mr-orion · 4 hours
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mr-orion · 4 hours
I gave the Dennys waitress a $30 tip on a $30 meal so yeah, i kind of am like a monarch
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mr-orion · 9 hours
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orion hate doing pixel art for class. grrrrrrrrrr. orion despises this final project being a two week ordeal
two weeks for asset design and animations! thats so cool when i have other things im sposed to be doing. its not like this is my full time job. fuck you especially orion
it genuinely has been so hard to do art lately, and im sure its gone noticed by my long time mutuals. its genuinely because i fucking hate this class, i enjoy making art, but this class is such a killjoy that i feel like a pos for wanting to do anything else. its why i stopped being able to go on with daily sketches. it has sucked the love of the process out of me and i simply cannot do it. this is why im so excited for may 8th because then everything is done. i never ever have to sit in this class again and hate everything.
i genuinely cannot put into words how much i abhor this class and my instructors poor teaching style. i dont hate my instructor as a person anymore, but omg they need to fucking get another job. their instruction skills are especially awful and has been the cause for my lack of love for these projects. theres a huge quality drop from my happy hopeful first project to this last one. i am not operating at my best because i consistently put off these projects because i want absolutely nothing at all to do with the mental load of this fucking class
all enjoyment and love for life has been zapped away from this class, im only filled with dread. i cant wait for it to be over
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mr-orion · 10 hours
The second to third week of may i plan to do 100 drawings. With my current study plan that will be 14 pages a day focusing purely on shadow, anatomy, and form. Im on that grind for a level up. If anyone would like I can publish the study plan as soon as I have it all sorted and you can follow along with a workload that fits you.
The goal of such an intense study is to help me pull away from the use of thin graphical line in character art and learn lineweight. Also doubles as extra anatomy practice
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mr-orion · 10 hours
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mr-orion · 11 hours
Saw people being happy, day is ruined smhmh
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mr-orion · 12 hours
Did you just call my oc who looks very feminine and wears a very feminine outfit a she? ,':[
"She's" not gonna be happy you did that, I guess
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mr-orion · 1 day
Please tell me abt your OCs
Backstory lore dump i guess, i did not proofread this so if you see errors no you fucking didnt
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You get Elliot because I like Elliot rn. Elliot was inspired by pirates, he even used to be one as he was adopted by humans. Hence why he parrot esque hair, bone appendages, and the flying dutchman colored magic. Very pirate stuff.
So a dragon socialized as a human and not a dragon makes Elliot incredibly different. He hadn't even seen another dragon until at port one day. Elliot being naive and dumb assumes the best intentions of this dragon when he approaches him and asks him for courtship. Elliot laughs and tells him to come along to sea.
This relationship is not good, his lover is a serial cheater. And as Elliot stumbles upon more and more books about dragons he learns he is an awful mate by raging beast standards too. Unfortunately, this revelation comes waaaayyyy too late. Especially after they both have joined souls.
When dragons have a strong connection with each other, they can form a bond that links their souls as one. This also allows dragons to draw power and magic from each other. It is supposed to connect dragons for eternity.
Since its so serious when a soul link is broken the dragon who broke it usually won't live more than a week, unless they have a new person lined up or go back to their ex. Obviously many would rather die, including Elliot, who strategically breaks the bond when they are at port and flees. He walks the coast out of town for days, completely drained and expecting to die.
That is until he is pummeled by Baron, who thinks he's on his sand to threaten his spouses or rob him.
Elliot lays on his then womanly charm, effectively pacifying Baron as he does appear very weak and not threatening to Barons testosterone.
It's actually Neve who whacks Baron on the head and suggests letting Elliot inside for a meal. As an apology for Baron pouncing him when Elliot technically wasn't even on Baron's property.
Elliots not dumb, he knows there's 3 dragons here at Baron's manor, that means at least one of them is single. (Right?)
And decidedly, that must be Neve as Neve keeps awing over him and calling him cute and masculine (tehe). The masculine part wasn't something Elliot usually heard but Neve is really good at picking up human gender. Baron is not and keeps accidentally misgendering him the whole dinner. Neve corrects him like the true MVP. Baron is confused but at least apologetic.
Dragon gender is based on wealth and who can birth babies. Since theres a lot of intersexuality in dragons the gender works on a gradient. Many to establish one's social hierarchy.
Neve eventually works the truth out of him, so Elliot suggests maybe he could form a soul link with him, or any other single dragon so he doesn't have to die right now.
Baron is annoyed with that. So he asked him. "So some lowly scum tricked you into a soul link and you couldn't break that one because you're weak, yet you expect to break another one with my spouse?"
Elliot obviously flustered doesn't say much as Lezna scolds him. Lezna doesn't think it's a bad idea for Baron to make it and then later break when Elliot is back in good health. Baron's never been one to turn down someone in need no matter how pompous he is. So he offers to make and break the pact for Elliot.
Elliot is of course thankful and spends every waking moment training to get stronger. He even tells Baron what the humans are up to now and explains some of their customs more in depth. He eventually gets around to explaining their gender and how he wants to be a man. It all kind of clicks for Baron after he tells Elliot he's a dragon not a human and Elliot reexplains. Baron tries to equate that to his own dragon gender and that helps him understand. It finally clicks for Baron that it's not Elliot wanting to change just his social status but also his physical traits. He enthusiastically tells Elliot that there's an ancient witch who knows a potion for making humans male. So if he can find him then it might work on Elliot!
This begins Elliots adventuring. He does find the witch, unfortunately the potion is much to weak and its affects are temporary , BUT he's able to bring the potion back to Lezna. They tamper with it ad it effects gradually help masculinize Elliot and keep him masculinized as long as he regularly ingests it. A lot of his adventuring is a conquest for gender affirming care.
He really does love adventuring and eventually decides to open an adventurers guild.
Also. Everyone kind of justtttt forgets about breaking the pact. Baron especially because he's afraid that after Elliot won't want to remain friends with him.
And y'know Elliot knows how awful it is to break a bond. He wouldn't want to do that to Baron. In fact. He should get strong enough so he can do it. That would be the right thing to do.
Lezna and Neve aren't about to remind amyone either. Especially Neve who is head over heels with adoration for Elliot. Then again everyone is, Neve just extra.
Some extra fun facts~
•Elliot is an amputee, he uses both mechanical and magical aids interchangeably to help him walk.
•He is Mzamaki's guild master, but he also attends the college that Mzamaki's is a professor at.
•The beads he wears on his hair are for each of his spouses. White for Neve, pink for Baron, and bluish black for Lezna
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mr-orion · 1 day
doing this because @mr-orion requested it
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mr-orion · 1 day
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mr-orion · 1 day
"Tell me about your ocs!"
Mhmhmhm *runs away*
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mr-orion · 2 days
Learning social skills in college is fucking awful because what do you mean everyone else learned this by middle school? How was I set up for failure so immensely that I never got it? And now I pay the price for learning these skills with people's patience, absolutely awful.
It wasn't until recently that I realized no one really cares how your day is and they just ask you so you can acknowledge them for that day. Absolutely irking, just say hello and ask me something more interesting and what you actually want to know. Like about the weather. Better yet, don't talk to me if you don't want to know ♡
It took someone getting upset at me because I would consistently answer awful when they asked about my day to realize that. It's not like I was even delving deep into it either. They called me annoying for being so negative.
To be honest, I haven't recovered from that one. I felt the kindling to my then growing positivity die out as they told me that ironically.
Which I get, I'm pretty negative, but I'm going to argue being negative isn't a social failure. Negativity doesn't make you worthless. A lot of people are too able bodied or nuerotypical to understand, I don't need to have a toxicly positive outlook on a bad day. I would like to admit when I'm miserable. I'm not asking anyone for consolidation or a way to fix it when I say my day was awful. I don't want you to even feel bad, I just want to be listened to. It's great when someone goes "awh shucks that sucks. lets talk about this cool thing I just discovered, which is what i really wanted to talk about"
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mr-orion · 2 days
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polycule couple doodles
this made me realize that barons outfit is awful. i drew him with swim trunks in mind and threw this random ass toga ass shirt on him?? idek. outfit redesign soon i hope
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mr-orion · 2 days
Todays series of posts is brought to you by a long term partner of the blog; "My Fucking Audacity"
Now I've worked with this sponsor for a long time, in fact, even before I was sponsored by them I was enjoying this company and their products! So you KNOW they're a trustworthy brand.
Use my code "IdoWh@taIwant" at the clerk of the audaciousness department of your local brain for a freebie on enjoying yourself and your hobbies today.
Thank you to "My Fucking Audacity" for the sponsor today, they do so much to help me continue to create content for you guys! Back to your regularly scheduled content!
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mr-orion · 3 days
That was homemade pizza, it was kinda slimy and wet when i put it in the microwave. I then heated it at 40% for 4 minutes 😔
I would love your chicken shawarma, I'm ravenous and eating fortune cookies, but they giving good vibes rn tbh
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Lemme cook for u ♥
I don’t know what the fuck that is but yeah I’ll eat that. I don’t have photo of my chicken shawarma but I’ll reheat some of that for you.
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mr-orion · 3 days
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mr-orion · 3 days
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