kitstories · 3 years
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kitstories · 3 years
progress update, 1/8/21
me: i’m going to write every day in 2021!
january 6, 2021: attempted coup on the us capitol
so.......yeah. idk how much i’ve written in the past few days, but, you know. a reasonable amount, given (waves hands vaguely)
today’s totals, as of right now:
starting wc: 3781
ending wc: 5574
total wc: 1793
i think a lot of that is pasted in from an earlier draft? but i’m very proud of that. i’ve also been planning quite a bit, and i will continue to do so.
dictionary entry of the day: from merriam-webster online :) for no reason :) no reason at all :)
im·​peach v. \im-ˈpēch\ impeached; impeaching; impeaches 1: to charge with a crime or misdemeanor specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office 2: to cast doubt on especially : to challenge the credibility or validity of
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kitstories · 3 years
Cheep and easy ways to find a basis for your plot.
When you have characters:
What does your character aspire to do or become? Making that aspiration really hard for them to reach.
What does your character love? Take it away from them and make them earn it back.
What does your character hate? Bind them too it and make them work to get rid of it.
When you have a world:
What is the most chaotic thing that can happen to this world’s politics? Find the character this chaos would effect the most and see what they do about it.
What is the most dangerous thing that can happen within this magic system? Figure out who would come to stop or reverse it and see what they do.
Who is the most damaging person in this world and what are they doing? Figure out who of those they hurt might rise up and defeat them.
When you have only spite:
What story do you absolutely hate the execution of? Take the very basic concept of its plot and build it into the story you wish it produced.
What plot structure do you enjoy but wish writers would be more original with? Take it and then throw a dozen spins on it.
** Remember to mix and match for more elaborate plot structures. Carry on this format with your own tricks to digging up basic plot structures!
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kitstories · 3 years
me, writing: *makes something sad happen in character’s past*
also me, feigning innocence: oh no they just tripped and fell into a tragic backstory completely by accident oh this is so sad my poor child if only i could help you
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kitstories · 3 years
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 a highly customizable, simplistic but fancy googledoc for writers. perfect for organizing notes while keeping it aesthetically-pleasing. to download / copy, go to file and click “make copy” to copy it to your gdrive. 
overview / introductory page 
custom headers 
table of contents 
characters pages (ft. profiles for main characters and separate page for side characters) 
arcs and ideas page 
locations page 
chapter notes page 
chapter organizer (dedicated to complete chapters) 
please like / reblog if you’re using or interested in using it!
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kitstories · 3 years
progress update 1.4.21
it’s 1:30 am on the 5th in my time zone but SHHHHHH days start at sunrise i do not recognize this “midnight” bullshit
also lol @ me just not posting yesterday. i knew i was gonna be bad at this. it’s okay tho, bc here i am, back at it again,,,
starting wc: 2507
ending wc: 3397 
difference: 890
a pretty good writing day for me! 
i think next week or something i might try to write 1000 words a day. that’s the kind of thing i’d like to just be able to do, but i don’t think it’s a goal i could sustain for a month or anything. but i don’t have anything going on next week, so.
dictionary entry of the day: from the american heritage dictionary, 4th edition. pleiotaxy n. (botany) an increase in the number of whorls in an inflorescence.
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kitstories · 3 years
progress update 1.2.21
me: i’m gonna make a post every day
my undiagnosed adhd: 🤡
starting wc: 2050
ending wc: 2644
added: 594
remember how i said this story used to be a different project which i split in two? there’s been some definite, definite weirdnesses in translation. i kind of feel like i’m working blind here, weirdly enough, even though i was half expecting this to be a rough re-skin of something that was already like 60k words long. unfortunately, it’s very much not -- the two main characters are very subtly different in very important ways, and someone who was kind of a non-entity in the original project is now very much not, which introduces several whole other cans of worms. plus, it’s now in 1st person from one pov the whole time, rather than 3rd person limited alternating. all of the changes are for the better, i think, but it makes me feel much more like i’m flying by the seat of my pants.
dictionary entry of the day: from merriam-webster’s online dictionary. waffle v. waffled; waffling \’wä-​f(ə-​)liŋ,ˈwȯ-\ 1. equivocate, vacillate (waffled on the important issues) also: yo-yo, flip-flop
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kitstories · 3 years
it’s my first progress update!! worked on small dead things today, as expected.
starting word count: 2021
ending word count: 2050
added: 29
i hewed verrrry close to my resolution to write at least one sentence every day. i didn’t strictly add an entire new sentence, but i did add an independent clause! lmao. all i wanted to do today was read. i finished beach read by emily henry, which should have made me want to write but didn’t? and then i decided to start axiom’s end by lindsay ellis which i literally pre-ordered and then let sit for six months.
i also came to the unfortunate decision that i think i need to set my story in nebulously-2010, rather than nebulously-2020-but-not-2020-because-you-know-2020. given that i was eight years old in 2010, this will take some research. for instance, did the average eighteen-year-old use facebook in 2010? and can i google all of my stupid questions like that?
dictionary entry of the day. (my main character is obsessed with dictionaries, so every day whenever i want i’m going to include an entry i looked up in the writing process, for whatever reason.) today’s definition comes from merriam-webster’s intermediate dictionary (especially for middle school students!), the edition published in 2009. 
les·bi·an \’lez-bē-ən\ n : a woman who is a homosexual — lesbian adj — les·bi·an·ism \-bē-ə-niz-əm\
it is entered, rather hilariously, directly between leprous and lesion.
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kitstories · 3 years
writing style game!
put ur answers in the tags!
google docs or microsoft word? character moodboards or character playlists? writing with music or writing in silence? lots of half finished wips or one project at a time? plotter or pantser? more dialogue or more description? character-driven books or plot-driven books? enemies to lovers or friends to lovers?
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kitstories · 3 years
about me (jan. 1, 2021)
all right, new year, new me, and this year i’m going to finish a draft (she said, overconfidently)! so here i am doing things to distract myself from writing making a writeblr to get writer friends and motivate myself. i guess.
my name is kit! you may know me as @katarahairloopies! i’m 18, a freshman in college, and i’m queer (lesbian, ace, maybe nonbinary?). i read a lot, and i write a lot. like everyone else, i’ve always wanted to be a published writer, so, you know. we’ll see.
i have been trying to write a novel since i was 8 i’ve been trying to write this one particular novel since may 2020. my first draft reached about 60,000 words circa december and then i promptly realized it was, in fact, two novels. so! i have two projects now:
small dead things -- this is my priority at the moment. it’s about wren, an eighteen-year-old lesbian dealing with her mother’s illness, leaving home for the first time, and reckoning with what her mother never told her about her past. genre is pretentious literary fiction, as is almost all of what i read and write. there's intrigue! death! dark family secrets! overlong meditations on birds! what more could you want? ((i’ve been drafting for about a day now, and the word count is at 2021 words. total coincidence, but what a funny coincidence to have.))
the flesh failures -- this is more ambitious project and far outside my comfort, “write what you know” zone. no idea if it’ll actually get written--it would need a lot of research--but if it did, it would follow two siblings, john paul and ellen, circa the early 80s. ((word count at this moment is literally only 372 words. it exists merely in my head.))
(both titles are extremely preliminary and will almost certainly not be the actual titles. i cannot title things. this is a pattern.)
2021 goals that seem maybe reasonable idk !!!!!
to write at least one sentence on one of my original projects every day
to finish the first draft of small dead things
to write 100,000 words on both of my original projects, combined
so! there it is! i think that i’m going to be using this blog more like a journal of my writing progress, to look back on and such. 
also, for posterity, a link to my ao3, where i mostly just write angsty avatar: the last airbender one-shots: https://archiveofourown.org/users/leoperidot/works
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