#yuriko's story
yuriko-mukami · 28 days
Her Calamity Dark Prologue
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
Chapter Selection
Story so far...
This story includes themes that can be triggering. The content has similar traits to Diabolik Lovers' games. By reading forward, you accept that the story is meant for people who enjoy dark romance with scenes intended for adult readers. There won't be further warnings, so if you aren't a fan of these types of stories, DO NOT READ.
TW & CW: Toxic relationship behavior, captivity, sex, violence, blood, biting, various kinks, and probably something else too.
Chapters with sex tagged with #steamytimes and chapters with either toxic content or violence tagged with #lurid lilies.
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She's something worth holding onto After everything she's gone through Rose full of thorns Hope through the storms She's got stories that could haunt you
— Curiosity by Bryce Savage
Yuriko pressed her palms together and lowered her gaze. She was standing at the far end of the backyard of the Mukami manor in the shadows of tall trees, where she had built a tiny stone shrine that held a photo frame with her mother’s picture. She had just placed a cup of rice right next to it.
Mom, if you can hear me… I’m so sorry what happened to you. I never realized how your life was, I never saw it for real. I probably made many mistakes, but you said nothing about them. And… I didn’t ask how you were and what was going on in your mind. Then you were suddenly gone… A whimpering sob escaped Yuriko’s lips. I wish we would have more time together… but I understand that you had to go to Yuuto. But… but… if only you had told me, then I would have realized sooner… I loved you so much, yet I didn’t say it often enough. And now, it’s too late…
So much had happened in the last few years. Yuriko’s mother, Tsukino Hisoka, had gone missing when Yuriko had been in her second year of high school. She had started to skip classes, until she hadn’t gone to school at all during her third year, ending up failing completely. After that, her father, Tsukino Keisuke, had moved them to Kaminashi City… which had turned Yuriko’s life upside down or more like, inside out.
Little had Yuriko known, that her parents had met in the said city, fallen in love there, and married, even though her mother had been a Kitsune and ran away from her home village that was located in the Demon World. All this had been slowly revealed to Yuriko after she had met a Vampire called Mukami Ruki in Ryoutei Academy where her father had forced her to start over her third year.
I know it might sound scary, Mom, but I have found my happiness with Ruki. Only because of him, the seal you and Dad made that witch put in my blood was broken and my fox side surfaced. Because of Ruki, I can finally be myself. Yuriko sighed. Was that too harsh? Surely, her parents had thought what would have been the best for her and that’s why hid away her supernatural true nature. I… I don’t blame you for doing it, of course not. But I’m happier this way. Ruki… I love him, and I don’t care that he is a Vampire. So, you simply need to accept that, Mom.
Was her mother happy now? Yuriko couldn’t help but wonder. Hisoka had been executed for running away and marrying a human, and Yuriko would never see her again. It had been so long ago since they had talked to each other the last time. So many things had been left unsaid.
Yuriko lifted her gaze and looked at her mother’s photo. Hisoka didn’t smile in it but stared into the distance. It had been taken in the same year, Yuriko had been born, hence Hisoka looked much younger in it than Yuriko remembered her. But it had been the only photo she had managed to find in the apartment she had shared with her father for a brief while. For some reason, Keisuke had left that photo behind along with all Yuriko’s things, when he had left. To where? Yuriko didn’t know… and she had come to realize that she didn’t care. It was better this way. Now, the man couldn’t hurt her or her big brother, Yuuto, anymore.
“But Mom, don’t worry. I’m going to do my best in school now and help Yuuto build his life here in the Human World. Everything will be fine for both of us. Your efforts weren’t in vain.” Yuriko clapped her hands together two times and bowed her head for a moment.
“Here you are…” The voice from behind the bushes made Yuriko flinch. She glanced at her mother one last time before turning around.
“Ruki…” Curling her lips up, Yuriko tried to make her eyes shine.
Ruki stepped into the shadows that offered a fresh spot in the summer’s heat. Even though Yuriko was sure the Vampires didn’t sweat, Ruki had replaced his usual combo of long-sleeved shirt and blazer with a black t-shirt that had a skull pattern. Yuriko was sure that Kou had gotten it for Ruki. She dug her bare toes into the soft ground as if drawing strength directly from the earth. She was only wearing a light sundress and still sweating. How unfair.
“A penny for your thoughts, my angel.”
“Umh…” Shifting in place, Yuriko hid her hands behind her back. “Nothing big… I just… came here to… talk to Mom…”
A cool touch brushed Yuriko’s hair off her cheek and behind her ear. Leaning in, Ruki pecked her lips. “I see.”
“I… I… know it doesn’t probably make sense, but I feel closer to her this way…”
“Then you should keep doing this. I will tell my brothers to leave this corner alone.” Ruki wrapped his arm around Yuriko’s waist. “But if you are done now, you could come to the pool with me.”
Yuriko leaned against Ruki. “Isn’t Yuma still in the garden, filling that mystery hole that had appeared while we all were buying the groceries?”
Ruki shook his head. “He finished with it. I still do not understand where it came from. It looked like something had dropped from the sky… Haa… probably my imagination.” Nudging his nose against Yuriko’s, Ruki smirked. “However, Kou took Yuma and Azusa out, so now, we are all alone here.” He captured Yuriko’s bottom lip between his and gave it a gentle tug.
Gasping, Yuriko nodded, and Ruki released her lip. Before she could say anything, he had already gathered her into his arms. Hastily she enveloped his neck with her hands, holding onto him while he marched through the yard towards the pool. When he stepped into direct sunlight, the heat welcomed Yuriko once more.
“Somehow, this summer feels hotter than any other…” Yuriko buried her face in the crook of Ruki’s neck. He was cold against her, like her personal cooler in the sweltering weather. But being this close to him caused a whole new problem, another one Yuriko had struggled with recently.
Was it because of the summer heat? Was it something else? Yuriko had no idea, but as she drew breath and Ruki’s musky scent sailed into her nose, her heart took a sudden leap and she was happy that he was carrying her, for her legs would surely have given up in this very instant. Sticky, soaking feeling slithered deep within her, gluing her panties between her thighs even though Ruki had literally done or suggested nothing more than alone time in the pool.
“Hmm… already turned on by your master~?” Ruki’s whisper vibrated against Yuriko’s eardrum, causing a squeeze in her. She shifted in his arms, letting him feel her fingernails on his nape. “Lately, you have been much more like this than before, almost like I have awoken something in you. I wonder what it is…”
I wonder about it too! Yuriko gasped against Ruki’s neck, covering it with tiny kisses. His groan encouraged her, and she gave him a tiny suck. Probably not enough to leave a mark but the sudden urge to have his everything was coursing faster and faster in her. She needed him right now.
“You started to use the new potion this month, did you not?” Ruki’s voice was already hoarse.
The new potion for contraception? Yuriko nodded. Ruki had gotten her another one that needed to take only once a month after she had started to forget her daily routine due to all the stress that had dropped on her shoulders lately.
“Mhm, I have… ” Yuriko breathed the words on his skin, tracing the column on his neck with her tongue. He was cool and salty, just what she yearned for.
“Good girl.” Ruki put Yuriko down right next to the pool before grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling the cloth over his head. It landed on the grass. “My brothers will be away until the evening…” There went his belt. “Come here…”
Grabbing Yuriko by her waist, Ruki pulled her against him. She could feel a bulge pressing on her belly as his hands traveled along her back until they met her buttocks and slid under them, flipping her hem. “So many clothes even though it is hot…”
“Maybe… you should help me get out of them… Master~?” Yuriko lifted her gaze, realizing it was blurry.
Ruki leaned in, capturing her lips with a brief smooch. “Color me curious. What is lying behind those pretty eyes of yours that just changed their shade?” Leaving Yuriko’s butt alone for a moment, Ruki lifted his hand and picked up her eyeglasses. He made sure they were secured on a table near the pool.
“Umh… thoughts of you in the night…” Yuriko swayed her hips. The soaked sensation heated her face even more. “Feelings… I might need to feed…”
“Yet the sun is far from setting…” Ruki stepped closer again, gazing at Yuriko from head to toe. “You look like a little angel…” Without further ado, he snatched her dress, ripping it off her and tossing it on the ground, leaving her standing in her lingerie in front of him.
The moist, soaking feeling was spreading. Soon, it would reach Yuriko’s thighs.
Ruki simply watched her, smirking. “Naughty thoughts, my angel?”
“I… I…  umh… just want to make you feel good…” This was almost too much. Yuriko feared she would faint soon if she didn’t cool down. With a hasty decision, she turned her back to Ruki, lifting her arm and inching her finger under her bra from the backside. Soon, it was unhooked, and she let it slide down.
“Hmm~?” There was a hint of intrigue in Ruki’s voice.
Almost quivering, Yuriko tugged her fingers under the waistband of her panties. She wished she would have worn lace instead of cotton today, but it couldn’t be helped now. Leaning forward, she glided the fabric down her bottom. She didn’t crouch her legs as she lowered the tiny piece of clothing, allowing Ruki to view her from behind for the whole time.
This surely didn’t help with the overly heated feeling but that was one of the reasons Yuriko let this happen. She lifted one foot after another, dropping the panties near the edge of the pool.
“Such a beautiful view. You should stay like that for a moment.” Ruki chuckled. “Or perhaps spread your legs a bit.”
Shivering, Yuriko moved her thighs apart. As she started to feel light-headed, she could hear the sound of Ruki’s zipper going down. Rustle revealed that his pants went off, probably along his boxers, releasing the hardness Yuriko would have wanted right this very instant. Her insides clenched, pushing out more sticky moistness of lust as if welcoming Ruki to enter anytime now.
I can’t handle this! I’m flaring all over! Yuriko straightened up, panting as she peeked over her shoulder only to notice how ready Ruki was for action. She could already imagine the wet slaps, skin against skin as he would thrust her into oblivion and bliss. Oh, she wanted him to shove his hardness deep into her so roughly she would see stars instantly. So harshly that her moans would echo from the wall of the manor. She needed him to fuck her until there was no sense left in anything.
I can’t be this lewd! Oh my gosh!
Turning her head, Yuriko took a leap. A step. Second. A jump. The air swooshed in her ears as her feet left the ground. She gasped and closed her eyes. Her feet broke the surface of the water first, sinking into coolness. The water splashed around her just before it covered her all over as she slid toward the bottom of the pool. Such a pleasure!
Yuriko’s soles reached the floor of the pool, and she bounced upwards. Only seconds later she broke the surface again, gulping for air and blinking as water ran down her cheeks. She couldn’t help but notice how Ruki stared at her from the edge of the pool.
“I should punish you for jumping off without permission.” The words came with a chuckle.
“Ehh? But —”
Yuriko’s protest was interrupted when Ruki dived into the pool. He broke the water hands and head first without splattering it as Yuriko had done. She could see how he swam closer and closer, popping up right next to her only moments later.
Droplets sparkled in Ruki’s dark hair and slid down his nose as he blinked for a while. Yuriko pedaled in place to keep herself in an upright position. She was still slightly out of breath from the jump… and now it felt like not even the water could completely cool her down. Could it be that the new potion made her act like this?
Ruki hauled Yuriko into his embrace, lifting her lightly. Without further thought, she enveloped his waist with her thighs only to feel his hard shaft pressing between their bodies. Holding Ruki by his nape, she raised her gaze to meet his eyes. As she nibbled her bottom lip, Ruki let out a chuckle.
“And now you are acting all innocent. Are you trying to spur your master on with these tricks of yours?” He tilted his head. “Is that so, my angel?”
“I…” Yuriko swallowed. To be honest, she wasn’t sure. It was like something new had opened in her this summer. After everything they had been through it felt impossible to hold back. Her life was here and now, and she wished to have everything with Ruki before someone would take it all away. It was clear that anything she had at the moment could turn out into nothing in the next one.
Before Yuriko could muster an answer, Ruki captured her mouth and pulled her into a kiss. He gave her lower lip a hungry nip as if reminding her how his love could easily hurt and heal at the same time. As always, his kiss was cruel and devouring, impossible to resist.
Already trembling in Ruki’s arms, Yuriko opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to meander in. Groaning, Ruki started a tempting tango that set Yuriko’s soul on fire and pushed all else from her mind.
Pouring everything in the smooch, Ruki made the couple float through the pool until Yuriko’s back met the edge in the shallower end. Only then, he broke the smack, leaving Yuriko panting. He spun her over, pressing her against the rim. In the instant his teeth raked her nape, tongue flicking over the skin.
“You burn like the sun…” Ruki placed a peck on the crook of Yuriko’s neck and nuzzled her shoulder, scraping it. “You should get your punishment…”
Ruki’s lips were as cold as his body but that wasn’t enough to stop the flaring that had taken Yuriko over. Without another warning, he pierced the skin of her shoulder with his fangs and grunted as her blood gushed out. A cry pressed out of Yuriko and her body arched against the edge of the pool as white pain shot through her, blinding her mind from other sensations for a moment. With each suck, Ruki pulled her deeper into dark temptations that contradicted the brightness dancing around the yard.
“Ruki… ahh… please…” Yuriko wasn’t sure what she begged for. Even in the scorching daylight, the world faded from her. Her entire body tingled at Ruki’s touch as his body prowled against hers. His rough hand squeezed and caressed her buttock.
Another pleading moan left Yuriko’s lips. “Please… please… please… I need you…”
As Ruki pulled his fangs out of her skin, Yuriko whimpered. His cold tongue glided over the fresh bite, sealing it but not taking away the sweet swollen pain that throbbed in her.
“You must state your wishes clearly.”
Ruki’s words made Yuriko pant. Frowning, she tried to muster out more even though her whole body was tensed, and her brain turned into a mush. “I… I… need… to fuck… you.”
Silence followed.
Ruki turned Yuriko around, meeting her gaze. There was a whirlpool behind his eyes of the cloudy evening sky. “You… need to fuck your master?”
Slowly, Yuriko managed a nod.
A smirk arose.
“I see. But it does not work like that.” Ruki’s voice was hoarse. He hauled Yuriko against him, his hardness rubbing on her belly. “I am your master, and I will fuck you. Not the other way around.”
Placing her hands on Ruki’s shoulders, Yuriko gripped them. She was pure fire inside, not wanting to hold back any longer. “Please… it… I… I… umh… wish… for it…”
Something flashed in Ruki’s eyes as his arms tightened possessively around Yuriko. His length pressed on her front; hard steel ready to intrude in her. The silence lingered again, and Yuriko dared not open her mouth again.
A minute passed. Perhaps two.
Suddenly, Ruki rolled them over, his back resting against the pool's edge. He lifted Yuriko up and onto his lap, onto his shaft. “Then that is what you will get.”
Gasping, Yuriko held Ruki’s shoulders tighter. Emboldened by her own reckless desire, she swayed her hips and guided him in, not believing that she truly was straddling him, easing herself down and taking him in. His girth stretched her, forcing a long moan out of her lungs.
Ruki gripped Yuriko’s hips, his fingernails slightly digging into her skin as a groan compressed through her mouth. He jerked his shaft up, filling Yuriko to the deepest parts of her. Her back arched in response, and she wiggled against him, whining in a way that sounded almost like howling.
“That’s… my… good… girl!” Ruki thrusted up, groaning between each word. He slid one hand on the small of Yuriko’s back and the other up her spine, all the way to her head, pressing her face closer while his fingers entangled with her hair.
Capturing her lips, Ruki locked Yuriko into his embrace and started to ram into her. Their foreheads pressed together as they moved together, body to body, mouth to mouth. Each thrust sent Yuriko reeling as she enjoyed every single second of holding Ruki inside her.
Almost scrunching Yuriko, Ruki kept going, and she luxuriated in the sweet sensation of almost painful penetration that sent her toward the flaring sun. Powerful sensations built and throbbed below her waist as her every nerve end quivered. Her body clenched around Ruki’s thick manhood, his rough motions sending her closer and closer to the edge already. Her entire body vibrated in response.
Tongues tangling, Yuriko’s insides squeezed against Ruki’s member faster and faster as she was riding to the release she ached for. Sobbing and moaning into Ruki’s mouth, she swayed her body at the pace of his harsh lunges, her cells turning into sparkles as every secret part of her cried out his name. And when he finally poured himself into her, bucking and groaning, Yuriko’s toes curled and back arched as she came apart too.
Hanging on half into kissing, half heaving, Yuriko quivered in Ruki’s arms, relishing the sensation of his cold cum flooding her. Lazily, she swung her butt, hugging his slowly softening shaft with her walls as if her body was trying to get every last drop of his juices. His hand glided to her nape, giving it a tiny clutch.
“You are such a bad girl when the mood is right…” Ruki’s whisper vibrated on Yuriko’s lips. “You simply cannot shake your lust for your master, is that it?”
“Mhm…” Yuriko swallowed, still panting. “I… I just want to be used… by you… because I trust you and love you.”
“Is that so?” Ruki chuckled.
As an answer Yuriko clenched her walls again, this time deliberately, forcing Ruki to grunt.
“I see…” Lifting Yuriko from his lap, Ruki pulled out and whirled her bridal style in his arms. “Let me carry you in.” He pecked her lips before getting up from the water and walking out of the pool.
The summer breeze traced Yuriko’s bare skin as Ruki walked under the trees and toward the manor. Even being exhausted after their tryst, she couldn’t help the heated feeling that was already coursing its way back into her veins.
Ruki stepped into the manor, heading toward his bedroom. “I love you. From the bottom of my heart. And for that, I will fulfill your wishes.”
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You can find the uncensored version of the pic from Yuriko's X account and later in the ebook version of the story.
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Yuriko yawned, cuddling against Ruki on his bed. Ruki was playing with her hair in an almost lazy manner as if he had been much more relaxed than usual. The sun was sinking behind the window, disappearing behind the tall trees of the forest.
Finally, the inner burning had eased up a little. Yuriko pressed her nose against the column of Ruki’s neck. It was dry now. They had taken a shower – a rather long and heated one – after what had gone on in the pool, and then Ruki had wrapped Yuriko in a towel, making sure she had been properly dried before bringing her into his bed. Her curls were still somewhat damp, and the moist summer heat was wafting in the air, but her muscles weren’t stiff, and she was able to close her eyes and simply breathe.
This moment of peace. The couple wasn’t in a hurry. Everything was perfect right now; their worries were pushed aside. This was what Yuriko needed.
“You should move into this room…” Ruki placed a kiss on the top of Yuriko’s head. “You are always sleeping next to me anyway. We could bring your clothes and other things in here. I can move my bookshelves in the library so that we have more space here.”
“Umh… are you sure?” Yuriko fluttered her eyes open while her heart bounced a little faster. “I mean… I would love to share this room with you.”
That way we would be even more together officially, right? The soft sensation of her lips curling sent warm shivers through Yuriko’s body. She sighed when Ruki’s fingertips caressed her cheek.
“I am sure. I want to have you by my side at all times. Your everything belongs to me, and I will never let go of you. It only makes sense for us to live in the same room.” Ruki’s nose rubbed against Yuriko’s hair as he drew breath. “I wish nothing more than —”
A tap on the window.
Yuriko flinched from the sound and lifted her head, almost hitting Ruki’s chin. He crawled upright, moving her a bit further before landing his feet on the floor and heading toward the window. As he opened it, a tiny bat flew in, dropping an envelope into his hands. It flapped its wings, dancing in the air around Ruki.
“Good boy, you did well. I will call you again later, when I have read this and decided if it demands an answer.” With Ruki’s words, the bat flew back out, and Ruki made sure the window was shut again.
“Umh… what is it?” Yuriko sat up, pulling the blanket on her lap. It was too hot to wrap her body into it, and honestly, she didn’t mind Ruki seeing her naked anymore. He had seen everything and… he loved every inch of her. That much she had already learned.
Ruki scooted right next to Yuriko, pecking her cheek before he shredded the envelope open. He pulled out something that looked more like parchment than regular paper — it even had a dusty scent on it. Without answering Yuriko, Ruki focused on reading the message. And with each sentence, his brows knitted closer together.
“Haa… It seems I need to take my words back…” Ruki dropped the letter on the bed and ran his hand through his hair. “Do not get me wrong. I want to stay by your side, and I want you to live in this room with me… but that must wait a bit longer.”
“Eh?” Yuriko swallowed but that only made something cold slither down her stomach. There was such a serious tone in Ruki’s voice.
The Vampire raised his hand, brushing a damp curl behind Yuriko’s ear. “Karlheinz-sama has invited me to Eden.”
“For what?” Yuriko could hear how her voice quivered.
“I do not know. The letter said he had something important to discuss with me and that I should arrive alone.” Ruki sighed. “I am probably away for a few days. I will make sure that you are safe all the time. One of my brothers will accompany you.”
“Umh…” Yuriko hung her head. Ruki was her perfect distraction from unwanted thoughts, and now he would be gone. Even if it was only for a few days…
“You could meet up with Elizabeth. I will ask Kou to bring you to the mall and entertain you there. He knows how to do that.” Ruki snatched Yuriko’s chin and lifted it. “Then perhaps a library visit on another day and catching up with your brother on the third. You will be so busy that you do not have time to worry. And when I come back, I will spoil you so much that you will beg me to let you rest. So, make sure you will sleep enough while I am gone.”
Once again, the heat covered Yuriko’s face before the words even had time to sink in. She noticed that a glance from Ruki was enough to make her nod. She would do exactly how he wished. To be his good girl.
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afi-mukami · 8 months
Incoming Book Babies
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His Possession: Ruki sprite received from @ruki-mukami-dl (edited from original art by Rejet), background is original game art from Rejet and Yuriko is edited from her Picrew and a body from Animebases. Temptation: Cover art made by @marikamalia
Since I finished both writing and editing His Possession: Ecstasy (Diabolik Lovers) and translating Temptation (Final Fantasy VII), I decided that I deserved something nice.
So, more books onto my shelf. I just can't wait to have these babies in my hands later this year. 🥰
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redsamuraiii · 7 months
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Ultraseven IF Story:The Future 55 Years Ago
"I sought to change the past. Nothing went as planned."
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rainbowriddler · 5 months
So I'm watching My Love Story again, and found a moment that made me think of Urbosa in Breath of the Wild!
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When Takeo's mother, Yuriko, nonchalantly tells him she's pregnant and that he is going to be a big brother, Takeo freaks out about her carrying groceries, to which she responds by saying she carried a pregnant woman before she delivered Takeo!
Now, all I can think of is Zelda asking Urbosa for stories about her mother. One of those times, the story she settles on is about the time she had to carry Zelda's mother to her midwife. "I was pregnant with my daughter at the time," she confides. (And I say this because I'm pretty sure Riju mentions being a descendant of hers.) "We were expected to deliver roughly around the same time, but I was determined to be there for her."
Urbosa gazing wistfully at nothing as she recounts, "It all happened so suddenly. We had been walking through the gardens, as she always insisted. She complained of contractions before her water even broke, but dismissed them as a false alarm. Ten minutes later, she couldn't walk."
Zelda in horrified shock, "So you--you CARRIED her??"
Urbosa lets out a hearty laugh, "I scooped her right off the ground and ran for the castle! She yelled at me the whole way! I thought your father was going to faint!"
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vixy-exists · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's day!! Have these two (rushed) idiots. May fix them up later
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ruki-mukami-dl · 8 months
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Some time had passed since Eve chose her Adam. Komori Yui and Sakamaki Shu were now trying to have a serious relationship. Thus the task of the Mukami family was fulfilled and there was no longer a reason for Mukami Ruki to tempt Eve. However, by order of Sakamaki Karlheinz, the Mukamis were to remain in Kaminashi City and continue to attend school. Ruki was not happy with this and suffered from boredom.
At the beginning of April, Tsukino Yuriko moved from Kyoto to Kaminashi City. On her first day of school, she went to the school library before classes, looking for interesting books. Lost in thoughts, she suddenly stumbled into someone. That someone was none other than Mukami Ruki.
Of course, Yuriko immediately excused. But Ruki reacted rudely and arrogantly, calling her a clumsy livestock. Intimidated and annoyed, Yuriko cursed in her mind, but was unable to speak her thoughts aloud. Instead, she tried to make Ruki friendly again with another apology. Unfortunately her attempt failed.
Ruki's sadistic side broke through and he was amused by the scared woman. Due to her reaction the vampire decided to play a game and chose Yuriko as his new prey. Pushing her against a bookshelf, Ruki messed with her. The sadist enjoyed how the fear inside her grew.
Fortunately for Yuriko, the school bell ended the mental torture. As if nothing had happened, Ruki turned around and disappeared. Stunned by the incident in the library and with trembling legs, Yuriko dragged herself to the classroom. Once there, she had to find out that Ruki was one of her new classmates.
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Yuriko's admin (@yuriko-mukami) and I (@ruki-mukami-dl) have been writing Yuriko's and Ruki's story since January 2022. Due to the roleplay writing style and the enormous length/word count, we decided to keep the original writing private. However, we wanted to give you an insight into Rukiko's world and will now gradually post summaries of His Very Own. We are still continuing the story and hope that we can do this for a long time. Enjoy reading~
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atsuchiii · 5 months
Hyakkaou Student Council gotta be my favourite student council in anime. Everytime I come across student council interactions in kkg fanfics, I reread that entire scene at least twice. Specially when it's them being silly together xjnxndns
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imberlae · 1 year
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Yuriko Tiger Instagram Stories(screenshot) 3/30/2022 (no source sorry)
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water-writings · 6 months
I completely forgot I had this saved in my drafts for like YEARS.
This is for @pen-in-hand / @biscottibitch who loved the idea of Yuriko and Dabi together. An AU where Yuriko never met Hawks, but met Dabi/Touya and she never went into singing.
Yuriko sighed as she pushed the door open with her back. She was already feeling the pain from being on her feet all day at the hospital. One twelve hour shift later and then she had to go get groceries. All she wanted to do was sleep.
Kicking the door shut and her shoes off, she flipped on the lights only to let out a scream when she saw the person in her living room.
“Touya!” she berated as she glared at the man on her couch.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Touya said, giving a smirk as the woman walked into the small kitchen. He groaned as he sat up. “How’ve you been?”
“Better, but I can say the same about you,” Yuriko said, rolling her eyes as she placed the grocery bags on the counter. She quickly walked over to the patchwork skinned man, kneeling in front of him. “What happened this time?”
“Just a couple thugs thought they could beat me,” Touya said, grinning a little more, making the staples on his face glint in the dim apartment light. “No need to worry.”
“Yeah, right,” the woman said, tucking a piece of purple hair behind her ear. She reached out, moving his hand from his side and moving his jacket aside. “Looks like they could beat you. What did they do, kick you?”
Touya hissed as Yuriko pressed her hand onto his side, gently moving her hands along his ribs. “Good guess…”
“Jesus, Touya, come on.” She sighed, lifting his shirt up.
“How about you buy me dinner first, Princess?” He chuckled when he saw the unamused look on the woman’s face.
“I will throw you off the balcony,” she threatened, standing up. “You’re lucky your ribs aren’t broken.” She made to move back to the kitchen, but was stopped when Touya’s hand reached out, grabbing hers.
“Sorry,” he softly said, looking up at her. He rubbed his thumb over her hand, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin under his calloused fingertip. “Can you get me some ice for this?”
“Are you going to melt it like last time to get me to be your own personal nurse?” she asked, raising a brow at him. 
“What? You didn’t like taking care of me?” 
“I don’t mind taking care of you, but it’s annoying when you do things to purposely get me to continue taking care of you.” She squeezed his hand before going to the kitchen to get the ice. 
It was quiet for a moment, just the sound of the air conditioner humming and the shifting of ice cubes in the freezer. Yuriko glanced over her shoulder as she placed a couple cubes in a wash cloth and felt her face heat up when she caught Touya looking at her. 
“Nothing, just like watching my little nurse work,” Touya teased, grinning more when Yuriko gave him a scowl. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He laughed as Yuriko came over and chucked the wash cloth on his lap. “Thank you Yuriko.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” she huffed, taking a seat next to him and grabbing the wash cloth. “Or else you would never been getting this treatment.” She gently placed the cloth on his side, eyes shifting as she watched his face, measuring his pain. 
“I feel so special,” he chuckled. He looked over at her and quickly leaned down, stealing a kiss from her. “Thanks, Princess.” 
Yuriko’s face heated up and groaned when she heard him laugh. “I hate when you do that.” 
“I know.”
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cinemaronin · 2 years
横道世之介 A Story of Yonosuke (2013)  directed by Shūichi Okita
video edit by Denis La Funk (Cine Ronin) https://www.youtube.com/c/DenisLaFunk
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yuriko-mukami · 1 month
Her Calamity: Dark
The cover art for the physical and e-books
The story will begin on May 11th, 2024, 6 PM UTC
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After saving Yuuto from the Demon World and learning that her mother was dead, Yuriko's life seemed to settle down. The sadness still lingered with her, but she looked forward to summer vacation and the autumn semester. Yet, the Vampire king presaged a new thread for his plans rising.
Was calamity about to strike?
Character bases purchased from nukababe/Etsy. The background is from Ibis Paint. The bunny sprite made by @eri-talks .
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imasallstars · 2 years
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The Theater Days Main Story has been updated! Main Commu 119 “I Want To See You“ will focus on Yuriko Nanao
Read the story to gain 50 Million Jewels and be able to play her single, “Chikyuugi ni Nai Kuni”.
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angela-yuriko-smith · 11 months
My First Short Story Workshop Taking Sign Ups
See your work published in the upcoming Rising Voices anthology!
You know the short story workshop I’ve been talking about doing for awhile? It’s finally ready… and one of my former (and earliest) students has offered a generous scholarship! Here are the details: Limited availability (15 students) – Class begins on August 1 Join me for a generative workshop on short fiction. This 12-week course will guide you from writing your first draft to seeing your…
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missmouseeyes · 8 months
October 22-28 is Ace Week 2023, so I’d like to give a spotlight to some manga I have enjoyed that have also touched on asexuality.
I Want To Be A Wall by Honami Shirono
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A 3 volume Josei manga about the lavender marriage between Gakurouta, a closeted gay man who pines for his childhood friend, and Yuriko, an aromantic, asexual BL fangirl.
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She Loves To Cook, and She Loves To Eat by Sakaomi Yuzaki
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An ongoing yuri Josei manga with a TV adaptation about two women who bond over food. The series recently introduced Yako, an asexual lesbian, and it’s possible that protagonist Nomoto may be on the ace spectrum as well.
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Is Love The Answer? by Uta Isaki
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A single volume josei manga about Chika, a young college student who has always considered herself an “alien” because she has no desire for romance or physical intimacy, but finds community with people like herself.
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Our Dreams At Dusk: Shimanami Tasogare by Yuhki Kamatani
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A 4 volume Seinen manga about a closeted gay boy who gets to know the patrons of a drop-in center who all turn out to be part of the LGBTQ community. Someone-san might be considered a deuteragonist of the story.
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I’d also like to mention two yuri manga I haven’t finished yet- I have only read the first volume of both- but because of what others have said I know they feature asexual characters!
Catch These Hands! (murata)
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Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon (Shio Usui)
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wlwcatalogue · 11 months
Yuri Subtext (?) Anime List
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A supplement to my earlier yuri anime masterlist, this list covers anime which aren’t marketed as yuri but which prominently feature F/F pairs, whether canonical or subtext! Since subtext is so subjective, this post only includes series which I’ve actually watched, and so is by no means intended to be comprehensive.
Also, since the above description would not cover certain series with well-known yuri pairings, I've also included a few "bonus rounds" for the curious (although these are still limited to series I have watched).
At-a-glance list:
Revolutionary Girl Utena (39 episodes + 1 movie, 1997)
NOIR (26 episodes, 2001)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 episodes, 2011)
Haibane Renmei (13 episodes, 2002)
.hack//SIGN (26 episodes, 2002)
Read or Die / R.O.D. the TV (26 episodes, 2003)
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury (24 episodes, 2022)
Black Rock Shooter (8 episodes, 2010)
Izetta: The Last Witch (12 episodes, 2016)
Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll (movie, 2019)
Canaan (13 episodes, 2009)
Ga-Rei: Zero (12 episodes, 2008)
Bonus rounds:
Sailor Moon S3 (38 episodes, 1994) (subtext)
Mai-Hime (26 episodes, 2004) (canon)
Psycho-Pass (41 episodes + 3 movies, 2012) (canon)
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (24 episodes + movie, 2020) (canon)
Summaries under the cut!
1. Revolutionary Girl Utena (39 episodes + 1 movie, 1997) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Copied from the Yuri Anime Masterlist post, since technically it wasn’t marketed as yuri)
When she was a child, Tenjou Utena (Kawakami Tomoko) was saved by a passerby prince, so she decided that she too wanted to become a prince as an adult. Fast forward to high school, and she hasn’t forgotten that conviction: Utena gets sucked into a series of duels while trying to protect her best friend’s honour. After winning the first duel, she becomes ‘engaged’ to the eccentric “Rose Bride” Himemiya Anthy (Fuchizaki Yuriko), and the two start living together in the same dormitory.
First things first: there are a million content warnings for this series, including implied rape, sexual assault, incest, and homophobia. Although the issues are handled well (in my opinion), it does go to very dark places, so those wanting a light, fun anime to unwind to should look elsewhere. Second, this series is very much a psychological drama utilising the episodic duels as a way of hone in on Utena’s opponents and their stories, so Utena and Anthy’s relationship – though important – is definitely not the focus of the anime. Third, the TV series is limited to hinting at the romantic relationship between Utena and Anthy, not to mention that they spend most of the series being little more than acquaintances rather than actual friends. The movie Adolescence (which can be taken as a retelling or sequel, depending on your perspective) is much more explicit on this front, but also suffers from a significantly shorter runtime and a much more opaque approach to storytelling.
That being said! If you’re okay with all of the above, this series is pretty much essential. The simplistic premise belies a much more complex and nuanced story about gender roles, sexuality, and human relationships and remains one of the smartest anime ever made, over twenty years on.
2. NOIR (26 episodes, 2001) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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The first in anime studio Bee Train’s “girls with guns” trilogy, NOIR follows globetrotting assassin duo Mireille Bouquet (Mitsuishi Kotono) and Yuumura Kirika (Kuwashima Houko) as they partner up to search for Kirika’s missing memories and the truth behind Mireille’s parents’ deaths. The series is pleasingly restrained despite the sensational premise, alternating between “business trips” to far-flung locations and snapshots of the pair’s domestic life in Mireille’s Paris apartment, and devoting more time to the unfolding of the relationship between the prickly Mireille and puppy-like Kirika than to action sequences. I won't say too much due to spoilers, but their relationship numbers among my favorites due to how naturally it is developed throughout and how it is very much at the heart of the series both narratively and thematically.
This is also the first anime soundtrack entirely composed by the legendary Kajiura Yuki, heralding a long collaboration with director Mashimo Kouichi, and her mix of classical and modern sounds provides the perfect accompaniment to NOIR’s atmospheric cityscapes. Also, for fans of Mitsuishi’s work (Sailor Moon! Utena! Evangelion!), I’d say NOIR is a must-watch for her performance alone; her Mireille is brittle and proud, and she brings so much humanity and nuance to the role. In fact, I don’t care if you’re a fan of Mitsuishi or Kajiura or assassins or whatever, please just try the first episode— this anime deserves way more love!
3. Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 episodes, 2011) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica opens with ordinary middle school girl Kaname Madoka (Yuuki Aoi) standing in the ruins of her hometown, watching as a lone girl struggles to defend what remains of the city against a much more powerful enemy. A little rabbit-like creature informs Madoka that the girl is sure to lose without her help, and so Madoka decides to become a magical girl right then and there— at which point she wakes up and dismisses it as a strange nightmare. But then that very day, her school receives a new transfer student who looks just like that mysterious girl, and she also finds a hurt animal that closely resembles the rabbit-like creature from her dream. Madoka is then faced with certain questions: do magical girls actually exist, and will she become one herself?
Since Madoka Magica was all the rage back in the early 2010s, I don’t think it too much of a spoiler to say that the cheery first three episodes hide a dark, gritty story which uses the concept of magical girls to explore the tumultuousness of adolescence. The queer subtext only comes in at the end but tight plotting and inventive presentation make this show a quick watch— and if you’re the type who likes queerness in fiction to be intense, world-shakingly significant, and a wee bit problematic, the payoff should be more than enough. A word of warning: there is a movie sequel called Rebellion, but if you’re happy with the ending of the anime, it’s best not to watch it (although I love the movie, myself).
Side note: I won’t go into it too much due to spoilers but if you liked Madoka Magica you might want to check out Serial Experiments Lain – even if most of it is utterly incomprehensible (as it was to me), it’s worth watching until the very end (wink). Also, for the rare fan of Rebellion, Adolescence of Utena is a must-watch if you haven’t checked it out already; so much can be said about its conceptual and aesthetic influences on Rebellion!
4. Haibane Renmei (13 episodes, 2002) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Note: slight spoilers about the tone and overall themes of the show – but I think it’s necessary for the purpose of writing a more representative summary.)
Written by ABe Yoshitoshi – character designer of cult classic anime Serial Experiments Lain and author of the very unfinished manga which this show adapts and significantly develops – Haibane Renmei starts off as a light-fantasy slice-of-life anime following freshly-arrived Rakka (Hirohashi Ryou) as she searches for a suitable job in the town of Glie, before transforming into a nuanced exploration of grief and depression about halfway through. To say more would be really too spoilery, but I just want to say that this has probably the most grounded and sensitive depiction of depression I have seen in an anime; it shows that sometimes people struggle even if everyone around them is kind and supportive, but remains hopeful about the healing power of time and understanding. The subtext is between the protagonist and Reki (Noda Junko), the first person she meets, who also helps her get acclimatised to her new life in Glie. Again, I won’t say more, but their relationship really is wonderful. That being said, this show does touch upon suicide and suicidal ideation in the course of discussing these themes, so please steer clear if that is something you are wary of.
5. .hack//SIGN (26 episodes, 2002) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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A standalone spinoff of the .hack PS2 games, this show was the most well-known anime about players getting trapped inside a multiplayer game before Sword Art Online’s arrival in 2012 (ironically, Kajiura Yuki composed the music for both). Rather than being an action-adventure story about a heroic protagonist trying to find a way back to the real world, SIGN stands out as an introspective piece, far more interested in the psychology of those who play online games and the issues of human connection and identity. In fact, the female protagonist is all too happy to remain within the MMORPG as male player-avatar Tsukasa (Saiga Mitsuki) after becoming unable to log out; the story is more about how the player grows to accept the real world with the help of the other players she meets, rather than about figuring out the exit route.
On the F/F side, some way into the series, Tsukasa makes an instant connection with fellow player-character Subaru (Nazuka Kaori) and they soon start spending a lot of time together. I really love their scenes together; the series' masterful use of body language, framing, and music all comes together to create these beautifully tender moments of intimacy. Although there’s no kiss scene nor explicit discussion of dating etc., a lot of the other characters talk about their relationship and perceive it as being romantic, to the point where one gets homophobically “worried” about Subaru when they find out that the player controlling male avatar Tsukasa is female. Tsukasa and Subaru's relationship becomes a lynchpin for both characters' development, and in general is used to illustrate the series' underlying themes in a thoughtful and heartwarming way.
6. Read or Die / R.O.D. the TV (26 episodes, 2003) Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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A spinoff of the Read or Die series which takes more from espionage thrillers and Hong Kong action flicks than shounen anime, R.O.D. the TV takes the unusual approach of starting with its main character - elite paper-maniuplating superspy Yomiko Readman (Miura Rieko) - being nowhere to be seen after burning down the British Library in a dramatic resignation announcement. Instead of focusing on her, or the spy agencies clashing in her absence, the story instead follows her friend Sumiregawa Nenene (Yukino Satsuki), who joins up with a trio of sisters with paper-manipulating powers and criminal connections in her quest to find out what happened to Yomiko. The queerness is mainly implied through Nenene's focus on Yomiko, which is unrequited and sadly fizzles out narratively speaking in the back half. Unfortunately, this is coupled with an increased focus on more heteronormative topics, such as Yomiko's grief over her dead male lover, and the child one of the characters had with the villain of the OVA. That being said, I also want to shout out this series' surprisingly earnest depiction of budding queerness in a young (like, elementary-school young) side character - something that is rare in fiction even now.
7. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury (24 episodes, 2022) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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The most recent entry on this list by far (the final episode aired just a day ago at time of writing), The Witch from Mercury initially seems to forgo the Gundam franchise’s usual grand scale, being set in an academy run by the corporate giant Benerit Group. Main character and new student Suletta Mercury (Ichinose Kana) - the franchise’s first female protagonist since its beginnings in 1979 - accidentally bumbles her way into fighting a mecha duel, and, when she wins, is shocked to find that she is now engaged to the sole heiress of that self-same corporate giant, her classmate Miorine Rembran (Lynn). So far so Utena, but after the first episode, things start to diverge significantly: though the duels continue, the focus shifts to how big-picture tensions such as the manoeuvring within the Benerit Group and the conflict between the space colonisers and people on Earth play out within the student body, and how the arrival of Suletta and her mysteriously cutting-edge mecha start to shake up the status quo… until things come to an explosive head.
For those who curious about G-Witch due to Suletta and Miorine, but who wouldn’t normally be interested in Gundam or space operas, I’ll just say that if the hype has led you to expect a big queer romance where Suletta and Miorine shout their love from the rooftops, well, that’s not how it goes. It’s a mecha anime first and foremost, after all! But lower your expectations and you may be pleasantly surprised. Season 1 offers plenty to enjoy in terms of Suletta’s earnest attempts to be a good “bridegroom” and the tsundere Miorine’s bouts of jealousy over Suletta. And while their relationship takes a bit of a back seat in Season 2 due to there being So Much going on, it remains one of the key elements of the series and their scenes together are the emotional peaks of the season.
Side note: Some might criticise Gundam for taking so long to have a female main character, but let’s not forget about how the even older Ultraman (1966), Kamen Rider (1971), and Super Sentai (1975) franchises still have not had a single mainline series featuring a female protagonist… Come on guys, I’m dying for a female-led Kamen Rider over here!
8. Black Rock Shooter (8 episodes, 2010) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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One of the two anime inspired by the Hatsune Miku song of the same name, this Okada Mari-penned series hones in on the passionate friendships and jealousies of a group of middle-school girls. In a twist that feels informed by the psychological allegory of the popular Persona games, this interpersonal drama plays out in the surreal battle world of the music video, with the titular Black Rock Shooter being the main character’s alter-ego. Of particular interest is the first half’s focus on the blossoming friendship between protagonist Kuroi Mato (Hanazawa Kana) and her shy classmate Takanashi Yomi (Sawashiro Miyuki), which has strong overtones of two girls developing crushes on each other – it doesn’t go smoothly, but hey, that’s life.
9. Izetta: The Last Witch (12 episodes, 2016) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Set during what is basically World War 2, Izetta: The Last Witch asks the daring question of “What if a small European country about to be invaded by alternate-history Nazi Germany could fight back with magic… and what if it was (subtextually) yuri?” The show follows politically-minded princess Finé as she and her best friend (read: girlfriend) Izetta think up ways to leverage the latter’s witchy gifts to save the country from invasion – a rare case of a military anime where female characters are significantly involved at the strategic stage. Those who enjoy the classic princess-and-knight trope may find something to like as long as they are fine with Finé and Izetta not having much relationship development (as their dynamic is established from the start) and them not having many one-on-one scenes together (as the series’ main focus is on the political manoeuvring). Note that this show is also pretty heavy on the fanservice – IIRC there was at least one moment of egregious sexualisation per episode.
Side note: those who like Izetta may also want to check out Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing, a female-focused dieselpunk anime with a lot of military strategizing and a very cool world setting, though Izetta is better-paced and the main relationship is much more plot-significant. (That being said I do like the relationship between Fam side characters Tatiana and Alistair… Tatiana is probably the adult character with the most screentime in Fam, being the main characters’ commanding officer, and although it’s very background, she has this cutely settled dynamic with former piloting partner turned wife right-hand woman Alistair.)
10. Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll (movie, 2019) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Note: this entry’s a slightly weird one, it only covers the first 40 minutes of this movie due to it being basically two episodic stories smushed together into a single package, and only the earlier story is relevant to this list.)
In this standalone spinoff of the Violet Evergarden anime series – itself an adaptation of the light novel series by Akatsuki Kana – the titular protagonist Violet (Ishikawa Yui) takes a break from ghostwriting letters to serve as companion to aloof young noblewoman Isabella York (Kotobuki Minako) in her last months of finishing school. The story is a quiet coming-of-age tale focusing on how the kind (and rather dashing!) Violet helps Isabella to open up, or, in simpler terms, it’s fodder for butler-and-lady fans. Don’t get your hopes up too much, though: Violet learning about her romantic feelings for her deceased male superior is one of the main throughlines of the anime, and this (half of the) movie also ends with a heterosexual arranged marriage for Isabella. That being said, this movie is really a feast for the eyes, its historical-fantasy setting being brought out with beautiful backgrounds and detailed linework, so it’s worth checking out if you don’t mind the very Class S narrative.
Side note: if you want F/F butler-and-lady or princess-and-knight vibes I would really recommend watching Fate/Zero for Saber and Irisviel – yes Irisviel is already married to one of the (male) main characters and yes Saber is absolutely the main love interest for the famously-straight Fate/stay night, but their dynamic is really good and Saber gets to wear a stylish suit and be all chivalrous to a woman… Please watch the third episode of season 1 at least…
11. Canaan (13 episodes, 2009) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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There’s quite a lot going on in Canaan – perhaps unsurprisingly so for a spinoff of the FMV visual novel 428: Shibuya Scramble, which is famous for its intertwined storylines – but in true action-movie blockbuster style, all you really need to know is that the titular mercenary Canaan (Sawashiro Miyuki) is on a hunt for her mentor’s protégé-turned-murderer, and a lot of flashy fighting is involved. Also, there's no need to worry if you haven't played the original game, as Canaan is pretty much a standalone work and all of the significant characters are original to the anime. Yuri-minded viewers may enjoy her clashes with the villain Alphard (Sakamoto Maaya), but the main source of F/F subtext is her relationship with the young photographer Maria (Nanjo Yoshino), for whom she cares deeply and must rescue on multiple occasions. However, do be warned that the one canonically queer character in the show – Alphard’s subordinate Liang Qi (Tanaka Rie), who is fixated on her boss – is handled very badly, being portrayed as a raving predatory lesbian who is mocked, rejected, and finally killed by the object of her affections. Canaan and Maria’s relationship is also framed very definitively as friendship by the end of the series, although they don’t get paired off with male characters. IIRC there’s also some fanservice but I can’t remember the details as it was a long time ago, sorry.
12. Ga-Rei: Zero (12 episodes, 2008) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Back in the old days, I had heard this show talked about in the same breath as yuri classics such as Kannazuki no Miko and Mai-Hime, and, well, like those series it comes with significant caveats (though thankfully there is no sexual assault). Although it’s a prequel to the Ga-Rei manga by Segawa Hajime, the anime is basically standalone and focuses on original characters Kagura (Chihara Minori) and Yomi (Mizuhara Kaoru), the latter of whom welcomes protagonist Kagura into her family and demon-hunting squad, only to leave the team in a devastating betrayal. After the explosive opening, the series jumps back to explore the events leading up to that point; fans of director Aoki Ei’s work on Fate/Zero should note that the dark tone disappears in the third episode and never quite comes back even when things get serious. Viewers should also keep their F/F expectations in check, since despite the premise I would say the series is more plot- than character-focused, and on top of that a significant amount of time is devoted to Yomi’s relationship with her male fiancé (Yomi and Kagura have more screentime together, but there’s not much development whereas Yomi and her fiancé are given a whole romantic arc). There is one very fanservicey scene between Kagura and Yomi in a car early on (in episode 3?) which viewers may want to skip, but IIRC it’s an outlier and the rest of the series is nowhere near as bad.
Bonus Rounds
1. Sailor Moon S / Season 3 (38 episodes, 1994) (subtext) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Possibly the most widely-known F/F couple in anime, Haruka and Michiru (Ogata Megumi and Katsuki Masako, respectively), make their first appearance in episode 3 of the third season as mysterious newcomers who refuse to work alongside the Sailor Senshi. Apart from being consistently framed as an ideal couple throughout (they practically cruise to victory in a couple’s contest in episode 5 of S3), they also get some juicy narrative moments, being the main subject of the excellent episodes 17 and 21 – the latter being the mid-season climax. They return in S5 but I haven’t watched that season yet.
Side note: Utena fans may be particularly interested to hear that the aforementioned Haruka-and-Michiru-centric episodes 17 and 21 are helmed by key Utena creatives. Both were written by Enokido Yoji, Utena's lead scriptwriter, while episode 17 was directed by Igarashi Takuya (who storyboarded 5 Utena episodes) and episode 21 was directed by Utena director Ikuhara Kunihiko himself.
2. Mai-Hime (26 episodes, 2004) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Way back when, Mai-Hime was very popular among yuri fans for including a canonically queer female character who was in love with another female character… even though, like in Kannazuki no Miko which was broadcast the same year, she commits sexual assault against her. For those still curious, Mai-Hime starts out as a quirky fighting-monsters-and-going to school anime but turns into a battle royale where characters fight each other using robots – the twist being that the robots symbolise their love for the person most precious to them, and if destroyed, that person will die. The queer storyline comes in only in the last quarter or so, but is compellingly told and at least the queer character isn’t quite as maniacal or otherwise demonised compared to some others (looking at you, Liang Qi in Canaan). It's a fun reveal, so I won't spoil it here even if you're likely to have heard of it already.
3. Psycho-Pass (41 episodes + 3 movies, 2012) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Psycho-Pass is set in a dystopian world where people are rated on their criminal tendencies; the main characters’ job as police officers is to arrest those whose tendencies exceed a certain level. The F/F is canon but very, very background; one of the surprise twists of the finale is that forensics expert Karanomori Shion (Sawashiro Miyuki), whose appearance screams “sexy doctor character” but is played with surprising warmth by Sawashiro, is actually in a relationship with seemingly aloof field officer Kunizuka Yayoi (Itou Shizuka). I only watched the first season and so can’t comment on the rest, but apparently they are still in a relationship in the third season.
4. My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (24 episodes + movie, 2020) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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An adaptation of Yamaguchi Satoru’s popular light novel series, this show headed the wave of reincarnated-villainess isekai, focusing on the bumbling Catarina Claes (Uchida Maaya) – in actuality an otaku who has been reincarnated into an otome game – as she tries desperately to remove her character’s image as a villainess and thereby inadvertently attracts the attentions of many a suitor. Among this reverse harem are three female characters Maria Campbell (Hayami Saori), Mary Hunt (Okasaki Miho), and Sophia Ascart (Minase Inori).
While the female suitors’ romantic interest in Catarina is generally not undermined or played as a joke, they are not necessarily treated as equally valid options compared to the male suitors - it doesn't feel like Catarina has a real chance of ending up with any of the female characters. I've heard this starts becoming more obvious in S2 (which I haven't watched), which apparently focuses on Catarina's relationship development with one particular male suitor compared to the others. Also, the VN spinoff had 6 routes in total (all 4 male suitors + 2 original male characters) but did not include a single female route, despite being non-canon in nature.
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