kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
Poly!Changki Kinks
Anon asked: ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴ Hi there. Could you do Changki’s kinks? You gotta do what you gotta do when you a thirsty ass hoe. Love your blog and your writing. Bye now!ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
That’s all I can think of to say lol
Hope you enjoy 😁
-Admin Lionheart
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I feel like they would seriously be such a like open-minded and diverse couple.
Like, there would 10000000% be a Daddy/Kitten kink
But in the most innocent way possible
I could also see like an exibitionism kink in there
Collars would be such a big turn on in this relationship (but same lol)
I don’t know if vanilla sex can be a kink, but it would be in this relationship
Like, in the middle of whatever they were doing, all of a sudden going into missionary and just whispering sweet nothings and cute shit like that
If it wasn't’t a kink before, Chanki turned it into one 😂😉
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
Stray Kids Reaction: their parents don’t accept their foreign s/o
anon asked:  Can you do a reaction if stray kids parents didn’t accept their s/o because they’re foreign... Pleaseeee ❤️❤️
I really hope that this is good... I honestly have no clue what I'm doing rn 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
-Admin Lionheart
I feel like it wouldn’t be the end of the world if his parents didn’t approve of his s/o. While he did respect the opinions and what not, he would decide that the love he chooses for himself would be more important than someones approval.
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Woojin would be heart broken if his parents didn’t approve of his s/o. I get the feeling that he would be really torn in this situation about whats more important to him; love or his family.
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I get the feeling that Minho would feel like he had to break up with you if his parents didn’t approve. Not because he would want to, but because that’s what society would say he has to do in order to keep a relationship with his family.
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I get the feeling that changbin wouldn’t give up super easily. He would try and convince his parents that you’re good enough for him. Meanwhile, he would continue to date you in secret until he could get his parents’ approval.
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Hyunjin would be crushed if his parents didn’t approve of his s/o. He would love you so much, but his parents approval would be so important to him that he wouldn’t actually know what to do.
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I feel like Jisung wouldn’t like that his parents don’t approve of his s/o, but it wouldn’t change anything between you two. He would stick the mentality that they’ll like you in time.
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Felix’s situation would probably be very similar to Bangchan’s since they are both foreigners. In the off chance that his parents actually didn’t like his s/o, it wouldn’t be a huge deal to him. He would probably just try to convince them to see you the way he does.
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This sweet boy would really be at such a crossroads. His love for his s/o would be irreplaceable, but his love for his parents is a whole other story. He would want to have to pick and choose who he could have in his life and would ultimately just ignore the conflict until it resolved itself.
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If Jeongin’s parents didn’t like his s/o, it would be the first major conflict in his life. He would have no idea who’s side he was supposed to be on or how he was supposed to deal with it. He would probably just straight up panic until someone helped him figure his life out 😂
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
Not a request. Hey it's MedicalAnon!!! My surgery went well, I'm in my recovery room and I've finally got access to my phone. I absolutely LOVED the reaction you did for me, it really helped keep me upbeat! I love you and appreciate you! -MedicalAnon
It's so good to hear from you!! I'm happy that your surgery went well and that what we wrote has been able to help you! Have you been told when you get to go home or anything? Feel free to keep me updated if you'd like, I'd really enjoy hearing from you again 😊😊
- Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
Will you by chance write for Sungoh of 24k? Because he's my bias. Is my bias? Was? Whatever the deal with him is I love him.
I will absolutely write for Sungoh! He was also my bias, so I get it lol
- Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
I’m happy that you’re happy that we write for them! We don’t get too many requests for them, but I’m literally in love with them, so I’m hoping that your excitement means you’ll request something!
-Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
how did you the link to your masterlist in your description ? I'm a newbie in Tumblr so I'm sorry if that's a dumb question ;-;
Hi! I am so sorry that this took so long for us to answer this. If you haven’t been able to figure it out yet, here is how we do it!
The only stuff you have to change is the stuff thats bolded. 
So, it’ll be and then you’ll put the link to the Tumblr page you’re trying to get to. For our masterlist, it is "http://kpopcorn-requests.tumblr.com/post/158814403090/masterlist"
And then after that, you’ll put “> and whatever you want that link to show up in your description as. So, in ours, we have three different ones. You can literally put anything there. ( There are more examples on my personal account, here)
And then you finish it off with >a and viola! You have links in your masterlist! 
I really hope this helped. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
-Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
Can you do a reaction if stray kids parents didn’t accept their s/o because they’re foreign... Pleaseeee ❤️❤️
This is in the queue!!!
-Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴ Hi there. Could you do Changki’s kinks? You gotta do what you gotta do when you a thirsty ass hoe. Love your blog and your writing. Bye now!ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
This is queued!
-Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
Okay, they look great and I love this, but am I the only one who is mad that they didn't actually get their own song??
-Admin Lionheart
[OFFICIAL] WayV ‘理所当然 (Regular)’ MV
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
Love life update!
So, the original guy that I was telling you guys about kind of flopped and we really don't talk anymore. BUT the same day that I messaged him, another guy started messaging me.
We've been talking like non-stop for the past like 4 days and now I'm going on a movie date with him tonight 😄
Hopefully it goes well! Wish me luck!
- Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
I'd say go for it if you don't you will always wonder if what would have happened the very worst thing that could happen is that he rejects you so go for it that way you could lick your wounds if he says no but if he says yes then it looks like yous got yourself a boyfriend
I actually did text him earlier and we've been texting off and on since then. Let's just hope fornthe best so that I don't feel like poo lol
And I'll make sure to keep you guys updated on my love life from this point on 😊😊
- Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
MESSAGE HIM. Times too short to worry
I did and we talked for a little bit before he stopped messaging back 😣😣
- Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
Hmmmm, you don’t really know what you want, so maybe you shouldn’t message him. Lol this may be cliché or whatever, but if you’re meant to reconnect, there’ll be another chance for that to happen in the future.
Idk... You're probably right about the whole if it's meant to be it'll happen, but I think that if another opportunity came, I'd probably chicken out of that one, too 😂
- Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
I don’t think it’ll be weird at all though
You're probably right. I just overthink things a lot and get awkward and weird lol
- Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
If you really want to reconnect with him then I say text him if not just go on about your day
That's the thing. I'm not sure what I want 😅😅
He's super nice and funny and cute and stuff, but I just always feel like I'm not enough of that it'll be weird to message him out of nowhere
-Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
I need some help
Okay, y'all, this isn't Kpop related at all, but I just need some advice. There's this guy that i wasn't super close with for the majority of the time we went to school together, but we got a lot closer right before he graduated (A year before me) on our school's trio to Thailand. Since then, we haven't really talked that much but like a week ago we matched on Bumble.
If you don't know what bumble is, it's a dating app where the girl has 24 hours to message a guy before the match expires and he just disappears. Now, me being me, I got nervous to message him, so I didn't and now it's expired or whatever, but we're still friends on Facebook. I'm not sure if he remembers who I am or if he even knew who I was when we matched, but my friends and my mom think that I should just message him on Facebook.
I'm nervous. I don't actually know if it would be a good idea to message him and if I did, I don't even know what I would say. What do you guys think?
- Admin Lionheart
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kpopcorn-requests · 5 years
Same 😂🤷‍♀️
When will I stop calling men who are years older than me “my babies” or “cuties.” 
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