betweenthepoems · 22 days
For my Logyn story I also aim to make Loki a chaotic good character, a troubled older teen who's more like a class clown archetype rather than brooding and smirking prince-like bad boy popular in romantasy stories.
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Loki is a great character... in the source material... just like Sigyn, truly XD
But writers in the old days that decided that Odin was the "wise king" trope/God and Loki the "betrayer" trope/Devil, ruined everything...
And nowadays, you've got even more BS...
Or they follow the Odin propaganda and make him evil and a psycho (Sandman, OldMarvel!Comics, Gospel, Riordan, ...)
Or they turn him into a punching ball for the other characters *cough*punygod*cough (MCU, but let's face it, espacially the Loki show) (Loki in Thor I had SUCH potential, and Tom Hiddleston was perfectly cast, but yeah... Such a waste)
Or they pretend that none of the things that happened were his fault (Tyr was the one who killed Baldr, Svadilfari was his ONE TRUE LOVE and the evil Aesirs took him from Loki, Angrboda is raped and killed for his male angst, ... and of course, Sigyn is a cheater and what happened to Vali & Narvi was HER fault...) ... taking any true agenda, charm, intelligence, wit from Loki, and turning him into some whiny little b*tch (sorry for my language, but it's true). (Also a creepy groomer as far as young trans!Baldr is concerned ^^' Might have been a groomer with Sigyn too, as he met her when she was VERY YOUNG ...) You know which book I'm talking about XD
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So yeah. Just like for Sigyn, the potential is there, but unfortunately, we have a lot of bad exemples where the writers just wasted it all...
On the other hand, Lyra Wolf's Loki in her Nine worlds rising series is very charming and witty.
The Bifrost Incident!Loki is TRAGIC
I actually liked what SPN did with the Loki/Gabriel character
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Thistil Mistil Kistil is amazing and I won't ever stop recommending it. @depleti is fantastic and deserves all the kudos.
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betweenthepoems · 4 months
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Finally got myself to actually draw a decent pic of Loki. Coupled with an older pic I’ve made of Sigyn.
Note that those are my interpretations of those deities as the characters for my Wattpad YA novel project. This is meant to be a retelling but with some major changes to the Norse lore filled with some extra details from me, so look at them as if they were OCs.
OK, with that out of the way, here’s some stuff about each of them:
AFAB, genderfluid, but mostly stays in masculine forms, although isn’t shy about being born as a girl. Will punch, however, if someone brings it up in an insulting manner.
Even if he’s male at the moment, still has some feminine traits in his looks. More beautiful than handsome, like in some old shoujo manga. For this pic of him I specifically used a panel of Lady Oscar from Riyoko Ikeda’s The Rose of Versailles as a reference.
This Loki is half Aesir, half Jotunn and a shapeshifter, capable of changing every part of his body as he wishes… except his eyes that always stay the same, showing who that person really is. That wouldn't be much of a problem if he didn’t have very unique eyes. Their odd colors and shape, coming from his Jotunn DNA with some mutations don’t help him with appearing as a good person or not standing out from the crowd.
Exhibits traits similar to that of ADHD. In universe they say he has bees inside his head. Also an extrovert.
Using high school tropes, he’s more of a class clown with some believing he’s a hopeless case.
Homeless by choice, but sometimes crashes at one of his few friends' places. This includes Eir’s, whom he sees as the closest thing to a mother figure and teacher, Thor’s, Sigyn’s and Balder’s.
Before Sigyn, Loki wasn’t ever in a serious relationship, at best flirting. Other than with her, the closest he was with Balder, but had to shut it down because of Frigg’s disapproval. Balder is still open to starting again.
Autistic and an introvert, very fond of being left alone. Takes pride in being independent and doesn’t like asking for help unless she really can’t do something alone.
Hates being touched without permission, especially touching someone else’s bare skin with her own. She finds it gross, with all that pores secreting stuff and living, moving flesh underneath.
Recently she had survived being mauled almost to death by a pack of hungry wolves, leaving her with both physical and mental scars as well as chronic pain in one of her legs and hand. Despite this she still tries to live as she used to, even if she needs to take some limits into account.
Sigyn is a demigodess. She used to live as a hermit deep in Migdard woods, believed by local humans to be a cryptid, but now, after the attack, lives in the outskirts of an Asgardian village in Thor’s domain.
Being half god, half human, height wise she’s in the middle: at 175 cm not as tall as the average goddess but taller than the average human at the time of the vikings. The best way to describe her is as if someone made a lifesize clay sculpture of a girl and then, when the material was still soft, stretched out some body parts and toned down to the absolute minimum all feminine traits. She’s still looking like a girl, but could pass as a young man by just wearing male clothing.
Sigyn likes to keep her hair short and would cut whenever it became possible to tie them into a ponytail. That’s because she finds them hard to maintain and bothersome getting everywhere even when tied.
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betweenthepoems · 5 months
Loki and Sigyn basically.
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betweenthepoems · 6 months
Honestly, I sometimes feel the same. Like, I wrote several Logyn stories, have a few versions of them, but at the same time I don't hold grudge towards people who not like Sigyn/ didn't develop her into a fully fledged character in their writing.
That kind of acting by Logyn fans reminds me of some Klance, BakuDeku, Johnlock shippers.
Sigyn stans are not only annoying, they're also stupid as shit. Every time someone raises a point criticizing Sigyn as a character or Logyn as a ship they find a way to not only miss the point spectacularly but also write a long reply retorting to the point that wasn't made and act like they just did a huge mic drop. I have Blorbos and OTPs which are very dear to me, but I can understand where some people are coming from when they say they don't vibe with them, even when I disagree with their reasons. But try explaining to a Logyn stan why you personally dislike Logyn/Sigyn and they'd be like HERE ARE MY HEADCANONS BASED ON EXTREMELY OBSCURE PROBABLY-NOT-ENTIRELY-ACCURATE RESEARCH INFO THAT IS NOT PRESENT IN THE EDDAS, READING BETWEEN LINES & REACHING THAT PROVES THAT SIGYN IS THE MOST SPECIALEST BADDASS CHARACTER EVER AND SHE AND LOKI ARE THE HEALTHIEST POWER COUPLE TO EVER EXIST AND IF YOU PERSONALLY THINK SHE'S BORING YOU'RE OBJECTIVELY WRONG *REACTION GIF* *REACTION GIF* *REACTION GIF* *TONS OF EMOJIS*. They lack both reading skills and a thick skin.
Honestly I don't bother to try and talk to them but that sound so annoying :/
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betweenthepoems · 6 months
Question: The Birth-Mother of Loki's Brood, The Cause of Loki's Ultimate Punishment
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The birth-mother of Fenrir, Hel, and Jormungandr is, for the most part, said to be Angrboda, with Loki as the father.  I disagree with this claim, and believe Loki to be the birth-mother.  There is support for both the former and latter, but that point is not made clear enough in our surviving sources to make a proper conclusion.
The idea of Angrboda as mother of the brood has merit in its simplicity.  Most people assume the female to be the mother, and the male to be the father.  Angrboda is female, Loki is male.  The mother/father is not explicitly stated, so perhaps the simplest explanation should be assumed.
This claim also tends to go hand-in-hand with the assertion that Angrboda is Loki’s mistress or other wife in Jotunheimr, but this seems completely unfounded to me.  There is really no evidence of a relationship having ever existed between the two, or that they even knew one another.  I suppose Loki’s self-professed promiscuity could explain him fathering children with a completely arbitrary woman, but casting Angrboda as Loki’s wife seems to be too lazy an assumption.
The incident on which Loki eats a woman’s heart comes from Hyndluljod, a source more dated than Snorri, in the Poetic Edda; as such, I feel the references therein are more accurate to authentic Norse mythology.  The account is incredibly vague, and all that is revealed is that Loki eats the half-cooked heart of an “evil woman” that he takes from the embers.  He becomes pregnant from this, and gives birth to “the monsters” (flagð).  It is not made clear to which “evil woman” the heart belongs, or to what beings “the monsters” refers.
 “The monsters” may refer to Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Hel – they are indeed the most suited for the title, among Loki’s other offspring.
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These three “monsters” are usually attributed to the union of Angrboda and Loki, so if it is assumed these three are “the monsters”, then it must also be assumed that the heart belonged to Angrboda.  One section of Hyndluljod states that Loki gained the wolf (Fenrir) by Angrboda, which may imply that it was Loki impregnated by Angrboda.
The heart that Loki ate is a mystery all on its own, and its origins should be considered before attributing it to Angrboda.  It came from an “evil woman”, Loki took it from the embers, and it was half-cooked.  The Voluspa, another entry in the Poetic Edda, mentions the Aesir-Vanir war, which came about when an “evil woman” named Gullveig was thrust with spears and burned by the Aesir in Odin’s hall.  We are told she was burnt and reborn three times over, and even that was not enough to destroy her.  Perhaps a half-cooked heart remained, and this was the one Loki ate?  Angrboda’s heart was said to be frozen like the sea spray, so this may be why the heart did not burn when the rest of the body did.  Loki’s reason for eating the heart may have been to prevent further resurrection, which is very similar to Loki’s countless outlandish solutions to unsolvable problems facing the Aesir.
There is a great deal of evidence, although still not fully accepted, that Gullveig and Angrboda are one and the same.  I’ll go into Angrboda/Gullveig/Heid in detail in a later post – I need to answer your question first and foremost, and if I start talking about Angrboda, I’ll never get around to it.  Angrboda is written as Aurboda in Svipdagsmal, which gives the name the exact same meaning as Gullveig.  “Aur” and “Gull” both mean gold, and “boda” and “veig” both refer to a strong alcoholic drink.  From the above, although there is no concrete proof, there is a clear possibility that Loki was impregnated by eating Angrboda’s heart, and thus gave birth to his famous monstrous brood.
It is simplest to assume the female Angrboda as the mother, and the male Loki as the father, but we also have evidence to the contrary.  There is a bit of confusion on this point, and it seems to be intentional.  Angrboda is sometimes called the father, and Loki the mother, and then vice versa.  Perhaps this is intended to call attention to the fact that the parentage is different from what is expected.  Loki’s androgyny is definitely a theme in many of his myths, and Angrboda’s androgyny is also mentioned at one point (An observer cannot decide if Angrboda is a woman, or a man disguised as a woman).  This may be further evidence of their mismatched parental roles.
Furthermore, in Helgakvida Hundingsbane I of the Poetic Edda, two characters are insulting one another by comparing one to Loki, and the other to Angrboda.  The character comparing himself to Loki says to his Angrboda-like opponent that they produced the wolf together, and that he was the father.  The Angrboda companion corrects him, saying that Loki is not the true father, and that he was emasculated by giving birth to the wolf.  If Loki became pregnant by eating Angrboda’s heart, then it was Angrboda’s seed that fertilised Loki, making Angrboda the true father.
So there you go.  We don’t know for sure whether the father is Loki or Angrboda, but I believe it was Angrboda, and there is indeed a good deal of support for this idea.  There is some more evidence, but it requires a lot more explanation, so I might go into it again once I’ve properly explained Angrboda on this blog.
As for Loki’s banishment/getting bound, it was caused by the events of Lokasenna.  For the most part, it seems that the gods bound Loki because they were really angry that he had slandered all of them.  Granted, some of the slander was pretty bad, but a lot of it, if not all, was true.  Loki knew everybody’s dirty little secrets, and when he revealed them all at the Lokasenna, he got into some trouble.  I will write a post on Baldr’s death, and another on Lokasenna as soon as I can – sorry it’s taking so long!  I’m pretty busy with university right now, and my major is Chemistry, which is about as far from Norse mythology as you can get…
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betweenthepoems · 7 months
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Have you forgotten her?
Do you know her name?
Who is she?
The goddess Ilmr.
(Pardon my bad english, not my first language)
Shes listed as a goddess and occurs in skaldic kennings in the 10th and 11th centuries, and were likely about to be forgotten and lost to all time.
Her name and mystery intreeged me and my fiance, so we did some witchy trans work and see what we could find and then compared, and we both came down to:
"Goddess of change, opens portals to helheim.
Protect the dead and give a safe passage.
Maker of scents to calm the dying. Half sister to Eir. Cold, alone and missunderstood.
Helps you re-think situations and see diffrent outlooks.
Half asir and half jötunn.
Perhaps listed as a disir and a valkyria."
(This is our UPG so take it as you may, its ok if you see her diffrent.)
But also, Not to far of I say so. If you look at some of the very little we have about her and some theories scholars have.
Like most goddesses her name hints to her role. But we are not sure what it means? Some say ilmr means "pleasant scent". This is strange for a goddess/valkyrie but another of her name some say could etymologically related to almr, meaning Elm tree. A tree that on iceland would then ben a rare and more and more rare thing to see along with most trees after the first settlments. Wich might be why she was forgotten, if she is the goddess of the Elm and the Elm becomes rare and travel to places where the elm grow and pepole know of her, then she becomes more and more unknown.
Another intresting thing about the Elm is that in folklore all over Europe its associated with death, something thats rather intresting when looking to a skald from 950s with the kenning "jalmr Ilmar" meaing "Ilmrs alarm". A nother hint to this is that Ilmr may be related to the noun jalmr (noise).
Also, in "Bjarnar saga Hítdælakappa" Bjarnar calls the disir that tells him about his comming death for "Ilmr armleggjar orma". Meaning sort of "ilmr of the armrings". Another thing hinting to her work in death.
So what do you say? Goddess of good scent? Or death? I say why not both? Of lovely scents and with incense we give thanks to spirits of the dead and their Guardian Who guides them to the next realm. With a lovely scent she calms the dead. She who screams in allarm on the battlefeald, goddeass of the Elm. She who helps those Eir could not.
Here it up to us, the modern polytheistic community to remake as well make something new. Traditions and gods change and its we Who write the history as we work with and learn more about these gods. ((But remeber to make it clear whats UPG and whats based in old sources))
So what do you say?
Do you know the name Ilmr? And how do you see this forgotten goddess?
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betweenthepoems · 7 months
I'm sorry, but I don't think it wont work, as this Sigyn hates being touched by strangers or people she barely knows and might puch them away with magic. Let's just say, her Loki will have to learn a lot in order to get close to her and make her smile.
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For the current version of my Logyn YA story, I decided to give Sigyn a redesign. Here in the picture she is shortly before the events of the book.
While many interpretations of Loki’s wife show as either a valkyrie or a princess, in my version Sigyn is the daughter of minor Aesir god (an OC of mine) and human witch. They lived happily deep in the Midgardian forest until Sigyn’s mother passed away and her dad disappeared, leaving the young and very shy demigoddess all on her own.
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betweenthepoems · 7 months
Here's mine:
Not pictured: bow and arrows, woodcutter axe and a dagger. as she's both magic user and a hunter.
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What if I did this but like,,, with other ppl’s Sigyns,,,
Idk I think it cld be fun? I’ll draw the first few I get (hopefully I’ll get that many lol) and mine (so 5 in total bc I wanna include my own)!
Drop ur Sigyn and a lil blurb abt her personality/powers :>
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betweenthepoems · 7 months
Well, this is Sigyn before meeting Loki, back when she was still living in Midgard in complete isolation (let's just say she was shunned by a village for witchcraft, it's rather complex).
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For the current version of my Logyn YA story, I decided to give Sigyn a redesign. Here in the picture she is shortly before the events of the book.
While many interpretations of Loki’s wife show as either a valkyrie or a princess, in my version Sigyn is the daughter of minor Aesir god (an OC of mine) and human witch. They lived happily deep in the Midgardian forest until Sigyn’s mother passed away and her dad disappeared, leaving the young and very shy demigoddess all on her own.
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betweenthepoems · 7 months
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For the current version of my Logyn YA story, I decided to give Sigyn a redesign. Here in the picture she is shortly before the events of the book.
While many interpretations of Loki’s wife show as either a valkyrie or a princess, in my version Sigyn is the daughter of minor Aesir god (an OC of mine) and human witch. They lived happily deep in the Midgardian forest until Sigyn’s mother passed away and her dad disappeared, leaving the young and very shy demigoddess all on her own.
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betweenthepoems · 8 months
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He embraced the whole world he had lost by 林跃然是好叉子 / 0linyueran0
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betweenthepoems · 9 months
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betweenthepoems · 9 months
I know about those theories. I just put this here to show there are other common changes to Norse myths that don't make people mad like the treatment of Sigyn.
Another thing that bothers me is how sometimes people would try and sell misconceptions or their headcanons as actual facts just to sell the idea that Sigyn is some forgotten powerful goddess erased by Snorri. And to be clear.
I don't mean here anything related to modern Norse paganism.
Hot Take #3: Marvel’s version of Sigyn is not a fledged character and she is horribly written. Stop acting like she is better written than Sylvie.
Everytime I see someone say that she should be brought into the MCU (or the comics), I roll my eyes. In the comics, she’s just a prop to show how cruel Loki is because early depictions wanted him to be evil incarnate. And stop bringing Norse mythology into the Marvel versions about how they did love each other at some point due to her holding the bowl to protect Loki’s face until Ragnarok, blah blah. MCU is the MCU, Marvel comics are Marvel comics, and the myths are the myths, and y’all keep moving the goalposts with what you pick and chose from the various different media depictions. It’s perfectly fine if you included Sigyn for your fanfic or AU, but acting like it should be cannon because you cherry-picked the myths, and trash-talking an established MCU female character (Sylvie) is obnoxious. And how the fuck do you all expect everyone to be on the same page with you?
I don’t want her back in the comics unless there is some MAJOR rewriting of the relationship between her and Loki. The comics constantly retcon events to make characters either worse or more sympathetic. And I think a lot of the heroes have likely done something horribly shitty at some point but get it retconned or added. So why can’t they retcon her existance? Her story is not helpful or empowering to women. As a woman, I don’t want to see that.
And if anything, it promotes the “depraved effeminate man is especially dangerous to women” trope. That pisses me off because I have never been harrassed or in any way hurt by queer men. Cishet gender-conforming men, on the other hand… It pisses me off when a demographic that is not the typical offender gets overrepresented as such in media (*cough* Buffalo Bill). Like how “nazi” was added as a pejorative to feminist with the “feminazi” term.
I see these weird Marvel Sigyn stans acting like she is a real person and Loki “must be held accountable.” They’re not real. They’re drawings. CHILL. Use that energy to condemn real abusers (I better not learn any of you sided with Depp).
Marvel comics!Sigyn upholds the myth of the “perfect victim” that never fights back. This myth is responsible for terms such as “reactive abuse” and “mutual abuse.” There’s no such thing, it’s just self-defense.
And I find it annoying how you all act like being loyal to your abusive husband is a sign of sainthood. As if she wasn’t offered a way out from the very start and constantly aided a supervillain, which gives ideas to make her character more interesting. Make her morally grey and tone down Loki’s cruelty in the relationship or retcon it. For someone to be so committed to Loki in that manner, they need a cruel streak. Make her the Kim Wexler to Loki’s Jimmy McGill if you really must include her.
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betweenthepoems · 9 months
While I don’t fully agree with everything OP had said, I have similar feelings towards Sigyn and her fans.
First thing however I think I should clarify is that I myself like Norse mythology, Loki and Sigyn. In fact, I had written or planned to write several stories with my versions of Sigyn (of which I have few). I ship Logyn and like seeing them as a surprisingly healthy couple. I also believe the lack of original records makes it a great free real estate for writers to unleash their creativity.
But at the same time I get that for the same reasons (lack of sources) many creators might omit Sigyn or make her a background character so Loki could shine in their retellings. It’s sad but as I said, I get that and don’t hold anyone accountable for Sigyn’s treatment like it’s the worst possible offense, if there are other issues.
Sigyn returning to Marvel or being in MCU? We are talking here about a massive company that juggles thousands of fictional characters, several multiverses and annual retcons and Sigyn is like a C-list minor character to think about in the grand scheme of things.
The Gospel of Loki book For me the problem here was with Loki’s attitude during the whole story and not just his opinion on his wife.
Loki Lord of Chaos webtoon? Again, my main issue was how the author twists the entire mythology to fit a certain romance story archetype to the point the webcomic would be better off as an original story and not a retelling.
Louie Stowell’s book? Seriously? Going after a children’s book with poop jokes and farts just because the author skipped Sigyn’s part in Loki’s family tree?
I’m sorry but I hate the attitude some of Sigyn’s fans have at the slightest mention of her or scene where she should be and being mad that it doesn’t fit their headcanons and thus deeming the whole work unworthy of checking out even if other parts are good. Or worse: expecting those authors to understand their grave mistake, write an extensive apology and make their next work with proper Sigyn representation.
Not to mention that Sigyn isn’t even the only minor goddess that gets omitted in fiction. I don’t see people going after authors for ignoring Nanna for the sake of the reversed Hades and Persephone story of Baldur and Hel or when Frigg and Freyja are merged together.
Hot Take #3: Marvel’s version of Sigyn is not a fledged character and she is horribly written. Stop acting like she is better written than Sylvie.
Everytime I see someone say that she should be brought into the MCU (or the comics), I roll my eyes. In the comics, she’s just a prop to show how cruel Loki is because early depictions wanted him to be evil incarnate. And stop bringing Norse mythology into the Marvel versions about how they did love each other at some point due to her holding the bowl to protect Loki’s face until Ragnarok, blah blah. MCU is the MCU, Marvel comics are Marvel comics, and the myths are the myths, and y’all keep moving the goalposts with what you pick and chose from the various different media depictions. It’s perfectly fine if you included Sigyn for your fanfic or AU, but acting like it should be cannon because you cherry-picked the myths, and trash-talking an established MCU female character (Sylvie) is obnoxious. And how the fuck do you all expect everyone to be on the same page with you?
I don’t want her back in the comics unless there is some MAJOR rewriting of the relationship between her and Loki. The comics constantly retcon events to make characters either worse or more sympathetic. And I think a lot of the heroes have likely done something horribly shitty at some point but get it retconned or added. So why can’t they retcon her existance? Her story is not helpful or empowering to women. As a woman, I don’t want to see that.
And if anything, it promotes the “depraved effeminate man is especially dangerous to women” trope. That pisses me off because I have never been harrassed or in any way hurt by queer men. Cishet gender-conforming men, on the other hand… It pisses me off when a demographic that is not the typical offender gets overrepresented as such in media (*cough* Buffalo Bill). Like how “nazi” was added as a pejorative to feminist with the “feminazi” term.
I see these weird Marvel Sigyn stans acting like she is a real person and Loki “must be held accountable.” They’re not real. They’re drawings. CHILL. Use that energy to condemn real abusers (I better not learn any of you sided with Depp).
Marvel comics!Sigyn upholds the myth of the “perfect victim” that never fights back. This myth is responsible for terms such as “reactive abuse” and “mutual abuse.” There’s no such thing, it’s just self-defense.
And I find it annoying how you all act like being loyal to your abusive husband is a sign of sainthood. As if she wasn’t offered a way out from the very start and constantly aided a supervillain, which gives ideas to make her character more interesting. Make her morally grey and tone down Loki’s cruelty in the relationship or retcon it. For someone to be so committed to Loki in that manner, they need a cruel streak. Make her the Kim Wexler to Loki’s Jimmy McGill if you really must include her.
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betweenthepoems · 10 months
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My most recent picture of Sigyn, featuring Loki's disembodied hand.
It is meant to be a cover for my Watpad Logyn story.
Watercolors and water-based markers.
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betweenthepoems · 11 months
yall with your ugly celeb man crushes
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betweenthepoems · 11 months
In my attempts at Norse retellings Hel either falls in love with Hodr or ends up in a poly with Baldr and Nanna because the latter seems to be ignored even more than Sigyn.
I find it weird and interesting that so many writers in Norse mythology retellings go with "Hel is totally infatuated with Baldr."
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