imukler · 7 years
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Der IMUKler verabschiedet sich. Wir hoffen, es hat euch genauso viel Spaß gemacht wie uns! Wir wünschen euch viel Erfolg für die restlichen Prüfungen und schöne Ferien. Bis zum nächsten Semester!
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imukler · 7 years
Im Fach Kommunikationsprojekt haben wir IMUKler uns dieses Jahr mit dem Thema “Reduzierung” befasst. Das Movie-Team hat hierzu einen Film erstellt, der einen Studenten in seinem Unialltag an der HNU begleitet. Reduzierungseffekte wie time lapses, stop motion und slow motion unterstützen hierbei das Thema “Reduzierung”.
Viel Spaß beim schauen :)
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imukler · 7 years
Wir hoffen, ihr seid gut in 2017 gestartet. Hier ein paar Tipps und Anregungen fürs neue Jahr! :)
Habits to Adopt in 2017
2017 is finally on its way. Here’s a list of habits to consider adopting in the new year. I hope they inspire some ideas!
- Ellie
Drink more water (Plant Nanny and a cute water bottle help!) 
Get more sleep (Sleep Cycle changed my life) 
Go to bed and wake up at a consistent time 
Stop using electronic devices before you go to bed 
Work out more regularly (Try Seven) 
Go out on walks (Map My Walk)
Eat less junk food (Or drink less soda, at least)
Cook for yourself more (Start here)
Take your medication regularly (Medisafe Reminder) 
Take off your makeup every day, if you wear it 
Wear sunscreen every day (This one’s my favorite)
Clean your makeup brushes regularly 
Change your pillowcases regularly (it helps prevent breakouts!)
Practice mindfulness (Smiling Mind is a good place to start)
Consider starting a bullet journal
Use a planner (Passion Planner, anyone? Or Todoist if you prefer digital)
Start a reading challenge 
Sit closer to the front in class 
Raise your hand more often 
Start assignments closer to the date it was assigned rather than the due date (Some tips on beating procrastination here)
Get to know your teachers 
Stay updated on current events (Try The Daily Skimm)
Learn vocabulary in another language (Mango Languages) 
Learn vocabulary in your own language (Here’s one for English)  
Talk to someone you wouldn’t normally
Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while (Mom? Dad? Friend who lives on the other side of the country?) 
Tell your loved ones “I love you” more often 
Make plans to see friends occasionally 
Make plans to have a day all to yourself occasionally 
Clean your room regularly 
Or just make your bed every day 
Track your spending (Mint)
Write that novel you’ve been planning (Here’s a start) 
Keep a personal journal (Day One is easy to get into)
Spend some time reflecting on yourself once in a while 
Take 20 minutes a day to draw/write/get the creative juices flowing 
Spend time with your pets 
Smile more 
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imukler · 7 years
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Place To Be #5
Ratiopharm Arena Neu-Ulm
Ihr braucht mal eine Auszeit vom Lernstress und wollt einen spannenden Abend erleben?
Dann empfehlen wir euch ein Basketballspiel der Ulmer Mannschaft in der Ratiopharm Arena. Die Halle befindet sich ganz in der Nähe der HNU und bietet eine super Atmosphäre. Auch das Ulmer Basketballteam ist in Topform: Platz eins in der Basketball Bundesliga.
Karten könnt ihr hier schon ab 10€ erhalten: https://www.ulmtickets.de/orte/ratiopharmarena
Schaut doch mal vorbei und seid vielleicht schon das nächste Mal dabei wenn es wieder heißt: Uuuuulmer!!!
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imukler · 7 years
Do we want to be like these students? :)
Top Secrets of Straight-A Students by Bullet Journals
1.) They get to class early. Getting to class early gives you time to be prepared and ready to study. Review your notes from the day before, lay out all your supplies (notebook, water bottle, pens, etc). You can also ask the teacher any questions you had about the material.
2.) They get ahead. The second they get an assignment, no matter when it is due, they do it. This is so so helpful. Do NOT procrastinate. You just end up being exhausted and tired. It’s not worth it. You might as well finish once you get it. Life will be so easy, believe me.
3.) They have an organized schedule. They figure out a schedule that works for them. They make sure to include time for extracurriculars, breaks, meal times, etc. Try to map out EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of your day. 
4.) They prepare. They lay out their clothes for the next day, they finish their homework early, they even plan out what they will have for their meals for the next few weeks and what exercises theyt will be doing.
5.) They enjoy learning and want to learn. They aren’t just there because they have to be. They have a strong desire to learn. When you want to learn (even if you fake it) you usually do better on exams and papers.
6.) Everything is organized. Their desk has nothing on it but their Mac, their pens are neatly on the shelf in small cups, they make their beds the second they get out of bed. They have a filing system, so the second they get papers back they put them in the files. When everything of yours has a home it’s a lot easier to study and be productive.
7.) They treat school like their job. They may have other part-time jobs, but they know that school is their main focus, and it should therefore be treated as a job. Not wanting to be fired from your job corresponds with not wanting to fail your classes. They therefore work as hard as they can and try to “impress” the boss.
8.) They give it everything they have. They are dedicated, have goals, and know what they want. They don’t want to “just get through high school/college.” They want to learn, they want to become successful, and most are even aiming for goals such as valedictorian. They won’t accept B’s or C’s. (Please note that while it is very good to have high standards, getting a lower grade once in awhile isn’t that big of a deal!!!)
9.) They keep themselves happy and healthy. They take well deserved breaks (only when everything is done), they have “off” days, they get enough SLEEP and WATER, and they keep themselves fit doing yoga, running, cardio, etc.
10) They don’t mind helping other people. They don’t turn a blind eye to people who need help. Instead they use it as a teaching experience, and help the student through the problem or whatever they need help with. Teaching people is super helpful. I sometimes write on my whiteboard and pretend that I am teaching an imaginary (I’m such a loser but it helps;).
I hope you guys enjoyed this post!  Add your own tips below!
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imukler · 7 years
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Impression of the week....
Nun neigt sich auch das Jahr 2016 dem Ende zu. Wir wünschen euch allen ein frohes neues Jahr voller Spaß, Glück, Erfolg und Liebe!
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imukler · 7 years
Guter Tipp für die Lernphase ! Probiert’s auch mal aus :)
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A lovely clean and organised desk to start a (hopefully) productive day of studying. This always motivates me.
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imukler · 7 years
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Place To Be #4
Die WONNEMAR Schlittschuhlaufbahn!
Habt ihr Lust nach den langen Feiertagen mal wieder was draußen zu unternehmen? Unser Tipp: Schlittschuhlaufen im WONNEMAR Neu-Ulm!
Öffnungszeiten in den Ferien:   Montag bis Dienstag: 10 bis 22 Uhr Samstag: 10 bis 18 Uhr Samstag Highlight: Eisdisco von 19 bis 22 Uhr Sonntag und Feiertag: 10 bis 22 Uhr
Viel Spaß und rutscht nicht aus!
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imukler · 7 years
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Impression of the week...
Es weihnachtet sehr an der HNU!
Wir wünschen euch und euren Familien schöne und besinnliche Weihnachten! Genießt die Zeit und tankt Energie und Kraft für die bevorstehende Lernphase :) 
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imukler · 7 years
Challenge #2
Passend zu Weihnachten haben wir Maria und Josef in einem Quiz gegeneinander antreten lassen. Dafür haben wir aus dem Heft “unnützes Wissen” der HNU verschiedene Fragen vorbereitet. Was glaubt ihr, wer von den Beiden besitzt mehr unnützes Wissen über die HNU?
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imukler · 7 years
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Wie man sich einen Lernplan für die Ferien erstellt
Die Ferien stehen vor der Tür - Zeit für einen Lernplan, wir haben für euch 6 Tipps und Tricks, wie ihr gut und strukturiert durch die Lernphase kommt:
1. Fange früh an Die meisten Studenten schieben das Lernen auf die letzten Ferientage und geraten dann klassischerweise in Panik, da sie nicht mehr genügend Zeit bis zu den Prüfungen  haben. Erst dann wird erkannt, wie sinnvoll ein Zeitplan ist. Wenn man jeden Tag ein bisschen lernt, kann man solche Stresssituationen leicht verhindern und die Lernphase erleichtern.
2. Priorisiere Notiere dir alles, was getan werden muss - erstelle eine Liste mit allen Dingen, die erledigt werden müssen, bevor der Alltagsstress wieder losgeht. Tipp: Am einfachsten ist es, alles in chronologischer Reihenfolge zu schreiben und nach Themen und Prioritäten zu trennen.
3. Schätze deine Zeit ein Schätze selbst ein, wie viel Zeit deine To-Dos in Anspruch nehmen werden. Die Zeit sinnvoll einzuteilen hat viele Vorteile: So kann Stress vermieden werden und man behält einen besseren Überblick über alle Aufgaben. Dadurch spart man viel Zeit und hat so mehr freie Zeit für sich selbst.
4. Achte auf deine Produktivität  Mit Apps wie https://www.rescuetime.com kannst du deine Produktivität kontrollieren und somit immer sehen, wann du eine Pause einlegen solltest, bzw. wann deine Konzentration nachlässt.
5. Bleib dran  Der beste Weg um dein Ziel zu erreichen ist es, den Plan zu verfolgen.  Platziere diesen an einem Ort an dem du ihn immer siehst, zum Beispiel neben deinem Schreibtisch oder in der Nähe deines Bettes. So kannst du jeden Morgen sehen, was du zu tun hast. Belohne dich für die erledigten Aufgaben und streiche diese in deinem Kalender durch. 
6. Mache Pausen Vergiss nicht, es sind deine Ferien und du musst nicht den ganzen Tag arbeiten. Mache zwischendurch kleinere Pausen, um deine Konzentration zu erhöhen. Nehme dir einen Tag an dem du deine Lieblingsserie schaust oder ein Buch liest. Fühle dich nicht schlecht, wenn du eine Pause machst, denn du hast es dir verdient!
Wir hoffen, dass euch diese Tipps dabei helfen, alles zu erledigen was ihr euch vorgenommen habt und ihr die Weihnachtszeit  mit euren Freunden und Familien genießen könnt!
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imukler · 7 years
Kennt ihr das auch? :) 
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My family judges based on the state of my desk if it’s safe to talk to me or not 
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imukler · 7 years
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Für unsere 8. Ausgabe der Breiseite suchen wir noch dringend Sponsoren. Das Magazin „breitseite“ der Hochschule Neu-Ulm ist ein Projekt von Studierenden des Studiengangs „Informationsmanagement und Unternehmenskommunikation“. Die „breitseite“ richtet sich an alle Interessenten des Studiengangs: Schüler, Studierende, Alumni, Familien, Freunde sowie potentielle Arbeitgeber.
Falls Sie Interesse haben, können Sie sich im aktuellen MediaKit über unsere Anzeigenpreise informieren: http://breitseite.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Mediakit.pdf
Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns gerne unter: [email protected] Wir freuen uns über jede Unterstützung!
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imukler · 7 years
Kleine Inspiration für die baldige Lernphase :)
What to do when you really don’t want to study.
I think we’ve all been there - the class is important and you know you need to study but when you sit down you end up feeling grOSS AND YOU don’t want to. So here are some tips to overcoming that:
 Take a deep breath and reevaluate why you need to study. Try to stay positive.
When I’m not motivated I keep saying things like “what if I just don’t do it?” And then - surprise! - I end up not studying and suffer/regret it later. When coming up with reasons to study, try to keep it positive. Don’t say things like “if I don’t study I’ll fail the class.” Instead, say things like “if I study, I have a better chance at doing well on the exam. Future-me will be so proud of current-me.”
If you truly cannot find a single reason to study, set your studying aside for later and do another productive activity or take a long break.
Drill it into your mind that you really don’t need motivation to do well.
Even if you find the reason to study, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are very motivated. Sometimes we feel like no motivation = unable to study. This isn’t true.
Make a deal with yourself. Try studying for ten minutes. And actually try to study. If by the end of ten minutes you feel like you can continue studying, great! Keep going! If not, then you can take a break and do something else.
Choose a study scheduling method that works for you.
Some people feel great studying for hours on end once they get in “the zone.” Others feel the need to take quick breaks every half hour. Studying and scheduling methods are different for everybody! Play around with scheduling to find out what works for you.
In high-stress times, work (studying, assignments, etc.) can feel pretty overwhelming. To organize all the stuff you have to do, write it down! This takes some of the stress of remembering tasks off from your brain, so that your brain can focus on the more crucial things.
If you’re making a to-do list, keep the general list short. This way, you won’t feel overwhelmed by too many tasks. (You can keep sub-lists on separate paper/sticky notes to break down each task.)
If you’re making a time-table, keep your schedule loose. Give yourself buffer time to complete each task, just in case you overestimated your efficiency.
It’s totally okay to overestimate efficiency! - ifyou do, you learn more about yourself and how you study best.
Small (pomodoro) breaks
Pomodoro technique in a nutshell: 25 minute blocks of working with 5 minute breaks in between. Feel free to change the length of the blocks according to your preferences! During your breaks, you can
Get more water
Get snacks
Make tea/coffee
Do a tiny bit of yoga
Walk around the room/building
Five-minute meditation
Head massage
Try to avoid looking at a screen. When you look at a screen, you stimulate your brain and it won’t get its rest. Also, the internet might suck you in and your break could last longer than intended. (cough tumblr)
Long breaks
Sometimes I really really really really reALLY don’t want to study. Or do anything. And I feel kind of gross and am on the verge of a mental breakdown. If you feel this way, stop.
Take a hella deep breath. And another one. One more. Aaaaand one more just for good measure.
Get away from your desk. I associate desk with studying, so getting away from it helps me relax. Lie down on a bed, or move to a different room if you can. If you can get near a window, try looking into the distance to relax your brain and eyes.
Breathe for a couple of minutes, then evaluate how you feel. Again, try to stay positive. Instead of “I feel shitty and I don’t want to do anything,” try “I feel tired right now and resting can help me feel better.”
Based on this evaluation, estimate the amount of time you need to rest. If you have a lot of studying to do, try to keep it under an hour. Set a timer for the amount of time you have decided on. (remember to include buffer time!) Getting back to work on time can make you feel more productive, which conduct better productivity!
During a long break, do an activity that makes you feel good and takes your mind off studying. You can
Take a long walk. If you live near a park or a trail, try strolling around in it.
Eat healthy food. Junky comfort food can make you feel groggy, especially foods that are fried. Instead, try eating some fruits or nuts.
Take a shower/bath
Talk with a friend
Make some art
Enjoy a long coffee break. (avoid caffeine if you feel anxious/panicky, though)
Play with a pet
Take a power nap
Longer meditation/yoga
Again, try to avoid looking at screens. Also, avoid thinking about studying. Let yourself have the luxury of NOT THINKING ABOUT STUDYING for a while, so you can return to it with a fresh mind.
Mental health days
Sometimes everything is just too much and you might feel the need to stop everything for a day. If so, take a mental health day!
Think of mental health days as physical health days. If your body isn’t feeling well, you are allowed to stay in bed and sleep/not do anything for a day. Similarly, if your mind isn’t feeling well, you are also allowed to stay in bed and sleep/not do anything for a day.
Let your parents and teachers know that you don’t feel well and can’t go to school. From my experience, most teachers are pretty understanding and will let you have the day off. (You might have some work to make up later, though.)
Do not study on mental health days. Don’t even think about studying on mental health days. Instead, just focus on getting better. You can
Sleep in
Clean your room
Take a super long bath, complete with bath bombs and candles
Watch a good movie
Read a good book
Sing your favorite songs really loudly
Literally anything that (IS HEALTHY and) makes you feel good about yourself.
Study groups can keep you going, even when you kind of don’t want to
Setting up a time (like a date!) can keep you on track
Study with someone you trust to keep you accountable. Don’t study with someone you know you’re going to gossip or watch cat videos with.
If you really feel the need to cancel a study date, it’s ok! Just like canceling any kind of date, it’s 100% okay to back out if you feel uncomfortable.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and happy studying!
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imukler · 7 years
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Place To Be #3
Es ist wieder soweit! Heute hat der HNU-Weihnachtsmarkt begonnen. Noch bis Donnerstag könnt ihr euch in gemütlicher Atmosphäre den Studienalltag mit leckerem Glühwein versüßen.
Wo?  Mensa Außenbereich am See
Wann? 13. Dezember bis 15. Dezember von 11 bis 15 Uhr
Was? Glühwein und Punsch (StuVer) Waffeln (Lions Club) Feuerwurst und Mie Nudeln (Mensa-Team)
 Die Erlöse des Weihnachtsmarktes kommen dem Förderkreis für Tumor- und Leukämiekranke Kinder Ulm e.V. zugute!  Also schaut vorbei und unterstützt kräftig! 
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imukler · 7 years
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Impressions of the week...
“Das Licht des Winters ist die Poesie der Geduld. “ (Monika Minder)
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imukler · 7 years
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Place To Be #2
Poetry Slam im Roxy Ulm!
Nach einigen Besuchen im Roxy können wir euch diese Veranstaltung nur wärmstens empfehlen. Poetry Slam ist ein literarischer Vortragswettbewerb, bei dem selbstgeschriebene Texte innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeit einem Publikum vorgetragen werden. Die Texte können dabei witzig, nachdenklich aber auch politisch angehaucht sein. So ist für alle etwas dabei :) Reserviert euch schon bald Karten, da diese immer schnell vergriffen sind!
Hier noch ein kleiner Vorgeschmack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHPtAfpG8Uw
Nächster Termin: 14. Januar 2017
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