So, siblings and the bond they share is important, right? That's someone you share your blood with.
Well for some people being siblings is not that easy and that can be a problem in someone's life and the situation is worse for the people around those people with sibling problems.
There was an earthquake in my country and 10 cities were effected by it. It was a pretty big one and they say it was around 7.8 magnitude. My aunt's house is not harmed, but everything is broken and it's a pretty big mess in her house right now. And of course hers and her family's mental health was effected really badly because of the earthquake that happened at 4.17 am on 6th Feb. So they came here to stay with my grandparents. My family lives in the west side of Turkey and my aunt and her family live in the east side.
They have been staying with my grandparents for two months now and they're going back to their house tomorrow even though they were planning to stay for a few more months and I won't be able to see my aunt and my cousins ,whom I love more than anything, again for a really long time. probably. Because of what? Like I told you fights between siblings really have an impact on the people around them. My mom and my aunt fought really bad and now because of their childish act I probably just saw them for the last time in a really long time.
Their fight was childish they had to think more rationally and even if they do fight they shouldn't have made us children not see each other because of their pride and childishness.
But of course as the oldest cousin of them all their words and fight didn't stop me from seeing them. I took the kids for a day and showed them around the city and they say they didn't have this much fun in like forever. So I'm happy that I spent time with them today and made them happy before they went back.
But what broke my heart the most was the last hug and the last tears I shared with them. My littlest cousin is two years old and when I was hugging her and she was in my arms she didn't let go of me until the very last moment and when her mother -my aunt- took her from my arms she started crying. But I knew if I took her in my arms again I wouldn't be able to let go. And when I was hugging the oldest of my cousins (10) she was crying hard and when she hugged me I felt my bones break. We have a bond with her that no one in my family shares and she loves hanging out with me. It was just heart-breaking because we both knew we wouldn't be able to see each other for a long time. And the middle sibling just hugged me and kissed me goodbye. Even though he's only 7 he acts like a protective brother of us so he was really hard to say goodbye too.
I didn't want to say goodbye, alright? No one in my place would. But I had to because they couldn't stay. They couldn't stay because of the childish silly fight.
I have a little brother. He's 8 years younger than me. So I'm trying to be the best big sister he could ever have. It's hard but once you get that feeling of being his heroic big sister that feeling is worth everything to me.
So tonight I made a promise to myself. I will never ever let go of my brother's hand and always be there for him. Being siblings is really important and whatever happens whoever comes into your life your siblings never walk out. Siblings don't leave each other behind. Siblings have each other's backs and most importantly your older brother or sister. Sibling bond is one of the most important values in my life and I promise to myself that I will never leave my brother like my mom and my aunt. My aunt did some things that I really find selfish but she's my aunt and I love her. That's what my mother should have done too. But what's done is done now. We can't take anything back. I just hope that everything will go back to the way it was and they'll come back to spend more time, but that doesn't seem like it's gonna happen anytime soon.
Don't turn your backs on those you love guys. Don't do that to your loved ones or yourself.
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"Do you ever feel already buried deep? Six feet under screams, but no one seems to hear a thing."
Says Katy Perry. Well, all I can say is that it's true.
But right after that she says
"Do you know that there's still a chance for you?"
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