iris-astra · 2 years
We knew it was coming.
Before BOTFA came out almost eight years ago, we knew what was going to happen. The people who had read The Hobbit knew, the ones who had absorbed the information through popcultural osmosis knew... the ones who had sought out spoilers, the ones who remembered from watching LOTR that Old Bilbo had become reclusive and antisocial living in Bag End... we all knew what was going to happen in the Battle of the Five Armies...
We knew it. And yet we still showed up to the Bagginshield party. We started making fix-it fics and art before there was, technically, anything to fix. We came up with headcanons and what-ifs and AUs and consumed as much Bagginshield as possible before BOTFA was released.
And so we went to the movie knowing Thorin would succumb to the dragon sickness, knowing he would send Bilbo away in anger, knowing he would die, knowing that Bilbo would mourn him then go back to an empty home.
We knew it was coming, and we knew it was going to hurt. And man... did it hurt...
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And hurt...
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And hurt...
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And hurt...
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And hurt...
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And hurt...
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So we let our thoughts linger on better things, better memories. On first meetings and hugs and trust and acorns and Mithril...
And that made it hurt a little less...
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And a little less...
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And a little less...
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And a little less...
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And a little less...
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And here we still are, still writing, still making art, still making fix-it-fics, still ignoring canon and having Thorin show up at the door to Bag End with Fili and Kili in tow. Still dreaming of coffee shop AUs and royal consorts and reShirement and snuggling the night away in Beorn's house...
But really, this is just to say... thank you all, my Bagginshielders, my fellows, my friends, my cousins-in-shipping-hell. Bagginshield truly is a Ship that will sail forever... even though sometimes it may feel a little like we are sailing against the wind.
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iris-astra · 2 years
Have you checked the new chapter of my fanfic yet?
Find my hobbit based #timetravel-fixit at
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