ineedtoshutthefup · 5 months
Bbrrooo I figure it out its not seasonal depression it's having to spend time at home depression
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ineedtoshutthefup · 6 months
Tell me why my fucking mother has sent me an essay about how she feels bad that our relationship isn't good but also a bit of a guilt trip into getting me to meet her stupid fucking boyfriend
Like no I am will not be telling you what I hope for the future of our relationship because one I hope I can fuck off and not have one with you but two, and most importantly, why the fuck would you send me this right before I'm supposed to go to bed and while you know I'm fucking in the busiest year of my schooling
Like way to negate everything you've send cause you're clearly still missing the plot here and this is obviously you just releasing your own guilt
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ineedtoshutthefup · 1 year
This week was a kill yourself type of week
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ineedtoshutthefup · 2 years
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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ineedtoshutthefup · 2 years
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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ineedtoshutthefup · 2 years
Been less than a day of this 6 day family trip and I already want to be as far away as possible from my family so this is gonna be fun 🙃
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ineedtoshutthefup · 2 years
Have been home less than a month and my mom has made me feel like I desperately want to be Not Here™️ multiple times. Like this must be a new record cause usually we save some of this shit for the end of the summer but no we're gonna go heavy from the beginning.
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ineedtoshutthefup · 2 years
I truly gotta know why do so many dudes take so long to understand why Jay Park's aquaman is called aquaman?? Like hello its pretty clearly about eating pussy
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ineedtoshutthefup · 2 years
UGHAHAG Why are some people such know-it-alls?!? Like hot damn I know I can be too sometimes but I'll admit to not knowing something. Like how are you going to be such a know-it-all about a fucking TV show. You haven't seen it before and I have so how are you going to basically lie to my face that you didn't say anything indicating sympathy for a character, multiple times might I add, that I knew wasn't actually innocent AND THEN pretend you knew they were sus the whole time?!?! Like wtf just admit you didn't know !!!
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ineedtoshutthefup · 3 years
Hate depression that makes you not want to live anymore but like you're also not like actively (this may be bad word choice but idk how else to say it) suicidal.
Like damn I'm not a danger to myself like I'm not gonna do anything but holy shit do I feel so shitty
Anyway hope everyone else is doing better
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ineedtoshutthefup · 3 years
Y'all am I just the biggest fucking bitch or like does everybody get so annoyed when people keep sending you stuff over social media??
Like a few instagram posts sent my way no biggie I even appreciate that you thought I would find it funny but like 10+ like stop interacting with me!!! Or like when people send you voice messages or videos like brooooo I don't always have time to sit down and like listen to shit!!! And it just feels like they take so much more energy than just reading a text
And just sometimes I just want to want to be left alone and I try to convey that by sending back like very bland/dry responses and people Never Get It
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ineedtoshutthefup · 3 years
Okay so like naruto spoiler but like does anybody else think its hilarious that the basic characteristics of obito and the phantom of the opera are the same?!?!
Scarred half of face : ✔
Wears a mask: ✔
Kills people: ✔
Obsessively in love with a girl who doesn't love him back: ✔
They are the SAME
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ineedtoshutthefup · 4 years
Anyway y'all is it not the most frustrating thing when you're making a joke and someone like corrects you?? "Actually" "that doesn't make sense because..." like SHUT UP I was making a joke I wasn't being serious about the logistics of things it was just a funny! If you don't think its funny thats fine but like do Not act like you're a genius helping out a poor idiot by explaining things to me that I Already Know
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ineedtoshutthefup · 4 years
Should really use this to vent more often considering I have a lot to vent about and no one i want to hear it
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ineedtoshutthefup · 4 years
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This better pass.
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ineedtoshutthefup · 4 years
not a dream
when you sign any petition at change.org, please don’t forget to take the final step by going to your email account and confirming your signature there! change.org will send you an email asking you to confirm your signature and that it’s really you, and a lot of people apparently don’t know that and skip that step
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ineedtoshutthefup · 4 years
Start reblogging the money blessings post…
If you haven’t already done it…. Go hit that reblog button. Do what you have to, just do that too.
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Like seriously. Just find one and reblog it real quick. I post a couple yesterday and put into the universe that I actually wanted it
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Only been at work for a couple and I get this at as a tip! (tips ain’t normal at ALL in here)
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Come on now!!
Let it work for y’all too
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