holyspirittrinity · 13 days
Crystals are of course beautiful and valuable. However they can also be powerful tools to help you meditate, heal or protect yourself and much more.
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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holyspirittrinity · 2 months
So true.
Remember what people think or say of you is none of your business anyway, so why would you want to burden yourself with their opinions good or bad. You decide what is true for you and you decide what and who you want in your world and life.
Maturity is when you stop trying to convince other people to treat you right. You just observe their choices, understand their character, and decide what you’re going to allow in your life.
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holyspirittrinity · 2 months
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There is no death, ever. only life, always life. Do not think of death as a possibility. Only accept life, and living and be alive now. I am. I am. I am. Remember. Do not consider death as a possibility. It does not exist.
The natural state of the human body is perfect. It is not meant to decay and die, for it has built into it, the renewal of the cells and this is an eternal renewal.
It is only through wrong thought and wrong use and abuse, that the body begins to decay at all. And the process can be reversed, and the aging process can also be reversed.
Think of yourself as living in the now, because you are eternal and there is only now.In this way, you will not think of yourself as passing thought time at all. When you cease to think of time passing, you cease to think of growing old.
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holyspirittrinity · 2 months
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Good morning Father Yhwh
My Breath, my Body, My Life.
Your Love is my food and drink,
It is the air I breathe.
I accept your perfection as my own.
I AM one with the universal flame of love. I AM God.
I rejoice in the knowledge that I AM, I AM, I AM.
I send my perfect love to My Family, Friends and Highest All.
I radiate perfect love to all the Omniverse.
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holyspirittrinity · 2 months
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Within the Self, there is infinity. It is like depthless oceans of light, with no beginning and no end, with no top and no bottom. It is perfect knowledge, perfect joy, perfect wisdom, perfect understanding, perfect love, perfect peace, perfect harmony. Perfection.
God is perfection, you are God's child and thus you are Perfection. The only sin you are guilty of is forgetting who and what you are. Remember and be whole and perfect once more.
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holyspirittrinity · 2 months
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Be aware of the existence of the spirit which is within everything in the earth.
Not just the apparently living things life plants and animals and trees and flowers, but even in supposedly inanimate objects.
Everything is spirit, everything is alive, everything is connected.
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holyspirittrinity · 2 months
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Your purpose is to be the Christ, to declare it to yourself and then live the life.
Say the words within your own mind. I AM the Christ. I AM the God power. I AM the perfect child of God. There are no flaws in me.
The Christed ones are those who acknowledge the Christ which they are.
As you ackknowledge that you are God, so it becomes the truth. It is not done as act of willpower, it is an act of believing.
You cannot will yourself to be the Christ, you must know that you are the Christ, and then you must live your life accordingly.
Remember who you are and accept your divine heritage.
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holyspirittrinity · 2 months
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Each color has a corresponding quality.
Red is the color of life and the life force, so it gives you energy,
Orange is the color of passion and abundance and brings physical happiness,
Yellow is the color of confidence and personal power, it stimulates the intellect,
Green is the color of healing and love, it brings harmony and balance
Blue is the color of will and integrity, it offers truth,
Indigo is the color of deep meditation and intuition, it leads to clear vision
Violet is the color of serenity and oneness, it supports forgiveness and in balance these colors combine to give white light,
White is the color of the Christ consciousness.
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holyspirittrinity · 2 months
The illusion of separation is based on the belief that we are physical human beings living in a physical world. The idea of unity is based on the truth that we are spiritual beings living in a spiritual reality in which everything and everyone is connected to the whole and thus one.
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holyspirittrinity · 3 months
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Your happiness and inner peace is never dependant on the outside world and how it treats you. It simply depends on what you choose for yourself. Be happy and at peace and your inner beauty will shine thru for all to see.
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holyspirittrinity · 3 months
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What goes around comes around. It is a law of life. So stop worrying about the world around you. Stop judging, detach from the daily dramas of family, work and the earth. Your worries, fears, anger, resentments, and judments do nothing to solve the world problems and only add to your burdens. Rather mind your own business, live by your own truths and let others live as they wish.
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holyspirittrinity · 3 months
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You are a Child of the Divine. So stop questioning your worth, instead accept it and embrace it. That is who and what you are.
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holyspirittrinity · 3 months
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To attain Mastery you must practice Perfection.
To become an Arisen Master, you have to be master of your own world.
You must remove all negative toughts, feelings, words, and actions from your life. These are blocks that you create yourself. You must remove them yourself.
To do so, beam Love energy at yourself. Forgive yourself and others your transgressions and apparent imperfections. Remember that by nature you already are perfect. You just need to let go of all that stands between you and your true self. You can only achieve this through your owm application, self discipline and correction.
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holyspirittrinity · 3 months
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Children of the Diamond Heart!
I enfold you in the Golden Flame of my Love,
I protect you by the Armor of My Power,
I Raise you by the Hand of your Own Divinity,
I bless you with the Fullness of My Light,
I give you the Scepter of Your Own Dominion,
I seal you in the Eternal Freedom of your Ascension,
In that Ecstacy Supreme, The Presence of the Diamond Heart, I AM.
Great Divine Director
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holyspirittrinity · 3 months
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Wishing everyone a miracle of love, peace, healing, joy, abundance and purpose.
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holyspirittrinity · 3 months
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I could use a rest from the cold, the dark short days and the snow storms right about now.
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holyspirittrinity · 3 months
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What does this even mean?
Among others things, it means accepting life as it is and people as they are instead of trying to change things and people to get your way. Resistance to life is futile at best and can often become quite painful. Learn to accept things as they are, go with the flow and live in the now.
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