learning-to-be-fitmom · 9 months
3 days of forced rest which seem to turn into 5days of forced rest, as my kid just fell asleep after 9pm and now I don't have energy for anything as I have to finish some chores and get up at 6:30am.
How do you all do it? Do I have to sacrifice sleep hours or time with my kid? Because neither of those seem reasonable for me.
I work 8h/day or more, it depends If I have meetings after working hours, which means that after 6th September I will take the kid to school, go to work and I will see him again at home, sometimes already asleep, sometimes still awake but preparing to sleep, now that I have an intensive schedule at work and finish early and he still has no school, I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with him.
Now that he can jump we make mini circuits of jumps using some pillows I try to squeeze in some squats or jump squats but nothing in a work out mode. Some other days we dance or play with balls and some other days are more chill, as we paint or play with cars, but usually there's some kind of physical activity involved (so he can sleep better at night).
It's physically tiring so it's difficult to have enough energy to workout, if It's early in the afternoon or I don't need to wake up early I can manage to force me to workout but in weekdays I don't feel strong enough...
Now I need to sleep...
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learning-to-be-fitmom · 9 months
Today I need some rest, even though yesterday was The first workout of the challenge I'm super sore and super exhausted because of the chores I had to do today.
A good relaxing bath and to sleep...
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learning-to-be-fitmom · 9 months
Just started Chloe Ting's 2023 Weight Loss Challenge today.
I'm 30yo and my baby (or is it toddler now?) Is 19months old in two days and was "working out" with me. It started as a test but I may do it more often, it was FUN.
He wanted to go outside to The park so bad but it started raining (thank goodness, we were at 33°C for days..) so I had to think something to stay active but indoors.
Just to try and be more consistent I will post my stats:
Height: 165cm
CW: 70kg (aprox)
GW: 63,5kg
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Baby sick= no life.
How do people with more than 1 son manage to do *things*?
Hoe do they do if all are sick and demanding attention.
Finally he's all ok now and today I can take him to kindergarten.
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I'm super proud of my capitan @the-chubby-crossfitter ❤️
Week 4 Solo Challenge Winners!
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Good Morning and Happy Saturday all!!
Excellent job on the solo challenge everyone! Loved the participation by our hero's Superman and Batman. @evolution-ofa-geek , @my-inner-motivator and @the-chubby-crossfitter Enjoy your bonus 500 points for dressing the part!
The Glowing Chubby Zombie Pirate Mom Birds clocked the fastest superset and the fastest time for 10 rounds! Nicely done! 6 seconds per set and 10 sets in 75sec. Way to go!! That is +1500 points and a power up! Congrats!
Blue Shell: Deduct 1000 points from the leading teams score
Green Shell: Randomly choose a number, 2-6. The selected challenge will be replaced with a workout of your choice. The reps will not change from the original value.
Red Shell: Add 30 more reps to each challenge task. Your team has immunity! You will complete the original number of reps.
Let me know your power up of choice and let's finish out this week strong!
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Just reading the challenge gave me sore muscles......
Week 5 Challenge Tasks!
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Welcome to Week 5 everyone!! We are in the second half! Asnoted last week, there will be some tricks to spice things up. This weeks trick? Each additional rep past the challenge task requirements will count for 1 bonus point each!
This weeks Challenge tasks are as follows:
130 Flight of stairs (at least 14 risers/flight)
400 Super Man
400 Standing crossover Toe Touches
200 Spider Push ups
200 Boat-Low Boat
300 Leg Raises
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@thisismetryingx @smollestbun @runrunningrunner @the-chubby-crossfitter @justhiitit @evolution-ofa-geek @coffeeandmuscles
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Let's crush it!!!
Week 3 Challenge Tasks
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This weeks challenge tasks:
600 Cardio Minutes (Minutes running, jogging, biking hard, etc)
800 Bird Dogs (1 leg = 1 rep)
400 Up-Downs (2 arms = 1 rep)
60*min Side Plank (total time. Ex: 30sec per side = 1min)
400 Standing Knee to Elbow Crunches
200 Side Lunges (any varity)
*for averaging, 60min will be counted as 240 reps, at 15sec a rep.
Team Random and Unhinged and Team The Glowing Chubby Zombie Pirate Mom Birds. You will be facing off this week by averaging all reps! Along with the weekly race to finish first, you will also be racing each other to win those bonus points. Read?? GO!
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La semana empieza ya fuerte, teniéndome que enfadar con clientes más de lo que debería y me gustaría.
Al menos he podido ver a mi hijo despierto antes de irme a la cama y he podido desfogar un poco de energía haciendo ejercicio al llegar a casa....
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Y’all better be drinking your water!
Reblog to remind a bitch to stay hydrated.
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I need to say sorry to my teammates. These 2 days have been crazy and I'm dead-ass tired. This weekend I will try to compensate as much as I can!!
@thedreadpiratecam @the-chubby-crossfitter @theglowstickchronicles @zombie-apocalypse-training @petits--oiseaux
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Que he decidido que voy a escribir en español, aunque llegue a menos gente. Me cuesta más mantener esto vivo en inglés por *⁠.⁠✧✿ LA PEREZA ✿⁠✧.*
Por fin me he quitado la bronquitis de encima, pero ahora es F quién está enfermo. Han sido unos días intensos con el niño porque está a tope de energía y yo termino balada cada día, así que ayer a la noche hice acopio de todas mis fuerzas y retomé esto del fitness haciendo lo que pude para contribuir a mi grupo en los #fitblrgames2023 pero ya para yoga estaba muerta.
Está noche haré yoga para tratar de calmarme los nervios, aunque sé que mañana seguramente no podré hacer porque tengo junta y no sé cuándo llegaré a casa.
Estoy siguiendo un truco para no comer demasiado mal que es, básicamente seguir el menú del colegio del niño. Lo hacen nutricionistas y es bastante healthy. Hoy toca crema de verduras y revuelto de gambitas.
Vamos a por el día!
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Please reblog this so that I can get a bigger sample size, but DO NOT include anything in the tags about the results, as that could influence other responses
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Teams are Set!
Official Rules Post!
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Team 1:
Team 2:
Team 3:
Team 4:
Team 5:
Team 6:
Team 7:
Team 8:
Elect your team captains and choose some bad-ass team names!
If I have two of your blogs listed or if you are missing from the list, let me know!
Rules below the cut :)
Team work is key! As a team, you can complete some INSANE feats! How do I know?? Because we absolutely shook it up in the Fitblr Games 2018, and by golly we can do it again!
Work with your team to complete the Challenge Tasks posted each Monday. If I say 400 squats, it is not 400 by yourself. It is a total as a TEAM of SIX over the course of seven days. Break down those rep together and crush the challenges. To coordinate you will need to elect your Team Captains!
Each team will report their reps to their Team Captains. Those captains will relay the info to me, the Games Master. Team captains, once you are elected, send me a DM!
The captains will be there to tally up the numbers and as soon as your team is done for the week. Scoring is based on how early in the week all of the challenge tasks completed by each team. First team does each week will receive the highest points.
But wait, you want another way to score points too??? I can work with that. Enter the Solo Challenges. Each Wednesday your team will have the opportunity for a representative to face off head to head to gain bonus points and a Power Up. That right, a this is your chance to cause chaos!!! The power up will be announced along with the Solo Challenge winners, you never know what could be waiting on the other side of victory.
You know how I said Challenge Tasks would be posted each Monday? Well, those reps have an ultimate due date of 11:59PM (CST) each Sunday! All teams completing the challenge tasks by then will recieve point, but late scores will not be counted.
Each Tuesday you will be able to see your team's updated score and rankings posted on this blog, @fitblrgames-2023. The Team Captains will be tagged each week, don't forget to relay info to teammates and to follow this page!
Tomorrow 2/5/2023 the team lists will be released and you will be able to elect your captains. Welcome to the games!
Challenge Tasks: Posted each Monday. Complete these as a team as soon as possible.
Team Captain: Is elected by each team in Week 1. Reports the score to the Game Master all 8 weeks. (Choosing a second in command or co-captain is not a bad idea either).
Solo Challenge: Announced each Wednesday. Challenge varies week to week. Representatives compete individually for a chance to win their team some bonus points and a power up.
Representative: Elected by each team weekly. This member represents the team in the solo challenge.
Power up/Grenade/Boost: Used to cause Chaos. Won from solo Challenges
Games Master: The score keeper. Non-participant to keep things fair, but will be attempting the challenges each week anyway! This is who the Team Captains will report to. (It is me btw! @fitblrgames-2023 )
Count down to the games: 1 days!
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Introductory post!
Hello! I'm a 29yo woman, I gave birth by C-section almost 1 year ago. Before getting pregnant I did gymnastics 2 times/week (started with 24yo, so not high level gymnastics, precisely) but I stopped when I was already like 4 months in the pregnancy (before I already stopped high impact exercises). Up until now I have tried doing some exercises, but I was still recovering so the experience wasn't great.
With the new year and almost 1 year after I'm coming back to fitness, but for real, with yoga, as I'm aware that my physical condition is not great and I can start with low intensity. I'm doing #YWAcenter with a 5-day delay (in Spain Christmas doesn't finish until 6th January, which is the day that I started).
Emotionally I've been with up and downs the whole year and everything has been overwhelming. Ironically, the 'being mom's part has been the more pleasant and the one that has given me more joy. Is the rest of aspects of my life that have been falling off, but I'm determined to make everything work out just fine.
This Christmas time I have made some changes around the house to make myself more comfortable in my own house and with some other arrangements I should start seeing some difference in the short time.
I hope I can start posting regularly and I can start being a part of the community.
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Está claro que Pato tiene un TOC. Tenemos Pocoyó puesto mientras jugamos y tiene todos los signos.
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Después de los reyes toca volver a la buena senda.
Aunque unos días tarde, hoy empiezo CENTER de Yoga with Adrienne. Haré también un poco de just dance antes, cuando Matteo se haya dormido.
Tengo ganas de sentirme a gusto conmigo misma y con mi casa. Buena parte del trabajo ya está hecha, solo falta la constancia.
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Ojalá morirme. No querría suicidarme por el dolor y los problemas que daría a los que quedan, pero necesito morir. Necesito el descanso que sólo proporciona la muerte. Dejar de pensar. Dejar de existir. 
Ojalá morirme porque no soy capaz de aportar nada, ni sé cómo conseguir vivir como se supone que debería hacerlo. Ya no sé enderezar mi vida a un punto en el que pueda estar considerablemente despreocupada por mi simple existencia.
Tengo que buscar una forma de seguir con vida, y luchando por mantenerme de alguna forma.
No me queda otra que agradecer a los pocos que consiguen que, por ellos, quiera seguir adelante. Por ellos y por nadie más, pero aún así, razón suficiente para continuar. 
A estas alturas de mi vida tendría que haber encontrado qué se me da bien, una vocación, o, al menos, algo que no implique destrozarlo al tocarlo. 
Dicen que la práctica hace al maestro, pero lo que no dicen es que a veces ni siquiera la práctica puede ayudarte. 
Ya ni siquiera soy capaz de contar historias como hacía, porque estos pensamientos se han adueñado de mi mente desde hace tiempo y ya no consigo siquiera tener esperanzas en una historia ficticia que origine yo misma.
Todo está bien, pero nada está bien. Desde fuera puedo parecer feliz, pero estoy al borde del abismo y con la soga al cuello. Sólo espero que mi vida acabe lo antes posible, porque de otro modo no sé cuánto tiempo voy a poder seguir apoyándome en los pocos pilares que me quedan.
Porque yo me rompa antes o porque ellos se cansen antes.
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