missalexandrataylor · 10 years
Troubled Heart
They all end the same-
They all just end.
If one could listen,
He'd hear my words unsaid.
Troubled by pouring my heart
Into things that never stay;
One asked me if I'd ever love,
I said, "Only if you lead the way".
 Let me witness something special-
To stand from the passion within.
I promise I'm worth it.
Just let this relationship begin.
Two falls too broken,
I beg them all for a second chance.
You'd think I'd be normal
To feel this constant lack in romance.
It's so sick-
I am completely through
Thinking every man
Will provide me something new.
Yet, circled back in
I arrive at your feet.
Helpless, alone
Your soul made me complete.
I want to feel the love
That you so generously toss around.
But no, it's never me-
I'm the girl that's never found.
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missalexandrataylor · 10 years
Hopelessly Yours
Do you ever think it will be me?
I want to cry every time I see her.
I haven't given up on you,
But I haven't moved on either.
  Do you know that when you leave
A little piece of me goes too?
There are so many things I shouldn't believe,
My wishes never come true.
  I can no longer wait
I just want you to see,
That every girl that comes around,
She will never be me.
  And all the days I spent besides you-
Don't you think that's a bit unfair?
Here I go, into the unknown,
Losing words within the air.
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missalexandrataylor · 10 years
Sweet Marie
What courageous beauty she shone-
A terrible mistake to fall between.
Her hips, her lies, her grace,
Every smile wrapped in silk lace.
  Wishing she was going home-
Claiming land within another heart.
Turning to yet another face;
A warming, yet discomforting place.
  Something inside made her roam-
Undressing and stripping the harmony,
Of what she thought she was living free.
She could be, oh sweet, sweet Marie. 
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missalexandrataylor · 10 years
The Last Goodbye
Green lakes and treasure lands
Bottles of blank messages
That no one will ever write
Searching for air gone dry
Nothing is harder than a last goodbye
  Rain drips, every lily's song
I could catch all breaths
Pretending not to notice
Each willowed, buckled sigh
Every bird is responsible to fly
  Time twists to the dawn's tune
Once again, we may grow
Beneath the shade we may find
Memories of a dark cry
Creating light when we need it the most
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missalexandrataylor · 10 years
What is that feeling-
When I can hardly speak?
My right turns wrong
And my strong turns weak.
How long have you left me waiting?
I stopped counting long ago.
Some things should fix themselves,
But others I got to let go.
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missalexandrataylor · 10 years
Under A Moon
Playing another round of chess again,
Caught off guard by ticking clock.
Gotta get home at least by ten,
Momma always watching like a hawk.
  Round the corner, I pass a fleeing man-
Scared to be out into the light.
Thought to run, and so I ran.
No one's the same out at night.
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missalexandrataylor · 10 years
Sometimes I Feel
I feel extremely individualistic
I know that because of me, I can improve the lives of others
I only know as much as I've experienced, and first-handedly that's not a lot
I want to die famous in my own teachings
I am an ant stuck on top of a mountain
There is so much for me to explore
One person can fulfill the needs of others
Why am I still here?
I so badly crave the unknown
I want to be something that I am told I am not
How often do we get the chance to be remarkable?
I want to redefine my womanhood
I believe that we all are two words short of a novel
We all remain nameless when we don't try
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missalexandrataylor · 11 years
Search for Perfection
And so I search for imperfections ‘Cause I’m told I can’t be gold. Ask me if Id like to change, Some things just can’t be sold. My speech, my pride, my confidence, All hindered at my heart's expense.  Who else can learn to love me?  Because when I compare It's only imperfections I see.
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missalexandrataylor · 11 years
My Porch
I'd rather not speak                                                                       Of those things I never did                                                                 By rules of expectations                                                                     I always hid
Where I stand                                                                          Hasn't been too clear                                                                       Solidarity, failure                                                                         Trial and error                                                                               That's what's placed me here
See, from my porch                                                                           I see far beyond                                                                         Perception                                                                                     See, at my porch                                                                     Where you haven't gone                                                             Erases Self-deception
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missalexandrataylor · 11 years
"Success doesn't have to be in reach, it just has to be attainable."
Yours Truly
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missalexandrataylor · 11 years
Tumblr media
PictureQOTD: My thoughts exactly. Much more intriguing, compelling, captivating and entrancing to me than conventional beauty. #oddisperfect
View more Nina Dobrev on WhoSay
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missalexandrataylor · 11 years
White Slates
Mahogany, the agony                                                                      A slip away                                                                                      Insanity
Indigo, I want to go                                                                      Blend like things                                                                              Profanity
White slates                                                                              White slates                                                                                  Ash me gray                                                                                Oh, white slates
I gave myself to push us through                                                    You never sought my faith in you                                                      Every color I would ever paint                                                          Dried, useless                                                                          Forever a white slate
Here I go, to start anew                                                              These shades of blue                                                                        Not far from you
Broken slates                                                                               Beaten slates                                                                                 Ask the way                                                                                   I say no slates
Rejects of the love I'd send                                                                  A painter's wish                                                                                To not paint men
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