lnythl · 4 years
Yes, you did read that right. I was somehow one of the 50 randomly selected out of 4,000 people to receive a video message from Dan & Phil due to buying their holiday merch within a specific time frame (posted about here) and now, I’m giving it away.
Why am I doing that, you ask? Because in the past two years, I’ve had the privilege of meeting the boys three times, seeing them in person 13 times at different events, and got multiple notices on different social medias more times than I deserve honestly. I’m forever thankful and grateful for being given all those opportunities, but I’ve had more than my fair share.
So when I read the message and it said this:
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I immediately messaged IRL back and asked if this meant the video message could be addressed to someone other than the person the email named. They said of course, because it would be the same as if a parent bought items for their child and the child was really the one the message giveaway would be for.
One of the things Dan said to me when I met him at VidCon U.S. back on July 13th was, “It’s not easy, but it does get better.” And you know what? It has gotten better. And Tumblr was a big factor for that. This website and blog is my escape from reality. I can come here to talk about anything - freak out about my faves, rant about stuff that pisses me off, cry about my sorrows, etc. Of course it’s not healthy to rely on the internet for emotional support, but y’all really have shown me a type of love that not even people in my real life do over the years. I feel comfortable and safe here. And there’s no way I could ever repay everyone for that.
But I thought this could be some way that I could give back to the community that’s given me so much.
The rules are simple because they aren’t really rules:
- Only reblog this once. Doing so multiple times won’t raise your chances because I’m only entering usernames in once. Likes will not count as entries.
- You must be okay with giving me your email address it’s required for IRL Merch to send you the video.
- Your DMs must be open the day the giveaway ends so that I can message you asking the following, which is the information IRL asked the winners for: Name for the video, name pronunciation, and an email for the video to be sent to.
- You don’t have to be following me to enter, but it would be cool if you did! *finger guns*
Like with all my previous giveaways, all usernames be entered into a randomizing generator and randomly selected. Then I will privately message the winner (I don’t do public winner announcements due to jealous hate being sent to winners in the past).
The giveaway will end December 13, 2019 at 7pm EST/December 14 at 12am GMT (D&P’s time). Since the information must be submitted via email by December 15, I want to have everything submitted one day early just to be safe.
I hope to make someone else’s holiday season as good as the last few years have been for me with this.
Good luck, happy holidays, and thanks for everything!
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lnythl · 5 years
Since Felix glitched halfway does NOBODY know how it ended?
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lnythl · 5 years
Chat Blanc was chaotic but that ending was the perfect closure we needed. The parallel of CN singing, the easy, deep affection between them that is neither platonic nor romantic at the moment but simply IS ladybug and chat noir against the world -
- this is perfection. If only this was the very last ep to come out this season it would have been nice closure for us before the long hiatus.
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lnythl · 5 years
Does she know?? Current ladybug was the one who erased Marinette’s name from the present - so she must have known there was a connection between the beret and chat noir getting akumatized. So she SHOULD know that Adrien is CN right??
Otherwise she wouldn’t have fixed the beret scene. If she truly did not know his identity, she would not know that the beret was the one to cause all this.
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lnythl · 5 years
Miraculous headcanons
I’ve always headcanoned that master fu gave CN and LB some kind of training especially with all the recent power ups/ fusions and kwami swaps. They had to have learned all that from somewhere right??
But with Master Fu gone now I’m gonna rearrange this fun little head canon a bit. Now imagine:
- LB and CN having secret conferences in abandoned warehouses or rooftops
- LB teaching CN all kwami names, powers and potential uses
-CN taking studious notes like the nerd he is
- The two visiting libraries after hours, poring over miraculous lore and history
- Plotting the dream team. They can’t agree so they’re making notes that basically amount to pokemon stat cards
- Kwami swap rules and boundaries: “Don’t listen to anything Plagg says.”, “Listen to EVERTHING Tikki says.”
- Establising emergency protocols: “if I fall in battle YOU are the next Master so here’s a highly intelligent and convoluted puzzle that will lead you to the miraculous box -“
- “...can I just have a map?”
- learning ALL the spells “Unify!” And CN getting really into it and finding shiny surfaces to practice his magical girl poses
- on the side, replying to fan mail tgt
Basically I just really love the idea of them working together not just as a battle team but as a literal single brain cell team. It’s about high time CN was exposed to all the history and facts surrounding the miraculous anyway.
Any other related headcanons to add? My post-Miracle Queen soul needs this.
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lnythl · 5 years
S4 Speculations
(Slight spoilers for miracle queen)
Right now my biggest concern is when the love square will begin to redevelop. We all know the love square is endgame. Now the question is, how many episodes will we have to suffer before the development even starts?
Lukanette and Adrigami:
Cute, but I’m diehard for the the love square. These 2 ships are def in place to:
1) distance chat noir from ladybug (or at least tone down the ridiculous flirting) so that ladybug gets annoyed less and can learn to appreciate him more. From there her feelings for him might develop.
2) remove Marinette’s anxiety in Adrien’s presence so they can finally have deeper conversations and get to know each other. From there, his feelings for her might develop.
So yes, its not how I would have preferred it but these 2 ships will be the catalyst for love square.
But when will it begin for real?
We know that the final movie will come after S5 and focus on lovesquare’s romance. This means that by end S5 they are STILL not together.
I thus foresee that lukanette & adrigami will stick around for most of S4, and breakup once Adrien and Marinette realise they don’t want to give up on each other after all. That will prob come at the tail end of S4, setting our idiot couple up for real development in S5.
S5 will prob develop the romance slowly because they’ll be fighting the miraculous plot for screen time. I foresee the miraculous plot will only get more intense too so it’ll require more time on screen. This explains why love square won’t be achieved by end of S5 but happen during the movie.
What do yall think? Let’s discuss.
(This is all really rational sounding but I’m just trying to cope with what I just saw on Miracle Queen. Broken heart here confirmed.)
Stay strong, love square shippers! It’s only a matter of time.
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lnythl · 8 years
Get consent, kids.
No, I’m not talking about consent for like kissing and stuff, although you should always get consent for that. No, no, today I’m going to be talking about something different. Something along the lines of good ol’ copyright.
I’ve noticed that, in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom at least, comic dubbing is becoming very popular. I’m pretty sure at least a hundred (maybe more) of you follow me just because you saw one of my dubs at one time or another. I know there are others who have been doing it longer than me and some who are newer. Some of us are popular, some of us not so much. Some did it as a one-off, some do it regularly. Some people don’t even dub–they just take the comics and add music to them and put them on youtube.
Regardless of which categories you fall under, if you have or plan to make a dub of someone’s written or illustrated works, or make something that includes someone’s written or illustrated works (like an AMV w/ artwork) –whether it be in this fandom or another–this applies to you. 
So pay attention.
For the sake of conciseness, I will only be mentioning comics but this applies ANY works, original or fanmade, that do not belong to you. Written, illustrated, music…This includes fanmade covers of the Miraculous Ladybug theme too, btw.
I don’t care if you are “shy” or “anxious” to ask. That’s not gonna fly in court. If you’re too shy to ask for permission then you’re definitely too shy for the attention you could potentially receive for you dub. Worst case scenario, the artist says no. Fine. Deal with it. Move on.
And, seriously: ASK BEFORE YOU BEGIN PRODUCTION. You don’t wanna get halfway into the process only to find out the creator isn’t cool with you doing it. Plus, you can kinda put them in an awkward position (like, crap, they’ve already put effort into this…how can I say no?) and that’s just rude to do. Don’t be that asshole.
Why do you need to get consent?
…I really should not have to answer this. But since we have such a problem with art theft, I will. But personally, I think it all comes down to NOT BEING A JACKASS.
1. You have absolutely no right to dub/use the comic.
That’s right. You have no right. None. It doesn’t matter if the comic is fanart, it is the intellectual property of the artist. I don’t care if you REALLY REALLY WANNA DO IT!!!!!1 I don’t care if you’re “just a kid”. Posting a dub video with the artwork without prior consent from the artist is art theft. The artist may consent afterwards…or they may not. Either way, the fact you used their work without their permission made it art theft. If you think you can get around this by not posting the comic panels and just an audio version of it - you stole their story line. Still theft. 
2. What about fair use?!
Do you people even know what that means? There are a number of reasons that people like to claim fair use but actually can’t. Your dub of a persons comic is not:
Criticism & Commentary – you’re not criticizing the work. You’re not commentating on it or using it to commentate on something else.
Parody – you’re certainly not making fun of it! (What is Parody? See: SNL sketches.)
News reporting – it’s not newsworthy and this is not a news segment.
Scholarship and Research – UNLESS YOU WERE MAKING THIS FOR A SCHOOL PROJECT, it’s not academic. Even if it WAS a school project, you still do not have the right to put it up on youtube. (Ex: I did something with footage of The Garfield Show once for class. Jim Davis himself has expressed compliments after viewing my work - but I still have to get legal permission from Paws Inc to use it anywhere outside of class.)
There are a few other fair uses as well but they’re irrelevant in this instance because there’s no way anyone could even attempt to claim them.
3. But I credited them!
Yeah? And? That’s not consent. 
4. It’s just fanart.
Yeah… but it’s their art. Maybe not their characters but THEIR ART.
And GOD HELP YOU if you actually do something w/o their consent using their copyrighted works.
5. They can sue you.
Yep. You read that right. If you use an artist’s artwork without their permission, they can take you to court. It doesn’t matter how you did it, how old you are, where you are: they can file a lawsuit and your ass could end up in court. Ask yourself: do you really want to go to court over a comic dub?
Will they? Eh. Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on the person. Do you really want to risk it though?
And if you think you’re exempt because you’re not American: I got news for you. Tumblr, vimeo, youtube, etc…their servers are in the USA. Unless I am mistaken, that potentially puts this in the USA‘s jurisdiction.
See why this is important?
I understand that you might think that dubs are harmless. And, yeah, they’re relatively insignificant. But the fact of the matter is, you need legal permission to use everything in your videos and that includes artwork. AND sound effects and music, for that matter, but that’s not what this is about.
This isn’t a hard concept. Just ask for permission. It covers your ass. I live and breathe TCOM and trust me, YOU GOTTA ALWAYS COVER YOUR ASS. But most importantly, it shows you respect the artist/creator not only as an artist but as another human being.
If they grant you consent to use their work: WOO! YOU’RE IN BUSINESS! GO TO TOWN! DUB THAT SHIT AND MAKE IT AWESOME. If they set any terms for of use (crediting requirements, no monetizing, etc) you MUST comply or it’s a violation of your agreement and they can take action against you.
If they say no, you better respect that shit.
And, if you’ve already decided to be THAT ASSHOLE and have posted someone else’s work without their express consent in any form: IF THE ARTIST COMES TO YOU AND TELLS YOU TO TAKE IT DOWN, TAKE IT DOWN. for fuck’s sake man
For the record: I always ask. You can check with anyone in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom whose works I have dubbed and they will confirm: I have always sought their permission. I have always agreed to and complied with any terms they set forth. AND I have license to use EVERYTHING you hear in my dubs–all the music, the sfx–and the consent of the VAs, which they gave me upon initially accepting the roles.
Ask for permission before you use someone’s stuff. Be respectful. Seriously, it’s not hard. Don’t be that asshole.
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lnythl · 8 years
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They rule the city.
And sometimes the gym floor.
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lnythl · 8 years
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My friend thought this was hilarious and decided to shame me on her Instagram. I stole it to shame myself here. (Now, now, nobody laugh at draft Adrien. He had to go through a lot to end up the way he did on the right)
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lnythl · 8 years
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“It doesn’t matter who’s under that mask, I love her, this girl.” -Chat Noir, Origins part 2, ep 26
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lnythl · 8 years
It makes no sense to me either but Adrien is so much easier to draw than Marinette. WHY. I MEAN HE'S SO POOFY On a side note, I'm in the midst of drawing something a lil' more serious. And Marinette's hair face body EVERYTHING is giving me a headache.
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lnythl · 8 years
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I noticed the gym class minicomic I did was popular so I thought WHY NOT A MARATHON?
It was only halfway through that I realized they should never actually do this…for several reasons.
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lnythl · 8 years
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Once in awhile, there's time for a debrief.
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lnythl · 8 years
Just watched ep 24 and FEELING SO FRUSTRATED. I DONT EVEN ONOW WHY T.T some one please if you're feeling as emotionally damaged as I am after that ep hit me up so we can rant at each other. (Like I haven't quite decided how to feel abt marinette's behaviour and damn I was neutral to volpina's existence before but know just aww why you gotta do that and then that damn ending seen)
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lnythl · 8 years
Two mins into the new ep and my first thought: ADRIEN YOU'RE SO REBELLIOUS TODAY OMG
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lnythl · 8 years
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In the first few days of their superhero careers perhaps?
Some LadyNoir fluff for your troubled souls.
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lnythl · 8 years
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Adrien and Nino, in the first few days of their newfound friendship. Maybe. 
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