Butting Heads- dean winchester x reader
Our first renaissance fic, that is to say it’s set way back before things got complicated. Pre season 4. Anyway, Y/n, Bobby’s niece, grew up with the boys, and now that Sam is back in the game she’s along for the ride. Problem is she has a habit of giving Dean a run for his money, but despite their constant bickering they both know that she’s the only thing holding Dean together. fluff, small angst
Word Count: 2,350
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Dean and you didn't have the greatest relationship as friends. You always argued and yelled about things related to hunts or things that had nothing to do with anything. But unknowingly, you both cherished each other's company. You had been there since they were kids, there when Sammy went off to college, there when John first disappeared. There for everything bad but the long, silent nights in the Impala were some of your best memories. The both of you singing along to classic rock, like complete dorks, were his best memories. It was times like those when you forgot about fighting. Times when you were both shit faced drunk and stumbling over one another, or when you both teased Sammy for being a gigantor nerd, or comforting each other in the darkness after a nightmare. You two were very similar, strong-willed, hard headed, shoot first ask questions later, stubborn hunters with daddy issues and mommy issues and every other kind of issue you could think of hidden behind a bottle of Jack Daniels and an I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude. 
Sometimes you would realize that he was the only one who really understood what you were going through because he had been going through it too. As much as Dean didn’t like to admit it, he knew that too. 
“You could have gotten all of us killed back there!”, Dean said gruffly, supporting a limping Sam with one arm and shouldering a duffel bag with the other.
 “Me?” You fiddled with the hotel room key before finally getting it open, helping them both inside. “If you weren’t such a self sacrificing bone head, we wouldn’t have been in that situation in the first place!”
Dean lowered Sam gently onto one of the beds and slammed the duffel onto the other. “If you would just do as you’re told-”
“So I’m supposed to let you die because you think you can handle a whole werewolf on your own?”, you interrupted him, voice growing higher with anger.
“It was one werewolf! Sammy got hurt, you were supposed to get him back to the car. Not leave him there to bleed out and put not only him but yourself in danger doing something I could have easily done just to prove yourself!”
Sam groaned as he was brought into this, “Dean, relax. I wasn’t going to ‘bleed out’. You’re being ridiculous”, he said as you helped tend to his leg. He had a long gash down his thigh to his knee and probably more than a couple broken ribs. He’d definitely need stitches, which you started on as soon as you could get your hands on the med kit. 
“You were gonna be werewolf lunch in a few seconds if I hadn’t stepped in when I did, or worse. And I don’t have to prove myself, Dean, I’m as good a hunter as you if not better any day. Just thank me for saving your life and get over yourself”, you said, pouring whiskey over Sam’s cut to disinfect it as best you could. He hissed in pain but stayed still enough to not tear the stitches you had just finished. 
“I had it covered”, Dean scoffed.
“That’s why I had to gank the bastard instead of you”, you retorted, not even bothering to look up from bandaging Sammy. 
“That’s why you almost got yourself killed! Sam could have been stitched up long before and we wouldn’t have to worry about him losing so much blood or risk getting an infection! If you’re such a better hunter than me then you’d know what's more important! Your partners’ lives or your ego! You say that you’re better but that’s why you almost botched the last couple hunts we’ve gone on! You say that you’re better but that’s why Bobby saddled us with you, because he knew you couldn’t take care of yourself and you’re too stubborn to stay put and help where you’re actually useful!”, Dean’s last words cut into you like a knife. 
Tears pricked your eyes, but you’d be damned if you cried in front of him, so you stood up and turned your back to him, calmly packing the first aid supplies back into the kit. A deathly silence fell across the room. Sam was holding the last breath he drew in, his gaze flickering between you and Dean, waiting for you to blow up in the older brother’s face. But you didn’t. And that's when Dean realized the magnitude of his words. 
“I didn’t mean that, Y/N”, he said softly, guilt flooding his body. 
You said nothing and only finished what you were doing and shoved past him to go out the door. He turned to go after you, but Sam stopped him. 
“Dude, I think you should just give her a little while to calm down after that”, Sam advised, “What the hell was that about? You know you were struggling with the werewolf.”
“I know, Sammy. But she could have gotten hurt”, Dean said, wiping his hand down his face in shame.
“And so could you, Dean. She saved both of us tonight, she’s not a damsel, she's a hunter. A damn good one at that. You owe her a big apology, huge actually.”
“I know.”
You didn’t go back for a few more hours. You spent most of your time walking the streets of the rinky dink town you were stopped in, trying to rationalize what happened. Maybe Dean was right, you could have seriously endangered all three of you. But he was struggling and you couldn’t imagine what you would do if you just stood by as he got hurt or killed or even bitten. You knew Dean didn’t mean what he said. He had a habit of saying things he didn’t mean when he was upset. It didn’t mean that his words didn’t hurt you though. It was well past dark when you realized you needed to go back, you had left your cell phone and that was stupid with the condition Sam was in. As you walked up to the hotel you saw Dean rush out, keys to the impala in hand. He looked pretty frantic until he saw you from across the parking lot. He stopped and dropped the keys, running over to you. 
“Dean, I-”
He cut you off when he wrapped his arms around you in a bear hug, lifting you off the ground a couple inches before setting you back down. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m an idiot. You’re so useful to us and you’re an amazing hunter and an amazing woman. I was just so worried about Sammy, and worried about what could have happened if you got hurt and I let my mouth get the best of me. I didn’t mean what I said. I owe you after killing that thing, I probably would have made a mess of everything if you hadn’t stepped in”, he rambled off, looking you in the eyes. You had never seen him looking so sincere and guilty before. 
After a long pause, you sighed, “It’s okay.”
“It’s not. I’m a grown ass man and I need to learn to think before I speak.”
“That may be so, but you’re also the most thick headed man I’ve ever met. I know you didn’t mean what you said. I accept your apology, we’re all under a lot of stress right now. But we’ve both said things we don’t mean to each other before, Dean. I don’t expect that to just go away. You’re not gonna go all soft on me after a spat that we’ll forget about in the morning. That’s not to say that next time you talk to me like that I won’t knock you on your ass”, you said, a small smile growing on your face. 
Dean chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, “I’m surprised you didn’t this time, to be honest. But are you sure-”
“Dean, shut up. It’s fine. I don’t care anymore, I just want to take a shower and go to bed right now. No hard feelings”, you promised.
“Alright. I bought dinner earlier, left some in the microwave for you. Sam’s knocked out, I dosed him up with some pain killers. He should sleep through the night, so showers all yours. The bed too if you want it, I owe you.”
“Not a shot in the dark, Winchester. I didn’t let you take the bed the last time I chewed you out when it was my turn. The bed is yours fair and square, tonight.” 
The three of you had a sacred system of who got one of the two beds in the room and who got the pullout. You hadn’t broken the streak yet, and you weren’t going to break it tonight just because Dean wanted to baby you all over an argument. 
Dean grinned, “I was hoping you’d say that, my shoulder is killin me tonight and I hate those pull outs.”
Dean was out when his head hit the pillow, which was surprising, usually it took him at least twenty minutes to fall asleep. But after the hunt today, you could understand. You had trouble keeping yourself awake and twice you caught yourself nodding off, once while halfway through your cold burger that served as dinner and once more in the shower. When you finally laid down on the pull out couch, it didn’t take you long to fall into a deep sleep.
Although not as deep as you thought. You woke up to darkness and didn’t understand why. You were never the type to wake up in the middle of the night, unless something was wrong. But no one appeared to be in immediate danger when you sat up and listened carefully. Sam was snoring away as per usual but that was about it. You were about to lay back down and go back to sleep when you heard it. A whimper. 
“Y/N”, a gruff voice called out in the dark. 
“What do you want, Winchester?”, you answered. 
But then he only called out for you again, louder this time, more panicky. You had heard that before. Dean was no stranger to nightmares, and Sam had become so used to them over the years that he didn’t wake up anymore. 
You stood up and padded over to Dean’s bed, placing your hand on his shoulder to shake him gently awake. It didn’t seem to work though and his face contorted in distress more than it already had. 
“Dean, I’m right here. Wake up”, you said softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. 
“You can’t leave me...please.”
You pressed your hand against his cheek comfortingly, “Dean!”
His hand shot up and wrapped around your wrist and his eyes shot open, he was breathing raggedly. 
“Y/N? You… you were gone”, he said, sitting up abruptly, there were tears in his eyes. “After what I said to you, you left and you didn’t come back. I came to look for you and the werewolf it came back and you were just laying there.” He was leaving out the details but he didn’t have to say anymore for you to get the jist of the dream.
“Shhhh. It’s okay, I’m okay. I’m right here and I’m alive”, you cooed.
“But you were-”, you cut him off before he could say anymore.
“It was just a dream, Dean”, you moved his hand to rest on your chest, just above your heart. Normally, you would have shied away from any sort of touch like this with Dean, but that was during the daytime or in front of people. You knew when to put your differences aside and you knew what helped Dean during his times of need. “Feel that? Still beating. Everything is okay.”
Dean sighed in relief and wrapped you in his arms, “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t handle losing you after what I said before.”
“I told you I forgive you. That stupid old brain of yours is just trying to make you feel bad.”
“Yeah. I guess”, Dean muttered. He held you for a few moments and you stayed in silence until, “Will you stay with me?”
You smiled, “Scoot over.”
You spent the rest of the night leaned up against the headboard of the bed, Dean’s head on your chest with your hands running gently through his hair to soothe him. When his breathing hadn’t evened out enough for your like you drew a short breath and began to sing softly like you knew Mary once had a long long time ago.
“Hey Jude, don’t make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better.”
You felt him relax more under your touch and it was working, just like it always did. 
“Remember to let her into your heart then you can start to make it better.”
By the second chorus he was sleeping soundly but you repeated the song twice more to be sure and never stopped playing with his hair. 
Sam woke up at daybreak but he wasn’t in any condition to get on the open road yet and you still had one more night booked in the hotel. You shushed him when he spoke, gesturing at the still sleeping Dean in your arms. 
“Bad dream?”, he whispered, having found you two in this position before. 
You nodded as best you could without wanting to disturb the sleeping Winchester, his eyelashes fluttered against your collarbone and his arms were still wrapped around your waist tightly, he hadn’t moved in the night save for snuggling deeper into your chest in his sleep. You stayed up all night with him just in case he had another dream or if Sam woke up and needed more painkillers. 
“Go back to sleep, Sammy. We’ll leave later. You need to rest in order to heal anyway.” 
When both brothers were asleep again, you let yourself drift off. 
Yeah, you and Dean butted heads more often than not, but you both knew how much you needed each other.
this is actually the preface to a fic i started writing more than 5 years ago so there’s a poorly written angsty part 2 to this is anyone is interested
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not spn related but my professor called me impressive bc i can pull of really long sentences without them being run on and i am very proud
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Dean Winchester
Butting Heads - fluff, a bit of angst
Sam Winchester
-coming soon-
-coming soon-
Jack Kline
A Learning Experience fluff
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A Learning Experience - jack kline x reader
Sam and Dean Winchester leave their little sister behind on a hunt to be a glorified babysitter for a certain nephilim. Y/n introduces Jack to a bunch of new things like pancakes, grocery stores and chick flicks. A few harmless questions arise. Fluff.
Word Count: 2,154 
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If anyone had told you a couple months ago that you would be babysitting Lucifer’s son while your brothers went out hunting without you, you would have laughed in their faces. But that was then and now you were cooking breakfast for two in the bunker’s kitchen balancing your phone against your head with your shoulder. 
“Real nice move, assholes. A note. What a nice way to tell your sister you’re abandoning her”, you hissed.
“We’re not abandoning you, Y/n, it’s just a couple weeks. Jack isn’t ready to come with us and he shouldn’t be left alone”, Dean replied, “According to Sam.”
“Are you keeping the knives away from him?”, Sam asked in the background. 
“I did not realize that was something I had to do but I think I’ll lock them up now”, you said.
“He’s not gonna hurt you, I’m worried about him hurting himself.”
“Great, so you abandoned me with a suicidal nephilim in a bunker that no one knows about.”
“It wasn’t my idea”, Dean grumbled.
“Shut up, De, I know you don’t like him but he’s just a kid”, you rolled your eyes. 
Your oldest brother laughed, “You two are like the same age if you don’t wanna get technical-”
“Which”, Sam interjected, “is why I think it’s a good idea you stay with him at home. You can teach him stuff and make sure he takes care of himself.”
“I’m literally a babysitter. You guys owe me big time when you get back”, you said. 
“Something I’m sure you won’t let us ever forget.”
“Goodbye, Dean”, you hung up the phone and plated the last of the pancakes. 
After setting the table you cleared your throat and called out for Jack in your best mother hen voice. It echoed around the empty bunker for a few moments before you heard footsteps approaching and a head of blonde hair poked in from around the door frame. 
“Yes, Y/n?”, Jack asked. 
“Sit your ass down and eat, breakfast is ready”, you gestured towards the pancakes on the table.
“What are these?”, he asked, staring at the pancakes after he sat down. 
You stared at him, “Are you kidding? They’re pancakes, you’ve never had pancakes before?”
He shook his head. 
“Well, these are the best breakfast food in the whole world. I don’t really know how to explain them better than that”, you said, putting a couple on his plate and passing him the bottle of syrup, “I think, you’ll like them. You can put syrup on them if you want…”, You watched in abject horror as he drowned his pancakes in the substance before digging in. 
Jack grinned through a mouthful of food, “These are good. I like pancakes.”
You laughed, “I’ll make them for you every morning as long as you don’t tell Sam about the amount of sugar you just ingested.”
Jack nodded, “Deal.”
After a couple days of making three square meals a day for a nephilim that seemingly never got full, especially of your pancakes, you had to make a trip to the grocery store. Syrup was at the top of your shopping list but you were running low on other actual essentials and you didn’t know if a nephilim could actually eat unhealthily but Jack was half human after all and Sam might appreciate you putting a salad into the boy. 
You knocked on the door to his room, in between yours and Sam’s incase anything were to happen, and stuck your head in. He was reading, something you encouraged considering how many pop culture references your brother used, besides Harry Potter was a classic and you were showing him the movies as he gradually finished each book. Which was surprisingly quick before you realized that Jack didn’t sleep nearly as long as you did. 
“Hey, Jack, you wanna get out of here for a little while?”
He looked up at you in confusion, “Sam and Dean said it would be best for me to stay here.”
“Well, I don’t see those dummies anywhere now, besides we need more food. It’s just a quick run to the store. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to though”, you said. 
He shook his head and stood up, “No, I’ll come with you.”
It really was supposed to be a quick trip to the store until you learned just how much food Jack had never had before. 
“Do you normally get this much food?”, Jack asked, looking over the nearly full shopping cart. 
“Living with Sam and Dean? Yes. But we’re getting a lot of stuff I don’t usually buy. It’s high time you lost your mac and cheese virginity”, you said as you examined the tomatoes.
“What is that?”, he asked tilting his head in a very Castiel esque manner, which you found absolutely adorable. 
What? Mac and cheese? It’s kinda in the name, just macaroni and cheese-”
“No, virginity.”
You think you probably rivaled the tomatoes in how red your face was, “It’s uh…like when you’ve never done something before. But it’s just a metaphor, normally virginity pertains to um”, you paused. You really did not want to give Jack the sex talk in the middle of the produce section. 
You breathed a sigh of relief, thank god. Wait… 
“How do you know what that is?”
“I saw something on Dean’s laptop-”
“Dean showed you porn?”, you hissed. 
“Not exactly, it was just there”, Jack said nonchalantly. 
You shook your head and put the tomatoes in the cart before dragging Jack off towards the registers. That was enough for today’s outing. 
After about a week, you two had finished all eight Harry Potter movies and had moved onto the rest of Dean’s vast collection of movies. Over the course of your time alone with Jack you had learned he was a huge cuddler. The first time you had sat down on the other side of the couch, he pulled you closer by the second act. Not that you minded, Jack was warm and it kept the chill off, the bunker was drafty. It was only for that reason. Not because you were developing a huge crush on Satan’s son. 
Tonight you were watching some romantic chick flicky movie you didn’t even know Dean owned. Well, Jack was watching it. You were nose deep in your book with one hand curled in Jack’s hair as he rested his head on your lap. 
“They’re supposed to be in love, right?”, Jack asked. 
“Yeah, that’s kinda the whole point of the movie”, you said, not looking up from your book. 
“Then why is he hurting her?”
That got your attention, you looked up at the screen. The guy in the movie was pushing his female love interest up against the wall and gazing into her eyes with an intense smolder that made you shiver a little. 
“He’s not. It’s kinda meant to be romantic. It’s building sexual tension”, you replied as the pair on screen started making out. “See? Now they realize they’ve been in love the whole time.”
Jack turned to look up at you, “How do you know when you’re in love though?”
“I don’t know, you feel all tingly and happy when you’re around someone you love. You really like spending time with them, I guess. These are some loaded questions. Haven’t you been watching the movie?”
Jack flushed, “I wasn’t really paying attention to some of it.”
You shrugged, “You didn’t miss much, most chick flicks are all the same anyway.”
The end credits rolled down the screen a few minutes later and you closed your book. Jack looked like he had zoned out again as you continued to play with his hair. He was probably tired. Even nephilim had to burn out at some point. 
“I think I’m gonna head to bed. You look like you should too”, you suggested, pushing a few stray stands of blonde away from his forehead. 
“Maybe. I’ll only wake up in a couple hours anyway. Can I stay up longer? I want to watch another movie”, he said, sitting up to let you up.
“Go ahead. I’m not your mom, you can stay up late if you want. Just don’t start Star Wars without me.”
Being a Winchester meant very few nights of peaceful sleep, luckily tonight was just the usual nightmares of being torn apart by various monsters. Nothing you hadn’t dealt with before. So when you woke up in a cold sweat, you shook off the fear and decided to grab a drink before going back to sleep. The clock read 3:00 AM in big red letters, so you had only been out for a few hours. 
Jack’s bedroom door was shut when you walked past, so you assumed he had turned in sometime after you. You crept down to the kitchen as quietly as possible to avoid waking him. You grabbed a drink of water and checked your phone for any notifications, nothing from the boys yet but they weren’t supposed to be home until next week due to complications according to their last call. From somewhere down the hall you heard a floorboard creek. If Jack had woken up you would have heard his door, the hinges in the bunker weren’t exactly well oiled. The hairs stood up on the back of your neck and you set your glass down silently. 
The hall was dimly lit but there was no sign of anything that could have made the noise. You sighed. You were just on edge from that nightmare, the bunker was decades old if ever there was the time to use the “house settling” excuse it was with this ancient building. You turned the corner back down your hallway and was suddenly slammed up against the wall. You let out a gasp that would have turned into a very loud scream if your eyes hadn’t met a pair of blue ones. 
“Jack”, you breathed, “You scared the shit out of me.” 
Jack stared you down silently. His grip on your wrists was tight and it made you wonder if he knew just how tight. His gaze was intense almost like…
“You can ease up a little bit there, tiger”, you whispered and his eyes softened along with his grip. 
“I’m sorry. Did I actually hurt you?”, he asked nervously. 
You shook your head, “I think I’ll live. What are you doing?”
His cheeks turned red, “In the movie, you said this was romantic.”
Oh. Now it was your turn for your cheeks to heat up. 
“I feel tingly and happy when I’m around you, Y/n”, he said sincerely, “You said that means I’m in love.”
“You’ve never been in love before, Jack. Love is more than just tingly feelings. It’s something that you have to figure out and learn on your own”, you explained. 
“You don’t love me?”
That damn near broke your heart. You shook free one of your hands and caressed his cheek softly. “Jack, I like you way too much than I should already and could well be on the road to loving you. But I don’t want you to think you’re in love with me just because I’m one of the only people you’re around-”
He shook his head, “I’ve seen other people though. No one has ever made me feel like you do. I thought there was something wrong with me but it doesn’t feel bad. It feels good, like pancakes or grocery shopping or you playing with my hair.” 
Forget being on the road, you had reached your destination. You were definitely in love with Lucifer’s son. His eyes bore into yours and you couldn’t take it anymore. You surged forward and pressed your lips to his. His hands landed on your hips as you threaded your fingers into his hair. The kiss was hot and messy, that was the only indication that this was Jack’s first time doing something like this. Of course he would also be a perfect kisser. You pulled away after a few more moments, breathing harshly. 
Jack beamed at you, “Can we do that again?”
You laughed, “Yes, Jack. But maybe after a couple hours of sleep.” You swore he was pouting.
“Can I stay with you tonight?”, he asked, “I heard you earlier, you had another nightmare.”
“Did I wake you?”
He shook his head, “No, I haven’t gone to bed yet.”
That’s why you had heard creaking, it really was Jack moving around. 
If anyone had told Sam and Dean Winchester a couple months ago that they would come home to find their little sister cuddled up to Lucifer’s son in bed, they would have laughed in their faces. But that was then and now Dean was looking absolutely mortified and about to blow as Sam dragged him out of the doorway so as to not wake them up.
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my friend can attest that i spent the majority of the episode yelling about how it crossed too many lines
im watching scoobynatural while high out of my mind and it’s a religious experience
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im watching scoobynatural while high out of my mind and it’s a religious experience
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the budget for green canvas jackets must have been through the roof on spn like everyone be wearin those things
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me: wow I sure should finish that dean one shot that I’ve been working on for a literally five years
also me: writing another multi part Gabriel fic bc i can’t get any priorities straight
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admin form
in regards to my last post, if you want to write old fashion style supernatural fanfics, like when x readers had that cringey charm that could only be found in spn fanfics written in like 2014 or if you want to do spn ships or beta read for me, you should fill out the form
-admin gabe
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I am unfortunately going through my supernatural phase again in an attempt to dig myself out of my depression hole that now leads to China, and to maybe bring myself some weird twisted nostalgic will to live. I will however be damned to jump into the new seasons when I stopped watching supernatural almost five years ago. I have about as much knowledge as season 10 maybe, so I’m rewatching the entire series and trying to read some of the newer fanfics and I have no clue what’s going on and I’m only at season 4 so far. I’m gonna keep writing fanfics to give myself something to do other than to sleep in the depression cave that is my room over my break in between semesters. But I’m not gonna write new age supernatural fanfics. I miss the old hotel, simple hunts and broody, domestic, romance trope fanfics. So that’s what I’m gonna be writing. I don’t exactly expect anyone to be reading what I write, as I’m not entirely sure how active the supernatural fandom is right now. But if you hold the passion from your angsty 12 year old cringey fanfic writing days be sure to check in every once in a while. I think I’m gonna be taking applications for more admins since the old one never really showed face around here anyway. So if you feel the same and want in, I’m posting the link soon.
-admin gabe
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Hey love, I was hoping you could give me a ship? I'm a 5'2, pasty ginger girl with hazel eyes. I love food and vintage things- malt shops and 50's diners are what I thrive on. I like napping, drawing, cooking, and anything to do with Disney. I'm kinda sarcastic, a bit blunt and cynical mostly but I tend to be awkward. I have a really weird (kinda dirty) sense of humor too. I hope this is enough ;) Thanks doll ♡
Well hello there! I’ve given it some thought and I’d have to ship you with my namesake, Gabriel. He would probably love to tease you about your height and with the snap of his fingers you two could be in a 50s diner (only without all the bad things about the 50s). You two could fall asleep watching Disney movies and all that cute shit like that. You definitely share the same dirty, weird sense of humor! I hope you like the ship, hun!-Admin Gabriel
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Hey! Can I have a match up thingy? Okay so I’m 5’6-5’7, I think like 160 lbs, I have green eyes and brown-red hair. I’m a girl, and I’m straight too. I have a close-knit group of friends, and I love spending time with them. I’ shy, and I’m a sarcastic girl who will be honest, and caring, and I’m always glad to help. I also cuss more than I should lol. I have depression, but I don’t let it rule my life. And I’m ALWAYS willing to do what’s right, even if nobody else will. Thanks!!
We both ship you with Dean, love! You always want to do what’s right despite rules, that fits his MO pretty much to a T. I’m sure he would never fail to try and cheer you up when you’re feeling depressed as well, and it’s always good to have someone like that in your life. I hope you’re satisfied with your ship, love! -Admin Gabriel
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May I have a match up? I am a Gemini, 5'5", and 250 lbs. I have brown hair in a clipped cut and blue green (turquoise) eyes. I am a disabled (Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, and OCD) girl who wears only glasses; no contacts for me! I love anime, manga, video games, chocolate, pizza, chicken, sweet tea, talking, drawing, singing, and dancing. I like a guy who holds me in a big protective embrace that understands me for who I am and can handle my shortcomings, like my temper.
Oh wow, I have no clue when you sent this in, love. I haven’t exactly been keeping up with the inbox but of course you can have a match up! I think that Sam would be a good suit for you! You did mention big strong embraces! Our moose is perfect for that! And he would definitely be able to handle your short temper, no problem. He’s been handling Dean’s bitchiness for years. You’d be an angel in his eyes. Sam would love your glasses, he’d think they’re super cute! Sorry for the long wait again, love. I hope you like your matchup!
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I’m taking on an admin!
It has been a long time since I have made any posts to this blog, I know I’m sorry. I’ve been terribly busy. But it still gets notes every once in a while and people seem to like some of the work that I have on here (although it is far and few). So instead of scrapping the blog and leaving it to rot I want to fix it up a little bit. But as busy as I am, I can’t do it alone. If you are interested in becoming an admin to write and do ships for this blog pls fill out this form. I’ll keep it open until the end of the month of March so feel free to take it.
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