wardenwyrd · 28 days
Love ships where its like some guy with autism and his special interest is his wife
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wardenwyrd · 1 month
YALL. Holly Black has a list of resources she's used for writing her books on the fair folk. I'm OBSESSED. I love her work and world building. it's so true to the heart of faeries
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wardenwyrd · 7 months
submissive in the way a livestock guardian dog is submissive to the sheep it kills wolves for
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wardenwyrd · 7 months
warning!! modern ‘poetry’ is turning our daughters into beautiful bisexual men!!
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wardenwyrd · 8 months
Fop surgery. It's like top surgery but it turns you into a Victorian dandy. Is that anything
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wardenwyrd · 8 months
I love truly messed up characters btw I love characters that wake up in the morning and remember who they are then throw up I love characters who will never see the light of Heaven I love characters who don't overcome their past
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wardenwyrd · 8 months
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—Maria Michela Sassi, "Can we hope to understand how the Greeks saw their world?" (pub. Aeon) [ID in ALT]
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
Pro tip: when writing, make sure your character experiences The Horrors and watch them slowly unravel into an inhuman creature of agony <3
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
Thumbprint Challenge
Thanks for the tag @moondust-bard !
RULES: Look back on your work, both past and present, finished and unfinished. What are five to ten narrative elements or tropes that continuously pop up in your work? Give a list of these things!
Inhumanity as a neutral thing rather than 'good' or 'bad
Things™️ are not what they seem to be
Body horror
Fae or fae folklore inspired elements
Intricate magic systems heavily interconnected with the setting
Gods as eldritch entities
Neurodivergent characters. Everywhere.
Misfortune striking but the character is just a bit too fucked up to be bothered all that much
Distorted environments
Tagging: @sparrowrising, @violets-in-her-arms-writes, @tea-and-mercury
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
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Le Cid, Pierre Corneille tr. A.S Kline / Brutus, The Buttress / The Prestige, Hanif Abdurraqib / The Good Fight, Ada Limón / Luis Caballero / vulnerability, a.j. / Catherynne M. Valente / The Recovering: Intoxication and Its Aftermath, Leslie Jamison / Let Us Believe in The Dawn of The Cold Season, Forugh Farrokhzad tr. Sholeh Wolpé / The Book of X, Sarah Rose Etter / Jenny Holzer / Love via Purpose, I.B. Vyache / Closer, Nine Inche Nails / The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls, Emilie Autumn / Start Here, Caitlyn Sieh / To Kill a Kingdom, Alexandra Chirsto / I'm Not Calling You a Lair, Florence + The Machine / Bloodsport, Yves Olade
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
Writeblr Introduction
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Hi, I’m Andromeda (she/they). I am returning to Writeblr and decided to start a new blog for my WIPs and writing updates! I want to use this blog to shout out other Writeblrs, make posts about my current WIPs, and experiences in publishing. I mostly write original fiction but write fanfic when the inspiration strikes. I love Writeblr games and asks!
This blog is a safe space for all identities, gender & sexuality, neurodivergence, race, and religion. I do my best with content and trigger warnings.
My Writing: Genre and Representation
I love horror, sci-fi, and fairy tales 
I don’t enjoy romance (if it’s only the pursuit and drama), but I love writing nuanced love stories where people communicate well and put effort into building relationships
Lots of queerness and queer relationships
BIPOC main characters
Neurodivergence- shout out to the undiagnosed ADHD queens, the anxiety, and masking/coping behaviors
Trauma, out of context, is seen as personality
Smut- sex is a part of life and it’s fun to write. Get down, make mistakes, get messy. My sex scenes aren’t just conventionally attractive people putting on a show. I emphasize body diversity, complexities of gender identity, and emotional state
Found Family
Redemption- working to be a better person, even when it’s hard
Poly-Amory- we often have more than one close friendship, and have variety and nuance in those different relationships, so the same thing goes for romance
Morally gray/Feral girls- women have so much responsibility put on them for the emotional wellbeing of others, but what if they aren’t capable of that? (think Broad City/ Bottoms)
Finished works:
The Devil You Know- short story- been submitting this one and just got an acceptance letter today! I’ll keep y’all posted!
Genre: horror, vampires, fairytale
Vibe: The Green Knight x The Witch
Anya has built a quiet life for herself, trusted as the village healer as long as she keeps her magic hidden. All of that changes when a strange traveler arrives at her doorstep. The man looks human, but Anya senses an old and powerful magic within him. Intrigued, she allows Owen inside. He claims to have been an apprentice to a witch, and Anya, despite her suspicions, finds him to be a kindred spirit. They begin a romance, both finding comfort in one another.
Their peace is broken when a family comes to Anya in crisis. Their child has been cursed, and is transforming into a monster. Desperate to save the boy, Anya asks Owen for help. He can grant her the power to break the spell, but it requires blood and forbidden rites. Knowing that she can’t break the curse alone, Anya faces a choice with deadly consequences.
Bubblegum Capital
Genre: Queer Cyberpunk
Vibe: 1984 x Legally Blonde
Novaczek is on the brink of fame. They’re an amateur gamer about to break into the pro leagues. But their dreams are crushed when work denies them time off for the championship.
Novaczek decides to play on shift and is caught. Everything comes crashing down. They find themselves at rock bottom having lost their job, company housing, and girlfriend all at once.
In a world where your value is measured by your social ranking, Novaczek has to claw themselves back up, hustling for money and favors from friends. As they work their way back up the ranks they discover an underbelly where nothing and no-one are what they appear to be.
Love, Asunder
Genre: Gay Vampires, Family Saga
Vibe: 1917 x Hellboy
James Townsend was supposed to be starting his new life, an American abroad, with a Fellowship at Oxford University. All of that changes when Germany marches on Paris. James can’t remain in the classroom while teachers and students leave their desks for the battlefield. So James enlists as a volunteer ambulance driver on the Front. The days stretch long with violence and misery, but he finds purpose and friendships in the trenches. 
Then he meets a man, a smuggler providing supplies and information to the Allies. Etienne is so different from the soldiers, bright and charming. They begin a secret romance, disappearing together when they can, and writing letters in between. 
An opportunity comes to meet in Paris, and James is overwhelmed at the opportunity to spend time with Etienne in the City of Love. Free to spend their days together, James quickly discovers just how much Etienne has been hiding from him, and enters a world of magic, beauty, and death. 
Tropes and fun stuff:
Butch witches
Femme werewolves
Playing the vampire tropes straight
Magical Underground
Found Family
Bio-Family responsibilities
Many, Many different kinds of love
I'll be sharing moodboards and snippets along the way! Looking forward to learning more about the other talented Writeblrs out here!
tagging: @hillnerd-art @suffrajett @starknstarwars @em-dashes @blind-the-winds @leave-her-a-tome @athenswrites
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
No one wants to work anymore. All kids these days want is to physically transform into animals. Bones cracking, breaking, splintering apart, stitching together into exhilaratingly new shapes. Hair, all kinds hair, various fluids and oils and whatnot. Ragged-lip maws dripping with alien teeth, crowning in teething agony like the birth of an infant god. Gore-streaked visages howling in pagan delight by the pale light of the moon, etc. No work ethic. He who makes a beast of himself takes away the pain of clocking in tomorrow
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
happy WBW! i am so intrigued by prisma and wonder if you could go into a little more detail abt the colour coding? :)
Thank you for the ask! Conveniently, this is actually the subject of my brainrot and thus you are a very kind mutual. Sorry if this is a bit incoherent btw. I'll deep-dive the specific components at a later date.
The colour coding is a huge part of Prisma both in it's conception and worldbuilding. Each story revolving around their respective protagonist is coded a colour (I.E, Jack's story and red); themes, ideas, and symbolism regarding this occur both in a meta way and in an in-universe way.
Neat fact: Prisma is a play on the word "Prismatic", nodding to the fact that white can be split into the spectrum of colours by a prism.
Quick Breakdown of Prisma:
Prisma is the setting of these stories, and colours - hues are the primary power/magic system. A surreal other-land where figurative can become literal and vice versa. Hues are it's fundamental building block, existing both as an abstract but also a resource. Here is where our three protagonists come in: at some point in their stories they become 'Key Figures', a facet of that colour embodied in a person. I'll elaborate on that particular concept in another post.
I'll give you the rundown on each protagonist and their relation to the colour coding. These aren't the only aspects of the hues, but the main ones.
Jack, Red -
“It doesn’t matter what powers you hold, or the trials you’ve faced; as long as I reach into the four corners, my Judgement is tangible irregardless.”
Red watches over rules and conventions. It's a hue of hierarchy, of domination and submission, of judgement. It works with the pre-existing fabric of things, tending towards tangling things in it's rules rather than violating it's own tenets.
There's also another aspect integral to red: Mediums. In Prisma, a Medium is not someone who merely gazes ghosts, but possess sight that stretches past horizons; the domain of a medium is to wrench meaning from things. Mediumship as a quality is inherently linked to the hue of red.
What this means for Jack, my favourite red-eyed little bastard, is that his power is in pulling at exposed threads. People constantly transgress all sorts of rules - personal, natural, even physical rules; it just isn't noticed. Jack as a key figure is an Arbiter. By acknowledging a transgression the appropriate punishment is applied automatically as a principle of Prisma itself.
He can gaze at the True Names of things, unravel their nature and bring forth what lays dormant.
As a whole it also ties in with Jack's character and background. There's more to it but I'll elaborate on a dedicated post.
Hel, Blue -
Blue is to expand and grow endlessly. It's boon and plight is that everything that that it is will behold genesis, but all that they are is the horizon's boundary
The sky, the ocean; a roiling pit of genesis from which life sprung. Blue is desire and manifestation - the self crystalised into something tangible. In it's purest form as a hue it is creation unbridled. However, blue - deep, roiling blue, horizon spanning azure - is crystallisation of self. It's dominion ends past the boundary of self, past the ownership of such a minor existence.
Blue can create vast shapes and forms, even spring life to being with it's lustre, yet it has no control over that which it did not create.
Hel first wields this hue in the form of the Principle class artefact 'The Flask', a portion of the sky stolen and inverted long ago, bound by it's own genesis. Hel's character arc is about identity and assumptions, of presumed boundaries and humanity. And how enough imagination can transcend flesh.
Absorbing The Flask at the precipice of death something much vaster, and above all free. The key limitations of this hue remain true, but post-rebirth Hel's entire body is comprised of blue, they let it seep into the ground and spread themselves vast and wide. Something brilliantly inhuman.
Dorothea, Purple -
Pocket watches running in parallel and paradox to the march of moons
Such an awfully royal colour, and so fitting is it for sovereignty to be it's domain. Many things hold power over others: the moon over night and the passage of time, the land from which things sprout, and of course what every person owns: themself.
Dorothea's sovereignty is to fragment - split things into parts, isolate them and take ownership. If she wins ownership over something she can even fragment it's time; send things backwards, freeze things into a single state, steal something's time spent.
Red, Blue, and Purple form a colour triad, and one of purple's specialities is 'borrowing' from these. Out of all the hues Purple is the only one able to use aspects of another by collecting fragments belonging to them.
To the Lilac Sovereign what may be someone's present is merely a puzzle to rearrange to their whims.
Without subjects sovereignty means nothing. Thus, in pursuit of her own royalty Dorothea fragmented herself to become her very own pawn.
Extra Tidbits :
The powers a hue possesses has a lot to do with the associations and symbols connected with them, and while each hue has a scope of it's own they can present in several ways. A key figure is a pure manifestation and expression of the hue, often taking a specific thematic direction. Hues are used by others in the form of materials imbued with it naturally, artefacts, or by acquiring it as a part of oneself.
Red as a hue is violent and bloody and passionate, essential yet bitter like blood. That's kind of why I went with hierarchy/rules. Also got some prey/predator stuff going on.
Blue, to me, is a colour of imagination, creation, and things so vast it's terrifying. Think like life arising from the sea.
Royalty for purple, obviously, but I think it's a very moon-ish, celestial and mystical colour. Time, both as an invention to understand the passing of events better, and as a natural mechanism are very big here.
There are other hues and such and they do stuff but I'm focusing on blue, red, and purple as they're the colours of the respective protagonists.
The colour triad dynamic is kind of:
Red is concerned with rules and convention, judging and causing conclusion in the present.
Blue is creating things anew in the present that persist.
Purple isn't tethered to present: rearranging and altering the state of things.
ALSO: I really didn't want to do like "Red=Fire" or something and I wanted something symbolic to fit my surreal little world so the hues do not function in such a straightforward way.
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
WIP Themes Tag
Thanks for the tag @at-thezenith ! This is my first time being tagged for anything so here we go.
I'll use my WIP Prisma for this tag. My funky little brain child < 3 I'm doing this for like three different stories that comprise Prisma. I'll try and colour code for which story they mostly.
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfilment | good vs bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
Some of these fit quite neatly but others fit only because the story does a bit of twisting and perversion of the theme < 3 just a bit. The story where the MC dies and gets reborn as an eldritch horror is unironically the most optimistic of them all and that's how I like it.
Very very new to tagging but I'll have a go. No pressure or anything. @digital-chance , @tea-and-mercury ,@junypr-camus
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
WtW Character Event | Day 3, Representation
Redwood Witch, Branwen [She/They]
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Once a child overflowing with volatile magic, now a witchling no longer, scars run through her soul; even the unbreakable constitution of a Redwood proved not enough to withstand the power that swelled inside her.
Black | Disabled | Chronic Pain | Amputee | Aroace | ADHD
The one and only MC of my (yet to be named) WIP! Disability is one of the main themes tackled in this one and how it intersects with other things.
A little backstory :
Branwen belongs to the Redwood Witch family, a crest renowned for their resilience and vigour - born with magic unbelievably potent and overflowing. The problem: it was far too great for her body to withstand.
The cost of liberating the swelling power: most of Branwen's left arm, and a not so small portion of her soul left scarred.
The lurid golden light cracked from her skin, pressure pooled into one area to spare the rest of her. A magic so bright and hot it approached divinity - the parts it touched incinerated to their barest components. Few things can leave scars on souls, and this was among them.
What was burnt away by the deluge of magic couldn't merely be healed with magic: the associated soul and essence was gone for the injuries, rendering such spells inept. Like her crest's namesake, however, Branwen persevered.
Something lingered, though, growing as years went by: a self-wrought curse. Souls are constructed from an essence; under normal circumstances it stays confined to that structure. The parts of Branwen's soul that broke down to their building blocks latched onto the expelled energy. It was barely a concept, at first. Yet the more it tangled over time the knot grew, until a curse was born.
"Cursed by the very power that constitutes you? You witches really are a ruckus"
Branwen's disability is comprised of a lot of different factors, augmented and added to by her curse, and also the cultural implications for both in setting. It's really interesting to explore disability in a fantasy setting for me and how it's navigated.
One of my fav OCs and you'll be seeing a lot more about them down the line !!!
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
WtW Character Event - Day 2, Tropes
Trope: Monster & Maiden + Inhuman Fae + Forbidden Love
in western woods lies the Starfarer, hand in hand with her bride- Ruler of men: Andromeda.
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Oh darling, you whose skin is not of bark nor bear the burbling streams beneath your veins, how do you shine brighter than even the Will O' Wisp?
There was a beast of the forest, once; a great old thing, existence wrenched into being by the stars.
Each step, every pitter patter across my grove, You tangle yourself in my roots more and more; A knot so tight it strangles. Isn’t it odd, how I fear that I enjoy it? How easily you have spellbound me,  Starlight.
Then, there was a human. A girl. So fearless, so reckless. Adored the beast not despite but because of her nature. Her name was Andromeda. Each night it echoed through the woods as a whisper.
One starry night, you laid on my meadows, Fingers holding the flowers so tenderly, My heart could turn supernova.
The fae are an odd type: selfish, possessive, and greedy. Yet, they love with such strength it could tear the earth asunder, feel things so deeply it embeds into them. And oh, did Charon love Andromeda - adore her such that her forest's roots rattle and shake, blossoms burning a florid colour.
The beast yearned for eternity with her, to love as one.
Andromeda: Girl of a single life, my spark of decades Darling muse fated to fall, I yearn for so much more; for our love to outlast even the bristlecone, to eclipse the sun and devour ouroboros, My starlight. I ask once,  And twice,  And thrice; Be my bride, forevermore.
Marriage to fae is to marry their whole being - to intertwine their fates. And it seemed Andromeda's love for her beast burnt stronger than any humanity could.
I’ll plunge my fist into my chest, Just to rip out the constellations for you, Starlight. You take it from my grasp, gently, ever so softly. Searing light bathed you, each thud filled with my love. Ichor spilled out, staining the lake inky black. You let it burn and unravel your flesh with a smile, Placing my heart to yours, My very own star now yours.
In western woods no longer lies a lone beast; The Starfarer had took a bride.
Feathers burst from your skin, their mismatched tones stained the colour of the cosmos. Each breath, every thought- I could feel it all.
I’ll offer up my everything, So be my eternity, Starlight.
Hope you all enjoyed my sapphic fae shit and silliness <3
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
WtW Character Event - Day 1 Protagonists
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His voice sits on his tongue like a blade: each cackle spilling rivulets of blood
Ingram (Any/All), my favourite queer disaster crow hoe < 3
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