? While you could have a more exciting, more dangerous life! Do you prefer a boring life to that? I'm not saying Jed won't be faithful to you... from what I learned from him, he's the best boyfriend girls would love to have. But all he thinks about is working. As I told you, I will treat you like a queen. A treasure from which no one will come near. You will be mine, and only mine. I'll never let anyone take what I care about again.” Said Ghostface touching your cheek with gloved hand.  
You were about to react when he ran over you, sticking his arms on the worktop. You could hear the breath through his mask, then a little sneer before he retired, a fajita in hand. He walked to the window, lightly lifted his mask to take a bite. Then he handed it over and looked at you.
“Taste good, but I would have added a little more spice. Oh, by the way, don't thank me for saving your little nerd's life. I need him to talk about my exploits. Think carefully... He or I. Sweet dreams.”
Then he vanished. But at least you've learned a little more. It's only a small step, but it's better than nothing. But what did he lose to get to this point? Only he has the answer.  For now, you have to hold on. Choosing between him and Jed? The choice is quickly made.
And maybe once you're together... You can bring him down.
And finally, you'll be free from the Devil.
At least that's what you think.
(And it’s done! Pass my code asks me for time, sometimes I wonder how I get to write and focus on my code at once. But I hope you’ll like this chapter! And now I'm resting my brain for the weekend! Have a great week-end everyone! See ya!)
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 29
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
(Weiss POV)
Jaune approached me with a backflip.
He flew across the ground, sword and shield in hand, reversed, floating tractionless, and backflipped at me.
Whatever machinations he had in his mind led him to using the shield with a longsword rather than the titanic broadsword. His shield was a giant lowercase 't' shape as he flew about.
I waved my weapon through the air and pinpricks of light followed it. The light hovering in place before it flickered out in a projectile at him.
He flipped past the projectiles without blocking them and slashed at me twice with the straight blade, it was a little over three feet long. I had to engage him with Myrtnaster directly. My own weapon was shorter than his. In a battle of straight range I'd lose.
I tried to fence at him but he was strong enough to shove my weapon out of the way and send me spinning. I didn't fight the motion, I wanted the space from him. I summoned part of my knight. Just the right arm and his sword, I grunted with the exertion of the summoning.
Jaune caught the massive sword on his shield. He had to brace with both hands behind his shield, but he held. It was his turn to grunt with exertion. He spent his semblance, and threw the blade off of him. He looked visibly upset about spending his semblance on a defensive manner. His face was dark and scrunched in a scowl. He had to take physical steps on his next assault against me.
Jaune wasn't like he used to be. That much was obvious from even our little chats. His and Yang's fight just drew it out and this, our sparring match, was icing on the cake. He had a strategic mind second to none of us and his instincts were sharp and finely tuned towards the Grimm according to Ruby. He'd read the Knuckelavee with little more to go on than footprints. It wasn't his experience with the Grimm but a preternatural sixth sense about where it would go, how it would fight. A true hunter's sense.
Now with his semblance and strength he had the power to back that up. He was a threat. A real honest to Gods threat.
He met me again but without his Limit Break he wasn't fast enough to out-spar me. I fenced him with thrusts that met his shield and he tried to counter attack from behind it with a strike that I blocked but sent my teeth ringing. I couldn't imagine trying to block constantly like Yang had when his semblance was active. He was unearthly strong even without it and it only made him stronger while active by an order of magnitude, according to Ruby.
I couldn't believe that Ruby had found a boyfriend before I did. It was unbelievable! And she'd had sex-
Jaune hammered me like a nail with his shield. Then he clipped me with his weapon.
I'd gotten distracted.
I gathered a glyph behind me and in front of me behind Jaune then darted between it Jaune and the next glyph then I summoned another, and another. I tore into his aura, ripping into it as I darted from one glyph to the next. I did damage until I activated his own semblance. Then he reached out and tried to grab me by his shield hand.
I'd seen that before and dodged it but I had to back off. I summoned my knight, this time I had enough spare breaths to call forth the entire body of the knight. Jaune stared it down with a growl and rolled his shield wrist, checking both of our aura instead of focusing on the fight at hand.
The nerve!
The knight paced forward and tried to crush Jaune but he flew out of the way, low to the ground. He jumped and slammed his shield into my knight's chest. It rocked the silver specter. My knight fell right to its knees but it punched Jaune center of mass with a fist nearly as large as he was.
He rolled with it.
Could he just stay down?
He met the blue and white figure again which was slow to rise unlike Jaune who became a blue blur. He hit my knight with a five hit attack that held Jaune in mid-air while he slashed and carved blue calligraphy into the knight. It collapsed into dissolving white light and I fell with it. My aura was nearly exhausted. I leaned on Myrtnaster which had been stabbed into the ground. Jaune came falling down on me with both hands on his sword in a massive overhead strike. He faltered when he saw I'd fallen and he nearly fell on his face in his attempt to cancel the attack he already had momentum behind.
Maybe he was still a little clumsy.
"You out?" He asked like he didn't already know. Ruby had insisted we hook up our scrolls to Jaune's so he could monitor us in a real fight.
I panted and nodded up at him and he offered me his shield hand. He easily pulled me to my feet.
"No problem," he dismissed.
"About you and Ruby…”
He grinned. It was a quiet proud grin. Like he was proud of what she and him were. I wondered if Neptune had ever grinned like that about me. I rather doubted it. “What about us?” He asked.
“Have you two really, you know…?”
“A couple times. She let me take her.”
“Just like that?”
“I’m not sure. I don’t think for her it was some big decision. You know what I mean? I think… I could be mistaken… but I think some girls put a lot of stock into their first time. And I don’t think she was like that. I think she wanted the intimacy. Why? Did you and Neptune ever do anything?”
"You defeated me, well done." I tried to change the subject.
"Just today. Tomorrow will be different."
"Plus I was out of practice," I justified.
"Of course," he said to my excuse without a hint of sarcasm. "You probably didn't have the time to practice while in Atlas."
Well, not against another opponent. All I had to work on was my semblance. Even that seemed to pale in comparison to the work he had done on himself.
He'd had real opponents. I told myself. He saw actual combat.
"Jaune you fought Salem's agents, correct?"
"Just the one, but yeah. I did."
"What was he like?"
"He was a faunus. A scorpion faunus." He clarified, thinking. He put a hand on his chin. "He fought with his tail. He was fast and cruel. We only beat him because Ruby snuck up on him while he was playing with me."
"Playing with you how?"
"He was torturing me with his weapons, that’s how I got hurt. He wanted to hurt me before he wanted me to die." Jaune reached down to pull up his shirt and revealed a set of bifurcating scars on his chest and stomach. "We cut off his tail. Sent him packing." Hard muscle rippled beneath the orange scars leading up to a broad well-defined chest.
I stared and shook my head. The scars went deep, were jagged, and brutal looking. This was when he self harmed. It was important to remember that.
"So he was murderous." I went on.
Jaune gave me a strained look. He broke eye contact with me and dropped his shirt. I watched the fabric fall over him.
"He was… he was more than murderous. He liked what he was doing. He introduced himself as Tyrian but I've just been calling him 'The Scorpion.'"
"Tyrian." I murmured. "Was that before or after you and Ruby got together."
"A little after." He answered without hesitation. He didn't even seem to think the question was odd.
"What's it like?"
"What's what like?" He gave me a look of pure Jaune confusion.
"Being with Ruby."
"Oh. Uh… it's mostly the same. We hang out. Talk about our feelings. That sort of thing."
"Except you also…" I trailed off.
"We also kiss. Yes."
Buffoon. He knew I was talking about sex.
"You don't need to worry though," he cut in.
"Why would I be worried?" I wondered, a little offended.
"Well she's your partner. I wanted you to know I had no intention of taking that from you." He hesitated a moment. "Or her." He added.
"Oh. I see."
"Isn't that what you were worried about. Seemed like something was bothering you." He squinted his eyebrows at me.
Well yes. It was that my little immature partner was already having sex with her boyfriend, but I was hardly going to get into that with said boyfriend. Then again she was seventeen. Not at all too young for that kind of thing, besides Ruby actively saw combat. It wasn't like I could honestly say it was a step too far for her. It was just odd then, that I hadn't. Hadn't really considered it, even.
Sure Neptune had been good looking but it wasn't like my thoughts had been on that. Well, maybe occasionally. I just had never trusted him enough. He'd flirt with me then run around and flirt with someone else. I suppose Ruby just trusted Jaune and why not? It sounded like he'd regularly put his life on the line for her. Compared to that, sex seemed small.
It wasn't, of course. My whole team stuck our necks out for each other and we were hardly all… well. I suppose it took an extra special something. An attraction as well as trust and Ruby and Jaune had always been close and gotten along well. Maybe it was just inevitable.
"I was just curious. That's all. The timeline."
He seemed content with that. He nodded along, head bobbing at the words.
"I wanted to talk to you a bit more about Cinder." He’d grown silent earlier when we discussed his revenge.
"Please Weiss, I don't want to talk or think anymore about that."
"Would you rather talk to Ruby about it?"
"Maybe." He hedged, but he continued anyway. "I'm just not ready to let go. Letting go of Pyrrha is just too much to ask of me. I want to be able to, even. I want to live without this burning ache. Not even Ruby has been able to dissuade me of what I must do when Cinder and I cross paths." He repeated softly. "What I must do."
"I don't understand. Don't you care about what you and Ruby have?"
"Of course I do." He said flatly.
"You'll lose it."
"Stop it. I already know that." His tone terse.
"Do you? Don't you know how much she cares about you? We all do."
"Please." I found him begging. Begging. For someone who had grown so strong to actually beg for me to stop as though my words were daggers came as a shock. "I'm not ready to let Pyrrha go. I'm not."
I frowned down my nose at him. I sighed off to one side. "Then let us help you. Let Ruby help you."
"She already is. I'll get there, I promise. I just need more time. Look, just because I'm not ready now doesn't mean I won't ever be. Believe me when I say I want to. I want to be that for Ruby. For all of you."
I looked at Jaune and the realization struck me that he had really been through the ringer but maybe he was actually getting better. He'd said he used to be more depressed and Ruby had helped him through that. Maybe I just had to let her. She'd helped me too.
"You'll talk to Ruby more about it?" I half asked, half demanded.
"I will," he vowed.
"Hey!" Yang harassed. "You two done flirting?"
I sputtered slightly, unable to get my words out at the same time Jaune shouted, "fucking maybe! What's it to you?"
"It's getting on dinner time is what it is," Yang bounced back. "Come on in."
"Fair enough." Jaune sighed. "I am hungry."
"I could eat. I suppose." My stomach betrayed me. Nearly a full day of sparring had left me famished, it was natural. Organic even. Nothing to be embarrassed about.
Jaune smiled down at me, he had nearly a whole head and a half of height on me. "Don't worry. I'll never tell. It’s our little secret.”
Heat crept up my neck a little at that.
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
Dinner was fish and grilled vegetables. Ren had cooked the flank of salmon up over the course of the afternoon. He was no professional chef but he was good. Grilled broccoli, steamed cauliflower, and salmon steak made a stark contrast to our first dinner here.
It was no less delicious than the soup and noodles the night before.
"Yaaaang stop it."
"But look at how much you've grown." Jaune snuck a peak over at where Yang poked Ruby's sides and took a long, long drink.
I wasn't sure who else noticed it but I sure did. I guess Ren and Nora might already know and whatnot. Then only Qrow mattered to Ruby's plans and Yang was too distracted to see the looks Jaune was giving out.
"You've gained a couple inches too, unlike the Ice Queen."
"Hey," I protested around my own drink. "I've grown plenty. At least as much as Ruby did."
"Not where, well, you know," Yang disagreed.
Jaune actively choked and Nora slapped him on the back. Several hard thumps later and he was back to breathing. I glared around the table daring anyone to agree with Yang, none of them did.
I turned my nose up at Yang, though.
"Soon you'll be just like your big sister." Yang went on in Ruby's direction.
Ruby blanched. Somewhere between a gag and a sigh, I was glad she was at least somewhat on my side. "I certainly hope not."
"What's that mean? I thought you wanted to grow up just like me."
"Yeah when I was like six. When was the last time you were in a stable relationship."
Now it was Yang's turn on the backfoot. "Well…"
"I mean you had the occasional fling back at Signal but at Beacon even Weiss got more action than you."
"What do you mean 'even' me." I sort of already knew the answer.
"Neptune." Ruby replied, intentionally missing the point, I was sure.
"Weiss aside, I got plenty of action."
"The only person you danced with at the dance was Blake. Your own partner. She danced with Sun, too, though."
"I was busy, Blake was in a depression. The whitefang and all that." Yang defended. She huffed and looked around the table but nobody else said anything. Jaune had his head down in his food and Nora was suspiciously quiet. Stones and glass houses and all that.
"So, about this mission." I had to wonder. Changing the subject was just a pleasant bonus. "Isn't about time somebody made some decisions about it."
"Well Jaune was intentionally keeping things free in case somebody had some ideas about it." Ruby explained. "But yeah. No sense in delaying the inevitable."
"I was thinking Ren and I case the joint first." Jaune took a bite of salmon steak. "Get a layout of the interior. Then we wait and slip you girls in when the good Don makes a stop by."
"We could always ambush him when he's coming and going," Ruby returned.
"I thought we'd rather keep the fighting in the streets to a minimum," Jaune disagreed.
"But on the inside, won't they know we don't work there?" I cut in. We couldn't just walk in and pretend to be one of the girls. There was no way it was that simple.
"Maybe. It depends on what kind of outfits you are wearing. From my understanding all the girls wear these bee outfits. Hence the name, Honey Bee Inn." Jaune explained. At Ruby's look he went on. "Qrow told me. I have uh-yet to be inside the establishment."
"We just need to get our hands on a set of those then," Nora slammed her fork on the table. "Preferably more than one."
"This seems ripe for disaster," I chipped in. The entire heist my friends were planning was fit to collapse if just one of a thousand things went wrong.
"Which is why whoever goes in will wear a wire. Qrow and I have been rigging something up," Jaune went on.
"Is there an alternative? We need to get those keys," Yang wondered at me. "We'll just threaten to rip his dick off. That'll make him comply."
"The problem isn't that. It's getting in position to do that," I disagreed. "If it was so easy to threaten and bully him, the Malachites would have done it."
"We need information, then." Ruby concluded. "Jaune, why don't you see what else you can find out about the Don with Qrow. Then the rest of us will have Ren check out the inn and see if we can't smuggle ourselves in. If we can get in once, we can get in twice. Preferably with those costumes the second time."
Ren sighed and Jaune leaned back. "I bet I can find a few people who'll tell me something about him. I'm not sure how much I want to know about his proclivities, though."
"You're not one of the ones getting close to the guy who frequents the brothel." Yang pointed her fork at him. Jaune raised his hands in surrender. "I'm the one getting close to those proclivities."
Gross. Maybe Yang was right about me being prudish and maybe I shouldn't fight her on it. I certainly wanted to be nowhere near the man but I had the feeling I'd be getting closer than I liked to the despicable Don. 
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Hi hiii! I would like to order a cake! >.<
First of all thank you for the matchup (for haikuu) I am a 5’3 girl with long light brown hair and green eyes. I am a pisces sun and rising and a leo moon. My personality type is isfj but I am an ambivirt. I’m mostly atttacted to guys but i’m happy with anyone. I am kind to everyone I meet and I am loyal to my friends. My friends describe be and bubbly and in the clouds lol but when I need to I can be hardworking and tend to be a perfectionist. I tend to be attracted to people who are funny/joke around and like adventures/push me out of my confort zone but I also like chill relaxed time. I’m dyslexic and have ADHD and deal with anxiety with a social aspect and because of that I get tics sometimes. I am super spiritual and have a major plant obsession and loveee crystals. I like all types of art and fashion and enjoy playing video games with my friends. I kin kenma with a little bit of owkawa and bokuto. I hope you have a lovely day >.<
🍰 for @akiranolegs
Romantic Matchup
Daichi Sawamura
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How yall met
You were actually friends with noya and tanaka
And when some members of the team needed tutoring
They suggested that you helped tutor them all
So daichi approached you and asked if you could PLEASE help the team
And you agreed
Daichi always supervised your study group
Only because your group consisted of Tanaka,Noya,Hinata,and Kagayama…
So yeah...problematic
But he was shocked when you were not only able to control Tanaka and noya
But somehow got Hinata and Kagayama to stop fighting
And after all those tutoring sessions he continued to talk to you
Yall starting hanging out more and eventually started dating
What they love about you
He loves that you have a very carefree personality
But can get serious if you need too
He saw the perfect example of this when you were tutoring the team
He also loves how hardworking you can be
Like if you want something your gonna work hard to get it
And he respects that trait of yours
The last thing he loves about you is how you can seem to handle the teams craziness
He's started using you as a threat to the team
“If you guys dont stop i'll call y/n in here and have her deal with you”
The team: 👁👄👁💧
What you love about them
You love that he knows your limits
He knows you have social anxiety and takes the lead in most social situations
However if its a more easy going social interaction hell push you to get more involved
You love that he shows interest in all of your interests
Especially crystals!
You gave him a necklace with an obsidian stone in it
He wears it whenever he can
(btw obsidian is the stone for strength and protection)
Sometimes you joke about it because he wasn't wearing hit when him and Tanaka crashed into each other
Favorite things to do together
He really likes to go shopping for crystals with you
Like if you mention going hell always ask to come
He loves to do cheap thrills with you
His favorite one is getting into his car with a coin and flipping it
Heads means right and tails means right
And yall just drive around listening to music
You can't even count how many times you've gotten lost playing that game
Random Hc
His favorite crystals are obsidian, rose quartz, and amethyst
You gave him one of your baby plants to take care of and he's too afraid to tell you it died
RIP plant 🌱
You tools sugas role as ‘mom’ of the team
He is now the wine aunt of the team
He has a very large crystal collection and takes a random 5 to away games or training camps
Pisces + Capricorn
Compatibility 76%
A relationship between Capricorn and Pisces tells a story about possibilities of inspiration.
If someone like Capricorn can be pulled into a crazy love story, exciting and unpredictable, this must be done by Pisces.
In return, Capricorn will offer their Pisces partner stability, peace and some rest from their usual emotional tornadoes.
There is a fine way in which Capricorn can help Pisces be more realistic and practical, while feeling more cheerful and optimistic themselves.
Still, there are challenges in their contact, mainly represented through their love of Jupiter.
It might be hard for them to reconcile their different approaches to religion, faith and their different belief systems.
To overcome this, it is best if they both ask themselves – does their belief system work? And does one of their partners also work?
If they understand answers to these questions, they might find enough respect to leave each other’s Jupiter intact.
Friendship Matchup
Sugawara Koushi
Tumblr media
Bark bark woof bark woof
How yall met
You also met Suga while tutoring the team
He helped you calm down everyone in your group if they got to crazy
Ngl you picked up some mom tendencies from him
Why you became friends
Although you appreciated him helping you with your study group
There was one thing that made you really like him…
After you stopped tutoring the team he legit made you a whole ass thank you basket
It had all of your favorite snacks and drinks in it
And he had wrote you a really sweet thank you letter
After he gave you that you felt bad so you gave him a thank you basket for your thank you basket
He was like 🤨 “that's not how that works but thank you so much!”
You guys really just started talking after that and became really good friends
What yall love about each other
He loves how bubbly you are!
Like when you two are together it just creates such a positive vibe
And he loves how your always down for some chaos
I stand by the fact that suga is a chaotic boy
The only difference between him and tanaka and noya is that he doesn't get caught
So you two always do some crazy shit together
And then later feel bad because tanaka and noya always get blamed for it
You love how aggressively encouraging he is
Like if you step out of your comfort zone to do something
This man is right behind you like “GET IT BITCHHHHH”
And it just hypes you up to do more things that are outside your comfort zone
Random Hc
You guys have matching bff necklaces
This one specifically
The team is kinda scared of you two
Like they're more scared of you two than Daichi
And that's saying something
One time for gits and shiggles you got that picture with the vice principles wig on daichi and put it on shirts
Yeah he was not too happy to see you two wearing those
You guys tend to get into petty arguments but tend to solve them within the day
Pisces + Gemini
Gemini and Pisces understand each other well, and form a strong friendship.
Pisces are imaginative and sensitive, and Gemini must be careful not to hurt their feelings.
However, any arguments they have are easily forgotten, and they rarely bear ill will towards each other.
The ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury, and the ruling planets for Pisces are Jupiter and Neptune.
Mercury represents communication, and Neptune represents spiritual strength. The two star signs are very compatible with each other.
Jupiter represents knowledge and empathy. Mercury also represents intelligence and innovation. Gemini could come up with new plans often, and Pisces could always support them.
Gemini is an air sign, and Pisces is a water sign. Both partners place a lot of importance on intellect and feelings.
The partnership is filled with action, and both friends preserve a good, compliant relationship.
However, on occasions, there could be misunderstandings, aggravation, and communicative barriers between them.
Both signs have lively imagination and that keeps them going.
Even though they argue often, they resolve their differences quickly. However, the fish could easily get dejected and put down, especially if it feels that the twins don’t understand them clearly.
20 notes · View notes
aiorevelations · 3 years
A Number, Not a Name: Part 16!
Last chapter for tonight! Feel free to share your thoughts and reactions if you like. We’d love to see them! : - )
15 years earlier:
Liana stared up at the ceiling of her room, gazing up at the stars projected by the galaxy projector. Her mother had loved astronomy or at least that was what she’d heard. She supposed she’d inherited her love for space and celestial objects from her. The stars always seemed to help whenever she was feeling sad and alone. Try her hardest to forget her father’s words from earlier, they had cut through her heart like a knife. Tears filled her eyes and a sob escaped her lips. 
She bit her lip back, trying not to cry. “Venus…” she whispered to herself, “so bright and beautiful.” Her eyes flitted over the ceiling. “And Jupiter, so large and colorful. I wish I was up there…in the sky,” her voice cracked, “away from all this.” 
Haunting images and scenes shook her. Her father lashing his hand across her face. His hand in a vice-like grip around her arm. Abusive words and insults spewing from his mouth. And her shrinking back from him in terror. 
A pang shot through her heart. Why couldn’t her father love her…if only for a moment. From the time she was born he had hated her. Make-believe - it was what had sustained her through the years. In her mind, she saw her fictional family, whose fictional details she’d memorized. Mom, obviously, was an astronomer. One of the best in the world. At least that’s how she saw her in her eyes. Every Sunday she’d make her signature chocolate cake. She and her sister would dash to the kitchen to offer her their help when what they really wanted was to get a small taste of the batter. By the time the cake was ready they, their mom, and the whole kitchen would be covered in flour. The result of one of their “famous” flour fights. Mom at first had disapproved of the whole thing and tried to put a stop to it. However, after being covered head to toe with flour on one occasion, she’d joined in on the fun. 
Dad was a botanist, and he preferred plants to people, except when it came to his family. Gumdrops and lollipops, he’d bring them home every Friday after work. Smiles would fill the living room as she and her sister would eagerly await their Dad’s arrival. He’d playfully pretend to be hurt that they only waited for the candy, not to greet him. They’d tell that wasn’t true and give him a huge hug. And he’d hug them back…both of them. 
Her sister…was the only part of her “family” grounded in reality. Her sister was Lena and Lena was her. Her voice. Her laugh. Her smile. Their epic “battles” in Scrabble. Nearly every time Milena would win to Liana’s frustration. Their happy place was Terzian lake. They’d swim and splash each other senseless. Laughs and giggles would fill the air. All their problems and troubles would melt away in the warm afternoon sun and it’d just be them…together and happy.
Liana turned over on the bed, burying her head in the comforter. Most times it was easier to just try and shut everything out, ignore the real world she was in and the ache in her heart. Tic-tock, tic-tock, the clock that graced her nightstand marked the minutes she laid there motionless on the bed. 
A soft hand gently touched her back. Rolling over Liana saw her sister glancing down at her, a worried look in her eyes. Safety, that’s what she felt whenever her sister was around. Despite his overwhelming hatred toward her, Norvan at least controlled his anger in his oldest daughter's presence.
Milena sat beside her on the bed. “Are you okay?”
“I’ll be okay…just thinking.”
Milena tucked a curl behind her little sister’s ear. “Thinking about what?”
Liana looked down at her hands, her mind suddenly blank. What should she say? Tell her the truth. Shatter her view of their father. Reveal that beneath his masquerade as a supporting loving father he was a cruel monster, who she despised. Would she even believe her? For Milena, their dad was everything a girl would want in a father. He supported her and showered her with gifts and affection. He gave her the world. Worse what if Milena turned on her for saying such things. Lena was all that she had. Joy was a rarity in her life and, for her, Lena was its only source. No, she couldn’t risk losing the only light in her life.
“About…mom. I wish I knew what she was like. Do you remember her?”
Milena sighed “Not really. I mean I see her sometimes in my mind. But it’s not a memory. It’s more like…I don’t know.” She sniffed. “ Bits and pieces in time. Fragments. Like…a collection of moments and feelings. The warmth of her arms around me. The sound of her voice as she sang me lullabies. It was the only thing that could get me to sleep.”
Liana sat up. “She sounds…wonderful.”
“She was.” Milena gently rubbed her sister’s hand.
“I wish she was here.”
“Me too” Milena lied back on the bed. “When I think of Mom I feel…it’s hard to explain. It’s more like there’s something missing, an emptiness, rather than a feeling of loss. It’s hard to miss someone you can’t even truly remember.” She turned to face Liana “But I’m lucky I have you.” 
“And I’m lucky to have you.” Both girls smiled. 
“Which reminds me. Yesterday I was going through the things in my jewelry box. And found this” she held up a bracelet. 
“Mom’s old charm bracelet. I always loved the little stars on it.”
“I want you to have it.”
Liana shook her head. “No, no. Dad gave it to you on your tenth birthday.”
“And now I’m giving it to you.” She glanced up at the ceiling “I love stars but not as much as you do. I know Mom would have loved for you to have it. Also, think of it as a way to be closer to her.”
“I-I don’t know…”
“For me…please…I want you to have it.”
Liana relented and took the bracelet. “Okay…for you.” She silently placed it around her wrist and gave a small smile.
“It looks beautiful on you,” Milena commented.
“Thanks.” Liana softly replied, looking down at the bracelet.
“Hey,” Milena gently touched Liana’s shoulder causing her to look up at her older sister’s gaze. “I love you to Saturn and back.”
Liana gave a small laugh at her sister’s use of her favorite planet. “And I love you… to Venus and back.”
“No. No, don't use Venus.” Milena protested.
“Why not? It’s your favorite planet.”
“It’s closer to the earth than Saturn. And there’s no way you love me more than I love you.”
“Okay.” Liana thought for a second. “Then how about, we both love each other to Neptune and back. Since Neptune was the Roman god of the sea and the ocean, and the water is our happy place.”
Milena smiled. “I love that. To Neptune and back.”
“To Neptune and back.”
“Forever.” Milena took her sister’s hand.
Liana squeezed Milena’s hand back. “Forever.”
Jason made his way up the bifurcated staircase to the ballroom. In the distance, he could hear Beethoven’s Für Elise resonating from the room. Some part of him felt a sense of relief that he had made it back to the confines of Dalmar’s home yet another was filled with dread. After the horrific scenes that had just unfolded before him, the last thing he wanted to do was to spend hours with the man behind it all. On the surface, he appeared exactly like any other gala attendee, animated and lively, yet inside a burning anger consumed his soul. 
He looked upon the sea of people gathered in the ballroom. How could these people wine and dine without a care in the world? While not even five miles away an innocent man had been tortured and murdered without a second thought. What he wouldn’t give to be able to take Dalmar down, right there, at that moment. To make him pay for all that he had done.
He saw now how easily what agents saw and experienced out on the field could make them slip into the darkness. Make their whole mission about vengeance instead of justice. Jason had heard stories of agents going rogue and deciding to kill their targets, rather than allowing them to be brought in. He’d told himself that he could never be that easily swayed. That no situation would ever get the best of him. He wished he hadn’t spoken so soon as he now realized that it wasn’t as easy as he had thought. It was one thing to be behind a desk, sticking to your code on the field was another. 
Jason scanned the vast room for Tasha. His eyes landed on her in the corner of the grand room. Dalmar was twirling her around, prompting a laugh from her. How could Tasha just casually giggle and dance with Dalmar like that?
It is what I'm supposed to be doing. It just feels so…like we should be doing more to help these people than playing a role at one of Dalmar’s galas.
He couldn’t help but feel affronted, he then saw Dalmar encircle both of his arms around Tasha, pulling her dangerously close to him. 
Of course, he's attracted to her. She looks even more beautiful and attractive in that dress. Who knows it might even work out to our advantage. If he likes her there’s probably less chance he’ll suspect us. Still, Jason couldn't shake the disgust and repulsion he felt seeing her in his arms.
As Jason walked closer to her Tasha saw him come into view. Immediately a sense of relief washed over her, yet she was still angry at him for choosing to sneak off. She called out to him. “Edward.”
“Mr. Delucas. How kind of you to grace us once again with your presence. I was thinking you had perhaps gotten lost.” Dalmar added. 
“Only in conversation with a lovely blonde,” Jason responded, which was partly true.
Dalmar chuckled. “I must confess I cannot understand how Ms. Tylerson has escaped your attention.”
“Actually, we tried before. It didn’t work out.”
Tasha smirked. “It’s true what they say about mixing business with pleasure, don’t. Eventually, we had to decide whether to be partners in business or life. And well that was an easy choice.”
Jason crossed his arms. “Yeah, for the sake of my sanity.”
“I was thinking of the money” she fired back.
Dalmar was somewhat taken aback by the exchange between the supposed exes. “So…Mr. Delucas, what do you think of this evening so far?” he asked, attempting to make conversation.
“It’s fine. Though with all due respect I’ve attended better events” Jason tersely replied.
Dalmar found himself surprised by Jason’s blunt response. Upon meeting him he’d struck him as someone who kept their inner feelings closed off from others. “And what about the works by Sargayan?”
“They’re fine I suppose. I prefer Surrealism” he responded curtly. Frankly, he was sick of humoring Dalmar. Talking with him as if it were as natural as breathing. As if he wasn’t responsible for the deaths of countless individuals.
Tasha found herself getting a little unnerved and even annoyed by Jason’s aggressive demeanor. He didn't seem himself, or at least the self she had become accustomed to for the past several days. Outwardly, he appeared very much the same but in his eyes, there was a passion, a fire. Images of Jason flooded through her mind from earlier that day confirming what she was nearly sure of, that look in his eyes, it hadn’t been there before he abruptly left the gala. She felt deep in her soul that something was different now. A shift of sorts had taken place which she only now realized had occurred. Things were different now; she didn't know what to expect. One thing she knew for sure: she didn't like it. Nor did she appreciate Jason’s behavior during the evening. It seemed almost to her that he was determined to blow his, not to mention her cover every chance he got. First by sneaking off into the woods and now starting a near verbal confrontation with their target. Completion of their assignment was the only thing that mattered in the end. Especially now when all that was left was to make it through the rest of the evening without being caught. This was no time to mess things up.
Tasha interjected. “I found the pieces to be quite lovely…as well as this evening. I also told Davit that we have to return to South Africa to attend to some business, but that we’ll be back on Wednesday when the weapons are delivered.”
Paying no attention to Tasha’s words, Dalmar directed his reply to Jason. “I had planned to save the highlight of this evening for later. But since you seem to be so bored with tonight’s festivities I’d say it’s time to liven things up a little. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Jason shrugged. “It’s your party. Besides why even ask me in the first place. You do whatever you want.” A touch of anger shone through his voice. One could feel the temperature in the room begin to rise. Beethoven’s Für Elise and the dancing about the ballroom came to a standstill. Whispers from the crowd filled the tense silence as they witnessed the unfolding scene. Everyone knew Dalmar wasn’t accustomed to being addressed in such a forward manner. The glowering expression on his face confirmed that much.
Dalmar walked closer to Jason. The two of them were standing nearly eye to eye. Anger burned in Dalmar’s eyes; his jaw was visibly clenched. He turned his head to Jason’s ear and sharply whispered. “I suggest you remember who is the guest and who is the host.” Dalmar stepped back from Jason and began making his way to the center of the room.
Tasha stood, her heart pounding, recognizing how close things had been to taking a downward spiral. She laid her hand on Jason's wrist; his pulse raced against her fingers. She looked earnestly at him, hoping he’d let it go. Jason sighed and unclenched his jaw. Patience had never been his strong suit. He never could just wait and sit back. Let things fall into place. He always wanted to take action and make things the way he wanted them to be. The way they should be. It didn’t help how easy it was for him to get angry. His parents were always telling him to learn how to control his anger, yet it seemed a part of him. 
Dalmar’s voice echoed throughout the room. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to thank you all for attending tonight’s event. I hope you’ve enjoyed yourselves.” The audience spoke and nodded in agreement. “This evening I have something to share with you all. Now I’m sure you all are probably acquainted with the person I’m about to introduce. She’s an extraordinary entertainer. Her voice and songs have captured us all. May I present Krudia’s own Ms. Jemma Kazarian.”
A tall young woman, with shining brown eyes and a beaming smile, came into view. In her hand, she held a microphone which she brought to her lips. The music started and Jemma’s melodious voice filled the room. Neither Jason nor Tasha paid attention to the song. The words seemed to blur in the background; their thoughts elsewhere.
Outside, the sky was as dark as pitch, the sun long since set below the horizon. Tasha and Jason bid their goodbyes to Dalmar and then headed back to their hotel. They were silent on the way back to The Chardell. Tasha glanced out the tinted window of the BMW, burning to tell Jason what she thought of his actions at the gala. They had gathered all the information they needed, their mission was officially complete, yet she knew she couldn’t just ignore Jason's rash actions and behavior. They’d been lucky this time, or at least so it appeared, but what about the next time. True the odds were she probably wouldn’t be Jason’s partner on his next assignment. But what about his next partner, their security. The security of the mission. If Jason’s reckless streak continued on his assignments it was only a matter of time before something happened. Not if, when. Lives could be lost. National, even international security could be put at risk. Jason needed to be reined in before that happened and it was up to her to do that. 
He had to understand that this incident could have resulted in deeper consequences. His passion for helping others, for bringing down the bad guys, for trying to defend the free world, that was undeniable. But along with a desire to make the world a better place agents had to be able to exercise restraint, to know when to hold back. Jason’s relentless drive to catch the bad guys would do them no good if it got them killed. And if they were killed, or worse, successfully interrogated, it could spell disaster for the NSA. At the very least, it most certainly would prevent them from stopping Dalmar, something they couldn’t afford at any cost.
Crisp cool air hit them as they exited the car. How things had changed since they were last at their hotel. Jason had noticed Tasha was unusually quiet on the ride to The Chardell but assumed she was tired from the long evening. 
Once in his hotel room, Jason carefully pulled the pen out of his pocket and placed it next to the stationary on his nightstand. When it came to ensuring its security his best bet was putting it in a setting where it didn’t appear out of place. If it was seen in a safe or hidden somewhere it would be easy to determine that it wasn’t just a pen. 
A knock came from the door. Jason opened it and found Tasha standing in front of him, a serious expression on her face.
“I guess we need to talk,”  Jason spoke.
“Yes. We do” Tasha crossed her arms.
“I was just about to take a shower. So perfect timing.”
Tasha inwardly sighed. I could really use a shower. A long and very cold one to cool me off. 
Jason turned on the shower to its highest setting. “Since it’s late and we’re both tired, I’ll cut to the chase.” Jason took a breath, eager to tell Tasha of his success. “I got it. The intel we need. I took some shots of a file on Dalmar’s laptop. His plans, where the weapons are stored, it's all there. It’s all on my pen in the other room. Not only do we have intel on his plans we also have photographic evidence. That should make it an airtight case.”
“That’s…good,” Tasha replied in an even tone. “Dalmar pretty much told me the same. Took me to a bunker, showed me the weapons.”
Jason didn’t say anything for a moment. He was surprised by Tasha’s reaction. After how she’d stressed the importance of learning this info hours earlier, he had expected her to show more emotion now that they’d acquired the necessary intel. He could tell from the look on her face that something was wrong.
“You know I’d figured you’d be… I don’t know…more excited that we have the intel we need. What’s wrong?”
Tasha glanced to the side and shook her head in disbelief. Anger trembled through her; she knew she couldn’t hold back any longer. “What were you thinking? Speaking to Dalmar that way. Sneaking off like that. You jeopardized this entire operation. You could have easily blown our cover.”
“But I didn’t.” he firmly responded. “I don’t see any reason to get all bent out of shape.”
“Bent out of shape?” Tasha repeated his words, stunned he’d even say such a thing. Why Jason couldn’t see the seriousness of the situation and even regarded it as trivial, she couldn’t fathom.
“Look, there was a good chance Dalmar wasn’t going to tell us anything. I know what I did was a bit of a risk but not as great a chance we were taking relying on him to give us the intel we needed. You’ve seen his supporters. You’ve seen what he’s capable of. An innocent man was literally tortured and murdered not twenty feet from where I was standing.” The horrific scene replayed before him. “All I could think about was how much I wanted to bring Dalmar in, right then and there. To just forget the mission and…take him down on the spot. I was sick of humoring him. Pretending to enjoy his company when I’ve seen all the suffering and pain he’s responsible for.”
“I know it’s difficult to keep up your cover when all around you see the terrible things these people are doing. But when you take this job it’s what you sign up for. We play these roles so we can catch the bad guys.”
“Exactly! We go undercover so we can bring people like Dalmar to justice. But what good is playing a “role” if we have no evidence to do that. I had to ensure we had all the evidence we needed to convict Dalmar.”
“What about our lives? Our security? You put  them deliberately at risk.” Tasha stretched out her arm, emphasizing her point.
“C’mon Tasha, no need to be overly dramatic about this. It’s not like our lives weren’t in any danger to begin with. Besides, what about the security of the free world? We can’t just sit around and wait for Dalmar to get the upper hand. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to stop these guys. Are you?”
Tasha’s voice rose. “So now you’re questioning my ability?  This isn’t even about me.”
“Who said I was questioning your ability? Frankly, I don’t get why you’re so upset. We got all the information we needed and nothing serious happened.”
“Right now I don’t care that nothing serious happened. You took an unnecessary risk!” 
Jason shook his head, his frustration growing by the second. It was obvious he and Tasha weren’t going to see eye to eye on this issue. “Look, doing good involves risk, that's how it works. I thought about it and decided that finding out the truth about Dalmar’s scheme was worth the increased danger of getting caught. I wasn’t just about to sit back and let my first field mission be a failure!” 
Donovan’s words came flooding back to her mind. In my experience I have found that oftentimes new agents are so anxious to prove their skills as analysts that they recklessly take action without thinking. And I...I worry that the same thing will happen with Jason.“Oh, I see. Everything Headman said about you was right. You wanted to prove yourself as a field agent and decided the best way to do that was by not following my plan.”
“Why can’t I try to prove myself? If I can do that, help others, and bring the bad guys to justice…what’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing. As long as you stay within certain guidelines.”
“Well, I'm sorry. I don’t go by the book.”
Neither of them said anything for a moment. The steam from the shower was almost stifling, fogging up the mirror beside them. Tasha finally broke the uneasy silence between them.“Make sure you pack your things. I’m booking us a flight back to D.C. for tomorrow morning.”
Tasha left Jason behind in the bathroom and made her way to her room. She sat in the chair by the window and buried her head in her hands, exhaustion overcoming her. She was emotionally, physically, and mentally drained. Leaves scattered across the ground outside as the wind picked up. Tree branches slammed against windows on the city street, the noise threatening to interrupt her thoughts. She had hoped that Jason would see her point of view. If not recognize how his actions could have jeopardized their mission, at least understand why she was upset. 
At least we’re going back to D.C. tomorrow. The worst thing would have been if our assignment wasn’t done since we obviously don’t see eye to eye. We probably can’t stand each other right now. Hmm, tomorrow's flight is bound to be awkward. Tasha ran her hand through her hair and sighed. What am I even going to tell Donovan or put in my report? Jason was doing so well…and then this. Headman was right he has all the makings of a great event analyst. It would be a shame if he threw it all away because of his…recklessness and impulsiveness.
She stood up from the chair and went to the closet. After grabbing some pajamas she made her way into the bathroom. The warm, hot water felt especially relaxing after a long day. It seemed in a way to make her forget her problems and worries. For better or for worse she and Jason knew how the other felt about this issue. All they could do now was try to get along as best they could.
The older man's eyes felt heavy and sleep called to him. He and his associates had been watching The Chardell for hours. He had to admit this was one of his most boring assignments but at least it paid well. He stifled back a yawn and reached for the car microphone. "White Falcon here. The targets have entered The Chardell.”
Red Sparrow’s reply came through the speaker. “Affirmative. Stay in your current position. In two hours bring them in. Understood.”
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Also saw you're doing requests so yay!!. Any chance of jercy bakery au? Love your work sm hope you have a great day ☺☺
My Darling Anon how dare you make me fall more in love with Jercy???????? I squealed when i saw this and then promptly started writing even though i should be studying for my (ironically) Greek Mythology test.
i hope you love it because if i fail at least i know it’ll be worth it :) Also this was honestly supposed to be a quick drabble and it somehow ended up as 1,5K+ words so??? #isanyonesurprisedthough
Jason Grace smiled as the birds beside his head chirped and then swiped his phone to cut off the amusing sound. His fiery friend, and co-worker thought it was hilarious to steal his phone and change his alarm tone every few weeks. Usually it was something inane and silly like a cartoon laugh track or just a repeating “It’s time to get up BakerBoi” that gets increasingly louder. He had arrived to work with a scowl on his face only to see the shit-eating grin of Leo Valdez waiting at the door.
Now Jason stumbles out of bed, letting his limbs loosen as he pads softly to the bathroom, feeling cool tile and a winter breeze on his exposed skin. He loves mornings like this, when the world isn’t quite awake, and the sky hasn’t decided what colour it wants to be for the day. He knows in is baker’s bones that it’ll be cold and rainy, but he has time for a morning jog before the world starts crying.
“Good morning boss,” A bright eyed, fidgeting Leo greets as he steps into the bakery.
Jason had been there at seven thirty, pulling down the café chairs and cleaning the counters. He already had a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies and about three different types of muffins in the oven. The bread was waiting for the busy hands of Leo and Hazel who somehow always seemed to make heavenly fluffed, soft rolls and the deliciously crusty baguettes. Hazel jokes that it’s the New Orleans blood that flows through her veins. They’re all half inclined to agree.
“Morning Valdez, I like the alarm this week.” He tosses a grin over his shoulder before going back to his icing ritual. Mix, taste, mix, ice.
“I figured you would old man. Even though i much prefer my ASMR food audio from last week. What’s the specialty today?”
“We need to get beignets out and the pain au chocolats before the breakfast crowd. Also the fruit stuffed pastry twists and the honey bread have to be prepped before we open so we can bring them out hot in time for the brunch crowd. Specialty today is a new thing I’ve been working on. Blue blondie doughnuts with Oreo cream filling and sugar glaze.”
“Gods boss, you tryna give people heart failure?”
“Just trying to insert some sweetness into the world,” He winked.
Before Leo could give an undoubted snarky reply a bubbly head of dark brown curls and glittering eyes popped around the door.
“Goooood morning everyone,”
Jason couldn’t help the smile that graced his face at her cheeriness, “Hello Miss Levesque, glad to see a prettier face around here,”
Leo made a strangled noise of indignation from the other side of the kitchen but didn’t get the chance to voice his offense before the last member of their little group walked in.
“Ah there you are Miss McLean, I do wonder how you arrive with Hazel and still manage to get in after her.”
She gave him an exasperated look, “I have to say goodbye to my girlfriend before I come in Boss. You’re the one who banned couple calls in the bakery.”
“Well maybe if we didn’t have to hear you and Annabeth explicitly planning your night’s activities I wouldn’t have had to do that.”
Piper just rolled her eyes and went to grab her apron and a cloth to wipe down the tables.
"Everyone ready?" He asked, from the door of the kitchen an hour later.
"Ready for the storm boss," They all yelled back, as they did each morning.
"Then let's roll like thunder," He grinned, flinging the doors to Ambrosia Bakery open.
"Oh thank the heavens, I could smell the goodness from here and it was a struggle to keep the drool in," One Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano breathed in deep.
"Good morning my favourite customer," Leo smirked from behind the counter.
"Jason tell your bread boy to stand down before I make him,"
"Is that an invitation?" Dark eyebrows wiggled in amusement.
"That is a threat," She growled.
"Well mark me down as scared and h—"
"Valdez I swear if you finish that sentence I'm putting you on wash-up duty for the next week."
A faint "you got it boss" followed Jason into the kitchen, where he allowed himself to smile. It was an ongoing amusement that Leo flirted with Reyna and in return she came up with increasingly terrifying threats.
"Jason, your sister is here to see you" Hazel said, gently shoving him out the way so she could take over rolling the pastry.
"Get the doughnuts ready for the fryer I'll be back soon, thank you!"
He maneuvered around a blushing Leo who had icing on his nose and a suspicious lipstick stain on his cheek, finally making his way to the confectioners stand.
"What's up loser?" He said by way of greeting.
"Hey you're only allowed to call me that if you come baring nice things." Thalia Grace frowned.
"I am nice things," He pouted.
"Not even on your best day." She snorted, "I want to know if you're coming to the gala this weekend. I need a date to steal extra bread-sticks for me."
"Why can't I just make you bread-sticks and we can sit in your lounge and watch bad reality TV?" He groaned
"Because I have to show face or the sponsors aren't going to sponsor. Besides you need a night out. You're gonna start smelling like bread if you don't take a break."
"It's insulting that you think I wouldn't want to smell like breadsticks."
She laughed at, that ruffling his hair, "Just be ready by seven. You better be wearing a suit."
And with that his sister had grabbed her daily croissant and cappuccino and vanished into the drizzling day.
Before he could make it back to his safe haven beside the ovens and marbled counter-tops a flash of black hair caught his eye.
Turning around he couldn't contain the grin that tugged at his lips; standing by the counter already staring intently at the newest creation was Jason's favourite customer.
"Hello Percy Jackson,"
"Jason," A dazzling smile revealed pearl white teeth and the tiniest dimple on a cheek the color of rich toffee.
"I see you've already found Neptune's Tridoughnut,"
A bright laugh escaped a wickedly beautiful mouth, "Oh I love that. How'd you come up with that one?"
Jason smiled softly, debating whether to tell the owner of the 5-Oceans Conservation Company that he was the muse behind all of his latest creations, hence the variations of green and blue.
Instead, as he did every time Percy asked, he lied, "My sister went to an opening ceremony for a new exhibit at the Education center all about Mythology so I thought I’d offer my services and well, they were a hit."
Piper who was walking past at that exact moment coughed something that sounded suspiciously like "Liar" but with a pointed glare she disappeared behind the counter.
"That sounds great. Guess I'll have to recruit you for all my functions," He winked, a small smirk playing at his lips.
Jason cursed his pale cheeks and hoped the blush he now sported wasn't too noticeable, "What can I get you besides a specialty doughnut?"
"Can I get one banana and walnut muffin, a dozen chic chips, and I'm gonna go see mom this afternoon so maybe a couple of caramel pastry twists and some blueberry muffins?"
"Sure. I guess Estelle is off her carrot cake faze?" He laughed, remembering how Percy had to stop at the bakery twice a week to grab carrot and pecan mini cakes just for his little sister.
"Ugh she's onto wanting fruit in absolutely everything now so my mom has been frantically buying boxes of peaches, strawberries and apples to cut up and send with her for lunch at school." Green eyes rolled in fake annoyance.
"Well if she likes fruit things maybe she should try the raspberry and orange pastry twists?" He pointed to a display stand piled with various pastries coloured by blackberry jam, apricot pieces, kiwi slices and mango syrup.
"I could kiss you right now!" Percy exclaimed rushing towards the display, unaware that the baker was frozen to the spot.
I could kiss you, could kiss you, kiss you, kiss...
Jason's brain had short-circuited, his neurons too busy having a dance party with his hormones to process the world.
I could kiss you.
A lazy, unconscious smile took over his face as he stood there in the middle of his bakery, arms slack, head lolled, and eyes crinkled.
"Jason?" A faraway voice called.
"Jason? Hello?"
And suddenly a hand was waving in front of his vision trying to get his attention.
He pulled himself out of his reverie, blinking back into existence, "Right yes the pastries"
"Didn’t get enough sleep last night?" Percy teased, slugging him softly in the shoulder.
He snorted at the implication, "Unfortunately I'm a bit of a grandfather. Sleep early, rise early."
"Oh guess you like morning activities then,"
He sputtered, head snapping up to stare into twinkling eyes, "N-no, I just meant—"
"I'm kidding Mr BakerMan," That brilliant, bright laugh again, "I know you're a homebody. Your sister likes to tell me how boring you are."
He huffed at that, "We'll see if she gets her pear tarts this weekend."
"Speaking of this weekend," A sly grin played at Percy's mouth, "Are you coming to the gala?"
"Yea," He sighed, "Thalia says she needs me to steal bread-sticks ."
Sea green eyes widened before Percy burst out laughing. In a matter of moments tears were streaming down his face.
If Jason wasn't so smitten with that gorgeous smile and those mischievous eyes he may have been inclined to laugh too. But Percy Jackson was a vision he half believed only his dreams could conjure.
When the laughter had mostly seized Percy wiped his eyes and managed to gasp, "That sounds exactly like something Thalia would ask. When we worked on the marine life project together she always stole the mints from every CEO’s office because she said they had enough money to buy a mint factory, they could afford to replace a single bowl."
"Yep, her life goal is to end capitalism. I swear if it wasn't for Annabeth, Thalia would be walking into office buildings with a sack like some reverse Santa Claus where she steals the office supplies and fruit bowls."
"Well I can't wait to see you stuffing your pockets with bread-sticks on Saturday so I guess I'll see you then," He gave another dazzling smile.
"Yea, and say hello to little Estelle for me. Tell me how she likes the pastries."
"Don't worry I'm sure I'll be back soon with a long list of request."
"Can't wait." He grinned.
Percy chuckled, "Me neither, see you Friday." And then he was gone.
Oh gods, Jason thought, how am I ever gonna survive Percy in a suit?
Spoiler alert past-Jason: you didn't.
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istgimamess · 4 years
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“I don’t see him.” the young scientist voices; he’s a skinny thing—tall and lanky—with the demeanor of an excitable child. You follow the flick of his curious eyes over your shoulder, your gaze automatically meeting Kai’s through the glass. He’s well hidden—his gold and green complexion, the green leaves growing out of his shoulders, wrapping delicately around his arms and torso, the roots wrapped around his ankles, the dirt on his cheek—he blends into the dome around him, almost invisible to the human eye. If it weren’t for his laser-like focus on you, his golden irises catching in the light, you might’ve had a harder time locating him.
You clear your throat, breaking eye contact as quickly as you made it, “He’s there.” You open your mouth—ready to get this over with—when another voice cuts through, “I see him! Look, he’s right there.” the girl reaches forward, as if to touch the glass. Murmurs of shock and barely concealed excitement fill the tiny room and, suddenly, you’ve got a migraine.
“Woah! He’s an alien.” a much shorter, rounder intern exclaims.
“Kai—” you cut short, silently reprimanding yourself for the slip of tongue, “Subject K is a unique case, he’s not foreign to this planet. He was once human.”
“He was human?” the same intern questions, incredulously.
“Did you not read the case files you were presented with before todays introduction?” you can’t help but snap in reply, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. You’re a scientist, not a babysitter, and definitely not a teacher. How and why did you get stuck doing this? You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Can he...hear us?” a quiet voice pulls you out of your thoughts, cutting through the building frustration. And suddenly you feel ashamed. You’re not typically a cold person; you were once a young, fresh graduate—a wet behind the ears intern—just like them. Over-excited, curious and unintentionally dumb at times. You take a deep breath, center yourself, before shaking your head. “The room is soundproof, military glass, but he can see you.”
“What if he gets out? What if he hurts someone?” the same meek voice questions. You can now see the owner. It’s a girl, she’s shorter than you, thin and obviously very nervous. Sweat gathers at the top of her lip.
“There is no reason to be scared. Subject K is a product of an experiment gone wrong.” you interject, hoping to calm the young girls nerves. “He who creates a poison, also has the cure. He who creates a virus, also has the antidote. He who creates chaos, also has the ability to create peace. Any problems created by the left hand of man, can also be solved with the right.” you trail off, finding yourself quoting your late professor—a magnificent scientist, a man you look up to.
“I don’t understand?” her tall, lanky companion stares at you, his head cocked to the right.
“For he who manifests anything, also has the ability to destroy it.” you whisper, suddenly overwhelmed with the meaning behind what your late professor was saying. You didn’t really understand it at the time, but now you do. “Is that what you’ll do? Destroy him?” a smaller male questions, taking a step forward towards the glass. And you suddenly feel extremely nauseous. The idea of anyone, your boss, the government, ordering the termination—the extermination—of Kai...
You shake your head in an attempt to abort the train of thought, heat gathering behind your eyes. “I don’t...I don’t know.” you croak, your throat burns.
 “Anyways, shall we begin?” gripping the clipboard in your hands, you gesture to a series of X-rays directly opposite the viewing window. “The gut is the seat of all feeling. Polluting the gut not only cripples your immune system, but also destroys your sense of empathy, the ability to identify with other humans.” you keep your eyes steady on the group of interns you are speaking to—despite the consistent itch of Kai’s eyes lingering on your skin. “Bad bacteria in the gut creates neurological issues. For instance, through a series of tests, we’ve found that autism can be cured by detoxifying the bellies of young children.”
“Wait, so you’re saying that people who think that feelings come from the heart are wrong?” the shorter girl questions from the back of the room, her initial nerves completely forgotten about. There is a pause in writing, the sound of pen on paper dissipating.
“I’m saying that it’s scientifically proven that the gut is where you feel the loss of a loved one first. It's where you feel pain and a heavy bulk of your emotions. It's the central base of your entire immune system. If your gut is loaded with negative bacteria, it affects your mind. Yes, your heart is the seat of your conscience. But if your mind is corrupted, it affects your conscience all the same.” your voice is steady, almost monotone. The subject at hand coming second nature to you. In hindsight, this is probably why you were picked—you could teach this in your sleep.
“Think of the Solar system; the heart is the Sun. The gut is the Moon. The pineal gland is Neptune, and your brain and nervous system—your 5 senses—are Mercury. What affects the moon or sun affects the entire universe within. So, if you poison the gut—” you trail off, eyes connecting with Kai’s once again. “—it affects your entire nervous system, your sense of reasoning, your senses altogether. Which is what you can see clearly here with Subject K.” you gesture briefly to Kai, flicking your wrist in his direction and dropping your eyes away from his intense gaze.
“But I don’t understand the manifestation of that bacteria. Flowers? Plants? Vines? In the human body? Growing out of the nervous system? What did they do to him? What kind of experiment was this? Does it hurt him?” the taller intern balks, confusion written all over his face.
“You don’t have the clearance for the answers to half of those questions.” you reply, brazenly. Your eyes can’t help but fall down to Kai’s legs—the vines rooted into his skin—grown from the inside out. Dried blood and dirt caked to his shins, his shoulders.
“There are people who are destined to taste only the poison in things, any surprise is a painful surprise and any experience a new occasion for torture.” you clench your jaw, the same heat behind your eyes reappearing. “If someone were to say to me that such suffering has subjective reasons, related to the individual's particular makeup, I would then ask is there an objective criterion for evaluating suffering?”  You look back at the group of interns, making eye contact with each one. “Who can say with precision that Subject K suffers more than you or I do? There is no objective standard because suffering cannot be measured according to the external stimulation or local irritation of the organism, but only as it is felt and reflected in consciousness.” It’s textbook and the science driven part of your brain can rationalize and justify any pain he might feel—for the better of humankind. However, your heart says other wise. The empathetic, emotion driven part of your brain can’t help but plead for lack of pain. For mercy. Your nausea returns.
It isn’t until the last intern has left the room, closing the door softly behind him, that you allow yourself to outwardly reflect what you are feeling inside: exhaustion, defeat, fear.
You curl into yourself, shoulders dropping, head hanging low; for a moment you forget who you are, where you’re at, who is watching you. A sigh escapes your lips before you’re even aware of what you’re doing. Coming back into yourself, you straighten. Your eyes trail back to Kai nervously, heart still thumping erratically in your chest. His golden eyes somehow look darker. As if he could truly hear you—no, it’s soundproof glass, there’s no way. You shake your head once again, trying to rid yourself of any doubts and turn to exit the room.
“You are not coming in today?” his voice carries, a low baritone, as if he was right there beside you. You freeze. Slowly turning around, your wide eyes catch his.  “No, I won’t.” your eyes trail back to the door, your nerves picking up at the thought of someone walking by and hearing your conversation; a conversation you weren’t supposed to participate in.
“Why? You always come in.” he takes a step forward, the part of his body once hidden in plain sight coming into full view. You instinctively take a step back, your body reacting as if there is no glass separating you.
“You know why...last time...last time you touched me. You’re not supposed to do that. You… you whispered things in my ear, things I never would’ve expected to affect me the way they did.” you suddenly find yourself exasperated. “You’re a walking, talking ecosystem and yet I’m the one like a leaf fluttering in the wind—when you zig, I zag. You talk and I jump. You walk and I turn into a blithering idiot. I admit it, when I find myself near you…” you didn’t have the courage to finish the sentence. You weren’t suppose to talk to him, to let him touch you. You couldn’t let yourself get attached, and yet here you were. With a sudden lump in your throat, you added: “I don’t want to hope, and I certainly don’t want to delude myself. Damn it, the thought of deluding myself terrifies me!”
“I think I know what your problem is.” he was right in front of the glass now, the palm of his hand pressed up against it. His eyes radiating life, his expression incredibly deprived—like he was the plant and you were the water he so desperately needed. Just out of reach.  “And what would that be?” you swallow at the sudden proximity, you hadn’t seen him approach so swiftly. He offered a sly smile, his golden eyes piercing you in place. “You’re hopelessly in love with me.” 
“Absolutely not.” you disagree wholeheartedly, a part of you panicked at the thought, “If anything, you’re the one in love with me!” You don’t know why you say it, maybe to try and one-up him. Kai has never shown any direct interest in you personally, other than that one time—if anything he seems quite indifferent around you. His foreign stare following you closely around the room when you’re working.
“I am.” his confession almost knocks you off your feet, he spoke like it was obvious. “You've driven me crazy. You've caused me considerable trouble and I've contemplated ending your life twice since I've known you." his warm breath hits the glass, sending a shiver down your spine. The danger behind his words, the implication, sends your heart straight into your throat. “But you’ve slipped under my skin, invaded my blood and seized my heart.” “That sounds more like a poison than a person,” was all you could say. His words had both shocked and scared you. “Exactly,” he replied, as if it was apparent. “You have poisoned me.”  🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿
This has been sitting in my drafts for the past 7 months, and I don’t even remember why and for who I was writing this for! I’m like 93% positive this was a request, in which case I AM SOOOO SORRY OMFG I’M A CRAP PERSON! SHAME ON MY FAMILY, SHAME ON MY COW!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME WHOEVER REQUESTED THIS!!! GOD, I SUCK!!
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pilot-boi · 4 years
Shouting In Cafes: Chapter Nineteen
This world keeps spinning, and with each new day I can feel a change in everything
 “So…what is this thing?” Neptune questioned as he stared down at the lump of fried dough on a plate, covered in a heaping helping of powdered sugar and red strawberry sauce.
“It’s a funnel cake,” Sun explained, after a moment of confused silence. “Are you seriously telling me you’ve never had funnel cake before, bro?” 
They were sitting under a bright pink and blue pinstriped umbrella by the food stands. The two had gotten sandwiches for lunch, and Sun had suggested sharing something sweet, which had resulted in the funnel cake Neptune was now eyeing dubiously. 
It had first resulted in Sun winking and commenting, “Well I know where you could get somethin’ sweet bro,” to which Neptune had shoved the map in his face and fled to the nearest food stand. And then funnel cake.
“I feel like I’ll gain twenty pounds just looking at it,” Neptune mumbled.
Sun barked out a laugh. “You won’t! Just try it, I think you’ll like it!”
After a few more dubious glances between the plate and friend, Neptune stabbed a piece of the dough with a plastic fork and bit into it.
“Well?” Sun was leaning forward expectantly, watching him intently. Eyes way too wide, but when weren’t they?
Neptune avoided his gaze for a moment. “It’s…not bad.”
“You liar! You like it!” Sun accused. “And of freaking course you’re using a fork.”
“What else would I use?”
“Uh, your hands? Duh?”
Neptune didn’t reply, simply stabbed another, more substantial, section of the funnel cake with his fork, and ate it in one bite.
“Hey, leave some for me!” Sun protested, diving forward and knocking Neptune’s utensil out of the way. 
It didn’t take long for them to polish off the plate, and by the end of it, Neptune had taken notice of a smear of strawberry sauce across Sun’s cheek.
He felt a momentary urge to wipe it away, to reach out and brush the sticky substance off. His arm was half-outstretched before Neptune stopped himself, not wanting to risk rocking the boat any further. 
Boundaries were something Sun tended to ignore, but not him. He liked his boundaries nice and sturdy, thank you very much. And doing something like that would definitely be enough to tip off even Sun.
“You’ve got some on your face.” He said this instead.
“Oh?” The blonde took a napkin and wiped off his cheeks. “Got it?” He asked when he’d finished.
Neptune made the mistake of letting his eyes linger too long, and cursed himself silently when Sun met his eyes. 
“You good, bro?” Sun asked, waving a hand in front of his face. “Spaced out?”
Neptune dropped his gaze. “No, no, sorry…I just…”
You’re unreal. The hottest guy I’ve ever met. Your eyes are so pretty when you smile. And you smile so often, that my heart can’t physically take it. But what’s worse is when you just look so open, and I don’t know what to do with that.
The words he wanted to say chased themselves half-formed across the landscape of his consciousness. His stupid heart was more than eager to say them all. But he’d already come too close to ruining a perfectly good friendship, and he wasn’t going to give it a chance.
So those words Neptune wished he could say, he swallowed, and tucked safely into his heart never to be released.
Those words were dangerous, and to say them now would jeopardize everything that he’d accomplished today. He’d made it this far, he couldn’t ruin it in the eleventh hour.
Sun was straight. This wasn’t a date. Sun was straight. 
Now if Sun could just stop staring at him like that, maybe he could hold it together for a few more hours. After all, he could see the sun beginning it’s downwards descent, and he knew he wouldn’t have to endure much more of this.
Because even though this definitely wasn’t a special birthday date, he’d come too close to forgetting that a couple times. 
He was getting more caught up in it every time Neptune held his hand and Sun swung their clasped hands between them as they walked. He didn’t protest as much he normally would when he begrudgingly accepted an enthusiastically presented brightly-colored stall-game prize. 
And then the thing with the funnel cake. That wasn’t flirting right? Because with every time he had to ask himself that on this godforsaken not-date, the less convincing Neptune sounded to himself.
“Well, I think that was the last one.” Sun commented, ignoring Neptune leaning heavily on the railing underneath the ride they’d just gotten off of, knees shaking.
He’d pretty firmly figured out by the second ride that he didn’t like roller coasters quite as much as he was letting on. However, he didn’t say anything, mostly because Sun enjoyed it so much himself. 
Sun could not make it more obvious that he liked roller coasters. A lot. They were fun, fast, and unexpected. Rapid twists and turns that made you feel like you were flying, before depositing you safely back to earth. 
 Sun’s enthusiasm was infectious, and the huge exhilarated grins that Neptune received after each ride felt like reward enough. Each ride felt a brief little escape from the bonds of reality, into a universe where he could forget that this wasn’t a date.
And besides, Neptune signed up for this. If he’d really wanted to, Sun had given him a perfectly good out at the beginning of the day. But alas, Neptune was a weak spineless man with no willpower, so he went along with Sun.
Glancing up, Neptune realized that the sky had mostly darkened, and the last rays of the sun were filtering past the horizon.
“It’s getting dark…should we go soon?” Neptune asked from the railing he was clinging to like his life depended on it. Which it definitely did. No way was the world supposed to be spinning like this.
Sun perked up immediately, nearly falling over himself to pull the map from his back pocket. “No, no! There’s one more ride left!”
“There is?” Neptune groaned, and glanced over at the map Sun was displaying proudly. He squinted in confusion before his eyes landed on what appeared to be the park's star attraction. “You mean the Ferris wheel?” Neptune asked.
Sun nodded. “We should go on it!”
Neptune shrugged, finally relinquishing his grasp on the railing. “Sure, if you want. Seems a bit slow, though. You sure it’s your kind of ride?”
Sun nodded as they started walking towards the line for the Ferris wheel. “Not usually,” Sun admitted, “but I’ve heard it’s got one hell of a view!”
The line for the Ferris wheel was a bit longer, but again, with Sun carrying on, switching topics, and goading Neptune into playing along with his conversations, the time flew by. 
The Ferris wheel was bedecked with golden fairy lights that ran up and down the support struts. There were colorful triangle panels decorating the arms that extended outwards to the edge of the wheel, and the gondolas were bright cherry red. 
By the time they were seated in the little gondola, a small two-seat car with a rounded bottom and an arched over canopy, the sun had fully set.
Neptune didn’t notice the number of people filtering out of the park, or the fact that nobody else had gotten onto the ride after them. He was too caught up in Sun’s voice, eagerly relaying to him some adventure he’d had with one of his other friends. 
“You did not see a sea monster you idiot.”
“Bro I’m serious! Though I’m pretty sure it could have eaten my face off.” 
The wheel started turning, and as it did, Neptune turned his head to look out towards the city.
“It really is a pretty view…” He admitted, as the sparkling city lights spread out like a speckling of glitter across a black blanket. The fairgrounds were a decent distance away from downtown, and also at a slightly higher elevation. This made for a dramatic landscape which unfolded as their cart was slowly lifted higher into the sky.
“It is,” Sun said, in a tone of voice Neptune couldn’t quite identify. 
Sun wasn’t looking at the city.
They’d just reached the apex of the wheel and were about to begin their downwards descent when the wheel stopped.
It wasn’t a jarring stop, like you’d expect had the wheel somehow jammed. It was soft and deliberate.
Neptune turned his head to Sun, who he’d just realized was a lot closer than he’d been so far today, aside from on the coaster cars. But in those, Neptune had been too busy screaming to notice the distance.
That was a lie. He’d very much noticed.
This was different though. And now they were hanging midair, for some reason.
“Sun, what’s going on?” He asked, leaning over slightly to look over the edge of the car towards the ground.
“This… is a birthday present. From me to you.” Sun declared, though his voice lacked some of its usual force. 
He almost sounded nervous. Neptune didn’t know it was possible for Sun to sound nervous.
 “I thought the gift was the trip to the amusement park?” he asked, confusion inching into his voice.
Sun scrunched his nose and rolled his eyes. “I mean it was…but this is the real one.” 
That was when the first heart-stopping explosion occurred.
Neptune jumped violently where he was sitting in the cart, hands flying to grip the railing in front of them, blocking the front of the cart. “What the fuck-”
He looked up. 
The sky was ablaze with fireworks.
Great bursts of all the colors of the rainbow decorated the sky against a backdrop of stars. They shot up from the ground in spirals or large balls of brilliant golden light. Zigzagging patterns through the air or elegantly erupting into blossoms of color.
The entire display went on for about five minutes, perhaps more, and Neptune spent all of it transfixed.
He’d never really seen fireworks.
Heard of them, sure. And pictures and videos, but never in person. He’d never really seen the appeal. 
Yet here he was, seeing them, and now he understood why people loved them so much. The sounds, the shapes, the colors. There were so many colors. The sky was a blank canvas that, in an instant, had been painted by watercolor until it was drenched with all the mesmerizing glory it could possibly contain. 
When the last echoes of the bursts had finally stopped ringing in his ears, Neptune sat back against the cart, having not realized he’d leaned forward when the show had begun. 
It was easily the best birthday present he’d ever received.
The fireworks had been the perfect cherry on top. This day had been nearing perfect, and the fireworks made it all click together. 
When he’d found out it was Neptune’s birthday, he’d realized that there couldn’t be a better way to do this. Finding out about the fireworks at this amusement park had pretty much cemented his decision on what to do. 
Planning the day trip, and keeping it a surprise was more effort than Sun had ever put into any event in his life. 
And watching the colors of the fireworks reflect in Neptune’s eyes had made it all worth it. 
They’d cast shadows that danced over his face, before lighting the night all over again. His glasses reflected the lights, flashing with a million billion colors and casting lights down onto his cheeks. His cheeks were flushed in awe, and Sun was captivated.
When it had ended, Neptune had sat against the backrest of the gondola again, still with an awed expression on his face.
“Did…did you like it?” Sun dared to ask, his heart threatening to beat its way out of his chest.
Neptune turned his head to him with a smile just tugged at his lips.
“I loved it.” And I love you, Sun nearly said. Nearly said, but didn’t say. He wanted to though.
Sun could have left it there. He could have waved to have them brought back down, dropped Neptune off, and just held out a bit longer.
A month was pretty fast, even by his standards. But he couldn’t handle to wait any longer. Already bouncing eagerly against the walls of his heart were the words he’d had tucked away all day.
All week. Month. Since the drive really, twenty-seven days, but who was counting.
Neptune didn’t smile enough. Didn’t laugh enough. And he wanted to make sure that smile stayed, even just for a few moments longer. 
It was why he let it happen, with no plan as to what to say, he just went with what his instincts said to do. Which was always dangerous for Sun, but when had that stopped him before?
They said to do it now, because he’d never find a moment like this with Neptune ever again. 
Sun grabbed one of Neptune’s hands in his, nearly melting then and there when Neptune’s fingers interlaced with his automatically.
It was quiet.
There was just so much Sun wanted to say. Even though it was only a month, and he knew it sounded crazy, and he knew he was probably acting like some stupid lovestruck kid.
So much he wanted to spill out until Neptune understood just how much he meant to him. But words had never been his strong suit, so his stupid brain was settling for hoping his intense gaze conveyed everything he couldn’t.
And for once, Neptune didn’t avert his eyes. Sun hoped that meant he wasn’t totally fucking doomed.
Clinging to that hope, Sun took all the words jammed into the bottleneck his mouth was making. He shuffled them together, and said what mattered most right then and there.
“Will you go out with me?”
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takadasaiko · 4 years
Spanning Years. Continents: Safe Place (Veronica Mars one-shot)
Summary: Veronica comes home to the apartment to find a sick Logan.
Safe Place
It was a welcome surprise to find the BMW convertible parked outside her apartment at that hour of the day, signalling that her boyfriend had - for once - been let off duty early. Even home from deployment he spent his days and sometimes into the nights down at the base in San Diego running test flights. Between that and her caseload they had been missing each other for the past week. One of them was asleep when the other got home and he was always out before she was awake. Unless she was out all night, which had been the case the night before.
But he was there and her case had wrapped up. Maybe, just maybe, they could steal a few minutes for themselves.
Veronica took the steps two at a time, her excitement building as she unlocked the front door and hoped he wasn't catching a few waves on his afternoon off. The sound of the shower running was a good sign, though, and she toed her boots off, ready to start stripping layers to offer to join him.
She had her shirt halfway over her head when she was startled by the wracking cough that came from the other side of the closed bathroom door. She tugged her shirt back into place and inched forward to listen. The water was still running, but it couldn't quite drown the sound out. She tapped on the door. "Logan? You okay, babe?"
The coughing stopped for a half a moment before it started back up again. Between the gasping breaths it sounded like he confirmed that he was, but it was anything but convincing. "Coming in," she warned and pushed the door open, grateful to find it unlocked at least.
Steam poured out of the newly opened door and she could see his silhouette on the other side of the shower curtain. "I'll be out in a sec," he offered, and while his voice sounded a little hoarse, the mere act of pulling in a breath to speak didn't send him coughing. She let it be. For now.
Veronica left the door cracked a little as she turned back towards the kitchen. She rummaged, undecided on the various ingredients that all seemed to require more effort than she was willing to put into it to make a late lunch or early dinner. Maybe it was a pizza kind of evening. She could live with that.
The water shut off in the bathroom and she listened to the sounds of Logan shuffling and cursing as he dropped something that clattered loudly to the bathroom floor. A small smile tugged at her lips. She hadn't been sure what it'd be like to have him there regularly after so long apart, but so far it had been… nice. They stumbled around each other from time to time, but he was always willing to listen to a vague rant about a case and she'd forgotten how good it felt to fall asleep curled up against him, even on the nights when one of them came in so much later than the other. There was never any need to try to figure out what "normal" was with him. They had seen each other at some of the best and worst moments in life. Where others knew pieces, she felt like he might be the one to know most of her. Maybe even all of her.
"I'm thinking takeout," Veronica called as she heard the door to the bathroom creak the rest of the way open. "Your call: pizza or Chinese? I'm leaning towards pizza, but if you can argue the point, I might be persuaded."
She waited a long moment without an answer and turned, finding the living room empty. Blonde brows drew together and she padded her way back to the bedroom where she found Logan flopped back on the bed in his boxers and a white t-shirt. He looked like he'd taken a seat on the edge and then just fallen back. His eyes were squeezed closed and the lines on his face deepened a little as he drew in careful, intentional breaths. He didn't seem to notice that she was there.
"Hey," she greeted softly so she wouldn't spook him.
A pair of soft, brown eyes pried open sluggishly. "Hey," he answered back, his voice raspy, the small word almost lost to a cough. He swallowed it though, struggling to breathe through it rather than give in. The whole exercise looked more painful than it was worth.
Veronica reached forward, pressing the back of her hand against his forehead before sliding down and flipping so her palm was against his warm cheek. He leaned into her touch and she frowned a little. "Sent you home sick, huh?"
Logan snorted softly and pulled away just a little. "I'm fine."
"Oh yeah, you look it. Peak physical condition there." She grinned at him and pressed a kiss to his warm forehead.
"I don't get sick." He curled his long legs up and rolled to his side so his back was to her.
"Then what do you call this?" she asked lightly.
He huffed and she rolled her eyes a little. Men were such babies when they got sick and she imagined this was just the tip of the iceberg with Logan Echolls. Now that she thought about it, in all the years she'd known him she didn't think she'd seen him sick. Hungover, definitely, and even injured, but never ill.
"It's just allergies," he grumbled into the bedspread, pulling her out of her thoughts.
"Decide to get adventurous and have crab cakes for lunch?"
"That would have ended in a trip to the ER."
"Well that's the only allergies I've ever heard you talk about and I've known you since we were twelve. Wanna try again?"
She had been teasing, her tone playful, but he shot her a sharp, frustrated look. "Can't you just leave it?"
The snap caught her even more off guard and suddenly she felt her own walls going firmly into place. "Well, excuse me for worrying about you."
There was a flash of remorse in his eyes and he looked like he might say something, but pulled back last second, mumbling something she couldn't quite make out. She felt her temper flare. "Fine. Be an asshole about it."
Veronica turned on her heel. She was going to go pick up dinner. She needed a walk.
Logan wasn't sure exactly how long he slept, just that he somehow felt worse when he coughed himself awake. The sun was dipping low outside of the bedroom window and he looked around, trying to pull together his blurry day.
When he had driven down to the base earlier that morning he'd been dragging, but considering the hours he'd put in that week it hadn't been a complete surprise. The final test flights were set for that afternoon, but by the time they were ready for him he was coughing and sneezing, his ears stopped up, and there was no way anyone with half a brain cell was going to put him in the cockpit of a multi-billion dollar aircraft. They'd sent him home and rescheduled for Monday.
Getting back to Neptune was kind of a blur. He remembered parking, he thought, and maybe a shower? Then Veronica had come home. That was right. He'd been a grade-a cranky asshole. He should probably apologize for that. Maybe do some groveling. He couldn't remember how bad it had been.
Logan sat up slowly, swinging his legs over the side of the bed he hadn't even bothered to turn down before he'd fallen asleep. He stood carefully and tried to keep his balance as he eased himself over to the drawer that Veronica had given him right after she'd moved in. He didn't technicallylive here, even if he spent every night with her while he was in town, so the fact that he'd shown up just to snap at her and fall asleep probably hadn't won him any points.
He found a set of pajama pants and just about lost his balance trying to put them on. It left him winded and wanting to crawl right back into bed, but he steeled himself to follow the sound of the TV filtering in from the living room.
Veronica was stretched out on the couch in running shorts and a t-shirt, her hair pulled back and her makeup washed off. Balanced on one knee was a bowl of half eaten ice cream.
"Hey," he called out softly, the single word feeling like sandpaper against his throat.
She looked back at him. "Oh, I'm sorry, are we talking now? I got the craziest impression you just wanted to be left alone."
Logan cringed at her tone. "I'm kinda blurry on what I said, but I probably deserve that, huh?"
"Sorry. I'm kind of a dick when I'm sick."
"Oh, are you sick?"
He ducked his head a little and she relented, scooting over to open up some space on the couch. "If you promise not to sneeze in my ice cream I'll forgive you this once."
"Promise," he answered and shuffled over to sit heavily next to her. He couldn't get over how much energy getting from the bedroom to the couch seemed to expend.
Veronica nudged his leg with a bare foot. "You better be glad you're cute or it'd be easier to stay pissed at you."
"You've managed before," he chuckled, coughing hoarsely into the crook of his elbow.
When she didn't toss one back at him he looked over to find those clever blue eyes studying him. She tilted her head a little before leaning forward, depositing her bowl onto the coffee table and grabbing a pillow for her lap. "C'mere," she said, patting it.
"I don't want to get you sick too," he managed, even if the only thing he wanted to do was to curl up in her lap right then and there.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but we share a 600 square foot apartment. You've already left your germs everywhere."
He huffed a laugh and gave in. As he sank into the pillow and Veronica's fingers started brushing idly through his shortly cropped hair, he finally felt himself start to relax.
"So what was all of that?" she asked after a long moment.
Brown eyes blinked heavily open. He hadn't even realized they'd closed. "Of what?"
"The whole I'm not sick bullshit."
He made a small sound and pushed back on the natural inclination to bury his reasons under anything that would distract from them. This was Veronica. She was safe. He trusted her. "I, uh-" he cleared his throat- "it's kinda stupid."
"So I'll tease you mercilessly for it. Just another Friday night at the Mars-Echolls household."
He tried to ignore the flutter he always felt in his chest when she referred to the apartment as theirsin any way. "When I was little Aaron had this big premiere. Lots of press that was expecting his perfect family to be there. Smiling and supportive," he sing-songed the last words with a flippant wave of his hand. Veronica continued running her fingers through his hair. "I got the flu. He told me I was faking it and that he wasn't going to let me get out of going. I threw up all over the limo right before they opened the door."
Veronica made a small sound. "Bet he didn't think you were faking it then."
"Yeah he did," Logan answered softly and he could practically feel the amusement drain from her.
"So you just push through it."
"Good thing is I don't get sick very often, but yeah. That's my go-to."
"I'm sorry."
"Why? Not your fault."
"No, but I'm sorry you went through that. That he did that to you, that he…" She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his temple. "I knew, but I never told my dad. I should have."
"We were kids. Not your fault." He reached for her hand, pulling it around so he could press a kiss to it with chapped lips. "What're we watching?"
"The Big Lebowski," she answered, doing her best The Dude voice.
"You gonna quote the whole thing?"
"Wouldn't you be worried about me if I didn't?"
He smiled at that and settled in, her fingers still held between his own. It was strange, the idea that someone was not just willing but wanted to be there for him when he was sick. To do what they could to help him feel better. It made him vulnerable, he knew, but he trusted Veronica. She was his safe place, and he'd never loved anyone more than he loved her.
Notes: I was already working on this story with the idea that Logan doesn't like to admit or accept help when he's sick because of something Aaron did when he was little when I ended up in a really interesting conversation over on a VM discord channel about the fact that both Duncan and Veronica knew that Aaron was abusing Logan and neither said anything to an adult. Was it their fault or was it not? Super interesting conversation and it's something that's been weighing on my mind for a couple of days, so it fit nicely into this story.
I kid you not, though, I started this thing maybe three different times and almost deleted the majority of what ended up staying. At the end, I feel like it came together nicely so I'm glad I didn't nuke it. Hope you guys enjoy!
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laserdog10 · 4 years
Feeling of Blue
Neptune: I’m hoooome!
Nikolas: *sliding down the stairs into the foyer* Heyo pops!!! *runs up and hugs his blue-haired father*
Neptune: Woah, someone’s happy!
Nik: Hell yeah, why wouldn’t I be, it’s Father’s Day! We got a whole dessert dinner set for all of u-
Neptune: You Klein mean has a dessert dinner set?
Nik: Nope! He helped teach me how to make the stuff we planned for you! Also mind the smokey smell because Lea got angry earlier.
Neptune: Did you frustrate her?
Nik: Frost did too so I can’t take full blame for it.
Neptune: Riiight. *pauses then sniffs the air* Cupcakes, crepes, and mini-donuts? Wow you went all out!
Nik: *smiles*
Neptune: Did Jack help out?
Nik: *smile fades* He...had a little scuffle with mom this morning as I woke up. He’s been in room since eight...
Neptune: Oooohhhh no, how bad was it?
Nik: How bad does a two minute shouting match sound???
Neptune: Is he in a “mood?”
Nik: Kind of, you gonna go talk to him?
Neptune: I hope he’ll even let me.
Neptune stood in front of his eldest son’s door, reconsidering even walking in the first place. Jack has always had a cold disposition, which was a staple among the Schnee bloodline now that he thought about it, but Jack was...somehow unique, standout even. Shaking that from his mind, he decided to press on, opening the door anyways, and saw something very typical for his son; experimenting with Dust at his desk, listening to music. Knowing Jack hadn’t noticed, Neptune knocked on the door causing the deeper hued bluenette to turn to face the door.
Jack: *taking his earbuds out* Oh, hello dad.
Neptune: Hey my four-eyed son.
Jack: Happy Father’s Day by the way.
Neptune: Thanks! So you tinkering with Dust, as usual?
Jack: *goes back to working* Yes, and for the record, it’s not “tinkering,” it’s simply experimenting.
Neptune: Right, right, my bad. *leans against the doorway* Sooooo...
Jack: If you’re going to try and convince me to apologize to Weiss, I won’t, so don’t even bother.
Neptune: Nonono, I didn’t say you had to apologize! More just...give something nice to her to make up for it.
Jack: So apologize without words? I’d rather train for a day straight with Aunt Winter and Uncle Qrow.
Neptune: I didn’t mea-...*sighs* Today of all days, you do this now?
Jack: Would you say the same thing about that night?
Neptune: Look, Jack, buddy...I know you still have this grudge against your mother, but could you do your old man a favor and be nice to your mother for Father’s Day, please?
Jack set down the Dust crystal gingerly, bowing his head. He heard the sincerity and pleading his father’s voice, knowing full well he couldn’t get out of this. Since the night of “Remnant Rampage”  and an incident following after, Jack has all but unaffiliated himself from his mother, going as far as to call her by her name. Jack only ever respectfully talked to Neptune, and having the latter get like this over the topic of Weiss, Jack had no choice but to cave in and play nice for a while until he went back to being aloof around Weiss. He turned off his desk lamp, adjusted his glasses, and turned to his father, his listless gaze softening if only for a few moments.
Jack: Okay...fine, what should I do.
Neptune: *smirking* Well, your brother and cousins had done some baking earlier for a “dessert dinner” if I recall, so why not bake a little something for mom? It won’t be a long while until she gets back, let’s make her a cake!
Jack: ...I’m beginning to regret this immediately.
Nik waited on one of the couches in the main lobby of the Schnee mansion, spinning a Glyph on his finger to kill time, until two sets of feet walking down the hall and stairwell snapped him out of his trance.
Nik: Ja-!
Jack: Not a single word out of you or I’m going back in my room and locking it...
Nik: *grins* Did dad do his guilt tripping spiel on you?
Jack: *red* I hate being related to you...
Neptune: Don’t start bickering or else we’ll be here all day, let’s get baking!
It was well close to around midnight and Weiss had just gotten home. Exhausted, sluggish, and beyond the definition of the word tired, she wanted nothing more than to sleep with her king of the sea, and forget the awful fight she had with her son earlier in the day. Carefully shutting the door behind her and setting her brief case down by the coat rack, the heiress made her way to the stairs and to her room she shared with her husband. However a light in the kitchen caught her attention out of her peripheral vision.
Weiss: Hello? Klein, are you awa-
The sight almost brought her to tears, sitting in chairs and laying their heads on the kitchen table, was Neptune and Jack, fast asleep with a small cake between them, one half pure white icing while the other half was all blue. Written on top with white frosting on the blue half was the word “Jack,” on the white half in blue frosting was the word “Weiss.” Putting a hand over her mouth to muffle an excited whimper, Weiss picked up the cake and looked to her boys with tear filled eyes.
Weiss: Thank you so much. *she whispered, kissing Jack on the head, the young man smiled while still asleep*
Weiss: We raised a wonderful son Neptune. *she whispered again, planting another kiss on her husbands cheek*
Weiss resumed going to her room to retire to bed, leaving her son and husband to their slumber on the table. She may have missed celebrating Father’s Day with her boys, but she could rest easy knowing they went out of their way to do this for her.
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chlorue · 4 years
here’s to never growing up
a little shameless fic to sooth your troubles.
Pairing: Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich
Description:  It was finally Franny's fifth birthday. What did Ian do? Spent two weeks planning it. The party is full of disapproving PTA moms and a new friend for Ian. Ian had spent weeks planning this party and he was damn well sure it was going to turn out well.
word count: 2,814
read on ao3
The sun was bright today. The rays shining on the Gallagher backyard. Ian was frantically running around the backyard making sure everything was in line for his niece's 5th birthday. The entire backyard was decked out in whatever leftover party decorations Ian could find in the basement. Small party tables with fun tablecloths were placed around. Balloons were everywhere. Ian found a pile of streamers in Carl's room and placed them on the stairs and tables. There was no necessary theme to the party, it was just Ian felt obligated to go all out. He had Lip get the cake, Liam to get the other food, Carl to get party favors that weren’t weed, and Mickey to keep Franny and Debbie away from the house. So far everything was looking up.
Ian was sitting on the steps looking at his phone waiting for someone to text him that something was wrong. He would look at his phone lock screen every few seconds, see nothing there, and put back down next to him. Finally his phone dinged. He rushed to pick it up. It was from a small group chat he put together.
the one who sold weed once
hey are we serving alcohol at this party????
the one with a son
Nah, half of us can’t even drink, recovering alcoholic and the lithium thing
the smart one
What about all the PTA moms?
the one with a son
They’ll just have to get over it.
Okay, can you all shut up? This is a five year olds party, we’ll be drinking the soda Liam
It seemed everyone got the message because they stopped texting. Ian sighed and leaned back. He tried to drown out the sound of buzz on the streets. Luckily Frank was nowhere to be found, he hadn’t been for the past few days. Something shocked Ian out of his small trance. There were voices that were familiar coming down the street. Ian stood up to see Tami with Fred on her and Lip a few paces behind her with a white box in his hands.
“Hey fuckwad!” Lip called when he spotted Ian. Tami swatted him, most likely for the language. “Sorry.” Lip apologized. Lip set the box on a table and pulled his little brother into a hug. Ian pulled away and patted Fred on the head.
“Thanks so much for getting this, you two are amazing!” Ian opened the box to see a rectangular pink cake that had swirly white writing. Happy Birthday Franny! It was perfect and Ian let a small weight off his shoulders.
“Eh, you just owe us for Fred’s 5th birthday.” Tami patted her son's head.
“I can do that.” Ian sighed and smiled. They both looked to be doing better. He had heard about the fight they got into at his wedding and was glad to see them back together. Lip had sent him too many pictures of the house and Fred.
The back door swung open, startling all three of them, revealing Carl and Liam. “What’s up whores!” Carl yelled. Lip, Tami, Ian, and Liam collectively sighed.
“We really need to have a talk about language in this family.” Tami sighed. Ian nodded and took a seat at the table. Liam and Carl made their way down with a lot of bags.
They set them on the table just in time for Mickey to stroll in. Liam started pulling bags of chips out and Lip told him where to put it. “Carl, are you just gonna stand there?” Ian cocked an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?” Carl asked and Ian groaned. Lip saw his brother's stress and took Carl away from the table. Tami took Liam and the rest of the bags away from the poor man.
Another presence slipped into the chair next to him and kissed his head. Mickey. Ian pulled his head up to see his husband. He smiled for a second before realizing. “What are you doing here?”
“Uh, comforting my stressed out husband?” Mickey smiled.
“Where is Franny? And Debbie?” Ian looked frantically around the backyard. The party wasn’t really a surprise. Ian had asked Debbie two weeks ago if he could plan it, but Ian didn’t expect to really take over his life. He really wanted to be special for the little girl. “You were supposed to be keeping them occupied!” He groaned.
“Calm down hotstuff, did you happen to look at the time?” Mickey cupped Ian’s face and made him face Mickey. Ian was confused, mad and shocked all at the same time. Once Mickey let him out of his hold Ian pulled his phone from his back pocket. The time read 1:45. The party was starting in 15 minutes.
“Fuck.” Ian sighed. Ian had been so focused on things going wrong he must’ve lost track of time. “I’m sorry, I’m just really stressed. I want her to like this.” Ian pulled his hands down his face and faced his husband.
“Dude, she’s 5, she got excited by my name tag yesterday, I think this will fill her to the brim with joy.” Mickey rubbed his shoulder. Ian felt better knowing Mickey was next to him. “Jesus you are tense.”
“Hey Ian!” Tami’s voice broke through the small silence. “People are arriving!”
“Let them in.” He called behind him. Tami gave a thumbs and went back inside. “Well, our backyard is about to be filled with every mom and her kid from Franny’s school, you ready?” Ian asked.
“Jesus, ready for the dirty looks at my hands? I’m used to it by now, so I guess.” Mickey kissed Ian’s cheek before getting up. “Just, uh, holler if you need help. Please don’t put any more stress on yourself.” Mickey smiled before stomping up the stairs. He was met with the first kid and mom. The mom smiled at him and he smiled back before moving into the house.
Ian sighed and got out of his chair. “Ian! So nice to see you!” The mom smiled as she approached Ian.
“Mary!” Ian faked a smile. Mary Lynn was a god damn bitch. She never liked Mickey or Ian. She would pretend to be nice to them and Franny only to go over to the other mom’s to talk about how horrible they were. Ian pretended not to care, but sometimes he would rant to Mickey about how much he wanted to punch her. “You look great!” No she didn’t. Ian was resisting the urge to pull her fake blonde hair off her head.
"Chelsea here is so excited to hang out with Franny! I can’t believe she’s turning five, they grow up so fast!” She gave the fakest laugh Ian had ever heard. Ian returned it.
“Yeah, we’re excited too!” Ian wanted so badly for this conversation to be over. “You can go ahead and find a seat, Franny will be out soon.” Ian gave one last fake smile and pulled his hand from her grip. He walked in the back door only to be met with six more PTA moms.
Today was gonna be a long day.
The party was in full swing now. Franny was running around and playing with her friends while their mothers sat at tables talking. Ian was leaning against the chain-link fence watching his niece run around with a big ass smile on her face.
Another presence took its place next to Ian. He turned to see the dark red hair of his little sister. “Hey, you really didn't have to do this, you know?” Debbie smiled.
“Eh, I didn’t have anything else to occupy my time,” Ian smiled and took a drink from his cup. Debbie patted his shoulder and sighed. “You know, you might want to mingle with the moms over there.”
“Oh, god no. I’d rather not inhale the cheap perfume up close.” Debbie laughed.
“Well them maybe you should go hang out with your daughter, I’m gonna head inside, see what other shit Carl has to drink.” Ian patted his sisters head before walking away. He made his way into the Gallagher kitchen to see the rest of the family scattered through. Liam was plastered by the punch bowls, Lip was by the pack and play with Fred, Carl was sitting on the table, and Mickey was leaning next to the fridge.
“Welcome back,” Carl said, not even looking up from his phone. “Drinks and food are over there, we will be serving cake in 40 minutes.” He deadpanned.
Ian pushed his head, forcing Carl to look up and smile. “Oh, hey man!”
Ian smiled and went over to the counter area, not before throwing his cup away. “Hey, are Kev and V coming?” He leaned over to Liam. He invited the neighbors not only because they were some of his best friends and they loved Franny, but for moral support and help as well.
“Yeah, they just had to close up the Alibi.” Liam sighed and continued to stir the punch. Ian ran his hair through his hair. Then a knock came from the door. “That must be them.” Liam said and turned around.
He was right. Veronica and Kevin were strolling in with Amy and Gemma racing in front of them. “What is up to my favorite people in the world!” Veronica exclaimed as she strutted into the kitchen. Kev waved to everyone, but his attention was clearly on the very eager girls who wanted to get outside and see their friends. “God, it has been way too long!"
“You were two nights ago.” Mickey said. Mickey was now over by the Pac-And-Play with Tami. V shushed and he went back to playing with Fred.
“So Ian, how are you holdin’ up. I know PTA moms can be a handful.” V sighed and placed herself next to Ian.
“I think I’ll be fine with you and Kev here. I texted Fiona earlier for a pep talk.”
“Damn Fi, she always gave some sort of pep talk, shitty or not. They fuckin’ worked.”  V sighed and laughed.
“God, can parents please name their children something fucking normal. I swear I literally just met a kid named Neptune.” Lip groaned as he swung open the door. “Also Ian, some people want to talk to you.”
Ian groaned. V gave his hand a squeeze and he took a deep breath. Time to venture back into the unknown.
Ian had been outside for about an hour. Turns out what the mothers wanted to talk to him about was alcohol. Whether he was serving it? Where was it stored in the house with the kids? Ian finally got away from it all. He was sitting in a lawn chair in the shade watching Mickey play with Franny.
“Hey do you mind if I sit?” Ian looked up to see a mom he had never really seen before. She was tall and had blonde hair, like most of them. But this blonde looked real. It was in a high ponytail. Her eyes were blue and her makeup was pretty and subtle. She wore a pink bomber jacket, white undershirt and gray pants.
“Oh, yeah sure, go ahead.” Ian smiled and pointed to the chair next to him.
“Thanks, I was getting tired of listening to Jennifer go on about her failing marriage, and you looked lonely.” The woman smiled.
“Did she tell you the reason it’s failing?”
“No, what is it? Something juicy?”
“Nah, he won’t let her drink more than three tequila shots.”
“That doesn’t seem that bad.”
“ A night. ” Ian smirked and the woman laughed. “I’m Ian by the way.” He held his hand out.
“Amara.” She shook his hand. “This is a really nice party, did you plan it all by yourself?”
“Eh, only a little bit. It’s not like it took up my life for about two weeks.” Ian smiled. Amara laughed. She seemed different from the rest of the moms there. She was fit, like really fit, she seemed a tiny bit dorky, but she was nicer than any of the other moms.
“Tell me about it. When my son turned 4 we held this “small” gathering that ended up turning into a whole block party!” Amara laughed.
“Wow, I feel like that happened when I was like 12. Gallaghers knew and know how to party.” Ian smiled.
“You haven’t seen the chaos that is my company.” Amara smiled. “I’m surprised you aren’t serving alcohol today, PTA moms and all.”
“Oh, basically none of us in this family can drink anymore, other than my little brother and my deadbeat father.” Ian sighed. “My older brother and sister are recovering alcoholics and I can’t drink on my meds. It fucks with my lithium.” Ian takes a swig of the Pepsi in his hands.
“Oh, that sucks. But that’s the South Side for you.” Amara sighed. “My wife and I may have moved to the North Side, but we won't forget the weirdos here.”
“Wait, you’re gay? And South Side?” Ian was now even more interested in this Amara. She was gay. No wonder she was so different then the rest of the moms. And she was raised on the south side. She definitely did not look like it.
“Oh, hell yeah! Most of my company is a part of the LGBT community. And yes, born and raised in a foster home here. That is how I met my wife, Callie. She’s over there playing with our son.” She pointed to a woman with dark skin and brown pixie cut. She was playing with a small boy who looked to be about the same age as Fran.
“Very pretty. My husband and I are born and raised as well. In and out of foster and group homes, though.” Ian smiled.
“You’re gay? No wonder the moms despise and love you.” Amara laughed. “Who’s your husband?”
“Him.” He pointed to Mickey who was now swinging Franny around.
“Oh, is he the one the moms are mad at because of his tattoos?” Amara asked and Ian nodded. “I bet they’re fucking dope, my friend did one of my favorite tattoos.” She pulled her sleeve to expose her wrist. On it was what looked like a heart, but it looked like it belonged to a robot. “I have two more, but they’re on my back.”
“I only have two. One is a military thing, and the other is a set of boobs.” Ian sighed at the memory of the failed tattoo.
“Dope!” Amara beamed and they both laughed. “But why boobs?”
“It was supposed to be a memory of my mother, but it went wrong.” Ian smiled.
“Does your husband have any others, other than the knuckle tats?”
“He has one on his forearm, long story. And my name above his heart.” Ian looked back over at his husband. He was laughing and dancing with Franny. Amara cooed and smiled. “Yeah, he did spell my last name wrong.” He looked over to Amara. She sighed and hung her head back.
Suddenly Franny was in front of them. “Uncle Ian! Let’s do the cake. Pwease?” She gave Ina her best puppy dog eyes. Ian laughed and stood up, hoisting her up.
“You comin?” Ian looked at Amara. She smiled and hoisted herself up, tightening her ponytail.
Everything had settled down by 9 PM. Franny was asleep, Lip and Tami left, Liam was downstairs watching TV and Carl was doing who the fuck knows in his room. Ian came into the room from the bathroom to see his husband leaning against the headboard scrolling on his phone. “Well you are a sight for sore eyes.” Ian said leaning against the doorway. Mickey shot his finger up and Ian laughed. He crawled onto the bed and rested himself right next to Mickey.
“Hey, who were you talking to today? The blonde chick?” Mickey started to play with Ian’s hair.
“Don’t get jealous, she has a wife. And her name is Amara, and she is one of the most cool PTA moms I have ever met. She’s South Side too, her and her wife.” Ian smiled at his husband. Mickey looked slightly amused.
“You know, it was really amazing that you did this for Franny, lord know both of us didn’t get the luxury of this.” Mickey sighed.
“Fiona tried her hardest, but I got sick on my 5th birthday.”
“When are you not sick, honestly?” Ian laughed at Mickey’s comment. Mickey smelled nice. A mix of cigarette smoke and soap. It was a smell that reminded Ian of where his home was. He wanted to move out and get a cat and kid with Mickey, but that was a problem for future Mickey and Ian. Ian was focused on Mickey, not realizing that he was slowly falling asleep. He drifted off, but not before pulling Mickey down with him.
“Thank you.”
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bills-pokedex · 4 years
{By request from a couple days ago, background stuff! As a heads up, there will be three posts. The first one is this one, which covers character notes. The second will cover world stuff and other notes that are more or less basics to the blog. You do not have to follow the powerverse tag to understand any of this, and in fact, some of it might be handy to know in general. The last post will be a powerverse timeline.
With that in mind, enjoy!}
Bill McKenzie
Current Age: 28 (The blog started on his 24th birthday.)
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: Panromantic ace
Race: Mixed (Johtonian/Galarian)
Birthday: December 31
Occupation/Employer: Pokémon researcher, inventor, engineer, admin of the Kanto/Johto storage system, and general jack-of-all-trades. Apparently writes papers for Celadon University but actually is paid full-time by the Pokémon Cutting-Edge Technology Research Institute
Pokémon: - Foxglove: Kadabra, M (The first pokémon Bill had ever caught and still one of his closest. Can communicate with him. Is the de facto leader of Bill’s team.) - Lucky: Venusaur, M (Bill’s starter, stolen from an illegal pokémon vendor in Goldenrod. Currently lives in Bill’s garden/greenhouse. Is supposed to guard it but spends most of his time sleeping and eating Bill’s crops.) - Primrose: Clefairy, F (The clefairy Bill once fused with. Mischievous af. Originally from Hoenn but gifted to Bill in exchange for an eevee. Judges Kantonian clefairy hardcore. Apparently enjoys tinkering with things. Also enjoys stealing Bill’s socks, making them into nests, and blaming the eevee.) - Tamarind: Eevee, M (It babey.) - Yew: Umbreon, F (Was most definitely not named Rosemary at one point. Mom of a thousand eevee kits. Judges everyone hardcore.) - Boxed: Farfetch’d, Vulpix, Exeggutor, Nidorino, Rattata, more eevee and eeveelutions than is probably healthy, Ditto
Family: - Father: Jack. Pokémon professor who specializes in moves (i.e., he studied moves before Kukui made it cool). Invented TMs/HMs. Currently a move tutor who likes to scam trainers out of coins in exchange for powerful moves. Spends most of his time at the Game Corner. Apparently a massive headache for Bill, who totally does not have father issues. - Mother: ???. Former kimono girl. World’s most patient woman. Loves her children equally, including her strange son who’s sometimes a pokémon. Just wants her kids to be happy and safe. Sometimes asks Bill in full-on Japanese in front of Lanette whether or not he’ll ever ask “that nice coworker of yours out” because “she’s cute and very interested in you.” - Older sister: Christa. Contractually obligated to kick Bill’s ass if he misses his weekly check-ins (to ensure he’s still alive and not a pokémon). The Mycroft to Bill’s Sherlock (canon, not BBClocke, you heathens). Jill-of-all-trades. Trainer extraordinaire. Runs a YouTube channel where she breaks into old places and hunts for ghosts. Sometimes those ghosts are real and perfectly catchable. - Younger siblings: Brother, followed by sister. Both are proud of their brother but don’t really get him. His youngest sister gave Lyra his phone number. - Grandfather: Galarian and thus doesn’t know every Kantonian/Johtonian pokémon. Good-natured. Physicist. Miiiiiight have worked on some top-secret Galarian projects, which might explain why skipped regions to go live in Johto back in the 60s. - Claims that the children of the kimono girls from his mom’s former troupe are his cousins. The only one who entertains this idea is gym leader Valerie. He has never met his mother’s actual family, nor does he know who they are.
Character Notes: - Animeverse but not really. Lives in a decomissioned lighthouse called the Sea Cottage because, as he puts it, “I can.” Also speaks with a very posh accent, dyes his hair green, and dresses like the Doctor, if not a gentleman from a steampunk webcomic. - Possesses wit drier than Orre. It’s often hard to tell whether or not he’s serious when he says he doesn’t know what’s up, but if it helps, just remember that the rock that he lives under has Kanto’s best wifi. - Would totally be an anarchist if he wasn’t egotistical enough to believe he can fix the system if they’d just listen to his friendly suggestions(, president of the Pokémon Association). - Worships Ho-oh and absolutely takes Ho-oh’s sacred flames in vain when startled/under stress. (The other Johtonian legends are technically his gods too, but he doesn’t take them as seriously.) - Strong believer in “do as I say, not as I do.” Will give people plenty of advice to not do stupid things, yet will do stupid things for science. - Thinks all life on Earth is worthy of respect. Unless you’re disrespectful to life on Earth, at which point, fuck you. (Note: Not an anti-abortion statement.) - Pacifist. This, combined with the fact that he’s not that great at strategy under pressure, is why he failed his gym challenge pretty hard. (He wasn’t that half bad of a trainer, though.) - Has accidentally merged himself with, in order: Primrose (the original Clefairy Incident—canon), rattata (canon), nidorino (canon), and finally flygon (powerverse). No one quite knows how he’s managed to do this unintentionally three times, but there you go. (Note: Everyone knows about the Clefairy Incident because Red is a snitch.) - Other canon facts: lactose intolerant, loves eevee (but also every other pokémon too), often unshakably bubbly regardless of circumstance. - List of confirmed crushes includes: the Goldenrod Flower Shop girl, Steven Stone, probably Lanette. - Apparently calls Lanette “luv” and “love” if he wants something. - Collects pokémon, comic books, and houseplants. Really likes superhero comic books in particular. Spinarakman is his jam.
Lanette Hamilton (“LH”)
Age: 28 (Six months older than Bill.)
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: Bi with strong leanings towards men
Race: Mixed (Hoennian/Unovan, with some distant Galarian heritage)
Birthday: July 2
Occupation/Employer: Pokémon researcher, software engineer, admin of the Hoenn storage system. Employed by the Hoennian branch of the Pokémon Cutting-Edge Technology Research Institute but does contract work with Devon as well ... much to Bill’s chagrin.
Pokémon: - Mary: Alcremie, F (Adorable baby of the team.) - Evening: Galarian ponyta, F (Full name is Princess Evening Glimmer of Ponytaville Castle. Asshole ponyta who likes showing her affection with a well-aimed Psychic.) - Lacroix: Budew, M (Asshole budew who once dynamaxed and misses it.) - Ariel: Clefairy, M (Asshole clefairy who hates dragons. Apparently has a crush on Primrose and thinks her tinkering is adorable.) - Neptune: Swampert, M (Lanette’s starter. Brawns over brains. Pretty much watery Lucky. Enjoys chilling out in rivers/with Lucky instead of doing any actual guardwork.) - Sam: Medicham, M (“Sam” might have at one point been short for “Samsara”; Lanette realized this was not cool after she grew older. One of Lanette’s usual right-hand pokémon. Calm. Cool. Will punch you through the earth if ordered to do so. Can mega evolve. Serves as Lanette’s sounding board whenever Brigette isn’t around.) - Boxed: Skadi (Glalie, F), Braeburn (Applin, M—was going to evolve into an appletun but then just didn’t), Raijin (Manectric, M), Pepper (Flareon, F) - Formerly: Bill
Family: - Parents: Divorced. Both remarried. Lanette doesn’t talk about them much and is apparently not close with them at all. They were apparently both wealthy, however, which is how Lanette wound up going to pretty exclusive schools with no problem. - Older sister: Brigette, manager of Pokémon Bank. Extremely supportive of her sister but tends to take the “idgaf” road when it comes to admin shenanigans. Lanette shares everything with her. (Everything.) 
Character Notes: - ORAS version. Short hair. Cute dress. Don’t talk to her about that one time she wore pigtails. Collects plush pokémon. - Most people say Bill is the leader of the admins but actually think Lanette is. - Is the Team Mom. - Routinely keeps Bill from doing stupid things (except for that one time that they’re still working through). - Was roped into being the editor of the blog because someone had to do it. - Is perfectly aware that she more enables Bill than stops him from doing stupid things. - Is still, like, all of his impulse control and half of the impulse control of the other admins. - All of this, and she’s disorganized af. Her lab is a disaster. It’s only by Bill’s own will that his lab isn’t right now, now that she’s basically living at the Sea Cottage. - Bill might have invented the storage system, but she’s the one who gave it a GUI, hammered out most of its flaws, and beat the entire concept of user-friendliness into its inventor’s head until he stopped putting text command boxes on everything. - Likes cooking and loves sweets. Will fight you for cake. - Was at one point a coordinator and thus has an excellent eye for making things that are functional but also hella pretty. Earned almost all of the Hoenn ribbons before calling it a day. And she gave it up not because she wasn’t good at it but instead because she got really hella fed up with the culture surrounding contests at the time. - Still participates in Fallarbor contests now and then, just for fun. - Was apparently the one who reached out to Bill in the first place, rather than the other way around. That is to say, Bill was “the weird ghost kid” in Celadon University’s library until Lanette finally popped up and said, “Hi. You’re my friend now.” And they’ve been together ever since. - Bill routinely says the above event was seven years ago. This was actually when they were both thirteen. - Not-so-secretly loves cute, sparkly things, especially if they can kick your ass. (See: Princess Evening Glimmer of Ponytaville Castle.) - Not-so-secretly likes Steven Stone, Milo, and practically every other man (and some women) who’s cute and capable of holding their own in battling. (Much to Bill’s chagrin.) - Is perfectly aware that Bill not-so-secretly has a thing for her and thinks it’s adorable. Cares pretty deeply about him, at least as a friend, and absolutely wants to see him happy ... which is really why she’s often quick to shoot down his more reckless ideas. - Unironically likes romance movies and mysteries. Watches Groovy Froo (Scooby Doo but with a furfrou).
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