vulpescarmine · 2 years
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More Stiles Stuff bc tumblr dont let me post all 12 in the last post ✌
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vulpescarmine · 2 years
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Some Stiles stuff I did in my free time bc im completaly obssessed wt him and cant believe that he isnt in the tw movie (im still waiting his surprise appearence for scream my heart out)
Pls if u use give me the credits <3
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vulpescarmine · 3 years
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Okay, so, maybe everyone had already figured it out, but I was watching The Umbrella Academy's E01S01 with some friends, and one of them got bogged down about the Five time trip, and I thought about how to explain it and I felt super smart, so I decided to share my thoughts to, you know, kind of brag (like that?) So, for me, Five didn't really make a miscalculation, he went back to a thirteen year old body because of the method he used to be able to travel in time. Here's how: The original timeline of the series is one in which, in 2002, Five ran away from home and traveled back in time, got stuck in the Apocalypse, but did not return home (if you observe, in Apocalypse, Five finds everyone's body except Vanya, Ben, and his body, which means he never came back in that timeline, if he had, he would have his body).
So Five spends 45 years in the Apocalypse and then goes back in time and goes to 2019. He says he had to project his conscience into a version of himself that exists in all possible instances of time, right? So, he returned to the 13-year-old body because, in that timeline, until 2019, he only existed until he was thirteen. Like, he didn't transport his body in time, just his consciousness, so his consciousness projected into the last physical body that Five had in that timeline, which was thirteen years old, when he ran away.
By the way, if anyone ever asked himself (because I already did), Five would have no way of knowing if the destroyed moon was what caused the Apocalypse when he was in prison because it probably wasn't how the world ended the first time. You notice that, in that Apocalypse where Five got stuck, Luther was holding Harold Jenkins' eye, which indicates that at some point they fought, and there was no body of Vanya; if the moon had set fire to the earth, it would have her body, but it doesn't. I can imagine that, to cause this Apocalypse, Vanya literally served as a time bomb: his powers exploded and destroyed the earth, destroying his body in the process as a bomb does with the metal that surrounds it.
When Five time travels and appears in 2019 on the day of Reginald's funeral, he appears at a time when he didn't exist before, causing a change, which originated a new timeline. In this new timeline, in the Apocalypse, Five would die if he were stuck there because he would not be able to live in a world without a moon and he would not find the bodies of his brothers.
So they travel to the 60's and, again, they exist where they didn't exist before, causing a change again and creating another timeline (without the Five), so 2019 doesn't even exist because they caused the Apocalypse in 1963. So Five appears and gets into the story, again appearing where he was not before, which creates another timeline (if it were the same, Five would have found himself when he found the brothers fighting the Soviets). After that they still cause several changes, like when they find their father, but they do not create another timeline, because the only point where this could happen, would be when Diego goes to the Commission and finds out how Vanya causes the Apocalypse, but he goes back to a time when he has been in existence for months, so I think he does not create another timeline right now.
So, they travel forward in 2019, being in the last timeline created, which is the one that they existed in Dallas in the 60s and avoid the Apocalypse at that time, and then they find the Sparrow Academy which is a consequence of having spoken to the father in the past. So, technically, to get back to their 2019, Umbrella Academy would need to travel to another timeline. The question is, is this possible?
Probably not, and following this logic, it also explains why the Commission is so concerned with following the “original roadmap”. Every little change that anyone makes can change big or small events that can lead to the creation of new timelines. The question of this is that - I don't know if this is really possible, I understand absolutely nothing about quantum physics, mathematics, or whatever the subject that covers this subject - if these timelines are so close to each other that they try to coexist, kind of that if they merge, it would give a really big shit that I don't know how to explain, but it would give a huge bug, for sure. But if that is not possible, I still don't understand why the Commission cares so much about it (don't ask me how the hell the Commission knows the supposed “original script”, my mind can't go too far lol KKKKK).
In conclusion, to get back to the version as similar as possible to the 2019 version they know, they would need to travel to the 60s again and prevent themselves from interfering in the story, creating another timeline that will be very similar to the beginning, but not the same (no matter what they do, it will never be the same as the first, there will always be small or big things that will change - this following the time travel logic used in The Flash, which I think fits Yours because the way Barry kind of "opens" a "portal" to travel through the space-time "tunnel" is very similar to how Five travels through space-time, I think).
Besides, if you think about it, Sparrow Academy probably won't be the only problem for the Hargreeves, although, in that timeline, they existed in the 60s, their birth in 1989 was not prevented, so there are other adult versions of themselves wandering around - maybe they'll meet? That would be very strange, very crazy and very incredible, lol.
Anyway, I wandered a lot from my starting point, but it was good to expose my thoughts, there is something gratifying about that, whatever. Tell me what you think, I'll be happy to hear it, and any mistake is the fault of the translator, ksksksks. Kisses from Brazil ✌🏻
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