littlepandaaa · 9 months
"If you are dissatisfied with the play, it is up to you to rewrite the script to make it conform to your idea of what the play should be. You cannot demand that the actors in your play change the character they are portraying. All changes must take place in the mind of the author - If there is someone in your world who is the source of annoyance or irritation to you, that person has no choice but to play the part called for in your script." - Neville
Your life is a play, you are the author. Assume that you are at peace with others, don't assume that someone has something against you. Live peacefully in your mind, don't fight with anyone, don't assume anything that doesn't come from love. At the end you are the only one giving others roles and they can only obey you. At the end you only trust your own mind, you are always assuming something about others. What are you assuming?
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littlepandaaa · 9 months
I'm confused. If 3D is instantaneous once I have my desire in 4D, why doesn't it reflect instantly? Like, I see my desire in my 4d, PERFECTLY, I feel it, I touch it and everything, but I feel confused why this was supposed to be reflected ??
Genuine question, sorry if it sounds too dumb. I am a learner who is having difficulty putting into practice.
I don't talk of 3D/4D. I have one request of you, to ask real questions. However "delusional" you may think they sound.
It is not instantaneous because you identify with your body and not your pure being. No matter how much you use your mind/imagination, you are who you are regardless of the imagines playing in your head. I could think of a panda a million times, imagine what it's like being a panda a thousand more, that doesn't make me into a panda when I still know myself to be a person.
Do you doubt being a male/female? Do you even think on it? You do not, because you are.
I will reply through the manifesting perspective now, but please aim these asks toward law of assumption blogs, as they are just extra steps I don't teach anybody here to go through.
Look at what you're doing, really look, and you'll answer your own question. You sending this asks implies you do not think your 4D is true. You are following some routine you think you are supposed to in order to get something. As long as you try to get things, you're keeping them just out of your reach, because when you do that what you know yourself to be is a person manifesting, not a person who has it all. Every moment you behave as who you think you are. You do not know yourself to be someone who has the things, and it's unlikely that you will by trying to convince/persuade your ego of something while still identifying as it.
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littlepandaaa · 9 months
Do u have any tips on how to persist in the state of being?? Because every time I'm in the state of being, view minutes later I go back to my old state. It's really frustrating. I just wanted to feel the wish fulfilled. (Sorry abt my english)
LOVE. FALL THE FUCK IN LOVE. be completely infatuated and consumed with love for your desired state. you can't commit to what you don't love, so if you want to persist in your desired state, fall in love with it and you'll be too busy enjoying that state to even care about the 3d. this is the only way you'll effortlessly persist in it. edward art touches on falling in love with your imagination, so check his reddit out!
if you would fall in love with what you really want to be, you would become it. it takes an intense hunger to bring about a transformation of self -neville
you must be consumed with the desire and literally on fire with love for its possession, for an intense imaginal act will always draw unto itself its own affinity -neville
if you keep going back to the old state you want to outgrow, that's because you have not fallen in love with your new state. dare to imagine what you'd love to be. dare to fall in love with your imagination. dare to be high like you've never dreamed of. dare to give yourself the feelings of bliss.
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
I don’t know who needs to hear this but, I am so proud of you!! I am so proud of you for persisting! I am so proud of you for just being here and I am sure as hell proud of you for not giving up! You got this! I love you so so much and I am in your corner rooting for you 24/7!!!
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
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do you know you have it or do you hope to have it? do you feel peace and satisfaction or are you doubting?
why a lot of people have anxiety when manifesting is because they choose hope over knowing. this is rooted in not having a full understanding of consciousness being the only reality. when i say consciousness is the only reality, then i mean that absolutely everything is you. when you understand that consciousness is the only reality then you would break the habit of feeling remorseful, depressed, or regretful. You will no longer think unkindly about another, because you will know that he is actually yourself pushed out, and appeared in your world because the Father in you called him. (Neville).
developing this mindset can obviously take time but if you live your day to day life acknowledging your consciousness as the one and only reality, then you’ll get there and it will all become habitual. but for it to become habitual you need to first break the bad habits that hinder you from getting there.
the habit you need to break is checking the outside. eg when you make your mind on what you want you might start to rationalise and think how it’s not possible or might not happen. that’s living on hope. or you might be looking for confirmation that you’re going to get what you want all day long. again, living on hope.
so, what does it mean to live on knowing instead? you KNOW you already have it because consciousness is the only reality and what you do in consciousness will be duplicated to the outside. you assume not for it to be so, but because it is so. you don’t have to “fake” anything. there is no need as you already have it. you don’t need external validation. all you need is within. it is your word over everything. if you say so, then so it is.
so break this cycle of remorse. assume new lovely thoughts and let them be. when it brings you relief and joy, you know you have accepted it. it is yours.
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
Credit to the redditor, a good post about SATS.
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
living in imagination means living in the state of the wish fulfilled, it means becoming that version of yourself in your imagination. dwell on this version of yourself in your day to day life and know that this is who you really are. imagine that you have achieved your goal, imagine that you are already living your dream life, and hold on to this feeling.
all you need is yourself, you hold the power within.
your life is a movie, and you're the director.
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
honestly when you start accepting that imagination is the only reality and your 3d is just a physical experience of what you accept and have faith to be true in it makes manifesting 100000x easier
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
i found GOLD
turns out i reblogged blushy's success story(not manifesting with hard circumstances)
the how i changed my life with loa sucess story you know but i unfortunately cannot reblog it coz i posted it privately and the reblogs on the post have been turned off
i found a public reblog lol and i linked it if any of you are interested in reading
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
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in the loass community, "ignoring" the 3D is a very common phrase, but i find that this often leads to confusion and stress. i think that a much better phrase for it is "dismissing the 3D."
your subconscious responds to feelings. your subconscious doesn't have eyes; it cannot see your 3D. and your thoughts (dominant or not) do not manifest. your subconscious mind doesn't care what your conscious mind is thinking: it cares about your state.
your 3D is a manifestation of your previous state. your 3D doesn't look the way it does right now because of any thoughts you've had, it looks that way because it is reflecting your dwelling state. so how do you change your 3D? by changing your dwelling state.
you don't need to ignore your 3D, you need to dismiss it.
an example i'm going to use is one i've been getting a lot of questions about: you're living in your parents house in the 3D, but you're manifesting moving into your own place. how do you ignore the 3D?
you wake up in your old bed every day, in your old bedroom. you go to your old bathroom and take a shower in your old shower. you go to your old kitchen and do your old dishes and eat your old food. your parents talk to you and tell you you need to clean your old house. you sit down for family dinner at your old dining room table and talk about the things you did in your old house that day. then you sit down with your parents on your old couch and watch a movie on your old tv before going to sleep in your old bed in your old bedroom.
how are you supposed to ignore the 3D when you are constantly witnessing it? how are you supposed to not think about your current 3D when you are constantly dealing with it?
because you don't need to ignore your 3D, you need to dismiss it.
as i mentioned earlier, your subconscious is blind. your thoughts don't manifest. neither of these things are going to effect your manifestation. the only thing that will effect your manifestation is your state.
let's take a little detour to talk about the inner man (i promise it's relevant)
what is the inner man? it's YOU. it's who you identify as, and it's who you are in your imagination. so when you imagine something, you are giving whatever you imagine to your inner man. your inner man is experiencing your 4D.
your outer man is the YOU who is experiencing your 3D. your outer man lives in your outer world, and your inner man lives in your inner world. however, there is no separation between your inner man and your outer man.
as Neville says, "where I shall go in imagination, I shall go in the flesh as well." you must give your inner man your desire first in your inner world, and then your outer world will follow. you cannot skip step one.
this is what i like to do: i give myself my manifestation in my imagination. still using the above example, we'll simply say "there. my inner man lives in my desired apartment right now."
now my inner man is living in my desired apartment. i made a little post about how i like to view my inner man as a little, doll-like version of myself inside of me, but it is not actually separate from you. my favorite way of dismissing the 3D and shifting myself back to my desired state when something in my 3D shakes me is by reminding myself that my inner man already is/has what i want to be/have.
so, still using the same example, if i were to feel myself slip out of my desired state while manifesting my dream apartment--say that i was dwelling in the fact that in my 3D, i have to do chores at my parent(s) house--i'd remind myself that my inner man is already living in my dream apartment/house and that nothing i see or do in my 3D can change that.
there is a difference between dealing with your 3D and identifying with your 3D. in the example i just gave, i could've allowed my actions in the 3D--doing chores--tell me that my desire was never going to manifest because my 3D was showing me the opposite. i could've let myself dwell in the state of lack. instead, we recognized the 3D for what it is: a reflection of our previous dwelling state.
there's this comment i read on the Neville Godard subreddit that I really loved. it said: "the best advice i can give you is stop worrying about what your subconscious is going to think of what you're doing."
your assumptions manifest. what you do in your 3D is completely irrelevant unless you identify with it. your subconscious is not gonna see you doing chores at your parent's house and think that that means you don't live in your desired apartment/house. your subconscious mind doesn't have it's own opinions or ideas on what things in your 3D mean.
for example, say you wash your face and do your skincare every night, yet you are still dwelling in the state of having bad skin. which is going to manifest? your state, every single time. it's why that skincare product that everyone under the sun said helped clear their skin didn't work for you: you assumed it wouldn't.
if you negatively react to your 3D, that is an indicator you fell out of the state of the wish fulfilled. shift back to it, and then continue taking care of business. you're going to notice your 3D no matter what you do. your only job is to dismiss it, because you know it's not your true reality.
keep reminding yourself that your inner man already has your desire, and you're just chilling in your current 3D--no matter how opposite of the 4D it appears--until it catches up. your 3D is not permanent. you don't have to accept it as true.
the goal isn’t to ignore your 3D, it’s to let it pass without worrying about it.
an analogy that i read that i really liked was this: say you're in a disagreement with someone. they keep telling you that a song is sung by a specific artist, but you know for a FACT that it's actually sung by someone else. no matter what, they won't believe that you're right, and they're actually trying to convince YOU that THEY'RE right. but this is literally your favorite song, you know for a FACT who it's sung by, and it's not the person that they're saying. do you let them convince you that you're wrong, or do you stand firm in your belief?
that's how you should act in regards to your 3D. you know that you have your desire in your 4D. i mean, it's YOUR imagination and YOU'RE in control of it! you can have whatever you want in your own imagination! so are you gonna let your 3D tell you that you don't have your desire in your imagination? or are you gonna stand firm in the belief that you have your desire in your 4D?
that's all you need to do. you don't need to believe that you have your desire in your 3D, you just need to believe that you have your desire in your imagination. and you can control your imagination, so this should be super easy. give your desire to you inner man, and as long as you stay faithful to the fact that your inner man has your desire, your 3D will reflect this.
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
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there is no excuse for not manifesting ♥︎ ˚₊
the more you think something isn't hapenning, the more it's not happening.
does a person who has w great social life THINK ABOUT getting friends all the time? no, but you might. because you're not thinking as they would, you’re not in the state they are in.
does someone who has perfect skin constantly find imperfections on their skin? no.
does someone in a happy relationship always think about getting a text from them and spiral when they don’t get a text back? no.
does someone who wants to be thick think about their lack of thickness (lol) all the time? no.
you need to realize there's nothing to "get" in the first place. you're telling yourself that you already have it and when you tell yourself you have it, you DO HAVE IT because imagination is the only reality.
generally, you have to think from (or interact with) rather than think of (or describe) your desire in your mind.
example: say i want a boyfriend, right?
thinking of would be: he has tan skin, freckles, blue eyes, dark hair, pretty eyes, is a little bit taller, is an animal lover, and is a overall good person. (this is a random example LMAO)
thinking FROM would be: Imagining dates with him, imagining our conversations, imagining how we would generally (inter)act
so yeah. everything depends on you. some people might disagree with this, but the universe/god is within all of us. making you a creator. you create. i create. you create your own reality with your mind. you might be predisposed to something but you can change it.
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
Do you feel Impatient?
I've made a post about this before but my views have changed. Do you feel impatient?? if yes than you are NOT doing what Neville told us to do and that is to stop desiring, thats the first and foremost. But dont blame yourself or feel down because of it, infact feel positive because you now know what you are working with and the solution is to stop desiring, how? by fulfilling your desires in the inner world (the ONLY real reality) Fulfillment and desiring cant go together you have to either be in the state of desiring or fulfillment and clearly you are in the state of desiring rn. One thing people need to drill in their head is to leave the 3d alone and accept imagination to be the only real reality, idk how many more times i and many other blogs have to repeat this but PLEASE try to understand, if you want your desire you will HAVE to make this sacrifice and this is the only thing asked of you. You might feel scared to let go of the outerworld you may have questions like "what if i am just imagining and feeling things that may never happen" Well do you believe in the Law?? if yes then you dont have to worry whatsoever because what you do in imagination HAS to be reflected thats the law and you dont have to worry about that, let the law take care of it you just fulfill your desires in imagination and move on,now alot of people get stuck in the "move on" or as Neville calls it "let it be" part. you dont have to be like "damn i have to think about it again" because you are not trying to attract it, remember life is happening FROM you not TO you, so its not like if you say it enough times and it will just fall in to your lap thats not what the law promises (not saying that repetition doesnt work but repeating desperately to "make it happen" is not quite right imo) so like you just imagine and have fun feeling what it would be like and then persist being it, NOT persist trying to make it happen but being it and the law will take care of the rest .Once you do that you will feel fulfilled in your imagination when you imagine because you will no longer worry about the outerworld and therefore no longer feel impatient.
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
Feeling is the secret - key points
"The conscious impresses the subconscious, while the subconscious expresses all that is impressed upon it"
"The subconscious does not originate ideas, but accepts as true those which the conscious mind feels to be true and, in a way known only to itself, objectifies the accepted ideas"
"Night after night, you should assume the feeling of being, having and witnessing that which you seek to be, possess and see manifested. Never go to sleep feeling discouraged or dissatisfied. Never sleep in the consciousness of failure"
"Whatever the mind of man can imagine, man can realize. All objective (visible) states were first subjective (invisible) states, and you called them into visible by assuming the feeling of their reality"
"Always imagine and expect the best"
"If, as you prepare for sleep, you do not consciously feel yourself into the state of the answered wish, then you will take with you into the chamber of her who conceived you the sum total of the reactions and feelings of the waking day; and while asleep, you will be instructed in the manner in which they will be expressed tomorrow"
"Your conception of yourself as you fall asleep is the seed you drop into the ground of the subconscious. Dropping off to sleep feeling satisfied and happy compels conditions and events to appear in your world which confirm these attitudes of mind."
"All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. You need no helper to give it to you; it is yours now"
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
what are the basics of manifesting?
consciousness creates reality ⚘
there is a lot i could say but i will make a post about this. for now, i think this sums it up pretty well! what you are conscious of manifests into your world and therefore "creates" your physical reality. meaning, the moment you become aware/conscious of having what you want to manifest, it‘ll come to fruition!
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
you aren't a states girly or an affirm + persist girly.
⚐⠀this is an oppositional but still educational post.
you are in fact both. you affirm aka assume therefore think that you have your desire and persist in that aka enter the state of having your desire. you maintain that state by persisting.
you are in a state no matter what. you affirm no matter what as you are always thinking. simply stating that you have your desire is an affirmation. and all "ways" of manifestation require persistence. no matter how you manifest, no matter which method you use or which challenge you try, you are always — at all times — persisting.
also, what is a states girly? technically — no, quite literally — we are all "states girlies". or do you call yourself an everyone-is-you-pushed-out girly? or an assumption girly? or a self concept girly? or a fulfillment girly? or an imagination girly?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ © 23209
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littlepandaaa · 11 months
forget the outerworld
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The outerworld reflects what you are accepting, feeling real, assuming, unknowledging, believing. What do you think that happens when you are daily dwelling in circumstances and complaining about your life when you should be living in the wish fulfilled feeling? 🤨
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'Oh but this happened'... yes it will keep happening until you stop giving it your precious attention. Indifference is the best denial.
"I dont have anything 😪😪🤕" guess what? 3d will reflect it, the material world HAS to conform what you identify being or having always.
"I am trying" ok, 3d will reflect it, it has to show what you are being. And if you assume you are trying, it has to conform. As long as you try you will keep trying, for 3d has to show what you are doing within.
"I have it already, it's done", 3d has to conform, facts will dissolve to comprove what you (God) decreed. Dare to assume and let it be.
The outerworld will conform to everything that you identify as real, accept, assume, believe, feel as real.
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💌 This does not mean you have to keep checking thoughts or be scared of your emotions, those will not manifest. As long as you don't dwell in this circumstances and decide not to accept them. What you decide to accept as real will be reflected, the world reflects what you identify/assume that is real. Trust your SELF, trust your Imagination.
Someone said something? No they did not. You failed? No, you have it already. You don't know how to do it? Ofc you do. They said no? They said YES. You don't feel it real? Yes you do. You don't have faith? Yes you do. Yes you trust your Imagination, yes you trust yourself, yes you have your desires. Claim ALL that you want as ALREADY REAL.
Stop accepting shit and dare to assume the best, you are not a victim, you are GOD.
You don't need to accept circumstances. You don't need to react to your outerworld simply because you dont want to do it, then you don't need to.
Do you want to be a slave of your senses? You have to decide if you are going to be FREE or SLAVE. MASTER OF YOUR FATE or VICTIM.
You are already a master manifestor, you should know you are. You just have to allow yourself to be it.
You are the cause, then don't search for a reason outside of yourself. No need to put any effort, just surrender to the fact you have it and let it be.
When you imagine, forget the outerworld.
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