f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
Ok gang they restored my account back I go
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
This is the only place online that’s basically male free and full of lesbians my age !
Nothing feels better than womanblogging and consuming other womanblogs. I don't think we should be ashamed
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
radfems being against comphet as a concept is the dumbest thing ever because you’re literally in denial that misogyny and patriarchal exceptions for women can warp the way we view our sexuality. yeah, that girl on tiktok who claims her being attracted to various celebrities is just comphet isn’t a lesbian. but you’re all SO QUICK to shoot down any lesbian who struggles with their sexuality at all growing up due to outside influences. come on
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
It was such a brainbend for me to realize that not only is matriarchy what I want but is also natural and good.
Personal belief system
Males shouldn’t be in charge of anything
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
Also like, at least in modern times a lot of girls who really crack the fuck up in adolescence are lesbians and CSA victims…aren’t like 30% of women diagnosed with BPD CSA survivors today? Imagine losing your mind because a male relative repeated sexually assaulted you or because you are fundamentally repulsed by make sexual contact but need it to survive in the world only to get treated by getting sexually assaulted. How would that make you feel?
Like there is no escape for women.
It's always such a teehee joke that 'hysteria' was 'treated' with vibrators but like.... that's fucking sexual assault by a medical professional
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
It's always such a teehee joke that 'hysteria' was 'treated' with vibrators but like.... that's fucking sexual assault by a medical professional
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
As the country lurches forward into what I’m predicting will be a decade long conservative reaction against LGBT people, I can’t help but feel a little defeatist about our prospects.
I do not think trans activism, the way we understand it, will last as a cultural movement. Certainly not with popular support.
That being said, this isn’t going to usher in a new era feminism but rather a conservative reaction to anything and everything LGBT as well as an accelerated return of women back to their “traditional” place. An excess of left radicalism will be blamed for the rise of transactivism leading to a banishment of these things from public life. Child transition is the major flashpoint.
This is obviously already happening but I think things will accelerate and even liberal strongholds will become affected.
While I agree with some of the immediate effects of new conservative bills limiting access to transition care, I don’t like how much power conservatives have gained around this issue and I especially don’t like how organized queer and trans organizations have been unable to fight this.
Here are some things I do believe will stick around:
-Transition as conversion therapy for GNC gays and lesbians will not only continue but may become even *more* institutionalized. As LGBT backlash gets worse, more and more gay people will see this as a preferable “alternative” to living closeted. As a more patriarchal world becomes the norm, GNC individuals from the past will be automatically assimilated into a trans friendly framework making gender and sex seem inevitably intertwined meaning that LGBT people will lose examples and a sense of themselves outside of the trans framework. As backlash grows against gay people and Queer Politics, gay people will want to escape and hide. Im considering closeting myself again at work in New York, can’t imagine other gay women can’t feel the pressure from both sides all around the country.
-the widespread idea that if women don’t like their objectification, they are not women and that, to “be” a woman is to agree with misogyny. This will be reinforced and institutionalized with extreme public pressure to have children. There is an unholy alliance brewing between pop culture “anti capitalism” and “traditional values people”. Zombie Cottagecore.
So, what can we do?
There are 4 prongs we need to have in order to effectively fight this.
Propaganda works, images, slogans, stories, songs works. We wouldn’t have misogyny constantly beamed into our eyeballs if it didn’t.
One of the most important things Marxist Theory has taught me is that individual people are responsible for their own collective liberation. Deeply internalize the mindset no one is coming to save you and things will keep getting worse. We save us.
That being said. We need to be ready to get more open, to be more bold and especially to demand that the more financially comfortable and established of us declare their allegiance to this movement.
This is a fight that is won through social networks and solidarity but we can’t form those networks of support without knowing who we all are. Be smart, take care of yourself, but really take stock of where fear is holding you back vs. good sense.
There are millions of women who can feel something is wrong, who feel uncomfortable in our male dominated world.
Look, I am a communist. Nothing makes me more exhausted then the absolute minefield that is changing laws, building orgs and getting funding for our projects by manipulating politicians and trying to convince horrible, evil people that it’s in their best interest to support us. I’ve worked in mainstream politics before and I hate it.
But we need avenues to protect ourselves as we accomplish goals three and four, two is a stepping stone. Most importantly, we need to protect women from losing their jobs if they speak out. We need to create ways to protect private political speech and protect women who refuse to go along with misogyny on the job. This means bail funds, legal action, petitions, protests, news stories, actions etc...the works.
I am still a ideologically a communist and not a liberal (this DOES NOT mean I think feminists should submit to the dictates of male led radical left) . What this does mean is that I do not believe reform is enough. I do not envision a future where men treat women well by choice. I envision a world where women are so powerful a man would shit his pants before acting up. A would were women are free. We must have real and solid power bases that only we can have access too.
We need to funnel money, womanpower and energy into both large women’s organizations and political parties as well as into autonomous women’s projects. Money, resources and labor. Money, resources, labor.
Living with men is a political choice, working for men is a political choice. Now, we all have to survive, so I don’t endorse shaming or blaming women doing the former but building roads to separatism needs to be at the front of our agendas. Supporting male dominance isn’t just “the way it is”, it’s a choice made to perpetuate the way things are now.
Many women do not see their continued support of political parties, organizations and charity organizations that endorse misogyny (both right and left) as a problem or even as a choice.
They also falsely see conservative women as the enemy when many socially conservative women can be easily flipped to our cause.
We need to be the alternative everywhere to everywoman and emphasize that we support both women in caretaking roles alongside women in other professions. What feminists do not support is male dominance.
Too often, left wing women are manipulated into supporting anti woman positions, like being pro pornography, making it easy for conservative women to distrust them. It’s important to underscore that we are for women and for moms and for female choice.
“Oh! You want to live your cottagecore dream?” Here is how you can do it without risking your safety.
“Oh! You want to go into business? Here is a whole network of industry contacts for you to work with.”
Women are not resource poor because we are stupid and don’t work hard we’re resource poor because we give all the good parts of us away to men, usually for free and this goes from women out in LA working in film, to women in education, to housewives. Men steal from all of us. Constantly.
And lots of women know that who don’t see themselves as feminists. We are protecting the fruits of our labor. Together.
I might become a mom but the tradwife life is not for me but I know there are lot’s of little Char’s growing up watching their moms try to be good little submissive wives (or rebellious wives like my mom) wondering wtf is wrong with them. Encouraging women involved in traditional roles to be autonomous can only have positive effects on the movement.
This is a neglected by necessary part of feminist vision. Not only should women control reproduction because it’s our right was women, it’s also how we can transmute our values to the next generation of young people.
How many second wave and third wave feminists ended up in a patriarchal marriage? How many others ended up in careers controlled by men and ending up adopting male supremacist ideologies? I know plenty. What do you think that taught their children.
Patriarchy is about Males controlling fertility. That’s it’s purpose. Therefore we need to ideologically capture mothers, motherhood and the childrearing process through rigorous support of female only co-living spaces, wages for childcare and dedicating ourselves to raising wages and working conditions for women in pink collar jobs. I want teachers and nurses to be respected (and paid) like Doctors and Engineers. Winning raises and increased financial autonomy for the masses of women will mean more money and ability of women. It will also mean children grow up cared for by, ensuring our success over and over for the next generations. It also means that women won’t have to seek male dominated career paths if they want cash money (and if she still does, we’ll have those sick autonomous female social structures, legal funds and orgs to help her navigate misogyny with as many resources as we can muster bc lemme tell you it’s a cruel ass world rn as a woman in a male dominated field).
Motherhood is expensive and labor intensive. Over 80% of women will become mothers in the US. Imagine if we could give 80% of women a fucking raise. Not just a raise, but the ability to completely walk away from the nuclear family model forever, without any negative financial consequences will undermine male supremacy at it’s very core. Leading not only to immediate positive impacts for women, but self replicating impacts for girls.
Even if say 30% of that 80% became serious feminists after that, it would be a huge, huge boon for the movement. In terms of reputation and power.
Boys won’t grow up seeing dominating fathers, girls won’t grow up seeing submissive mothers. Children will be neglected less, less likely to be sexually abused and cared for better across the board.
Mothers would be abused less, have more time for themselves, have stronger negotiating power at work and be more self reliant. Increased purchasing power means the market will pivot to cater to their needs and perceptions, shifting popular culture further away from misogynistic depictions of women.
This sounds like a big goal, but I think it’s more achievable then we think it might be and imo it can be pretty easy to exploit a lot of the tradwife rhetoric to convince women that our way is better. I’ve gotten A LOT of enthusiasm from conservative moms over this idea but the fun thing is, if we’re able to organize women as both unpaid care workers and paid professionals-we can undermine male power over women in the domestic sphere and in the public sphere, undercutting patriarchy and making it weaker over time.
Anyways, a bit of a long one but Tumblr won’t let me break this easily into small posts.
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
I literally love her so much and I will lose my mind if I kill her prematurely I need a decade with you!!! A DECADE!
Owning a pet I think really taught me what I would probably be like as a parent.
Every day I wake up, panic Coral is dead, google everything slightly different about her to make sure she isn’t stressed, panic more, have a cute moment where she swims up to me and does a little dance we say hi, then I try to get her to eat Worm (she refuses Worm) then panic hours later and give her Pellet (the axolotl equivalent of Mcdonalds) then google again if raised gills means she is going to die.
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
Owning a pet I think really taught me what I would probably be like as a parent.
Every day I wake up, panic Coral is dead, google everything slightly different about her to make sure she isn’t stressed, panic more, have a cute moment where she swims up to me and does a little dance we say hi, then I try to get her to eat Worm (she refuses Worm) then panic hours later and give her Pellet (the axolotl equivalent of Mcdonalds) then google again if raised gills means she is going to die.
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
radfems being against comphet as a concept is the dumbest thing ever because you’re literally in denial that misogyny and patriarchal exceptions for women can warp the way we view our sexuality. yeah, that girl on tiktok who claims her being attracted to various celebrities is just comphet isn’t a lesbian. but you’re all SO QUICK to shoot down any lesbian who struggles with their sexuality at all growing up due to outside influences. come on
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
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Reposting since I couldn’t reblog
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
“Within the feminist analysis, the labelling process is seen to serve the function of maintaining women's position as outsiders within patriarchal society; of dismissing women's anger as illness - and so exonerating the male oppressors; and of dismissing women's misery as being a result of some internal flaw - and thus protecting the misogynistic social structures from any critical gaze. The earlier dissenters may have been correct in pointing out that psychiatric labels serve society: what they omitted from their analysis was that it is a patriarchal society.
In the historical analysis of women's madness, we have seen how nosological categories were ascribed to women who were actually archetypally feminine. The Victorian maiden wasting away in her darkened boudoir, the hysteric, the neurasthenic, the anorexic - all were aspiring to heights of femininity within the narrow confines which patriarchy dictates. The twentieth-century mad woman is no different. As madness itself is synonymous with femininity, those women who wholeheartedly embrace the gender role assigned to them, or those who reject it, are at high risk of being diagnosed as mad. As Chesler has commented:
Madness and asylums generally function as mirror images of the female experience, and as penalties for being 'female', as well as for desiring or daring not to be. (Chesler, 1972: 16)
The socialization of women can be seen to prepare women for the mask of madness, the 'desperate communication of the powerless' (Showalter, 1987: 5). Having no legitimate outlet for feelings of frustration, anger and misery evoked by the reality of living in a patriarchal society, women fall into the psychiatric trap. Madness in the wentieth century has become institutionalized as a discourse which legitimates the positioning of women as good/bad - attractive and seductive, dangerous and fearful. The discourse, associated with the fear of women and the confining power of madness in the nineteenth century, has merely taken on a tougher veneer of respectability, as well as extending its authority to greater numbers of women.
Thus the labels applied to women, labels which so cleverly place the problem within her as a person, distracting from the social reality of her life, serve to mystify the reality of her oppression, a process buttressed by the gender bias in psychiatric nosology, the labelling process itself.”
-Jane Ussher, Women’s Madness: Misogyny or Mental Illness?
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
The cheering on the sub thing is so embarrassing like, celebrating the death of others is just idk cruel?
It’s not a death that will change anything or lead to liberation of any kind so what’s point of even reacting honestly.
Like I’m not saying MOURN if you aren’t called to do that but celebrating it as some like political win has such unhealthy energy.
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
yall know that us military soldiers are known for raping women and girls in japan right? do not call yourself a feminist and defend the us military.
at one point a 9-month old girl was raped. that is what this passage is referring to:
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like goddam where is the empathy for these women and children?
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hundreds of cases and almost no punishment
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Further reading:
Report from Okinawa Long-Ternm US Military Presence By Suzuyo Takazato - PDF Link
5 year old japanese girl raped and murdered by us soldiers:
This is the woman chronicalling the incidents:
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Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence: An Island Feminism Reclaiming Dignity - 2020 Okinawa Journal of Island Studies
maybe we could have some standards around here like, don't defend the imperialist murder and rape machine that is the us military.
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
Im ok okcupid and I love the personalities of lesbians I just like want to befriend all of them
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
Ok so Coral was looking stressed and I was like stressed! In the luxury quarantine tank this cannot be! Bestie you get an earthworm every day! You have a fan to keep you cool! I do water changes every 3 days! You have a flower pot and a little cave to hide in!
But she just wanted to play with me!!! She just wanted to PLAY i am screaming!!!
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f1ghts0ftly · 11 months
Hey all, it’s @ f1ghtsoftly I got termed for unknown reasons !
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