#zdeněk koubek
kindyu · 2 years
Neskutečně mě vysírá, jak česká média píšou o Zdeňkovi Koubkovi v ženském rodě. "Žena, která se stala mužem." "Světová atletka, která bojovala v mužském těle." Oni to podávají, jak kdyby byl v duši žena, ale tělo si upravil proto, že už předtím měl mužské tělesné prvky, tak aby to jako "dokončil". Přitom to tak není. On byl intersex, označen za ženu při narození a prošel mužskou tranzicí. Mě ten jeho příběh zní jako příběh intersex trans muže. Ale oni ho furt misgenderujou!! Celý článek o něm píšou v ženském rodě a až po jeho tranzici o něm začnou psát v mužském rodě. A život před tranzicí zabírá většinu článku. Takhle se o trans lidech nepíše, vážení. Zkuste se trochu informovat. Bože můj. Já to tady tak nesnášim.
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makingqueerhistory · 8 months
What article would you recommend to someone just getting into queer history?
It would really depend on the person and what they are looking for in terms of queer history, but how about we do a choose-your-own-adventure type answer!
Are you looking for a look at how we got to where we are today in terms of queer history?
Read: Magnus Hirschfeld or Maryam Khatoon Molkara
Are you looking to find comfort in the fact that queerness has existed throughout history?
Read: Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum or Sir Ewan Forbes 
Are you looking to have some of your preconceived notions about queer history to be challenged?
Read: The Golden Orchid Society or Rotimi Fani-Kayode
Does queer history intimidate you because you are afraid of it being a list of tragedies?
Read: The Ladies of Llangollen or Jackie Shane
Do you want to learn about the intersection of queer and disability history?
Read: Lou Sullivan or Victoria Arellano 
Do you want queerness that resonates with lesser-known/discussed identities?
Read: Kristina King of Sweden or Zinaida Gippius 
Are you looking for more information about names you already recognize?
Read: Sappho or Langston Hughes
Are you looking to be pulled into a rabbit hole of queer history?
Read: Edward Carpenter or Xulhaz Mannan 
Are you looking for someone within your region?
Read: Making Queer History by country
Just searching for an odd little slice of queer history to wet your appetite?
Read: Elmyr de Hory or Salim Halali 
Just want to know something new?
Read: Bajazid Doda or Geoffrey Bawa
Just looking for a story to grip you emotionally?
Read: Emmeline Freda Du Faur or Zdeněk Koubek 
I hope you find something in this list that helps!
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Saw your addition to the Zdeněk Koubek post. You should look up the Chevalière d'Éon if you don’t know of her already. The podcast “Noble Blood” did an episode on her.
I did, actually! Not super well but I think they were brought up at some point in one of my gender studies/history classes. But thank you!
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yourdailyqueer · 5 years
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Zdeněk Koubek (deceased)
Gender: Transgender man
Sexuality: N/A
DOB: 8 December 1913  
RIP: 12 June 1986
Ethnicity: Czech
Occupation: Track athlete
Note: The Czech Wikipedia (if translated correctly), suggests he may have been intersex. Some articles on Google confirm this.
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decadent-dilettante · 3 years
Historical Trans Men
1. Dr. James Barry, 1789-1865, military surgeon
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2. "One-Eyed" Charley Parkhurst, 1812-1879, stagecoach driver
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3. Ralph Kerwineo, 1876-1932, clerk
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4. Harry Allen, 1882-1922, vagrant and criminal
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5. Amelio Robles Ávila, 1889-1984, military commander during the Mexican Revolution
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6. Victor Barker, 1895-1960, restaurant proprietor
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7. Zdeněk Koubek, 1913-1986, track athlete
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8. Billy Tipton, 1914-1989, jazz musician
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9. Willmer "Little Ax" M. Broadnax, 1916-1992, jazz musician
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10. Jim McHarris, 1924-?, auto mechanic
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makiruz · 4 years
“Gender Testing” in sports is and always have been about intersex people.
The whole thing started in the games in Berlin 1936 (the ones in Nazi Germany in case you didn’t know) targeting Stanisława Walasiewicz (aka Stella Walsh) an intersex woman, and AFAB intersex athletes Mark Weston (born Mary Louise Edith Weston) and Zdeněk Koubek (born Zdena Koubková).
Later examples famous examples were Heinrich Ratjen (born Dora Ratjen) AFAB intersex man, Foekje Dillema an intersex woman, Ewa Kłobukowska another intersex woman, Erik Schinegger (born Erika Schinegger) AFAB intersex man, Maria José Martínez-Patiño intersex woman. Even this century we have:Pratima Gaonkar an intersex woman (who killed herself after failing the sex test), Santhi Soundarajan, Dutee Chand, and of course Caster Semenya, all of them intersex women of color
So clearly, “sex testing” or “gender testing” has never been about “fairness” or “protecting females” it’s about policing intersex people’s bodies
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queerasfact · 3 years
Realized that your repertoire has a noticeable lack of Czechs! I think I’ve recommended Toyen before, but I was wondering if Zdeněk Koubek was on the list? He was a trans athlete from the ‘30s, representing Czechoslovakia in the world games as a runner.
Yes he is! Thank you for the suggestion nonetheless =)
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90minut · 6 years
Jen 31 procent. Tak nízkou úspěšnost přestupů měl nový sportovní šéf Sparty, když působil na Letné minule
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Novým sportovním ředitelem Sparty by se měl podle informací webu iSport.cz a deníku Sport stát Zdeněk Ščasný. Je to překvapivá zpráva, neboť šedesátiletý kouč opouštěl Letnou před patnácti měsíci poté, co doma prohrál derby se Slavií 0:2. A rovněž bilance přestupů, na kterých se během svého druhého trenérského angažmá ve Spartě podílel, nebyla nějak úchvatná.
Ze zatím strohých a neoficiálních informací vyplývá, že Zdeněk Ščasný se vrací do Sparty s úkolem postavit společně s trenérem Andreou Stramaccionim tým, který by měl na jaře srazit z druhého místa Slavii, na niž zatím ztrácí čtyři body. Je to zajímavá volba z mnoha důvodů – a tím hlavním je fakt, že při zatím posledním působení ve Spartě Ščasný svým počínáním na přestupovém trhu znova nepřesvědčil. Vyplývá to ze statistiky transferů jeho éry, které blog 90-minut.cz rozdělil do tří kategorií – trefy, průměr a propadáky.
Jelikož Ščasný nahradil odvolaného Vítězslava Lavičku v dubnu 2015 a sám se z Letné poroučel v září 2016, měl celkem tři přestupová období, během nichž mohl přivést nové hráče. Natvrdo jich přišlo celkem šestnáct, nicméně bingo bylo pouze pět z nich, což značí velmi nízkou úspěšnost 31 procent.
Naopak jasnými propadáky bylo hned sedm transferů – a jen malou útěchou může být, že až na ostravského Daniela Holzera šlo o hráče bez smlouvy, za které nemusela Sparta platit odstupné. Nicméně jména jako Franci Litsingi, Marco Paixao či Markus Steinhöfer budí její fanoušky ze spaní dodnes. Mimochodem, třeba Litsingi je momentálně bez angažmá. V jedenatřiceti letech…
V rámci objektivity je však třeba také dodat, že Ščasný samozřejmě neměl coby trenér v personální politice Sparty absolutní rozhodovací právo a zřejmě byli i hráči, kteří přišli proti jeho vůli. Navíc jeho kádr výrazně oslabily odchody Pavla Kadeřábka, Ladislava Krejčího, Patrika Schicka a Jakuba Brabce, za které klub inkasoval úhrnem přes 400 milionů korun
PŘESTUPY DO SPARTY V ÉŘE ZDEŇKA ŠČASNÉHO TREFY – 31 % Tomáš Koubek ↔ Hradec Králové ↔ 10.000.000 Josef Šural ↔ Liberec ↔ 14.000.000 Martin Frýdek ↔ Liberec ↔ 5.000.000 Ondřej Zahustel ↔ Mladá Boleslav ↔ 13.000.000 Vjačeslav Karavajev ↔ CSKA Moskva ↔ 27.000.000
PRŮMĚR – 25 % Václav Kadlec ↔ Midtjylland ↔ 73.000.000 Kehinde Fatai ↔ Astra Giurgiu ↔ 18.000.000 Tomáš Rosický ↔ Arsenal ↔ volný hráč Viktor Budinský ↔ Vlašim ↔ 2.000.000
PROPADÁKY – 44 % Daniel Holzer ↔ Baník ↔ 10.000.000 Franci Litsingi ↔ Teplice ↔ volný hráč Marko Paixao ↔ Wroclaw ↔ volný hráč Markus Steinhöfer ↔ Aalen ↔ volný hráč Petr Jiráček ↔ HSV ↔ volný hráč Ondřej Mazuch ↔ Dněpropetrovsk ↔ volný hráč Michal Kadlec ↔ Fenerbahce ↔ volný hráč
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robbialy · 6 years
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“The present case of Zdenke [sic] Koubková, openly and fully stated, with a well-known name involved, and with every particularity of time, place, and circumstance, removes all doubt and difficulty and entitles us to point with some pride to our illuminating saying: SEX IS AN ACCIDENT!” – Editors, “Urania,” 1936 . Picture: Zdeněk Koubek (December 8, 1913 – June 12, 1986), 1936. . Zdeněk Koubek, who was born one hundred and four years ago today, was a track star from Czechoslovakia; assigned female at birth and given the name Zdena "Zdeňka" Koubková, Koubek, as @time explained in August 1936, “set Czechoslovak women’s records in the broad jump, high jump, a half-dozen sprint and middle-distance runs; a women’s world record for the 800-metre run in 1934.” . In 1936, a year after retiring from competition, Koubek underwent gender-affirming surgery, publicly reemerging using his real name, Zdeněk. Koubek did not pursue any athletic opportunities until he joined his brother’s rugby club after World War II. . Zdeněk Koubek died on June 12, 1986, at the age of 73; he was survived by his wife. Source: #lgbthistory #HavePrideInHistory
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makingqueerhistory · 8 months
Do you have any resources on transgender history? What about drag culture and its origins?
Yes absolutely! Though, it depends a little on what you are looking for, if you are looking for individual stories:
Amelio Robles Ávila
Dana de Milo
Karl M. Baer 
Zinaida Gippius 
Social Men
Jackie Shane
Holly Woodlawn 
Carmen Rupe 
Claude Cahun
Victoria Arellano 
Zdeněk Koubek 
Jeanette Schmid
Lou Sullivan 
Eleanor Rykener 
Dawn Langley Hall 
Billy Tipton  
Alan L. Hart 
Maryam Khatoon Molkara
Dwayne Jones
Rita Hester
Sir Ewan Forbes 
Kristina King of Sweden 
Marsha P. Johnson 
As for more overall looks at transgender history here are some books I enjoyed:
Before We Were Trans: A New History of Gender Kit Heyam
We See Each Other: A Black, Trans Journey Through TV and Film Tre'vell Anderson with Angelica Ross
Tomorrow Will Be Different: Love, Loss, and the Fight for Trans Equality Sarah McBride with Joe Biden
Queer Magic: Lgbt+ Spirituality and Culture from Around the World Tomás Prower
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makingqueerhistory · 6 months
Have you got anything on Soviet, post-Soviet or Eastern European queer history? I'm from Ukraine and I've tried to find something but mostly it's just articles about how homosexuality was illegal in USSR, which is obvious.
Yes, absolutely, here is a little list for you!
Isa Shahmarli
Tove Jansson
Zinaida Gippius
Princess Vera Gedroitz
Sophia Parnok
Witold Gombrowicz
Maria Dąbrowska
Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz
Jiří Langer
Elmyr de Hory
György Faludy
Zdeněk Koubek
Jeanette Schmid
Bajazid Doda
Also, if there is something you don't see on this list feel free to check out our articles as organized by country!
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makingqueerhistory · 4 years
hi! I'm looking for queer people / events/ stuff from the 1920s/30s. Do you have any articles talking about the period of time? Thank you for all your amazing work!! xx
I can write you a list, that is a period we have been able to cover quite a bit, fortunately! Personally, I can’t think of a better way to celebrate reentering the twenties than looking back to how our queer ancestors dealt with it last time. This probably isn’t all of our articles from this time period, but they are the ones I remember:
Alexandru Bogdan-Pitești
Billy Tipton and the Question of Gender
Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz
Leslie Hutchinson
Claude Cahun 
Alan Turing
Evelyn Irons
Alan L. Hart
Annemarie Schwarzenbach
Princess Vera Gedroitz
Zdeněk Koubek
David Paynter
Sophia Parnok, Russia’s Sappho
Bricktop, the Fabulous
Salim Halali
Virginia Woolf: Struggling (And Never Being Perfect)
Tamara de Lempicka’s Life
Jane Addams 
Ljuba Prenner
Amrita Sher-Gil
Elmyr de Hory
Different from the Others, the Beginning
Victor Barker
Elvira de la Fuente Chaudoir, A.K.A Agent Bronx
Nils Asther
Sir Ewan Forbes, the Doctor
Frieda Belinfante 
Langston Hughes: The Poet
Vita Sackville-West: Creating a Legacy
Lesbia Harford
Josephine Baker: A Woman with Eclectic Talents
Magnus Hirschfeld: The Founder
György Faludy
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makingqueerhistory · 4 years
Hi! i was wondering if you had a list of resources for trans and nb peeps, and queer people in general. My school is doing an awareness week and I need info. Thanks!
I am not sure this is what you’re looking for, but here are some of our articles about transgender people:
Jackie Shane
Holly Woodlawn
Carmen Rupe
Claude Cahun
Victoria Arellano 
Edward de Lacy Evans
Zdeněk Koubek
Ljuba Prenner
Victor Barker
Sir Ewan Forbes
Anderson Bigode Herzer
Albert D.J. Cashier
Alan L Hart
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