carlitoproudcub · 4 years
I gotta ask...what fics are you consuming this finals season to keep you going (if you are consuming fics rn) ?
I'm not reading a ton of new stuff right now because my brain is currently the consistency of a lukewarm cream-based soup, but I'm happy to throw out the names of some talented folks who do fantastic work!
Whew! How nice is it that we're in such an INSANELY talented fandom?!
I know I'm forgetting some, so please feel free to add more in the comments or whatever!
Edit: @searidings has also been putting out great works! (Thank you Grace, I've got the memory of a gnat and I knew some people were missing)
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
Cuteness overload
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Explorer!Lena. Inspired by one of my fave PS1 video games, “Lunar 2: Eternal Blue!” Anyway, Kara is ancient and in a deep slumber! Only her OTP can wake her up. Lol
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I’m not sure about the Kryptonese sentence actually, lol I was just guessing! But I used this woderful site to help me construct the sentence.
Also, I made an IG acct to personally keep better track of my works, too. Since my tumblr app keeps crashing lol It’s heeeygracie! :)
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
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they’re my favorite aesthetic
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
How much longer are people going to stop pretending that racism isn’t a large part of fandom culture? And I don’t mean things like outright slurs or overt racism.
When are people going to stop pretending that things like micro-aggressive behavior or baity statements, holding POC characters to a different standard than white counterparts, whitewashing fan work such a gifs or fanart aren’t also racism? That their need to keep POC characters in a friend space with white ones and citing it as a ‘preference’ isn’t also racism?
because it is.
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
Hey yall! First I’d like to say thank you SO SO much for preordering the @supercorpzine ! I’m continuously blown away by the support yall continue to show this charity effort. I know this year has been wacky and downright gross, so I thought I’d try to help spread some good vibes and give away
10 PDFs of the Zine
Here are the rules!
Reblog this post ONCE. (If you reblog it more than once I will only count ONE reblog, sorry last year got a little bonkers!)
If you are only boosting this post, please try to say so in the tags so I don’t accidentally count your reblog as an entry!
You have until May 24 2020 MIDNIGHT EASTERN TIME. 
That’s it.
I’ll tally up each reblog (excluding people simply boosting/my own reblogs) and will randomly choose ten (10) winners. If you are chosen, I’ll just need a viable email to send you the link to download the zine later this summer. If winners don’t respond within a week (7 full days, or MAY 31), I will choose someone new.
I will contact winners on MAY 25. So make sure you keep your ask box open.
Good luck!
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
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Supercorp poetry edits (based on the 5x17 trailer) 10/?
If it looks different it’s because I changed my mind after posting it and replaced the last Lena one.
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
Are any of us really as gay as Lena Luthor?
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
abs and baby aliens and critters are all of supergirl's insta content for sure. Lena likes all the alien and critter pictures and then silently bookmarks the ab ones
Lena’s staring at a bookmarked photo of Supergirl’s abs when she hears boots touch down on her balcony. In her haste to stand, she drops her phone. It juggles between both of her hands before her fist connects and it slams into the plate glass between them. Lena prays to every god she knows it lands face down.
It lands face up, and Supergirl glances down to see her own abs on the other side of the glass. Lena doesn’t flinch, crossing her arms. She doesn’t reach for her phone, too proud to acknowledge the evidence between them. She clears her throat. Her voice still comes out high, damn it.
“What can I do for you today, Supergirl?”
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
You know what’s really sad? In middle school we learn about STD’s and sexual infections and how to have sex safely but we never learned about women’s personal health. How to take care of our vagina’s because that’s a thing. I knew what a wet dream was before I knew what a yeast infection was and by then it was too late.
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
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“Horror has long been one of cinema’s most effective and interesting lenses through which to examine the things that scare us most, both as individuals, and as societies. In the 2010s, directors have been given the space to tell these stories their way—and confident marketing that makes sure they reach not only typical horror audiences, but outsiders who might love them just as much.” 
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
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cinematic parallels 
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
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Here’s another “self-made” billionaire that nobody is talking about
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Pat McGrath became a billionaire when Kylie Cosmetics was worth $800 million. Yet the media was still obsessed with “Kylie is almost a self-made billionaire!” rather than talking about this woman who already was an actual self-made billionaire.
Never forget: twice as good for half the credit.
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
Lena and Supergirl/Kara haven’t been talking for ages. Come Christmas time, Lena is drinking and angsty thinking about how Kara is probably having a great Christmas without her but Supergirl crashes through her window injured and doesn’t make eye contact cause she feels bad and it’s revealed that Kara has been spending the entire time since their fight, focused on Supergirl stuff while everyone else was busy and left her to deal with it on her own (I hope you meant to the box rn. Thank you!)
She’s not quite drunk, but she’s definitely not sober.
Well, if she were anyone else, she’d probably be extremely drunk. But Lena has an Alex Danvers-level ability to hold her liquor - which means they should both, really, be in treatment together, but that’s for next year, not tonight, Lena tells herself - so she takes another pull on the bottle of whiskey, because she’s long since given up on pouring it into her glass.
What’s the point, really? It’s all going to the same place. It’s all doing the same thing to her head.
Helping her forget. 
Well, not really. It’s only making her remember, truth be told. But it’s different, somehow, when it’s this hazy. Not better, but… but at least she has an excuse, now, to not work. To wallow, just a little, in her own agony.
Because it is agony.
Just when she’d thought she’d found a family. Just when she thought she’d found…
Well, she’d made the transition from wine to whiskey fairly quickly.
Because it’s Christmas Eve and everything hurts, and there is literally nothing she can latch her mind on that doesn’t remind her of Kara.
That doesn’t remind her of everything she thought she had, everything she was stupid enough to believe - for once - that she wouldn’t lose.
Of course she lost it. She was a Luthor, after all.
But no, she’s been realizing recently. It’s not because she’s a Luthor. She’s been hiding behind her last name, her damn family’s damn legacy, for too long now. Because, she’s realizing as a rare snow starts falling in National City - it would be beautiful, wouldn’t it, if she had someone to share it with, if she weren’t completely and utterly alone with every single way she’d ever hated herself - it’s not her family name. 
It’s her. It’s her fault. The reason everyone keeps lying to her. The reason everyone keeps leaving her. The reason she’s alone.
And Kara? 
Lena laughs out loud to herself, and it’s a sound that’s almost gruff, that’s definitely callous, certainly more than a little unsteady.
Kara’s probably having a wonderful time, with the family she’s built for herself. The family she said Lena could be a part of, and then…
She thinks it’s her own whiskey-hazed mind at first. The sound of a crash in her bedroom. 
But then there’s an ‘ow,’ and she knows that voice. She knows it like she knows her own voice, and she hates that it registers so quickly, so easily, in her mind, hates the way it cuts right through the whiskey and straight into all her greatest fears and harshest hopes.
Kara. Well, Supergirl.
She doesn’t stumble - she’d like to think she doesn’t stumble - as she rises and the alcohol feels like it’s all rushing to her head, but she continues, continues, because that was definitely the sound of glass breaking, and as many times as Supergirl - Kara, Supergirl, Kara, it doesn’t matter anymore, nothing matters anymore - flew onto her balcony or in through her window, she’d never, ever broken anything…
There’s a cut on her cheek and there’s a rip in those pants that Lena had figured were as indestructible as the woman herself, revealing a deep gash.
Kara - Supergirl, whatever - winces, grabbing at her leg, and Lena thinks she hears her mutter an apology, over and over and over again.
But if Lena hears “I’m sorry” from those lips one more time, the window won’t be the only thing broken in her bedroom.
She ignores the Kryptonian’s apologies and she just slips on a pair of sandals - she’ll worry about cleaning up the glass later, but she’d rather avoid stepping on any right now - and she surprises herself by how steady her hands are as she steps over Kara into her en suite bathroom.
She surprises herself by how sobering confronting the object of your heartbreak can be. Not to mention the sight of all that blood.
But Lena isn’t just a failure. She’s a failure who’s also a genius, and who used to think she was one of Kara’s best friends. One of Supergirl’s closest allies, friends. 
Used to.
Everything good used to be.
Everything now just hurts.
But there is some good about what used to be, because she still has coagulants she and Alex - another heartbreak, another loss, another reason she has nothing, not anymore - had created to work specifically on Kryptonians. On Kara. Well, Supergirl.
Well, Kara.
Lena’s head spins, and it’s not from the alcohol. Or at least, she doesn’t think it is.
She gathers what she needs and she pats the side of her bed roughly. If she kneels next to Kara, she’ll be kneeling in glass.
It would probably feel better than how she feels now, but it would make things messier.
And she doesn’t have the capacity to deal with messier, not now. Perhaps not ever again.
Kara obediently scrambles up onto her mattress, still not looking at Lena, still murmuring apologies.
Lena continues to ignore the apologies.
She treats her cheek first, her fingers trembling at how hot Kara’s skin is. The cut on her cheek is easy.
Her leg is a different story, which is why she gives herself more time to work on it.
“I’d have thought you’d be celebrating the holiday with your family,” she says eventually, as Kara sits there, still with her head bowed away from Lena, still saying how sorry she is, how she had nowhere else to go and it won’t happen again and and and.
“I haven’t seen much of any of them lately,” Kara finally says, finally sneaks a glance at Lena. But Lena was ready for it, and when their eyes meet, her heart both wants to fly and to shrivel up and never peak over its walls again.
She wonders about the line between love and hate, and she wonders if love is just the braver choice.
She wonders how brave she really is.
“And why is that?” she asks, her voice distant, but her mind thinking that maybe she’s braver than she’d realized.
“I hurt you,” Supergirl-Kara-the-woman-who-was-her-best-friend-and-she’d-been-wildly-in-love-with murmurs.
Lena thinks the alcohol might be making her slower, regardless of how sobering stitching up a Kryptonian wound is.
“And what does that have to do with your holiday celebrations?”
Kara sneaks another glance at her face, and Lena feels it but deliberately avoids it, this time, pretending her coagulating agent isn’t doing all the work on its own and needs tending.
“I haven’t really taken off this damn suit since our… since…”
“Us,” Lena supplies, and she doesn’t know if she’s being generous or spiteful.
Again, that fine line.
“Yes,” Kara whispers, and this time, it’s Lena who looks up at her. Because her voice is broken, but not nearly as broken as her face, her eyes.
“So you haven’t been spending much time living a human life,” Lena says, and she doesn’t want to feel compassion, but she does.
She wonders if that’s weakness or strength.
“How can I? At least as Supergirl, I can save people. As Kara, I’m just -”
“A flawed human who makes mistakes like the rest of us,” Lena says, somewhere between harsh and forgiving. “But apparently you make mistakes as Supergirl too,” she comments, gesturing at the leg she’s tending.
“I was careless. But everyone’s safe,” Kara looks down again.
A long silence rises between them. Lena knows that Kara knows that her wound has been treated, now, and there’s technically no more reason for her to stay.
But they sit in that silence together, anyway, a cold wind howling in from the shattered window.
Shattered is an excellent word, Lena reflects.
And maybe it’s the liquor, but she finds she’s not even chilled by it.
“I know I have no right to miss you, but I do. Every moment,” Kara fills the silence after a long while. “I didn’t want… it doesn’t feel right to celebrate anything without you. I don’t want to celebrate anything without you with me. And you’re alone, now, and drinking by yourself and -”
“Is that really any different than you flying around the city alone, looking for trouble?”
Kara sighs, and Lena wonders if she’ll fly right back out the window the same way she came in.
“Come home with me,” Kara whispers. “You shouldn’t be alone. And I… I don’t want to be without you. I messed up. Big time. And I maybe have no right to ask for anything from you. Ever again. But I want to. I want you. Back. I love you.”
She says it simply and she says it with the most broken and earnest look in her eyes that Lena has ever seen.
And she can’t tell, not really, if she means she loves her like a friend or like she’s in love, but she thinks maybe it’s both.
And it’s the first time she’s said it, and it’s…
It’s nothing, and it’s everything.
A fine line, between love and hate.
And if love is the braver choice, maybe the braver choice, too, is believing that Kara’s words are everything, not nothing.
“So the holidays together, then,” Lena states, because she’s still too hurt to acknowledge Kara’s love, to say it back to her, but an opening.
An opening.
Maybe an opening is enough.
If Kara’s spark of a smile is any indication, it is.
And Lena can’t help it - her lips tug up into a small smile, too.
Kara Danvers - Supergirl - both - always did have an infectious smile.
“I’m afraid I’ve already had quite too many Christmas spirits alone,” Lena blurts, but Kara just puts a steadying hand on hers, and it’s hell and it’s heaven and it’s everything she’s ever wanted.
“We’ll make sure you only get the non-alcoholic eggnog, then,” Kara says, and Lena grimaces another smile.
It’s not fixed. But maybe, now, it could be.
And maybe, now, she doesn’t have to believe she’ll be alone forever. Because maybe choosing the braver option can bring her more happiness than heartbreak, after all.
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
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i couldn’t sleep last night so i doodled them hugging 
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
Yall better not act surprised if he's charged with something
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Bloop 🙃
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
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supercorp + episodes
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carlitoproudcub · 4 years
Gods of fanfiction, make this happen
I want nothing more in this world than a supercorp killing eve au . Thank you for putting this into existence.
This Kara
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with this Lena
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