knbmangareread · 1 month
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That's really one of the things Kagami improved the most on throughout the story, he really had a short temper at the start, he got angry all the time, was more violent, had no patience. In the end he is a completely changed boy.
And it makes a lot of sense, for a full year he was always alone, he arrived in Japan for his last year of middle school and didn't make a single friend until he joined Seirin, after so long in isolation it's hard to immediately be used to interact with other people. Not to mention that his friendship with Himuro ended in a very bad way. He is just very awkward around people.
This is a bit sad considering the reason he played basketball in the first place was to make friends. But it also ended up working again since he befriended Seirin and the GoM by playing basketball with them, so it's more happy than sad.
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Kagami and Aomine are similar one a lot of things, especially basketball, but this is one of the ways in which they are complete opposites. Aomine is a very slow starter, it takes him a while to really get into the game even when he's excited or looking forward to it.
Kagami start strong every times, he is more similar to Kise on that front.
I really like how the trio of Kagami, Kise and Aomine are so similar in many things and yet so different, it makes all of their interactions really interesting and narratively compelling.
Plus, Kise's bangs are cute like that. And his eyelashes are 3cm long, there's no way he doesn't use mascara.
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knbmangareread · 1 month
Kanji translation of Seihō and the others members
Seihō High 正邦高校 Seihō Kōkō
正 (Sei)
• Correct, True, Accurate
• Justice, right, righteousness​
邦 (Hō)
• Home country, country
• Japan
高 (Kō) High
校 (Kō) School
Yukinori Matsumoto 松本 郁憲 (The coach)
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松 (Matsu)
• Pine tree
本 (Moto)
• Root, Origine
• Book
• Essential point
• Agriculture
郁 (Yuki)
• To have a pleasant smell
• A comforting temperature
• To have a strong cultural presence
憲 (Nori)
• Set of laws
• To take over
• To use something as a guide to follow
• A person who holds a position of authority/responsibility
Yoshikasu Ōmurō  大室 義一
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大 (Ō)
• Big (in size, degree, or amount)
• To a great extent
• Outstanding
• Showing respect or reverence for someone or something.
室 (Murō )
• A room in the back of a building, a storeroom
• Home
• A hole for a grave
義 (Yoshi)
• Acting in accordance with moral principles.
• To have a purpose
• Correct, good, appropriate
• Translation
一 (Kasu)
• One, first
• To unify
Kenjirō Sakamoto 坂本 健二郎
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坂 (Saka)
• A slope, a sloped road
• Dyke
• Embankment
本 (Moto)
• Root, Origine
• Book
• Essential point
• Agriculture
健 (Ken)
• Powerful
• Healthy
• Long-lasting
二 (Ji)
• Two
• Again
• Second
郎 (rō)
• Son, Man, Young man or husband
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Hate it when it happens.
I approve of Fujimaki-sensei's hard work in letting us know how silly the Miracles are. He can't let the kids get too pretentious, he has to bring them back down to earth from time to time.
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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He says it himself right after, Kuroko reacts that way because he knows how it feels to stop loving basketball and to almost quit because of it.
But I think he's also probably wondering how many teams and players quit basketball after a crushing loss to Teiko? If Seiho was enough to break his senpais' spirits, Teiko must have destroyed the spirit of so many players Kuroko had no idea about.
He knows about Ogiwara but the situation was a little different, getting whipped didn't demoralized Ogiwara, he never gave up until the very end and he wouldn't have stopped playing basketball because of a defeat. He quit because the GoM toyed with them with their 111-11.
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“Having doubts about something you love can be painful” is something that resonates very strongly with me, it’s truly a devastating feeling.
Even though Himuro's harshness towards Kagami was related to basketball, Kagami still has a clear mind about it. He knows the problem isn't basketball itself, so he will never hate basketball because of that.
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Playing defense with a smile, Murasakibara will get there at some point. Which is interesting because the day Seirin meets Murasakibara is the day they see Seiho again. During the streetball tournament
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Kasuga seems to be quite observant and level headed, it's notable that the captain turn to him to get a feel of the opposing teams.
In a way, it's no surprise that he's the player Furihata has his eyes on. He's not spectacular and he doesn't have amazing abilities like Eagle, Hawk, Emperor, or Belial Eyes, but he's still one of the best point guards in Tokyo.
In a way he is what Furihata can aim to be, he is a goal he can reach one day. This is why out of all the incredible point guards we see in the manga, out of all the incredible opponents Furihata saw, Kasuga is the one he pays the most attention to and the one he admires the most.
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Bonus, Furihata anxious once again since we're talking about him. He appears often lately, always panicking about something.
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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I forgot to do it when he first appeared, so here the kanji translation :
Tomoki Tsugawa 津川 智紀
津 (Tsu)
• Harbor, port
• A place where people and goods can cross a body of water.
• Moisture, fluid
川 (Kawa/Gawa)
• River, stream
智 (Tomo)
• Wise
• Intelligent
• Insightful
• Knowledgable
• The capacity to comprehend and process information.
紀 (Ko)
• I, Me, Self
• Earth
• Center
Also i hope he said something about the Miracles' hair colors too. That would have been so funny.
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Ryūhei Kasuga kanji translation :
春日 (Kasuga) 隆平 (Ryūhei)
春 (Kasu)
• Spring
• Beginning of the year
• Adolescence
• Passion
日 (Ka/Ga)
• Sunlight, Sun
• Daylight
• Day
• Sunday
• Japan
隆 (Ryū)
• Having a high status or rank.
• Having a high status or rank.
• Noble, precious
平 (Hei)
• Flat, smooth
• Peaceful (as in without bias or inequality)
• To make even or peaceful.
• To settle
• Ordinary
It's stated in the character Bible that the player Furihata has his eyes on is him. I'll talk about it some more later though
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Tsutomu Iwamura kanji translation :
岩村 Iwamura 努 Tsutomu
岩 (Iwa)
• Rock, boulder
村 (Mura)
• Village
• Countryside
• Rural, rustic
努 (Tsutomu)
• To strive, to exert efforts
• Aspiration, dream
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Kise taking interest in his friends' passions is adorable.
Kasamatsu mentions that Kise has started training more diligently, as he did before the GoM started to be too strong in Teiko. It was probably due to his defeat against Seirin. It's great to know that he's starting to take basketball seriously again.
Kasamatsu is always so annoyed when Kise mentions Kuroko, it's so funny, how many times a day do you think Kise talks about him for Kasamatsu to react that way? The fact that he finds Kuroko's misdirection so annoying may also play a role in his "dislike".
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Another builds up to Takao ability, he is the one Kuroko has to watch out for. And the 'keep a low profil' is perfect too. That exactly how Kuroko is going to win in the end.
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Fujimaki humor is a hit or miss on these bloopers, this one was pretty bad. But i said i'll share all of them so i will.
Mangakas should learn that not all teenage girls are insecure about the size of their breast. It's crazy how girls with small breasts in shonen mangas always have to talk about it and feel bad, like they don't have a bigger problem than that.
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Takao is so smug at this point, every time he speaks it makes him seems like a threat, but we don't know anything about his abilities yet. The build up for the reveal of his hawk eyes has already begun.
Midorima sound and looks really pained at the idea of not playing against Kuroko (and Kagami). Be careful there, you almost forgot how to behave like a tsundere, your true feelings are showing.
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Kise getting reprimanded by everyone. The one saying "You waited too long, Kise you idiot" is probably Nijimura.
Aomine has darker skin, Murasakibara calls him 'Kise-chin', Haizaki calls him 'Ryota' and is also probably already out of the team at that point because Akashi is already captain.
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It's interesting to see that Akashi is the only one not sweating at all (and maybe Midorima but that might be because the panel he is in is too small to add sweat), because as we see later in the series, during the Shutoku and Seirin matches, he barely sweats when he plays, unless it's the end of the match or if he was in the zone at some point. Had Fujimaki already decided that at that point? Or did he just want to deepen the contrast between Kise's panic and exhaustion and Akashi looking completely fine?
Kise calling him captain is cute, maybe it's to hide whether or not he calls him Akashichi outside of matches. We're not supposed to know how close the GoM was yet.
In just one panel it shows Kise freaking out a bit at the thought of being scolded by Akashi, this makes him seem more stern and scary than he actually was (at that point).
Bringing up the 20 points quota without letting the readers know the true reason behind it (keeping Aomine motivated) also make it seems like Teiko was already pretty bad when we know they still get along and play well together when it happens (i mean, the school was already bad but the miracles were still in good spirit). It keeps the fact that Kuroko is an unreliable narrator hidden for a while. At that point the readers have to believe everything Kuroko says is the unaltered truth, because that's what Kuroko believes too.
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Everyone is sitting comfortably to watch the match and Kuroko is standing there like 🧍
Also it's another mirror situation between Shutoku and Seirin, the parallels are endless. It's really build up the rivalry of the teams and the light and shadow duos
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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"I'm not interested." Why are you already following him then? The pleasure of Takao’s company? You know what, that's fair enough
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knbmangareread · 1 month
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Look at them full of aches and shaking, i can feel their pain.
I also noticed something, the two boxes that Riko is carrying are the same size
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But when Kuroko takes one, it magically becomes smaller.
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