bluminex · 1 year
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more proof gay people are funnier than straight people
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bluminex · 1 year
A few changes have been made.
Keep reading
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bluminex · 1 year
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I do not do Genshin requests anymore. I am far too busy as of right now to focus on that, ahem, as I write Wenclair on my ao3- I mean huh, what, sorry😋😋...
However, I will still do my best to finish writing all of the requests that were requested. As I prioritize my wenclair fanfics more than them- what, what, what, sorry my bad. That was a typo.
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bluminex · 2 years
Can I req reader that used to be a heavy drinker and theyve already been clean for months but readers old drinking buddies are pushing them to drink again and Yae Miko, Ei, Kuki Shinobu (separately) got mad with your old friends (also gender neutral please!)
Drunkard turns into normal person(real)!!
I was supposed to post this yesterday, though, here's one of the works that I was able to finish today. I'll get to work on the others in a bit after I get some rest.
Anyhow, enjoy the work! I'll be back to posting and working on your requests now. My passion and dedication to writing has been rekindled again after a few weeks have passed. I apologize for the delay of these works.
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Yae Miko
Before, you were once a heavy drinker. You’d head out every time and anytime your drinking buddies had invited you to another drinking session. It had started to become an addiction; it had started to be more dangerous for you and your health. Someone had to put a stop to it, and that was your girlfriend, the cunning, prestigious, captivating, and teasing Head of the Grand Narukami Shrine, none other than Yae Miko.
To her expectations, you eventually stopped drinking for the sake of your own health… and partly also for her. Which also meant that you had stopped seeing your drinking buddies more often due to the fact that you aren’t going to be drinking anymore anytime soon.
It had been months ever since you went out to drink with your buddies. If you had to be honest, not drinking alcoholic beverages anymore have definitely helped your mental health and you’ve never felt better than you did when you used to drink! You’re quite proud of being months clean, especially with how much of an addict you were!
And today, you just so happened to coincidentally meet some familiar faces that afternoon as you were visiting the Yae Publishing House to check up on how Miko is doing behind the counters. You heard one of them call out to you, making you shift your attention from your girlfriend to whoever had called out to you.
“S/O! It’s been a while since we drank, eh?” The man waved as he approached you with a smile.
You nodded, “Yeah. Uhm, what brings you guys here? You here to buy a light novel?” You questioned, raising a brow at your old friends.
They laughed and chuckled at your words,
“No, you silly goose! We came here to ask why you aren’t tagging along to our night-outs anymore!” The other man folded his arms as he eyed at you.
“It’s been months, you know… we’re kind of missing your chaotic behavior a bit! We still have as much as fun as we did back then. You should definitely come tag along on tonight’s night-out!” A female voice sighed as she placed her hands on her hips.
You gulped, “Apologies, I’m gonna have to pass, I decided to stop drinking a few months ago.” You rested your palm on the back of your neck.
Their eyes widened, broadened even… eh, same thing. They stared at you in pure shock and disbelief, what they heard just now… that was real, wasn’t it? But the person they knew wouldn’t say such things like that. Just what exactly happened to you in a span of these few months, what made you drastically change?
Yae Miko narrowed her purple eyes at these ‘friends’ of yours. She was clearly starting to get irritated by this whole situation, maybe even a little intrigued.
“Where’s the fun in that?! You know, I don’t really know what changed you, but still… you should definitely tag along!” A man exclaimed, nudging your shoulder lightly as they laughed light-heartedly.
“Have I not made myself clea-“
“Nope, zip it! Sorry S/O but we aren’t going to tolerate the nonsense that you’re blurting as of right now. He’s right, you might be busy and all but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a bit of fun every once in a while!“ Another sound of a guy spoke to you.
Growing annoyed by their hopeless and pitiful attempts, Yae Miko simply could not just stand-by and not do anything about this idiotic matter. The Chief Editor hated- no, despised the idea or thought of you returning back to your former self all because she had allowed you to run off with your old friends.
“Ah, ah, ah… I don’t believe there’ll be a chance for your dear friend over here to accompany you guys on this ‘hangout’ of yours. My beloved has better things to do than spend time with you drunkards, isn’t that right, dear?~” Yae Miko smiled at you, though, just by her expression alone… you could clearly make out what she was trying to get across to you; “Play along.”
“That’s right, I do in fact have to accomplish some of my projects. I’m only here at the Yae Publishing House to check up on how Miko is doing so far in the day.” You sighed, rubbing your forehead as if to say you were a bit stressed out by many of these, totally not made-up last minute ‘projects’ of yours.
Their faces dropped and they frowned at your words. They were going to reply to your words and open up their mouths until they were again interrupted by the Guuji.
“Now, now… how about all of you skedaddle from here and go to that bar you all drink at. However, my lover here won’t be joining you fortunately. Besides, they have clearly stated that they do not want to drink with your group again, hence… they won’t be drinking at all anytime soon as long as I’m around.”
A shiver went down their spines, they hesitantly apologized to both you and Yae before hurrying up and out of the place, running up the stairs. You shifted your attention back to Yae after your old pals have scurried off deeper into the city.
“Yae… there was definitely some anger in your words just now. Are you perhaps… mad at them?” You questioned Yae, eyeing at her.
Yae Miko sighed, “Why would I not be? They wouldn’t stop pestering you to come with to another night-out where you’d eventually be persuaded into drinking. For all of my hard work to go to waste in just one night is rather saddening, don’t you think? With how much effort I had put in just to convince you to stop drinking was quite tedious you know. Now, returning back to our conversation just a moment ago…”
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Raiden Ei
Ei didn’t like the idea of you drinking once she saw how drunk you’d get after going to the tavern whenever there’s a chance. With how much of a heavy drinker you are; you’d always return home so drunk to the point where you can barely keep your balance and know who you’re talking to at the current moment. She made sure to scold you whenever you drank. Though, she always was passive-aggressive with her words when it came to scolding you.
Once Ei had decided that enough was enough, she had forbidden you from drinking. In fact, she commanded you to not lay a finger on one alcoholic beverage ever again. No matter how much you had opposed to this, in the end not even you, the lover of Inazuma’s deity could even stop her. So, you forfeited, finding it pointless in trying to argue with her any further… deciding it might have been for the better good of your health.
Nowadays, whenever you return home from work to rest and snuggle up with Ei… you no longer reek of alcohol, which pleases your lover because the stench of alcohol would get to her. Another reason as to why she had banned you from drinking.
However, until one night… where you received a letter from your old pals. You could sense Ei glaring at you and at the letter as well behind you. You turned to look at her,
“...D-do you want to read it with me?” You asked, hesitantly.
She stared into your eyes as you spoke, she shook her head, “I’d rather you read it out loud to me. By the way, do tell… who wrote this letter to you?” Ei asked, raising a brow at you as she folded her arms.
You sighed, “It was from my friends, the ones that I used to drink with. I’m not really sure why all of a sudden, they sent me a letter.”
Opening up the letter, you began to read it out loud for Ei. As you were reading, you could feel the atmosphere around you tense up… she must’ve disliked the contents of the letter. Once you finished reading, she took the letter from your hands.
“Hey what was that for-“
How rude it truly was for them to try and guilt trip you into drinking with them again? They should be punished for it. A nuisance really… why must you keep in contact with them still? A bad influence they are… if Ei were to let you go with them, she’s sure that you would’ve returned to your old habits with no hesitation. No doubt in that at all.
She scoffed, pulling you closer towards her. She glared at you, folding her arms. You chuckled light-heartedly, clearly understanding what she was trying to get across.
“Don’t worry… I won’t go with them. How about I whip something up for the both of us? Though, I’m not sure if you’ll be of much help in the kitchen…”
Ei deadpanned at you, “I’m a bit offended by that… though, just this once I’ll let it slide. I’ll be waiting to eat your food, in the meanwhile… I shall ask of some of the guards at front to fetch me some Dango Milk from that stall…”
“Alright, it sounds like a plan then! I’m gonna head straight to cooking now! See you in a few!” You grinned at her. She smiled at you softly, nodding her head before turning around to command the guards at front to order the sweets from that stall… specially to order all the Dango milk they could offer.
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Kuki Shinobu
Before you and Shinobu started dating, you were a drunkard. You’d drink so much every single day that you’re now well-known as a regular customer or “that drunkard” among the restaurants and bars. You also drank a lot with some friends of yours, the only time you’ll ever see them is when you’re drinking or maybe you might run into them in the city.
Though you may be known as a heavy drinker and the well-known drunkard in Inazuma city… the citizens of the city acknowledged that although you may drink a ton, you are a good person at heart. You were popular among the kids, as you would hang out with them whenever you had the chance.
From time to time, you’d give the kids a sip of some of the alcoholic beverages, and now they refuse to drink any of it again in the present time and also in the future with how bad it tastes. The first time you lent them a sip, they began to question how you could drink something so disgusting and bad? The parents of these children are relieved to know that you aren’t trying to influence them into drinking after you expYlained why you gave them a sip of alcohol.
A drunkard that lectures kids to not drink any alcohol at such a young age, and if they ever do so wish to drink in the future… drink moderately at least where you won’t get drunk. Ironic, isn’t it?
Now that you’re dating Shinobu, you noticed that you haven’t been drinking at all these days. Perhaps… this is because she kept scolding and giving you an earful whenever you’d arrive home drunk, go to her drunk, or just be drunk in general.
This was no way for how you should be living your life right now at all. Thus, led to Shinobu negotiating with the bartenders to not serve you any alcoholic drinks anymore. Fortunate for her, they were very much understanding, as they could understand where she was coming from.
After a few months have passed, you’ve completely stopped drinking. Shinobu couldn’t help but feel like a proud mom with you overcoming your addiction to drinking. After all, it wasn’t an easy thing to achieve. The day today was going as smoothly as ever, until some familiar faces had bumped into you and Shinobu.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going- S/O?!”
“…” Shinobu recognized their faces the moment her eyes landed on them. Before they could even get another word out, she grabbed your hand and walked in the other direction. You were confused as to why she had pulled this stunt when your old friends were trying to strike up a conversation with you.
Once you were further away from where you were, you immediately asked her,
“Shinobu, what was that all about? Why’d you run off with me like that?” You asked, looking at her very puzzled.
Shinobu turned to look at you, sighing, “…They were going to try and pressure and persuade you into drinking again. I could sense it, my guts told me, and I just couldn’t ignore that feeling. I don’t want you to become an addict again like you were back then.”
You blinked at her.
She stared into your eyes for a few seconds before quickly averting them.
“Oh. Well, makes sense… you’re my girlfriend and all and you just want what’s best for my health!” You chuckled at your words as you grinned.
“I promise you that I won’t ever go back on my word. I promised you I’d stop drinking and I’d never think of breaking that promise that I swore to you.” You reassured her.
Shinobu sighed of relief, her cheeks slightly red, “Good. Now, how about we go and check in on the boss? I’m a bit worried he’s causing a ruckus again…”
“Yeah sure, let’s go and find Itto and the rest of your gang! Uhm… after we do that, can we perhaps go back to that street? I saw a stall and it was selling one of my favorite dishes.” You asked nervously.
Shinobu gave you a calm nod. Removing her mask and pulling it down, she kissed you on your cheek. (If you’re tall, then pretend she got on her tippy toes to kiss your cheek, if you’re short, then think of the opposite.)
You blushed, looking at her with widened eyes. You felt your face getting hotter and hotter by each passing second. Though, you were not complaining… you could get used to being kissed like that by your girlfriend in public more.
---------Author's Notes---------
If you ever so wish, go check out my Ao3 account. I've posted a new work over there, completely unrelated to Genshin, but it's about the show "Wednesday". Wenclair is canon, you cannot tell me otherwise. Let me believe in what I want.
My Archive of Our Own account, or otherwise known as Ao3, is Royy_Bluminex.
Please, ignore my first two works... It was a strange phase of mine hahaha. Well, enjoy reading those old works of mine if you wish. I can't say that I'm exactly proud of it... So, if you see something that you weren't expecting, just keep your mouth shut.
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Oh wow. Uhm. I'm writing this (this very sentence) like 20-30 minutes after...
My mother just informed me that my dearest cat, Mio, has died. My father seemed to not notice him resting under the car and ran over him accidentally.
Death is unpredictable, which is why you must be prepared to face it.
R.I.P Mio, you were a great cat. I'm glad I took care of you while we still had time.
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bluminex · 2 years
I wanna die
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0 notes
bluminex · 2 years
Hi you twats, won't be posting much because I was just dumped by my girlfriend. I'll still add the tags for people to know LOLL
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bluminex · 2 years
Hey. Can I get "Characters with a S/O that doesn’t like making eye contact with anyone" with Hu Tao, Ganyu and Yae Miko please?
The dislike of meeting with someone's eyes
Hu Tao, Ganyu, and Yae Miko (separately) x Gender-neutral reader.
I currently could not come up with a nice title, but here it is... take it or leave it. You have asked for this prompt... if that's what you call it around here on Tumblr... and I have written it for you. Now, as for the one's waiting in my inbox, you'll have to be patient.
:) Enjoy the work
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Hu Tao
Hu Tao already knew the reason why you act like this. And you knew she knew it too… which fortunately saved you from having to explain it to her. On the other hand, it also was unfortunate because of… various of reasons.
“Oh, come on…! I totally saw you staring at me, don’t you try to deny it!” Hu Tao persisted.
You groaned in response, shaking your head trying to dismiss it. Hu Tao frowned, but then a few moments later, she's all giddy again. You were obviously confused by the suddenness of it…
 “Sorry, I just found it cute how you’d stare at me whenever I’m not looking. You know, I also find you really adorable when you’re mad at me, Hehe! Although you’re mad… you’re holding yourself back because you don’t want to hurt your girlfriend’s feelings that much!” She smirked, nudging you lightly as she chuckled.
You sighed, “I’m telling you… I really wasn’t looking at you Tao!”
“I don’t believe you! You’re blushing so hard right now, I bet if I touched your cheeks, it would be burning hot with how flushed you are!” Hu Tao grinned cheekily.
“Come on, just admit it already! There’s no harm in doing so at all!”
You folded your arms as you huffed. Trying your best to resist a smile, however in the next stunt that your lover pulls, makes you become all giddy. Hu Tao pulled you down by your necktie and kissed you, she didn’t want to struggle trying to kiss you right now. You stared at her in shock for a good, solid moment… and she stared back with the smuggest smile you have ever seen on her face.
You quickly looked away from her. You couldn’t stop smiling… and your face wouldn’t stop heating up again… Jeez, the power this Director has on you is seriously dangerous.
“Fine. I… I was staring at you. There, happy?” You grumbled, knowing that you lost this time.
Hu Tao laughed light-heartedly, “A lot! Hehehe~”
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Ganyu had always worried that you felt uncomfortable around her, which led to her being intensely determined to make sure you don’t feel that way around her anymore! You were her lover; she couldn’t possibly allow herself to let you feel uneasy around her.
Though, no matter how badly Ganyu wants to ask you straightforwardly about it… Poor girl would be too anxious and worry about how you’d react or answer to it. And as time flew by, you grew suspicious of her… and of course, you had to ask what was wrong.
Ganyu looked up and stared straight at the door after hearing the knock, she wondered on who could possibly be at her office’s door near midnight… or was it midnight already, who knows.
“Come in!”
What Ganyu was certainly not expecting was for the one who had knocked to be her significant other, otherwise known as you. She was surprised at most, but quickly composed herself. Not once have you made eye contact with her when you had entered.
“There’s something I’d like to talk about with you, I believe this might… lessen your stress and worry.” You coughed into your hand.
Ganyu looked at you intensely, what was it that you wanted to discuss of? Did she do something wrong? Has she not been good enough of a partner to you? Does she need to spend more time with you? All these thoughts flooded her mind… and she did not like it one bit.
“It’s nothing like that, no… Instead, it’s about something that I’ve been too shy to ever admit and confess about. I thought I’d tell you now because I suspect that you’re worrying and overthinking about it.” You reassured her as you noticed the confused and nervous expression on Ganyu's face.
“It’s about me not making eye contact with you. It’s not like I am uncomfortable and uneasy when I am with you… no, no. It’s because I tend to speak better when I am not looking into someone’s eyes, let’s just say I feel under pressure and stutter a lot when I make eye contact. Either that, or I just become so intensely awkward and stutter over my own words. It never really is because I am uncomfortable with anyone, I just feel awkward and get pressured…”
You sighed, your face was heating up and your heart was beating rapidly. The amount of courage and effort you had to put in with just admitting it.
Ganyu sighed in relief, she was more than glad to know that it wasn’t because of her… and she’s perfectly fine with you being that way.
“That’s really reassuring to hear. Then, I have no problems with you being like this anymore, I completely understand how you feel. Though, it would be nice if you were to look at me in the eyes more when we’re in private, if you’re okay with it?” Ganyu rose a brow, she felt like she was being a bit selfish… but whatever.
You nodded, “I’ll try my best to do it more often with you. However, I can’t promise that I still won’t feel awkward… I’m probably going to end up smiling and go back to not looking at you.” You chuckled lightly.
Ganyu smiled, “Then, since you’re here… Perhaps I should take a break for now. We both should go to bed now, it’s really late by the looks of it.” Ganyu stood up and walked over to where you were standing.
“We should… Let’s get going now then.” You yawned, Ganyu grinned at the sight before her. Ganyu was lucky to have had someone like you in her life.
The both of you left the office, heading back to where Ganyu resided in the city. You both deserved some needed rest, especially for the secretary… Overworking herself day and night. It was about time she took a break from work… and for you to come clean with your awkward situation. Gosh, your face is still heating up, it still feels hot… Being so embarrassed over something like this is so… embarrassing.
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Yae Miko
Yae Miko doesn’t care for whatever the reason behind your dislike and hatred of looking into someone’s eyes is.
Guuji Yae could care less for whatever the reason behind your dislike and hatred of making eye contact with someone is. In fact, she’d be more intrigued than puzzled. The reactions she can get out of you are simply too amusing and entertaining to her… You’re happy she’s aware of your situation… but at the same time wish she didn’t.
“So? How was the novel that I have read to you just now?” Yae Miko asked you, you’re leaning onto her shoulder and you only hum. Your eyes seem to be betraying you as they keep growing heavier and heavier…
You feel something grab and hold your chin firmly. It was your girlfriend. She held your chin with her index and thumb finger and made you look at her. Before you could even realize it, you were a blushing mess already. You were flustered…
“U-uh, uhm… cough… what were you saying again…!?” You asked in a hurry as you immediately avoided her gaze.
Turning your head and escaped the firm grasp she had on your chin. You could hear your girlfriend chuckle, you bet she was all smug… and she was.
Yae Miko had a cheeky smile on her face, “I was asking what your thoughts were on the novel I just read to you. Seriously, is my voice that calming that it makes you fall asleep?” She questioned, raising a brow at you.
You grumbled in embarrassment and covered your flushed face with your palms. Yae Miko grinned at the sight… it was fun to mess around with you every now and then, and very much worth it.
You kept on whining and complaining about her pulling a stunt like that again and how tired you were of it. Miko hummed as if she wasn’t bothered by your grouches, all it took for you to shut up was a simple kiss on the lips. Which had left you speechless… again. The first to break the silence was of course, Guuji Yae.
“I’m still waiting for you to answer, I’m getting impatient waiting on you.” Miko reminded you with an intimidating voice.
You gulped, “Uhm, yes, sorry… uh… It was a good novel. The only grouch I have on the novel is that the character development and the whole falling in love part was too fast. Overall, it still is a really good novel.”
Yae Miko smiled, she seemed satisfied with your answer. “Now, let me read the next novel… ‘A Battle for Love’… Hm… this title seems a bit boring, don’t you think so?"
“It’s an okay title… but whoa! That is the shortest title I have seen on a novel here in Inazuma!! This is mind-blowing with how insanely long the titles usually are.” You laughed breathily.
Yae Miko sighed, “Seriously... have my editors really lost their sense of imagination and creativity. What a shame, it seems like I'll be bored to death from this one."
"I sure won't!" You grinned.
Your girlfriend deadpanned at you, "You must have horrible taste in novels then." Your grin became a frown real quick after hearing that. Geez, you were so offended by her words that you couldn't even say anything to protest to your taste in novels.
I have used images for the first time here on Tumblr. This is one step forward to figuring out how to fit in with the Tumblr authors and creators.
Fun Fact: I am a former Ao3/Archive of Our Own author. I currently am just taking a break from that place... sooner or later I'll be posting again on that site.
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bluminex · 2 years
I'm dying on the toilet right now, not sure when I'm gonna post another work or whatever you call it here in Tumblr... But hopefully it's soon.
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bluminex · 2 years
Hello, I'd like to make a request
Ei, Miko, and Lisa (separately) x reader who is going through a domestication arc. Like, they're gonna get their romantic arc soon but first reader needs to stop chewing the furniture, if that makes sense
I will have whoever asked for this request, know, that I suffered so much just writing this. No offense, but this is some furry shit I swear.
Anyway, I did the best I could to write for this god-awful request! I will also have you know that I cried just trying to understand this shit.
Enjoy the work! Hopefully you enjoy it.
Lisa, the well-known librarian, has just returned to her home after working for such long hours. Though, in reality, she had barely even done anything productive that day. She stood there for a solid minute, finding it strange that her S/O was not there to greet her as they usually would.
“How peculiar… hm. Have they gone to bed already? It is quite late…” Lisa muttered as she spoke to herself.
Lisa just shrugged it off, concluding that her S/O had just gone to bed without her. That was until her conclusion had been proven wrong once she entered the living room. The librarian’s eyes widened in shock; the scene had taken her off-guard.
The square-shaped pillows that were once in perfect shape, resting on the sofa, were now torn apart with the foam all over the floor. Her S/O was there chewing on the leg of the coffee table. Unaware of Lisa’s presence, which, is also odd with their great sense of smell… perhaps they were too focused on chewing the leg of the table.
“S/O.” Lisa called out to them in a serious tone.
S/O’s ears perked up, they quickly stopped chewing the furniture and ran to where Lisa was standing. Though, they had almost slipped and tripped… fortunately, they got back on their feet and avoided such an embarrassing situation to happen.
“Mmm? Oh, welcome home! Is there anything you need me to do?” S/O asked, their tail wagging as they looked at their lover.
Lisa smiled at her S/O, which… somehow scared S/O. Their wolf ears flattened against their head, and their tail tucked in between their legs.
S/O hummed, “Okay, I will stop chewing on and destroying your furniture. However, I’m quite bored lately… there’s barely anything to do here you know.”
Lisa looked at her S/O in a slight shock with how fast and quick they were to stop. S/O noticed the shock in Lisa’s eyes. It seems like even the smartest scholar from the Akademiya was unaware of this behavior.
“I’ll stop chewing on and destroying your furniture from now on, simply because I don’t feel like it anymore. There isn’t any fun to it now that I think about it. Uhm… it also seems like you are unaware of this, but… for some wolves… we listen to the humans’ commands or words when we feel like it… and the opposite when we don’t... Ahem, I am not sure how true this is, but this is just the way I am.” S/O explained to the emerald eyed brunette.
Lisa nodded at her words, “I see… well, that certainly saves me the struggle of taming you, cutie. To cure your boredom however, perhaps you could help me in the library?” Lisa suggested to her S/O, as she folded her arms together while her left hand cupped her chin.
“You could go and collect the books that haven’t been returned on time… or if you don’t like that idea, you can play with Klee. I’m sure she’d love to play with you!” Lisa elaborated even further, as her left hand stretched out to the left.
S/O’s ears were sticking straight up and out to the side, their teeth bared at the idea,
“Apologies, but I do not… want to be around humans. You know me, Lisa… I don’t like being around humans, so I refuse.” S/O’s stared at her lover.
“Oh, but you’re talking to one right now and dating one if I may add.” Lisa cooed, chuckling softly as she spoke. Her voice was as smooth as silk… uhm, anyway.
S/O sighed, “That’s because it’s you… and please do not think about the idea of taming me, you know… making me more relaxed around humans? Yeah, don’t think about it. Not a good idea.”
Lisa frowned,
“Well, if I can’t bring you to the library, how about I purchase you some chewing toys, or just any common and regular dog toys? That might be able to cure-“
“No. I am not a dog, Minci.” S/O growled, brows furrowing in disagreement.
“Alright, alright… maybe you could just stay by me? I’ll tell you the truth, I don’t really do much in the library. So, having my cutie there would surely brighten up the place for me. You wouldn’t have to do anything such as interact with humans.”
Lisa’s brows rose as she waited for her S/O’s answer.
S/O’s ears and tail returned to a calmer state, “That… is better. I will agree to that offer of yours. You should go to sleep, it’s getting late. I will join you in bed after a while.”
“What about-“
“Leave that to me, I shall clean up after myself. You mustn’t clean up after me, I know you are rather tired, so you go and rest now.” S/O reassured her with a soft smile.
The librarian sighed, “Don’t stay up too late now, cutie. I expect to see you in bed after some time.”
Lisa chuckled and she spoke in a loving manner, accompanied by a soft voice. The librarian kissed her S/O’s temple before heading to their shared room. S/O could vaguely hear a yawn escape from Lisa’s lips as she walked further and further away from the living room.
S/O felt their face heat up, it seems like they were still not used to the kissing. Right, back to the task at hand, cleaning up their own mess…
Yae had been knocking on this home’s door for the past, what, 5 minutes? Who knows how long it’s been. She folds her arms in annoyance, knocking on the door for the last time… If this person didn’t respond, she’ll be sure to take her revenge on them-
The door was unlocked and standing in front of the kitsune was a muscular, bearded man. He raised his brow at Yae,
“Guuji Yae, what brings you here?” He asked, in a confused tone.
“Finally, you’ve answered! I’ve been here for a while you know?” Yae deadpanned at the man.
The man chuckled nervously and awkwardly, “I must apologize for that… It’s just that I’ve been busy preparing something for S/O’s birthday.”
‘Oh, that is right… their birthday is arriving in a few weeks. Anyway, that’s for another day to worry about.’
“I’ve come to ask for your word of advice, simply because you took care of them and raised them. Surely, their caretaker would know the reason behind this odd behavior?” Yae rose a brow at the man, as she spoke in her usual tone of voice.
The man stared at her, clearly waiting for her to continue.
“Do you perhaps know why S/O chews on furniture?”
“During their puppy years, before we moved to the city… The people at our village would usually store meat in the furniture as a way of… preserving it, which I found weird. Anyway, S/O was chewing on one of the furniture and had accidentally revealed the secret stash of meat in there. Ever since then… they must still be thinking that there’d be a secret stash of meat in the furniture.” He sighed.
“If you’re planning to train them… I’m not sure how I’d be of any help. So, I’ll leave that up to you. Oh, by the way, has S/O made any progress with how they are handling the presence of humans?” The man asked, slightly worried.
“They are doing just fine… However, there had been barely any progress at all. You needn’t worry though, I can manage. Anyway, thank you for the information. This does quite help a lot.” The Guuji chuckled.
The man placed his hands on his hips,
“I’ll have you know, Lady Yae, that no matter how well you tame them, they’ll always have their wolf instincts. You should learn about wolf behavior… if you’re not well-versed in it yet. There’s a major difference between taming and training when it comes to these creatures. Goodluck with S/O, tell them I said hi!”
“Of course, I know of such things, I’ll be sure to keep them under control. I’ll be taking my leave now.”
Yae Miko announced her leave. Heading back towards the shrine.
And on the way back… she was grinning to herself the entire time. How silly her S/O must be to think there’d still be a stash of food inside the furniture they chew. It seems like before Miko could ever have that pure romantic life with her S/O, she’d have to train S/O to stop chewing on the furniture.
It had been weeks since Miko has started training S/O personally. Fortunate for her, their S/O is now fully trained to not chew on the furniture… She’s also made some progress in making sure S/O isn’t too scared of being around of so many humans. There have been occasions whereas they’d try and lunge at the visitors, which was in vain as Yae Miko was always there to stop them from doing so.
And now, they were peacefully lying-in bed.
“Well, aren’t you quite happy today. Your tail is wagging even under the covers. Say, do tell me why you are such a happy little one tonight?” Yae asked.
“…It’s quite obviously because you’re scratching the back of my ears.”
S/O yawned, snuggling even closer to Yae. Soon enough, their breathing slowed down. It seems like they weren’t able to put much of a fight against sleepiness.
Yae went to sleep with them shortly after that.
I unfortunately will not do Ei’s part, because I cannot bare to keep doing this request. I have tortured myself enough with this request.
Whoever requested this, thank you for making me go insane. I will not lie, I did have a bit of fun writing this... oddly enough.
Smh, hopefully this is enough to satisfy you.
I’ve suffered enough now. Bye.
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bluminex · 2 years
beidou and lisa are do the thingy thing
If this is john, kindly fuck off.
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bluminex · 2 years
Roy. What the fuck is this shit. Here I'll make an actual request, Kids fuck a rabid dog. ok that was a joke, I'll make a real story. A female who turned evil. Basically a school anime where the student sells candy to the school that is so good for class points for a trophie. They use strategies to remove every single one of the ones that have high points and eventually get their trophie, but when they finally got it, they realized how much they got kicked out the school for her stupid bull shit class points
This is shit. Go fuck yourself, I'm not writing your shit smh. Can't read rules for shit. Kys!
(for context, we are friends.)
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bluminex · 2 years
Hi and welcome to tumblr! I’m looking forward to reading your pieces and to having you around! ☺️ I hope you’re having a lovely day over there!
I read your works, so, yeah, thank you for welcoming me. I also hope you're having a wonderful day at your place, because right now we've been given 2-3 or more assignments today. Hello to you as well.
Mondays are the worst.
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