kinder-surprise-egg · 4 years
I have read one of these. I own 2 of them. i hope to finish 1984 by the end of this year, everything else we’ll see how it goes
Do you have some book recs for leftist theory?
"Leftist theory” is rather broad but here’s a start:
The Communist Manifesto (Karl Marx and Friedrick Engels)
Capital (Karl Marx)
1984 (George Orwell)
A Vindication of the Rights of Women (Mary Wollstonecraft)
The Second Sex (Simone de Beauvoir) 
Black Skins, White Masks and The Wretched of the Earth (Frantz Fanon)
The Affluent Society (John Kenneth Galbraith)
Discipline and Punish (Michel Foucault)
Orientalism (Edward Said)
The Postmodern Condition (Jean François Lyotard)
Gender Trouble (Judith Butler)
Capitalist Realism (Mark Fisher)
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (Edward Herman)
The State and Revolution (Vladamir Lenin)
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (Naomi Klein)
A People’s History of the United States (Howard Zinn)
The Conquest of Bread (Peter Kropotkin)
Anarchism and Other Essays (Emma Goldman)
A Brief History of Neoliberalism (David Harvey)
The Meaning of Freedom (Angela Davis)
Freedom is a Constant Struggle (Angela Davis)
Women, Race, and Class (Angela Davis)
Essential Works of Socialism (Irving Howe)
Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism (Richard Wolff)
Government in the Future (Noam Chomsky)
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kinder-surprise-egg · 4 years
A fan lore piece about the 2005 masterpiece Robots.
"Tell me something sexy"
"In the age of Ancients, the world was unformed, shrouded by fog. The fog soon formed into the world. A millennium later the human was born and roamed the world, hundreds of years later they invent the robot. A decade after robots were made they took over, now the dominant species. man has since disappeared. The humans feared they would soon perish so they taught the robots all they knew about communism (and Tiddbfeys). Unfortunately, the robots discovered capitalism and so the robots drove all the humans to bankruptcy and eventually death. Ironic, they could protect others from capitalism, but not themselves.”
This was written by me and my friend Ashley after discussing why robots in the movie Robots have breasts. If you wish for the more scientific lore piece just ask.
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kinder-surprise-egg · 4 years
Lazarus Piece #4 (Year 1918)
Two years after his fatal shooting the prison he's being held in is raided by Bolshevik Revolutionaries the doors to every cell unlocked and opened freeing the prisoners trapped in the Tsar’s dungeon. Many of them were the Revolutionary’s Comrades, somewhere treasonous and other simply skeletons locked to the walls with moldy food at their feet. As he shakes himself off his feet, 2 months since his last life ended he climbs up the wall shakily using it to stabilize himself, his flesh scraping away as he slips along the rough jagged wall. Blood mixing with the moisture on the wall, once he reaches the door two men scoop him up and carry him out to the encampment in the Tsar’s great hall, men and women huddling together on a cold Summer's day. Medical tents filled with wounded and shocked, that is where he is placed. A warm soup is set on his bedside table with a wooden spoon inside on the handle the Bear’s Military emblem is carved, he grabs the bowl weakly and sips it slowly this is the nicest food he's had in years. As he finishes his meal some falls onto his chin, the warm liquid giving him strength he hasn't had for a long while. He throws the bowl aside and climbs out of bed, heading straight for the butler’s quarters to change out of his old military garb. After a few minutes of searching he finds the room he needs inside he opens the wardrobe grabbing out a suit and throwing it onto me himself only keeping his cap tearing the eagle of the front and throwing it aside to waste away in the building of the old garb. He jumps from the window and starts walking onward to a new beginning, but as he walks he encounters The Figure standing in front of him, it shakes its head at him. As he walks straight through it  flashes of the beyond floods through Lazarus, water of wine, greenest grass any man has seen, the most beautiful hills stretching over a vast beauty and an old oak tree with a single plum hanging from the branches. He falls to his knees and kneels in the dirt for a moment before standing up again and walking off. Prisoner: John Lazarus - 11144 is considered MIA on both the German Royal Army along the Red Army's POW database.
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kinder-surprise-egg · 4 years
What do angels actually look like per the bible?
Well, according to Ezekiel 1 they might look something like this…
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According to Daniel 10 something like this…
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According to Isaiah 6…
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In Ezekiel 10… 
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Again in Ezekiel 10…
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Basically, when the people writing Scripture tried to describe what they saw when they saw an angel… they run into the end of their imagination… they can never quite seem to fully explain it because they had trouble even comprehending what they saw, let alone being able to describe it to someone else. 
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kinder-surprise-egg · 4 years
Lazarus Piece #3 (Year 1916)
A year later Lazarus scoffs down corn beef, it tastes rancid like milk left in the sun but it was his only meal in months, he could feel his stomach eating away at his lungs the night before as he shivered on the floor of a cold dirty cell. He’s lived so many lives and died so many times but rotting away alone starving, it was pathetic and not for him. He can hear the guards outside his hell chatting about something he can only make out a few words, something about a Brusilov Offensive. He slumps into the corner of the room, water drips onto his neck running down his spine, a shudder follows it as he slumps against the wall, he sees a figure in his cells corner it’s aura glowing and hitting Lazarus’s face but all around him the light was sucked away, the thin streaks of light that hit him through the bars at the top of the cell sunk away absorbed into this deformed figure. If someone saw this scene it'd be hard to tell which being was alive and which was dead. As Lazarus looks up to see the figure it raises a skeletal finger to its mouth the words that escape the figures mouth echo inside his mind, “הזמן שלך עדיין לא הגיע ילד*”. Lazarus sheds a tear before a sharp pain pulses through his body, unimaginable pain second after second before he wakes again in shock. Adrenaline rushing through him he strikes the door of his cell, leaving a dent against the thick black iron doors. His knuckles shattering upon impact, the noise alerting the guards immediately, as they open the door they see a man who should be skin and bone, broken and withered. Instead he stood their flesh and blood, healthy and alive. The guards upon seeing a dead man walking open fire upon him, striking him down. He falls upon his knees as blood leaks out of his wounds. Lazarus dies again, shot by The Bears Guard in a cold cell, his only ally his curse.
*”Your time has not yet come child” [Authors note: I used google translate for Hebrew so if anyone can correct me please, id love your help with my writing as I may use Hebrew again in my writing. Another thing to add is there's an awesome post that served as inspiration towards The Figure in this text, the link is: https://mckitterick.tumblr.com/post/141265586290 I urge you to check it out if you want a more clear images of The Figure)
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kinder-surprise-egg · 4 years
I don’t quite remember why I wrote this. pretty sure it was depressive angst about a new school teacher
It felt as though I walked into an authoritarian dystopia, the walls were marked with rules in bold sharp words, they demanded respect to be followed or else. They disguised what they were with bright and matching colours. The old ruler was kind and thoughtful. He respected us and understood why we were here, the new ruler was unforgiving and followed every rule to a death. She replaced the warmth of kinship with a fake warmth of a grandmother’s smile and spectacles. Immediately flexed her power forcing those who disobeyed the most simple of rules, forcing them to follow them to the T, she gave a speech to try and justify the rule. The secondary reason was to gain a form of sympathy, the only sympathy given to a dictator should be given before they gain the power of their land. Some resist with futility some embrace the new world order but others simply lay with defeat knowing that everything they do merely gives her more power. Few reminders left of our old ruler, the purpose? Unknown. A poster of his design hangs loose next to the rules, figures hidden in the rafters a sign of hope and good memories lost. Not a smile in sight silence and depression is all that you hear.
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kinder-surprise-egg · 4 years
Lazarus Piece #2 (Year 1915)
Shaken awake by a roommate Lazarus groans and follows his friend to the door of their house. He grabs the paper from a desk next to the front door, he stands firm and straight as the door opens. Soldiers stand with four letters they pass them the two men in `front of them, the men gulp and close the door and begin opening their letters a big black and white cross sits on the top left of the letters, as they pull the letters further the sad truth is revealed, 3 young will be going off to war and another man gets another chance to finally die. By the 2nd year all but one of the men are dead. Its early August artillery, gas and hell are thrown towards the bear, after a day of shelling Lazarus’s platoon loads their weaponry and smokes a cigarette to build up a little courage and to warm themselves a little for a few brief moments. As the men all climb over the top and charge into the hell they created explosions creeped forward in front of them. Once the men reach the bear’s encampment they see the dead and the suffering, like zombies crawling and shuffling towards them. Smelling of blood, piss and pus the soldiers of Lazarus’s platoon cower and run in fear but he stands ready to embrace his death clearly this is when he shall die and join the dead in hell, but he walks towards the bears men he gets shot a feeling of pleasure overwhelms him. He falls into a trench and gets knocked out next to a man whose face is half melted and half blown off, once he comes to he is missing an arm and the tongue spoken is of the bear. Anguish fills his body as he slumps back, laying his head in a puddle. Lazarus died again, drowned in a red and green puddle on the 8th of August 1915.
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kinder-surprise-egg · 4 years
Lazarus Piece #1 (Year 60CE)
Lazarus a man of sin that sits on the altar ready to die an alone bastard, embracing the knife that will send his life to hell and his soul towards the above beyond. Not many end up there but those whose soul and life end up in that place live in Nirvana the place of green pastures, the rarest steak, the water that tastes of wine resides on the cleanest hill in the beyond. He said a prayer before closing his eyes, it was meaningless worthless no god would accept this fool's words, the mouth that speaks was a sinner's mouth. Vices of all kinds entered and left his mouth Liquor, cusses, whore dishes and lies, a mouth so dirty a wet sponge made of soap couldn't clean it. The Rabbi mutters a few words through his thick grey black beard before pushing the blade into Lazarus's heart, he tastes the blade's iron immediately. It's sweet like wine but as it slides back down his neck it goes through the wrong hole and enters his lungs. Just as he starts choking the Rabbi twists the blade and pulls it out. Lazarus is marked dead and sacrificed on the 1st of the 10th in the year 60.
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