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Type the name of your favorite character into the new gif feature and post what you get first
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Originally posted by lilium
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* Let the artists take their time pal Pt 2
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* please let the artists take their time pal.
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* please let the artists take their time pal.
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So um...I listened to WTNV episode 104. And I'm dead inside. Drawing by me. Original by @kyleehenke
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Don’t you all see the way our world is falling apart? Why can't  our society, our world, be accepting of all races, Ethnicity, sexuality, religion? I see the world in a two way view. I see both sides of every story. I don’t see color, I don’t see sexuality, I don’t see religion. I see humans. humans who live a life towards success. And this ban, makes me sick. It’s basically picking  out one race to hate. Just because their muslum, doesn’t mean they are terrorists. Just because a person is black, doesn’t mean they live in the ghetto. Just because a person is a race, doesn’t mean you know their whole story..
 It’s a vicious cycle. a cycle that is not right. Do you realize how many types of people live in our country of the United States, and in the world? It’s not just America that is a melting pot. It’s our whole world. America stands with freedom, and equality.
 "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.“
 Those are the words on the Lady Liberty statue, a gift from France. I hope you all read this comment, and think. This is not how our world is to be. People deserve so much more love than this. But our society, is just broken into stereotypes, hatred, anger, and just racism, sexism, homophobia, and so much more. we live in Equality, freedom, a nation under whatever God you worship or whatever spirituality you believe in! #StitchedWithLove  #StitchedWithEquality #UnitedWeStand
Let’s make the world, a better place. Please share. Thank you
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If ur arabic ur great If ur arabic and muslim ur great If ur arabic and queer ur great If ur arabic and muslim and queer ur great I know it seems hard to believe but you’re not bad you’re not awful
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you know, even if you aren’t a fan of Night Vale you can’t deny that it’s pretty important as a piece of media
the first reason being that it’s a fairly unconventional creative work (like, who listens to radio anymore, right?) that is entirely donor-funded, and yet still managed to pull off multiple national and international tours, sells a good and diverse amount of merchandise, has produced three books (one of which is the novel), and has been featured in the New York Times I believe twice now
like that’s all super impressive for an independent creative work that is totally funded by listeners
and also, it’s super important because it goes out of its way to be diverse on multiple levels
like obviously we have Cecil, whose appearance is totally open to interpretation and who is almost certainly gay (as opposed to bi, for example; all the people that he’s implied to have had a thing with are men.) And he’s in a loving and healthy relationship with Carlos, whose appearance is a little less open to interpretation (between his name and Cecil describing him as dark and delicate skinned.) Like, we have a wonderful canon relationship between two men that never had all the Gay Angst we so often see in stories about LGBTQ+ people.
And even besides that, we have lots of moments where the show goes out of its way to prevent whitewashing or otherwise defaulting to a certain standard.
We have LOTS of great female characters, like Old Woman Josie, Tamika Flynn, Dana, Pamela Winchell (all of whom also happen to be black or very much coded as black.) We also had Basimah, a lesbian hijabi. And Janice, who has used a wheelchair since birth and, as stated in the show, does not need fixing. We’ve also had several mentions of nonbinary or possibly agender characters (like Alicia in the desert otherworld and one Sheriff’s spokesperson). Like, I could go on and on but you get the idea.
And there’s tons of other moments that are little shout outs and challenges to perceptions. There’s one moment I remember in particular where something like, “American Teddy’s Halal Stand” was mentioned. I just remember that sticking out to me because it seems so subtle and throwaway but if you catch it it’s seems like a huge and important thing to include.
like…I love Night Vale because it goes out of its way to do things like this and more, and it’s great on its own, but it’s even greater because the show’s popularity proves that you can have this kind of diversity in a piece of media and still have it be immensely popular
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Rip the page to restart
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When the Night Vale fandom hears cheerful acoustic guitar
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This is amazing
Wowie this sure is stupid 
Audio is from The Venture Bros.
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this is seriously my favorite episode
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I need friends
So easy to make friends in real life, but on here its difficult
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