kidrilka · 10 months
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King: - My dear sons, I want you to get married, before I die.
Sons: - Who do you want us to marry?
King: - Where the arrows fall, there shall your destiny be.
The arrow of the youngest son flited away, but he didn't know not where it landed. He came to a marsh, and saw a frog sitting on a leaf with the arrow in its mouth.
Frog said to he: - Prince, you are an idiot. You could have shot me.
And the prince replied: - Marry me!
Frog: - How can I marry a human?
Prince: - Marry me, for it is your destiny.
Frog: - What is your zodiac sign?
Prince: - Our kids turned out beautiful.
Frog: - Really? Their tails have already fallen off.
Prince: - Don't be in a hurry. Soon you will be sad for the times when our children were tadpoles.
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The old King was happy. The two eldest sons have divorced without having children. But the youngest prince and the frog princess had nine tadpoles. One of them was a boy. King declared him the future heir. The palace was filled with children's screams and laughter. Children were everywhere. The old King was happy.
Prince: - Bunny, our son looks so much like you.
Frog: - Don't call me a rabbit. I'm a frog.
Prince: - The boy has your eyes!
Frog: - The boy has your character. It's scary because he's the future king. You spoil the heir too much.
Prince: - Look, he eats flies. You are too. It's cute.
Frog: - Dear, it's unnatural for a human.
Prince: - When the children grew up, mosquitoes have stopped biting me. No more insects in the palace.
Frog: - By the way, you and your son have the same taste in women. Where did the heir find this fish?
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Water lily means sincerity and persuasiveness in the language of flowers. To pluck this plant, you have to get your feet wet. A water lily is given by a person who wants to say: "Beloved, you are my soulmate!".
The end 🖤
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kidrilka · 11 months
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kidrilka · 11 months
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Горбач. Дом в котором, Мариам Петросян.
В Доме горбатых называли Ангелами, подразумевая сложенные крылья, и это была одна из немногих ласковых кличек, которые Дом давал своим детям.
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kidrilka · 11 months
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Mermaids are underwater predators. The scales of mermaids are covered with algae from a long wait in ambush. Mermaids regularly clean their scales getting rid of parasites. They scratch on the rocks and sand at the bottom.
Mermaids completely change the old scales for a new one once a season. Sea mermaids are shedding in the spring before before the mating season. Freshwater mermaids are shedding in early summer.
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kidrilka · 11 months
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What is kidrilka?
Dad called “kidrilka” origami fortune tellers when I was little. He made them for me out of candy wrappers. It was amazing how such a worthwhile thing comes out of garbage. I wore them to kindergarten and enjoyed great popularity in these days.
Mom told me that dad has golden hands. I nodded and thought about how dad's hands deftly folded paper and molded dogs out of breadcrumbs. Then I was happy to bite off the dogs' heads.
The word "kidrilka" does not really exist.
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