lightmotif139 · 4 days
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Ink floofers 👀 Prints
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lightmotif139 · 4 days
Would never wish to do this stuff to a person, but the curiosity is REAL
A lot of times, when people talk about mad scientists, they mean medical or biology or chemistry, sometimes you'll have a physicist or mathematician or even an engineer... But let's not forget about the hard working mad science geologists who help people scout out and build their "evil lair in a volcano" while furthering their own plot to rid the world of their competition by using their own egos against them. Meanwhile they're bending the secrets of the earth to their will, making new and strange crystalline mineral structures, and dialing in the frequency of their earthquake generators to only destroy what they're aiming at. They deserve attention too!
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lightmotif139 · 4 days
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Water study for Wednesday 🌊
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lightmotif139 · 5 days
Check out my new side blog: @cinematicplatformerjourney
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lightmotif139 · 7 days
I think Uncle Andrew painted the Dawn Treader painting. He had weird, Narnia related dreams for the rest of his life, repressed the hell out of it, and had to take up painting to cope.
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lightmotif139 · 7 days
Whoa whoa wait whoa. They are so alike. But I've always thought of one as ugly and one as beautiful. I'm gonna have to think about this.
rigging & power lines r like siblings i think.
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lightmotif139 · 8 days
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lightmotif139 · 8 days
Stuff my boyfriend said while playing Breath of the Wild. I apparently never posted these here.
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lightmotif139 · 17 days
feeling Bad, I’m gonna go on petfinder and find the most bizarre cat names possible, will report back with any notable ones
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lightmotif139 · 17 days
They caught me singing at my funeral, and dancing to my dirge,
They caught me heckling my eulogy, and joy-riding my hearse.
They caught me spray-painting my tomb stone and teasing the mortician,
They caught me at all sorts of mischief, in grand Christian tradition.
They scolded me, I put my face into my hands to hide
The smiles and the giggles I couldn’t keep inside.
They didn’t want to hear the joke that I had learned so well,
That death has no dominion: my God has rattled hell.
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lightmotif139 · 18 days
"How's your day going?"
My day:
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lightmotif139 · 19 days
Update on my cinematic platformer journey which no one is following but I'm gonna write about it anyway:
I just finished Heart of the Alien, the "sequel" to Another World.
It's no good. Not only is the gameplay lower quality and much less interesting, but the story is poorly plotted and doesn't make much sense.
Thankfully, the creator of Another World (who was not involved in it) also thought it was no good, and doesn't consider it canon. So I am fully justified in not considering it canon either. I guess it would have been OK as a playable fanfic if it would have admitted that's what it is.
I can't say I'm disappointed, since I knew going into it that it wasn't very popular. I don't think I could have satisfied my curiosity without playing it, though. I suppose I could have just watched a playthrough. Meh, whatever.
Another World is the masterpiece that deserves every bit of praise it got. Heart of the Alien is just a bad case of sequelitis.
Up next: Flashback! It's not connected to Another World, but it's made by the same studio and considered a sort of spiritual successor. Unlike Heart of the Alien, Flashback is said to be very good and considered another classic. I'm excited to get started on it!
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lightmotif139 · 19 days
It's the difference between being valued for what you do vs. who you are.
it's always so fascinating and heartbreaking when a character in a story is simultaneously idolized and abused. a chosen prophet destined for martyrdom. a child prodigy forced to grow up too fast. a powerful warrior raised as nothing but a weapon. there's just something so uniquely messed up about singing someone's praises whilst destroying them.
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lightmotif139 · 23 days
Absolutely. Sequence of notes can give major hiraeth out of the blue.
As for That Particular Instrument, when I was a kid I was AFRAID of certain instrument sounds (usually synth bass sounds) and would literally cry in fear over them. Now I like them though.
This is a REALLY weird poll but I have to know if I'm the only one who gets very affected by music itself (not just the lyrics or because you like the artist or because a song reminds you of something sad) so...
pls reblog friends I'm so curious <3 <3 <3
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lightmotif139 · 24 days
I think I have a new favorite game genre
OK so I was recently ranting about how much I loved the 1991 game Another World, and how many gameplay similarities it had to the 2016 game INSIDE (see a few posts back).
Turns out apparently there is a whole genre of games called "cinematic platformers" that were a thing in the 90s, especially after Another World came out. And later games like INSIDE and Ico (another of my faves, from 2001) followed in the same tradition.
The hallmarks of cinematic platformers are realistic character animations (often rotoscoped), less emphasis on mechanics, and more emphasis on immersion in the setting and experience of the story. They also tend to, though don't have to, involve a lot of trial and error puzzling (which players seem to either love or hate, but it works for me.)
Anyway, apparently there are MORE games like this!! And I'm excited about that!!! I think next on my to-play list are:
Flashback (1992)
OnEscapee (1997)
Heart of Darkness (1998)
The Way (2016)
Somerville (2022)
Lunark (2023)
(Apparently the OG cinematic platformer is considered to be Prince of Persia, as it was one of the earliest games to use rotoscoped animation. Idk if I'll go back and play that one but maybe.)
If anyone else loves this genre, please feel free to send me recs!!!
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lightmotif139 · 24 days
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lightmotif139 · 1 month
When I was in college, someone challenged me to eat a spoonful of cinnamon, and somehow I just did it and it wasn't difficult. Later I learned that you shouldn't do this because it's dangerous, since people usually inhale it and cough it all over the place. I was like, huh, that's odd.
One day several years later, I was not thinking about any of this, and I decided to eat a spoonful of cocoa powder (not as a challenge, just because I like cocoa powder). I inhaled it and coughed it all over the place.
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