#you know what nate. that's valid of u!
katierosefun · 1 year
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they're so fuckign annoying
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sciderman · 1 year
sorry if you’ve answered this before, but what wd u say are ur favorite deadpool runs? we seems to have similar tastes in his characterization, and dp comics are so hit or miss. thanks for all the great content over the years :-)
deadpool comics really are hit and miss - it's quite frustrating in that, like - peter as a character actually does have a canonical personality that (used to) stay consistent and evolve and grow in a believable way over time but - wade? wade is all over the map. his allegiances, motivations and supporting cast change with every run - he's kind of just conveniently any flavour the writer feels is interesting at that moment. we need him to be a romantic hero? he's a romantic hero. we need him to be a villain? he's a villain. we need him to be a tragedy? he's a tragedy. he's the kind of character that i'd love to have a semi-linear character progression, but - you'll never get it, because every run is a reset button, and he's almost unrecognisable from writer to writer.
deadpool self-improvement arc? (thanos voice) fine. i'll do it myself.
for me nicieza's wade is gospel - cable and deadpool is hands down unbeatable for being my favourite wade wilson.
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he's bratty. he's sad. he's annoying. and he's constantly craving something. validation. belonging. from nate, from anyone.
i'd kiss him if i could. but i also know nicieza's wade is the wade wilson with canonically the least sex appeal, in the hierarchy of deadpools. other wades are chads in comparison (hate it)
i'd say eat up everything and anything nicieza's touched if you like my characterisation of wade. circle chase is his debut book, and might still be his best (it is)
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for another fan-favourite that might be one of wade's most-loved outings - uncanny x-force (2010)
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that's just for starters! i think maybe one day when i have the time, i should rank all the deadpool runs, maybe. but there are a few of the recent ones i just couldn't force myself to read. there are some bullets i'll have to bite to finish that list - but who knows, maybe i'll take one for the team...
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jcmarchi · 3 months
A portable ultrasound tool uses AI to detect arm fractures more quickly - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/a-portable-ultrasound-tool-uses-ai-to-detect-arm-fractures-more-quickly-technology-org/
A portable ultrasound tool uses AI to detect arm fractures more quickly - Technology Org
A University of Alberta researcher is awarded $748,500 from Alberta Innovates to test a new portable ultrasound system that could shorten wait times and save money in hospital emergency departments.
A U of A researcher will use nearly $750,000 in new funding from Alberta Innovates to test a portable ultrasound system that uses AI to speed up triage for patients with suspected injuries to their wrists, elbows and shoulders.
The Ultrasound Arm Injury Detection tool uses artificial intelligence to allow triage nurses or primary care physicians to accurately scan for wrist or elbow fractures or tears in the rotator cuff. 
According to Abhilash Hareendranathan, an assistant professor in the Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging who developed the system, suspected injury to the upper limbs is responsible for one out of every five visits to emergency departments in Canada.
“What happens right now is people have to wait and — depending on which emergency department you go to and how busy they are that day — it could take from two to six hours to have an X-ray and then see the doctor,” Hareendranathan says. “With our tool, if you are able to rule out a fracture, that cuts down on the wait time and saves money on the diagnosis.”
The new tool uses AI to augment a portable ultrasound device, allowing the operator to determine whether an accurate scan has been captured and then reporting on whether a fracture has been detected. 
The tool can be used by a “lightly trained” nurse or physician rather than requiring a sonographer or radiologist, who must train intensively to learn how to operate traditional diagnostic imaging equipment.
“The novice user often gets a good scan but they don’t know at what point to freeze the image, whereas in our system we automate that process,” explains Hareendranathan. “If it’s not a fracture, you will probably be given a painkiller and you’re good to go home.”
If a fracture is detected, the patient gets a followup X-ray or MRI scan to confirm the diagnosis and treatment plan, which can range from a simple splint to surgery for more severe injuries.
Hareendranathan has worked for a decade with a team of researchers who are striving to make portable ultrasound technology accessible outside of big-city hospitals. Radiologist Jacob Jaremko is now doing clinical trials on an AI-powered portable ultrasound system to detect hip dysplasia in newborns, and Kumaradevan Punithakumar, with the Servier Virtual Cardiac Centre at the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute, uses a combination of robotics and AI to produce 3D images of the heart using ultrasound.
“Ultrasound is fast, safe and highly sensitive to fractures, making it ideally suited for wrist examination in emergency departments,” Hareendranathan reported in a recently published research paper.
Hareendranathan has up to three years to clinically validate his system with patients at the pediatric emergency department of the Stollery Children’s Hospital and an MIC medical imaging clinic in Edmonton. 
He’s confident the system will prove easy to use and “likable” to the staff there.
“These three conditions are not lethal by any stretch of the imagination, but their prevalence in emergency departments impedes treatment for more significant cases,” Hareendranathan says. “It’s a question of equity and also personalized treatment of the patient.”
“Funding medical innovations is critically important to advancing technologies from the lab into clinics around Alberta,” says Nate Glubish, Alberta minister of Technology and Innovation, who was at the U of A for today’s announcement of Alberta Innovates funding totalling $12.4 million for new health-care research. “That’s not only good for health innovation but for all Albertans.”
“Creating innovation in the health system requires support at all levels, from the earliest stages right through to those that are commercially viable,” says Laura Kilcrease, CEO of Alberta Innovates. “When innovators like those in the AICE – Concepts and LevMax-Health programs succeed, we achieve better patient outcomes and a stronger economy.”
Six other U of A projects will also receive funding from Alberta Innovates.
“The University of Alberta is a global leader in health research, and we’ve identified it as one of our top priorities,” says Aminah Robinson Fayek, U of A vice-president of research and innovation. “We’re grateful that Alberta Innovates supports our researchers’ efforts to get their life-changing innovations from the lab to the bedside, to help improve outcomes for patients in Alberta and beyond.”
Source: University of Alberta
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philtatosbuck · 2 years
“it’s very telling y’all are more mad with cassie than nate” shut up. shut the fuck up holy shit. no one is ever not mad with nate. it’s not mutually exclusive from being mad at cassie. you can understand that she’s desperate for validation and still not fucking like her and what she’s done, holy fucking shit. if you know she’s wrong, as you so claim, then why are you getting mad when people point that shit out? why are y’all so fucking concerned with defending her at the price of completely ignoring how what she’s done still has consequences even if she’s just seeking validation? if you like cassie that’s fine but also why are y’all so pressed to pretend her actions don’t deserve to be criticized/slandered just because she seeks male validation and has daddy issues. okay? is that supposed to make everyone forgive her and not have any issue with what she’s done?
having an explanation behind her actions does not mean having an excuse behind her actions. learn the fucking difference.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
When I look at yuzuru he strikes me as a really soft cutesy charming etheral individual not really homme fatal kind of guy that's why I think he's pure romantic rather than TR what do u think? ( love you btw)
i’ve been thinking about it as well, but it’s not a crystal clear case. he’s a sportsman, skating morphs the body in the most uncommon ways which makes it harder to narrow down the type. 
basics first so we get the foundations right: pinpointing the kibbe category he is + isn’t and why, the subtype after.
1. which one of the big 5?
- safe to say, yes: he’s somewhere in the romantic category. nobody does these outfits quite like yuzu. light fabrics, intricate embellishments, he is famous for all that gorgeous princely tailoring. the sport is all about the sequins, he definitely shines in them. every professional figure skating photographer out there will tell you that he hits different and you can see why.
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i’ve witnessed people complaining that the glitz and glam no longer suits his age, he gets scorn for not dressing traditionally masculine, but i don’t know how it wouldn’t look appropriate. the only valid criticism is that it’s often a hit or miss, but we’d be damned if this isn’t what an ice prince looks like.
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he’s the best in the world and his main goal is to put on a show. rolling up in a polo shirt would contradict the objective, being an allround artist first and only then a jump technician. he’s exactly how you’d expect a yuzuru hanyu to look like. if you appear ‘like yourself’, it’s the right kibbe category.
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R clothing typically has a sexy edge as well, you can’t put a kid into that. cut out cleavage, transparent, figure-hugging, no way. if anything, most R styles seemed all over the place when yuzu was younger (this is from 2010). yin is meant to be tailored for adults to begin with, you can’t make it teenage gamine.
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eleven years later at 26, yuzuru hanyu in 2021, adult man, wearing the hell out of a skating gala outfit. this would be tacky on someone any younger. R is not just light and sweet but also dignified and mature. long story short. he’s grown into a yin-dominant type. fits to a T, a feast for the eye.
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- meanwhile: you can easily exclude dramatic. very thick, stable fabrics with large lines are gigantic on him. D clothing is a yuzu charm killer, figures because it’s the type opposite to romantic (pure yang). it washes out the face and is twice as wide as his frame is, bulks out around the shoulders.
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- not a natural type either, it feels a bit too simple, underchallenging. ruffled hair appears dishevelled where it’d be just right on a natural. it doesn’t fully highlight him: natural looks aren’t the most memorable on yuzuru even if they tend to be rather neutral and don’t look too off per se, it has a bit of draping after all. 
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he looks really good in the below outfit, but his frame doesn’t fill it out. he’s all elegant underneath and radiates ballet while N is a rough, easy-going, and leisurely concept for very bulky frames. the waist gets missing in translation, the mid-section of shirts like these is too wide.
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- not a gamine either. he might appear like one and i deliberated back and forth whether he is Pure G or FG, but the material mix, line breaks, and fashion experiments are creating chaos rather than something put-together. it just isn’t as flattering as when he does drapes and florals. the hair being cropped (typical gamine cut) often obfuscates the face. G styles are confusing on yuzu.
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his skating is from outer space but this is probably a bit too galactical 😅
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- not a classic. something’s not right, suits like these contrast a lot with how round his face is and sit on his body very randomly. missing waist again (yin). the same people who want him to dress more conservatively/masculine have been roasting yuzu for looking like a salary man in that style 🤔 i sense hypocrisy. in any case, classic underwhelms, he’s made to dress up. more points to yin, he he’s too petite to wear C.
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now, we got the main category down, time for subtyping. romantic has two options.
2. which romantic?
arguments in favor of Theatrical Romantic:
this type is what he often portrays in the rink (e.g. the phantom of the opera programme) and has become his secret weapon. whether that speaks of his true type is the question. what i mean is, he can pull it off, the seductive homme fatale. compare jimin, people lose their minds over theatrical romantic men. yuzu is in that lane as well.
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as in, balance of main yin with a yang undercurrent — the very gentle, princely young man with the soft face who gathers everyone’s hearts, and he is a damn flirt on ice, but who can give a very visceral, dark performance. that shows a tremendous fervor and an edge, with an athletic and taut body.
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he does have some yang elements to his physicality. streamlined silhouette, some narrowness, extreme flat muscle, long triangular upper body, some vertical line. also — his color palette (aka skin undertone, cool v warm, hue, chroma, deepness etc) might match TR. on the other hand, it might simply be the black hair giving him the contrast for it. 
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the reason why we might get the TR impression is that he often wears all black which suggests dramatic, and the athleticism in his profession has trained away the chubbiness he might naturally have. the face as the only part that won’t be somehow affected by his routine is all yin. 
arguments in favor of pure Romantic:
... as you pointed out. in private life and backstage, he is quite effortlessly sweet- and small-looking. with the delicacy and doe-eyedness you’d expect from pure romantic, very unlike his performance persona. 
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if you didn’t know he’s copyrighted BDE on the ice, yuzu seems like he can’t harm a fly, round rosy bean he is. he makes a very innocent and soft 1st impression in candids which no other type except soft gamine does.
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facial features, all opposite of yang. not long, not sharp, not planar, not angular, not bony, not narrow. the button nose, full lips, and puffy cheeks is all you see. you’d not think of him as striking (=D, FN).
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that’s also why he’s always pitted as nathan chen’s opposite in whatever he does. nate is on the other end of the kibbe spectrum, people probably don’t even realize that their physical lines are contrasting archetypes. it’s subconsciously part of why people can construct such a rivalry. 
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study nathan’s face and it becomes apparent. very oblong shape, flat-laying flesh and an asymmetric jaw that couldn’t be any more prominent (=yang). the brows and eyes create a powerful horizontal unlike yuzu’s more wide-set puppy eyes. the nose is longer, the ears, too. nathan looks sharp, piercing, and intimidating rather than soft. you see the exact outline of the bone.
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with him, you assume the reverse of what people think of yuzu at first glance. if you didn’t know that nathan couldn’t be any nerdier, you’d believe he’s 1000% jock-off-the-charts. how he has a lot of yang contributed to his on-ice image, too. one’s kibbe type can shape life choices since people see you in a certain way simply based on your lines.
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how yuzu is such a visual difference to nathan further points to how he’s closer to pure yin: rather than a subtype that picks up elements from dramatic. otherwise, you’d see some of that angularity. but no: roundness over structure, you see the flesh, not frame. you couldn’t call him a jock by all means 😆 
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you won’t see that chiseled geometry and crazy jawline/browline. as you say he’s more cutesy, and a charmer, the whole fandom will agree. pure romantics have everyone wrapped around their fingers (and their booty lmao!) because you want to pepper them with kisses, yin types all look so non-threatening and beautiful. ethereal is the right word. 
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and they’re the sexiest ofc, since they’re curvy. R got hips.
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sigh... this type is a showstopper. what to do with him. he can beam at ya or he can sway his hips at ya, another unsuspecting hanyu interessee falls for the guy. he does the prince concept and the sexy cutie alike.
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he tries to convince us otherwise 😂
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sexy aside, he looks great in the respective clothing recs, with waist emphasis and rounded edges. kimonos are often soft dramatic or natural-inspired, but it works out well this way. and again: romantic is not childish/playful clothing of some kind, it can be very official and deliberate.
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rather than in edge tailoring which is very loose around his arms and does yuzu no justice. that’s actually the kind of clothing that makes him appear either younger or older depending on if it’s D or C.
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TLDR - he might not seem completely yin in his appearance, but that’s because of his excessive sports regimen. since yuzu has been training since he was a kid, we never saw how he’d normally be. he rocks the pure romantic regardless and it’s likely it’s his kibbe type. him wearing R is always a spectacle.
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bonus kibbe meme: yuzu, photoshopped to the moon and back, wearing soft dramatic for a toothpaste ad. amazing.
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thatbitchsimone · 2 years
i totally agree with what you said about rue
also another thing that bothers me in euphoria is how cassie gets constantly sexualised. like i don't have a problem with nudity and it makes sense to her character that she seeks out validation through sex, but many of her nude scenes feel unnecessary. also she's the only one from the main cast that is shown naked in like every episode and this feels a bit exploitative. maybe i'm overreacting but i saw other people think this too
omg yes ive been noticing that they seem very persistent on showing cassies tits this season like i just finished episode 2 and the first minutes of that episode felt very forced like as if the only purpose of that opening segment was ”look cassies actress has amazing big naturals we know u noticed them in the previous episode when she fucked nate in the bathroom but heres some extra shots of cassies great rack again for ur mental spank bank enjoy this boobie tribute” like yes that actress has very gorgeous tits indeed and i love to look at naked tits as much as any dyke or man but pls this is not the time and place i dont need long shots of her tits in a show where she plays a 17 year old like im trying to get immersed in the show here and these softcore porn nude scenes do nothing but take me out of the show its lowkey like breaking the 4th wall to me like pls
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v1nkuva · 2 years
Pinkies and Nates pros and cons
- sleeps too much
- vapes
- the kulosaari guys phase
- not in touch with her emotions
- is dating pinkie
- so stubborn and just says NO all the time
- emotionally closed off
- might not tell you if shes offended or hurt
- makes me rly happy when i talk abt my interests cause you seem actually intrested
- so fucking pretty
- great hair
- has a very cool and mysterious image
- calm and collected
- we share a lot of interests
- dated me
- very understanding and empathetic
- its easy to see and understand that you care abt me
- so imaginative
- i can talk to you abt daydreaming and youll know exactly what im talking abt
- you still talk to me even when ur depressed or not doing well
- intelligent
- introduced us to tumblr
- is cringe with me
- talks shit abt ppl with me
- debate lord
- the next step
- is dating nate
- explosive emotions (can be a positive and a negative imo depends on the situation)
- doesnt like fantasy
- thinks your worth is defined by academic success
- needs validation from ugly tinder men
- impatient
- hard time understanding ppl who communicate differently
- smells like ass for some reason
- not very good at giving compliments
- always says HYI to everything
- despises physical affection
- great social skills
- great at making conversation
- very cool niche interests
- so fucking pretty (u happy now?)
- probably the coolest style from everyone i know
- very interesting person
- outgoing and rly out there all the time in all things
- creative asf
- i admire your skill to get things done
- very respected and "popular"
- talks shit abt ppl with me
- understands the way i think well, cause has similar problems with relationship
- always fun to hang out with
- the opposite of boring in a person
- very hard working and intelligent
- good at confrontation
- very expressive
- ur clown projects
- ur okay with me asking for reassurance when im insecure
- musically super talented
this is for both of you, you are both very open in our friendship in a casual way and it makes it feel like it doesnt rly matter what we do or talk about cause its always fun and i know that i can tell you guys anything @spaceship303 @crazycockcunto
ill add things if anything new comes to mind
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angrypedestrian · 3 years
THE TIME IDIOTS EPISODE 703 TITLED “Thank u Netlfix’s deal with the devil/The CW that got us here/GIDEON’S HUSBANDS AND WIVES” MY THOUGHTS:
Previously on The CW Presents Warner Brothers via DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: Fuck if I know. 99 episodes of some gay shit?
what a JAUNTY HAT gideon
but god what a way to start, with gay shenanigans
circle of life etc...
Spooner winning vs. astra for gideon’s affections. Heritage moments in gay jealousy
Magic gay circle
Which will leads to the unveiling of more gays
It’s gays all the way down
I like that gideon’s head puts them in leather outfits
Was that franz being like yeah naw bro i’m not doing the accent anymore
oh hello tala’s hot husband welcome back
ava: Bishop girl what
CLOSEUP ON GIDEON_OS hm wonder what that could mean
LOLLLLLL it’s just what gideon wants him to sound like LOLLLLLL
There’s no gideon if she’s not sassy gideon who constantly wants to murder all humans
my gf: between astra and spooner they make one miss frizzle
Yes jax, yes they are always that impatient have you met literally anyone involved in this show once
gideon truly loves and wishes to fuck everyone, and that is beautiful
that is what they mean by love is love
hello ray the whitest man alive i have...missed you less than everyone else but I’m not sad to see you!!!
an aside: every time i see this nicole kidman amc theatres ad i truly feel like i am fully losing my mind
oh hello carter
(and not kendra bc ciara screen’s phils calls)
I truly cannot believe they found the old white canary outfit in the bottom of the costume closet
I truly can’t believe they let that terrible thing happen and exist and caity didn’t just revolt
god remember the COAT that went with it???
that’s definitely gone. rip
Hopefully a lot
My heart is so full for you both!!!
gideon!!!! and stein!!!! singing together!!!!!!! because of LOVE
oh no not evil sexy naked gideon!!
okay astra you maybe need to take it down from a 12 to like an 8 at most
you know it really seems like those wires should be a bit more secured than that
this vfx work is....stunning
my gf: is this what rise of the resistance is like???
there better be a fucking western episode this season that amy gets to do goddammit
the LEAN he’s doing the LEAN
lol we got the finest dominic purcell stand-in
season 1 legends was too COWARDLY to address the bathroom issue
has literally anyone ever called him captain cold on this show
kendra and sara were off fucking in this scene
Bring back the brig set! if we’re being PERIOD ACCURATE
you know bishop is kinda valid
evil  naked sexy gideon wants to maintain the timeline...and murder humans
and she is also valid
awwwww behrad is also gideon’s husband
gideon has so many husbands!
and wives!
i mean evil sexy naked gideon seems to just be a therapist???
i can’t believe legends successfully did an AI learns to love storyline over 100 episodes
obviously it was accidental but still
holy shit is this the old bridge set? did they make the poor crew reset the whole thing for that 30 seconds?
HELL YEAH EVIL SEXY ZARI AND BEHRAD love this journey for them
evil sexy nate and zari 1.0??? i do not hate this at al tbh
you know sara and ava  are in love each other because they call each other babe all the time
looking forward to that Christmas special
you too can become naked and evil and sexy....just like me
gideon: ...i’m not NOT listening
they are a FAMILY
they LOVE each other
Awwwww courtney i miss you
brandon you’re fine
where is MONA. you can’t do book club without MONA
there can be no karaoke that can top rip’s careless whisper tho
i am rolling my eyes out of my skull but i just love these dumb motherfuckers so GODDAMN much
what secrets are that ugly hat hiding gideon
oh boy well that’s probably not good
NEXT WEEK: plot?????? i guess???? pink coming by to do her aerial silks????
i first watched legends the summer between seasons 2 and 3 in a weeklong haze binge as I recovered from top surgery. this show is so FUCKING stupid and it drives me nuts but what got me to keep watching and not turning on bake off instead is that they fucking love each other. they love each other so goddamn much and no amount of nonsense from the cw or warner brothers or ol’ phil himself changes that. happy 100th episode legends, here’s hoping you don’t get canned at the end of the season lol
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Oof. Yeah, tech weeks are absolute hell, you have my most sincere sympathies, there’s a reason why I eventually decided I would rather just watch the shows.
And yessssss. Sully has been through so much crap he. He really doesn’t get enough credit sometimes. And, like, taking in a 14/15 year old Nate and teaching him that trusting people not-Sam must have been a wild-ass ride, especially when it’s evident that Sam didn’t like him all that much.
Also, the EAU 110% totally needs to be a Thing. I know I’ve read fics where the Mummy series and Indiana Jones took place in the same ‘verse, and Alex and Mutt knew each other because they were both in England growing up around the same time and were close-ish in age, and since their parents were in the same general fields, it made sense for them to be around each other. Tomb Raider and Uncharted taking place in this same verse would be sooooooo amazing. Nate and Lara both meeting up when looking for the same thing and teaming up? Depending on what Sam remembers from their childhood (and if Cassandra(? I feel like if either of their parents is likely to descendants of archaeologists it would make sense for it to be her), telling crazy stories to Nate about their families adventures that definitely have to be embellished…(until after Nate encounters some things and thinks that maybe those stories understated the magic/mythical stuff)
Watching shows is very valid, it makes me sad that I'll never be able to see the full show from the audience lmaooo. On the other hand though.....I kind of love working wardrobe?? Don't get me wrong, I'm SO exhausted and it's a hell of it's own sometimes but I genuinely love working with the actors and everyone is so so nice about it all.......AGH. They thank me too much it makes me wanna cry. Love them. BUT I digress.
Yeah, ik that the earlier games were made without having Sam in mind so we never really got to see Sully "raising" him alongside Nate, but it's a very good concept and I wish we'd gotten some insight on it somewhere.
I SERIOUSLY think that Cassandra had to have known some of the other famous archaeologists of the EAU. She seemed to be pretty damn good at her job and made some pretty solid connections with important (and, honestly, cool) people in the same field. The idea of Nate and Sam somehow meeting up with Indie and he's like wait...Nate.....Sam.......hmmmm...........and then one of them smiles or laughs or does some sort of mannerism that Cassandra used to and it all clicks and he's like. I KNOW YOU TWO. And he goes slight dad mode where he's like "woah I haven't seen you since you were toddlers!" and all that, meanwhile Sam and Nate are like "girl who r u" but then he starts telling them stories about Cassandra and they warm up to him and all they wanna do is hear more stories about their mom kicking ass with this weird older guy in a cool hat that they just met <3
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kaiitykuppycake · 3 years
Why R U The Series is one of the best BL dramas out there and it's about almost nothing.
and it was a trip. A great one. One we are not soon to forget in our trails on the BL spectrum. I watched this whole show with my good friend and partner in BL crimes @ahhhnorealnamesallowed
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*SPOILERS AHEAD* (kinda minor)
The Plot: Okay, this is gonna be fast and loose. This show is a slice of life so therefore it has almost no plot (at least nothing over arching and complex) and it only centers around a bunch of kids going to university and most of them falling for each other. Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. Zon has a sister, Zol who has been writing fanfiction about him and an upperclassman, Saifah, whom she saw him kissing by accident. When asking her to stop writing, he thinks he's cursed himself. This spirals him into a notion that ha's in a BL novel. On top of that, he is tasked with being a musical act with Saifah for the charity concert for the school (faculty?) soccer team. Hilarity and soft romantic stuff ensue as they prepare with Saifah teaching Zon guitar. On the other hand, Tutor is a sweet boy that is nice to everyone (except Fighter in the beginning) and helps anyone who needs it. His family is in heavy debt and he works to earn his own money and pay for school any way he can, especially with tutoring his schoolmates. He is good friends with HwaHwa whom he has known for years. He has caught the eye of his upperclassman Fighter whom he met as a freshman. Fighter is a shy tough boy who needs to get his grades up and has a big crush on Tutor and doesn't know what to do with it. His father has him dating Hwa, whom he doesn't love, but she loves him. The two navigate their feelings and sassy, steamy and emotional things ensue.
The couples: Fighter and Tutor are up there with my favourite BL couples of all time. Up there with the ranks of DeanPharm and WatTine. Their chemistry was so ON POINT and ORGANIC I could have believed Saint and Zee had been grown in the most wholesome garden known to man, it was just THAT believable. Their story starts with some friction and MAJOR sexual tension. Like so much that it's acted on once or twice in a couple of scenes before they even confess their feelings. It's valid of course because Fighter is too unsure of his feelings for Tutor so while they're getting close to being hot and heavy, he tends to blow it off as "teasing" *eye roll* which is its own can of worms, especially with how it fucks with Tutor's emotions in general. All in all, their coupling happens and once it does, you will treasure every moment of it. Every. Steamy. Moment. Honestly, these scenes were so good it was bordering softcore p*rn. I'm not kidding. Did I also mention their duality? Oh yeah. Tutor tops whenever he wants to and he has Fighter wrapped around his finger once they begin their relationship proper. It's one of the best parts seeing Fighter doing his job as a top but then Tutor throwing us a curve ball and rolling Fighter over to do the same. *chef's kiss* Refreshing.
Saifah and Zon started with intrigue and ended with adorable. It felt earned even though they didn't have much drama to wade through, at least not as much as FighterTutor. They have a whole sequence of them going on a "date" to get a guitar pic and stuff to make one into a bracelet for Zon as Saifah teaches him how to play. It felt awkward and out of place with the lack of development their relationship had at this point, but they were leading up to it so it ends up working out. Their confession is full of awkward and ADORABLE wholesome energy. This whole couple's arch is so innocent and wholesome as they become more comfortable. Where FighterTutor can't keep their hands off each other, SaifahZon can't keep their eyes off one another. Do you want soft hand touches and forehead kisses without steamy make-outs? This couple is for you. I found it a perfect contrast in dynamic and romance compared to Fighter Tutor and it was refreshing when we got time to breathe.
the side couples: Honestly, I wish we had more time to develop and see them more. The actors had great chemistry and worked well together, but they didn't get enough time to develop as couples with all the time being dedicated to the two main couples. I think it's fully valid to stick most of the time to the main couples. that's what people come for, but I found it disappointing because I liked all of them. Here are my thoughts on each: Japan and Tanthai were cute. Blue, Champ and Dew could have had WAY more screen time ESPECIALLY with Champ and Blue which had WAYY more implication than Blue and Dew together. Junior, Natee and Zen are all Zon's friends and served as this series' equivalent of 2gether's Fong, Ohm and Phuak mixed together with both Man and Boss in their loud crackhead energy. They have their own dynamic but with my limited experience with series, they are the closest I could compare. They are all adorable and Zen kind of has a thing for Zol but that doesn't get far...Finally Hwahwa and Day are adorable but only seen a couple of times in the series. While Fighter is "dating" Hwahwa, Day is the main person taking care of her on her birthday and when Fighter dumps her. They're cute but I wish we got more of them.
My biggest con with this show is the fact that the side characters are hard to remember. They come in so randomly sometimes that once they cut to a random side couple like Japan and Tanthai, I had to stop and think whom we were in a scene with. It didn't take long to determine but it felt like we should know, but we didn't right away. This only happened with some characters but it could have been rectified with more time. No ones fault, just a nitpick that doesn't take much away from the overall series for me.
Overall, this series was a wonderful thing to have in my life for the few weeks my friend and I were watching it. It was well shot, SO well-acted, and it was generally beautiful inside and out. I HIGHLY recommend if you want to watch something you can just sit and relax to. It certainly brightened up my days.
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catnippackets · 4 years
have you seen/would u recommend pacific rim 2? ive heard some things about newt and idk lol
I feel like Im in the minority that actually did think pru was fun but that being said it ended SO abruptly and with like three separate plotlines completely abandoned that I was really frustrated for days after watching it until I had processed everything and had time to think deeply about it lol it just seemed rly unfinished?? it feels like it was deliberately made as 1/2 of two sequels and there needs to be one more to tie everything up. actually I’m gonna ramble abt this bc I have a lot of thoughts (obvs spoilers under the cut)
the thing about the second one was that I genuinely was enjoying it right up until it ended because I swear to god the moment the end screen went up I yelled "what the fuck, that's it?" out loud into my bedroom bc I was so SHOCKED that THAT'S how it all ended, because it just seemed so incomplete?? Like it seemed like one half of a story, that will only be made whole if there's a third one to tie up all the plotlines that they didn't go through with in the second and if that's the case then I will be completely fine with it but if it doesn't or if they dont have a third one at all I will stay so frustrated lol. one silver lining to this is that the vibe of this movie was so different from the first that it almost feels easy to separate it and just imagine it as an AU if you prefer which is sort of nice; usually if a piece of media I like does something bad I feel all gutted and anxious and terrible that this is the canon I have to accept, but something abt this movie just made it feel like it was sort of a totally separate deal. maybe cuz only 3 of the original characters were in it idk
to start off: I felt like there were a couple of plotlines in it that were just sort of introduced and then never seen through which was very ????? Amara & Vik's weird hate-rivalry thing was one of them; Vik instantly has it out for Amara bc she’s jealous, which is a very interesting concept, and then this prompts Amara to become hostile right back at her, which is also a very interesting concept, and then it never got resolved at all? like they couldve done something really cool with those two but it just never went anywhere. and then there was sort of a weird love triangle thing happening between Jake and Nate and Jules that felt so weird bc it had no significance to the plot at all and it felt like it was only thrown in there for the sake of having ~romantic drama~ idk maybe I wasnt paying too much attention and there was more to it than that but it really just seemed like they wanted to put romance in there and didnt want to bother to put any work into it
BUT the thing about romantic sub plots is that THERE ALREADY WAAAAS OOOOOOOOONE which brings me to the biggest frustration I have w this movie because--and DISCLAIMER, this was also my favourite plot point of the movie bc it was by far the most interesting, the biggest reason for me enjoying the movie at all, and the bit I feel like should have had WAY more attention--Newt and Hermann were like legitimately in love in this movie I swear to god I was watching it and thinking “this is GENUINELY the most blatantly gay thing I’ve ever seen in a feature film and I know that straight ppl are very talented at writing gay romances completely by accident so it’s possible that they just accidentally did it this way but also it is REALLY goddamn obvious oh my gooood?” (and then I did a lot of frantic googling and found out that I was right and Charlie Day & Burn Gorman knew what the fuck they were doing and I felt so validated lol), and yet despite this, the movie had them speak for the last time almost at the halfway point of the film and then spend the entire second half apart and not talking at all and even at the post-credits scene where Jake and Newt talked for a bit Hermann wasn't there?? not even behind Jake to give Newt any searching glances?? Nothing??
dude...Newt being possessed by the precursors is a HUGELY interesting concept that actually makes sense and I wish it had had more attention. I’ve seen a lot of ppl say that pru butchered Newt’s character and I don’t 100% agree bc like...being possessed will change you lmao so while yes I’m obviously sad that he wasn’t himself, I feel like it made sense that he had a slight personality change, because it...wasn’t him anymore. we don’t really see the Newt we all fell in love with in the first movie. we THINK we’re seeing him, but halfway through we find out we’re wrong.
my critiques with that plotline are basically that I wish the reveal had happened a little bit later on, and I wish that it had been a little more obvious I guess?? like, we definitely get hints of it (when Hermann excitedly asks Newt to help him with a dangerous unorthodox project and Newt says “dude why are you doing something so risky when we’ve already got a good plan in motion? just wait for that to be done, it’s fine” and Hermann IS us, he IS the audience when he reacts, because this is a completely insane thing for Newt to say. Newt, who, in the first movie, was so obsessed with finding knowledge that he went behind the marshall’s back to literally risk his life doing something incredibly dangerous just to see what would happen? being given the opportunity to do the same kind of dangerous frivolous act and refusing? this is blatantly out of character, and Hermann is all of us when he’s shocked, “what, you mean you...won’t help me??” which means it wasn’t bad writing on their part, it was purposefully supposed to stand out as something that was wrong and something that we needed to pay attention to. that was a really good scene to hint that something was Not Right with Newt), and I wish there had been a bunch more like it. I think the reveal should have been saved for the end of the second act; I think that should have been the moment that act 2 of a story usually has, that dreadful event that happens that leaves the main characters feeling completely hopeless and unsure what to do.
I also wish that he had managed to break through more than That One Scene, I think it would’ve been more dramatic if he’d had a few moments where he managed to take control for a second to remind us that he’s still in there and still fighting, and I’m sad they didn’t do that. I saw a fan comic that touched on this idea and I think it’s brilliant, even the idea of him suddenly getting a nosebleed and acting distracted to show that that’s the Real Him trying to fight through would have been sooooooooo good.
I also feel like it didn’t make any sense for Nate to be the one to subdue him in the end, I dont even think those two interact at all so like, why was it him?? it would have been so much more dramatic and heartbreaking if Hermann had been the one to confront him so they could’ve had a little conversation on the roof where Newt could once again break through for a second before getting taken over and then Hermann could like idk have a taser hidden behind him that he uses to subdue him and THAT wouldve been a way sadder and more interesting way to do it. I also think Hermann shouldve been the one to speak to him in the post credits scene, or to have him in the background behind Jake just watching him sadly so we can get a couple shots of intense eye contact like UGH I just wish there had been more interaction between the two of them after the reveal happened!! When the movie was over and I realized they never spoke again I felt so upset!!! they're soulmates!! they're literally in love!! this has been CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and segueing in from the soulmate thing, another thing that made me sad was that nobody came in pairs anymore :( aside from Newt and Hermann, they were the only ones gjdfk but in the first one every character had another character that they were paired up with, both for drifting reasons and just for plot reasons (except Chau and Tendo but I’m pretty sure there's actually significance to that too), and in the second one it just sort of felt like everyone was drifting with each other with no strong connection needed and that made it feel way less special. granted, the movie takes place ten years after the first one so in that time maybe technology advanced to the point where you didn't need a strong neural connection to drift anymore, but for the sake of the story it would have been way better if they'd kept the whole soulmates concept from the first one, it made it way stronger and more special
so yeah in conclusion I did think pru was enjoyable and I probably would watch it again some time but also it definitely pales in comparison to the first one and I’m desperately hoping we get one more so they can tie everything together and FIX THINGS KFGH it’s not too late!!!!! I wish I could write Pacific Rim 3 I genuinely think I would do a good job I love storytelling and I’m very passionate about these characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
the show talked about Blairs "dark" side but I never got that. She was worried Louis would never accept her dark side but what was there to accept. Is her dark side scheming and bullying? Cuz those just seem like what regular Blair would do. what was the difference between her light and dark cuz she always seemed grey. besides her "darkness" seemed like her forefront personality traits. what do u think?
I never understood, like, the perspective the show had towards Blair’s dark side, because, like you said, it didn’t - she is a whole person? Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, it’s all very human. I don’t really understand why gg did a LOT of things the way they did, but, yeah. 
That said, I understand Blair’s whole understanding and perception of her dark side - I think it has to do with self-image, with what it means to behave in a socially appropriate way, to be prim and proper, etc. Blair cared about these things a lot, and I feel had this really complicated combination of repression and internalised misogyny going where she felt like there was a very specific Type of Woman she had to be. 
[ more under the cut ] 
this is why i feel like the whole Chuck/Blair thing in Victor, Vitrola was a big deal for Blair. admitting that she had sexual desires, that she could be up on stage on a strip club and to actually have fun doing it, and afterwards, how she chose to have sex for the first time in that limo (which I think she was doing to spite Nate, but I also think she wanted it for herself, like, she was sick and tired of being what she felt she needed to be re: Nate’s perfect girlfriend)- the fact that Blair was able to admit to herself that she could do those things and be that girl are a big deal for Blair. which!! is just to do with her character, really. gossipgirls has some meta about it that hits the nail on the head imo: here.
there is that one episode - school lies - in which she says something to chuck and she refers to herself as “his (nate’s) pure and honest girlfriend of many years” which... uh? pure?? the whole concept of sexual purity and virginity being given so much importance is something i am totally :/ about, do not vibe, etc, but it’s something that blair i feel internalised in a big way. of course, wanting your first time to be special is totally valid, i’m not criticizing that or anything, it’s just the whole thing of like.. thinking that there is something “pure” about you if you don’t have sex... the repression of it all... ugh! 
Compare this to Serena; who has no interest in being a socially appropriate woman. She wants to be a good person, but when Lily changes her dialogue at Cotillion, Serena rewrites it to be as scandalous as possible in an act of rebellion, because Serena doesn’t want to be part of that world. And while i don’t know if the show actually canonically said that she lost her virginity at 14 to an older man or if that’s just something fandom inferred, but like, serena has had a lot of sex with a lot of people, most of whom she didn’t love. and she didn’t care!! everyone slut shames her a lot, but like, from what i remember through seeing it at least, serena has never felt that her sexual experiences make her less deserving of respect + has never felt the need to apologise for them. 
So yeah, I understand Blair thinking she has a “dark side” because she’s built up an ideal woman persona in her head whom she aspires to be, and she will never be that woman because, like any human, she has flaws and shortcomings, and that’s why she feels like she has a dark side. And being with Louis brings out that feeling again because she is trying so hard to pretend that things are good and that she is in love with him and that they are happy together, but somewhere inside her she probably knows that she’s lying to herself and to him, that she’s in denial, that she cannot pretend this away, yet at the same time, she doesn’t want to acknowledge that. She was worried that Louis would never accept her dark side because she knew that Louis knew her in a very superficial, sees what he wants to see kind of way (Blair is very familiar with what conditional love feels like: case in point, Eleanor) and once Louis realised that Blair was more than just the person she pretends to be, the sweet innocent girl who can do no wrong, once he saw behind that he wouldn’t like her as a person. 
This, to me, is why Dan’s whole “It’s you, it couldn’t be awful” hits so damn hard! He was saying, actively, there are things about you that you don’t like or aren’t comfortable about, or could wish away, but I don’t mind, because I love you, and I love all those things about you. Oh god fuck now I’m thinking of the song Little Things by One Direction which is not where I envisioned this ask going. Anyway!! 
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peterthepark · 5 years
crush culture - [two]
call it fate, call it caffeine
pairing: steve harrington x reader
summary: coffee can help with a lot of things - and one of them entails becoming closer to your crush.
warnings: strong language, caffeine, FLUFF, uses of social media and brief mentions of cheating
A/N: loved writing this chapter a lot. hope u enjoy everyone! :)
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Drumming your fingers against the counter, you began to adjust the obnoxious green hat on your head, frowning at the long line of customers before you. It wasn’t that you hated your job - you just... preferred not doing it (which in your opinion, was completely valid, despite how ridiculous it sounded). However, you did like caffeine and the perks that came with being an employee at your favorite shop. You’d see cute guys sometimes - they’d order the most blasphemous things off the menu - and sometimes you’d gain the courage to ask them out after your shift. Most of the times, they’d say yes, recognizing you from their classes or in the hallways on campus. Exchange numbers, plan the first date, show up, and let it all unfold naturally - yet nothing progresses.
Your love life was bitter, unlike how you liked your coffee.
You squeal excitedly when Nate Mendoza walks through the double doors, calling out your name with a sing-song voice. Of course, you cherished your dear friendship with your roommates, but Nate was just that one friend you couldn’t shake off or forget - no matter the circumstances.
He was also undoubtedly attractive: his blue eyes, a stark contrast to his dark hair. But despite the many rumors and claims that the two of you have been dating, he had a girlfriend back home; you had a strictly platonic relationship with the boy, who was almost like a brother to you.
“What’s up, Y/L/N?” He high fives you over the counter, attempting the handshake that you had developed over the course of your friendship. “Can I get, uh...”
“One chocolate chip cookie with a vanilla latte?” You smirk proudly, having memorized his order as well. He nods with a wide grin, handing you his credit card. “Coming right up, Mendoza.”
Conveniently, you were nearing your break. So after you had gotten Nate’s order sorted, you approached him with his pastry and mug, setting it down on the little corner table that he loved to sit by. You complimented his outfit, and cooed at how long his hair had gotten. Living in Chicago made it difficult for you to hang out with Nate, but he mostly would drive down for the holidays to visit.
“Has it been that long?” You nod your head, counting the amount of months that he’s been M.I.A. “That’s crazy! Alright, tell me about college. Give me the whole experience.”
“Okay, well. It’s not too great. Lots of coffee and studying - a lot of them being for pointless shit that I’m pretty sure I won’t need when I get my actual job. Uh, parties. I literally went to a party like yesterday! You should’ve told me you were in town! I would’ve brought you along.” You nudge his hand from across the table, smiling when he offers you a piece of his cookie.
“Fuck, man. I’m too tired for parties.” He smacks his lips together, wagging his index finger at you as he waited for the right words to come to him. “Ah! Have you gotten a boyfriend yet? Or - or a girlfriend for that matter?” You shake your head with disappointment. “It’s probably cause your game is weak.”
“Okay, okay!” You laugh at him, covering your mouth as you chew on his food. “I’m not - I don’t know, Nate. I guess I just haven’t been looking for anyone? M’too busy for that shit.”
“That’s because you aren’t supposed to look.” Nate scoffs, causing you to glance up at him in interest. “That - that special person is supposed to come to you. Trust me, when the-“
“Time is right, it’ll happen.” You give him a small smile. “Hopefully I won’t have too wait that long.”
Sadly, your break is over after talking to Nate for what felt like ages. You retreat to the register once again after washing your hands, putting on a cheery front for customers. Nate insists that he’ll stay for the rest of your shift, wanting to spend more time with you afterwards.
Collecting your things, you sling your purse over your shoulder, nodding your head towards the door so that Nate follows. The frigid air bites at your skin, and you curse yourself for not bringing a jacket.
“Here, take mine.” Nate shrugs his off, draping it over your smaller frame.
“God, have you even washed this shit?” You joke, tugging it tighter around yourself for warmth.
“Yeah, I have. Like maybe four months ago.”
“You disgust me.” You chuckle, shoving his arm.
You’re rounding the corner of the sidewalk when you see a familiar face approach: brown fluffy hair, denim jacket, and a red bike - yeah, that’s definitely Steve Harrington.
“Oh, we should go back,” You’re about to turn around until Nate glares at you, narrowing his eyes at you suspiciously.
“Alrighty, then. I’m not gonna question it.” He shrugs, following you once again.
The universe is a fucking bitch. You take it all back.
You and Nate pause in your steps, and you have no choice but to face him.
“Oh, hey, Steve. Funny, uh, funny seeing you here.” You grin, ignoring the dirty look that Nate was sending him.
“Hey, yeah. Um, what are you up to? I was just - just gonna go get coffee at Fran’s.” His eyes flicker to Nate, visibly eyeing him up and down.
This was the guy who was in the picture with you.
Steve masks the scowl on his face with a easy smile, pulling his earbuds out of his ears.
“I actually just finished my shift there.” You sway from one foot to the other, hands tucked beneath Nate’s jacket. “Sucks we didn’t get to see each other.”
“Well, good thing I ran into you then.” You dip your head at the remark, and before you can continue again, Nate is holding his hand out for Steve to shake.
“Don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Nathan.” There was a tone in your friend’s voice that you couldn’t place, and suddenly, he seemed intimidating. Poor Steve seemed uneasy. You don’t miss the tiny twitch in his eye when Nate squeezes a bit too hard. “And you are?”
C’mon, Nate. Why do you have to be such a fucking asshole to him?
“Steve. Uh, you guys are... friends?”
You nearly jump when Nate’s arm snakes around your waist, pulling you into his side. “Something like that. Yeah.”
Oh, this dickhead. This overprotective, complete, idiotic dickhead.
You glance away from Steve, trying to avoid his questioning gaze as it bounces from you to Nate, then back again.
“Um, well - well, it was nice running into you, Y/N... and, uh, you too, Nathan.” Steve clears his throat, rubbing at the nape of his neck. “Hopefully I’ll catch you at work one day. Maybe hang out or something.” He chuckles, running a hand through his hair.
He wanted to hang out?
You exchange an excited grin with him. “Yeah, of course. Have a good day, Steve.”
“Right. Bye, again.” He hops back on his bike, pedaling away. You don’t hesitate to look back at him as he rides off - maybe your eyes are playing tricks on you, but he looks back as well. And you smile.
That is until Nate starts interrogating you, causing you to get a bit pissed.
“Dude, what is your deal?” You huff at him, shaking your head with irritation.
“That’s Steve Harrington.”
“Okay, and?” You cross your arms against your chest, protesting when Nate pulls you closer to him as he frowns at the people who decide to walk right through your conversation. “Nate, what about him?”
“He’s an asshole.”
“And so are you.“ You gesture at him, letting your hand fall lazily against your thigh. Nate raises his eyebrows at you, patiently waiting for you to quit talking. “Fine, then. What do you mean?”
“I’ve heard some shit from - from a few people. He cheated on Olivia with that sorority girl.”
Cheated? He was a cheater?
“Those were rumors. And besides, why are you telling me this? It’s not like I care.”
Oh, but you do care. You care immensely.
“Really? Because the way you were looking at each other said otherwise.” You’re about to interject, but Nate holds a hand up, shushing you. “I’m just lookin’ out for you, kiddo. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a crush on him-“
“I do not have a crush on him.”
“You sure?” You nod confidently, squaring your shoulders. “Just don’t come crying to me if he decides to break your heart, Y/N.”
“You’re a very mean person. And I’m suddenly not cold anymore.” You shrug his jacket off, handing it to him with a dramatic pout.
“I’m only mean because I‘m trying to protect you.” You nod gratefully at his words, but the thoughts at the back of your head don’t stop swarming you.
You didn’t want to believe Nate’s claims of Steve being a cheater, but then again, who’s to say that they aren’t actually true?
“Do you guys know anything about Steve and Olivia?” You turn the sink on, soap roaming around your hands as you scrub delicately at the dirty dishes.
“Steve and Olivia? Girl, that’s ancient history.” Kate cackles, throwing her head back against the sofa to give you a look of attitude. “Why are you asking?”
“Heard some stuff about them. Just wondering.”
“All that crap is bullshit.” Robin pipes up through a mouthful of cereal, chewing obnoxiously as she gestures at you. “His ex-girlfriend started those rumors to get back at him. It’s stupid. Reminds me too much of high school drama.” She scoffs, shaking her head.
“Speaking of Steve, have you texted him?” Kate cocks her brow at you, smirking mischievously.
Robin nearly spits out her Lucky Charms at the question.
“You have Steve’s number?!” She squeaks, holding the back of her hand to her mouth with shock. “Oh, my god. I see it now.”
“Right?” Kate turns to her. “I saw it from the beginning.”
“What the fuck are we seeing? What is there to see?You shut the sink off, placing your hands on your hips as you move to stand in front of the TV. “Am I supposed to be seeing something? Because if you don’t know, I’m actually fucking blind.”
“You like Steve!” Robin says in a sing-song voice, pointing her spoon at you. Giggles fill the room as your face turns red, and you begin to pace back and forth.
“I do not like him! Why is everyone thinking that I like him?”
“You’re being-“
“I’m not defensive!” Your chest heaves as Robin and Kate exchange knowing look, both sharing identical smiles as they look you up and down. Clearing your throat awkwardly, you ruffle at your hair, bunching it up into a mess. “Okay, maybe I do. Just a little.”
You wince when a ear-piercing scream escapes from Kate, who runs up to tackle you in a jumping embrace. Robin makes kissing noises in the background, squishing her cheeks together.
“You have to text him, Y/N.” Kate lets go of you, grabbing your hand in support.
“No, no, no way.” You toss your hands up, waving the idea away as you plop down onto the beanbag in the corner. “I’m surely not gonna text him.”
“What are you so afraid of? You have nothing to lose!” She points out as Robin hums in agreement. You bite down on your thumb, training your eyes onto the grey carpet.
“What if he doesn’t like me? What if - what if when he gets to know me, he’ll be disappointed?” You ramble.
“Okay, well, how are you gonna answer that question if you haven’t given him a try?” Robin shrugs at you, standing up to hand you your phone. “Take a risk. Fuck everything.”
Fuck everything, right?
“I’m doing this alone.” You chuckle, taking your phone into your bedroom.
“Don’t send nudes, please!”
“And no sexting in this apartment!”
You huff at the wolf whistles of your two roommates, teasing you from the living room. Switching on the lamp on your nightstand, you slide under your covers as you pull up Steve’s contact. You groan aloud, feeling a build-up in your nerves as you stare at the string of numbers.
Texting seemed too formal. You curse at yourself for backing out, resorting to the confines of pointless Instagram stories to free your mind. Almost as if the universe had heard your cry for help, a colored ring appears around Steve’s profile picture, and without hesitation, you excitedly tap on it.
Based on the photo, Steve seemed to be in one of the campus’ libraries, pulling a late-night study session by himself. You pause for a minute, before you slowly swipe up on the screen, which brought you the option to send him a message.
need a coffee refill? ☺️
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
You instantly lock your phone after it sends, holding a pillow to your face as you let out a muffled scream. You kick at your sheets with heart-pounding anticipation, trying your hardest not to peek at your phone for another five minutes in fear of getting no reply.
Then, a notification pops onto your lockscreen, and your hands fumble to open it.
i would love one
from you specifically :)
With a dreamy smile, your limbs shift with giddiness as you move to lay on your stomach, legs swinging mindlessly in the air.
want me to come over? 😂
Maybe you shouldn’t have said that.
ur serious?
Fuck. Was that appropriate? Did you force him into a situation that he’d have to awkwardly say no to?
i don’t mind
i could rlly use the company then 😁
so what’s your drink of choice?
surprise me 😩
You chuckle, shaking your head at the suggestion.
just don’t be mad if i get u something terrible
on my way 😇
With a sigh of relief, you hastily move to slip on a sweatshirt, grabbing your phone and car keys as you tiptoe out of the bedroom.
Robin lays on the sofa, snoring lightly as you try to quietly unlock the front door.
“Mmm... where you going?”
Ah, shit.
“Gonna go for a walk.” You reply casually.
She turns onto her side, peering at you with droopy eyes. “It’s midnight.”
“I’ll be back. Don’t worry.”
Okay, you do like Steve.
You like him a lot.
That‘s pretty fucking obvious enough... because who the hell gets out of bed at twelve in the morning to go buy coffee for some boy they’ve just started talking to?
You hiss when your palms come in contact with the steaming hot coffee, one carried in each hand. There aren’t many students left in the library - most of them cramming for exams or either falling under the cursed spell of sleep. You double check Steve’s message, searching for him towards the back of the building. Your heart beats faster when you catch sight of his profile, nearly walking right past him from how nervous you were making yourself. His earbuds are in, obviously unaware of your arrival as he rapidly types at his laptop.
You set the two coffees down, laughing softly at how Steve jumps in genuine surprise. He looks up at you, mouth agape. He suddenly realizes how much of a mess he looks, and he quickly runs his hands through his hair to fix it.
“Y/N, what - you actually came.” A smile tugs at his lips, and he pulls out the chair beside him for you to sit in.
“You wanna get rid of me already?” You joke, finding amusement in Steve’s distraught expression.
“No!” He says a little too loudly. “No, no, s’nothing like that. I just didn’t think you’d go out of your way to see me. Especially at...” He checks his watch. “...one in the morning.”
“Well, how else are you gonna make it through this night? Or morning, technically?” You hand him his coffee, warning him that it’s a bit hot. “I hope you like white chocolate.”
He takes a sip from the lidded drink, nodding his head at the sugary flavor. “Shit’s good.”
“Seriously?” You chuckle.
“You got taste, Y/N.” He gestures, subconsciously bumping his knee against your thigh as he returns to working, yet still taking the time to hold a conversation with you.
“Okay, so fill me in. What’s going on here?”
Steve explains that he’s got a big essay to work on for one of his minor subjects, and at the same time, he’s stuck with studying for a huge test from his criminal justice course. You listen attentively, trying your best to understand the complex terms he uses in his rambling state.
“Sorry if I went overboard. I just really, really like my major, even if it stresses the fuck out of me.” He scoffs nervously, running his hand through his hair.
“No, it’s great to hear someone so passionate about their studies. It’s super inspiring. I think it’s cute.”
Oh, hell.
You did not just say that he was cute. Sure, you said it in a completely indirect way, but you still fucking called him cute.
Steve blushes, dipping his head down to avert his eyes from you. “Uh, y-you wanna listen to music with me?”
You nod with enthusiasm (slightly embarrassed on the inside), before putting the left earbud into your ear as Steve hits the play button on his playlist. You smile when you recognize the song, it being from one of your favorite artists.
“No way! I love this one!” You sway in your seat, chuckling as Steve mimics your movements. You whisper-shout the lyrics to one another, creating microphones with your fists as you hold it to your mouths. You ignore the weird stares from the other students in the room, only having eyes on Steve as you reach the ending of the impromptu duet.
“Oh, my god, that was - that was great.” He doubles over onto the desk with laughter, feeling himself already perk up from the caffeine. “I didn’t know you had such amazing taste in music. First, coffee, now this? You’re the best.” He points his pen at you, raising his eyebrows with clear satisfaction as you continue discussing your favorite songs.
The best.
He called you the best.
“Thanks, Steve.”
After another hour of conversation and studying, you both begin to wrap things up. Steve tosses the empty cups of coffee into the nearest bin, thanking you as you help him pack up his textbooks and laptop.
He kindly holds open the door for you on your way out, letting it swing shut behind him as the windy air nips at his ears. He walks you to the parking lot, driving his bike with his hands as he comes to a stop by your van.
“W-would you like a ride back to your place?” You offer, rubbing at the sleeves of your sweatshirt. “It’s really cold and dark outside, so...”
Steve smiles. “Yeah, thank you, Y/N.”
“No problem.”
The turn signal ticks loudly as you round the street towards Steve’s apartment. His bike rattles in the backseat, folded over to fit the van.
“I hope your, uh, your boyfriend is okay with this.” Steve sniffles from the heater, scratching the underside of his jaw.
“My boyfriend?”
“Yeah, that Nathan guy from earlier today? He’s your boyfriend, right?”
Well, shit.
“Oh, jesus. He totally isn’t. Trust me.” Steve sends you a questioning look, doubt written all over his features. “I’m serious, Steve. He’s just my best friend, and he’s protective over me, kinda like a brother.”
“That’s good.”
Why was that good? Good that Nate wasn’t your boyfriend? Good that you weren’t dating anybody?Steve couldn’t have possibly liked you back.
Unless... he did?
You shut the engine off when you arrive at his place, walking with him into the lobby. The elevator ride is mostly silent, but there’s an unrecognizable tension that wavers in the air.
He stops you for a second before he unlocks the door to his apartment, twirling his keys between his fingers.
“Uh, I wanted to say thank you for keeping me company. I had lots of fun with you earlier.” He smiles down at you.
“Me too, Steve. You’re a really sweet guy.” You chuckle, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“And you’re a sweet girl.”
Oh, woah.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Steve clears his throat, continuing with a casual tone of voice. “Listen, I was wondering if I could... if I could get your number? Maybe we can hang out again or something, if you’re like available, you know.”
Holy fuck.
Say something. Say anything.
“Yeah, I would like that.”
Steve nods happily, taking his phone out from his pocket. He pretends as if he didn’t have your number in the first place, re-entering it into your already saved contact.
“Okay, great! Thanks. Uh, thank you for... for walking me here. And earlier, which I already mentioned - okay! I’m gonna go now.” He points at his door, cringing at himself with a disappointing sigh.
Confidently, you pull him into an embrace, making the butterflies in your stomach rejoice when he returns the hug with a tighter squeeze.
“Good night, Y/N.” He mumbles into your hair before stepping away.
“You as well, Steve.”
A smirk forms on his lips. “I’ll text you, yeah?”
“I’ll be waiting.” You lightly bounce on your heels, biting your lip as you finally lock eyes with him.
Suddenly, Steve’s hand reaches around behind you, causing your eyes to widen with surprise. He pulls the hood of your sweatshirt over your head, letting it cover your ears and parts of your hair.
His fingers trail down the uneven drawstrings, gently tugging on them.
“It’s cold outside.”
“I know.”
“Don’t want you to get sick.” You can’t fight the grin on your face, watching carefully as Steve turns open the door to his apartment. “Well, get home safe, Y/N.”
Flustered, you start to stutter over your words, forgetting all the right things to say. “You too!”
With one final smile and a sweet gaze in your direction, Steve slowly shuts the door, leaving you in the hallway. You slap at your reddened face when you hear the lock click, scolding yourself for saying something completely idiotic at the last minute.
Meanwhile, Steve leans on the other side of the door, resting his head against the smooth surface as he stares up at the ceiling in an enchanted state of mind. Silently, he begins to jump joyously before he victoriously pumps his fists into the air.
Who ever thought that coffee could draw two souls closer together?
@aphrodites-perfume @itsametaphorbriansblog @delicrieux @ultrunning @l0ve-0f-my-life @novaddictx @liakgs @loulouloueh @charming-fan-girl
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johnandrasjaqobis · 4 years
15-20 for vic, 25-30 for joseph and/or E!
15: do they trust their party? why or why not? Absolutely. He still isn’t entirely up to trusting PAT or Raelian with like, super personal matters, but they’re fine in combat, and the OG three are just,,, I mean as a previous answer said, those are his best friends. He Loves those ladies and the only reason he is so terrible about opening up with all of the current Problems is because he doesn’t want to worry them even more. But they’ve been fighting together for a while now, they’ve kinda uncovered everyone’s respective secrets (except maybe Nev, but u know), and Nol and Anthe and Nev were the ones to just kinda. plant themselves between him and the entire freaking Dynasty when that asshole came calling. so yeah. He definitely trusts them.
(The rest under the cut!)
16: what are their feelings on the people who raised them? His parents are wonderful people and he loves them dearly. Both hard workers, both affectionate, both super dedicated to their kids and each other. He’d be very satisfied if he ended up in any way a similar kind of person.
17: what do they dream about, when their dreams are their own? Doesn’t remember them super often, honestly, they tend to be pretty abstract and weird. He does get relatively frequent nightmares -- usually something to do with Illy or, more recently, Nol and the rest of the party. Seeing them hurt and not being able to get there. Some kind of physical barrier keeping him from doing anything (which was why that whole door fiasco underneath the temple was. especially fun). He does sometimes dream of home. Of the city under constant starlight.
18: do they see themself as a leader or a follower? Definitely a follower. Vic is a decent strategist in the middle of battle, but he knows he isn’t one for the big picture, and is more than happy to let the smarter people figure that stuff out.
19: what haunts them? what doesn’t? Well the little matter of Ilharess dying has uh. Certainly haunted him. A lot. Probably to an unhealthy degree. Honestly there isn’t much significant apart from that -- he didn’t take any mercenary jobs he felt were too sketchy. The closest thing might be just...he’s mostly fine with his work in the Watch because they were just defending their country. There’s occasional brief doubts, especially after he was in the Empire for a bit, because they weren’t even at war yet, but Nev’s assurances mostly drove those away. They were protecting themselves and their people. War or not, it was justified.
20: which of the five senses do they rely the most on? Probably sight. He’s gotta be able to keep an eye on the battlefield, keep an eye on where his allies are (where Nol is), where his echo is in relation to him. He could probably manage okay without other senses, but losing sight would be a very hard hit.
and then Joseph AND E bc I love them
25: what stories do they like to tell? what stories do they like to hear? Joseph Ranges from literal war stories to like. The ridiculous things he and his brothers got up to when they were younger. I dunno that he has a preference for hearing any, just depends on who’s telling it.
E His telling and hearing are pretty much the same; the boy adores a sappy love story. The whole knight in shining armor tropes and starcrossed lovers fighting for each other and the like. The boy is a massive romantic.
26: who do they miss? Joseph Carol. and to a somewhat lesser (less considered) extent, Nate.
E He does miss his parents sometimes, just with the distance, but he can also get in touch with them without too much trouble. (It’s useful working with a ton of other magic-users.)
27: how do they mourn? Joseph Angrily. He took the oath of vengeance for a reason, even if he knows he can’t avenge Carol directly, he’s going to get retribution somewhere.
E Quietly. E definitely tries to keep up his sunny and cheerful demeanor, and though he won’t bottle it up entirely, he’ll try to save those emotions for private moments.
28: who would they kill? who would they kill for? Joseph tbh he doesn’t get torn up about killing many people. He was a soldier, it’s kinda part of the job. But HOO BOY if he could get his hands on that mage with the Fire Storm (if he could also,,, push past the very blinding fear of that mage). He might not admit as much but at this point he would definitely kill for any one of the party. He’s closest on a personal level to Alex and Jax probably, but they’re all friends. Also more obviously his family, in an instant.
E He is honestly not a “violence as the first answer” sort of paladin, so there’d be hesitation for a lot of cases. But anyone that’s intentionally hurting others, anyone threatening the things he’s sworn to protect. and he gets attached to people Very Quickly so it’s not hard to be someone he’d kill for, if the situation called for it.
29: who would they save? who would they be saved by? Joseph If it was like, the party in Great Danger sort of situation, he’d probably go for Jax first, just because he knows Jax can’t take hits like the others can. And he is kinda currently in the process of being saved by this group of weirdos. Perhaps Alex and Bo the most -- Alex because of that whole bizarre relationship they’ve started to settle into, and Bo with her near constant optimism and the evidence that even seeing a full war up close and personal doesn’t have to drain you of that.
E He’d...like to save whoever he could. That’s part of his job, saving people is a means of preserving joy and light, and he is very determined to do his job well. And lord honestly E is like. Relatively so well put together? Mentally healthy? He’s had his problems and he’s worked with them and worked past them, so his gut answer on that might just be Sune.
30: what do they seek out from others? Joseph Very unconsciously, but. Validation that he’s useful even if he’s not some super great paladin. That he’s worth more than what he can do for Tyr.
E Love. Not even necessarily directed at him, but just in general -- Sune loves love and E just thrives on people learning to love themselves and others and see the beauty in practically everything that he does. (Lord he is a giant sap.)
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tibby · 4 years
hey I want your take on something! I'm currently on season 3 of gossip girl and so far the only valid ship to ever come out of it is serenaXnate I know u ship Blair and Dan but they haven't gotten together at this point. serena and Nate are a pretty good couple imo what do you think tho??
i have nothing against them but i do think they’re kind of boring. like they’re just there....two hot stupid people.
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angrypedestrian · 5 years
I am EXHAUSTED and I have seen some GAY ASS gifsets
lets do this babyyyyyy
Once again, there is no way Ava lives in DC proper
she’s def in the burbs
prob Arlington if we’re being real
and i am
“ding dongs to doughnuts” def the turn of phrase to be used in this situation john
ray is very sweet, BUT ALSO can this show stop casually referencing a character’s alcoholism and then doing nothing about it?
it’s just cheap and i don’t like it!
either make them an actual alcoholic or just drop it cause i am tired
sara: there is literally...no on else who remotely can watch the ship. so, zari, i guess?
zari, not looking up from her phone: hmmm? you say something
love a good sara and john team up!!!
nora is an excellent addition!!!!
john shut the fuck up you are not helping
i love u gary u sweet precious moron
but thank you for this very valid reaction 
oh my god this guy on the phone 
that’s godDAMN RIGHT
my irl dragon bros!!!
Zach vs. Legends understanding of christian theology part 34899
hmmmm wonder how they handle purgatory
....not like that
and i know pretty much nothing about it, but even i know that is...wrong
Hahaha remember when the blood of christ was a major plot point?
ikea isn’t purgatory
it is hell and we all fuckin know THAT
ava’s assumption that she is dead is INCREDIBLY valid
oh mona NO, please do not bring your rpf to one of the people in the ship
Dan Didio has a doomsday clock in his office except it says “zari tomaz being canonically queer” and it is at 11:59
Dan Didio’s sniper, trained on phil: sir, can i take the shot?
dan didio, through gritted teeth: technically......no
FUCK charlie and zari’s LOOKS at each other
the Neal Mcdonough Memorial Can Get It Award this week goes to that half second look between zari and charlie
AND ALSO when the fuck did they have time to watch queer eye
zari calling them dummies i love her
john: why did we call them here again
nora: i...literally cannot remember
nora: this was a terrible idea
oh my god this dude is just doing a mikey from kimmy schmidt impression
i bet this guy can be canonically gay
Mikey T confirmed gay you’re welcome everyone
this is so FUCKING stupid
this is the stupidest thing i have ever seen in my entire life
dear LORD
i am zari’s desire for nothing but death
“you don’t even date humans” excuse me zari mick has SEVERAL human husbands
but i do enjoy that she just totally supports their furry selves
zari says furry rights
ava and gary need to go to couple’s therapy i think
legends: we just love a wacky christian theology subplot!
phil: okay, we can’t make zari or nate or ray canonically queer, what can we do this ep to really beef up the LGBTQ rep
phil: GOT IT we’ll have two women put together ikea furniture
where is phil’s glaad award??
des it’s 2019 now
and dc is too easy a target you’re not that special my dude
little on the nose with the handling our demons bit don’t we think?
nora and john arguing with each other is delicious 
i mean, there very easily could be a beebo hanging around to fix this it does seem to be the writers go to deus ex machina at this point SO
it’s not, like, an unsafe assumption john
awwww they’re having real relationship discussions this is legit very sweet
(side note i love putting ikea furniture together hire me for all your furniture needs)
sara has only seen the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe movie
again, books are for nerds
she was real into tilda swinton in it tho
and no she has NOT unpacked that thank you very much
the people DEMAND IT
$250 for a mattress SARA do you want to sleep on a ROCK
ALSO you should be REGULARLY flipping your mattress twice a year anyways!!!!
I do like that they just got older actresses instead of old age makeup thank god
pffftttt as if ava would ever make sara give up her legends polycule
ava doesn’t really participate but she’s cool with sara doing it
it’s been a real rough week for nate
but also nathaniel you are a dumbass
ACTUALLY SCRATCH THAT dan didio’s doomsday clock says “legends making any dc character canonically queer”
my gay little heart
oh shit loading a dishwasher is the ultimate test of a relationship
hint: i am the only one who ever does it right
mona is ultimate gen z
too powerful
damn girl, zari you are desperate if you will let mick help without much hesitation
you’ve read his stuff, he’s good, but not good sext good
it’s a different skill set!
sara not having an address to get mail at does not seem like a problem
this argument is so GOOD and perfect
recycling until we die tho is...an oddly specific fear
fuck courtney is so good
this show is resting on her goddamn shoulders 
gary please do not say that
Tabitha is one of the less menacing names
it’s like saying, oh shit here comes Steve! ahhhhhhhh!
wow ray drinking? that’s love bitch
that spit take is fuckin gold
fuck that made me so happy
kudos to the intern that had to photoshop all those ava boxes
that was probably not a fun day
d’aw they love each other
gary is VERY excited to join the polycule
oh shit the smoke/cloud version of neron actually looks??? good???
actual good use of cgi?? on my legends?
sara and charlie high fiving is my lifeblood
true chaos bisexuals THRIVING
sara and ava will not have any children they will have 10 dogs and an unspecified number of cats
it will be their reward for a lifetime of raising the legends
oh hey we found money in the budget for nate’s super power
zari has been binge watching brooklyn 99 with her cool coolcoolcoolcool cool
love u
those two are such lovable doofuses i’m really happy they’re being cute together
ooohhhhhh brandon is gonna get to be evil that is exciting
NEXT WEEK: Helen makes a surprise cameo! Or I guess lets hope it’s not Clytemnestra!!!!
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