#young pipe smoker
youngpipelover · 2 months
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Nick. This kid is such an accomplished pipe smoker. What a cutie.
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roughridingrednecks · 2 months
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goetiae · 8 months
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In the Green Witch arc, Sebastian presents a rather interesting book to Sieglinde when she requests to have something to read. The book is called The Family Physician, and it is in fact replicating a real medicinal work of the Victorian era.
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The Family Physician: A Manual Of Domestic Medicine was published in London, England, by Cassell & Company in the year 1883. It is one of many books of this kind as at the time family manuals of medicine were becoming more and more popular. Of course, books were still rather expensive to print and were majorly available to the rich. As many were living in estates outside of the city centers and some traveled abroad, physicians were not always readily available. With that, more and more rich Victorians would rather have a book of medicinal remedies at home to "replace" a visit from a doctor.
The book Sebastian is showing in the arc is one of the later editions by the physicians of the London hospitals. The special edition Family Physician featured in the manga consists of four volumes and includes a diverse list of treatments for many types of illnesses.
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Now, Yana does include two supposed remedies used in that book but only one of them is found on the pages: opium tincture. Laudanum was prescribed for various illnesses. As for the bacon, it is a real medical practice of the Victorian era but one recorded in The Successful Housekeeper (1888), not in this manual.
Sebastian has previously stated that he would get familiar with the medicinal treatment options of the time to assist Ciel with his health problems. We can safely assume that this handbook manual is used by him rather often to help young Lord during his various instances of sickness.
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This book consists of multiple categories of illnesses that would take a long time to cover fully, but here are those that Ciel canonically either goes through or is likely to go through due to his known chronic condition (asthma):
Night Terrors
The sort of treatment that Sebastian would put Ciel through, were he to truly follow the book, is bizarre.
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Do not follow these instructions. They are highly outdated and do not follow any medical requirements. Herbs, plants, and chemicals mentioned in this post are highly toxic and should not be ingested or inhaled.
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Night Terrors
Night terrors are recognized by Victorians as recurrent and relatively safe, as they are "rarely precursors of fits or epilepsy", though they may be hard to handle, especially in younger children.
In case that a Victorian child was suffering from nightmares, or night terrors as they equated the two, physicians recommended rhubarb and soda also known as Gregory's powder. Combined with a light and digestible meal, this mixture, which is currently regarded as a laxative, was to ensure that the sleep of the child is undisturbed through the night.
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During the Victorian era, asthma was not recognized as an obstructive disease of lungs, but rather as a neurological condition. Physicians of the time were seemingly very well-aware that asthma was a difficult and longterm condition even if they did not precisely understand its nature; sometimes referring to it as psychosomatic.
Within the treatments that Ciel would have realistically gotten were he, as a Victorian child, to have the kind of asthma attacks that he has had in the manga are:
I. Tobacco, which was believed to relieve paroxysms - sudden asthma attacks. The book Sebastian has provided us with says that tobacco would be especially beneficial for non-smokers who have not established tolerance to cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. Even though individuals who used this method would grow "pallid" and "damp with prespiration" after the process, their asthma attack would be "prevented". It is possible to assume that with the repeated, consistent smoking pattern Victorian asthmatics tried to balance out their breathing rhythm.
II. Lobelia inflata, also known as puke weed, is another type of tobacco recommended for asthma, though this time it is to be consumed by ingestion in a form of a tincture mixed with water. It was believed that this tobacco helped with asthma "related to indigestion". The book does state that its authors are unsure whether the plant is very effective as some patients have fallen sick after the use; which is no surprise to the modern reader as lobelia inflata has been discovered to be a toxic plant.
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III. Stramonium, also known as thorn-apple, is a kind of medicine recommended by the Victorian physicians when smoking tobacco was not enough. The leaves of the plant, which is highly toxic due to multiple alkaloids within it, would be crushed and smoked. Smoking stramonium before sleep for prophylactic reasons or at the beginning of an asthma attack was generally considered an effective treatment that worked "like magic".
IV. Cigares de Joy, "anti-asthma" cigarettes created by a Frenchman, are highly regarded by the authors of the book. Like many other medicinal treatments of the Victorian era, they were, of course, bad for your health as they contained stramonium and arsenic.
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V. Coffee is probably the only non-toxic method of treating asthma that Victorian doctors suggest. However, even with coffee one can't hope to have much satisfaction from the treatment: it is to be given very hot, black (pure cafe noir), without any milk, and on an empty stomach in small quantities. Bigger dosages are advised against while taking coffee with a meal is cosidered to be a cause of asthma attacks.
VI. Nitre-papers are, practically, papers with potassium nitrate. The papers were meant to be burned so the fumes fill the room. The chemical compound of nitre-papers is an irritant and causes damage to the lungs, though Victorian doctors describe multiple cases of children and adults alike "peacefully" falling asleep around ten minutes into the paper burning. The latter is probably no surprise as potassium nitrate fumes have an adverse effect on the human body, causing nausea and dizziness.
VII. Nitrite of amyl is one more nitric chemical compound that is recommended by the Victorian doctors to inhale in order to treat asthma. Now, this chemical is highly toxic in all forms and especially so in direct inhalation and ingestion; it can cause blindness, brain damage, lung scarring, and death.
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VIII. Chloroform is yet another questionable way of managing asthma in the Victorian era. While the authors of the book can be given credit for mentioning that overdoing chloroform is never the aim, and even provide a story of a man who died doing so, they do still praise the method greatly. According to the manual, chloroform is to be applied in a few drops on a handkerchief one can press to the nose and inhale through. It is rather clear here that Victorians truly did see asthma as a disturbance within the nervous system and provided methods of sedating the patient.
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IX. Ipecacuanha, an imported plant native to Brazil, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, and Colombia, is a remedy that the authors seem rather perplexed about. They do recommend it as an effective method of asthma treatment but they do not specify how it is to be applied. We are left wondering how exactly Victorians used this plant. Ipecacuanha, or ipecac as it is known within the medical field now, is highly toxic in all its forms and is especially dangerous to ingest. Brain damage and organ failure are only some side effects of ignoring safety precautions.
X. Potassium iodide is a medication recommended for ingesting directly in the amount of two tablespoons three times a day. Praised for postponing or even fully stopping asthma attacks, this medicinal treatment was highly regarded by the Victorian doctors. It is worth mentioning that potassium iodide has adverse side effects and is an allergen for many people. However, it is a recognized medical supplement that should be taken only, if ever, upon doctor's prescription.
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Victorians recognized that cold was a rather complicated condition as it could either be a simple cold of a precursor to other, more serious, diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, quinsy, consumption (tuberculosis), pleurisy, rheumatism, neuralgia, and more.
Doctors seemed to believe that the main cause of a common cold was dampness rather than anything else: a damp bed, a damp seat, a damp house or room, a damp robe, and more. Bathing for a prolonged amount of time was discouraged as it "caused colds".
The physiological nature of a cold was that it was seen as an inflammation of a mucuous membrane within the air-passages.
Victorians recommended that one who has caught a cold should stay quiet and not talk much, not eat too much food though drink plenty of water. The most jarring thing is, they recommend - within the book in Sebastian's possession - that colds are to be immediately treated with an aconite tincture. Needless to say, aconite is toxic in all forms and causes nausea and dizziness, vomiting, heart and lung problems, as well as death.
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Out of safery reasons, we will abstain from providing any sort of recipes here. Aside from aconite, or when aconite was simply not enough, Victorian doctors suggest the following remedies:
Nux vomica
All of these ingredients are highly toxic and their effect on the human body greatly varies. Regardless, these should not be taken in absolutely any form.
Victorians recognize multiple varieties of a cough and state that there's no universal panacea for all of them. Still, they do recommend a few home remedies that are mixtures made of rather unusual components.
One suggests mixing a Paregoric elixir, which is a highly toxic substance containing deadly hydrogen cyanide, with oxymel, cascarilla, and chloric ether. Another proposes a method to treat dry cough: mixing morphia, hydrogen cyanide, and chloric ether together before ingestion.
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Other cold treatments include:
Aconite [☠]
Alum [☠]
Asafoetida [!]
Belladonna [☠]
Chamomile oil
Chloroform [☠]
Coltsfoot [!]
Gelsemium [!]
Ipecacuanha [☠]
Nitric acid [☠]
Sulphur [!]
Tartar emetic [☠]
☠ - toxic, deadly! - unsafe, may cause health problems for some people
The last condition that we can see Ciel canonically go through is a fever, which he seems to catch during the events of the Book of Circus arc. Now, treatment of a simple fever in Victorian times was rather unique as the doctors suggested using aconite or belladonna tincture to reduce the fever.
If it happened so that a patient's fever has not gone down after a long while, arsenic mixture is used. If nothing else helped and the fever is accompanied by shooting pain, highly toxic bryony is applied.
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Thankfully, during the cases of remittent fever lasting for many days none of these mixtures were applied. Instead, the patient would be given ice to suck, cold water to drink, or some lemonade. Vomiting was to be calmed down with application of chloroform or ipecacuanha. Quinine, which has many dangerous side effects, would also be given. The most the patient would get aside from such dangerous medicine is nutritious meals and a lot of water.
Overall, it seems like using The Family Physician for treatment of many conditions that boys like Ciel would go through in real life Britain would cause more disadvantages than benefits for the patient. Over-reliance on toxic stimulants and deadly chemical substances could not possibly be good for anyone whose health was compromised.
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Edits of the manga pages are made by us. Please, do not use them.
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smokygluvs · 5 months
Edward Hardwicke - Watson the pipe man
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You know, a good test of a man's attractiveness is for me to go away for a while and come back to photographs I've not seen in ages. Sometimes the man I had held in my memory is no match for what I find and I wonder what I saw in him in the first place.
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Not so Edward Hardwicke. I fell in love with the handsome leather-glove-wearing pipe-smoker back when I was still a young man and he still provides an erection in me even now.
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So he deserves a few more pictures being posted. Here I'm concentrating on his pipe smoking. He look so comfortable with a pipe (in his mouth, in his hand) you feel he was (much like Govoruchin or Rupert Davies) born to it.
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spicyraeman · 8 months
Okay, sober reposting Virren lore this time (cleaned it up and add some extra shit)
-They grew up parentless on the streets of a big city. They'd steal and con and beg for food and coin with a small group of other children, all of different ages. The leader of the group was the oldest, a boy just barely 18. As the group grew into a proper pseudo thrives guild, they began to call themselves the Copper Chain, running cons and stealing regularly from the wealthier areas of town.
-They don't know their exact birth date or day, so they don't know how old they are exactly, but they're relatively young, probably only around their mid/late 20s.
-Ravenrest is less of a last name and more of a title. Since they were a child they had a raven friend that would often show up and perch on their shoulder or head. A buddy in their old group made a joke, calling them Virren the raven rest and the name simply stuck.
-They lost their eye after breaking into a ritzy apartment in the upper end of town. They'd gone with a small group to take anything of worth, and one of them messed with an apparently unstable magical item and set off a fireball. It slammed into the side of their face and continued to the wall behind them, setting off several other magic items, and creating an explosion strong enough to crumble half the building. They would have died had their raven not gone off and gotten their leader.
-Their raven was also the one to get their prosthetic eye. During their recovery, it brought them a small onyx piece to use as a replacement. It holds no magical properties and they can’t see out of it, its purely for aesthetics.
-The burn scar still causes them irritation to this day. Twitches are frequent and colder temperatures cause the scar to tighten, making it painful to move and emote. They have no eyebrow or eyelashes on their left side and only half an eyebrow on their right, they use makeup to fill in the missing bits.
-They’re a frequent pipe-weed smoker (or whatever fantasy weed is called). They took it up to relieve the lingering pain of their eye injury and other injuries they received after the incident. 
-later in their life they got their tattoo over their facial scar, not to cover it up but to add to it. It's not something they can really hide, so they wanted to make something pretty of it, at the least.
-They are incredibly insightful, often knowing more than they'd ever let on. They're curious and like to pry as much as they can get away with. Very rarely is it for leverage, more of it is just born out of genuine curiosity. They love asking lots of questions and getting people to actually think about themselves, their place in life, and the things around them. They know when to stop though, they'd never pry more than someone is willing to give.
-They're gender is fluid, often switching between masc and fem, but never fully leaning into one or the other. They've never really labeled it, they just do what they want and if anyone asks they say their "just Virren". They use any/all pronouns but tend to get he/they-ed more often, if you wanna excite them using she/her or more fem compliments is a sure fire way.
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bearsandcigars · 2 years
The Cigar Test
By bearsandcigars (July 2022) A young man finds his perfect CigarDaddy and more …
I turned off the main street, busy with Saturday afternoon shoppers; fixing my gaze on one particular store, halfway down the quiet lane. Striding out, I approached Thompson’s. Their shop sign logo was a stylised T; a vertical, sloping lit cigar and horizontal grey smoke flowing from the foot. A clever design, I thought. I distracted myself from butterflies flapping in my belly … this was no usual visit to the store. Checking my watch … fuck! two minutes to seven … maybe I should have arrived earlier. Before I knew it, I arrived at the entrance. The door opened ahead of me by the owner, Fred Thompson, who greeted me with a broad smile. - ‘Come in son, glad you decided to take up my invitation’’ His welcome was warm; a strong hand grasped my left shoulder, guiding me in through the threshold. - ‘Thanks Fred, I’ve been really looking forward to coming’ - ‘Oh that’s VERY good to hear, son’
Entering the old fashioned smoking emporium, all my senses on overdrive, as usual. The now familiar aged, dark wood shelves with large jars full of different pipe tobacco mixtures, cigarettes and sundry smokers’ paraphernalia. The large walk-in humidor, with rows of premium cigars in open boxes, all needing my serious investigation. The splendid smoking lounge at the back, where I’d recently started to chat with some fantastic cigar smoking guys. Previously, I’d skulk in a corner; avoiding conversation in case I embarrassed myself discussing cigars. I soon realised it was a very social experience and the men there were more than willing to chat with me. The sweet and spicy scents of tobacco, leather and wood, permeated the place. This wonderful smell had a strong affect on me; influencing my recent choices. Instinctively, I inhaled it all. Turning around, I realised Fred had been watching me intently. It felt so right being here, right now. - ‘I love this place Fred’ He gave a quick cheeky wink. - ‘Let me just close up first son … leave your denim jacket on the counter’ I couldn’t help but beam with delight at being called ‘son’, by my mentor.
I discovered from my lounge chats that Fred was 54; 28 years older than me. He was tall and brawny, standing a couple of inches more than my 5’9” but my lesser body made me feel smaller. I looked up to Fred in so many ways. His invaluable experience; my trusted guide into the world of cigars. A guide and in recent weeks, a confidante; he was a father figure to me. Of course he was as hot as hell too; rugged, tanned features, bald, with a groomed silver grey beard and hypnotic, steely blue eyes. He dressed smartly in a white collared shirt, short sleeved, showing off his bronzed, muscular arms. The shirt chest pocket was monogrammed with the cigar ‘T’ logo … greying chest hair burst out from the open V of his unbuttoned shirt. He looked like an archetypal DaddyBear but Fred was no stereotype. In my eyes there was no one like him. I lusted after him … and he knew it!
The glazed door was now secure; bolted top and bottom, with a burgundy blind pulled down, blocking out any view from the lane. As we made small talk about my journey, Fred strolled behind the shop counter, picking up a smouldering cigar he’d left. Inspecting it, drawing, bringing the foot back to life. A cloud of aromatic smoke drifted behind him, as he walked towards me. - ‘So I suppose you want to see some cigars Ben’ Fred stood staring into my eyes … - ‘Fuck man! you’re so handsome son … COME HERE!’ Drawing on his chunky cigar, he clutched the back of my neck; pulled me in and our lips locked. Kissing in a tight embrace, as I hungrily accepted the smoke passed to my mouth. We released and I let out a low sigh, exhaling the smoke back at him. - ‘That’s my boy! You’re special’ - ‘Thanks Fred, I’ve wanted that to happen for weeks’ - ‘I know son’ I pursed my lips, blowing a big kiss across the hazy space between us. Fred lovingly caressed my brown beard; his thumb gently rubbing over my furry cheek, fingers stroking through my buzz cut. These sensuous seconds causing me to adjust my stance as my crotch awoke. Fred playfully gave my cheek two quick slaps from his large hand. - ‘OK son, let’s find stogies’ - ‘Yes please Fred’ With an arm around my shoulder, he left his cigar in an ashtray and led me into the walk-in humidor. Immediately my eyes darted up and down, side to side. Taking in glorious cigar boxes, with exquisite, colourful designs. Row upon row of wondrous naked cigars. Punch … Montecristo … Cohiba … Arturo Fuente … Macanudo … Davidoff …
Fred gave a fantastic cigar master class. He articulated with flair and enthusiasm all that was to be known about cigar composition. Their wrappers, binders and fillers, flavours, colors, shapes and sizes. A tremendous adviser to the best cigars available. I’d smoked machine-made cigars for a couple of years, so my tastes had significantly improved in recent months, smoking quality handmade cigars. It was clear Fred Thompson fervently pursued a lifestyle around the finest things in life, a connoisseur, an aficionado … a bon viveur. Fred wanted me to have that joy too. My inexperience made me balk at asking questions when I started to shop at Thompson’s. My heart raced seeing Fred alone and free behind the sales counter with no customers. I’d make a beeline for him, though more often than not, as I became a regular, he was the one calling me over to chat. His assistant, Kenny, was in his early 30s; a gorgeous furry Bear with a thick black beard but it was the mature DaddyBear that put me more at ease. Whilst I saw myself as a naive amateur, Fred enthused about my development and growing maturity. I was ready to be the sorcerer's apprentice.
Throughout his spiel, my sexy tutor was very touchy-feely; I revelled in every nudge, prod and poke. Fred grasped my hand; pulling me brusquely towards a ‘must see’ box of cigars … then gently rubbing my back as I bent over to examine something new and amazing … patting my rear, as I recalled knowledge he’d taught me. - ‘Well done … my pupil will soon be a cigar aficionado’ I beamed back at Fred, with a yearning desire to make him proud.
Fred directed me to a slightly worn brown leather bucket chair in the middle of the humidor. - ‘Sit down Ben, we’re going to try a little experiment … nothing too scientific but definitely compelling … SO! here we go … show me your cock! …’ - ‘OH!! … OK …’ I replied, bemused. Although I had little idea where this was going, right now, I’d do anything for my seductive DaddyBear. I was emboldened to cooperate with Fred’s intriguing test. With his flirtatious encouragement, I swiftly stripped out of my 501s and boxers. - ‘You DO know I’m just a dirty old pervert’, he said with a deep wicked laugh. I was left wearing, just my black polo shirt and naked from the waist down. Boldly manspreading in front of my salacious tutor, who obviously savored the sight of my cock and balls displayed down the front of the seat. Fred casually licked across the edge of his thick moustache, back and forth. - ‘Alright, so let’s test that lovely cock’s ability to pick out your favorite stogie’ Fred lifted a small wooden box and moved behind my chair, out of my view; apparently picking some cigars. Pulling a footstool over by my right side, he sat low to me, mulling over the collection of cigars he’d chosen. - ‘RIGHT! Let’s do this … hands FIRMLY on the chair arms son … no fucking touching yourself. … don’t let me even see you look at that cock! … keep your eyes UP and focus forward’ I did as I was told, as the first cigar came up into my view. It looked like a light brown corona. - ‘We’ll start with cigar wrappers.’ Fred explained that he’d hold each cigar in front of me for about 10 seconds. - ‘This is an Ashton Classic Magnum 5x50, a robusto with a blond Connecticut wrapper … this brand is the epitome of cigar sophistication … the flavors range through coffee, nutmeg, cedar and pepper’,
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The cigar moved down from my gaze, then slowly, sensuously, I felt the cigar being stroked up and down the length of my uncut penis and over the head, then under on to my balls and back again. It became clear this would be a test of my senses and a measure of my gratification. - ‘Oh I LIKE that Fred’ - ‘Mmmm son … a nice reaction there …
- ‘OK son, the next one is a full bodied La Gloria Cubana Serie R 6x50 … with a bold, piquant flavor.’
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The cigar was almost black, an oscuro and looked awesome. A strong urge came over me to have this dark fat corona on my cock. - ‘That’s sick Fred’ - ‘Oh fuck yeah … wonderful … I’ve got your cock twitching now son’, delighting my mentor as he used the LGC like a magic wand on my dancing dick. I casually confessed it’s a cool cigar; belying my building excitement and arousal.
Another two cigars … - ‘Now Ben, these are made by the same company but they’re different sizes’ The cigar that came up first was a slightly bigger ring gauge. Fred announced this one was a Punch Gusto Tubo 5x52. - ‘Spicy, peppery, a slightly sweet and wood finish’
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I wanted it in my jaw and could feel my cock stiffen as Fred again caressed it up and down my eager phallus. - ‘That’s fucking sexy Fred’ - ‘Oh YES! that one’s certainly getting your attention I see … now the next one is the same ring gauge Ben, but longer.’ Fred held up a Punch Presidente 8.5x52 between his fingers and thumb. - ‘Bold, full-bodied taste. Strong without being overpowering; an elegant smoke.’
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This was clearly a big statement cigar for an in-charge dominant man. The power from it felt palpable. A Daddy smoking this majestic giant could have my ass as he desired. My engorged cock jerked upwards. - ‘Fucking AWESOME Fred’ I breathily declared. - ‘Oh SWEET! so what’s in that dirty mind son?’ I could feel pre-cum dribbling down from my cock head Fred smirked, watching me blush, as he rose up off the footstool. - ‘Now still keep your paws off that cock!’ he demanded. I was loving this and I wasn’t going to disobey him. Behind me it was clear, clothes were being discarded onto the floor. My pulse quickened, my mind thrilled, thinking of Fred’s big beefy body. Two powerful furry arms slid slowly down either side of my chest. En route, two pairs of fingers and thumbs gave sharp tweaks to my proud nipples protruding under my black polo shirt. - ‘Let’s have this off’ My top came up and over my head, discarded onto the floor … leaving me completely naked. Frustratingly, Fred remained behind me.
- ‘Right my sexy Cigarboy, let me see what you make of this one.’ Another cigar came into sight. A FUCKING MONSTER. Long, fat and dark. - ‘This is an Asylum 13 Super Goliath 8x80 … flavors are pepper, coffee, nuts, cocoa and earth’
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I literally gulped; taking in the incredible sight of a behemoth cigar, I’d only even seen in photos. Fred fondled my left shoulder seductively, as the enormous cigar brushed over my thick brown beard, awaking latent erotic fantasies and licentious behaviour.
He whispered closely into my ear … - ‘You act like you’re a good boy, don’t you? … but we both know that’s not the case … you’re on your computer jacking off for hours, looking at sexy photos and porn videos of older DaddyBears, playing and smoking with their cubs; haulin’ heavily on their huge Asylum 13 … Daddy spits on his hand, flicks long, thick ash onto his palm … wraps his fist around your throbbing, swollen cock … slowly stroking it with spit & ash the only lube … Daddy fingers working your asshole, seeking out your prostate … he’s biting and chewing your nips son … he might even give you his piss if you’re a lucky boy … and soon your Daddy is pounding your hole … so hard son, he’s rough … and feeding you rich smoke into your greedy mouth … you want it fucking ALL … don’t you son? … your dripping cock tells me your dirty mind is just like Daddy’s … you’re not a good boy you’re a VERY naughty boy!’ he mocked. - ‘OH YES DADDY!!’
Fred teased me by pushing the cigar head briefly over my lips, like some massive tobacco penis, then taking it swiftly back, before I could grip it. The giant cigar snaked its way down my furry chest, rubbing over both my proud nipples and down on my belly button. Fred finally came around the leather chair; tanned, muscular and NAKED. He had a Celtic cross and lion rampant tattoo on his left arm, proud of his Scottish heritage. Bending down, his cigar hand circled my cock, over my bush of pubic hair then under my hard erect penis, propping it up, Fred raised my cock up with the insanely large cigar. - ‘Oh SON, this is definitely the one, isn’t it’ -‘YES YES YES YES …’
Impulsively dry humping the chair, my arousal was on fire, sliding my ass back and forth on the seat, rubbing my cock and balls against the leather. Pre-cum lubricating carnal urges. I looked down at my engorged penis but I received no rebuke from my dominant DaddyBear. Pushing back on the chair, raising my buttocks, I presented my hole to Daddy. He directed his attention to my hungry anus; rolling the cigar cap around my sphincter and pushing the cigar briefly into my hole. - ‘OH YES DADDY!’ I cried out ‘I NEED IT, I WANT IT NOW!!’ - ‘Oh I KNOW that son, Im sure you’ve tested positive for capnolagnia, but we’ll prove that later.’
- ‘Look at the fucking mess you’ve made of my chair’ He dropped to his knees, gobbled up my cock, sucking and licking it clean. He rose with a smug look; his tongue all around his lips. - ‘… VERY tasty my boy. We need to smoke this big fucker but not in here.’ The big Asylum cigar was unceremoniously pushed into my mouth. - ‘You hold the stogie son!’
Fred ungracefully dragged me out of the humidor, with the huge erect cigar filling my mouth. Craving the smoke and each other, we moved swiftly into the lounge, only for me to be pushed backwards by Daddy; tumbling on to a large black soft leather sofa. The Asylum still secure in my mouth, Fred prepared for the lighting. This evening was beyond belief and it hadn’t ended yet … talk about foreplay!
My cigar master picked up a cutter from a side table and passed it over to me. - ‘You know what to do son, it’s just a bigger cigar’
I lined up the cutter on the biggest cap I’d ever seen and confidently made a tidy V cut. - ‘Excellent son, very neatly done, now here is the lighter’ Fred passed me a Colibri torch lighter, which he’d shown me before on an earlier visit to Thompson’s. I was still a little nervous using it but my mentor assured me I was up to the task. I was determined to make a good job of firing up this monster. Sparking up the torch lighter, I diligently toasted all areas of the cigar foot. Fred watched on quietly, making no judgement, as the big moment arrived … When I was satisfied with the first stage, I then placed my lips around the Asylum 13. Wow! It felt amazing having such a giant stick in my mouth. I got the lighter going again and commenced lighting up. It took longer than for any other cigar I’d smoked; requiring three inspections until I was content it was completely lit. I was surprised it had a good draw and after several puffs it was smoking fantastic and tasted great. The air around us filling with amazing aromatic smoke. I looked over to my sexy nude Daddy sprawled out at the other end of the sofa. Fred was nodding with pride. - ‘Perfect son, get fucking over here NOW!… Daddy wants you so badly’ I crawled over to Fred laying with my back against his furry body, allowing his arms to stretch around my chest. Our bodies together for the first time and it was blissful. Writhing in unison, Fred tweaked my nipple hard and bit at my ear lobe, as I felt his cock grow under me. Wriggling against Daddy but there was only pleasure from the torment. I managed another draw on the cigar before a big hand prised it from my lips. Daddy was in charge now.
Strategically, I realised Fred had positioned us in front of an enormous mirror, covering the full height of the wall. Only now could I fully appreciate the marvellous scene of two lustful men, surrounded by an increasing mist of cigar smoke. I watched attentively as Fred worked the cigar, burning bright orange, as he repeatedly drew on it, lazily letting a thick cloud almost drift from his mouth but quickly taken back, followed by a long slow exhale surrounding us both in the smoke. My cock jumped erect again. - ‘Oh Daddy, that really gets me hard watching you smoke like that’ - ‘I know son’ I turned to face Fred, glancing only momentarily at each other, before I was in his tight bear hug and we were kissing in a frenzy of tongues, licking beards, pulling and biting lips. He tasted like no other man I’d known and I was in ecstasy. This wild activity advanced as Daddy kept our cigar burning; puffing heavily till we were in a thick fog, which I inhaled, as I returned to his mouth to hungrily feed on the cigar smoke and saliva. Fred’s cigar hand pushed firmly on my chest ... - ‘OPEN YOUR MOUTH BOY!!’ As I parted my lips, Daddy shot a load of spit to the back of my mouth, which had my cock in madness. - ‘YES DADDY, THANK YOU DADDY!’ Fred slipped the Asylum back in my mouth, holding it firmly between his index and middle fingers, with his palm against me ensuring no exit for smoke. As I battled for breath, Daddy clamped his nails into my right nipple. The torture was almost unbearable, until my tit was released and Daddy’s tongue raped my mouth. A rush of endorphins overwhelmed me briefly. Daddy let me recover, smiling broadly at me in my rapture. - ‘You’re definitely a CigarPig in the making son’ I smiled, yet not really sure what the title entailed. We manoeuvred ourselves on the sofa; I lay on my back with my head resting on the soft sofa arm. I looked up, desperate for more. - ‘FUCK ME DADDY!’
Fred was on his knees lying on the sofa by my ass, smoking with a hunger. I hadn’t realised how big the ash had become. Daddy teased my body; where would the ash fall? … over my chest … on my belly … on my cock or balls? Fred stuffed the smoky Asylum back in his jaw. My tormentor stretched my left leg back against the sofa and pulled my buttocks towards him. He dropped the thick ash dead on my hole, his fingers massaged it in a circular motion, then spat down on it and worked them over my sphincter heading to my prostate. I pushed hard against them, craving the smoke and ash being part of me. - ‘Fuck YES, YES Daddy, I want to be your CigarPig, I’ll do anything, I want you Daddy, I LOVE cigars, I get so horny watching you light up and smoke them … I’ve got a million feelings exploding out about smoking and the men who smoke, the big cigars, the smoke, smoking men fucking me, I’m obsessed with it all Daddy and I want more and more.’ - ‘That’s my boy, I’m so proud, you’ve a strong smoking fetish; its also called capnolagnia’ Two rough fingers discovered THE spot up my ass. I moaned as my prostate was found. My ass was ravenous for Daddy cock. Fred stretched back to the side table, retrieving a pump nozzled bottle. It was lube and Daddy spread his solid, erect cock all over with the clear gel. I implored Daddy to fuck me NOW. - ‘FUCK ME DADDY, I NEED YOUR COCK DADDY!!’ He raised my legs by my ankles, resting them on his shoulders and targeted his rigid cock at my hole. Fred took another big drag on the huge cigar and pushed his stunning penis up me. Daddy was IN!! My cigar man was fucking me … and fucking me hard. Smoking the big fat maduro, Daddy soon found his rhythm; in and out, in and out, at a relentless pace, banging his balls against my ass aggressively. Constant smoke belching from the side of his mouth. - ‘YOU SEXY BOY, DADDY’S LOVES YOUR HOLE’ Fred was fierce and tears of pain, tears of joy formed in my eyes, as I met his savage thrusts. - ‘OH DADDY, YEESSS!!’ The Asylum aroma and smoke exhaled, bathed me, baptised me, in devout cigar ecstasy. Delirium surely setting in … this was fucking planet Euphoria!
Simply, I knew this was what I’d always wanted.
Daddy kept up a verbal barage of lewd comments, which just heightened the sexual hysteria. My CigarDaddy really got into his stride now, as beads of sweat trailed down his crimson face. My whole body shuddered with every violent lunge, as our conversation descended into a series of animal grunts and primal groans. My head rolled back and I sensed the climax approaching; each thrust came less rapidly but with increasing force, until I felt Fred tense up, grip my legs tightly, nails digging into my calves and then it came … FUCK IT CAME! … - ‘FFUUUCCCCKKKKK YYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSS !!!!’ Daddy yelled out. Warm injections of cum released into my hole, as cigar ash tumbled over me. Fred looked spent as his assault subsided. He passed me the now slightly chewed Asylum though still burning strong. I practically snatched it from his grip, as I took a long drag on, what was now, my favorite cigar.
Fred slumped down onto the sofa, greatly amused as I clasped our cigar and smoked in the afterglow of our sexual bond. - ‘You’re a great fuck son’ - ‘Thanks Daddy … thanks’ - ‘Get over here, you’ve a cock to clean’ As Fred sat manspreading , I was down on the floor, between his legs in a shot and as I rested my cigar hand on his left thigh, my hungry tongue was all over his cock, his balls and as he conveniently shifted to the edge I found his hole and started licking Daddy’s asshole. Fuck, I’d never done that before but I needed it. Daddy lay back, recovering from his exertions, looking down in pride I was up for more fun; I took several puffs on the cigar and dived down on his fuck pole, bathing it in the delicious smoke. - ‘Fuck son, you’re SO fucking good’
We lay together for a good while, blissfully secure in Daddy’s arms, keeping our cigar going as we talked non-stop about ourselves and what had brought us together. Fate had played a part on our first meeting but we both made this evening happen and it felt perfect.
Unexpectedly a low pitched voice spoke behind us … ‘SO! … I’ve got competition Daddy?’
As I tried to turn around Fred clamped his legs tight against me, restricting my movement but I could still see his reflection in the mirror.
- ‘Looks like I have a little brother, Daddy’
It was Kenny the big gregarious, bearded bear - stark naked too; revealing a toned, muscular hairy body of black fur. He carried the box of cigars that Fred collected earlier. The two bears burst out laughing at their cunning deception; the crafty devils had obviously plotted the situation together.
Suddenly I was a bit tongue tied in front of this adonis. I could only offer an initial ‘Hi’. Fred released me from his grip and I could now get a better look at the gorgeous bear, who stuck out his tongue at me.
- ‘I’ve wanted to fucking get into your pants for weeks, sexy boy’
FUCK! he was a FURRY guy from head to foot with a full sleeve of tattoos on his left arm. Amongst the various designs I was drawn to the anchor with USN and a sailor in uniform smoking a large cigar. It struck me I must get a tattoo too. - ‘Ben, you know Kenny of course, he’s been my son for 3 years now. Since we met you, we’ve been thinking and talking about you a lot and very keen to get to know you better’
Kenny rummaged in the box then stretched over for the lighter.
- ‘Mmmm I see what I want, Daddy’
He fired up the amazing La Gloria Cubana with a flourish. He smoked like every cigar was a celebration, brandishing the stick dramatically. A large orange flame danced at the foot as he puffed incessantly until satisfied with the burn. I loved the way Kenny smoked; french inhaling, blowing smoke rings, nose jetting - it was so sexy to me. He took a big drag and exhaled a long stream of smoke in my direction … and I was a moth drawn to the flame and as Kenny drew again on the oscuro cigar, I met his exhale in a passionate kiss and his rough embrace. Fuck he tasted so good! Our leaking cocks grinding together.
I got bold! … I took the cigar from Kenny’s lips … - ‘My turn’ I savored the taste of the LGC with a long slow draw. Kenny anticipated my next move and opened his mouth inches from mine as I exhaled in a steady stream, which he sucked up and then exhaled back at me. Fuck it was awesome. Kenny and I kissed crazily, his strong tongue invaded my mouth and I had to fight to match him. As we released we were licking each other’s beards. - ‘Boys, you’re getting Daddy very horny again’
I whispered into Kenny’s ear … and he nodded enthusiastically. I turned to Fred and my lips blew him a kiss. I passed him the Asylum, which he started to smoke, as I dropped again between his thighs sucking him off. Looking over to the mirror, Kenny was lubing up his cock, with his cigar glowing in his lips. Suddenly I was being lifted from both ends … this wasn’t my plan, I’d being tricked … being laid along the back of the sofa but I was a willing victim. Fred and Kenny were pumping out cigar smoke ; Daddy face fucked me and my big brother banging away at my hole. I’m sure they were getting off looking at each other using me. Spit roasted, sandwiched between two sex maniacs. My body was gratefully taking it all.
It finally occurred to me I had a load to shoot too and started to masturbate; my hand in a blur, jacking off wildly. Whilst my hole was fucked by Kenny, exhaling large clouds from his LGC, in measured constant strokes but still relentless back and forth again and again. Fred, with the Asylum smouldering in his lips, then stuffed his big cock in my mouth and I sucked like my life depended on it. My whole body pushed and pulled by demanding cigarmen …. All three cocks in synchronicity, each of us focused in our own selfish way towards a climactic finale … culminating in the release of sperm. As it happened, seeing Kenny deep inhale his cigar smoke, then nose jetting set me off and several long ropes of cum shot high from my cock on to his hairy belly. This triggered Fred who still had Daddy Milk in the tank and he came in my mouth, which I swallowed gratefully. Kenny shouted out - ‘FEED HIM!’ and as I arched my back I felt a second load of cum in my ass.
All three of us collapsed together on to the sofa in recovery; fondling, stroking, licking, kissing … smoking.
We all agreed we were starving for food and drink so Daddy became host; producing chicken drumsticks, sliced meats , cheeses, grapes and a bowl of strawberries from a fridge. After our exertions, the jug of iced water was welcome. A bottle of Shiraz was opened and we dived into the feast. We chatted for ages and Fred introduced me to a single malt Scotch whisky called Talisker, from the Isle of Skye, which was a good excuse for another cigar, which Fred extolled were a perfect combination together. I picked out the Punch Gusto Tubo from the box. Kenny found the Asylum, which still had some final smoking in it and Fred took the Ashton Classic Magnum as he felt the Presidente was bigger than he needed for now. I was a bit disappointed as I’d have loved seeing Daddy fire it up … but another time. As we sat together, enjoying our cigars, it just came out from me … - ‘I LOVE YOU GUYS!’ Both Fred and Kenny nodded approvingly and individually said ‘I love you too son’ … ‘I love you too, brother’ Daddy added - ‘you know Ben, that Punch Gusto really does suits you … maybe it should be your favorite cigar?’ All three of us spontaneously burst into mad laughter. Our three bodies were in an exhausted tangle of arms and legs, fighting sleep, I lifted my head towards Fred and enquired … - ‘So did I PASS the test?’ Daddy laughed and spanked me hard on my bare buttock. I grinned back at Fred who announced - ‘Get upstairs, it’s time for bed boys I yawned and asked my Daddy … - ‘Can I borrow a toothbrush tonight before I pick up my stuff tomorrow?’ ‘Ben, tomorrow is today’.
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scarlettnguyen · 2 years
The white buffalo is a sacred sign in Lakota and other Indian religions. The story goes that:
Nineteen generations ago of the Lakota clan, during the famine, there was a beautiful supernatural being we now call the White Buffalo Caft Woman that carried something called a čhaŋnúŋpa to their own people. Also teach them 7 sacred rituals and how to walk on Mother Earth.
When she left, she turned into a beautiful young white buffalo then flew over the hill, disappearing. Those sacred practices are still maintained today. The sacred pipe smoker čhaŋnúŋpa will unite all beings and he will be presented with the Mystery of the universe.
White Buffalo Caft Woman says she will return in the form of a white-haired calf and that is both a blessing and a warning. When the white animal shows its sacred colors, there will be great changes on earth. Those changes mean that current ecological crises are underway. If mankind continues to live without harmony with the earth, it will be cursed, but otherwise, mankind will be blessed.
Source: Wikipedia
Now I understand why when the end of the world approached, Klaus chose to stab a white buffalo in the head to kill himself. Because if he let the black hole suck in, he would disappear completely. But the white buffalo protected Klaus's soul, and he saved Luther's soul in his world at the same time. And there are many mysteries about the Forgotten Land and the old European legends. The more details you see, the better it looks.
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A form of slang incorporating Italianate words, rhyming slang, and Romani, used originally as a kind of secret language by people in theatres, fairgrounds, markets, etc. and adopted by some gay people in the 20th century.
Example words:
acdc, bibi - bisexual arva - to have sex (from Italian chiavare, to screw) aunt nell - listen! aunt nells - ears aunt nelly fakes - earrings barney - a fight bat, batts, bates - shoes bitch - effeminate or passive gay man bona - good butch - masculine; masculine lesbian cackle - talk/gossip camp - effeminate (possibly from Italian campare "exaggerate, make stand out") (possibly from the phrase 'camp follower' those itinerants who followed behind the men in uniform/highly decorative dress) carsey, karsey, khazi - toilet cartes - penis (from Italian – cazzo) charpering omi - policeman charver - sexual intercourse chicken - young man clevie - vagina corybungus - backside, posterior cottage - a public lavatory used for sexual encounters (public lavatories in British parks and elsewhere were often built in the style of a Tudor cottage) cottaging - seeking or obtaining sexual encounters in public lavatories Dilly boy - a male prostitute, from Piccadilly boy Dilly, the Piccadilly, a place where trolling went on dinari money (Latin denarii was the 'd' of the pre decimal penny) dish - buttocks dona - woman (perhaps from Italian donna or Lingua Franca dona) drag - clothing ecaf - face (backslang i.e. words writting backward) eek/eke - face (abbreviation of ecaf) ends - hair[6] esong, sedon - nose (backslang) fambles - hands fantabulosa - fabulous/wonderful (e.g. my tumblr!!!) farting crackers - trousers feele omi / feely omi - young man fungus - old man/beard hoofer - dancer HP or homy palone - effeminate gay man irish - wig (from rhyming slang, "Irish jig") jubes - breasts khazi - toilet, also spelt carsey lallies / lylies - legs, sometimes also knees (as in "get down on yer lallies") lallie tappers - feet lilly - police (Lilly Law) manky - worthless, dirty (from Italian mancare – "to be lacking") meese - plain, ugly (from Yiddish mieskeit, in turn from Hebrew מָאוּס repulsive, loathsome, despicable, abominable) meshigener - nutty, crazy, mental (from Yiddish 'meshugge', in turn from Hebrew מְשֻׁגָּע crazy) meshigener carsey - church mince - walk affectedly/campy mollying - involved in the act of sex naff - awful, dull, hetero nishta nothing[6] ogle look admiringly ogles eyes oglefakes glasses omi man (from Romance) omi-palone effeminate man, or homosexual onk nose (cf "conk") orbs eyes orderly daughters police oven mouth (nanti pots in the oven = no teeth in the mouth) palare / polari pipe - telephone ("talk pipe") park, parker - give palone - woman (Italian paglione – "straw mattress"; cf. old Cant hay-bag – "woman"); also spelled "polony" in Graham Greene's 1938 novel Brighton Rock palone-omi - lesbian pots - teeth remould - sex change rozzer - policeman[11] riah / riha - hair (backslang) riah zhoosher - hairdresser rough trade - a working class or blue collar sex partner or potential sex partner; a tough, thuggish or potentially violent sex partner scarper - to run off (from Italian scappare, to escape or run away or from rhyming slang Scapa Flow, to go) sharpy - policeman (from — charpering omi) sharpy polone - policewoman slap makeup so - homosexual (e.g. "Is he 'so'?") stimps - legs stimpcovers - stockings, hosiery TBH (to be had) - rospective sexual conquest tootsie trade - sex between two passive homosexuals (as in: 'I don't do tootsie trade') trade - sex, sex-partner, potential sex-partner troll - to walk about (esp. looking for trade) vada / varder - to see (from Italian — dialect vardare = guardare – look at) vera (lynn) - gin vogue - cigarette (from Lingua Franca fogus – "fire, smoke") vogueress - female smoker zhoosh - style hair, tart up, mince (cf. Romani zhouzho – "clean, neat") zhoosh our riah — style our hair
Example phrases:
Omies and palones of the jury, vada well at the eek of the poor ome who stands before you, his lallies trembling.
taken from "Bona Law", one of the Julian and Sandy sketches from Round The Horne, written by Barry Took and Marty FeldmanTranslation: "Men and women of the jury, look well at the face of the poor man who stands before you, his legs trembling."
So bona to vada...oh you! Your lovely eek and your lovely riah.
taken from "Piccadilly Palare", a song by MorrisseyTranslation: "So good to see...oh you! Your lovely face and your lovely hair."
As feely ommes...we would zhoosh our riah, powder our eeks, climb into our bona new drag, don our batts and troll off to some bona bijou bar. In the bar we would stand around with our sisters, vada the bona cartes on the butch omme ajax who, if we fluttered our ogle riahs at him sweetly, might just troll over to offer a light for the unlit vogue clenched between our teeth.
taken from Parallel Lives, the memoirs of renowned gay journalist Peter BurtonTranslation: "As young men...we would style our hair, powder our faces, climb into our great new clothes, don our shoes and wander/walk off to some great little bar. In the bar we would stand around with our gay companions, look at the great genitals on the butch man nearby who, if we fluttered our eyelashes at him sweetly, might just wander/walk over to offer a light for the unlit cigarette clenched between our teeth."
Some strides for the omi with the naff riah
From the Are You Being Served? episode "The Old Order Changes", where Captain Peacock asks Mr Humphries to get "trousers for the fellow with the unstylish hair."
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c-rose2081 · 10 months
Morrigan: Very traditional pirate, but with bright green hair, tattoos and a cranky attitude.
Caravel: The busty, emerald eyed redhead with maternal instincts and not enough time to babysit a bunch of young sirens.
Selene: The shadowy, spindly fingered smoker who always carry’s an ivory pipe and blows smoke rings.
Delphine: The opal skinned second-eldest of the crew, girlfriend to the Captain and uniquely beautiful with a pure white aesthetic.
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youngpipelover · 6 months
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NC Pipe Stud. Like father like son.
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roughridingrednecks · 6 months
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smokeys-house · 2 years
Excerpt from a dusty journal, early entry.
I fear it is that this journal paints me a dour woman, for I have the writ of a formal life but only the words of an old pirate. The modern tongue is not so easy a thing to twist to the page. It is true I fall to somber thoughts on occasion, though it is not a habit of mine.
As it be, I spend much of my time in the pursuit of simple pleasures. Trudging through snow, visiting with folk from the valley below, and of course plying my trade. As luck would have it, I happened to have done all three yesterday.
A fellow from the valley came to me in secret in the afternoon, with the idea to replace his knife and to gift a matching one in turn to his young beau. Now I being no stranger to young love asked in return only a story. He tells me a rather tall tale of another pirate who once happened upon this valley. Either he's quite the clever sort or I'm rather bad at keeping secrets.
The boy watched me work through the evening. He's a quiet traveling type and a fellow pipe smoker. Said he was on his way out of the valley for the winter. We talked a bit, but I get the feeling he's also quite comfortable saying fairly little.
It was pleasant. Winter.
Signed, Puukko.
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muchomacho · 2 years
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Young pipe smokers. I don’t condone or promote smoking, but there is something about pipe smoking that is very different, something intellectual, regal, manly.
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smokygluvs · 9 months
Vivian Leopold James - 1939-2019
Australia's greatest export? Well, Clive James certainly beats Skippy the Bush Kangaroo.
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Not only a man that I wanted to have me from a very young age, but also, as I grew older, a man I would have liked to have had as a friend (sexual or not).
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Poet, TV critic, writer, intellectual, broadcaster, journalist and professional Australian. He left Sydney in 1962 for Cambridge and (apart from visits) never went back.
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He had an intense regard but also a ready wit and smile and a fantastic voice and broadcast delivery. Check out his "Postcard" travelogue series or "Clive James on TV".
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A heavy smoker, not known for cigars, but there are a few (like this publicity still for "Postcard from Havana". No pipe or glove photos as far as I can find. Let me know if you spot any.
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Even in later years, he retained his wit, his intellect and his looks.
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mouseclarke · 2 years
I got sent here for David headcannons.
YES I GOT ONE. I FUCKIN GOT ONE. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. He has been on my mind for months now.
- For his appearance, I think it differs between pre and post-war. The general gist of his appearance being white, with light reddish-brown hair starting to turn grey and light blue eyes. He was probably clean shaven before the war, but after the war he probably has a lot of stubble on his face, a lot of combat scars, and a large scar across his right eye that has caused him to lose vision in said eye.
- At some point, he bought his way into getting a vault spot for him and his family. As well as Rosaylnn. Except we all know he was on holiday when the bombs dropped. (I didn’t make this one up. This was @chaosintheavenue)
- Going off that one, I believe he had a reservation at the Sierra Madre Casino & Resort maybe a few months after the opening.
- Bastard has definitely been to Vegas a few times, either because he wants to party or on business. (You know that one episode of "Don’t Tell The Bride" where the wee guy tries to plan a wedding in Vegas but it cost so much that the bride's brother couldn’t be invited? Well, the follow-up interview with him said that he and his mate went to Vegas multiple times after it.) That’s David.
- He’s 100% from West Virginia but has been out of state for so many years that his accent has been diluted. But still, he’s a local.
- I don’t think he grew up in a working class household, nor do I think he was extremely wealthy. Probably in a comfortable middle class, leaning to upper class, household.
- Likely grew up in the comfortable suburbs of Charelston. His father was a business man (likely a junior executive or a marketing agent (Think “Mad Men”)) and his mother a stay-at-home wife.
- Defentintly had a few siblings. Maybe an older brother, a twin (*COUGH* Josef, *COUGH*) and a half sister from one of his Dad’s affairs. 
- I don’t think his father was a good man and likely shaped him into who he was. I’m not saying his dad was a terrible parent, but I do think he was a cruel husband. Constant cheating and a lack of respect for his wife since he fell out of love with her, yet he was too scared to divorce her. 
- Inittally went to VTU for a year and a half because his best friend was going there before they transferred. So David took up his Dad's offer and went to some Ivy League university (Idk where. He probably went to Dartmouth College or Brown University.)
- He would 100% be one of those kids to be on the debate team. 
- He has lived in a fair number of states. New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Pennsylvania.
- I do think his children were still young when the war happened, but I don’t think they were extremely young. Maybe around 8-13.
- I also think he only had two children with Rita. A boy and a girl.
- Now to get into the Rosalynn stuff. I firmly believe she and David met at some university career fair and it became love at first sight. 
- Rosaylnn joined Arktos as an intern to get some extra credit for her chemistry degree, and David couldn’t have been more ecstatic.
- Of course, David kept his professional manner up the entire time, but he wanted Rosalynn so badly and all her casual flirting made it way worse.
- Likely at some work party, Rosalynn acted on her feelings and kissed David. Thus the start of their affair. 
- They frequently vacationed at the Whitesprings or Pleasant Valley because 1) David enjoys golf and 2) Rosalynn enjoys the snow up near the mountains.
- David’s a pipe smoker. He’s also a man who quite often drinks (not like full blown alcoholism, but it’s slowly leading down that path).
- After the war, David was desperate to get off the ski resort. I'm thinking of any plan or scheme to get him and Rosaylnn off. When Harland and a few other survivors went down to Charleston for help, David went with them since he knew what the city was like.
- There in Charelston, he found out that his daughter had died, and it made something snap inside of him. David changed that day from a high-ranking business executive to the possible future CEO of Arktos Pharma into a caulatuing monster.
- Soon after taking over Pleasent Valley, he soon turned into a stone-cold man, refusing to show any emotion and desprate to keep all the power he had in his firm grasp.
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jtyytyt998 · 2 months
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