fazzapoems3 · 4 years
To The Most Amazing Angel I Know
Sweetheart, you have always been the very best friend to me right from the day we met. I may lack the right words to let you know how much you mean to me, how important you are to me, and how dear I hold you to my heart. But, there are certain things I want you to know, that you are the only one I have always loved since we met, that your love is the best thing that has ever happened to me in life, that I will always love you from the very depth of my heart, and even if we have misunderstandings and quarrel at times, there’s nothing that can ever cause me to give up on our relationship. I want you to be mine forever, and I will always treat you like the best that you are. I love you beyond words, dear. Hangouts:- [email protected]
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fazzapoems3 · 4 years
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The Depth Of My Love For You
There’s this thing that holds my heart down whenever I think about you, I would have called it love, but it’s more than just love, and Words lack a name for it. Indeed, I am glad that you are my own, and I am yours, true soul mates we shall always be to each other. In times of challenges, know that I am always here to lend a helping hand. In tough times, know that I will always have your back to protect. No matter how tough the situation gets, know that you will always have my shoulder to lean on. All these, because I love you from the very depth of my heart, and there’s nothing I can not do to always keep us together. With you, I feel happy that I have someone to call my very own, someone that has shown me what it means to be loved with all sincerity from the heart. In turn, I will prioritize your happiness in my life, as we go through life’s journey together, holding each other’s hands, with love as the sole connector of our bond.🌹🌹 [email protected]
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