#you literally complain EVERY TIME you're on night shift.
doctorweebmd · 1 month
very nice people in comments/bookmarks responding to me being insane in the author's comments of my fics: i hope op is doing well UwU
op: <3 hours of sleep, refreshing the EHR to see if the guy she coded for 30 minutes last night is still alive, just ate half a pint of icecream, going back to work in 4 hours and somehow still writhing in guilt for not putting out a fanfic chapter in >1 month
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onestopfanficshop · 9 months
parenthood hcs (141 + los vaqueros + könig x f!reader)
tbh i feel like this sucks but like... i've been working on it too long to scrap it lol 💀 i might come back and add more as my brain starts to solidify again so if you read it and come back to more stuff just pretend you don't see it. so uh... enjoy the hot mess under the cut i guess
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ghost/simon riley
during the pregnancy/delivery
—the reality of you being pregnant didn’t really sink in until after you started showing. that’s when he was like oh shit this is actually real this is actually happening
—if he was a light sleeper before (which i’m absolutely sure he was), he’s practically awake with his eyes closed at night now. very sensitive to every single movement you make, whether it’s you slightly shifting in your sleep or you getting up to use the bathroom. can’t really “fall asleep” until he’s absolutely sure that you are.
—has the most horrific nightmares of all the things that could go wrong with you and the baby, and he always feels so guilty afterwards, as if he was somehow willing those things to happen. he never told you about them until years later either
—likes to whisper to the baby when he thinks you’re asleep and can’t hear (except you can, and it nearly brings you to tears)
—was anxious to let you leave the house, insisting on getting all the groceries and whatever else you needed so you wouldn't have to go outside
—is paying attention to and remembers all of the important medical info that the doctor tells you two at your maternity appointments, especially when pregnancy brain is getting the best of you
—simon can't remember the last time he's cried in his adult life, but when he gets to hold your baby for the first time and they latch their tiny little fingers onto his larger one, he certainly does.
random parenting moments
—mans can hear the baby crying before the baby is even crying. being a light sleeper + having incredible hearing is a goated combo. he'll race into the nursery and try to take care of whatever the issue is to avoid waking you up at all costs
—absolute hell to fucking no to the hot diggity dog no when it comes to corporal punishment. no ands, ifs, or buts. (for the record, i don't think any of these men would do this, but simon especially, given his past). and it'll be a freezing cold day in hell before simon raises his voice at your kids; he simply doesn't see the need to
—gives his kids washable markers and lets them color in his tattoos
—shooting my girl dad blaster at this man because i can. (*pew pew*) he's the best tea party attendant in the history of tea party attendants. doesn't matter that he can barely even fit one thigh on the tiny chairs at his daughters' kiddie princess table–he'll make it work!
—i can definitely see him having sons too, which i know would be really bittersweet for him. he's determined to be a better father than the one that life afforded him. seeing that brotherly bond between his sons would be really therapeutic for him :(
—very surprised that his kids find funny, mostly because he's got that dry sarcastic deadpan humor, as opposed to the slapstick-type humor that most kids at that age gravitate towards. he's certainly not complaining, though; he loves making them laugh. he swears his kids' laughter is one of the best sounds in the world.
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soap/johnny mctavish
during the pregnancy/delivery
—honestly is surprised at himself for deciding to settle down (finally). he knew he wanted a family eventually but he wasn't expecting it to happen so soon. he certainly isn't complaining though, because he thinks you'd be an amazing mother
—is constantly talking to your belly, even before the obgyn said that your baby had formed their ears. very determined for your kid to have his accent so he’s talking to them 24/7 lmfao
—and he definitely believes that the baby can communicate back 😭
—"okay, if you're a boy, what'd you think of this name? kick twice for yes."
—gives the absolute best foot rubs. would literally put a trained masseuse to shame
—so ecstatic when he finally gets his kid in his arms. he finally gets to see the little human that he's been talking to for the past several months; literally a dream come true
random parenting moments
—does the thing where he falls asleep on his back with the baby lying on his stomach
—his kids' first words will probably be curse words, no thanks to johnny 💀
—i'm picturing three kids: two boys (possibly twins; idk he just seems like a twin dad. it makes sense in my head, okay?)
—very relaxed parenting style, with an emphasis on letting his kids "fail" on their own and learning from their mistakes. relaxed shouldn't be confused with permissive, though, because he will definitely put his foot down and be more assertive if need be
—always down to play video games with his kids
—finds it absolutely hilarious to kiss you in front of the kids because they all make the most exaggerated sounds of disgust
—teaches your kids how to swim, which eventually leads to them convincing him to put a pool in the house (it took a lot of convincing but johnny just can't say no to them)
—has his own designated "dad" chair in the living room and gets disgruntled if he sees someone else sitting there. but one time he came back to one of the kids curled up in his chair late at night, fast asleep. he couldn't bring himself to wake them up so he just covered them in a blanket
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gaz/kyle garrick
during the pregnancy/delivery
—lowkey has a stronger nesting instinct than you lol 💀 constantly is cleaning the house not only for you, but because it makes him feel calm
—always willing to hold your belly for a few minutes (or however long you need) to relieve you of the weight of carrying a whole human inside of you for a while
—also adores talking to the baby through your stomach, and loves putting headphones on your belly to play them music
—down to try your craving combos with you. sometimes he like “this is incredible" and other times he's like "what is this monstrosity" lol
—when you guys were putting together the nursery you discovered that ky has an impeccable eye for interior design. most of the unique pieces of furniture and paintings in the nursery were picked out by him
—has the biggest smile on his face once he gets to hold his kid for the first time. like his face hurts thats how hard he's smiling
random parenting moments
—literally doesn't want to put that baby down. like at all 💀 you practically have to beg him to give you your daughter so you can at least feed her
"just let me hold her for 5 more minutes!"
"kyle, your daughter is going to starve if you don't give her to me!"
—i'm thinking two kids for kyle is the perfect number to him; gender doesn't matter to him :)
—tries to keep up with pop culture so he won't be called old by his kids (and fails)
—always down to game with his kids
—has a really hard time saying no to them 😭 if you weren't there to keep him in check, your kids would be so spoiled
—LOVESSS halloween. taking his kids costume shopping and taking them trick-or-treating is one of the highlights of his year. and he's always down to customize a costume, too. anything from buying a bunch of different pieces to make one look or sanding down some plastic armor and painting it to look weathered—he's so unbelievably creative
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john price
during the pregnancy/delivery
—collects sooo many books for the baby. especially loves the soft cloth books that have all of the different crinkly textures
—absolutely cherishes that first trimester where you’re not really showing and he gets to keep the two of you to himself and away from the rest of the world
—"sternly" tells the baby to stop kicking their mum (aka you lol)
—always has a protective arm around you while you two are out and about. was absolutely shocked by how many strangers would try and reach out and touch your stomach unprovoked once you started to pop. most of them were women, so the most he’d do was give them a hard look. still hated it though 🙄
—helps you make a checklist for your hospital bag + packs everything for you with military-like efficiency
—so so gentle when he holds his baby for the first time. he was never sure if he would get the chance to even be a father so it's quite emotional for him
random parenting moments
—your babies will have the largest vocabularies ever thanks to john, who refuses to use baby speak with his kids. instead, he speaks normally, as if the baby can understand him perfectly, and the results are pretty amusing
"love, did you move the almond butter?" john calls to you from downstairs.
"i swear i didn't!" you call back from upstairs, busy with your morning routine.
"hmph." he plants his hands on his hips, turning around, only to be met by the blinking stare of your infant daughter.
"darling, did you see your mother move the jar of almond butter?" he asks her, arms crossing over his chest.
*cue unintelligible-to-others-but-perfectly-understandable-to-john infant noises from the baby*
"bloody knew it. love, our daughter is saying you moved it. and she doesn't know how to lie yet, so i have no reason not to believe her."
—this man is so girl dad coded it's insane. but i'd like to think he'd have one son; he'd possibly be the middle or youngest kid
—you and the kids love to play "hide the bucket hat" from dad. price puts on his grumpy old man act but he secretly loves it because it always ends up with him chasing you guys until you all collapse in a laughing heap on the carpet
—constantly dropping bad dad jokes like he's paid to do it 😭 kids are always looking at him with a mixture of pity, disappointment, and mild annoyance
"dad, i'm hungry."
"why hello, hungry. my name's dad."
"no, your name is john.
"...how do you know that 😐"
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alejandro vargas
during the pregnancy/delivery
—always showing you off to LITERALLY everyone, especially his family
—always finds a way to bring up the fact that your pregnant in every single conversation with a stranger lololol
—if you're the first one in ale's family to be pregnant (which you very well may be because i headcanon him as the oldest child in his family heehee) prepare to be spoiled by his siblings and the rest of his family. you have enough gifted clothes for your kid to wear an entirely different outfit every day for a year i'm not even kidding
—very protective, but not in a controlling concerning way. it’s more so seeing you visibly pregnant with a ring that he put on your finger that gets him all riled up
—was driving like an actual mad man to get you to the hospital when you woke him up in the middle of the night and told him your water broke (and by "driving like a mad man", i mean he forgot to use his blinkers and ran one singualr stop sign lmfao)
—first time he got to hold his baby it was absolutely love at first sight. gives you the most tender kiss on the forehead to say "thank you"
random parenting moments
—if you have all girls he is SUCH a girl dad. i think out of all the boys, he's the one that i can say would 100% have all daughters. he's playing princesses, doing hair for school, letting the girls experiment with makeup on him, all the works.
—and he absolutely doesn't let those "oh you're trapped in a house with all of those girls poor you!" comments slide. like at all.
—"not trapped, just lucky." he always says (before glaring at the person once they turn around)
—tries so hard not to curse in front of his girls but fails 💀 swear jar is always full
—the idea that your girls can do and be anything they want is drilled in from day one. naturally, this means that ale is the biggest sports dad EVER. he's at every recital, every game, every showcase, every scrimmage– you name it, he's there if he can make it. whenever he can't be there, he's always doing two mandatory facetimes; a pep talk before the game, and a debrief after
—one non-negotiable? self-defense. signed up each of his girls for self defense classes when they each started middle school
—not overprotective by any means. i mean, he can definitely be protective at times, but he knows his girls can handle themselves (you two raised them, after all).
—takes saving for their quinces as seriously as saving for their college funds (as he should)
—secretly a huge disney fan. he's watching all the disney princess movies, pretending like he's doing it for his daughters, but he's really doing it for himself hehe. still whisper-yells everytime he watches snow white eat the poison apple 💀
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roldofo “rudy” parra
during the pregnancy/delivery
—is literally the most gentle person with you ever and it’s so sweet :(( always willing to massage out any knots you have in your shoulders or neck
—does all your pregnancy exercises with you (even though he’s not the one delivering the baby lol) just so you won’t feel alone :)
—always down to cook whatever cravings you desire (or run out to the nearest grocery store or gas station to get them)
—he's already a pretty touchy person but it's amplified times 10 during your pregnancy. he can't keeps his hands off of you, especially your stomach
—his abuela is always on back, asking you if he's taking good care of you and scolding him if she's sees you so much as lifting a plate by yourself 💀
—when your baby was born, he was quite sensitive to the noises of the hospital, getting fussy and crying a bit whenever he heard doors closing and loud beeps and such. you noticed however, that when rudy was holding him whenever this happened, he never shushed him to keep him quiet. he would simply rock your son back and forth, whispering quietly to him about whatever was on his mind until the newborn would calm down. just witnessing this alone solidified the fact that you'd basically picked the perfect man to be the father of your children.
random parenting moments
—carries his kids everywhere when they're young, even when they can walk. he just loves holding them :(
—incredibly rational, even in the face of conflict. when your kids get to be teenagers and get into typical teenage trouble and whatnot, he sits down with you first to break down what happened and what an appropriate response would be. not a fan of reacting on emotion (which teenagers can make very tempting to do) , which is always appreciated by both you and the kids
—i think he'd have the biggest family out of all the boys; i'm thinking 4 at the very least, with more girls than boys
—takes birthday party planning seriously, even when they're little and won't remember it all
—lovesss cooking with his babies. he gets ‘em those little kiddie knives that are safe to use and teaches them the proper technique and everything
—very frantic whenever one of them gets sick. even if it’s the mildest headache or a slight upset stomach, he just hates seeing any of them in pain
—drop-off duty warrior. has a whole system in place to get all the kids into the car on time and he’s literally never been late. it’s honestly very impressive
—vicks vapor rub is the solution to everything. sore throat? vapor rub. headache? vapor rub. bad day? vapor rub. broken leg? vapor rub (jk) (not really)
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during the pregnancy/delivery
—if you have mood swings, könig has to try his absolute hardest not to panic right along with you. he knows that your hormones are giving you a hard time right now, so he really wants to be your rock through all of it (however, if you start crying out of nowhere, he'll probably definitely start panicking)
—once you start showing, he likes talking to the baby in german to "give them a head start" (his words not mine)
—also good luck with that delivery babes because that's gonna be a 10 pounder at LEAST 😭 high probability you're getting a c-section
—if there's any complications, especially with a c-section, best believe any shred of social anxiety is disappearing and he's running on pure adrenaline when he yells at tells the medical staff in the room that he refuses to watch you and his child die here
—was so thankful you two were both okay that his hands were shaking a little when he cut the umbilical cord
—holds his kid like they're made of glass because he's so big that he fears hurting them :(
random parenting moments
—when the kids finally get to the toddler stage, he's pumped. they can run now, and he absolutely loves chasing them. also the kids love to treat their dad like a tree, climbing him and dangling off his arms like he's a human swing, which has given you a mild heart attack more than once 😭
—loves reading to them every night before bed
—i’m thinking two kids for him; either a boy and a girl or two girls
—big fan of doing doing arts and crafts with them (your house is constantly covered in scraps of construction paper)
—also loves taking the kids to a local fairground where they can go on a bunch of rides, pet some animals at the petting zoo, and play games. könig is usually too tall to ride the rides comfortably (rip), but he doesn't mind. as long as the kids are having fun, that's all that matters to him!
—yearly trips to visit his mom and grandma in austria are an absolute must
—kids are always clinging to him during the colder months because he just radiates heat
—his homemade remedy: soup! the kids absolutely love the different soups that he makes and it always seems to make them feel better whenever they're under the weather :)
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ghouljams · 5 days
Ghoul imagine Cowboy!Ghost going to the thrift/antique store in town because all his work pants are testing the limits of the Theseus’ Ship paradox with how much mending Duck has had to do on them.
There’s literally only one pair of jeans in the entire store that fit him (his legs are a mile long, thick as fucking tree trunks, with a bakery to match, that’s a tall order for a rural town) and so he buys them without a second thought. Doesn’t really pay mind to the way the owners great grand daughters eyes widen comically when she sees the brand patch on the back. He’s not very familiar with American brands anyway, and these’ll get demolished by the end of the week, why should he care who made it.
Of course it all comes together the next time him and Goose have sex. Her brain practically short circuits as he unzips his jeans, revealing a faded red patch that reads “☘️LUCKY YOU☘️” in a bold font.
Yes this mountain of a man bought Lucky brand jeans from the thrift, no he didn’t really realize what they were (not like he has to look at his zip every time mkay it’s fucking muscle memory), yes they fit him like skinny jeans, and yes Goose fucks his absolute brains out that night.
Maelstrom the wizard you are to make the worms squirm the way you do...
Your mom's a miracle worker for sure, but she's not God, and when Simon sets his ratty jeans on her kitchen table she just stares at him. You let your lovely, change averse, husband know that you will attempt to order him a new pair of the exact same brand but he needs something else in the meantime. Begrudgingly he agrees, and tugs on a pair of fatigues to go find a new pair of work pants in town. A tall feat when your few clothing stores mostly cater to women, and it's only very recently that your town has seen such an influx of... men his size.
You drop him at the church's little resale shop and tell him to find something denim that fits. You don't think about it more than that as you walk into the feed store. You don't even think about it when Simon climbs into the truck cab with a pair of jeans.
You do think about it the next day when he pulls his new jeans on. They're tight, and your eyes track the way he has to hop a little to get them up his thighs. You honestly could drop to your knees just watching him adjust himself in the denim. There's never a time you forget that Simon is a big man, but there are certainly moments you're reminded of it. You're drooling a little just eyeing the bulge of his cock against the fly of his jeans. He may as well be vacuum sealed into those suckers. You're not complaining, but...
You have to remind yourself that these were probably the only jeans he could find in his size. It's the only way you're able to keep your mind off your husbands tree trunk thighs while you're corralling cows.
You're eating lunch when Simon crouches down to pat the dog and you very nearly spit out your coke at the way the denim stretches over his ass. Soap stops his walk to the chicken coop and you have to throw your can at him to stop him from wolf whistling at your husband. Jesus Christ, ok, new problem has just arisen. You survey the jeans as Simon stands, the hug of denim around his thick thighs, the curve of fabric over his ass that cups it something sinful. You narrow your eyes at the offending garment. There's no way those fit comfortably, but Simon isn't complaining so you can't say for sure. He shifts his wait, settles a hand on his hip to watch the dog run in circles, and you have to physically hold yourself back from smacking his ass.
"My love," You try, earning a hum from Simon. You both know you only call him that when you're really trying not to call him something else. "Do those fit you?"
"Fit enough," Simon grumbles, bending to grab the tennis ball Mav brings him. You wince at the way the seams seem to be holding on for dear life. You try to remember if you knew Simon was toting around a whole bakery back there as he straightens and throws the dog's ball.
"Are they-" you hesitate, eyes stuck on him, "-comfortable?"
"They're fine," He bends again for the ball, and you keep yourself sinfully silent against the heat rising on your cheek, "shopped at enough charity shops." He throws the ball, and you- you sort of hope the jeans you ordered get lost in the mail.
You barely make it to dinner before he splits a seam. There's a little pop and you look over your shoulder to see Simon poking at a new little hole on the inside of his knee. You feel a little like you're seeing a victorian lady's ankle the way your heart pounds at that little inch of skin. Simon grimaces and pinches at the seam with a sigh. You flick the burner off and wipe your hands on a nearby towel.
"Lemme get a look, see if I can patch it." You offer, you're not as good as your mom or Soap, but you're a decent stitch. Simon stops his fussing and straightens his leg so you can crouch down and inspect the damage. Not too bad, you can fix it. You sigh, so much for hoping the ordered pants go missing, you'll be lucky if these things make it through the week. You glance up at Simon, catch his apologetic smile and shake your head. "Let's get 'em off and I'll throw a stitch on 'em while the pasta boils."
You don't bother standing, waiting for Simon on your knees is habit enough you don't even think about it. You watch him unhook his belt(as if the denim painted on him is going anywhere) and tug his zipper down. Your eyes nearly bug out of your head at the red "Lucky you" that greats you. It's entirely possible your brain might have fully leaked out of your ears after a full day of your man walking around with practically nothing on. You don't think this denim even counts as pants at this point. Not when you can trace the outline of his cock, and see it twitch as you lean forward to press your lips to the embroidered zipper.
Simon's hand finds your head immediately, his fingers scratching down to your scalp to hold on. "All that starin' finally got to ya, huh?" He rumbles, his voice lowered to that lovely register he only finds when he wants to fuck you. Your eyes dart up to meet his, your tongue darting out to lick at his boxers. His other hand pushes his jeans down, the fabric bunching around his muscular thighs and holding tight. You don't think about what a pain these things are going to be to get off, you just wiggle your head closer, drag your lips over the soft cotton and inhale the smell of a hard day's work.
Shit it must be nice just having his cock not clamped against his hip. You don't usually get that relieved sigh unless you've been teasing him. You drag your tongue over the soft warm length of him, wetting the cotton of his boxers with your spit until you can feel his cock harden under your ministrations. Your hands slip up Simon's thighs to tug at the denim, it barely moves and somehow that turns you on more than the hand fishing his thick cock from his boxers.
"Bad as Johnny with all your pantin'," He hums, "think I can't see you starin' sweet'eart?" You tip your head back, your mouth open and your tongue out, just so he can smack his cock against it.
Of course he'd catch you, but you weren't exactly stealthy about it. You're allowed to check out the man you love, that's not a crime. Especially if he looks as good as he does. If it were you, you wouldn't have even made it out of the house this morning. You take too long thinking, too long waiting and sinking into that lovely soft space Simon pulls you into, because you gag on his cock as it pushes down your throat in one quick stroke. He pulls it out, spit stringing between your tongue and his length and rubs the head over your lips.
"Gonna put it away if you can't pay attention." Simon scolds, and you can't have that. Your tongue laps at his head, lips stretched wide as he feeds you his heavy cock. You swallow around him this time, blinking the tears from your eyes when he hits the back of your throat. It's uncomfortable, but a quick jerk of his hips forces him down past your gag reflex, where you can feel him bulging out your throat. He holds you there, letting your throat work to try and push him out, before he pulls you off.
You gulp down a breath and slide your hands around his hips to grab that lovely ass you'd been oogling all day. Simon chuckles, watching you open your mouth wide, slurping at his cock with each bob of your head. He holds still, lets you pull off to lick long stripes up his length, watching the way his cock rests against your lips, against your nose when you make your way back to lick at the base. Seeing how big he is compared to you, knowing you'll let him fuck your throat despite the way it makes you hoarse in the morning... what a perfect partner you are.
(If Ghost's honest with himself there's something intoxicating about having the woman he loves be so openly attracted to him that she'd spend all day staring. It's the same heady rush that hits him when you look up at him with his cock down your throat, the same rush that he gets seeing your nose run and your eyes water as you fight down the urge to gag. He's never met someone that makes him feel so completely wanted the way you do.)
Your tongue swirls around the head of his cock, laps at the the vein running along the bottom, you hold it out of your mouth to lick along his heavy length with each bob of your head. You pull back only to spit on his cock, the foamy drool that drips off of it is quickly pulled back into your lips as they slide over him. Your nose buries itself in the wiry blond curls at the base of his cock, and you shake your head to get his deeper. You suck on the way up, cheeks hollowed to slurp at the soft skin in a way that makes Simon groan.
It's absolutely filthy the way you blow him. You're such a mess, slobbering on his cock like it's the best thing you've ever had in your mouth, drooling and slurping. Your pretty lips puffy and your eyes shining. It's cute, you look like you're on the verge of tears just taking him down to the base. Simon taps your cheek with his fingers and you hold still, let him fuck your mouth the way he wants. His hips thrust shallowly into your mouth, easing you into the feeling before they snap and your gag is stopped by the thick cock stretching out your throat. You know what he wants. Know that by the time he's done the breaths you suck in so greedily with each pull out won't be enough to keep your nose from running, or the tears from spilling over your lashes.
You know that by the time he pulls you to the base and holds you there, his come spilling down your throat as he spits a low swear of your name, you'll look a wreck. And you know that he'll tap your nose when he pulls out, and crouch down to tell you what a good job you did. Except when he does drop to your level you're met with a smirk, and a:
"Lucky you, eh princess?"
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leondickrider · 9 months
relationship headcanons | leon s kennedy x gn!reader
💭 . . . hiii, so i moved to this account from my old account @movedoopsie so this an updated version of both of my old relationship headcanons posts and nsfw post (with some new bonus headcanons hehe) (‘. • ᵕ •. `)
before reading: fluff, suggestive, nsfw marked, some are sad bc i love making leon suffer ₍ᐡ。っ ̫-。ᐡ₎ not proofread | warnings: cursing, substance abuse mentioned | wc 2.1k
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love with him kinda gives me and your mama by childish gambino but very much guns and roses by lana del rey 🎀
ONE THING I FORGOT TO MENTION IN MY ORIGINAL POSTS: television heaven by lana del rey is so re2make leon coded !!!! and maybe perhaps starry eyed... just maybe...
it's canon that he listens to rock (refer to re2r opening) but I'm sure he would listen to alternative and hip hop
btw, to the spotify playlist makers, he would never listen to mother mother he is quite literally born in the 70s
also i doubt he would actually listen to lana del rey, but if he did he would listen to ultraviolence ₍ᐢ.”⚇.”ᐢ₎
when he's frustrated, he'll mutter curses under his breath like it's so sexy and hot and pussy soddening or dick hardening (I don't have a dick idk how it works)
he loves when you wear long, flowy dresses or shirts, especially if they are in white. if you get it you get it
he would like white clothes on you since white typically represents like purity and cleanliness. and with all the stuff he's been through and it's just comforting
his favorite colors are blue and green tho
he's a good kisser 10/10
leon definitely replies with the driest things ever over text. like you could say "hey baby I love you <3 be careful at work" and he'll say "Ok love you." and he uses the period too
also replies with ���, 👎, 😀 and 😍
when you are both going to sleep at the same time, he will scratch your back out of habit, even if he falls asleep you will feel his hand making circular motions on your back
he's the lightest sleeper ever. he wakes up if you shift in bed too fast, if you make any unusual sound, literally wakes up so easily and this leads to him being very sleepy :(
he would want 2 kids so they aren't lonely. he wouldn't ever want his kids to feel the loneliness he felt as an orphan
he's a girl dad but if he had a son then you already know that kid is going to be a carbon copy of his dad
sometimes he comes home really drunk and he leans all over you, kissing you all over and saying how much he loves you and stuff and then he cries and then falls asleep
when he goes fishing or hunting or camping he always drags you along for it even if you complain
he looks like he goes camping like every season as the vacation he so desperately asks for 24/7
he doesn't understand text abbreviations. he's like a victorian child. he says "LOL" and doesn't even know what it means. "leon I'm feeling really sick, bring me some soup please" "Ok LOL."
he also replies really slowly to texts sometimes, it's not even on purpose he is just has no clue how to iphone
during missions, he has those cute lil kitten sneezes (like in re4r) but at home this man forces them to be obnoxiously loud because it always makes you giggle
and his hearts melts a little every time you giggle. your laughter is like his favorite sound in the whole wide world
he gets home at unholy hours of the night usually, so he usually just goes to the bedroom, gives you a kiss on your forehead or cheek while you're asleep and takes a quick shower before sleeping
however on nights where you wait for him to get home he is taken by surprise when you fling yourself into his arms when he enters
when be walks in he'll be like "sono a casa..." really quietly
yeah he learned a little italian bc he's like a mafioso son basically so he decided "why not just learn italian and make my girlfriend swoon over it?" il mio king
he's incredibly insecure in relationships. he thinks you deserve better than him, somebody who can be there for you without fail and isn't heavily traumatized
when you're sick he will literally do everything for you, he doesn't let you do anything until you're better
even when you aren't sick he does everything, he justa bit more lenient
hero complex ofc, he loves being there to 'save you' even if it's just helping you get something off the top shelf or helping you zip up a dress or a shirt
always puts his bed by you in minecraft even tho he has no idea how to play :3
also, loves bear hugging you. but he also does those hugs where he lifts you up completely and spins you around a little
if you where in raccoon city with him he would do the spinning hug the second you were finally safe
when he's feeling really affectionate (usually when he's a lil tipsy) he'll tell you things like "sei tutto il mio mondo" and "sei la metà della mia mela" (this is so cute if you also love apples)
he's a heavyweight this man can handle his alcohol, so if you get drunk easy like me, then yea he's def got you covered
doesn't let anybody he doesn't trust near you when you're drunk
also, even when he's drunk he's very protective. he's actually more protective
he is really good at comforting you when you need it but often pushes you away when you need it :(
sometime he will disappear for long periods of times. and he cuts off all contact. but eventually you will get a call from somebody like chris, claire, etc. that leon was drinking and they were bringing him home
he goes through cycles of highs where he stops drinking and lows where he drinks excessively (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
sometimes he'll send you random selfies when he gets service or random texts like "Hi." and tbh it scared the shit out of you to just get a random Hi when he's in the middle of like the desert a few times
he isn't really good with physical affection, he'll give you awkward hugs and hold your hands but he's just very awkward in general so...
but if we're talking cute re2make leon then omfg hugs 24/7 he will not keep his hands off you
he isn't really into pda bc he's shy about it, he will hold your hand and maybe give you an awkward side hug but that's really it unless it's one of those special occasions lmfao
this is kind of random but when he's alone he likes to look at old pictures of you both and just reminisce on the past ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
re2make leon the typa guy to play just dance with you
maybe re4make if he's in love enough (he is)
his style is actually really good so he ALWAYS looks so good next to you (refer to casual leon model) 🐩
he sings in the shower sometimes
he likes to take showers with you since it's relaxing when you wash his hair since you have like soft hands and not his big thick meaty manly leather beefy hands
falls asleep with light piano music and rain audios in the background 😭
his instagram is basically a fanpage for you. always appreciating you!! "My s/o took this." "Date night night with s/o." "Imagine not having the prettiest bestest amazingest s/o ever."
he and ada are mutuals, this is his revenge for ghosting him lol
takes you on picnic dates a lot
for people with periods, he is like so good with helping you woth getting tampons/pads, getting medicine, etc etc
his ideal house with you would be one of those stereotypical white american family suburb houses (he's so american i'll never let him live down calling luis 'lewis' 😭)
he pledge allegiance to the flag he is a PATRIOT🇺🇸
he spoils the hell out of you !!!! you look at a dress twice? magically in your closet the next day. you look at a pretty necklace that costs more than a car? he already got it
government paycheck
when he was 21 he dreamed of having a really normal life with you. a normal house, normal cars, 2 kids, a dog, all these other totally normal things
he does not get the normal life lol
he is very territorial, he definitely marks you up in spots that are very visible and harder to hide
he isn't really picky about what lingerie you wear but if you wear white sets with little blue or pink ribbons then you got your work cut out for you
he's very romantic during sex. on anniversaries he'll even get rose petals and candles in you're into that kinda stuff lol
had to buy a whole different phone just for videos/photos of you both because his phone has a ton of work things and he didn't want to risk accidentally sending the wrong picture to the wrong person
when he gets back from missions that were very stressful and got him pent up then sex is way rougher than usual
he is definitely into worshipping your body. he'll tell you how beautiful you are and kiss every inch if your skin that he can
sometime he'll also say some italian things to you while you do the deed like "sei molto bella"
when he's horny he'll tell you "mi ecciti così tanto"
although, italian bedroom talk is kinda cringe sometimes so he usually sticks to english
he is definitely very experienced, he's been with several women, usually one night stands. but we do also know he had a girlfriend before resi 2 so there's that
he would prefer sex stays in the bedroom, or the house at least
he probably gets pleasure from making you get pleasure. like just from eating you out he will... yea
as i said before, territorial 😊
one of his sexual fantasies is fucking you while he's on a mission but he probably wouldn't want to take that risk bc like zombies
it's not rare to have quickies in the mornings
he's big like maybe 6 or 7 inches? he may not have a könig bulge but he's absolutely packing
dirty talk. says things like "y'like that princess?" "that feel good?" "i know you like it baby" "you feel so girl pretty girl" "look at me lovie" when you close ur eyes
man is a freak (refer to THAT clip from death island)
however, sex with him is usually really vanilla simply because he is too tired from all these missions to be doing all that
when it's not vanilla he's a switch simply bc I know it. he'll let you take the reins from time to time, but he is always the one in control if we're being fr
also i'm pretty sure he's top leaning because like... the shit he's been through?? he'd want a little control over something and having control in bed makes him feel really powerful
he still likes to bottom tho lol
he also calls u mommy or daddy or master or mistress if u a freaky freak lol
loves brat taming!!!!!
he likes to hold your hand while having sex
enjoys morning sex lots, especially the morning after he returns from a mission. he's too exhausted the night of returning, so he wakes up early and fucks you
love love loves missionary bc he gets to look at your face and he can just look down to see him yk thrusting (goodbye i hate this word)
i will say tho sometimes he will say the most outlandish things like "i wanna pump so many babies into you that we repopulate raccoon city" but it's ok bc it's leon
loves white sets on you (refer to 8)
sooo good with after care!!! if you need something he will do it or get it. want a snack? he's grabbing it. want a nice warm bubble bath? he's running the water and grabbing the soap for bubbles
spoils you with aftercare tbh.... after him you really cannot ever get better aftercare
very vocal, lots of whimpers and whines coming from him
really good with his hands, I mean look at the way he handles guns. i'm sure his hands come in handy in more ways than just flipping a gun around
amazing with his tongue and mouth as well 🎀
he love love loves when u sit on his face !!!
when you give him head he likes to rub your scalp and he makes the most attractive noises ever
he owns a couple toys. he def owns a vibrator and a pair of handcuffs
he probably has no preference to if you're shaved or not when he's older
but when he's younger he prefers it shaved or trimmed cuz he lives between your legs and it gets a bit annoying getting hair in his mouth 😭
(i'm sorry if all the nsfw seems aimed towards afab people, I literally have no idea how to write for amab but i'm trying to spoil everybody...)
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౨ৎ translations "sono a casa" i'm home; "il mio [re]" my king; "sei tutto il mio mondo" you are my whole world; "sei la metà della mia mela" you are half of my apple; "sei molto bella" you're very beautiful; "mi eciti così tanto" you're turning me on | please correct me if any of this is wrong since i rarely speak to my italian friends and family and i don't say these things to them. i had to research :)
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reblogs and replies appreciated always <3
leon kennedy masterlist
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p1-f1 · 1 year
If s/o had to sit on their laps
Pairings: Kyle Broflovski and Stan Marsh x reader. (Separate)
Warnings: none
Kyle Broflovski
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Context: Kyle and you were taking a little field trip with the main four. It just so happens that Cartman takes up way more space than planned. And obviously, the guys suggested you sit on Kyle's lap, as you two were dating.
First off, he panicked
Like, almost made a list of suggestions other than you sitting on his lap
But, you were already late, so you just hopped into his lap
Your head against the door, your feet almost touching Cartmans leg who was sitting next to you two
The only reasons you didn't sit in between them:
One, Kyle didn't want his "fatass germs" germs on you
Two, Cartman hated your ass
So, the whole ride, you sat in his lap.
Bro wasn't having it
Stuttering mess every time there was a speed bump
Annoyed that you weren't completely comfortable
"Ky, I'm fine."
You said as your boyfriend shifted positions for the third time after you complained about back pain
"Just let me help you, please Y/N."
At this point, it was annoying for you both
"Kyle, stop. Stop moving. Just stop. If you keep on I'm moving to Kenny's"
Obviously Kenny did a little cheer, which was stopped when Kyle kicked his seat and looked at you desperately
"No buts. Stop moving."
After that, the ride was pleasant.
He rubbed your thigh nervously 💞
As if your ould hate him if he breathed too loud
You kissed his nose, making him melt
He was very affectionate after that
Holding your hand
Whispering compliments in your ear when Cartman got on his nerves 🤭
But Kyle did glare at Kenny the rest of the way
Stan Marsh
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Context: Stan and the main four have their monthly movie night, and you come to find out they have assigned seats. Stan had forgotten.
He almost threw up
As soon as you sat down, he gagged
You looked up at him, hurt as hell
You thought he gagged because of you
And you still thought that because he gave a thumbs up and gagged again
Next thing you know, the boys are laughing their asses off
You're rubbing Stans back as he vomits in the toilet
So you got over that. Congrats
You suggested to sit on the floor, and did
Until Stan saw you shift one too many times
He picked you up like a little cat, under the arms
"What are you doing-"
He set you in his lap, kissing the top of your head.
"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything.."
"Stan, you literally threw up because I sat here. I'm fine."
You attempted to slide out of his arms
Only to have an arm slid around your waist.
Both of your faces were hot red.
He buries his face in your neck
When that gets too warm he rest his head on your shoulder
It's adorable
The guys do give him shit for being a 'softie' in Cartman's words.
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jogetsobsessed · 2 months
Not Strong Enough - Paul Lahote
This is so rushed and you can tell lol. I started this months ago, last summer. Also I hate writing dialogue and this is basically all that so yay for Jo!
“ I know you're awake Y/n”. His voice cut through the silence of the night. 
You didn't stir. You were trying to keep your breath even, praying that he would roll over and go back to sleep. He didn't need to be bothered with the late-night demons you were fighting. He had so much that he was dealing with when it came to the pack, Sam has given him more responsibility in the past few months. You knew it was weighing on him but he never complained not wanting to burden you, even when you begged him to vent to you. Seeing him bottle his emotions only caused you to feel more emotional at the thought of him being sad and feeling like he couldn't talk to you. 
“Y/n you're not fooling me love”. He reached out and turned his lamp on before rolling over to face you. Still, you didn't move. 
Embarrassment flushed your cheeks and tears threatened to spill as you attempted to blink them away. Rubbing at your eyes to cover up the evidence of your dejected attitude. Even though Paul was quite literally watching your every move. 
“What's wrong?”. 
“I don't know what you're talking about Paul, you woke me up with your booming voice”. 
He opened his mouth to retort what you said but stopped. Pausing to tilt his head to the side, much like a dog does when watching in anticipation. His eyes scanned your body, up and down as he tried to figure out if something was physically wrong with you. When he couldn't find anything wrong his eyes traveled to yours, locking in place. You just blinked, not wanting to budge. 
“Y/n I love you, and I have loved you since I first met you. I know you. I know everything about you. Like how you always take a gasping gulp of air right before you fall asleep or how after you have been asleep for a little while you start to snore a little bit, not too loud but enough for me to hear. It's something I love, it soothes me. So yes, I know that you weren't sleeping”. 
That was enough to break the dam. 
Tears came out in droves as you bawled, burying your head in your hands. Paul acted in no time, immediately shifting to sit up, pulling you into his chest cradling your head as you sobbed. Fear was pulsing through his veins as he watched your chest heave up and down, gasping to catch your breath. His hand that wasn't holding your head rubbing small circles on your arm, attempting to provide comfort. 
Slowly your tears came to a sputtering stop as you were able to fill your lungs up with enough air to begin to calm down. His hand didn't stop, because he was right with what he said earlier, he knew you. His grounding touch in your moment of panic was one of, if not the only thing that could bring you back to reality. 
You turn your head up. Lifting it from his chest to gaze up at him. 
His face shone with pure love and admiration as he gazed down at you. The hand that had clutched your head moved to your face, his thumb wiping away the stray tears that had yet to cascade down your cheeks slightly puffy from your outburst. His lips softly pressed against your forehead, lingering as he felt you relax under his touch. You shifted again, this time turning so you could lean your head on his shoulder, your legs dangling off his lap. 
“So how are you going to tell me what's going on?”. 
“I'm scared”. 
You felt his body tense under your words. The sudden onset of anxiety filled the dimly lit room. 
“What do you have to be scared of?”. His voice was calm but the way his grip tightened around you was another indicator of his sudden mood change. 
“Becoming a mom, not being strong enough”. 
You knew it was silly. 
To let this fear consume you. It's not like the idea of becoming a mom was new. You have spent the past eight months preparing for your upcoming life change. Outwardly you put on a confident front. Accepting the advice your friends and random strangers alike gave you unsolicited advice. Spending hours upon hours shopping with Emily and Kim, letting some of the tribe elders teach you how to crochet different styles of blankets for your new upcoming arrival. Learning about the teas made up of all different herbs that were supposed to aid in various pregnancy symptoms like nausea and sciatic nerve pain. You took in all of it. 
But inside you weren't handling everything as well. 
No one wanted to talk about the fears that you were harboring. No one wanted to talk about what had happened to Emily during the birth of her and Sam’s first. About how she almost lost her life because of the blood loss, because children born from the wives of the shifters were larger than ones born to human fathers. About how Sam’s screams could be heard miles away as the healers tried to push him out of the room, away from his dying wife. About how that could happen to you. 
No one wanted to talk about how you could die. 
So every night for the past few weeks as your due date was nearing closer you let yourself think of the possibility, the possibility of your mortality. 
Normally you were able to suppress it enough to fall asleep shortly after Paul. But tonight was different. 
After a day spent in Forks going to get an ultrasound and then to the healers on the reservation, you had heard someone address the possibility of complications. The talk you got from them was different, seeing as the doctors in Forks didn't know about the lineage of your husband, and his genetic abnormalities that could and probably would affect your child's birth. 
Paul had remained stoic throughout trying his best to comfort you without showing any weakness. No matter how much you tried to drill it through his thick skull showing emotion didn't make him weak he didn't budge, that was going to be a lifelong battle. 
But their words had hit you hard, the fears you had been struggling with by yourself in silence were finally being brought to light, and someone wanted to talk about them. And you had gone through all the different possibilities, all the complications, and their varying outcomes. 
And that was why you had remained awake tonight. 
Your fears were fighting off the exhaustion you felt, as your mind was on fire. Paul hadn't brought anything up, other than commenting on how big your baby was getting and about running up north to Port Angeles this weekend to pick up the last piece of furniture for the nursery. It was typical of him not wanting to bring up the things hard to talk about. And you didn't want to fight, not after such an exhausting day so you said nothing, opting for silence. 
Paul didn't know what to say, no amount of circles against your arm could provide comfort in this moment. He couldn't simply solve this problem with his touch. 
“What are you talking about, my love?”. 
“Oh come on Paul, you're telling me you aren't scared. After everything we talked about today. The possibility of me die…”. 
“Please don't Y/n”. His voice broke as he closed his eyes pulling you impossibly tight. Normally you would stop, but not tonight. No, you couldn't bottle your emotions anymore. 
“Paul, we have to talk about it. Please, I can't do this anymore. I am so scared. Paul I'm terrified about what could happen, what if I can't do this. What if I'm not strong enough to go through labor”. Part of you was proud of yourself for fighting back your tears. 
His silence was concerning. But it didn't last long. 
“My sweet girl I want to tell you that there's nothing for you to be afraid of but I think we both know that unfortunately, that's not true. However, you're stressing yourself out over something that has a very small chance of happening -”. 
“But it happened to Emily!”, you cried out cutting him off. 
That hit him hard. 
The pack had to experience the pain that Sam had felt years ago. Feeling what was causing their Alpha to crumble to pieces, to be reduced to tears as he begged someone, anyone, to help his imprint.  
And Paul had never forgotten that feeling, the look on Sam’s face. So when you had broken the news to him, told him that he was going to be a dad he panicked. He had felt the same feelings that you were feeling now but as the months went on he pushed them down. Choosing to focus on the happier things in your pregnancy, accidentally ignoring everything that was bothering you. 
Though hearing you now he had realized he messed up. 
“Y/n what happened to Emily…it was horrible. But look at her now, she is a wonderful mother to three beautiful children. Her second and third deliveries went off without a hitch, you know this”. 
“But I'm not like Emily, she's survived so much. She's invincible”, your lip was wobbling now. 
“You are the strongest woman I have ever met, Y/N. I have complete and total faith in you. I know that you can do it”. His hands were resting on your bump, your child seeming to sense their dad's presence kicking against his palm. 
“Really?”, you sniffled, a small weight lifting off your shoulders. It felt good to have this hard conversation. You knew there was so much you needed to talk about, but the bulk of it could be had in the morning, once daylight was streaming through the sheer curtains.  “You are strong enough”
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atinycafe · 11 months
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"it's so hot, i'm literally gonna melt" you complain while removing your shirt, leaving you wearing just a bra. you raise your arms above your head, extending your fingertips towards the air conditioning vent to feel the cool breeze directly.
"come back to bed," yunho emits a groan from his spot in your bed, sprawled out on the covers resembling a starfish. he's wearing nothing but his chelsea t-shirt and boxers.
"why would i do that, we're both sweating like crazy," you mutter, your eyes shut tightly as you try to absorb every bit of the refreshing breeze.
"don't stand in front of the ac, you'll catch a cold," he says, shifting onto his side to gaze at you. a smile forms on his face as he appreciates your appearance. you're dressed in a plain white bra and his matching chelsea shorts. "why don't you take off the shorts and show me something good, tiny."
without responding or turning around to face him, you choose to express your annoyance by flipping him off, enjoying the sensation of the cool breeze against your perspiring skin. his laughter fills the air, and you sense him rising from the bed. suddenly, his warm hand wraps around your waist, creating a comforting sensation. you find yourself automatically smiling at his touch, as if your body instinctively responds to him without needing permission.
he allows both of you to tumble onto the bed, resulting in you landing on top of him with a startled "mmphf" escaping your lips. he playfully rolls you both around, causing you to end up beneath him, his larger frame enveloping you and pressing you deeper into the mattress. as a sense of panic overwhelms you, you begin to scream, and your screams mingle with his laughter. desperate to free yourself, you push against him with all your might, but he remains firmly in place, refusing to budge.
the piercing sound of your screams is abruptly halted as your other boyfriend enters the room, balancing a tray with three cups of what appears to be icy slush. disregarding the situation, he nonchalantly tosses his keys onto the nearest piece of furniture and hands a slush to yunho, who is still chuckling while keeping you pinned down with one forearm pressed against your chest.
"seonghwa tell him to leave me alone, i'm gonna die," you whine helplessly, attempting to give him your most pleading puppy-dog eyes. however, he simply gazes at you, taking slow sips from his strawberry slushie. the sunlight streaming through the windows accentuates his dark under-eye circles, making them appear even more pronounced, casting shadows on his handsome face.
"i don't have time for this," he sighs, clearly exasperated. yunho's laughter intensifies, finding the situation incredibly amusing, knowing well that he's the one who persuaded seonghwa to engage in late-night gaming sessions until sunrise. you adore yunho and his playful, puppy-like personality, but his boundless energy can be exhausting, especially when you're pinned down, struggling for breath. feeling defeated, you gaze at your untouched slushie, resting silently on the nightstand beside you.
"yunho, i'm sweating so much right now, i don't think you wanna be this close to me," you attempt to persuade your boyfriend to move away, but he looks at you with a perplexed expression. he leans down and presses his head against your neck, and you feel his tongue, cold from his drink, glide from the base of your neck to the side of your jaw. "what the fuck! get off!" you forcefully place your palms against his chest and manage to push him away, creating enough space for you to peer down at his smirking face.
"you taste good," he smiles in response, his tone casual as if he didn't just do the most out of pocket shit you've ever witnessed.
"move," seonghwa grumbles as he slips into his side of the bed beside you. he briefly closes his eyes, allowing a moment of rest while yunho nudges both of you to the left on the spacious bed. seonghwa sits up again, removing his t-shirt just as you did earlier. your gaze wanders over the expanse of his well-defined chest, sweat causing his abs to gleam in the sunlight, giving his physique an almost ethereal quality
"thirsty?" you hear yunho whisper in your ear, and you can sense that he caught on to the way you glanced at seonghwa, implying a sexual undertone. however, you genuinely feel parched and in need of a drink.
"yeah, seonghwa please?" you request, pointing towards the nearby cup behind him. he turns to you and goes to retrieve it, but instead of handing it to you, he brings the straw to his own lips, savoring the taste of the orange beverage, "fuck i knew i should've taken peach, it's so fucking good."
he turns towards you and laughs upon witnessing your betrayed expression. "don't look at me like that, i just wanted to taste, here baby take," he says, taking another sip before pushing yunho away from your body. he then brings his lips to yours, guiding the liquid into your mouth, and you willingly accept it, feeling it slide down your throat as his tongue brushes against the roof of your mouth. pulling back, he licks the trail of liquid that had escaped your mouth and landed on the side of your cheek.
"want more?" he asks, and when you nod in agreement, he pushes the straw to yunho's lips.
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sunsetsimon · 6 months
i have a secret. (request)
simon 'ghost' riley x reader
mentions of the club, cheating, angsty with happy ending
okay so this is way longer than a drabble but i just sat down and this came out so who's complaining???? also im so proud i literally wrote this in less than an hour and a half omg - sun
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he arrives in your town late at night. his mission had ended earlier than expected and he decided to come surprise you with a visit, knowing you’d have no clue. it's past one in the morning, the lights off in your house. simon figures you're asleep as you stopped replying to his texts a few hours prior. he pulls the spare key out from the flower pot near your front door, digging it from the 2 inches of dirt you made sure to cover it with.
unlocking the door, it's eerily quiet, something in simon's gut telling him to be on alert. reaching under his hoodie, he unholsters his gun tucked into his pants, gripping it tight in his hands as he surveys the house. the small dim light on the stove illuminates the kitchen, and he sets his bag on the table.
his steps are silent as he checks every room, coming to the realization that no one was there, even you. simon was confused, wondering where you'd be this late without letting him know your plans. anxiety pools in his stomach, wondering if you were doing something you would keep from him.
you're just finishing up your shift, collecting all of your belongings and changing into your normal sweats and sweatshirt. security escorts you to your car, just as a safety measure. bidding your goodbye's, you shut the door and start your car. your phone vibrates, a text from simon:
"what are you up to, love?" - simon, 1:32am
feeling guilty, you toss your phone onto the passenger seat, choosing to respond once you get home. your relationship with simon had only been official for a few months and he'd been out of the country for most of the time. it didn't feel right to keep things from him, but you worried that telling the truth about your night job would push him away.
once you arrive home, you sit in your car for a minute before replying to simon:
"sorry si, i fell asleep on the couch again. going to bed now, text you when i'm up xx" - you, 1:45am
heading inside, you drop your bags on the couch, slipping off your shoes and heading to get ready for your shower. you push open the cracked bedroom door, turning on the light as you walk inside. you jump with a yelp when you see simon seated in the chair in the corner, his head resting on his propped up arm, phone in his other hand.
"fell asleep on the couch, huh?" he asks, voice low, laced with something like anger.
"when did you get here?" you ask, extremely confused on what he's doing in the corner of your room at 2 in the morning.
his blond eyebrows furrow, face twisting in displeasure at your obvious deflection, "i asked you a question." simon leans forward, body seeming to grow with intimidation, making you feel small and cornered. the words slip from your tongue, a proper sentence failing to form and explain your whereabouts.
"were you out with someone?" he asks, noting your eye makeup and styled hair. simon can feel his heart breaking in his chest with your silence, trying to come up with an answer. he shakes his head, clearing his throat as he walks past you, grabbing his bag from the kitchen table.
"wait!" you cry, running after him and grabbing onto his arm but he snatches it away. "simon, listen i can explain."
though he wants to run, leave you here and never speak to you again, he stays. his chest burns, squeezing tight with hurt, never imagining you'd do anything to hurt him. simon wasn't one to catch feelings or have a committed relationship.
"i have a night job at the club, jimmy's. i didn't want to tell you because i wasn't sure how you'd take it," you explain, holding onto his wrist as if that'd stop him from moving.
"you're a bartender?"
"a dancer. a stripper..." you trail off, cheeks burning with shame. you're met with silence, his brown eyes distant as he stares at the ground, brain failing to process what you just confessed. an erotic dancer? that was definitely not on the list of things simon guessed you were doing.
"and you've been at this for how long..? as work?"
"i started a little after we started dating, when you were gone for those three weeks. it's good money, and i'm good at it-" you explain, grabbing your bag from the couch to reveal it to him. unzipping it, the bag is filled with all different bills, "i made this tonight."
"dunno what t'say," simon finally says, shaking his head in disbelief.
"are you mad at me?"
"not that you dance. but you still lied to me, i wouldn't do that to you. we're partners, y'can tell me anything."
"i'm sorry si," you say. he reaches for you, pulling you into his embrace.
his body is warm and he smells like a new cologne, holding you against his chest before pulling back, his large hands cupping your face, "don't lie t'me again, got it?"
and you nod eagerly, "i promise."
"now why don't you show me some of these dances you've been keeping from me," simon offers, kissing your puffy lips from his hands squishing your face. you huff against him and he chuckles, giving you one last wet kiss, just to tease you even more.
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47. “When I picture myself happy… It’s with you.” 💕💕
YES! I'm still working on asks from THIS ask game, and I absolutely will be happy to receive more (since I'm using these prompts as exercises to write short shit without context to overcome my pathological need to write So Much Context)
[ NOW ON AO3 ]
There was something distinctly heartbreaking about playing wingman for the guy who made you believe in the entire concept of soulmates, Eddie thinks as he leans against the trunk of Steve Harrington's Beemer. It's not even that he thinks they're soulmates, but what the dude has with Robin is really convincing. And maybe Eddie is pretty sure Steve is his soulmate, even platonically, even if that thought makes his pining ass want to vomit.
He refuses to pine after a straight man for eternity, and yet...
What's stupid is that Eddie is a shit wingman, so it doesn't even make sense that Steve keeps taking him out with him to bars and shit. Half the women that wanted to even approach Steve were afraid of Eddie, and the other half were fucking mean to him which lost Steve's favour immediately which... hey, Eddie couldn't complain too much about that.
But still, that meant that Steve was striking out every single time and Eddie was feeling bad about it because he was happy about it. He got to spend a whole evening with Steve and sometimes they would spend the night together because Eddie's place was closer and Steve was too tired to drive all the way home. Eddie could pretend this was a real date, that Steve Harrington was dating him.
Jesus H. Christ, he was pathetic.
Steve sighs next to him. "Why is this so hard?" he asks, and at Eddie's questioning look, Steve elaborates, "Dating, getting laid, whatever you wanna call it?"
Eddie huffs a laugh, and shrugs. "Well, I mean, I think I've got it worse in that department, Stevie," he mutters, taking a drag of his cigarette. Steve's known about him being gay for months now, which makes it even more wild that the man still shared a bed with him and took him out to bars almost every Friday night. Tossing his cigarette onto the asphalt and stubbing it out with his boot, Eddie asks, "What are you even looking for?"
Steve pauses, staring at the ground. "Someone who makes me happy, who gets me, who wants to be with me, the real me, y'know?" he asks without even looking at Eddie, which is good because Eddie's sure the way his heart was breaking would be visible from fucking outer space.
Me, that's me, Stevie. Choose me. That's what Eddie wants to say, to shout and scream and even stomp his feet a bit because it's not fucking fair. He's all those things and more and he wanted to be that for Steve.
"Think you might be putting too high of standards too early on these poor girls, Stevie," Eddie laughs instead, grinning crookedly over at Steve and stopping short at the intense gaze being leveled back at him.
"See, that's the thing, Eds. I'm starting to think I've been looking for that in all the wrong places," Steve says seriously, shifting so he's standing in front of Eddie.
And Eddie is sure he's dreaming. He's actually fast asleep and he's going to wake up literally any second and this was all just some terrible dream thought up by his awful, gay, pining, stupid brain. Because it actually sounds like Steve, the love of Eddie's life, is about to confess something huge to him.
"What makes you say that?" Eddie croaks out before clearing his throat, glancing at Steve's lips before meeting his eyes.
"I've always had these big dreams about my life, what it'd look like if I wanted to be happy, and before I always thought of these grand things that involve a wife and a whole pack of kids," Steve says and Eddie feels his already shattered heart break even more.
Eddie manages to laugh, though, even if what he really wants is to crawl into bed and cry. "Okay, so now you're raising the bar even higher on these poor girls?" Eddie asks, shoving Steve's shoulder with his fist.
Steve isn't swayed. "You don't get it, Eds, that's not what I want anymore," he says, running his hands back through his hair. "That isn't what I imagine when I think about being happy."
"Then what do you imagine?" Eddie asks because, apparently, he's a huge fucking masochist.
"Eds... you're really going to make me say it out loud?" Steve asks, almost teasingly, and then he steps just a little bit closer.
Eddie's heart stops, once again struck by how not real this has to be. "Yeah, I'm gonna need you to say it with your outside voice, Stevie," Eddie says. "I'm not a mind reader."
Steve sighs heavily and puts his hands on his hips as he visibly considers his next words carefully. Something comes over his expression that takes Eddie's breath away, something fierce and brave and beautiful, and now the full force of it was turning on him when Steve's eyes meet his.
"When I picture myself happy," Steve starts, stepping close enough that the heat radiating off of him begins to warm Eddie's chilled skin. Steve lifts a hand to cup Eddie's jaw as he says, "It's with you, Eds."
Eddie blinks owlishly at Steve. "What?"
"I think I'm--I've been into you for months, and when you came out to me I got so hopeful, like I actually maybe stood a chance, which is obviously stupid. Just because you're gay doesn't mean you're into me but still," Steve rambles a bit as Eddie tries to form a coherent thought. Steve chews on his bottom lip and asks, "Eds? What do you--is this, like, okay?"
Eddie slaps himself in the face, just hard enough to sting, and Steve jumps.
"Eddie, what the hell?" Steve asks, bewildered.
"Sorry, just checking that I'm not dreaming. Pinching wouldn't've been enough to wake me up from a dream this good," Eddie breathes, twisting his hand in the front of Steve's polo and pulling him close. "You mean that, Stevie? You want me?"
"More than I've wanted anything in my life," Steve confesses easily, and he stumbles when Eddie gently shoves him back.
"Then take me home and we can make out about it in private, yeah?" Eddie suggests, grinning as he scrambles to get into the passenger seat of the Beemer.
When Steve gets into the car, he's grinning, and Eddie leans across the center console. "One kiss for the road?" he asks, batting his lashes up at Steve.
"Absolutely," Steve agrees, and then their mouths slotted together perfectly, like they were made to be kissing each other all along.
And yeah, Eddie was really starting to believe in soulmates actually...
Thank you again for sending me this ask!!! Send me more of these fun prompts? Also, if you like my writing, please consider checking out writing blog -> @gerrystamour
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barbieaiden · 8 months
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1. [A month ago]
2. Jordan: Hey, Sam. How are you holding up?
3. Jordan: ...I brought you coffee.
Sam: Thank you.
4. Jordan: Do you want to go home for the night? Sleep in your own bed? I could drive you home, pick you up on my way to work tomorrow.
Sam: I think I'll stay here.
Jordan: Alright.
5. Sam: I keep thinking... [Sigh] It's so stupid.
Jordan: Go on.
Sam: I keep thinking I should call Aiden. So he can help. But obviously I can't, because... I just... I don't know what to do. Nothing feels real. It's been two days and it feels like ten years.
6. Jordan: The waiting is the worst part. I waited for my mom's death for months. You can't cope when you don't know what you're coping with.
Sam: Months?
Jordan: She wasn't in a coma, just terminally ill. For all we know Aiden might wake up tomorrow.
Sam: Or die.
7. Jordan: As much as I wish I could I can't tell you that he's going to be fine. And I can't replace him, obviously, but I am here if you need anything.
8. Sam: Thank you.
10. Aiden: Jordan, you can't tell me you spent a whole day with a man you're not interested in. That is not friends with benefits, that's practically married.
11. Kell: I'd tell you and Zach to get a room but you already have, like, a million fucking times.
Jordan: What I'm getting from this conversation is that neither of you have ever had any friends.
Aiden: It's true. The only man I've ever spent time with is Sam.
12. Jordan: Even if I wanted to I don't have time for a relationship.
Kell: Dude, you are literally already spending, like, all your free time with him.
Aiden: If you and Zach get engaged we can have a double wedding!
Lucas: You should become a tattoo artist instead, Jordan. No 55 hour shifts and you still get to stab people with needles.
Jordan: I happen to like my job.
Lucas: You complain about it every single time I see you.
Jordan: I find your obsession with needles slightly disturbing.
Lucas: I guess I like the artistic part too.
Aiden: That's why I let Michael do all my piercings.
Lucas: I'm such...
15. Aiden: Sam?
16. Aiden: Are you okay?
Sam: Mhm.
Aiden: Are you sure?
Sam: Just... tired.
Aiden: We can go home if you want to.
Sam: It's fine.
Aiden: I wouldn't mind.
Sam: Really, Aiden, it's fine.
18. Kell: You two are literally worse than that one high school couple making out in the corridors.
19. Aiden: You can't say that, that's so homophobic.
Kell: Your dad didn't think I was very homophobic.
Aiden: [Exaggerated gasp] Kell!
Kell: Too far?
Aiden: No, Kell, by all means, if you want to go over to Nettlefield right now and have sex with my actually homophobic father, go right ahead.
Kell: Dude. I'm sorry, okay?
20. Kell: Find something to eat with me? Please?
Aiden: Sure.
Kell: Sam, don't look at me like that, we're not going to smoke weed.
Sam: That was not my issue with this conversation and you saying that unprompted makes me think you are going to smoke weed.
Aiden: I've never even seen weed. Drugs are bad, or whatever. And so illegal.
Kell: Exactly. We're law-abiding citizens.
21. Aiden: Seriously. No weed. Promise.
Sam: Okay.
22. Aiden: Are you sure you're okay?
Sam: Yes, Aiden.
Aiden: Just... tell me if you want to go home. Okay?
Sam: I will.
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blondeboyfriend · 9 months
𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓 (𝟏𝟖+)
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[ PAIRING ] Zeke Yeager x f!reader [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] Another remastered oldie. No cute banner this time because I'm lazy. [ SYNOPSIS ] Your slutty boyfriend convinces you to fuck in a nasty bar bathroom. [ WORD COUNT ] 2.9k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU, established relationship, dom/sub undertones, sadomasochism, exhibitionism, public sex, rough oral sex, degradation (Zeke calls you a slut, says you're dumb), cum eating, drugs (marijuana), alcohol, Zeke's pullout game is mid tbh, and there's Neopets nostalgia.
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Any establishment that opted to have red lighting as an aesthetic choice never failed to put you on guard. There was nothing quite like a wannabe speakeasy to set the mood. You had sad men hiding in corners. Sad men waiting for cute girls to talk to them. Sad men who hoped their presence in a trendy, gaudy bar with old guns hung on the walls made them interesting.
You and Zeke passed by it one cold morning and you mentioned how tacky you thought those kinds of places were. You said you wanted to go ironically. And of course called your bluff and decided your next date night would occur there. You reluctantly agreed. Denying him was a near impossible task.
You were the first at the bar, a disappointment because you wanted to have some form of comfort greet you. But no, Zeke was late as always.
He was probably at home, sitting on his ugly couch, smoking his ugly weed. His perfect body laid out next to an ugly ashtray overflowing with ugly cigarette butts, watching old Jerry Springer episodes on Youtube.
There was no other place you’d rather be. You wanted to be sprawled out on top of him, your head on his chest as he dithered about class disparity in the United States.
We can laugh at Beau and Cletus all we want, but look at us. I pay for high-speed internet so I can watch this shit unfettered and make fun of their shoes. You just complained about two-day shipping not being fast enough. And you ordered, what, loose leaf chamomile tea? We’re just as embarrassing as them, maybe even more so. The difference is that we have disposable income.
On second thought maybe you were better off languishing in a faux speakeasy. The ground may have been sticky underneath your shoes, but at least you didn’t have Zeke blabbering in your ear.
“Miss me?” Zeke purred in your ear before.
“Nope, I’ve been too busy.”
“Do you expect me to believe that?”
“Yeah. I got caught up feeding my Neopet… Or if that’s not an acceptable answer, I can say I was sleeping with your dad. You choose.”
“Neopet. I like knowing you care about things.”
“Did you know they never die?”
You order a round of Cuba Libres.
“I don’t like rum,” Zeke whined.
You shoved the drink in his hand and stole a handful of cut limes from the little container behind the bar.
“Really?” he asked bluntly.
“They never put enough. Trust me. Anyway, that little green Mynci you made in 2001 is sitting there. Literally starving! Zeke.” You grabbed his wrist. “That is verbatim what it says on the website. Starving.” You plopped two slices of lime in his drink.
He stared at you, his grey eyes full of concern. He was high off his ass. “She was yellow.”
“What was her name?”
“I can’t remember, but I know it had like six numbers and probably three underscores.”
“Do you miss her?”
“Every fucking day.”
Laughter overtook both of you. You grabbed a table closest to the exit and he slid his backpack under it. You figured he didn’t want to linger long as well. The chairs were freezing. You shifted in your seat. The cold didn’t help your sore ass. Zeke took notice of this.
“I told you I was paddling you too hard.” He took a tiny sip of his drink.
“I still stand by that you weren’t hard enough.”
“You were crying, pet.”
“They were tears of happiness. You know, like when people win a Golden Globe or whatever.”
“No one gets that excited over a Golden Globe.”
You slumped down into your chair. You had no witty retort. This happened more often than not when he was around. In just about every other social situation you were the paragon of humor, a true queen of comedy.
“Aww, did I hit a nerve?” He kicked your shin from under the table. The pain perked you up. You proceeded to stomp on his foot eliciting an audible wince from him.
“How long are you trying to stay here?” you asked, hoping he’d say something like zero seconds or if I stay here any longer I’ll turn into sand.
“Long enough to have sex in what I am assuming is a gross bathroom.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re high, right? You can’t—This place is gross.”
“I had this planned from the beginning.” He leaned back in his chair. “It shouldn’t be too gross. This hellhole hasn’t been open that long.”
“My feet stick to the—”
“That’s character.” He leaned forward over the table, yanking you by the collar of your shirt so you were inches away from his face. “It makes for an interesting experience.”
You let out a nervous laugh, desperately fighting off the beginnings of arousal. The gross old men leered.
“Ugh. Fine. But I wanna be high too,” you complained.
He glanced at the growing pod of old men. “Let’s hit the bathroom.”
He got up, leaving his unfinished drink behind. It prompted you to do the same. They weren’t that impressive. You walked down the hall turning corners until you saw a sign for a bathroom. Zeke kicked in the door and shoved his head inside.
“I’m pretty sure no one is in here. And look, there are even stalls.”
He made his way over to one and tried to lock its door.
“Well that’s broken.”
He repeated this process on the remaining two stalls. None of them had working locks.
You looked around. “This is—”
“An even better opportunity than I could have imagined.”
You were speechless. You knew he was a borderline insatiable tramp, but this was a lot. You were conflicted. On one hand, getting railed by him always sounded like a good time. But on the other, getting potentially caught by one of those decaying dinosaurs sounded like torture. And you hadn’t committed any crimes bearing that level of punishment.
“But those guys are so weird looking,” you whined like a child.
“Who cares?”
“I care. It’d be one thing if they were like your hot friends…”
“You can’t say that and not specify which ones. It’s illegal. You and I both know that.”
“Fuck… Pieck, duh. Or Colt.”
“Oh god. Really?... Colt?” he sounded vaguely disgusted.
“Fuck you! Yeah, really Colt. It’d be a learning experience for him.”
“I wouldn’t let him join in.”
You smirked. “You say that now, but in the moment the tides may change.” You punctuated the sentence with a wink.
“Alright, you might have a point with the Colt thing. But I’m disappointed Reiner didn’t come up.”
“You know you can just say who you would want to catch us? Like my answers aren’t the end-all-be-all.”
You went to join him in the decrepit stall. You hugged his toned body and buried your face into the crook of his neck. His hands went straight to your ass, typical.
“Reiner, because I know it’d fuck with him,” he yammered on. “Or what’s that one guy’s name? The one that hangs out with my brother?”
“So many people hang out with your brother. You really want a 19-year-old catching us?”
“Hush. I’m thinking. Blonde. Blue eyes.” He paused. “Also Colt’s 19, dumb ass.”
“Colt doesn’t count!! Are you thinking of Historia?”
“What?! No.”
Zeke broke the hug and rubbed his temples. “It’s a boy. He is a boy.”
“Well, more like a man.”
“You’re not helping. Blonde. Blue eyes. He’s a,” Zeke paused for emphasis, “man.”
“I think that’s Armi—”
He barreled through your sentence. “Armin! Yes, him. It’d fuck him up too. He’s like an angel; we’d be stripping him of all innocence.”
“Dude, I’m pretty sure a cute, 19-year-old college boy is getting at least some form of action. We all know who the right option is.”
“Alright, fuck it. Fine. Colt. Are you happy?”
“Pervert,” he mumbled.
“Like you have room to talk.”
You grazed his cock with your hand. He smirked and pulled a joint from his pack of cigarettes. He held it between his lips and sparked it.
“I see you’re not concerned about getting caught.” He took a hit and then passed it to you.
You took a heavy drag off the joint. “I’m already going to get loudly fucked in a bathroom. I might as be high.”
You passed the joint back to him and he took a lengthy hit. He let the smoke drift from his mouth slowly. You plucked the joint from his fingers.
“I recommend taking another. A long one.”
“Why?” you said, smoke drifting from your mouth.
“Because you’re getting on your knees the second you exhale.”
You held the rest of the smoke in for as long as you could to spite him. But Zeke quickly tired of your bullshit and took the joint from you. He grabbed a chunk of your hair from the back of your scalp and pulled.
“Knees,” he muttered.
You scoffed. “Rude.”
However you did as you were told and he loosened his grip. He took a hit from the joint and blew the smoke towards the ceiling. The ground wasn’t sticky, but that did little to quell your disgust. You were always ashamed at the depths of depravity you allowed yourself to descend into for your boyfriend.
You looked up at him and asked, “Are you really gonna be able to keep the door shut?”
“No. Undo my belt.”
You gritted your teeth and started to fiddle with his belt. His rough hand rested on your head, softly caressing it. You knew such tenderness wouldn’t last long.
“I know you can work faster than that.”
You sighed dramatically. You quickly pulled his belt off and unbuttoned his jeans. You pulled them down and noted that his black briefs were sullied with precum. You yanked his underwear down and was greeted by his thick cock, a beautiful sight to behold. Drool pooled in your mouth, a small drop of it trickled from the corner of your mouth. Zeke lifted your chin and wiped it away with his calloused thumb.
“You’re foul. What will I ever do with you?”
You gazed up at him. “I don’t know… Let me milk every drop of cum from your cock?”
He smirked. “You’re so fucking stupid. Are you done talking?”
“I guess. I can’t think of anything else to—”
He grabbed the back of your head and forced his cock into your mouth. You lurched forward, using the bathroom stall door to keep some semblance of balance. His thrusts were methodical. Never too deep as he didn’t want you to gag on him, it was too early for that.
���You’re filthy, you know that? An utter degenerate.”
He continued to plunge his cock deeper and deeper into your mouth. You carefully breathed through your nose and tried to not cough on his length.
“You deserve to get caught. Everyone deserves to know what a disgusting slut you are.”
You attempted a nod, but Zeke put his rugged palm on your forehead and shoved you off of his cock.
“Say it.”
“I deserve to get caught.”
His grey stared down at you hazy with lust. “And?” He took one last hit off the joint.
“And everyone deserves to know how gross I am.”
He frowned and blew the smoke directly in your face. “Not quite, but close enough.” He shoved his cock back down your throat.
The bathroom stall proved to be a poor source of balance so you rested your hands on his tense thighs. His muscles contracted with pleasure. You relaxed your throat, finally getting the entirety of his cock in your mouth. You held it there for a few seconds before you felt the beginning of a gag. You pushed his hips away from you. He pulled out and continued to jerk off as you coughed and caught your breath.
“I’m getting really close,” he teased.
You smacked his hand away. You spit in yours and jerked him off while running your tongue along his slit.
“Fuck,” he said under his breath. He held your head in place and rammed his cock in your mouth. You grabbed onto his taut ass for leverage. His thrusts were becoming sloppy. He came hard, filling your throat with cum.
“I’m getting fucked, right?” you asked, wiping your lips.
“No, I thought I’d just stand here in this bathroom with my dick out.”
You rolled your eyes and got undressed. He led you out of the stall and shoved you against the sink. He groped your breasts, rough fingers pinching your nipples.
“Ouch!” you yelped.
Zeke laughed and pinched harder. He slipped three of his dexterous fingers into your slick pussy. They slid in and out with ease. He pushed you harder against the sink, the basin digging into your spine. You winced. He took notice and put his hands under your ass and lifted you up.
“Lock your legs around me,” he commanded.
He slammed his cock balls deep inside you. There was no tenderness in his thrusts. He wanted you to moan his name louder than you’d moan anyone else’s. But you resisted. The last thing you wanted to do was to bring any attention to yourself.
“Come on, pet,” he practically begged. “Say my name.”
You shook your head. You pictured those leering old men sipping their martinis, cocks stiff as they heard you moan. Zeke rubbed your clit with his thumb and started kissing your neck. His soft flaxen beard tickled your skin.
“Say my name or else I’ll go find some cheap whore that will.” 
His breath was hot on your neck. He pressed his thumb down hard on your clit.
“Fuck! Zeke!” Your legs tightened around his waist.
He placed his hand under your chin and forced you to make eye contact. His eyes were feral, darkened with desire.
“Weak. You can do better than that.”
You hugged him closer, fingernails digging into his chiseled back.
You felt your body growing warmer. Every cell in your body writhed with pleasure. You clung to his body as your orgasm intensified.
“I don’t remember giving you permission,” he whispered in your ear.
You attempted to hold back but it was too late. You moaned his name louder than even he anticipated. He held his hand over your mouth, his cock still inside you, thrusting away.
“I don’t remember saying you should start screaming either.” His tone was anxious. “I never thought I’d say this, but please shut the fuck up.”
You glared at him, but remained silent and allowed him to continue fucking you with his engorged cock.
“Good girl.”
The words barely left his lips before he let out a hearty moan. He pulled out of you.
“Hurry, get on your knees.”
You dropped down to them and opened your mouth. For the first time in years he missed, getting his cum all over your chin and down your neck. You were not impressed.
“You look so cute.”
He pinched your cheek and ordered you to stand up. He held your face in his hands. Just as he went to lick your neck the bathroom door swung open. It was one of the old men. Zeke didn’t stop licking you.
“Oh my word! I am so sorry. You, uh… You two… have fun.”
The guy ran out as quickly as he came in.
“I wonder if I could pay that guy to walk in on us whenever I want.”
You went to search for your underwear and found them inside a toilet. You flushed them away.
 “No. We talked about this already.”
“Colt would be traumatized if he walked in on this.”
Zeke finally put his dick away. You both stood at the sink washing your hands.
“Isn’t that what you wanted?! Whatever, let’s leave before we get kicked out for being absolutely disgusting. Not that I ever plan on coming back here.”
You walked out of the bathroom and faced the geezers. You kept your head down. Zeke on the other hand seemed to relish in the shame and even tried to high five the man who caught you.
Zeke grabbed his backpack from under the table you two had been previously sitting at. You headed to the spiral staircase that led to the exit. It was one of those rickety metal ones that would be considered decorative in a world that made sense. Zeke offered you his elbow and you held on while you cautiously made your way down the stairs. You pushed through the heavy doors and were greeted by a rush of cold air.
You shivered. “Fuck! I was inside before the sun went down.”
You were woefully unprepared for the weather.
“Good thing I’m a genius then, huh?” He pulled out a sweatshirt from his backpack. “Arms up.”
You raised your arms and he tugged the sweatshirt down onto your body.
“Thank you. I didn’t think it would be so chilly.”
Zeke pointed up at the perfectly clear night sky. “Yeah, we’re in for a cold one. Look.”
You both let out a collective whoa. It was a gorgeous sight; it almost made up for the ugliness that had previously occurred moments ago.
Zeke lightly slapped your ass. “Let’s get moving. We need to shower.”
“Come on, you don’t wanna stare at something dumb ass beautiful?”
If you had craned your neck back any further to see the stars you would have toppled over.“I already have a beautiful dumb ass I can stare at whenever I want. Now come on. I was balls deep in a paternity dispute before I got here. You’re going to love it, the baby daddy threw his gold tooth at his ex-wife. Jerry is pissed.”
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kokvv · 7 months
i jus' wanna stare into satoru's eyes until i fall asleep
his eyes literally have galaxies in them. imagine just laying in bed—cuddled up in blankets, rain pouring against the window—with satoru next to you. he is holding one of your hands and you're just staring at each other in the dimly lit room.
his eyes are the only light except for the cheap lamp flickering over your heads. they're shining in a blue, gentle kind of shade. like the night sky on a really clear night. but even that doesn't really get close to them.
because you can see stars in his eyes. tiny specks of light amidst the clouds in them.
and you can never see the stars in tokyo's sky. you need to go far far away to be able to do that.
every time he blinks, the room gets just a little darker, just a little colder. as if his eyes actually radiate some kind of warmth. you know it's a little stupid to think that way, but you can't tear your gaze away from them and satoru isn't complaining about it either.
so you watch as the clouds in the deep-blue sea shift around, revealing new patterns and designs each time—you could probably see cloud shapes in his eyes if you wanted to. maybe, if it was a different time and day, you'd point at them and say something like “that one's a pig!” just to rile him up a little. but not tonight.
not when everything's so quiet and it feels like you're being hypnotized. like looking away would make you miss a shift in them that you definitely wanted to see, like you could look away for a second and the warm blue summer evening in his eyes would disappear into a cold winter night.
but as your own eyes slip shut you realize that maybe it isn't a warm summer evening at all, but instead the universe itself in his eyes. with little colourful specks of stardust——
——but you fall asleep before you can actually come to a conclusion and when you wake up the next day, satoru has his blindfold snugly fixed on his face and all that beautiful vastness is hidden behind it.
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squidsniaki · 1 year
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Honey, I'm home!
Just headcanons between the reader and Vash who just moved in together.
WARNINGS: Literally none, this is pure fluff. The reader is gender neutral and the setting is modern/irl. Enjoy!
Let's face it, he's unbearable the first few days. But in an oddly charming way. He makes an emphasis whenever he addresses the fact that the two of you now share most of your belongings. He would do stuff like prepare dinner and then call for you saying stuff such as "dinner's served! you know, at OUR table!"
The first time the two of you walk through the threshold, he absolutely insists that you let him carry you in. There is no arguing, not when he's staring at you like a beaten god damned labrador.
So, he tries. Emphasis on the "tries". Because, guess what? The man is so excited that he ends up messing up in all the possible ways. Your head definitely hits the doorframe, and while he's panicking and apologizing Vash loses his balance and the two of you land on the floor. In his defense, you're inside at that point. While the two of you laugh like it's the funniest joke out there, he gives you the corniest grin and just says "uh... nailed it?" You lose it on the spot.
Every day, he says he'll make you breakfast. Every day he oversleeps and you make it for him instead, gently ruffling his hair while he pouts and setting his brew on the nightstand saying "you'll get there, hon." You never really had confidence in that one, but you didn't mind. Making him breakfast first thing in the morning was oddly a charming way for you to spend the first moments of your days. The pride on his face and the surprise on yours when he finally makes good on his promise.
He announces his return. Every. Single. TIME. It's gotten to the point that at a certain hour, when you know his shift's been over for a while now, you just expect it. He even held a grudge when you didn't say "welcome back" that one time. He walked around the apartment all evening, just kicking dust and grumbling. You had the best solution though. "Are you still angry?" "...no." "Ah, well... damn. I guess i'm gonna have to eat these honey glazed donuts with strawberry filling and ALLLLL these sprinkles all by myself." And he just jumps you, hugging you so tightly you feel like you might get crushed. "Over it! Now hand over the goods."
You do not. I repeat, you do NOT sleep separately. Hot outside? Vash will start the fan. You came back late after work and don't want to wake Vash up? Though shit, he's already pulling you down, ignoring your nagging that you gotta shower first. He didn't move in with you, the love of his life, so that one of you ends up sleeping on the couch. Try him, he'll swear he'll throw the damn thing out the window.
Affectionate to the bone, both of you. While more often than not Vash is the one to pepper you with it, you have your moments. And these things can be subtle, too. Sometimes it's just a hand on your hip, a shoulder touching your own. But sometimes it's so much more, like ruffling of hair, or kisses on his beauty mark. He's so grateful for you. And what he's grateful for, he cherishes.
With different work schedules, you tend to miss each other in the morning or in the evening. And when either of you comes back home late, neither of you wants to disturb their sleeping lover. But at some point, you've just developed this... instinct, I guess? Even before the apartment door opens, you just know Vash is back. You stir awake, rubbing the sleep off your eyes with a yawn. Your getting up is lazy and clumsy, tripping over your stretched out night socks. That's okay, Vash is there to make sure you don't kiss the floor. You kiss his cheek instead, and while he nags you to go back to sleep, you just follow him around until you're both back in your shared bed. For all the complaining he does, he can't deny how his heart skips a beat every single time.
I've had fun with this one! Admittedly, I wrote it while I was talking a bus back home from work so it's pretty short. Just something that kept me occupied during the traffic 💕
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dmercer91 · 1 year
ebug's sister, dm91
part one / part two / part three / part four /
i accidentally deleted this with ctrl z THREE TIMES i was going to have a mental breakdown
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liked by dawson1417, edwards.73, and 5,612 others
blakefriarr_: my brother's an ebug, episode four!
i thought my last post was missing something, and i decided it was eyebrows looking horrified at something in front of him, so that’s back. see slide four
from the top, though, slide one is rowdy and merc sitting on the bench. nothing special other than dawson very closely inspecting the blade of his stick
then we have daws in the sin bin repenting for his crimes. they give them little juice boxes like school children!! go to timeout and have your lil drink, it’ll make you less prone to felonies <3. he’s even matching with the zebra, cute!
fifth and not finally, we have dawson, again, looking all cute n shit, to balance things out, obviously, cause this post didn’t have enough of him already.
actually finally, we have me and jj (we’re about to express a light to moderate amount of emotion, babes. viewer direction is advised)
jj let me literally cry on his shoulder last night, and this morning he brought me (i drove, but that’s besides the point cause he initiated it) on an impromptu shopping spree!! some old hag looking bitch at work screamed at me for something that was entirely out of my control and made me cry about seventeen minutes into my eight hour shift yesterday, and twin mode was very activated in him.
he even bought us those dazzling glasses and posed for my photo, AND he stood outside the dressing rooms while i tried clothes on and gave me very crucial information on wether or not i should buy things (one nod for yes, a look of complete disgust for meh, and a dumbass smile for ‘this looks great but i refuse to say it even though we are biologically the same and look almost identical’)
thank you, slightly older brother, for being there for me and listening to me complain about my often overwhelming and underpaid job <3 i love you like 96% of the time
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jj.friar31: you're welcome, slightly younger sister <3 i love you like 97% of the time
→ blakefriarr_: aww that's like a lot of the time
jj.friar31: every time you whip out hockey vocab like stick blade i am painfully reminded of the year i didn't try out for rep and we played on the same team
→ blakefriarr_: why are you acting like stick blade is extravagant hockey lingo
→ jj.friar31: mom calls it the bendy part
dougieham: i'm scared to ask.. you played hockey??
→ blakefriarr_: i was an enforcer.
→ jj.friar31: she's not kidding.
rutgermcgroarty: slay
adamfantilli: slay
nicohischier: the face was cause i saw jj in the stands and i know you're his ride. also, don't call me 'eyebrows' ever again
→ blakefriarr_: well what else am i supposed to call you
→ nicohischier: nico????
→ blakefriarr_: why would i ever call you nico that is completely absurd
seamuscasey26: slay
dawson1417: i feel appropriately appreciated every time jj is the ebug cause i get ample screen time in these glorious things
→ blakefriarr_: what is the inappropriate amount of appreciation
→ dawson1417: this, usually. but for you there is no inappropriate amount, appreciate me as much as you want
→ drayanewman: AYO
dawson1417: also, you got yelled at?
→ blakefriarr_: customer service core
→ dawson1417: text me :(
→ jj.friar31: you have his NUMBER!?!?!?!!?!?
→ blakefriarr_: shhhhhh you're sleep typing go back to bed
dylanduke25: slay
jackhughes: did you just call me rowdy
→ blakefriarr_: it can read
→ jackhughes: how did you find that classified information
→ blakefriarr_: there's a groupchat.
→ jj.friar31: you have MULTIPLE of their phone numbers?!?!?!?!
→ blakefriarr_: i thought i told you to go back to sleep what are you still doing here
→ trevorzegras: can i be part of this groupchat you speak of
→ blakefriarr_: ariana what are you doing here
→ blakefriarr_: but also yeah i'll get quinner to add you
mackie.samo: slay
ryangraves27: your camera is on dawson
→ blakefriarr_: whatever this was (a question? a statement? an observation? a complaint? all of the above? fucked if i know) i hated it
→ blakefriarr_: please use at least a question mark, a period, something, ANYTHING, gravy i'll give you your own post. do you want jj? you can have jj this is like an ad for him tbh great emotional support entity
→ dawson1417: gravy i will pay you actual american dollars to ensure you do not get your own post before i do
→ blakefriarr_: that is really sweet, daws, but i cannot go on like this please
markestapa: slay
edwards.73: slay
→ blakefriarr_: ok i've had enough @/lhughes_06 WHAT have you done
→ lhughes_06: i have no idea what you're talking about
→ blakefriarr_: i am living in your bones.
→ lhughes_06: ... i'm not even really sure how i can reply to that
luca.fantilli: slay?
→ blakefriarr_: @/lhughes_06 sleep with both eyes open. one is not enough.
→ lhughes_06: you said i was dumber than quinn which is just entirely incorrect
→ blakefriarr_: that was more than TWO WEEKS AGO??? have you been plotting this since my birthday?? and this is all you could come up with??
→ lhughes_06: i was aiming for confusion
blakefriarr_: update: groupchat participant that will remain anonymous has sent me the video of luke calling hockey a business. i'm laughing so hard that i can't even threaten the university children
→ lhughes_06: QUINN??
→ _quinnhughes: i plead the fifth
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songmingisthighs · 7 months
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. lxxx - shut up
fashion mogul!mingi × reader
buy me coffee ?
!! A T T E N T I O N !!
things aren't always what it seems but when even the truth is left unheard, what can people do? one musn't lie but what if the lie is more accepted than the truth? the scariest thing in this world isn't monsters or demons. it's people with no agenda and time to waste.
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"I shouldn't have eaten that much," Mingi groaned, face-planting on his bed dramatically, making you laugh at his silliness. "I told you but you wouldn't listen, now just suffer in silence," you teased.
You both had spent the whole day together, shopping and clearing out his room. Or at least he did because he refused to let you lift anything heavier than the t-shirt he had hanging on his work chair. Of course, you complained about not being able to help but of course, Mingi wouldn't budge whatsoever. And he knew you'd get tired from complaining alone so he let you ranted your whole heart out before you told him that you needed to sit down.
The whole day, it felt like you two were really a couple from the way he was talking to you and telling things about bean to literally every person you both interacted with. It didn't help that a clerk tried flirting with him and called you his sister and that he was welcoming his niece or nephew. Luckily, Mingi immediately corrected her in his happy-go-lucky manner, completely oblivious that she was trying to flirt with him. It made you feel somewhat special that you had managed to put Mingi in a situation where he was so happy that reality or even awareness of reality could be skewed.
"I told you that much food would be bad but you refuse to hear me out," you rolled your eyes playfully which earned you a deadpanned look from Mingi. "You need to stop being right," he groaned, rolling his body over without realizing that he made himself closer to you. "Excuse me, I need you to elaborate, what was I right about?" You didn't even bother to suppress your cocky smirk as you turned your position slightly to face Mingi. Mingi copied you and settled himself lower to face your stomach, "Bean? Baby, are you there? Your mom's being a meanie to your daddy," he pouted as he sent a glare at you.
"You're ridiculous," you snickered but Mingi didn't shift his attention from bean and instead, his hands craddled your stomach and he spoke in a tone suitable for babies, "You're gonna come out all healthy and ready to defend daddy against mommy over stuff like what to watch during movie nights or what to eat for dinner," "Or if I'm babysitting you while your dad goes on dates because his might or might not want kids on dates," you muttered before you could stop yourself.
That got Mingi's attention back to you because he snapped his head up whilst blinking confusedly, "What?" He definitely heard you clearly.
Embarrassed, you shrugged your shoulders and waved your hands, trying to change the subject but Mingi pushed himself to be level with you and took your hand in his. "No, what did you mean by me going on dates?" Words were spoken but you could only focus on the way his hand was big and warm, "(y/n)?" He ducked his eyes slightly to meet your avoiding ones, "I just need you to elaborate, (y/n), I'm not judging at all. You can tell me anything."
You wanted to tell him that Yunho's words got to you and that maybe it would be better for you two to define your relationship considering how touchy-feely, close, and romantic-adjacent you both have been, you had to prepare for whatever might happen in the future so boundaries needed to be set and expectations should be altered. Now, how the hell can you address the thought without sounding like an insecure lover? You were neither insecure nor a lover so you should do your best to not sound like a loser. Maybe Tomorrow By Together had a point when they said loser=lover.
"Can you stop looking at me like that?" You groaned, dropping your head back in frustration only to have your head hitting the headboard. Your body froze in shock as your head adjusted to the sudden impact while Mingi tried his best to not laugh (which he failed miserably because you heard him laughing) as he tried to help you. "Are you okay?" he asked in between sputters, crawling up to pull your head gently into his chest, rubbing the spot that made contact with the headboard with his thumb as if you were a child. "How can you ask if I'm okay while laughing at me, you ass?" you grumbled, face burning from embarrassment but despite that, you turned your face into Mingi's broad chest and nestled, feeling safe. "How can I not? It was funny!" he chuckled, unaware that he had rested his cheek on your head as he pulled your body closer to his to comfort you. Despite his sweet (and warm) gesture, you whined and hit his chest which did absolutely nothing to stop him from laughing at you even more. "You're an ass! I hope bean isn't as mean as you!" you screeched but your voice was muffled by the fabric of Mingi's shirt which was an excuse because you really do believe that his concrete-like chest gave the actual sound-proofing effect.
When his laughter finally slowed down, Mingi pushed you away slightly to make you look at him and even though you were glaring up with hair disheveled, Mingi still found you endearing. "Okay, that's not fair, how can you expect me to not react like that when you look this adorable? I wasn't making fun of you, I just couldn't resist you!" Mingi didn't even think twice and before he knew it and before you could do anything about it, he pressed a soft kiss on your nose.
Your eyes widened as the embarrassment melted off your face but the warmth stayed but this time, it was from whatever emotion caused your stomach to flutter. Seeing your eyes wide, Mingi's eyes widened as well as he sputtered, trying to explain why he did what he did. Or say sorry first. Whichever he decided as soon as his breath stop short-circuiting because how was he supposed to know whether to apologize or explain himself first when you were looking at him like that?
"I-I-, (y/n), I-" his sputters stopped when he felt your hand slide up his chest and rest at his nape, leaving a trail of flutters in their wake and his breath hitching.
Like magnets, the both of you felt a sudden pull towards each other and you only realized this when you saw Mingi's face drawing near with his eyes fluttering close. A thousand thoughts ran through your head at that moment, mostly questioning whether or not you should be doing what you were doing with him and panicking over what it would mean if you two were to actually kiss. But there was this feeling in the back of your head that what you were doing was right, it was right for you and Mingi to be in that position and it made your heart skip a beat.
Apparently, it wasn't the only feeling you had because before Mingi could plant his soft, plump lips on yours, he felt his lips land on your shoulder instead.
Confused, Mingi opened his eyes and was about to scold you for tricking him when he saw you sitting up with eyes widened, staring down at your stomach. "Mingi, did you feel that?" you asked, eyes still glued to your stomach. Mingi's first thought was that something was wrong with the baby so he sat up because he thought that you might need to go to the hospital just in case. But before he could even jump into action, you grabbed his hand and put it on your stomach. "A-am- What are we doing?" Mingi asked, confused because it had been exactly 10 seconds since you placed his hand in your shirt so he could make direct contact with your stomach in case you were imaging things and he was becoming more aware that his hand was shoved into your shirt instead of the usual shirt-out-of-the-way belly showcase. "Shh! Just wait for it!" You hissed, still waiting. "I am! It's just that you could've warned me before shoving my hand into your shirt," he scoffed but settled on his spot.
The way Mingi pointed out your action made you hyper-aware of the position you both were in; in bed, just the two of you (because bean can't be detached from you just yet so technically bean can't be counted), almost kissing, and now his hand is a couple of inches away from your boobs. Heat rushed back to your cheeks and your heart skipped once again.
It was then that Mingi yelped.
"Did bean just kick you!?" he asked in a shaky voice, eyes wide like saucers as he looked back and forth between you and your belly. You nodded excitedly because you felt it too, you felt your baby kick for the first time. "Mingi, bean just kicked for us," you sighed happily, feeling emotional that your baby had made their existence and awareness so real for the first time. You didn't know what made you more emotional though, the fact that bean just kicked or the fact that you liked saying 'us' for you and Mingi.
"OH MY GOD, BEAN KICKED AGAIN!" Mingi screeched, immediately scrambling to push your shirt up and resting his face on the side of your stomach, "Hi bean, this is your daddy speaking. Kick once for 'I'm gonna be a soccer player' and twice for 'I'm gonna be a cancan dancer'" he grinned. You scoffed and slapped his shoulder, "Excuse you, bean is barely developed and you want them to pick a career?" Mingi momentarily looked back at you to pout before returning to your stomach, "I just wanna know how to support my baby best, I want bean to have all the love and support they can get," he muttered.
You could sense his sincerity in wanting to make sure his child would never have to doubt his love and care. That paired with his lack of skill in communicating his true intention was both endearing and funny and you couldn't help but want to comfort him. Mingi's pout dropped when he felt you patting him gently on his head, "Don't worry Mingi, I'm sure you're going to give bean all the love and attention you can give no matter what bean decides to do in the future." Your acknowledgement made him feel both comforted and giddy because usually, people would just brush him off, thinking that he was overthinking things to be funny instead of realizing that it was a genuine concern for him. But you seem to be able to understand his emotions more than his words and it felt good.
"Okay, now we need to see what kind of music bean is into since bean can give us some answers now," Mingi stated, reaching over his side of the bed to produce the device he usually puts on your stomach to play bean some songs. "I hope you won't play bean your sad fuckboy music Mingi," you sighed but Mingi waved you off, telling you that he has taste in music and that you were just jealous that bean might inherit that side of him.
Just like that, you both were focused on bean, trying to get your baby to kick again whilst letting Mingi do his experiment of 'can my baby give me answers?'. The almost kiss was never forgotten, it was just pushed aside momentarily because even while the two of you were enjoying the new achievement, two things lingered annoyingly in your heads;
"What would've happened if we had kissed?"
"Why am I disappointed that the kiss didn't happen?"
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 14 days
The Outsiders a New Musical Cast Recording Reaction
Here you go @its-a-hare-pom-pom
Please note: I do not actually know the voices of who is who. I am having to assume who is who in some of the songs so I'm doing my best. I looked up a cast list for this. This is confusing and I'd need several more listens through to figure out who is and that's probably not gonna happen anytime soon (ya'll fill find out why in a later post).
Also, I curse a lot and there's a brief mention of suicide in my section on I could talk to you all night, so be warned.
Tulsa '67: Interesting how they changed Johnny's jumping to just a week before the events of the musical. I don't mind that change. I kinda like it? Maybe?
Okay. I need to rant a bit here. I grew up just a day's drive from Tulsa in a town not very dissimilar from it. Just switch East and West and you're halfway there. (Meaning in my city the East side was the old money and West was more of everyone else/the new money side of town).
Ponyboy's diatribe about how people get stuck in the town for life hits home for me because, like, of the nearly 300 person graduating class from my highschool, a vast majority of them went to school either in town or within the state. While I'm technically still in the state, I'm right across the river from our neighboring state so the line's a bit funky. I feel his longing to get the hell out. I feel the sort of resentment he feels towards Darry, who could've been a sports star had circumstances panned out differently. I feel his heartache for Soda when he mentions that his girlfriend up and left and broke his heart. My little sister and younger brother are both up-and-coming in similar ways to Darry (albeit a different sport for my sister) and Soda. The only real difference is that my family isn't just above the poverty line. In this economy maybe we're starting to slip down there, but if that's the only difference... shit. I'm in for a ride.
Moving on...
Grease got a Hold: I did watch the performance of this for Good Morning America or whatever it showed up on so this isn't my first time listening. This is the first time I can't tell who is who. I looked up the cast so I think the first singer is Dally? IDK. It's the whole gang except Johnny. This is when I discovered that Steve was in fact a named ensemble character.
Not my favorite song. But I'm sure that it introduces everyone well. I don't mind it, just def my least favorite of the ones I'd heard before.
Runs in the Family: I'm pretty sure it's a Darry song. Shit. I feel this song. I am literally Darry in this song, except I have parents, they're just not around a whole lot due to work.
I think I mentioned here that I work at a Nursing home. And especially during the winter if I worked twelves (luckily I'm PRN, so I can pick up shorter shifts) I'd be in before the sun and out after it. That is one of the worst feelings I've ever felt. You feel like you didn't do a damn thing but your so tired you can't do anything so you end up getting down and just scrolling while you eat and you barely have energy to grab something to eat. Had I not been still living at home I would have just gone through a drive through. You are a different kind of tired after a long day of taking people to the toilet and passing meds and working with memory care patients as they sundown.
So while I'm not a roofer, I'm not out every night working till midnight, I think I can relate to Darry the best out of the three here, being an eldest daughter an all especially. I like this song as a character set up, though I have to point out it sounds like he's whining but I also know I've done this so like... I can't complain if I wanna keep my whining privileges.
Great Expectations: This is the first song out, I'm sure we've all heard it. It's about Ponyboy relating to Pip, one of the characters in the book Great Expectations I think by Charles Dickens. I never read it in school I think due to Covid so...
That being said, great song. Still very much relate to him and his wanting to get the hell outta town but feeling trapped by family and obligations. Like I get the kid is only fourteen, and S.E. Hinton was about this age when she wrote this but it is raw and I still feel it.
Come on, we've all felt like everyone expects everything of us and have just wanted to get swept up in a fictional reality where shit is hard but we know everything will be just fine in the end, right? Right?
The line about Darry hits harder after Runs in the Family. His bit about Johnny has always hit me too, because I've always wondered (anxiously, of course) about what my life would've been like had I been born to different parents. And as much as I think about that, pretty sure I'm lucky to have what I have and I'll take it over worse.
Friday at the Drive-in: So there is also a drive in in my city, and I've been several times. I freakin' love it, and it's kind of sad that they're disappearing. This chapter/scene/song has always been a favorite of mine in all Outsiders media. I love Cherry's actress. She's able to do a more country/southern accent without it sounding like a characture. Kudos to her. I'm sure this song is really cool to see in person.
I Could Talk to You All Night: Confession time: I don't like Cherry. I understand that maybe she does have a rough life, but it has always rubbed me wrong the way she told Ponyboy it's "rough all over". Bitch, both his brothers work to keep their house you shut up. Like I went through highschool with my mom hurt, grandpa dying, Covid, a whole lotta other shit and some kid literal told me to off myself b/c I got in his space while practicing a tap number for the musical. Also, I was working through the entire school year. It wasn't terribly uncommon among my peers, but to be in the musical was a sacrifice on my part and we just... we couldn't see under each others skin. My school was on the west side and his family was new money, so I guess he and Cherry are alike in my eyes in that way (even had the same hair, lol). I didn't know what was going on with him and I guess when he broke up with his gf (she was a senior and he was a junior) he got better.
That being said, I really like Cherry's character in this song. They see each other beyond the labels for the first time in their lives. It sort of feels like a love song, but also not so much, and I really dig it. I may eat my words later but I like this version of Cherry. She comes off a lot less snooty than book/movie Cherry. Its so cute.
Runs in the Family (Reprise): Shit. Darry. Okay. The silent oldest sibling burden has fucking snapped. Bro. This is so good. Seeing what all was going on behind his outburst at Ponyboy. Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm even more in love with Darry's character. Shit. The oldest sibling being a parent when the parents aren't there. The younger siblings all leading into it. The abrupt stop that is Darry slapping Pony. I wanna scream IT IS SO FREAKINNG WELL DONEOAWE RUH!!!!!! I can practically hear Pony throwing open the screen door and Darry yelling back that he didn't mean it!I@ :OUhoihlacwijhr ;iuaweh' riu
Far Away From Tulsa: Oh, oh Pony. You're innocene it showing honey. This is the one thing I feel I've got on him is that I actually live on the edge of town, so I really live within a smattering farm fields and disappearing small farm towns. Those people will be judgey as hell, they will stalk you anyway possible to get info on you and there will be rumors. Like I love that you two have a dream, but we're getting into Of Mice and Men territory with Lenny and George (is that his name?) with the rabbit farm.
Also, are they changing Pony and Johnny's motivations? Obviously I'd have to watch this but this sounds like they might be changing their motivations a bit.
The transition into Great Expectations!!! The leitmotif!??! The key change?!?!?! HOLY FUCKING SHITHLIUWE RHF AIVCWH TLGIUAWEHCFIUHA. I'm screaming!!!!! But they're dream sounds like a cowboy western fantasy. And the ending where they talk about that not being in Tulsa... realy gives me pause. I think maybe their motivations changed just a bit? BUt IDK cause I'll never get to fuckin' watch this because I am but a poor midwesterner and Broadway is a bitch.
Run Run Brother: Shit. I love this. The little boys coming to Dally. The only one they can trust to know this. This is the loss of innocence in real time. The implication that he gave them all he had (the 50 bucks) is realized here. The song sounds so frantic. Aggggg. It's so good.
The background: if you're not born into money your born into despair? The background singers are great. Grease isn't given its something you earn??? Shit. Run through the fire your bound to get burned? They really like using fire as a symbol (for obvious reasons).
The transition into "You're a Greaser now and you ain't going back?" Like he literally cannot go back. Johnny killed a kid and Ponyboy would be tried as an accomplice probably. Cheezits this is so fucking good! The wrapping back to earlier songs is so freaking well done! The desperation in whoevers voice pointing out the sign to Windrixville? I love.
Justice for Tulsa: Did they come up with a new character? Are there others? Is this the Greasers talking to each other? Immediatly suspecting Dally? So they added the interrogation that he mentions he got brought into.
Is Cherry at Bob's funeral? Honey, he's an asshole. Like I get he could've been cool but gees. I'm torn up about her. They made her way more complicated. So far I'm glad for Dally and Cherry's sake that they added this scene.
Is this Darry or Soda? No. It's a Soc. Is it Randy? Oh I love his voice. Shit, is she grilling him? She's talking about Johnny. Randy. Are they getting onto her for talking with Pony. What she did wasn't wrong? Yeah, it's a senseless tragedy. If you pushed him into it.
So this is the explanation of how they started jumping Greasers and how that tension switched things up. This might be the Act break? But I'm not sure.
Death's at My Door: Is he talking about his parents dying?
Oof. I feel him. So in my life I had a series of deaths where my grandma died, then two years later my grandpa died (different sides of the family), then a kid at my college died going home for winter break. Then a girl from my highschool died going back to school after winter break. Then working at a nursing home every time, I come back someone else is dead. So, I feel that sentiment that it feels like death is following you. But that is just growing up, and I think this is Ponyboy finally sort of coming to that realization a bit.
Are they adding romantic elements to Pony and Johnny's relationships, or is this just really flirty platonic stuff? Because now I'm confused. And I'm someone who does really flirty platonic shit with my friends.
Throwing in the Towel: Oh it's a Darry song. Oh. Darry feels guilty. Shit. Okay. Is he making up with Soda? I'm a bit upset that Soda has been jipped in here. Long list of failures, same here Darry.
Oh. Soda. Soda, ever the middle child. Trying to keep the peace, trying to hype Darry up. Their being the brothers we always knew they would.
There little harmony part is so good!
Soda's Letter: I have heard this one as well. We are finally getting a Soda song!! But still, ever the middle child, trying to keep the peace between the oldest and the youngest. Dammit. I like that they added context to the letter, since it's a bit briefer in the book/movie.
The fade in of Pony singing over Soda is so good.
Hoods Turned Heroes: I love the name on this. I think this is Two-Bit singing this. Interesting that they skipped over the fire incident and Johnny talking to them at Dairy Queen. I like that it's Soda and Two-Bit in this song. I love them as a duo. And I love that we get a Greaser son in response to Justice for Tulsa.
Interesting how they changed it to 1st degree murder for Johnny's charge, because it was manslaughter and I seriously doubt there's enough evidence to even get second degree murder.
Hopeless War: Another Pony and Cherry song. I do like the musical duo of them so far. He's not wrong about the soc's declaring the war. Cherry's also not wrong, but girlfriend, your privelage is showing.
Shit, she got a point about black and white morality. "Same mistake a thousand times" "Doing what we've all been raised to do."
Shit. I like this version of Cherry. This sounds like a country love ballad and I am all here for it. Seems like act 2, like many musicals I've seen, has fewer/shorter songs.
Geez, Cherry. Okay. I still like the Cherry best out of all of them. But girl, you've gotta understand that this kids got more skin in the game than you do. Girl. IDK, this version of Cherry is just more nuanced and I think that's what she needed.
Trouble: The way Hopeless War tansitions into this song is so fucking good!!!!
So I don't know if this is at the park or the Gang going to the park but holy shit. I love this. Is Darry trying to keep Pony out? Or is Dally? Who is telling him not to fight? Didn't book Darry let him fight??!
Little Brother: I have heard this one before as well. It's a Dally song, and it still makes me awe;u hgseruig. This is my favorite version of the Dally and Johnny relationship because it solidifies the brotherhood and the way that Dally see's Johnny. It's done fairly well in the book but the musical makes it much more clear. Even the movie does it pretty well but I like that it's a bit more spelled out here.
I think I've heard all of these last three songs so they'll maybe be a bit more in depth. Also, I am gonna say this now Grease got a Hold is growing on me as I type.
I don't really like how Johnny feels very shoe horned to the side in this version of events.
Is... is someone singing with him on the second little brother in the first chorus? Could that be Darry or am I just trippin'?
I love the way that they show Dally's descent. Oh. There's a chorus on here with him. They put a different version out on YouTube with just Dally on it. Holy shit. Holy shit!!!! I love his voice so much. When are the lyrics gonna be up I gotta see who sings what in here damn it!!!
Dally. Shit. The part where the music strips and then starts building. This will never not give me shivers. I love the orchestration on this version!
The now into no!!!!! ;jfh;ajwerhf;ija uvaiwrhf;aiu3wh I AM NOT OKAY!!!
Stay Gold: This hurts like a son of a bitch still. I can't really put my words on here, but it really is written like someone who knows they're gonna die and they're wanting to give their family a final message. Which is something you can do on hospice nowadays, but wouldn't have been avaliable in the 60's.
Can't believe we had to wait the whole musical for a Johnny solo song. But I love the touch that a man came to thank Johnny for saving the kids, because in the book that's not mentioned and neither in the movie and I like that touch. They added just a few scenes and all were very well done if not honestly needed.
The fading of Ponyboy reading it with Johnny will never not get me. They use this technique so well throughout the musical. But again with me questioning if this is platonic flirty friend shit or Johnny and Pony being romantically involved somehow? I lean towards platonic flirty friends due to the time period and the fact that they're both on the younger side... but geez.
Johnny telling Pony to tell Dally, when we know Dally is dead and Dally asked him to save a seat and just owehtouwaehrt;ouiawe I am not okay. Will never not hurt.
Finale (Tulsa '67): Is this an older Pony on the first line? Does he get out? Or is that his teacher reading it? Like the acknowledgement of Paul Newman.
Oh. This is so sweet, him turning to the hometown heroes, the little everyday ones.
He got out!!!!!! Him talking about Darry and Soda!!
Ah! They took the one paragraph directly out of the book!!!
Dally!!! Wearing grease for their disguise? Holy shit. Bro. You are killing it! Killing it! The chorus entering!!?!?! The excerpts directly from the book!
"He was just to damn good for growing old? And for his memory I'll stay gold!?!?!??!" Holy shit okay. Emotional damage dealt. You didn't have to do that.
I love me a legacy explaning final number. Shit. I love this. Beautiful ending. I love the jazzy bits.
My phone immediatly jumped me to Non-Stop by Hamilton. Fuck you spotify, didn't need that now.
Final Thoughs: Unfortunately, this is not like Hamilton in the sense that the entire freaking musical minus one song that not terribly necessary for context is on spotify. There are chunks of context missing that make me wonder how else they may have changed the story. If you're someone who's first exposure to the outsiders is this, you're gonna be left with a lot of questions. Luckily, you've got a book and two versions of a Francis Ford Coppala movie, but if this was a stand alone I think I'd be leaving the cast recording fairly confused.
I think it's amazing. I did find out while finding a cast list to compare to the featured artists that Steve is still a character. I also wonder if they're gonna release the track they use for the rumble, since I think that's a seperate track with no real singing? IDK man. I wanna see that so fucking bad.
A little mad about how they downgraded Soda and Two-Bit. I know Two-Bit was more of a minor character but it really felt like Soda got the short end of the stick here. Same with Steve, though he already had the short end so it was only a matter of time. Two-Bit makes sense despite my love of him so I kind of expected that.
Overall, I do like this, but it feels a bit incomplete as I believe some of the most critical plot details have been left for portions of the musical that are acted or spoken, which sucks for us broke ass plebs who don't live within driving distance of Broadway.
So long friends.
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