beyondstarlight Ā· 4 days
Yes, I love my hair up in a ponytail
But also yes, he can take it whenever he wants OMG--
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ā—ļøVolume Upā—ļø
Just a quick sketch between work and studying šŸ„ŗ I have so many WIPs on Nonviolent Communication by @greensagephase BUT GURL šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ THE HEADCANONS YOU WROTE MELTED MY HEART. I HAD TO SKETCH A LIL SOMETHING FOR THE ONE WITH THE HAIR TIE šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ AAAAAAAA
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beyondstarlight Ā· 4 days
Not edited.
ā™”ļøŽ ā€” i was just thinkingā€¦.
Imagining a world where soulmates exist. When you turn 16, the first words your soulmate says to you will appear on the inner portion of your lower arm.
Miguel used to be excited about the prospect of meeting his soulmate. Before he turned 16, he had a countdown of the days until he would wake up with those words printed on his arm. It would only be a matter of time after that before he could sweep his soulmate off their feet and disappear, far, far away from Nueva York. Far away from his family, save for Gabriel. Far from the heartache that had shadowed him for much of his life.
The idea of a soulmate, the one person he could truly claim as his own, was nothing short of exhilarating. He came up with millions and millions of different concepts and daydreams.
That was, until he woke up on his 16th birthday with both arms still bare.
At first, he thought it may take some time. After all, nobody said it had to be on the DAY. Maybe itā€™d take a while.
But the days turned into months, and months into years. Miguel was 23 years old when he finally gave up on the entire idea. He realized that he was destined to be alone, forever, with no soulmate to be by his side.
Youā€™d always wondered what your soulmate would say to you ā€“ the months leading up to your 16th birthday were spent with giddy joy and excitement. And on the morning of, you woke up to a slight tingling sensation on your left arm. Throwing back your blankets, you sat up and looked at the words, now printed on the skin in a color only slightly darker than your skin tone.
ā€œYou should be more careful, querida.ā€
Those 6 little words brought you so much joy.
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you couldnā€™t help but wonder what would be on your soulmates arm. You were mute ā€“ not born that way, but when you were younger, you contracted a severe illness that damaged your vocal chords. You could make some vocalizations, but full words and sentences were practically impossible without straining. It was hard to work through, at first. But your family had been very supportive, and you were able to learn sign language.
You knew that your soulmate wouldnā€™t have spoken words printed on them, but you wondered if maybe something you wrote to them or signed to them would show up instead. After all, that was how you talked so it.
For years, you listened closely to what people said to you. Sometimes even putting yourself in situations that would cause others to have to save you, just to see if they were the one.
Nothing ever came of it.
Until one day.
At 30 years old, Miguel couldnā€™t say he was particularly happy with his life. Sure, he was CEO of Alchemax. Sure, he was Neuva Yorkā€™s one and only Spiderman. He had the fame, the brains, the money, everything a man his age could hope for.
Except, he never wanted any of it. But what he wanted, apparently he wasnā€™t destined for. He felt there was no other option but to do what it seemed he was destined for.
Which, in this moment, included chasing a displaced Vulture through the streets of Nueva York.
ā€œSir, Vulture has made his way to Times Square.ā€ Lyla popped up beside him as he took a quick breather on the side of a building, the wound on his side from a battle with an anomaly 2 days prior still aching ever so slightly.
Miguel grunted, cursing under his breath. ā€œCall in the local PD to evacuate civilians.ā€
ā€œI already did,ā€ the holographic AI drawled, pushing her glasses up her nose.
Miguel rolled his eyes under his mask, letting go of the building and continuing towards the sounds of screaming.
Living and working in Nueva York had always been a dream of yours, ever since you were little. The City of Heroes, it was called. At least, thatā€™s what people in your small hometown called it. So when you were given the opportunity to study at one of the best Universities in the big city, and then after graduation, landed a job offer by the best workplace in your field that allowed you to stay in the city, you felt nearly as much excitement as you did on your 16th birthday.
Sometimes you liked to stand on the rooftop of your apartment building, praying that you would see Spiderman swinging by. You couldnā€™t help but be drawn to the masked hero. Seeing him on the front page of the magazines or watching him fight criminals via shaky videos sent to news stations was exhilarating.
Unlike now, where you were scared to death, clinging helplessly to the broken balcony that was teetering dangerously over the edge of the building you worked at. It was an 8 story drop from the balcony to the ground. Not even 10 minutes ago you had been watching, wide eyed with excitement, as Vulture and Spiderman fought, just a few blocks away from Times Square.
A misplaced bomb from Vulture had decimated the supports on the balcony, and you had latched onto the mangled railing with a death grip.
It felt like eons had passed before you felt someoneā€™s strong arms wrap around you. Your eyes, which had been squeezed closed, flew open as you looked up into the masked face of Spiderman himself as he swung you to the ground with ease.
Once your feet hit the ground, your knees gave out and you crumpled to the concrete, trying to steady your breathing. You werenā€™t sure what happened to the Vulture, but you knew he was gone now. What the hero had done to him, you werenā€™t sure.
ā€œYou should be more careful, querida.ā€
Your head whipped up and you stared at Spiderman in shock. Now your heart had changed from racing due to the danger you had been in, to racing from those 6 little words that the hero had said to you. You froze, unsure of what to say or do, despite having made a thousand plans for this very moment.
But none of it mattered, since one second he was there, and the next he was gone.
Hi guys! It's been a while, but I couldn't get this out of my head. Yes, there will be a part 2, don't worry!
I've been MIA recently because I've been super busy IRL. Can't promise how much I'll be around but I do plan on writing some more!
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beyondstarlight Ā· 5 days
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We were blessed with two of the best characters thank you very much Sony
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beyondstarlight Ā· 10 days
Also, yippe! Miggy x reader is big :3 (not my cup of tea, but I'm surprised there's no Peter x Readers, what happened there?)
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Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse
Sample Size: 6,887 stories
Source: AO3
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beyondstarlight Ā· 10 days
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I got these fellows on a whim. A little wonky, yes, but I'm happy
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beyondstarlight Ā· 10 days
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We're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu
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beyondstarlight Ā· 11 days
the rough animation for this video is FINALLY DONE. WOO HOO!!! i started this project almost a year ago now and really struggled to get it done due to art block but iā€™m hoping to be able to get a good chunk of the line work done soon. itā€™s been a wild ride. anyway, the reason the sketches at the end arenā€™t really cleaned up yet is cause the last bit is gonna be more like pmv style stuff and i do that in a different program than the one i use to animate. anyways iā€™ll stop yapping now, enjoy!
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beyondstarlight Ā· 13 days
Silly thing I made a hot minute ago
I needed to share this with people who aren't close friends because... yeah, why not?
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beyondstarlight Ā· 15 days
Don't know much about him... but like--
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Thinking about Dionysus! Gabriel...
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Dionysus! Gabriel who praises the very ground you walk on the moment he sees you. This man is so distraught by seeing your very existence as he refuses to believe that you were left behind by a man-- a man you fell in love with after helping him kill the minotaur.
Left behind on an island called Naxos, he abandoned you, leaving you behind and sailing away, only seeing you as a liability more than anything as he pursued you to get closer to your sister...
The sight of you on the grainy sand with fear in your eyes felt like he just saw a puppy getting kicked to the side while fending for their life. The look of fear is legible, enough for any sane man to feel sympathy, especially for Gabriel.
Dionysus! Gabriel who literally fell in love with your beauty the moment he saw you sleeping on the sand, seeing how soft and warm you are.
Your soft figure is the first thing he takes in like wine, seeing your full, chubby figure. The toga did your figure justice, seeing your soft thighs peeking and seeing your soft, pudgy tummy against your toga.
After poking you awake with a stick, he looks into your warm, inviting eyes after you open them. He knew he had to take you in when your eyes landed on his.
Dionysus! Gabriel who takes you in, inviting you to his home, not wanting to see the look of fear in your eyes. Nowhere else to go (since you were hungry and thirsty), you oblige.
This 'home' in question was his 'cult,' and its members, such as women, slaves, and non-citizens, always enjoyed each other's company and drank wineā€”lots and lots of wine. The space immediately became your home, taking care of you and allowing his individuals, specifically letting the women play with your hair. (They love to play with your hair and braid it.)
Dionysus! Gabriel who feeds you grapes from his vineyards. Your eyes always shined in excitement when you tasted the sweet fruit. The sweet juices were a burst of flavor for you, along with the other fruits he offered.
Gifts slowly came in like a low tide at night, always offering you the first bite before he took a bite after you. But the final straw for the man was seeing you devour a peach he cut in half.
Seeing you eating a peach, juices rolling down your chin, the sticky juices on the tip of your nose, and you want to add honey to the already sweet fruit, the man swore he got a stroke at the adorable sight.
Dionysus! Gabriel who would do anything for you, even giving you a custom-made crown just for you after agreeing with his proposal. The crown became a sensation, to the point the women in your homeland wore them.
Then Gabriel (a hopeless romantic) takes your crown and shows it to the sky as a constellation, showing his undying love for you, forever showing mortals that he loves you and would do anything. And I mean anything...
Dionysus! Gabriel has beef with the demi-god, not knowing that the man would come after his beloved, killing you and sending your soul down to the underworld. After hearing this, he goes to the underworld to retrieve your soul and brings you to Mount Olympus, officially making you a goddess.
Dionysus! Gabriel and you will argue, but nothing too serious to break your love for one another. An instance of killing a spider comes to mind as you plead for the intimidating god to kill the spider, only for him to join you on the tree, not wanting to deal with the teeny spider that scared you.
"Why won't you kill it?"
"It has eight eyes!"
"You literally turned pirates into dolphins a while ago..."
"That's different!"
"Maybe if we don't move, it'll go away..."
Dionysus! Gabriel who will be black-out drunk with you in the most hilarious way possible. While intoxicated, the man says that he's the most charismatic while drunk. What he meant is literally him getting on his knees for you and begging repeatedly. Non-stop, not taking a moment to breathe.
But most nights after partying in the morning felt like a trip of THC as you would wake up on Gabriel drooling on his chest while having a blanket half-assed on y'all nude bodies. But every time the two of you woke up in each other's arms, the man could barely recall how the two of you ended up on the same bed (Not that he minded or anything).
"Morning, Gabriel..."
"How did we end up here?"
"I have no idea..."
"Let's not think about it, love..."
Dionysus! Gabriel, who would give you the most intimate love sessions with you, not being harsh but rather sweet and slow. The way you mew under him, feeling his cock fill you, it was enough to fill him with euphoria. "There we go, you're doing so good..."
The soft praises were always replied with soft mews and moans, while the smooth, passionate strokes always left you clawing on his bicep. "How are we feeling? Is it too much?" He croons before a soft moan fills the area. Your hands reach up and comb through his hair, feeling your fingers intertwine with the wild vines that decorate his hair. "No, it's good..." You whine from underneath him, turning your attention to him once again.
The look in your eyes makes the man into a frenzy. "You're gonna look so good as a mama with your belly swelling with my baby."
The man gave you a fruitful of cute, chubby babies ever since...
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This will get low activity, but since I have some mutuals who love Gabriel, here you go! šŸ©·
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beyondstarlight Ā· 17 days
Reblog if you think fanfiction is a legitimate form of creative writing.
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beyondstarlight Ā· 20 days
It's the simple things like this I enjoy in the Spiderverse fandom
Have you seen... THIS ANOMALY?! | Jessica Drew and Miguel O'Hara
DUMBEST SHIT IVE MADE. this hasbeen in my mind for so long i had to do it . this took my 3hrssssss ive been giggling the WHOLET IME...
taglist: @hergie@markisdumb@hergie@goat-bones@greensagephase@itsmiguel2099@sunsetdoodler
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beyondstarlight Ā· 23 days
Okay, imma need some help.
I've been trying to find this one (idk if it's villan or mafia) Miguel dribble that has two endings. He tells the reader that 'he'd burn the world for them' and the first ending, she accepts it, and the second she couldn't stay with him because of that
If anyone knows which one I'm talking about PLEASE tell me
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beyondstarlight Ā· 24 days
BRB, off to read and feel like-
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Gentleman part 4šŸŒ¼šŸ’Œ
AU Geneticist CEO!Miguel O'Hara x Fem Intern College Student! Reader
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Synopsis: Noir speeds steadily towards your sugar daddy's grand estate in the countryside after rescuing you from the college football game from hell... Word count 6.9k
A/N: I'm so grateful for the support on this fic and others šŸ–¤ thank you for your patience. šŸ–¤šŸ„°šŸ«¶šŸ½ This art by blahhberry on insta is Dr. O'Hara'a face claim btw. šŸ„° I put my whole heart into this chapter so pretty pls let me know what you think šŸ˜šŸ„°
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
You wake up from your nap as you hear the sound of gravel crackling under the tires of the Mercedes as you come up to a long dirt road. Your eyes widen as you approach a tall, ornately crafted black iron gate nestled between two large trees. Noir leans out of the window, punching in an access code and waving a badge with an elaborate two step verification process before the gate opens slowly towards the car with a loud creak and a groan, a small cloud of dust being kicked up in its wake. Noir drives forward, down a long, winding driveway.Ā 
You squint and your mouth falls open at the sight in front of you. Seemingly endless expansive miles of greenery in what appears to be a private vineyard and gardens, the bushes neatly trimmed and groomed with tiny flowers blossoming from the branches, vines weaving neatly in intricate patterns up a gargantuan, ivory colored estate with a black roof and dim lights, a gorgeous stone fountain with teal lights running in the front of it.Ā 
But, Noir makes a right hand turn, traveling down another twin driveway that runs further down, a little deeper into the trees. When you finally reach the end of it, there's a comparatively smaller, but still gorgeous farm style country house nestled in the middle of several tall trees.Ā 
Noir pulls into the garage, your eyes widening at the two fancy vintage sports cars and the two private golf carts parked in the other vacant spots. Noir gets out, opening the backseat door and helping you. You stumble, your vision still chaotic from the leftover booze in your system, holding onto Noir as he coaxes you inside the house.Ā 
Your mouth falls open as you enter the gorgeous home. Polished wooden floors and warm cream colored walls are the interior. You take a deep breath, the smell of fresh linen and florals flooding the house mixed with the crisp air of the trees outside.Ā 
"Welcome to the guest house, madam." Noir says with a hum. "Here, remove your shoes please. All outside shoes except bedroom slippers should be kept in this room."Ā 
He helps you pull off your dirty shoes, leaving them in the mudroom next to the garage door as he brings you further inside.Ā 
There's a huge, beautiful kitchen with a large island in the middle with granite countertops, a large bowl of fresh lemons as the centerpiece, giving an air of zest from the delectable citrus. Your socks gently glide along the furnished shiny wooden floors, reminding you of when you'd slide around the house in your socks as a little kid.Ā 
Noir brings you to the living room, an enormous TV mounted on the wall above a stone fireplace, a couple of candles burning quietly on the mantle giving it a peaceful glow. He sits you on a large, cushy sectional couch that could seat a dozen people with tons of fancy decorative pillows with gray accents, throwing a fuzzy blanket over your legs and turning on the TV to your favorite comfort series.Ā 
"Getting you water and food, miss." Noir gives you a thumbs up as he disappears into the kitchen. "Madge! You here?"Ā 
A faint call comes from outside. You sit up on the couch, craning your neck a little bit. A small stout woman is working in the gardens outside. You stand up, walking to the window, your mouth falling open again as you notice a gorgeous square swimming pool with a connected hot tub, colorful lights illuminating the bottom of it.Ā 
There are several rows of fruit trees: apples, peaches, pears, nectarines, and apricots, and a vegetable garden with tomatoes, eggplant, carrots, pumpkin, squash, cauliflower, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, and radishes where Madge is kneeling, standing up and brushing the dirt off her apron as she brings a basket of freshly harvested veggies inside.Ā 
"What's on the menu tonight, Mrs. Madge?" Noir asks the jolly cook/housekeeper pleasantly, starting to fiddle with a Rubik's cube he takes out of his trenchcoat pocket as he leans casually against the kitchen countertop.Ā 
"Homemade Tomato Bisque, Copycat Cheesy Wisconsin Cauliflower soup from Zupas, and Chicken Orzo with bread bowls!"Ā 
"Mm-mm! Sounds delightful as always, Mrs. Madge. Just letting you know we have a guest tonight." Noir nods in your direction.Ā 
Madge turns to look at you, offering you a friendly handshake. "Pleased to meet you, miss."Ā 
"This is her, by the way." Noir says, holding his hand against his mouth as though he was telling her a secret.Ā 
"Ohhh?! Well in that case welcome, welcome!" Madge bubbles with a huge grin. "I'm so happy to finally meet you. The doctor is quite fond of you...I've heard nothing but glowing things. Please, make yourself at home. Oh, careful dearie!"Ā 
She rushes to your side as you stumble a little, still in a daze from earlier. Noir signals to Madge discreetly that you've been drinking.Ā 
"Ohhh...well in that case we better get some soup in your system ASAP. Come with me."Ā 
She leads you back to the couch, putting each of your legs up on the cushions so you are reclined back, stacking pillows behind you and tucking you in once again, making sure the TV is at a good volume.Ā 
Noir returns with some ice water, and Madge reappears a short time later with a tray with a brimming bread bowl of your favorite soup out of the three she cooked, a slice of freshly baked french bread for dipping, a small bowl of the reddest strawberries you've ever seen, and a small garden salad with the freshly picked vegetables on the side.Ā 
You hum graciously, and thank her enthusiastically, each sip of the divine soup bringing you slowly back to life by the spoonful as you watch TV, the agonizing ache in your head slowly dissipating.Ā 
Noir sits in one of the leather recliners with his soup and his Rubik's cube, eating silently for a bit before he checks in with you.Ā 
"You feeling better, missy?"Ā 
You nod, pressing a finger to your lips as you swallow a bite of the French bread.Ā 
"M-much better...thank you."Ā 
Noir nods, tweaking one of the sides of the Rubik's cube. "You gave me quite the scare back there, miss. Those bastards at the game went too far this time."Ā 
You hold back a shudder, your head pounding at the cloudy reminder. "Yeah....I'm sorry you had to be in the middle of it. It's all my fault."Ā 
"Now..." Noir shakes his head, setting down his Rubik's cube. "It is not your fault, missy. Being assaulted is never the victim's fault. I'm just doing my job. To be honest, you're one of the first girls the doctor has had that have actually treated me like a human being instead of a glorified chauffeur or personal assistant."Ā 
You faintly smile at that, not too keen on hearing about Miguel's exes, but your ego slightly boosted from Noir's glowing praise of you.Ā 
"Yes ma'am." Noir says with a hum, taking a generous slurp of his soup. "You are an absolute gem to be around, miss. I think you underestimate yourself and discount your worth too much. The other ladies were usually pleasant in the beginning, but, that quickly wore off over time and I kind of became more of a caddie they could boss around."Ā 
You nod, eyes sympathetic towards Noir.Ā 
"Well, if I ever become bossy or short with you, I give you full permission to say, 'you know what y/n, you're being a bitch.'"Ā 
Noir gives a low chuckle. "I could never refer to you in that way, miss. But, I appreciate it. I'll definitely correct you, but perhaps using a milder way of putting it."
He grins and turns his attention to the screen. "So, what are we watching this evening, madam?"Ā 
"Umm, looks like an older movie, Casablanca, I think it's called?"Ā 
"Ahhh, good taste, madam. I love this one." Noir sets his empty bowl aside, reclining in his seat as he watches the movie next to you.Ā 
"What are you kids watching?" Madge pokes her head in with a smile.Ā 
"One of the greatest romances of all time: Casablanca, Mrs. Madge." Noir hums. "Come on, pop a squat and stay a while."Ā 
"Oh I'd love to!" Madge beams at the kind invitation and smile you offer her, scooting over a bit on the couch as all three of you enjoy your evening movie and warm soup.Ā 
Hours later in the middle of the night, a black sports car rolls in the driveway. The hum from the garage opening doesn't disturb your slumber on the couch as Miguel arrives home. He steps out, rubbing his shoes on the mat before slipping them off and venturing inside, still clad in his dress clothes with a tight dress shirt layered underneath a black cashmere sweater with tight dress slacks that highlighted his strong thighs.Ā 
He does his usual visual scan of his home as he enters making sure everything is in order, giving a warm smile to Madge who's doing inventory in the kitchen.Ā 
"Evening, Mrs. Madge." Miguel says pleasantly, opening the fridge and grabbing a fancy artesian bottledĀ  water. He takes a generous sip, sighing as the cold water wakes him up. "You're not staying too late are you? On your way out soon?"
"Yes, doctor." Madge hums, clicking her pen, setting down her clipboard on the countertop.Ā 
Miguel nods, taking one more sip. "Is she here?"Ā 
"On the couch." Madge nods in the direction of the living room. "Poor thing passed out after dinner. I think the soup did her good after that awful day she had."Ā 
Miguel feels the rage rushing back into his body at the reminder. He had spent nearly an hour on the phone with the campus police and the dean of the university. Justice was going to be temporarily delayed, due to the ongoing investigation that was just opened and your testimony still needed to fill in any gaps. He knew that would be something quite heavy for you to deal with, and the most important thing for you to do now, would be to rest.Ā 
"Her room is ready then, all of the clothes and items I requested have been delivered?"Ā 
"Yes doctor." Madge answers. "Her closet is stocked with all the clothing items you sent me and jewelry , underwear, and shoes. The monogrammed towels and robe are in her bathroom. Fresh linens on the bed in the color you requested. I also made sure each bathroom has enough toiletries. I haven't had a chance to buy all of her beauty and makeup items she said she wanted just yet, since I didn't realize she was coming tonight, but Noir said he can do it in the morning after breakfast. Oh, and a fresh set of pajamas and slippers and her welcome presents on her bed for tonight."Ā 
"Good, good..." Miguel nods. "That should be just fine for now, thank you Madge. I do apologize for all the last minute list of things on short notice but thank you for getting everything together that you could."Ā 
Madge nods with a smile and goes speechless as Miguel slides her two envelopes, both containing checks with several thousand more dollars tacked on than normal.Ā 
"Your payday early." Miguel says with a smile. "Make sure Noir gets the other one for me, will you?"Ā 
"Oh doctor." Madge clutches the envelope to her chest with a sigh. "Bless you...no words just....just bless you so much. I'm so honored to work for you."Ā 
Miguel smiles, giving her a squeeze on the shoulder. "Pleasure's all mine, Madge. Thank you for everything you do for my family and for taking care of my girl tonight. I appreciate your service and your loyalty."Ā 
"Well, Doctor O'Hara you have this old lady's allegiance for life! Of course, of course! Please call me if you need anything. See you in the morning, Doctor!" Madge chimes as she walks out the door, jingling her keys.
Miguel watches her leave fondly then sighs and rolls up his sleeves as he approaches you on the couch, turning on the lamp. The dim, yellow light illuminating the soft burning mocha of his eyes as he looks lovingly upon your sleeping silhouette on his couch. He crosses over to you quietly, sitting down next to you, taking care not to shift the cushions too much under his weight and turning off the TV that was still running.Ā 
You groan a little, shaking your head in your sleep and your eyes flickering open slowly at the feeling of a man's hand stroking your jaw, your eyes elated when you realize it's Miguel.Ā 
"Hi, sweetheart." He whispers, giving you a smile. He leans down, positioning himself over you, inhaling as he pulls you into a tight hug. You feel your body flood with happiness as you nuzzle into his chest, intoxicating woodsy cologne wafting from his neck.Ā 
"Missed you so so much..." You mumble, the cashmere of his sweater tickling your cheek, your tone rasped from sleep.Ā 
"I missed you more, cariƱo..." He holds you tighter for another moment in silence before he pulls away a little bit, still keeping his face close to yours as he lets you lay back on the pillow, keeping his knuckles underneath your chin.Ā 
"I'm sorry to wake you." He says kindly, eyes raking over you for signs of hurt. "I just need to make sure you're okay."Ā 
You release a shaky breath, your body shivering at the memory. "I...I don't know. I mean, physically, I'm a lot better now...I just..."
Miguel holds your hands in his, occasionally letting his palms brush over your forearms with tender strokes. "It's okay. You don't need to figure out anything right now, cariƱo...." He gestures for you to come closer.Ā 
"I've taken the liberty of speaking to the police and the dean of the university myself. I will make sure those roommates of yours never come near you ever again."Ā 
You feel a chill down your spine. Even though you were angry and hurt, you felt nervous at the idea of them being punished. Surely now you would forever be blacklisted in their minds, a permanent subject of their torture from here on out, blaming you for their consequences despite them being a direct result of their actions.Ā 
"Miguel, you don't need to do all that..." You say cautiously. "I mean, I really appreciate you having my back and all, it's just, I don't know how I'm going to survive the rest of the semester. If they didn't like me before they definitely aren't going to now..." You shudder at the thought.Ā 
"Let me worry about that." Miguel says firmly, resting both of his hands on yours. "You won't need to worry about what happens next or seeing them again because I'm going to keep you here with me. You'll live here in the guest house until I know for certain that it's safe to send you back to the university."Ā 
"Oh..." You shake your head slowly. "No....no Miguel, I couldn't do that to you. I don't want to be a burden...."Ā 
Miguel silences you with a kiss, releasing a deep sigh, the chill from his bottled water brushing gently against your lips.Ā 
"Eh....sorry...what I mean is, I already have arranged for everything you need to stay here. I would much rather know that you're safe with me than send you back there. And you are never a burden to me."Ā 
Before you can say anything again, he pulls you back in for another kiss, making this one last a tad longer than the first, you feel yourself melt when his hand grabs your waist with the other one holding the back of your neck so you could be pressed a little tighter against him.Ā 
Miguel feels a little fire burning in him, but he knows he needs to be patient, especially with everything you went through tonight. However you feel yourself giving into your desires, the feeling of his lips on yours leaving you with a hungry sensation, having him so close to you and the way he touched you too electric to stop.Ā 
The next time your lips meet, you prod your tongue gently in the open space between his lips. Miguel groans softly, unable to turn you down and opens his mouth, permitting you to explore it with your tongue. His breath is fresh, the unique, succulent taste of his mouth paired with his cologne just steering you further down a road of temptation.Ā 
Miguel is a little flustered, having underestimated that the intensity of the fire burning within you was actually the same, if not bigger than the one inside of him. He chuckles softly with his forehead against yours,
"Now..." he raises one of his hands, laying the back of his knuckles against your cheek, his thumb delicately swiping the area under your eyes. "We should probably get you in bed, yeah?"Ā 
You exhale softly, "Okay."Ā 
Miguel smiles, pressing another kiss to your lips and sweeping you up into his arms without warning.Ā 
"Miguel?" You giggle at the gesture. Miguel smirks as he approaches the staircase, walking up it with you cradled against his chest. When you reach the top of the staircase, you notice the living room where you just were is visible on the other side. Miguel makes a left, walking to the end of the hallway, carefully setting you down before opening the door.Ā 
You feel your breath get taken away as you look at the large king sized bed, a thin white canopy drapes across all four corners of the bedposts, making it look like a luxurious cloud. Across from the bed is a fancy modern fireplace behind a panel of glass with a shiny marble mantle piece and another large television mounted above it.
On the far end of the room are French doors with glass panels covered by cream colored curtains that lead to a balcony with a small bistro patio set with two chairs and a table, perfect for reading or a cup of tea that overlooks the garden and swimming pool.Ā 
Miguel smiles at your reaction, watching you as you marvel at the beautiful room before taking you by the hand to show you the rest of it.Ā 
"Here is your bathroom..." He opens a door that's to the left of the fireplace. Your mouth falls open yet again at the open space, white marbled floors with a counter to match, a vanity with an ornate mirror, a shower with cream colored tiles and a waterfall shower head, an ivory golden claw foot bathtub and a separate water closet for the toilet which came with a bidet.Ā 
Miguel opens the drawers of the vanity and the bathroom sink, showing you where all the toiletries were: your favorite shampoo, hair conditioner, other hair care products you needed, as well as bars of soap that were both scented and non scented depending on your preference, moisturizer, makeup wipes, toothpaste, and a new fancy electric toothbrush that was charging next to the sink.Ā 
"Madge and Noir will have the rest of your beauty products you wrote down by tomorrow morning, as well as all of your medications you need." He says with a smile.Ā 
"And now back to the room..." He shuts off the bathroom light and guides you to the door to the right of the fireplace this time, leading to a walk in closet.Ā 
There's a gorgeous diamond chandelier on the ceiling, the far end of the room has a ceiling to floor mirror, on either side are racks of clothes. Dresses, sweaters, blouses, skirts, pants, even work clothes for school or work and something for every occasion, all matching the descriptions and brands you listed in your contract.Ā 
There's racks with several pairs of shoes on display nearly arranged ranging from fancy heels, to beachy sandals, casual street footwear, and boots. In the middle of the room is a cream colored ottoman sitting bench which is pushed up against one of the biggest jewelry cabinets you've ever seen.Ā 
When you open it, there's several black velvet rows with little LED lights that highlight the pieces on display. There are four elegant Cartier watches, Alex and Ani bangles with all your favorite charms you pre-selected that fit your personality and aesthetic, more Pandora bracelets and necklaces like the one Miguel originally gifted you that you can swap out depending on your mood, Swarovski earrings and necklaces adorning the holders, and a variety of Dior rings in the styles you selected.Ā 
You're damn near in tears from all of this attention, all of this generosity bestowed on you. Turning this night around from one of the worst to one of the best you've had in your entire life. Feeling like you must be in heaven, must be dreaming and not sure what you did to be so lucky. You turn around, jumping into Miguel's arms.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you...." you whisper, closing your eyes.Ā Ā 
Miguel's eyes widen in surprise at first, but feels his heart melt as he bends down, bringing his hands to the back of your thighs, warmth pooling in his belly when you wrap your legs around him like a koala as he carries you to the bed. He gently sets you down on it. You feel the mattress dip below you gently. You run one of your hands along it, the fibers massaging against your skin.
You can already tell this bed will probably pose a huge threat of making you late in the mornings, with how heavenly and soft it feels. Nothing like the stiff, cardboard, twin sized mattress in your dorms that had been used and recycled between God knows how many users.
Miguel smiles, leaning over you to hand you his housewarming gift neatly packaged in a gorgeous gift basket tied with a red bow. Silk pink pajamas monogrammed with your initials that matches the robe in your bathroom, with fuzzy white slippers, as well as chocolate, sparkling champagne, bottled water, mints, Burt's Bees Chapstick, lotion, and some healthy chips.
"Here..." He pulls out one more bottle from the gift basket of room spray, giving a small spritz to the bed.
"For your pillow." He grins.
"It's lavender and vanilla, a nighttime medley. I use the same kind for my daughter, Gabi, on her pillows... It's helped her stay calm and sleep much better at night. Let me know if it helps with your headache." He lovingly strokes your cheek, setting the spray on your bedside table.
"You can put anything you'd like in here." He opens the bedside drawers of the nightstand. "There's a Kindle and iPad for your personal use. They are yours to have. My mother wanted you to have her Kindle because she went and bought herself a new one for Christmas." He chuckles.
"But this one is still extremely nice. Feel free to download whatever books you like to read on it. I trust you not to go too crazy." He winks.
"There's also tissues, allergy medicine, some melatonin, vitamins, spare chargers if you need them, the remote to the TV is also in here, along with the one that controls the temperature, lights, and humidifier. I just ask that you be conservative with the temperature changes. Usually around 70-72 degrees is more than comfortable for this room."
He brings his hands to your thighs, his smile gradually melting, eyes going a little half lidded as he runs them slowly up and down.
"Anything...else I can do for you before I let you go to sleep, love....?"
At this point, you don't care about your headache. You just want him. Right now. After receiving this absolute princess treatment and pretending to ignore all of the lingering tension between you two, it felt more than right to spend a little more time with him tonight. The dim lights and the luxurious room and mansion in the middle of his countryside property was just pushing you closer and closer to him by the minute.
"You're not staying with me...?" You whisper, a faint tease to your voice.
Miguel gives you a shadow of a smirk, letting his hands run a little further up your thighs, coming to very gently grip over the curve of your ass.
"I'll be in the room across the hall..." He says gently. "But..." He leans his face closer to you, lightly pressing his forehead against yours. "I can stay with you, if you wish."
You exhale softly as you feel his hands start to knead the plump flesh. "Yes please..."
He smiles, his eyes closed with his forehead still pressed against yours. He softly lifts your chin with his fingers, bringing your face to look at him. The look he's giving you could pretty much make you fall in love with him instantly.
Soft, silky orbs of the most decadent chocolate brown lovingly staring back into yours, with the faintest hint of hunger, something seductive and fiery that he was holding back behind them. You were more than curious to find out.
His lips part and he leans in, softly leaving his breath in your mouth, his lips barely ghosting over yours,
"Dime exactamente todo lo que quieres... ahora." He purrs.
You moan softly, tangling your fingers in his hair, making him sharply inhale more oxygen to his lungs, your body language pushing him dangerously close to the edge.
"Tell me....exactly, everything you want me to do, right now, beautiful....." He repeats, his voice hovering above a whisper. "I won't break the rules unless I have your clear, absolute consent...." He runs both palms against the side of your neck.
"Hmmm...? Dime, cariƱo...." (Tell me dear)
You feel your face get hot, biting your lip as you look up into his beautiful face. "Stay with me tonight..."
"And...?" He whispers with a smile, tickling your cheek.
"Make love to me..."
Miguel feels his body practically light on fire. He knew damn well that's what he was hoping for but hearing you say it out loud just made his excitement triple by the minute.
"Yeah....?" He stops smiling, biting his lip as he gently and ever so softly squeezes your cheeks between his fingers.
"Want me to fuck you, pretty girl....?" A lustful switch activates in his brain. He clenches his teeth hungrily.
He leans in, pressing sweet kisses to your neck, you groan and let your head fall back, giving him more access to your throat and chest, leaving goosebumps in his wake. He nuzzles his face into you, full lips brushing the shell of your ear as his hands run up and down your shoulders and arms.
"Have you done this before, my love....?"
"Mmm..." Your face is warm again as you nod slowly at him.
"I-I have..."
Miguel smiles, leaning in to kiss you passionately, sliding his tongue into your mouth, his hand grasping your chin, holding you still so he can make it deep, a subtle demonstration of his claim over you.
"Have you ever been with a man like me?" He asks softly.
You exhale carefully, voice slightly quivering. "N-No...."
He hums at this, a little smugness in his tone. "Well...if you're still sure, baby.... I'd love to show you....what it's like...to be with me. I'll show you just how a pretty thing like you should be treated..."
Your body is on the verge of exploding. "....Yes.....?"
"Yes, lovely girl..."
He smirks as he gently rubs his nose against yours, pausing for a moment when he notices your jacket. It's not in line with the usual style of clothes you wear. His brow furrows curiously as he tugs at it with his fingers.
"Whose is this?" He asks in a low tone, a slight hint of sternness.
"Oh-um..." Your face gets hot. "T-the guy at the game. Made me wear it. I was freezing. I'm, I'm so sorry...I should've said no...."
Miguel feels a slight annoyance at this, but he keeps his voice low, keeping a handle on his emotions for your sake. "You know my rules cariƱo..."
You bite your lip, stressed that you've upset him and killed the mood completely. "I know, I know, I'm so sorry Miguel...."
Miguel hums, slowly starting to unzip the jacket. "I know you are, baby...." He pauses as he watches the zipper coast downwards, letting the anticipation build for a moment.
"S'alright...." He breathes slowly, brushing his lips against your ear.
"S'not your fault, my dear..."
Without warning he rips the jacket off of you. You squeak in alarm, he holds you tightly against him, his hands gripping your waist hard, fingers digging into your skin as he ravenously attacks your neck and bare shoulders with his lips, nipping at them with his teeth.
"From now on...the only clothes that I will rip off your body...are the ones I buy you. Not any other man's. Understand?"
He takes your cheeks between his fingers, roughly bringing your gaze up at his, the silk brown of his eyes now gleaming with fire.
"You're all mine..." He whispers.
You shudder and moan softly, when you feel him grip your clothed pussy, the attention to the ache you felt all night long for him finally being satisfied with the warm grip of his hand.
He seems to take notice of your neediness as well, smirking as he moves his hand softly against your sex, his voice reducing to a purr with satisfaction at your weakness.
"See....you enjoy this yeah, my dirty girl...?"
He works his palm into a steady caress, the heel of his hand hitting against your clit. You let out a little whine.
"Shit....so sensitive....so weak to my touch...." He licks his lips, eyes drinking in every little shudder your body makes, coming to rest on your breasts.
"Miguel..." You're fighting to keep your eyes open, the pleasure coursing in your veins making them heavier than usual.
"That feels soooo good...."
Miguel smirks even wider, leaning in and continuing his trail of kisses on your neck, pausing to suck on your skin.
"Yeah....? Mmm good..... You deserve to feel good, cariƱo. Let me make you feel good...."
He lays you back on the bed, his hands dance underneath your shirt, another moan leaving your lips as the warmth from his palms make contact with your skin.
"Can I take this off, angel?"
You nod numbly, lifting your body and arms as he removes your shirt. He removes his sweater as well, unbuttoning his dress shirt halfway before he gets distracted by the goddess in front of him.
Miguel groans at your bare upper half, leaning in to lick and suck his way down the middle of your chest in the valley between your breasts, affectionately motorboating his face in between them and flicking your nipples with his tongue, leaving the sensitive buds perky before he coasts down to your soft stomach.
"Mmmm..." You arch your back, biting your lip as you give in to your own burning desire, letting yourself caress your breasts with your free hand while he indulges.
He chuckles against your skin, admiring how you're taking charge of your own pleasure, his eyes looking up at you from where his cheek is laid against your stomach, leaving soft kisses.
"That's a beautiful sight..."
He rubs his cheek against your stomach, pressing another soft kiss into it. "It's nice watching you enjoy yourself, baby. You drive me insane...."
He gently slides his fingers underneath the waistline of your pants.
"Open your legs..." He whispers.
You breathe deeply, letting your hand run softly, slowly down your body, giving your breast another tender squeeze on the way down, easing your knees apart.
"Lift your hips..."
You obey, your breath shuddering as he pulls your pants off your body, followed by your panties.
"God..." He groans. " Such a good girl...your pretty pussy's already wet for me...."
You gasp quietly as his fingers trace the top of your sex until they gently circle around your clit, softly pushing against it, as though it were a switch, your back arches and your mouth falls open, Miguel groaning above you.
"S'alright, beautiful...let me get you ready for me..."
He starts to softly, softly rotate two thick fingers inside your pussy, already wet with want, greedily welcoming any penetration as your walls envelope them, the soothing pitch of his voice arousing you, encouraging you to stretch yourself wider.
Miguel is impossibly turned on right now, using his free hand to unbuckle his belt and release his large cock from his boxers, allowing his aching length to flop against his stomach, angry tip blooming with precum already.
He interrupts you with a soft kiss, making out with you passionately as his fingers curl and scissor within you, soft whimpers you leave behind in his mouth as your tongues slide and massage against one another.
He pauses and removes his fingers, the feeling within you empty for a moment as you catch your breath, but not for long as his mouth surrounds your pussy, his arms locking around your upper thighs as his tongue starts to lap up and down.
You pant, gazing up at the ceiling then down at him as you struggle to prop yourself up a little, your pretty lips open in a mixture of shock and pleasure as you watch him greedily lick and eat your pussy to his heart's content.
He moans at the taste, letting his tongue circle in a repetitive motion up and down as he nuzzles his face a little deeper into your warm cunt, your wetness transferring onto his whole face and nose as the tip of it prods at your clit.
You shudder and moan loudly, eyes shut as all you begin to focus on is the overwhelming wave of pleasure as you grind on his face, the way you can practically feel every creamy drop leak out of you and into his mouth as you fall apart underneath him.
No man has ever made you feel this damn good before. Never made you feel so womanly, so worshipped before tonight.
You lose yourself to the sensation of his tongue curling and rolling inside you, massaging and lingering in the plush spots that make your toes curl and flickers of light erupt your vision, letting yourself be completely vulnerable in this moment, alone, with him.
He studies you carefully, mind imprinting which angle of his tongue causes you to shudder the most, which soft spot inside your pussy makes you whimper the most desperately, memorizing your body as if it's a Bible as he continues eating you out on top of the master bed.
"That's it, almost there for me..." He licks your arousal off his lips, pussydrunk before reassuming his position.
"Dios, baby...those stupid little college boys can't make you feel this good, can they.....?" He smirks as he continues to lather your pussy with his warm tongue.
"N-No....only you baby...."
The knot in your stomach snaps and you feel your body turn to mush as your love seeps out of you, the sweet, sweet peak of arousal overcoming and absolutely wrecking you, sending shockwaves of overwhelming pleasure all through your mind and senses, lying there out of breath as Miguel pants, his soft stomach and dark happy trail with slightest hints of grey peppered in covered in a thick gloss of his beautiful sweat, a dazzling, satisfied smile on his face, pecs shiny and proud as his chest heaves up and down in simmering heat.
He peels off the rest of his shirt and clothes, leaving himself naked before you, the warm glow of the room making him look so godly, so entrancing under the scarce light as he positions himself above you, gently nudging your legs apart with his knees.
He leans in close, kissing you, your lips breaking apart a little from a sharp gasp you let out as you feel his fat tip massaging between your folds, the fullest part of the curve dipping in slightly, an agonizing tease.
"Miguel..." You whine.
"CariƱo...?" He answers innocently with a smirk, as though he's completely oblivious to how much he's torturing you with not filling you up with his cock all the way.
"I need you..."
"That so, baby....? I'm enjoying this though...."
"I love hearing you beg, baby. It's so sweet..."
"Please, please fuck me Miguel..."
You both moan in sweet unison as he slides inside you completely.
"There...." He pants, hooking your thigh over his hip, squeezing it as he grips the headboard with the other. You cry out loudly for him, running your hands all along his dense muscle. His pride, ego and lust swelling as you admire and feel his strength, letting yourself become so submissive and cockdrunk underneath him as he snaps his hips lewdly against yours.
"Fuck!!....so amazing....Miguel....need you so badly..."
He cradles your head delicately in his hands, slowing down his thrusts, dragging his clock slower and deep within you, letting you really feel every inch.
"I know baby, I know...M'right here, baby..." He groans loudly as his cock strokes against a particularly sensitive spot inside you.
".....bet no man's ever fucked you this good hmm...?" He smiles as he pants above you, toying with your bottom lip as he continues thrusting slowly.
"Bet I can make my pretty baby so needy for this cock after tonight...."
"Oh....." You groan, closing your eyes as your lips meet in a hot sweaty kiss.
"N-Nobody has fucked me like you do....n-never felt so good in my life..."
"Oh...tell me more, you sweet thing..." He slowly tilts his head, caging you below him as he continues to slowly fuck you, the space between you more intimate.
"I wanna feel all of you....all the time..." You feel your eyes water, the vulnerability of the moment pushing you to confess your deepest feelings, the chemicals and hormones between you to driving you to spill the innermost contents of your heart.
"I...I don't deserve you. I feel so lucky.....I don't understand what you see when you look at me. I'm so addicted to you....your body, your voice, your laugh, everything...."
Miguel's eyes soften, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
"Oh cariƱo...but you do deserve me."
He leans in, pressing soft kisses, every word he speaks carries intention which swiftly translates into more passion in his hips as he begins to fuck you faster and faster.
"You enthrall me....you entice me....drive me crazy just thinking about you ever since the first day you showed up in my office..."
He buries his face in your neck, holding onto your hips.
"Know what I had to do after you left cariƱo....? Had to fuck my fist and think about you because you drove me so damn crazy..."
You pant, your eyebrows knitting when you feel another knot twisting itself in your stomach, preparing to snap.
Miguel groans, gently pressing his hand against the small bulge in your stomach, doubling your pleasure as he fucks you, edging himself closer to his own blissful end.
"You consume me....you're perfect.....you're mine, all mine. Sweet, sweet girl...."
You grab his face, kissing him passionately, he moans eagerly into the kiss, your sweaty bodies completely engulfed in the other.
"M'close...." He murmurs. "You are too, aren't you beautiful....?"
He interlocks your fingers together as he fucks you harder than before. Your back arches, legs shaking, struggling to keep your voice down, fighting to lock down your concentration on that one area that he keeps hitting so perfectly, pushing you dangerously close to the edge, dead set on falling off of it.
The heat in your core dials higher and higher, to the point you're practically screaming. You continue to hopelessly moan and pant, letting him hear your sweet chorus of pleasure as he continues plunging his cock in and out of your cunt.
Soon, a sea of arousal leaks out of you both, painting your lower stomach in his salty white ropes, his mouth open in shock as he gently coaxes any remaining cum from his cock, tenderly kissing you for several long moments, his body frozen above yours.
The blinding emotions of such an intimate experience nearly causing those three little words to slip through, practically screaming to be said, but he holds back for now, instead a warm look of adoration all across his face as he kisses you some more, a soft hum of satisfaction you purr quietly into his mouth as you return his kiss.
After a relaxing wash underneath the heavenly soft waterfall showerhead in your master bathroom and him lovingly massaging cleansing soap all over every sensitive inch of your body, you were tucked in his arms in your clean pajamas as he dimmed the lights with his remote, pressing one last loving kiss against your temple.
"M'right here, cariƱo....get some sleep...."
The hold that tiredness has on him is so strong to the point that he barely hears the quieted words you mutter in response before he's rendered unresponsive by the spell of sleep.
"I'm in love with you..."
Before you're gone as well, your hearts syncing in quieting rhythm alongside one another, the faint sound of crickets chirping outside your window in the peaceful countryside.
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beyondstarlight Ā· 25 days
Part 1: What Exactly is Hobieā€™s Accent and Who Has It?
Part 2: When, Where, Why (Black Londoner Culture since Windrush) | Part 3: How (Writing Tips)
As a black Londoner, a large reason Hobie is so special to me is because I really saw and heard myself in him, while also not seeing a stereotype or typical, lacking in nuance portrayal of a black Londoner.
A lot of people have given great advice about how to write the dialogue of a British person; however, though the U.K. is a small place, different areas, like anywhere, have very different cultures and accents. Even somewhere as geographically small as London has a few different native accents, as many of you have picked up on, Cockney is one but there is also Received Pronunciation (RP), Estuary English and the one Hobie uses for most of his intro: Multicultural London English (MLE).Ā 
Iā€™m an MLE user myself, as are most black Londoners, including Daniel Kaluuya (who voices Hobie and was asked to make the dialogue sound authentic). Aside from tilting my head in slight confusion at some of the slang floating around the fandom, one of the last times I rewatched the movie, I noticed Hobie actually only uses one relatively ubiquitous Cockney phraseā€¦ and apparently, it was used inauthentically? On the other hand, he uses quite a few MLE phrases and constructions but it seems few people represent that in their fan content.Ā 
It made me want to give my two cents and some advice on how to write the dialogue of an MLE user since I havenā€™t seen anyone do something like this yet.
In addition, I wanted to give a little bit of context about life as a black Londoner, since Windrush brought the first mass migration of black people to England in 1948 until now, since itā€™s another thing that I havenā€™t seen anyone talk about how it differs from the typical depictions of British life. And also how that intersected with punk culture and what it says about Hobie. Everyone is entitled to their personal interpretations but, of course, as someone who Hobieā€™s a bit closer to home for than most, I felt a lot of people are missing a key part of who he is without understanding the youth culture of black Londoners.
To answer these questions, I think it would be good to put names to the four main London accents so you can understand exactly what Hobieā€™s purposefully mixed accent is made up of and the one thing it is not.
I also want to say before we get into it that some people have unique accents/accents that may not seem to match their status or ethnicity, etc. so itā€™s not that nobody speaks using other accents but if we hear it, it would be noticeable.
Starting off, we have Received Pronunciation which is that posh, fancy and stuffy accent you probably first associated a British accent with. This is the accent of the rich, associated with types who go to private schools like Eton, with the royalsā€™ accents and political figures. Nothing to do with Hobie.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, thereā€™s Cockney. Cockney is an interesting one; itā€™s a term referring to people that are from East London, and according to Google ā€œtraditionally one born within the hearing of the Bow Bellsā€ which means in earshot of the bells of St Mary-le-Bow Church.Ā 
The term is also used to cover the accent and slang; the Cockney accent is not necessarily exclusive to Cockney people but rather is one that, nowadays, floats around the working class. The culture, on the other hand, such as familiarity with rhyming slang and stuff like eating jellied eels is not so ubiquitous amongst the working class not from the area. An example of a Cockney with this accent would be Danny Dyer, who plays Mick Carter in EastEnders and some of the other characters also have a proper Cockney accent. Hereā€™s an iconic clip from EastEnders that showcases the Cockney accent lol
However, there is a more general accent, which refers to the varying mixtures of RP and cockney that most Londoners have: Estuary English. The estuary in the term refers to the Thames Estuary in the South East of England, near but outside of London. The accent is not locked there, however, and extends to London, especially as people have tended to move further out from London with time due to housing prices and thus accents of outer and inner parts of London mix. Itā€™s not associated with class the way the other two previous accents are.
There are no clear boundaries between Estuary English and Cockney, mainly due to upward mobility and movement around London. Iā€™m not a linguist so itā€™s hard to describe but I would personally say that proper Cockney has some ways of pronouncing things that even Estuary English speakers on the Cockney end of the spectrum donā€™t typically do.Ā 
Some examples I would consider Estuary English or more typical accents would be those of people like Amelia Dimoldenberg (chicken shop girl šŸ˜‚) and Tom Holland; on the more Cockney end of this accent, youā€™d have people like Adele (who Iā€™m pretty sure has Cockney family members).
Then thereā€™s Multicultural London English, influenced mainly by the dialects of the ethnic immigrants that have come to the U.K., most notably Jamaican Patois but also, more recently, borrowing a lot from West African Pidgin languages, as well as some words and phrases here and there from other immigrant communities. Most black people speak MLE and many other ethnic Londoners do too, as due to the effects of colonization and structural racism, many are relegated to the working classes and live in community together. Examples of this accent would be John Boyega, Jasmine Jobson, Letitia Wright and, of course, Daniel Kaluuya.
Now that weā€™ve got the accents down, which does Hobie have?
While the term Cockney is thrown around a lot, there is a strong implication that Hobie was born and raised in Camden, especially given the casting of Daniel Kaluuya, who was born and raised in that area himself.Ā 
Hereā€™s a map of London, I split us up based on how I understand people typically refer to it, which is a mix of geography, government designation and postcodes. The rainbow in the middle is considered Central London, itā€™s a very commercial and touristy area, where all our classic landmarks are and itā€™s very expensive to live there.Ā 
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Part of the borough of Camden is in central London and, currently, it starts to get more residential near Camden Market, which is 3 miles away from St Mary-le-Bow-Church, aka. The Bow Bells. A true Cockney is said to be within 3 miles or earshot of the bells (for geographical reasons, the sound carries more East). Iā€™m not sure about the balance of residential to commercial areas in the 70s, although apparently, the area near Camden Lock was industrial. London has changed and expanded over time so someone from an east-most part of Camden at a point probably would have been easily counted as Cockney but I have no clue about the timeline. Itā€™s uncertain whether or not Hobie would fit the criteria but if he was born today, Hobie definitely wouldnā€™t be considered or consider himself a Cockney.Ā 
So again, while thereā€™s no clear distinction of what makes a Cockney accent, Hobie is probably not a Cockney (unless you hc as such).
Does that mean he uses Estuary English? I would say no. I think his accent is predominantly Cockney and he uses some of the slang, as most Londoners do, but being black and not from East London, he mostly uses MLE slang and sentence constructions.
I believe this was the creative intention, given the casting of Daniel Kaluuya, most known for his roles in movies tackling black issues, and the freedom he was given to make the dialogue authentic, meaning Hobieā€™s blackness is a core part of his character design for Spider-Verse. You can also hear Daniel exaggerating the accent for Hobie at points; as heā€™s said himself, itā€™s not just his regular accent, which might not be too obvious to those not so used to London accents. It's a more Cockney accent, particularly in the intro, that heā€™s putting on instead of speaking normally, despite not necessarily using much Cockney lingo. Bear in mind, that Daniel naturally has a stronger Cockney twang to his natural speaking voice than a lot of MLE speakers.
Returning to the point that the one Cockney phrase, ā€œscooby dooā€ was used inauthentically; itā€™s worth noting that youā€™ll be hard-pressed to find an up-to-date and thorough reference or guide on how to write the use of Cockney slang authentically because Cockney is a somewhat dated culture. For example, jellied eels? Not a common thing anymore, Some people, probably older East Londoners, still do eat them but extremely few places sell them and most of us will have never even seen them in our lives. As mentioned above, upward mobility along with people moving around means that the accent, slang and general culture have been watered down over time. On top of that, a lot of East London has been gentrified, such as the Isle of Dogs (in Tower Hamlets), which has had Canary Wharf transformed - a mall, a business centre and a major transport link and Stratford (in Newham), which has similarly had a giant mall and major transport links added to it.
Some Cockney rhyming slang stuck and is known to all Londoners, such as ā€œtelling porkies/porky piesā€ and ā€œcopperā€. ā€œI ainā€™t got a scooby (doo)ā€ is a more common one, although not even that is known to all. Typically, Cockneys only say the first half of the rhyming slang phrase (even if it no longer rhymes). I couldnā€™t tell you which Cockney rhyming slang phrases have been absorbed into more general London vocab other than those, because again, itā€™s not used as most lists you could probably find online have it written out in full but know that a lot of phrases have been absorbed.Ā 
Cockney slang is an oral tradition of the working class and so until more recently, when literacy rates went up, probably wouldnā€™t have been written, on top of people tending to write in standard English instead of using slang when writing. Unless youā€™re talking to a boomer/gen-x/older millennial from East London, itā€™s not so likely that you could read off a list of cockney phrases to a Londoner and they would be familiar with them. Because Daniel Kaluuya and Iā€™m guessing the other people involved in writing Hobieā€™s dialogue arenā€™t Cockneys, well, thatā€™s how we ended up with what we got.
So, whilst a dated dialect probably would be perfect for Hobie, itā€™s hard to get right or for it to read as natural to a Londoner because itā€™s difficult to pinpoint people that still talk like that on a regular basis, even in East London and itā€™s ESPECIALLY not black people/MLE users that talk like that these days. Cockney Rhyming slang was code language, after all so it figures that itā€™s a bit elusive.
Funnily enough, Hobieā€™s use of MLE is probably a slight anachronism, a little ahead of his time. Because the mass migration of Caribbeans began in 1948, by the 70s, most young black people would be the first big wave of second gens or immigrants themselves; ā€˜Black Britishā€™ culture wouldā€™ve still been quite young and not had enough time to carve itself as its own thing. The MLE we (including Hobie in the movie) use today started to really be what it is today in the 90s. Point being, youā€™re not going to find documentation of black Londoners from the 70s or early 80s who talk like Hobie.
Basicallyā€¦ Hobieā€™s accent is not authentic to the time period so if you wanted to write a historically authentic accent/slangā€¦ then you probably wouldnā€™t really write oneā€¦ buuut itā€™s less fun and less Hobie! So letā€™s learn about black British youth culture and racism in London since the 70s, then we can understand the context in which the language is used before we learn the lingo + how to use it šŸ˜Ž
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beyondstarlight Ā· 1 month
I swear reading stuff like this makes me feel happy about myself--
Miguel with a chubby gf wit a cute lil muffin topšŸ˜”šŸ¤ž
Miguel would love when you wear basically anything, especially when it hugs your soft curves ever so tightly. The way when you walk infront of him your hips sway with every step making him hypnotized, the way your plump lips look like with gloss covered, the way you bend down, you see him trying to discreetly look at your cleavage but he isnā€™t exactly good at hiding. When you two are sprawled out on the couch he loves to grab the fat of your ass and kneed it unknowingly.
ā€œMami has anyone ever told you..that this ass is mine yeah?ā€ He says jokingly as he smacks your ass watching it in satisfaction as it jiggles, he looks at your face and watches you playfully scoff.
And donā€™t get me started on when you get dress for dates. He is over the line obsessed on how your body looks in tight clothes, the way your muffin top pokes out in tops and your stretch marks plastered on your hips, itā€™s all so sexy to him.
the way your ass look in any type of skirts or pants. It can be the small things too that get him all riled up. One time you went to bed wearing one of Miguelā€™s old tee-shirt with an old rock band printed on it, when you two woke up he was making breakfast in the kitchen. You walk inside the kitchen with the smell of bacon instantly hitting your nose. You see Miguel glare at you before sighing. You think maybe something was up with him, maybe a bad sleep even. But you didnā€™t notice that his thick cock hardened in his boxers at the plain sight of you wearing his shirt only.
Hereā€™s to my taglistšŸ„‚: @monstera02 @moon-rivr @lazyjellyfish300 @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @yournextbimbogf @chiwhorei @blahblahblahbluesblog
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beyondstarlight Ā· 1 month
Someone redirect me to these kinds of Miguel fics. Don't get me wrong, the usual are wonderful... BUT THESE ONES HIT DIFFERENT.
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Is The Tooth Fairy A Rat?
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We LOVE Dad!Miguel, especially when he's standing up to snobby principles and school counselors.... just a little fluffy comedy from our fave dad....
"Babe, please don't apologize, the multiverse waits for no man and all that jazz." Glancing up you saw the principle standing in the doorway of her office, arms folded. "I love you too." Turning off your phone, you stuffed it into your purse. Just as you stepped towards her office, and hand on your arm caused you to cry out in surprise. Turning you came face to face with none other than your husband.
"Did I miss anything?" He chuckled, eyes flashing with mischief. Narrowing your own, you patted your chest and frowned up at him.Ā 
"I thought you couldn't make it." The smile slipped from Miguel's face, replaced by sheer sincerity.Ā 
"This was more important."Ā 
Glancing over your shoulder, you winced at the impatient stance of the principle.Ā 
"Please be on yourĀ bestĀ behavior." You whispered, straightening his tie. A sly grin spread slowly across Miguel's face, and he raised a brow.Ā 
"When am IĀ not,Ā mi vida?" Shaking your head, you gently grasped his arm and tugged him towards the principal's office. With a tight smile, she ushered you into the small space and closed the door. You were immediately caught off guard by the presence of a second woman who was already seated in a chair, sifting through a manilla folder. Sitting in one of the chairs opposite her desk, you wound your hands together in your lap.Ā 
"Mrs. O'Hara, Mr. O'Hara, thank you for agreeing to meet with me." She folded her hands on the desk and turned from you to Miguel with a crisp smile. Not missing a beat, she continued. "Do you know why I requested to speak with you two?"
"Honestly, Mrs. Meyers, I think I speak for the both of us when I say, no." You glanced at Miguel, and he nodded, not turning his eyes off of Mrs. Meyers. She pulled out a pair of glasses and slid them up the bridge of her nose before reaching for a notebook.Ā 
"Well, as Gabi's parents, we thought it pertinent to bring ourĀ concernsĀ to you." You bristled at that. Almost unperceptively Miguel slipped you his hand. Lacing your fingers through his, you clenched your jaw and squeezed the long capable fingers in your grasp.Ā 
"Concerns?" Miguel narrowed his eyes at Mrs. Meyers.Ā 
"Yes." She continued without looking up. If she had, she might have noticed that her words were placing her on thin ice with your husband. "Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara, you have a bright daughter." You gave Miguel a warm smile. "However," The smile slipped and you turned your eyes back onto the woman.Ā 
"However?"Ā You leaned forward.Ā 
"Mrs. O'Hara, I don't know any other way to put this," She paused to lower her glasses a fraction before looking at you intently. " But have you considered having your daughter tested?"Ā 
"Tested for what exactly?" Miguel was the one to pull his hand free of yours. Not a good sign. Mrs. Meyers wasn't phased in the slightest.Ā 
"Gabi has been exhibiting some rather concerning behaviors." She removed her glasses and leaned forward with a sympathetic smile. Your eyes flit to the woman in the corner who was now looking up at you with a similar expression. It was as if you'd had a bucket of ice water dumped on your head. Mrs. Meyers noticed your attention stray to the woman.Ā 
"This is Dr. Childers, she's our school counselor."Ā 
"Mrs. O'Hara," She gave you a bright smile and stood to reach for your hand. Stiffening, you turned back to Mrs. Meyers and cleared your throat.Ā 
"I don't mean to be rude, but I'd like to know exactly what you consider 'concerning behaviors' to be." Dr. Childers' smile melted off her face and she retreated back to her seat. Mrs. Meyers gave you a stiff smile and opened her notebook.Ā 
"Certainly, Mrs. O'Hara." She flipped through the book, stopping on a page and ran her finger down the page. "As a matter of fact, there was an incident recently." She glanced up and looked from you to Gabi. Neither of you looked impressed. Clearing her throat, she continued. "As of last week, it seems that Gabi has been telling her classmates that the tooth fairy is a... giant sewer rat in a tutu." Miguel's brows raised and you snorted. Mrs. Meyers colored and turned to the next page revealing a rather inspired drawing by your daughter. Pulling the page free she slid it across the desktop.Ā  "She went on to draw this, she said it was meant to express how the... tooth mafia operates."Ā 
Reaching for the picture you groaned. Gabi had indeed drawn a detailed depiction of a large rat in a tutu throttling some poor stick figure. Mrs. Meyers cleared her throat and pulled at her collar.Ā 
"It seems this poor soul didn't want to... give up his teeth." Mrs. Meyers cleared her throat and pulled at her collar.Ā Passing the picture to Miguel you covered your mouth to smother a laugh.Ā 
"Peter." Miguel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.Ā 
"Mr. O'Hara, Mrs. O'Hara, I hope you realize that this isn't a laughing matter." Mrs. Meyers sputtered, reaching to pull back the picture. Beating her to it, you snatched back the drawing and stuffed it into your purse.Ā 
"Of course not, Mrs. Meyers, but I hardly think this was worth wasting the school councilors' time,"Ā 
"Oh, on the contrary, Mrs. O'Hara." Mrs. Childers cut you off, leaning forward in her chair. "Displays such as this, especially when disturbing in nature can often,"Ā 
"Disturbing?"Ā Miguel cut in, glaring up at the woman over his hand. Mrs. Childers flinched. "Tell me,Ā Dr. Childers,Ā is it not true that most parents are still trying to convince their children that an ancient tiny chubby man flies through the sky with his reindeer once a year to bring gifts to theĀ goodĀ children?" His eyes darkened and she shrank back into her chair, closing her folder. You quietly laced your fingers through his. Miguel gently squeezed your hands and turned hardened eyes on Mrs. Meyers. "And tell me,Ā Educator Meyers,Ā did you call the parents of theĀ stellar scholarĀ I saw sitting in the administrative office several minutes ago? I'm sure his parents would appreciate being told howĀ disturbingĀ their child is for having a marble stuck up his nose." Narrowing his eyes, he stood and stormed out of the office, you in tow. You jogged to keep step with Miguel until you reached your car.Ā After opening the door for you, he sat in the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. You sat in silence for several minutes just letting him fume, and if you were honest, you were still fuming.Ā 
"If we weren't in an elementary school parking lot, I'd kiss you till your ears pop, O'Hara." You turned to look at your husband. Unclenching his jaw, Miguel turned to look at you with a raised brow.Ā 
"Oh really?" He smirked.Ā 
"Oh yeah." You turned fully to face him.
"And why is thatĀ mi tesoro?"Ā He mirrored your position and leaned forward.Ā 
"That was probably the hottest thing I've ever seen." You grinned and ran your fingers through his hair. "Seeing you get all defensive and protective, hm, it does things to me."Ā 
"Eres una tempera ." Miguel shifted his pants and groaned.Ā 
"You love it though." Biting your lip, you winked and started the car.Ā 
"I am going to kill Peter." Miguel grumbled, turning to look out the window.Ā 
"That picture is totally going on our fridge." You chuckled, pulling out of the parking lot.Ā 
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beyondstarlight Ā· 2 months
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Reading is not enough! I need to be physically close to Miguel! I wanna cradle his pretty face! I wanna trace his prominent cheek bones with my thumbs! I want to give him soft kisses from the forehead, to his Temples, to the corner of his lips and to his lips! I want that man to wrap his big beefy arms around my waist and rest his head near my chest or stomach while he lays on top of me! I WANT TO TELL HIM HOW PRETTY HE IS! HOW MUCH I LOVE EVERY PART OF HIM! TO WHISPER SWEET NOTHINGS AND COMFORTING WORDS TO HIM. DO YOU HEAR ME GOD?! THIS! THIS IS WJAT I WANT! TO BE SOFT WITH THAT MAN!
(and after that, have a soft se-)
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