crystal-crusader · 2 months
So I have a request I want to wonder if you oc wanna meet my oc exe name blizzard
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I don’t believe they would WANT to, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t
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crystal-crusader · 2 months
Arcas! Thank you!
Da Dark Matters!! (Part 2)
Have some more dark matter goobs at your disposal!^^
Shimmer - @jsdimensions
Dero - @monsterhatdoodles
Sizzle - @ichorsea
Singularity - @wyverewings
Arcas - @crystal-crusader
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crystal-crusader · 4 months
Full versions of the references I drew for the new commissions pic
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I did it gamers! I updated my commissions. :3
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Feel free to contact me about them at any point, on Tumblr or on Discord ( Discord user: crystalcrusader )
You can also grab a sprite commission for 10 bucks, or 15 if the character is detailed
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crystal-crusader · 4 months
I did it gamers! I updated my commissions. :3
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Feel free to contact me about them at any point, on Tumblr or on Discord ( Discord user: crystalcrusader )
You can also grab a sprite commission for 10 bucks, or 15 if the character is detailed
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crystal-crusader · 4 months
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From: @chenanigans-draws (Deviantart) (Twitter)
To: @crystal-crusader
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crystal-crusader · 5 months
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bugs when you lift up a rock :3
Hi :3 I drew all the Ocs in the Kirby Oc tournament! ;) now if this doesn't solidify my place as Kirblrs number 1 Kirby oc enjoyer I don't know what will...
I've been sitting on posting this for a while, since I planned on drawing a comic to accompany it, but that's turning out to be a much longer read than I first thought, so keep an eye out for that in the future! ;)
and don't go yet!! there's more!!! I wanted to sketch up more ocs but I had to stop myself since this is already three something months of work LMAO
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there's a google drive link here with every character cropped individually (unless drawn on the same layer), plus some paired characters and character groups! also the Full Tournament piece is higher quality there, since Tumblr only allows a file size limit of 20MB 🙄🙄🙄/lhj
more images and tags under the cut ;)
also, tags will be split into two posts!! because tumblr sucks and wont let me tag everyone at once </3 a shame
prepare for the mayhem that is tagging the 59 people who participated in the tournament, plus Aifie! :D
tags are listed top to bottom left to right
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Aifie: @kosmic-autokrat Shiro, Blue, and Green: @tastymarbar Beamdee: @maybe-arts Celesta: @lucent-nargacuga Koya: @paradox-eevee
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Loga: @goldendragonleaf J: @moonverc3x (me! :D) Marzipan: @void-dreaming Phinumiti Qafotix: @fecto-elfilis Bastalor: @blue-jester Prisma: @startistdoodles Cauchmear: @mukankei08
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Rosie: @rosepetalmoon Clark: @absolutely-zero-regrets Plank: @mothstache Popato Chisp: @meangreenmotherfromouterspace22
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Roshi: @clairetimes Chaos: @galakianexplosion Fela: @mossyriverrocks
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Storm and Rose: @random-rabid-creature Cloud Crack: @dark-mega Nebula: @miniiieevee Comet: @kittenvirus Pytorn: dark-mega Wolfu and Morrow: @gluekaiju
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Dimentional Dinosaur Marx: @chickenpeep77kirbyau Peacekeeper: @giantchasm Vezzpa: @cosmicwhoreo Manny Moth: @chibifox2002 Simon: gluekaiju Button: @your-local-uwu-artist Freya: dark-mega Quinn: @paintedplum7 Keyper: @bloodiegawz Trix and Mindy: @zangoonse
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crystal-crusader · 6 months
Fuck it.
Cookie Run OC redesign.
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She so baby look at this glow up
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crystal-crusader · 6 months
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I made a Knight :3
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crystal-crusader · 7 months
Hey guys. Remember when I said I was gonna make a Phoenix bio? Yeah I forgot too-
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Name: Phoenix
(Also referred to as Phoenix Dee, The Phoenix, and Phil Davis)
Pronouns: He/Him (They/Them and She/Her is acceptable, but He/Him is preferred)
Age: 16
Sexuality: Acsexual, Panromantic
Species: Waddle Dee (with wings made from fire)
Status: God of Death and Rebirth
Current Home: The Divine Terminus (in a cardboard house he made himself :3)
Theme: https://youtu.be/u_FRDqHT5y0?si=czrVrkAaPNj6op16
Phoenix is a Waddle Dee the same size as Kirby, with 2 wings of fire that span about 2 and a half Kirbs. His body is a grayish orange with a tan facial section. His main body is very fuzzy and soft, and warm to the touch. He has a set of bird feathers for a tail and wears a cardboard hat he made himself.
Phoenix is an excited young fella with a big heart and lots of creativity. They constantly look to the bright side and encourage others to do the same, though they have their depressive moments. They respect everyone, especially those with disabilities or considerable injuries. They think all life is precious and spend all day attempting to get better at creating it. They can’t wait to return to Popstar when they have finally honed their skills, but until then they stay at The Divine Terminus to practice their craft. They are very determined to succeed and prove themselves!
Basic Abilities: Attacks
Phoenix is very equivalent to that of a physical fire type from PokĂ©mon. Their abilities are a combination of Burning and Wing, their main form of attack being to set themselves on fire and either punch, kick, or tackle their opponent. They can also shuttle loop and wack others with their fire wings, though the wing one isn’t very practical. He has no formal weapons training, but has a basic understanding of swords thanks to Morpho Knight. His big attack is to used the double burning attack from Kirby 64, except MUCH bigger.
Defense and Support
Phoenix isn’t very defensive, but heals and recovers extremely quickly. Single hits do big damage, but even a gigantic hit isn’t enough to keep Phoenix down for long. They can also support their allies with their feathers, as small feathers heal slight amounts of health to those he gives them to, at the cost of his HP.
Phoenix’s wings are his health bar. Upon taking damage, a single feather will burn away to ash. They do not replenish, and once all have burned off, Phoenix himself will turn into his ash form, collapsing into proper ash in a couple seconds. He can also go ash if he experiences intense sadness or tiredness. His soul will go to limbo temporarily, as his body either reforms, or he decides whether he wants to go back right now. It is best to keep the ash together, as it will regroup to form Phoenix’s new body when he comes back. If the ashes get too scattered, they will literally fly up together. If they for some reason can not rejoin, Phoenix’s soul will be stuck in Limbo until they can. Depending on what caused him to “die” will determine how long it takes for him to come back. The bigger the injury, and the less determined he feels, the longer it will take for him to revive. He can also just decide not to for a time, and stay in limbo for a while, though this is dangerous as the longer he stays in limbo the higher likelihood his soul will get trapped. The only way Phoenix can ever stay dead is if he dies after someone takes his God powers, or if he decides he’s had enough and goes to the afterlife willingly, though that last one becomes more unlikely by the day.
Phoenix can be reborn into 3 different forms, Original Orange, Blazing Blue, and Violent Violet. You can tell which form he will return as based on what color fire the ash pile is burning as the body reforms.
Original Orange is the least powerful of the forms. His fire does basic level damage and his wings don’t heal that much. This form is invoked in 99% of situations, as it is the most friendly. In this form his wings are warm, though could start to hurt if you touch them for too long. Perfect for hugs though! It doesn’t take much to revive from this form.
Blazing Blue the middle of the road, with higher fire power and healing then Original Orange. This form is invoked when Phoenix is faced with a genuine opponent who is actually trying to hurt him or others. Its temperatures are too hot for him to maintain for long periods of time, so his body will slowly burn itself to ash over the course of a month, at which point he’ll usually return as Original Orange. His wings carry a severe risk of burning anyone that makes contact for too long. It takes a bit longer to revive from this form.
Violent Violet gets its name for being the strongest and most uncontrollable form, only invoked when the situation can’t be solved by either of the two forms before it. This form is so hot it can’t be controlled, its very presence sets fire to anything around it, including you. The feathers do not heal, they are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. This form is physically painful, and quickly burns Phoenix to ash in a matter of minutes. Phoenix only ever used it once before, and while it did save his life, it is also something he wishes not to experience again. It takes a long time to come back from this one, so if you managed to beat him (and not just have him get timed out by his own heat,) then you’ve officially “won.”
God Powers
As the God of death and rebirth, Phoenix is effectively the God of the living realm. As such, they have two special abilities no other being has.
1: They can summon a soul from the afterlife or Void status, and reincarnate it as a new being. They do not hand craft every individual, as there are trillions born every second, it would be impossible to keep up with that alone. The Void does most of the work. Though Phoenix puts a lot of love and care into the beings he does get to design. His creations never come out exactly as he wanted, though this is simply the Void adding variance to whatever he cooks up.
2: Their big feathers can heal any injury or disease, or prevent an individual from dying ONCE. These big feathers are far different from the normal healing feathers, as they are full of God energy and can reverse any physical damage, even death. Though only one feather can be used on an individual, so once it’s used, another feather can’t be used for anything else on that person. Plus, for as long as that feather is not used, Phoenix permanently loses part of his HP until it’s used up and can be refreshed. Some hear of this and travel all the way to where he lives to request one. Phoenix does not like giving them out, after all his feathers are precious and somewhat limited. If he likes someone, he’ll give it to them as a present, but otherwise unless it’s a severe life threatening injury he turns people away. His feathers can only prevent death in the moment, not revive already dead individuals, and stuff like a missing leg or a broken wing doesn’t feel like something that needs to be “fixed.” To him, the only injury that matters is death, as it’s the only thing you can’t come back from. But if your mother is suffering from a deadly illness, and you desperately need a miracle, it may just be worth it to try.
Trigger warnings for, depression, attempted suicide, death, and eugenics. If these apply to you and you’re backing out now, thank you for reading! I hope you’ve enjoyed my little Waddle Dee, and that you have a nice day!
For those of you still reading, let us continue!
To understand Phoenix’s backstory, we must first cover some background regarding my universe and the Gods that live among it.
Once upon a time, there was a space of nothing. It was hard to even call it a space, as space could not exist. The nothing stretched forever, and yet not at all. It was nothing, after all. Then came the Void, which took the space, and created something. And then it created more things. And more things and more things until the very universe was formed, and with it came the three pillars. The three pillars were powerful Gods, designed to keep the universe in balance. There was the Ray, a god of knowledge and secrets, who kept all information within itself. There was the Spider, a god of chaos and control, who kept the universe fun but also together. And lastly there was the God of death and rebirth, also known as the Bat. It was their job to keep the cycle of death and rebirth going, so that there would always be new creatures to inhabit the universe. His name was Antang.
For a while the three pillars worked as intended, but as time grew on Antang developed a jealousy and hatred for the Void. Antang could make living beings, but not enough to sustain the populations, so the Void did most of the work. Antang hated the creatures the Void made, they were oftentimes weak or deformed in some way. Some carried disabilities or genetic dysfunctions. He could not understand why an all powerful creator would create such imperfect life, so Antang went rogue, and used his powers to create terrifying monsters to wipe out all “imperfect” life. That way, he could rebuild the world with his perfect creations. Rather then allow the souls of creatures to be reborn by the Void, Antang took them all, halting reproduction in its tracks, and rebuilt the souls into EX versions of their old selves. These EX versions were often not very different from the original, as Antang was not very creative, but they were also even more powerful, and sent out into the world to destroy anyone weaker then it. After all, if that creature wasn’t strong enough to defend itself, it didn’t deserve to exist.
The universe quickly fell into shambles. With so many creatures dying, and the only ones being created being destructive monsters, the population of the universe swiftly fell. But fortunately, a family of powerful wizards came together to defeat the monsters, and eventually Antang himself. Unfortunately, being the God of rebirth, Antang could not die, merely be defeated for a time. The beast would always return, and soon the family dwindled in numbers. That was until one Wizard had the idea to seal Antang in a harmless form, where he could not use his powers to create monsters, thus putting an end to his terror. He was sealed in his own mask, unable to rebirth as he was technically not dead, but also incapable of using his Godly magic.
In came the Butterfly (AKA Morpho Knight), a fairly new God for the time, the God of souls and judgment. It was not a pillar, as its services weren’t required to keep the universe going, but it was no less important. Seeing that the Bat could no longer complete its role, both because it was now a mask and went rogue, the butterfly decided to take up the position in addition to its usual duties. It restored the Void’s ability to make new life and continued on with its life, but as the millions of years went on, the amount of new life that needed to be made swiftly increased. Along with that, more were dying and needed to be brought to judgment, leaving the Butterfly split between its two massive duties. Eventually it relented, and decided to try and find a new candidate worthy to be the next God of death and rebirth.
It flew all around the world, in search of someone specific, though it admittedly wasn’t sure what that specific individual would look like. It was going to be a long process, no doubt. It needed someone mature and well versed in many cultures, someone who could handle lots of responsibilities. However, before it could make a proper decision, it came across a lone Waddle Dee stepping off the edge of a roof. In a panic, and regulated to it’s butterfly form, Morpho did the only thing it could think to save them: giving them the power of life itself.
New Blood
When the Waddle Dee, Phil Davis, received the power of the Gods, he grew wings, and instinctively used them to fly up up and away from the ground they had intended to hit. Prior to that moment, he was just a depressed orphan, pushing to achieve something, but failing every time. But when Morpho watched him save himself, it knew it made the right choice. It began to talk to him with telepathy, and take him under its wing. Together they would make Phil into a responsible person.
Phil didn’t really understand why he got these powers. He was 14 at the time, barely a teenager. Regardless, he worked hard to at least try to fit into the role, making himself a cardboard crown in an attempt to look more “Godly”. Morpho taught him how to use his powers, creating life and reviving from death, giving him sage advice. “The fires of life will always burn, so long as you choose to feed them. The only one who can put out the fire in your soul is you.” However, many times Phil nearly gave up. He didn’t think he was worthy of the title of God, and constantly he asked Morpho to pick someone else. Morpho simply moved on, ignoring the request entirely, encouraging him to see it through. He nor anyone else could determine if he was unworthy, only his reaction to a true challenge could determine that. And one year after being granted these powers, Phil faced that challenge in the form of a Dark Matter invasion.
All Goes Black
When the Dark Matter came to Phil’s planet, it was a one sided beat down. Unprepared for this level of attack, the planet, Morpho, and Phil were quickly overwhelmed, despite invoking Blazing Blue. Darkness swallowed them, draining their energy and sapping them of their power. Phil, terrified and exhausted, asked if they were going to die. “No,” Morpho said, “worse.”
As both Phil and Morpho began to lose consciousness, Phil had an epiphany. “The fires of life will always burn, so long as you choose to feed them. The only one who can put out the fire in your soul is you.”
For the first time in his life, and so far only time, his determination was enough to invoke Violent Violet. The white fire burned through the dark matter in seconds, allowing Phil to vanquish them in the minutes Violent Violet could be maintained, freeing his entire planet from its scurg. With that, Morpho declared that Phil was truly worthy of Godhood, granting him the honorary title of “The Phoenix,” and changing his name to Phoenix (he liked it more than Phil). They left his home planet to Popstar, in order to continue training and meet Kirby.
The King’s Return
Unbeknownst to the duo, Antang had found an escape from his millennia long sentence, and was pissed to say the least. He had been stripped of his Godly title, something he rightfully deserved, and been replaced with a minuscule, lowly waddle dee. How DARE they. HE was the God of death and rebirth! HE was created for that very purpose! Some PUNY mortal would never be worthy of such a title. So he located Morpho and Phoenix, and using the bit of magic he still held, reached into their chests and RIPPED the Godhood out of them. Phoenix, now mortal once more, was nearly killed in the escape. And Antang, now with power over all souls, resumed his campaign to rid the universe of all those he saw as lesser.
Prior to the Dark Matter event, Phoenix likely would’ve given up. This was a situation FAR above his pay grade. However, he had gained a new appreciation for life, and for the value all creatures brought to it. He could do anything, so long as he didn’t give up, and he would prove it.
So he fought his way through Antang’s monsters, with nothing but his base burning ability and minimal discipline with a sword. At every turn, pushing himself more and more, until finally reaching Antang.
Antang was offended that a little waddle dee would dare stand before him, and vowed to kill him then and there. And so began a tireless battle between the two, neither giving the other an inch. And while Antang did hit Phoenix down many times, Phoenix never gave up. He continued to get up and fight, in spite of his severe injuries and near death experiences. Finally, Phoenix declared he would never give up, that imperfections were what made life life to begin with, and that failures were only learning experiences to grow from, and that by declaring himself perfect, Antang would always be weak for never learning from his. With that, he charged into Antang, grabbing him and Morpho’s Godhoods back. With one last flaming charge, Phoenixs burned Antang’s now mortal body away, forever removing him from the world.
Phoenix, now officially recognized by the Void as the God of Death and Rebirth, was now able to stand next to the other pillars as an equal. The Ray was excited to welcome a new God, whereas the Spider was more excited that things would be new and exciting going forward. Morpho of course was SUPER proud of him, and is still suffering from empty nest syndrome after they had to go their separate ways. Phoenix was offered a “proper crown” to commend his achievements, but he declined, preferring his self made cardboard one. With that, he flew off to the Divine Terminus, planning to practice his powers and get properly allocated to them. He lives there today, still learning and growing.
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crystal-crusader · 7 months
tiktok is such an awful app, it's almost designed to feed you misinformation and expose you to insane discourse. unlike beloved tumblr, the app that feeds me misinformation and exposes me to insane discourse
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crystal-crusader · 8 months
ive just been born into the world what are some good games for beginners
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crystal-crusader · 8 months
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Arcas draws the DMs he knows
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crystal-crusader · 10 months
OMG Rex is so precious đŸ„ș
More HUB stuff, WOOOOO
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Might make a comic about this in the future, idk lol
Carel belongs to @kare-bear117
Fae belongs to me
Vivi belongs to @soupvnova
Rex belongs to @crystal-crusader
Prisma Knight belongs to @startistdoodles
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crystal-crusader · 10 months
I love it so much!
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birthday artsy for @crystal-crusader!!
welcome to your 20's 👍👍
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crystal-crusader · 10 months
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The end of my teen years draws ever nearer (It’s my 20th birthday tomorrow)
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crystal-crusader · 10 months
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Art fight art fight
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crystal-crusader · 10 months
Fuck it, Art Fight card
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I mostly just draw revenges BTW
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