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Say Hello to 'Thanks', the new app by Amen
The Amen community has created millions of bests, from the best movie with Bill Murray, to the best hangover breakfast, to the best burger in Berlin (The Bird, clearly). Now we're making it all easier for you to find.
The Amen team has always been obsessed with delivering the best. Like you, we're on a never-ending hunt for the most rewarding experiences, the song we'll play on repeat, the book that inspires, the burger that transcends our lunch hour or the coffee that is worth waking up for. Life is too short for the so-so. 
That's why we created Thanks. Thanks gets you advice from people who know so you can make quick decisions about the best thing to do, watch, read or listen to next. 
Thanks does all the heavy lifting for you. Just open it and ask "What's Best…?". We'll let you know if there is something right around the corner, really popular according to your friends or recommended by experts. And if there are no good answers yet, Thanks identifies the experts among your friends and lets you to ask them directly. Want to find the best jazz club in New Orleans? Well, ask a native. The hottest record this month? Ask your DJ friend. The best wine to pair with roast lamb? Coming up from a wine nerd near you!
Download Thanks on the app store
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Best Of Amen World HQ on Instagram
Amen World HQ is the Best Place for Working Ever. 
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What is The Best Way to Work?
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Best Christmas Gifts For Fashionistas
A fashionista's heart can be won over if your gift either sparkles, has spikes, contains pretty pictures, has bright or neon colors or is an absolute classic. 
Here's a pretty good selection and some inspiring ideas. 
Can you add more suggestions? Click HERE to add and view more suggestions.
#1. Subscription to VOGUE
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  #2. Unique Nail Polish 
Get Galaxy Glitter from American Apparel or Ciaté nail polish (preferably in candy colors).
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#3. Shoes 
You can't go wrong with the Nike Flyknit sneakers in neon colors or the Louboutin rollerboy spike loafers. 
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#4. Accessory 
Anything chunky that sparkles and has bright colors will work. Just make sure it doesn't look cheap. Try to either get Sabrina Dehoff's accessory or anything similar. It's a safe bet. 
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#5. The Classics 
This will not be cheap, but if you have some extra cash to spend, invest it in a Céline bag, anything Chanel or Prada. 
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#6. Fashion Week
Try and get tickets for the front row, if you can't get the front row, get any row. Fashionista's will love anything Fashion Week. 
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Win 4 x 25€ Gidsy Gift Cards
Christmas is coming up and here's what we have for you: 
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How can you win?  Answer the following question: What is the best Gidsy activity gift ever? Here's what you have to do:  1. Go to Gidsy's website and pick your favorite activity --> Click HERE to get to the website 2. Go to Amen and add your favorite activity to our list --> Click HERE to get to the list 3. The four activities with the most Amens get one Gidsy Gift Card each.  PS: We will e-mail the winners on December 18th Good luck and have fun winning! 
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Make The Best Christmas Cookies Ever: 7 Tips From Aicuisine
Ailine is not only the best photographer ever, but she is also an amazing cook. Convince yourself by simply taking a look at her blog Aicuisine. 
Since we tasted her cookies and loved them instantly, we asked her to share her 7 cookie baking secrets and here the are.
1. Mix liquid and dry ingredients separately
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2. Use half brown and half refined sugar
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3. Try using spices spices like chill and pepper 
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4. Get your hands on vanilla paste. It makes everything taste better. 
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5. Substitute one cup of flower with grinded almond or hazelnut. 
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5. Use baking soda, not powder. 
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6. Don't bother forming the cookies, just make rough balls. They will melt into a cookie naturally because of the butter. 
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7. Make a tarte with the rest of the cookie dough. 
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The Result: 
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The Recipe:
125g soft butter 1 egg 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup refined sugar 2 table spoons sugar beet molasses 1 table spoon honey 1 table spoon cinnamon 1/2 tea spoon salt 1/2 tea spoon chili 1/2 tea spoon pepper 1 1/2 cups flour 1 cup almond flour 2 1/2 tea spoons baking soda Preheat oven to 175°C. Mix liquids and mix dry ingredients and then mix together until smooth. Put dough in freezer for about 30min. Form little rough balls with a spoon or ice cream scooper on a baking sheet. Bake for about 15 minutes.
Bon Appetit! 
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How To Make The Best Coffee Ever: 7 Tips From Cory Andreen
Meet Cory Andreen - 2012 World Cup Tasters Champion and owner of Cafe CK, a speciality coffee shop in Berlin. 
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Cory is a world class barista - a true expert when it comes to making good coffee. We're lucky he shared his 7 best barista tips with us.
#1. Use good coffee. 
As with any food or beverage, the quality of raw ingredients is paramount. Good coffee meets a long list of criteria including but not limited to the following: freshly roasted, well roasted (avoid very dark beans, especially with a glossy sheen), in season, traceable (farmers and farms who know their names are on the bag care a hell of a lot more about quality than the guy who knows it just ends up in some sack labeled Nespresso or Starbucks or just COFFEE.). I could go on and on but you get the idea.
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#2. Use good water. 
A cup of coffee is about 98.5% water which means starting with delicious H20 is a must. Most filter jugs will do the job nicely if your tap water isn't up to par. Leave the filtered water in Japanese coffee equipment maker Hario's stone & charcoal water pitcher for a few hours to really up the ante. If you don't have time to bother with filtering, steal a trick from coffee brewing competitions and use Norwegian bottled spring water.
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#3. Grind fresh. 
If you spend big money on any piece of coffee equipment, make it a grinder. Anyone can make delicious coffee with a 10€ filter or french press but it's nearly impossible to do this without a decent grinder. Ground coffee loses most of its aroma in a matter of minutes or, at best, hours. Any coffee lover who owns a grinder for pepper but not for beans should think about this long and hard.
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#4. Weigh Everything.
A good kitchen scale is a great investment in and of itself but can be of especial use to coffee drinkers. Brewing coffee is not so different from preparing anything else with a recipe and measuring your ingredients is key to consistently reproducing tasty results. I never leave home without a scale. Seriously.
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#5. Time your brew.
Not as necessary for pour-over brewers but indispensable for steepers (Aeropress, french press, Clever, etc.) and espresso machines, a timer is one of the handiest tools for making coffee. 4 minutes is the magical time for a french press and most other methods range from 2 to 6. Espresso, being the major exception, takes 25-30 seconds.
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#6. Brew it!
For under €100 manual brewers are your best bet. Aeropress, Chemex, Clever, Hario, Kalita, Bodum, Walküre and plenty of others make great devices for brewing coffee. If you can't live without a machine, spring for a Technivorm Moccamaster and if espresso is your thing you might as well get a La Marzocco GS3 or Kees van der Westen Speedster.
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#7. Measure your TDS (for coffee nerds).
Say what? No, it's not a typo and we didn't mean to write STD.
TDS is the abbreviation for total dissolved solids. It is a measure of the combined content of all inorganic and organic substances contained in a liquid.
If you make it to the stage of of purchasing a VST LAB refractometer for coffee and the accompanying MoJoToGo app, congratulations are in order. You have completed the final level of coffee brewing obsession.
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Best place for coffee in Berlin -- > click HERE
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Best 7 Gifts For Dads
Dads are different. There are classic dads, dads who are into sports, older dads, single dads, high maintenance dads... We picked 7 gift ideas for all sorts of dads. 
Click HERE to see more ideas and add your own. 
#1. The Balvenie 12-year Doublewood Single Malt Scotch 
The Balvenie Doublewood Single Malt Scotch Whisky is a 12 year old single malt which gains its distinctive character from being matured in two woods. It has a rich and honeyed taste with a hint of sherry fruitiness. A spiciness of cinnamon and nutmeg and a subtle oakiness develop with time. 
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#2. Metal Detector
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#3. Cohiba Esplendidos Cuban Cigars
This "cultish" cigar is a must for every dad. 
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#4. Baseball Leather Wallet by COACH
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#5. Portable Gas Grill
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#6. Noise Canceling Headphones 
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#7. Portable Poker Table
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Best 7 Gifts For Techies
Max Niederhofer, VC at Accel Partners loves all things tech and when it comes to gift recommendations for techies, he is one of the best sources we know. 
Click HERE to check out our "Best Christmas Gift for Techies" list and see what else Max and others have suggested. 
#1. iPad Mini
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#2. Anything from TruffleShuffle
If you need funny, cool, retro gifts, TruffleShuffle is a good place to find them. 
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#3. Tesla Roadster
This one is a little bit on the expensive side. Can't a techie dream a little? This batterie electric vehicle sports car by Tesla Motors is produced in California and costs around €84,000. 
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#4. iPhone 5
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#5. Extended iPhone Battery Case
The iBattz Mojo Removable features a removable 1,500 mAH battery that slips under the back cover. While it's fairly pricey at $80, it comes with two batteries, so you should come close to quadrupling your iPhone's battery life if you carry that second battery around with you. 
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#6. Magic Cube Laser Projection Keyboard 
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#7. Boogie Board LCD Writing Tablet
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What else will make a techie happy? Add your suggestions HERE...
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The Best Christmas Gift Guide For Foodies
What is the best Christmas gift for a foodie? 
Ailine from Aicusine and Kavita from Kitchensurfing came up with a few gift ideas for foodies. 
Click HERE to see the full list and add your own suggestion. 
1. Homemade Cookies 
Coming up tomorrow: how to make the best cookies ever with Ailine...
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2. A Voucher for a delicatessen store in your area
Such as Goldhahn & Sampson in Berlin
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3. The Flavour Thesaurus 
The award winning book The Flavour Thesaurus is the first book to examine what goes with what, pair by pair. 
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4. A Subscription to Lucky Peach 
Lucky Peach is a quarterly journal of food and writing. Each issue focuses one single theme, and explores that theme through essays, art photography, and recipes.
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5. Barista Training Course
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6. Kitchensurfing Dinner
Kitchensurfing is a website that helps you discover and book unique chefs for any occasion. A great way to enjoy delicious food.  
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7. India: Cookbook 
India is the first comprehensive guide to Indian cooking, with over 1,000 recipes covering every aspect of India's rich and colourful culinary heritage. Unlike many other Indian cookbooks, it is written by an Indian culinary academic and cookbook author who lives and works in Delhi, and the recipes are a true reflection of how traditional dishes are really cooked all over India. 
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Best Documentary Ever
Know more fascinating documentaries? Click HERE to post. 
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Cheetahs on the Edge--Director's Cut from Gregory Wilson on Vimeo.
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Seven Best Tips For Startups
Special thanks to our user Mint Choc for posting these tips to Amen. 
# 1. Don't be afraid to fail
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# 2. Hire wisely
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# 3. Stay positive
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# 4. Don't let fear get to you
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# 5. Create a hype when fund raising 
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# 6. Be authentic! 
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# 7.  Don't just talk, work! 
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source: www.startupvitamins.com
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Featured User: Around The World With Adam
Say hi to Adam - a travel blogger and our featured Amen user this month. 
Make sure to check out his Blog "Travels Of Adam" and his Berlin blog "My Berlin Story".
Also, follow him on Amen if you haven't already. 
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Adam grew up in Texas. Since 2010, though, he's lived outside of the USA, whether traveling or as an expat in Berlin.
Passion for Traveling
Traveling has always been his passion. While working full-time at a book publisher in Boston in 2009, he took a weekend vacation to Iceland. "It was then that I realized my desire to travel more.", he says. After that trip he started saving and planning for an escape from the corporate world and the chance to travel around the world.
"When traveling, you meet so many people and it's my favorite part of every trip"
It's the strangers and other people he meets, who stick in his mind the longest.
"There's the Australian guy I met in Seville, Spain who reminded me that we don't always have to be nice to everyone. There's the Israeli guy I met in a Tel Aviv bar who asked me a question that made me stop, think and re-evaluate my life. There's the woman I met in Thailand who showed me around and became a good friend." 
Check out Adam's impressions on Amen
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Best Advice
See what else people on Amen came up with and add your suggestions HERE...
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Berlin - 3 Places For Clearing Your Mind
"Du bist so wunderbar, Berlin!" and you are even more wonderful when we know where to go whenever we need a short break. 
Here are three places where peace of mind is within reach. 
Do you know more? Add them here...
# 1. Treptower Park 
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# 2. Schlachtensee
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# 3. Körnerpark 
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Explore Berlin on Amen...
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London: Best Places For Clearing Your Mind
After New York and Paris, we asked you about places for clearing your mind in London. Here are 3 suggestions you made. If you know more, add them HERE. 
Abeney Park Cemetery
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St James's Park
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Primrose Hill
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Paris: Places For Clearing Your Mind
"A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of Life." Thomas Jefferson
These are the three places in Paris we think are relaxing and inspiring. We're sure that you can come up with other, maybe even more suitable spots. Why don't you just share your knowledge HERE ?
# 1. Le Parc Des Buttes Chaumant 
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# 2. Quartier Du Montparnasse
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# 3. Canal De L'Ourcq
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