enyo-atreides · 9 years
Pixels, pixels on the screen,  am I a tramp or a queen ?
modern age ego-magic
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enyo-atreides · 9 years
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Getting ready for a new semester at the Miskatonic University !  yay ! 
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enyo-atreides · 9 years
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Just got my hands on the new harlequins (limited edition, BITCHES) codex. Upside-down, dex, you turn meee... [And yes, exclusively for you tonight, the tragic truth of the Solitaire path : it's not a choice, it's not a gift, it's not a curse... it's what happens when a troupe thinks that someone makes waaaay too crappy jokes (it happens a lot to eldar dads for instance). ] Welcome home, beauty ! 
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enyo-atreides · 10 years
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Victorian Rillietann (fourth, and last set)  (with French puns in the books titles : they're about brothels, for both men and women, so, you know, kind of forbidden knowledge about slaaneshi cults ^ ^ ) photographer : http://www.bryste.book.fr/ model : me  So as the title says, it’s a steampunk version of the eldar harlequins from Wh40k. I’ve been wearing and upgrading this costume for 3 years (because I only do it on the eve of some event ^ ^) and that’s the first photoshoot with it! :) 
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enyo-atreides · 10 years
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Victorian Rillietann (third set) 3/4 (with that silly "kicking the invisible Chaos demon in the guts" part XD ) photographer : http://www.bryste.book.fr/ model : me  So as the title says, it’s a steampunk version of the eldar harlequins from Wh40k. I’ve been wearing and upgrading this costume for 3 years (because I only do it on the eve of some event ^ ^) and that’s the first photoshoot with it! :) 
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enyo-atreides · 10 years
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Victorian Rillietann (second set) 2/4 photographer : http://www.bryste.book.fr/ model : me  So as the title says, it’s a steampunk version of the eldar harlequins from Wh40k. I’ve been wearing and upgrading this costume for 3 years (because I only do it on the eve of some event ^ ^) and that’s the first photoshoot with it! :) 
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enyo-atreides · 10 years
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Victorian Rillietann, first set, 1/4 photographer : http://www.bryste.book.fr/ model : me  So as the title says, it's a steampunk version of the eldar harlequins from Wh40k. I've been wearing and upgrading this costume for 3 years (because I only do it on the eve of some event ^ ^) and that's the first photoshoot with it! :) 
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enyo-atreides · 10 years
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A small tribute to Serena d'Angelus, one of my fav' human characters from the Horus Heresy. [from Graham McNeill's novel Fulgrim]
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enyo-atreides · 10 years
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Wishing you a great Diana-Hecate festival   It was called "Hecateias Idus" and was one of the festivals that revived the original role of Diana-Artemis-Hecate-whateverthefuck as Great Goddess, before it was narrowed down to the whole "huntress maiden" thing : she used to rule every aspect of nature's overwhelming fertility. Not only wildlife, but also cattle, cereal culture, fruits, any kind of birth (even human). She was celebrated by great fires and consecrated oil lamps, but also through the offering of fruits and the blessing of vineyards. So, yeah, a Great Single Goddess (because that whole "virginity" stuff came later, she's one of the "single" goddesses, as a godess of fertility and childbirth but NOT of mariage, that's juste like the greek word of "parthenos" : it has a social meaning, not a gynecological one ! ) who was celebrated in the middle of august, through consecrated fire : doesn't ring a bell ? ^ ^
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enyo-atreides · 10 years
first I went like "omg, everyone I love" then I went like "NEEED TO COSPLAY ALL OF DEM" then I saw the hashtag XD
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Silhouettes II
idols over the years aka pale ladies with dark hair and dark clothes ftw
// me and my sister were playing guessing game with our favourite characters and i realized that mine are mostly bw goth-ish looking, so i started sketching just because why not and suddenly there was more and more of them those signs don’t make much sence, it just felt like something should be written there, but writing just names seemed silly, so, eh…
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enyo-atreides · 10 years
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Tasted Martini for the first time today, and synesthesia stroke hard :  it tastes like the 20's and 30's ! like Art Déco, like post-futurism, like Ernst Jünger, like totalitarian architecture, like Berlin's cabarets...  It tastes like sweet bitterness and melancholic decadence. I think you're brought to the right beverage when you reach a point in your history which enables you to get a glimpse of the one it has to tell you. 
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enyo-atreides · 10 years
even if I totally agree with the globality of it, and have always preached so, I have to desagree about the role of Slaanesh : the betterment of oneself, the pursuit of perfection is not a khornate thing, but is deeply slaaneshii, even (and specially) through fight and swordsmanship (see : Lucius), I think actually the realm of Slaanesh is everything that has to do with excess, going beyond, denying limits, aiming for higher states of mastery/extasy/exaltation etc... it's highly romantic, but not in the general misunderstood meaning of the word, but in the literar one : romantism is about sublime, so is Slaanesh : it's about passion, screaming souls lost in the contemplation of pure, asbolute and unreachable perfection (artistic one, aesthetic one, physical one, martial one etc...). It's the god of desire in the sense of "always going further, never being satisfied". And it's utterly the god of pride, and heroism... I think the life and fertilty belongs to Tzeentch more than Nurgle, for Tzeentch is the change, the transformation and transmutation that runs in all Nature For Nurgle, I would see, on the contrary, calm, stoicism, zen, even verging on nihilism, and also renunciation and stability : Tzeentch is the opposite of Nurgle for Tzeentch is evolution and movement where Nurgle is stability, stagnation if you put it in a bad way...  and for Khorne, I would see the pure Wille zur Macht, the primal life-drive, the pure, raw willpower... (and yeah OF COURSE the Emperor is a Chaos God) 
Games Workshop has stopped talking about this so much, but it’s important to realize that Chaos is not, per se, evil. The powers of Chaos in the 40K universe derive their power and nature from the essence of life itself, and especially sapient life. If they are evil, it is because...
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enyo-atreides · 11 years
christmas question: hot cocoa, ribbon.
Ribbon: What's a book that had a strong impact on you?Mishima's notes on the Hagakure (Introduction to Hagakure)Hot Cocoa: What's your favorite thing about yourself?The way I can be over-enthusiast in the German sense of "Begeisterung" : sometimes what I read finds so much echo in me, or the things around me make such perfect sense that my mind is as if it was touched by another instance : maybe the exalted soul of the one who wrote the words I read, or maybe the divine grace that binds everything together in order to make such perfect sense. It's as if I was taken by some "geist", taken higher, and seeing the beauty, the answers, the truth... Well, it's actually some kind of literary or aesthetic or symbolic exaltation, but I love when my brain does that, it makes me feel alive. 
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enyo-atreides · 11 years
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steampunk version of GI Joe's Baroness conception and costume by Maurice Grunbaum  model : me (Hellequine d'Olt)
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enyo-atreides · 11 years
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steampunk Harley Quinn  photography by Blacky Mage model and props : me (Hellequine d'Olt)
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