marthefrozenfan · 4 days
OMG! She's so hot! Anna warrior,i love u! 💗💗✨✨
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Illustration for Disney Lorcana by Leonardo Giammichele and costume designed by Nicholas Kole
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marthefrozenfan · 6 days
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Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈🌈✨🌻❄️
Here I leave you some edits of my HC that I made of the two, my HC is that Anna is bisexual 🩷💜 💙 and Elsa is aroace 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
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marthefrozenfan · 6 days
When people think Anna is stupid
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When people think Anna is weak
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When people think Anna hasn’t suffered as much as Elsa
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When people think Anna is “too good”
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When people think Anna doesn’t learn anything
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  When people say Anna isn’t as attractive as Elsa
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When people think a bunch of rocks are their family
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marthefrozenfan · 11 days
I also don't understand how there are people who hate Anna/Elsa and compare her to the other, when the movie shows us that the two sisters are different from head to toe, but that they love each other very much, people don't understand that That's why they only love Elsa/Anna and don't like the other, that's why they compare one to the other in a negative way. PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT FROZEN IS A TALE OF TWO SISTERS!
I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW SOMEONE CAN LOVE ONE SISTER AND HATE THE OTHER.. like wtf? Do you understand they rely on each other and love each other so much.
People who like one sister and not the other:
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People who like one sister and hate the other:
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People who don’t like Elsa or Anna:
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marthefrozenfan · 12 days
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~The difference between a scammer and a real family~
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marthefrozenfan · 13 days
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Illustrations by 水溜鳥 Mizutame Tori for the Japanese version of Let it Go: A Frozen Twisted Tale
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marthefrozenfan · 13 days
I’ve never gotten why people say Elsa is a poorly written character. I'm with those who think that the sequel completely turned her character development and potential on its head, but heck, this has been going on even before that. I'm just going to talk about the first movie here. All this talk about how Elsa is "weak", "whiny", and "selfish" when in reality she is a traumatized and insecure young woman who was locked away from the world for half her childhood, inadvertently led to believe that she is a monster and danger to others, and felt that running away and isolating herself yet again was the best way to protect herself and her sister really irritates me. And secondly, SHE ISN'T EVEN THE PROTAGONIST OF THE MOVIE. ANNA IS. ANNA is the one who eventually saves her and reignites their sibling bond through her act of love and selflessness.
I feel that these people who give her a bad rap don't get that not every female character has to be a badass who knows how to fight and save themselves every time and has no flaws. Or they just hate people who are mentally ill or traumatized.
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marthefrozenfan · 13 days
I hate that they say that Anna is a "Quirky girl"!!!
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A "Quirky girl" is supposedly those tender, optimistic girls who see the world in pink, and according to them they are "perfect" women because of it.
An example is the "social class" who talks to everyone, gets good grades, has a positive attitude as if her life really were rosy or as if she didn't make mistakes, but what's the point of labeling her as "Quirky?" girl"? We don't know what's behind that girl, maybe her positive and optimistic attitude is due to a sad past, that girl seems to do things well, but she makes mistakes like anyone else! She seems perfect, but... Who in this life is? What an ugly term🙄
Unfortunately, Anna is called a "Quirky girl" because of her happy and optimistic attitude and she sees life in rosy colors unlike Elsa, and I really love her optimism to be honest, thanks to that she and Elsa moved on, But perfect? Oh my Gosh!! Anna fell in love with a man she barely knows and that had consequences, Anna yes she has made mistakes, and that's okey! We all make mistakes, the point is that if we fix them and of course Anna does, however that term "Quirky girl" means perfection and pretending that things are fine, Anna is not perfect and of course behind that smiling face and her optimistic attitude...she has a great pain inside, what a horrible term for Anna to be honest 🫠🙄
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marthefrozenfan · 13 days
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I know I mentioned this before in another post but I can’t get over how stupid this is. Isolating a child and not giving her proper social contact with other people IS abuse! Elsa and Anna were both abused by their parents.
They formed different personalities because their parents treated them differently from each other. Elsa almost killed her sister and felt so bad about it that she went along with her dad idea to isolate her. He also taught her to fear her powers and to be overly cautious. Meanwhile, Anna was shown to not have the same amount of attention from her parents as Elsa did. Anna was alone and had no one to talk to. She wasn’t taught to be weary or caution like Elsa was and it shows in the movie.
This rapunzel stan is just trashing Anna just so she can prop up that bugged eye freak. Therefore she’s intentionally ignoring why Anna’s character is the way she is. It’s also very insulting to say that Anna wasn’t abused when she was! It’s no surprise that people are dragging her over twitter for this post.
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marthefrozenfan · 15 days
Anna is not like Rapunzel, she makes mistakes, she screws up but she always knows how to fix them! Furthermore, she has a courage as beautiful as love and thanks to that Anna keeps going and never gives up! She is not just any "quirky girl" she is much more than that, she is not perfect! and that's why I love her, besides, who in this life is perfect? Oh please! We all make mistakes like anyone else, and we move on and repair those mistakes! That makes Anna a great character, that makes Anna not a "quirky girl", it's a shame that Tangled fans don't notice it. and they only see her as a "quirky adorable"/"quirky girl" 💗✨
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Maybe because Anna has flaws, makes mistakes in her movie and she wasn’t meant to be a self insert like rapunzel was? Who’s surprised that the bland character that people heavily project to and have no flaws is more liked than a real character?
Not only do rapunzel stans cry over Elsa and trash her character because she’s way more popular than their fav, they also do the same thing to Anna as well. Won’t change the fact that they are both iconic characters with a beloved movie that is in the top ten on streaming platforms.
Edit: I just read the rest of this dumbass thread because people are jumping her saying that she watched frozen with her eyes closed (they were right. After all, tangled stans do it with their own fav movie). Outside of the typical “dollar store Ariel is the best because I can project random things onto and she has no flaws while I can’t with the rest of the princesses” shit rapunzel stans like to use, this dummy said something else that pissed me and others off. She said that Anna wasn’t abused while Elsa was! Are you fucking kidding me? Anna was! She was neglected by her parents, wasn’t allowed to go anywhere outside the palace and she had no one to talk to! This is abuse. Also, this is exactly why Anna acts the way she does! She ready to get married to the first guy who treats her nicely because she’s so desperate to be loved and have a friend. It’s obvious going by the movie but hey, what do I expect from a girl who thinks that a bland self interest that isn’t at all affected by her upbringing is a good character.
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marthefrozenfan · 15 days
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One of my favorite details in the Frozen movies has got to be Kristoff and Anna constantly having matching looks.
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marthefrozenfan · 15 days
Aaaaaw!! ✨💗🥰
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People make bad choices if they’re mad, or scared, or stressed. Throw a little love their way and you’ll bring out their best. True love brings out their best.
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marthefrozenfan · 15 days
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Anna’s expression when Elsa is in danger - requested by anon
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marthefrozenfan · 22 days
New Frozen mobile game | News
And here's another set of new content today! The future of Frozen is expandinggg! I just posted a post with the new doll leak for Frozen: Winter Festival, a possible new short. And now we have a new mobile game available on the App store but set for release soon (no date is shown for when).
The new game is called Disney Frozen Royal Castle. The brief description reads as, "Elsa & Anna interactive doll house dress up kids game for boys and girls". And here are the images released:
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A walkthrough video is available on YouTube here:
This game seems really fun where you can play around in the castle and choose what the characters wear including some of the outfits seen in the movies and new ones most likely made just for the game. You can click register in order for the game to automatically download on your phone as soon as it's available to play.
Here are some of the outfits seen in the video:
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Some may not be as excited for this as the possible new Winter Festival shirt but I thought I'd still share this for those who are excited either way for this game.
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marthefrozenfan · 23 days
OMG!! I hope it's real!! I need a new Frozen short that isn't about Olaf!!😭😭💗💗💗✨✨✨
Frozen: Winter Festival: A new short? | News
Guyyss we might possibly have brand new Frozen content on the horizon!! A new short could be coming out soon!
All credits go to @/girliesandghouls on Instagram. Today, leaks have come out for some Frozen Dolls on Amazon set for release on September 1st. These are the images released.
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These dolls are titled "Mattel Frozen Fashion Dolls". These specific ones are the "Icy Ice Skating" Elsa and Anna. We also have Olaf with an ice cart, Frozen carriage and doll play set, and Frozen ball gown 2 pack.
The details for the dolls are:
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This confirms that Frozen: Winter Festival is some kind of feature, most likely and possibly a short. But more on that in a bit.
The new looks:
They look good but I want to look deeper into what their outfits really look like. These dolls definitely give Olaf's Frozen Adventure vibes with the blues and the winter outfits:
For Anna, her hair seems to be fully done and not in any kind of style unlike Frozen 2 when she had braids at the back of her hair. He jacket has the same structure as her OFA one with the collar, sleeves, the waistline and the buttons. She has a black bodice with the familiar pointed down waistline. Her skirt is the gradient of dark blue. With a similar pattern to her Frozen blue skirt. It could be the same length as that. Her boots however are much shorter than the usual high boots we've seen on her previous looks. They even have a fluffy rim around it and laces too. The boots are a purple pink like her cape in Frozen but because it's a doll, it's probably more detailed in the actual short or feature. I absolutely love her look. I love her OFA look so I'm excited for this one too. Obviously it's going to be more detailed in the short because dolls simplify things.
For Elsa, her hairstyle seems to be the same as her Fifth Spirit look. Elsa's dress is giving me more of her dress under her Frozen 2 coat vibe with the lines, snowflake designs and sparkles and her leggings/ trousers. But I think the purple part of her dress is that sequin type look of that frozen 2 dress under her coat. Her dress has an asymmetrical shape to it being lifted from the front. Her previous longer dresses have a train at the back however this dress could be shorter with no train just to show her leggings and also for ice skating purposes, so the train doesn't get caught. Her dress has a blue to purple gradient to it at the skirt and the sleeves like her classical ice dresses as well as the familiar pointed down sleeve ends. Her ice sandals have been ditched for ice heels again which I love. Elsa's cape is roughly the same length as the back of Elsa's dress and has a white to purple gradient to it. The shape seems to be the same as her previous longer ice dresses being from the back or under arms. Her leggings are also purple. Overall I think I love this look. As I said for Anna it's going to be more detailed in the short because dolls simplify things. And I love how Elsa isn't in white because it's not her main iconic colour unlike blue. And purple as her accent colour makes sense as her cape is a bluish purple in her Fifth Spirit look.
These are the Frozen and Frozen 2 Mattel dolls for outfit comparison:
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So yeah we can see that the previous Frozen Mattel dolls have simplified some of the details the actual looks have so it's gone these looks from Frozen: Winter Festival is simplified too.
So with these looks analysed briefly, I'm so excited for their ball gown looks. They haven't had a ball gown look since Frozen when Elsa had her coronation. So just imagine their full length dresses stunning again.
The new short?
So most likely this is from a new short in the works. Some of us probably weren't expecting anything new let alone a short before the big two part movies but some of us were hoping. And looks like it's true. It makes sense to have a short now because Frozen 3 isn't coming until 2026! Some of us were expecting they'd keep the 6 year gap and release it next year in 2025 but they have made the gap 7 years from Frozen 2. So it's great to have another short while we wait.
I believe this short could be out this year and be in front of Moana 2 in November. Mostly because that release date is Frozen's usual release month and Moana is highly anticipated so it's a good strategy to get people to see this short if theatrical. And also because if the short is set in winter, it makes sense to release it closer to Winter time. That's obviously just my guess. But to think that this short is set in winter means it'll give that Frozen and OFA vibe that is iconic to the franchise. I say that because I know Frozen 2 is controversial to the fandom for understandable reasons and with the autumn vibe the theme of change really screams out. So it's nice to be back in the winter element again with the sisters together.
And if some of you believe this is a leak of Frozen 3, I would completely deny that because I doubt we'd get a leak so soon, more than 2 years before it's release date. With all we know of Frozen 3 behind the scenes too, the leaks seem to be tightly sealed because the movies sound big and any details given could spoil it for us of course. Besides a Short around this time makes much more sense.
When the ball gown dolls leak I'll analyse them too. So keep your eyes peeled.
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marthefrozenfan · 26 days
In my opinion, yes, Anna is very undervalued and underestimated, from experience I saw that even many people hate her and it is a shame that there are people who hate her, Anna deserves to be loved and valued just like her sister😔💗
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marthefrozenfan · 27 days
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