vivianneknebelauthor · 9 months
The Art of Aging - The Younger Generation
The art of aging well includes the ability to not only accept aging, but to enjoy every phase.
The way we view ourselves  determines how old we feel in our mind and actions.
Getting older is a normal and healthy part of life. Slowing the aging process can be more about building a suitable mental environment of positivity and optimism than about stressing and striving to stop the inevitable. Positivity and hope can truly work miracles. They cheer us on in everything we do in life. We need to do what is necessary for our well-being. Be kind to yourself.
Keeping up our physical appearance can become a big stressor because society places so much value on beauty, and impossible standards can keep us pursuing something we will never achieve. If youthful beauty continues to be pursued, it can become a never-ending cycle or an unhealthy preoccupation. Our definition of beauty needs to change as we age, relieving  ourselves  of the pressure to look a certain way.
Remember that your beauty does not determine your worth, in accepting your present circumstances, a new meaning of youth and attractiveness begins to emerge.
When I let go of my youthful looks, I could pursue a level of understanding about the biological  changes going on in my body. I became at peace with them , which allowed me to grow into a deeper and more authentic kind of beauty- one that works its way  from the inside out.
I have found something more valuable than youth—-my inner light—-and I let it shine!
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vivianneknebelauthor · 9 months
The Art of Aging - Baby Boomers
Aging gracefully doesn’t have to refer specifically to age or appearance, but rather the attitude people have as they go through the various stages.
We all face difficult times and trying moments  at some point in our lives.
When we look back at our experiences, it allows us to reflect on the unique and powerful qualities that help us survive and prosper. I want to encourage others to face life’s trials the same way they welcome its joys. That is how we gain strength for what the future may hold. That is how we realize we are not alone.
We have to plan for our future.
Many people do not plan for retirement.  While we may be retired from employment we should not be retired from life. It is important to feel engaged with life and connected to  purpose.
Hobbies are great , but what if you do not have any? The question arises , what  will I do with  the time?
Be prepared for retirement and plan how you want to live the next phase. You want to make the aging process a healthy and satisfying part of life.
There are many options to have something to look forward to that are meaningful and fulfilling.  Our task is to give our existence meaning. People that have no plan for retirement are sitting on a three legged stool.
A common challenge many face is economic instability.
If you are not retired yet it is important to make a basic financial plan  that outlines current spending and savings, noting whether or not it will support you through retirement. If you are already retired you may worry about outliving your savings.
Many people have more time on their hands but not the funds to do what they like to do. Rising food and gas prices are not doing us any favors.
It is important to plan ahead for retirement
It is of great importance to reinforce our belief in the preciousness of life.
We will always be faced with challenges. See the greater value in those challenges. They are a necessary part of living a fulfilled and complete  life. Challenges bring us to a level of higher awareness and appreciation.
I asked myself  whether I am going to meet these challenges with strength or despair. Knowing that we have a choice is very empowering. 
By balancing my sense of loss with positivity and hope, I was able to continue to move forward with strength and continued  to reinvent myself. It is important to age in  a creative manner.  At age 70 I reinvented myself as a writer. 
Find your hidden talent. We all have greatness within ourselves. Ask yourself what inspires you,  where do you feel most fulfilled? The answer is the authentic you. This will lead to a peaceful state of awareness.
As we grow older it is no secret that we experience an increasing number of major life changes, including children leaving the home, retirement and loss of loved ones. Our physical health is changing. How we handle and grow from these changes is a significant part of healthy aging. 
It is important to live in the moment but also have a vision for the future . Ask yourself how you want to age and  take action.  A healthy lifestyle is of great importance.  Our life force needs to kick in and the strength of aging will begin to  speak forcefully.
I belief optimism is the silver lining. It leads to success. Never imagine what you don't want in your life. Believe in possibilities not problems. You become what you think. The way we think about ourselves can affect our performance. 
Life can be what we make it. If you only put in half the effort you will only get out as much. 
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vivianneknebelauthor · 9 months
The Art of Aging - The Elderly
The best recipe for a good long life is to stay interested and maintain curiosity, to feel appreciated and cared for, and to care for others. When old people feel appreciated, they can live a healthier and more joyful life and they are also able to enrich their surroundings with their experiences.
Even those who suffer in old age, due to health concerns, for instance, there are always reasons to hope. I always ask myself, “ if I can no longer do this one thing, what else can I do?” I look for a crumb of positivity and then build on that. That is just my nature. We need to live with life not against it. There is strength in acceptance .
How we regard the world is a question of interpretation. We have the choice to see things in a way such that we derive strength from everything around us.
We need to recognize our strengths and build on them, we need to activate  our own energy and let it flow.
As I have gotten older, I have sought new ways to engage myself and to develop  new passions  and interests. “Reinvent yourself in the face of inescapable changes ,” that process can be life changing.
Even if we want to slow down in old age and succumb to the couch, we must will our bodies to go the extra mile. That is what I do.  “You can easily give in and call yourself old. “ You become exactly that when you do that. We might actually become what we believe ourselves to be as we age.
We can have joyful moments, even in the midst of sorrow. You can delight in your children, your grandchildren , and even in the changing of the seasons. I nurture positivity and draw on it to guide me through my days.
I seemed to have gained more energy and wisdom as I have aged, and . I try to occupy my time with things that have value, where I have something to show for my efforts.
When I garden , I know that the outcome will be beautiful. When I cook a meal, I know I will serve something truly nourishing. When I write a book, I am building my legacy. Whatever I do now, I want it to be productive. I was always somewhat  concerned with the question of,  where is this task taking me? Where am I going with this? But now , that feeling is more acute, perhaps because I do not have as much time left.
I believe I am still going to be around for some years, but the more you are aware of death, the more fully you live your life. I try to age with positivity. People want positivity around them . I make sure that I am the kind of person that others want to be around.
It is important to take care of one’s body and appearance. Fitness is of utmost importance, but the outside is not nearly as meaningful as what is happening inside.
If you are lucky enough to still have energy, try to use it in a good way. If you do not have much physical energy, try to channel your creative energy.
I am learning every day now . You can surprise yourself even when you think you have seen it all.
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vivianneknebelauthor · 9 months
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vivianneknebelauthor · 9 months
The world is in a constant state of change, but a mother‘s love is forever!
I was born in a different time and circumstances. My mother gave me life at the height of Nazi Germany in the epicenter Berlin. She was a single mom and fiercely devoted to her two daughters.
With incredible strength and resilience  she kept us alive from falling bombs and Soviet attacks. All the while practicing responsibleness, which is the very fabric of existence.
To keep us afloat she worked in the black market striking deals. The only warmth I felt during this dark time in human history was in the arms of my loving mother. 
Her love was irreplaceable.
Although the world around us was dark and devoid of any color, she  taught us to never lose hope , to have faith that things will get better and always pointed at the remaining good.
I am most grateful for the values she instilled in us. The value of moral beauty, empathy and kindness.
Empathy is build in trying times but should be practiced all the time. Reflecting back on my painful past I realize  that  our love and understanding stems from our own pain and suffering.
My mother steered us to intrinsic rewards which are love , relationships, and the beauty of nature. She taught us to pay attention as we go through life.
Sometimes she would point at a crack in the cement where a flower managed to bloom. She told us that life is full of beauty and to notice it.
I remember on many a cold night huddling together with my mother. She would encourage us to always have a dream and freely pursue it.
She taught us to focus on possibilities not problems. My profound gratitude stems from my mother. She taught us that the little things are in reality the big things.
Before slicing a loaf of bread she would always make the sign of a cross with the bread knife. Gratitude brought out the best in us. She taught us that when we think we have so little, in reality we have so much.
My mother was a free spirit, but motherhood was her true calling.
As I reflected back on my life, I was prompted to write the book “From Rubble To Champagne “. It is my life and love story, which was turned into a documentary called “An Unimportant Girl”.
This documentary film has the power to educate people.
It offers a glimpse into the lives of ordinary people just struggling to survive and to keep their families afloat.
The film can assist in understanding the current world situation. It is full of important teachings to work hard, better yourself, and always find the good in adverse situations.
There is a great deal of verbal and visual data and I hope it will develop empathy in young people because there is a lot of humanity depicted in the film. 
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At age 13 , I immigrated  from Germany to Canada to seek a better life.
When the ship made its way into the water I looked back at my homeland and vowed to one day return successful. I was not aware at the time that I already manifested my destiny at that point. Manifesting is setting intention  for your life. Ask yourself what do I want in life, what inspires me, what makes me feel fulfilled.
Being intentional and creating the future you want requires setting  achievable goals.
Having a direction in life and clear goals that will energize you. It builds self-confidence.
Embrace possibilities!
I have learned that life can be what we make it. You will only get out as much as you put in.
It takes willpower , determination and perseverance.
Know where to pay attention and do what is necessary to stay strong.
Choose to do things now to prepare you for the future !
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“Find A Way To Fulfillment” Thoughts on The Year That Was
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This past year I laid the groundwork for people to reflect on their own lives. In my book "Lessons Learned About Life And Love". People will be the beneficiary of the insights, wisdom and lessons learned throughout my life.
It serves as a reminder of the power of gratitude for those who have made an important difference in our lives and for all the blessings large and small along our lives journey.
As this year is coming to an end it is time for reflection and asking what we have learned. I have learned that the key component to my happiness is my profound sense  of gratitude.
The sources of happiness are intrinsic and revolve around love, relationships and deep purpose.
This past year on my podcast "Lessons Learned About Life And Love," I was able to share the wisdom from the great minds. I consider these distinguished people my mentors.
Applying their wisdom into my life experiences works.
I am grateful for the amazing guests on the show who opened up and allowed us all to learn from their experiences and provided us with inspiration to concentrate on our best selves.  
I learned early on that life can be raw and ruthless , but at the same time totally compassionate.
Pain and suffering is a part of life. Without it there can be no life.We have a choice how we cope with suffering.
Once we understand that we have a choice, we become the magnet of choice.
Positive thinking is especially important in times of uncertainty.
Life is a question of interpretation. See things in a way that you derive strength from them !
You become what you think are not empty words.
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Seeking Forgiveness...  Lea Rachels new book about Inter-racial Adoption on the newest episode of “Lessons Learned About Life And Love  Podcast"
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On my podcast "Lessons Learned About Life And Love ", I had the opportunity to interview Lea Rachel.
This podcast is about Them becoming Us.
Lea is a professor at the University of Missouri and the author of the book "Seeking Forgiveness".
Lea Rachel is a white mother who adopted an African American child.
On my podcast we provide our listeners with better understanding of what it is like to raise an interracial family as well as the difficulties and discrimination that may accompany it.
Lea helps us shed light on interracial adoption as well as the special bond parents have with an interracial adopted child.
This podcast is full of important teachings and hopefully will raise awareness and acceptance and  shatter stigmas.
We have to educate ourselves before we can help a child navigate the complicated racial landscape of our country.
My message is : Let us replace the pronoun Them with the pronoun Us.Treat people with grace!
Listen to the Lessons Learned About Life and Love Podcast Hosted by Vivianne Knebel now on iTunes, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio and on Spotify - link below
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Anxiety Podcast with guest Dr. Joanne Intrator
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It was a privilege to have Dr. Joanne  Intrator as a guest on  my  podcast "Lessons Learned About Life And Love”.
She is the author of the upcoming book  "Summons To Berlin”.  A story of loss, struggle, and restitution.In her book she shares her story of fighting to win back her family's Berlin building that was taken by the Nazis just prior to WWII. Her book is about the challenges she faced during her struggle to achieve restitution for her family's property.During her decade long fight with German bureaucracy she went through a great deal of anxiety dealing with it.
Dr. Joanne Intrator is a practicing New York psychiatrist and talks to us about anxiety, which so many people experience in today's complex and hectic world. On this episode about anxiety she gives us advice on how to work with it. Dr. Intrator tells us that anxiety is not a disease, and that we need a certain amount of anxiety in order to function.
The thing is, too much anxiety can cause us not to be able to think. Too little anxiety we tend to take things not seriously.
She gives us advice on how to find the perfect amount of anxiety in order to function and plan life.
On this podcast Dr. Intrator shows us the way to the perfect amount, which will give us a little bit of feeling in our stomach, but our eyes will be wide open and we will get the job done.She shows us strategies to manage our anxieties through simple tasks and find ways in everyday life to slow down.
Listen to Lessons Learned About Life and Love Podcast Hosted by Vivianne Knebel on iTunes, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio and on Spotify - link below
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An Unimportant Girl - My Documentary
An Unimportant Girl - My Documentary
My earliest memories were the aftermath of the war.  All I remember was destruction. 
The city seemed to mirror its traumatized people. Everything seemed grey and devoid of any color.It was a fight for survival.
Hunger and cold were a constant.
The German people struggled to keep their families afloat.
I had a single and fiercely devoted mom who worked in the black market striking deals in order to keep her two young daughters fed.
My story ends with a relevant reflection about the importance of love, family and gratitude.
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Documentary in the making
lt is an honor to have my multi-faceted life and love story turned into a documentary film.
It is an amazing way to share my story.
My story is especially relevant in today's time.
There are many similarities with Hitler's Nazi Germany and Putin's war. I was a part of that .
Born in 1943 in the epicenter at the height of the war. It brings to mind how the German people suffered and struggled to stay alive during World War II and the aftermath of a ravaged country.
War changes people, it hardens them and breaks them.  Sadly, history repeats itself.
My documentary has the power to educate.
We must never fall for the lies and propaganda similar to Hitler' Nazi Germany.
The Ukraine war demonstrates how strong and  fragile democracy really is. My social message is for America to reunite.  There is strength in unity!
My documentary will assist in understanding the current world because of the past events that happened and affected the whole world.
My hope is that it will change people's lives when they watch  a serving of humanity which is depicted in the film.
My documentary deals with facts and real life events. I hope it will help develop empathy for the people around us.
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Severe hardship creates growth! Let us pray for the people of the Ukraine!
War is a horrible human aggression.
Their life experiences look much like my own during the post- war years in ravaged Berlin.
It brings to mind how the German people struggled to survive in the aftermath of WWII. Born in the epicenter at the height of Nazi Germany, I experienced great hardship.
Hunger and cold were a constant.
  The Ukrainian people show us that it is in our struggles where our greatest potential is realized.
All the hardship we suffer will make us resilient. Hardship has the capacity to instruct us, fortify us and brings us to higher levels of appreciation and awareness.
It also increases empathy, because we can identify with other peoples‘s challenges.
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Each and every one of us will experience some form of ANXIETY.
As it is normal, it is important for us not to allow it to swallow us up.
During Covid 19 there is a lot of uncertainty . Anxiety and depression is on the rise.We have a choice how we cope with  adversities. Our mind is our own kingdom that no one can invade.
Nothing can depress us  without our  permission.The more we understand how to live, the less fearful we become.I learned early on how raw and ruthless life can be, but also realized the beauty and love that always awaits all of us.Let us focus on the good that remains instead of the hellish road ahead.
Challenges are part of life .
Without them there can be no life!
Let us be grateful for those challenges,  for they fortify us and bring us to a higher level of awareness and allow us to become our best selves.Every challenge we overcome prepares us for the next challenge.
Life is a constant cycle of ups and downs.
In my book" Lessons Learned About Life And Love" I distilled my life experiences and how I applied the wisdom of the great minds, philosophers, poets and writers, they showed me the way, and how to make sense of the world.
Learn to live with life not against it! Say yes to whatever nature asks of us , otherwise life would lose its meaning.
Gratitude is the key to happiness.
When we give thanks for the good things , we replace negative emotions with positive ones.
This will lead to a sense of well being and greater self esteem.
My book is ideal for anyone searching for love and meaning in this complex world.
I pass along lessons on living a full life and finding peace.
Practice being kind to yourself!
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I am grateful for my guest David Towner on the  podcast "Lessons Learned About Life And Love.”
David's story is incredibly powerful, very compelling and emotional . It is all about overcoming adversity.
People like David are showing us how to cope with our challenges in flexible ways, to live and find meaning in life.
He shows us the  values of passion, persistence, excellence, mastery and service to mankind.
Sharing our experiences about our challenges makes us feel more connected and letting others know that they are not alone in their struggles. In doing so we help others acquire emotional and spiritual maturity.
Happiness is beneficial for the body ,but it is grief that develops the power of the mind.
By passing on this information to the next generation we transform the world.
What are some of the things you can let go of?
Listen to the newest episode of the Lessons Learned About Life And Love” podcast here - 
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It will make that author know that their voice makes a difference!  A very true statement!
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Please do. It means a lot. 😊
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Gratitude - Part 1
We have many reasons to be grateful including being alive. My husband  the love of my life of 57 years, was diagnosed with two serious illnesses and I almost lost him.
It was an interesting moment in our lives that led to inner expansion. You realize how precious life is. All of those challenges gave us the greatest gift of gratitude.
Overcoming adversity and being thankful makes us resilient.
With gratitude you affect the very fabric of existence.
It represents the whole of ourselves!Thought, feeling and doing must be in balanced harmony.
Gratitude makes sense of our past and brings peace for today.
What are you grateful for?
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Big Announcement - Hosting a Podcast
I am hosting a podcast about "Lessons Learned About Life and Love"Living with intention and with  wisdom from great minds. I will offer guidance on how to love life .
This podcast is ideal for those who want to find meaning in all of life's moments.
Listen Now on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/5IBkSWqrePOgpNZGdcvWVQ
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