nannyswritings · 9 years
Warning to writers
While you are worrying about whether beta readers will steal your ideas, there is a more genuine threat on the horizon.
When offered a publishing contract, please do all your research before you sign. There are a number of fakes and scammers out there, as well as good-intentioned amateurs that don’t know how to get your work to a wide audience. I won’t tell the heartbreaking stories here - there are too many.
Being published badly is worse than being never published.
It can destroy your career and your dreams.
The quick check is to google the publishing house name + scam or warning.
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But, to be sure, check with these places first. They aren’t infallible (nothing is) but they can help you protect yourself. They are written and maintained by expereinced writers, editors, publishers and legal folks.
Absolute Write: Bewares and Background Checks
Preditors and editors
Writer Beware
and the WRITER BEWARE blog
Keep yourself and your work safe.
This is really important, so if you are a writer or have writer friends, or you are a writing blog, please reblog it.
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nannyswritings · 10 years
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So, let me guess— you just started a new book, right? And you’re stumped. You have no idea how much an AK47 goes for nowadays. I get ya, cousin. Tough world we live in. A writer’s gotta know, but them NSA hounds are after ya 24/7. I know, cousin, I know. If there was only a way to find out all of this rather edgy information without getting yourself in trouble…
You’re in luck, cousin. I have just the thing for ya.
It’s called Havocscope. It’s got information and prices for all sorts of edgy information. Ever wondered how much cocaine costs by the gram, or how much a kidney sells for, or (worst of all) how much it costs to hire an assassin?
I got your back, cousin. Just head over to Havocscope.
((PS: In case you’re wondering, Havocscope is a database full of information regarding the criminal underworld. The information you will find there has been taken from newspapers and police reports. It’s perfectly legal, no need to worry about the NSA hounds, cousin ;p))
Want more writerly content? Follow maxkirin.tumblr.com!
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nannyswritings · 10 years
So, I was wanting to keep this a secret until I got it a little more fleshed out, buuuut I was also really excited to show you guys.
I made a website for writing generators! Right now there is only a character prompt generator, but hopefully there’ll be more. (Feel free to suggest a generator, or prompts for the generator).
I’ll probably have to add ad’s later cause hosting be expensive BUT DO YOU GUYS LIKE????
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nannyswritings · 10 years
Writing Advice: by Chuck Palahniuk In six seconds, you’ll hate me. But in six months, you’ll be a better writer. From this point forward—at least for the next half year—you may not use “thought” verbs. These include: Thinks, Knows, Understands, Realizes, Believes, Wants, Remembers, Imagines, Desires, and a hundred others you love to use. The list should also include: Loves and Hates. And it should include: Is and Has, but we’ll get to those later. Until some time around Christmas, you can’t write: Kenny wondered if Monica didn’t like him going out at night…” Instead, you’ll have to Un-pack that to something like: “The mornings after Kenny had stayed out, beyond the last bus, until he’d had to bum a ride or pay for a cab and got home to find Monica faking sleep, faking because she never slept that quiet, those mornings, she’d only put her own cup of coffee in the microwave. Never his.” Instead of characters knowing anything, you must now present the details that allow the reader to know them. Instead of a character wanting something, you must now describe the thing so that the reader wants it. Instead of saying: “Adam knew Gwen liked him.” You’ll have to say: “Between classes, Gwen had always leaned on his locker when he’d go to open it. She’s roll her eyes and shove off with one foot, leaving a black-heel mark on the painted metal, but she also left the smell of her perfume. The combination lock would still be warm from her butt. And the next break, Gwen would be leaned there, again.” In short, no more short-cuts. Only specific sensory detail: action, smell, taste, sound, and feeling. Typically, writers use these “thought” verbs at the beginning of a paragraph (In this form, you can call them “Thesis Statements” and I’ll rail against those, later). In a way, they state the intention of the paragraph. And what follows, illustrates them. For example: “Brenda knew she’d never make the deadline. was backed up from the bridge, past the first eight or nine exits. Her cell phone battery was dead. At home, the dogs would need to go out, or there would be a mess to clean up. Plus, she’d promised to water the plants for her neighbor…” Do you see how the opening “thesis statement” steals the thunder of what follows? Don’t do it. If nothing else, cut the opening sentence and place it after all the others. Better yet, transplant it and change it to: Brenda would never make the deadline. Thinking is abstract. Knowing and believing are intangible. Your story will always be stronger if you just show the physical actions and details of your characters and allow your reader to do the thinking and knowing. And loving and hating. Don’t tell your reader: “Lisa hated Tom.” Instead, make your case like a lawyer in court, detail by detail. Present each piece of evidence. For example: “During roll call, in the breath after the teacher said Tom’s name, in that moment before he could answer, right then, Lisa would whisper-shout ‘Butt Wipe,’ just as Tom was saying, ‘Here’.” One of the most-common mistakes that beginning writers make is leaving their characters alone. Writing, you may be alone. Reading, your audience may be alone. But your character should spend very, very little time alone. Because a solitary character starts thinking or worrying or wondering. For example: Waiting for the bus, Mark started to worry about how long the trip would take…” A better break-down might be: “The schedule said the bus would come by at noon, but Mark’s watch said it was already 11:57. You could see all the way down the road, as far as the Mall, and not see a bus. No doubt, the driver was parked at the turn-around, the far end of the line, taking a nap. The driver was kicked back, asleep, and Mark was going to be late. Or worse, the driver was drinking, and he’d pull up drunk and charge Mark seventy-five cents for death in a fiery traffic accident…” A character alone must lapse into fantasy or memory, but even then you can’t use “thought” verbs or any of their abstract relatives. Oh, and you can just forget about using the verbs forget and remember. No more transitions such as: “Wanda remembered how Nelson used to brush her hair.” Instead: “Back in their sophomore year, Nelson used to brush her hair with smooth, long strokes of his hand.” Again, Un-pack. Don’t take short-cuts. Better yet, get your character with another character, fast. Get them together and get the action started. Let their actions and words show their thoughts. You—stay out of their heads. And while you’re avoiding “thought” verbs, be very wary about using the bland verbs “is” and “have.” For example: “Ann’s eyes are blue.” “Ann has blue eyes.” Versus: “Ann coughed and waved one hand past her face, clearing the cigarette smoke from her eyes, blue eyes, before she smiled…” Instead of bland “is” and “has” statements, try burying your details of what a character has or is, in actions or gestures. At its most basic, this is showing your story instead of telling it. And forever after, once you’ve learned to Un-pack your characters, you’ll hate the lazy writer who settles for: “Jim sat beside the telephone, wondering why Amanda didn’t call.” Please. For now, hate me all you want, but don’t use thought verbs. After Christmas, go crazy, but I’d bet money you won’t. (…) For this month’s homework, pick through your writing and circle every “thought” verb. Then, find some way to eliminate it. Kill it by Un-packing it. Then, pick through some published fiction and do the same thing. Be ruthless. “Marty imagined fish, jumping in the moonlight…” “Nancy recalled the way the wine tasted…” “Larry knew he was a dead man…” Find them. After that, find a way to re-write them. Make them stronger.
(via 1000wordseveryday)
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nannyswritings · 10 years
Hello, I've been browsing your previously answered questions regarding dialogue in search for advice pertaining to how to write dialogue that shows accents in speech patterns, but I haven't found much. Do you have more advice or resources on how to write accents? I'm particularly interested in how to write a British or Welsh accent, but any advice on writing accents would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance!
Well, a British accent doesn’t exist first of all, so that’s my first piece of advice to you.
Other than that, I would highly recommend looking at accent challenges on YouTube to hear a variety of English and Welsh accents. I Google searched ‘tumblr accent challenge welsh’ and a whole bunch of videos popped up. You could do the same for the English part. Hearing them for yourself is the best course of action to take, imo.
Otherwise, links because there is already a lot out there on accents and I don’t think I could make any useful contribution to it all.
How to Write a Southerner/Slang and Accents
Irish/Scottish Characters
English Slang - Regions/Countries
Butchering Accents
Writing Dialogue in Accents and Dialect
Answered Asks
FYCD: English Accents
TWH: Writing a Spanish Accent
KSW: On Writing Accents
Writing Helpers: How do you describe accents?
Little Elle: On Writing Accents
The Accent Post
On Writing Accents and Dialects
On Writing Accents
Broad Tips on Accent Writing
Accents in Fantasy Settings
10 Tips on Writing Characters with Accents
Advice: Writing Accents
Advice: Don’t Write Out Accents
Speech Accent Archive
I hope some of this helps…! Best of luck.
- enlee
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nannyswritings · 10 years
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//Absurdly helpful for people writing royal characters and/or characters who interact with royalty and members of the nobility.
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nannyswritings · 11 years
Death & Beyond
A story about when Zen and Baolf met. May be a future comic project. c:
            The war raged on. The minutes turned to hours; the hours into days; and the days into weeks. Was it the second day or the fourteenth? Only two things were certain, the two opposing sides remained ever vigilant and the blood continued to pour.
           The Eridian Shun army is a brutal, blood-shedding force led by the malevolent Garland. His soul’s purpose in life is to acquire the Sword of Arcadia, a mysterious and powerful weapon. It can access other dimensions, one of which is made of pure evil. If Garland and his army were to acquire this sword, there would be no more need for hope as all hope would be lost forever.
           On the battlefield, a black wolf with red tribal markings adorning his upper body leads the revolt against the Eridian Army. Many years prior, Garland and his following took out the young wolf’s home and family. It was a day of mass destruction and sorrow. But on this day, the wolf is ready to seek his revenge and stop Garland from gaining access to the sword once and for all.
           The opposing side is only a piece of the full army, currently being led by a younger fox of black and white colour. Don’t mistake his age for a handicap, however. He’s as skilled as any other fighter on the field, and it shows as both sides’ numbers dwindled to mere handfuls.
           At last, the fox and the wolf have finally come face to face. Brawn to brawn and wit to wit stared each other down for what would hopefully be the final time. One of them had to die today. One of them will die today.
           As they both drew their swords, they charged at each other. They clashed with a loud thump and metal hitting metal clanked through the field. They manoeuvred their swords with accurate and deadly precision. As their fight raged on, their energy diminished rapidly. Blood poured from their bodies from the opposing force’s sword. With a last great heave, the wolf charged once more. Sword ripped through fur and flesh like paper. Blood gushed from the wound like a waterfall. The fox’s sword had done its job. The great wolf fell to the ground with a thud, sword sticking out of his chest, as he heaved his last breath and slowly faded into darkness.
           It was dark; an abnormal darkness, in fact. The wolf opened his eyes only to see himself surrounded by a great void. “Am I dead?” he wondered out loud.
           “I’ve been waiting for you, Zen,” a soft, feminine voice responded.
           The wolf become anxious, “Who’s there?! H-How do you know my name?”
           “Don’t worry,” the voice reassured him. “I cannot hurt what is already dead.”
           A strange sadness overtook Zen. “So, I am dead...”
           A scraping noise echoed the void as if something metal was being dragged. It was getting louder and louder, and then stopped. Zen stared into the pitch black, trying to make out what was there. A strange light emanated around him. He couldn’t see very far in front of him, but it was bright enough that he could make out a figure just outside the light’s reach.
           “Are you here to take me to Hell?” Zen asked, curiously. He was trying to remain calm. After all, what could be worse than finding out you’re dead?
           “Not quite,” the voice spoke again. “I just hate giving ‘the world needs you’ speech, so I won’t. Instead, what I will say is that you have been unjustly demised before your time. While there are others that could take your job, not a single one of them has as much willpower as you.”
           “Then I’m going back?” Zen’s hopes were increasing, but it dawned on him that this could be a trick. He knew nothing of the world after death, but surely these creatures love playing tricks on the newly departed.
           “It would appear that way,” the voice said, happily. The figure moved in closer, the scraping noise continuing.
           Zen could almost make out the figure now. It was definitely a female with a long tail and ears and what appeared to be a mess of curls adorning the head and tail end. The female was holding something, as well. If Zen had to guess, he would have assumed it to be a large sword. But that would be silly. No one needs something quite that large. Or... do they?
           The figure jammed the sword-like object into the ground and walked into the light. She had fur of snow white. Her arms and legs were adorned by long, silky fur of cyan. Her attire, well, there wasn’t much to it. A purple drape crossed over her hips while a tight black crop top covered her upper half. The purple sleeves and collar were puffed up and two gold chains wrapped around her neck. Her face bared stripes emanating from her eyes down to her neck in the same cyan as her arms and legs. Her eyes, however, were very enigmatic-looking. They were a bright, almost glowing, cyan adorned by black scleras. If Zen had one word for her, it would be stunning.
           “They call me Baolf. I suppose I am a demon of sorts, but don’t let that get to you. A pretty boy like you should never worry,” she grinned, baring 4 fangs that would set even a snake to slither off from.
           Zen felt his cheeks get warm. “I-I’m Zen,” he spoke, somewhat sheepishly.
           “I know,” Baolf replied, grinning once more.
           “Oh, right,” he felt embarrassed so he continued about going back. “So, you’re taking me back... to the living, right?”
           “Yes. Consider it a second chance at life, if you will. But, don’t think I’m going to bring you back and leave you. Oh, no. I will be watching you.” Baolf’s voice became serious at the end. Zen had a feeling he wasn’t getting many chances after this and he certainly didn’t want to piss off a demon.
           Zen stood up to only realise what a short demon Baolf is. He chuckled quietly but had a feeling she knew. Baolf walked over to her sword and ripped it from the ground. She held it with immense grace. Zen looked on, curious. And in one quick swipe, Baolf jammed her massive sword into his chest.
           “By the way, there are some, ah, repercussions to being reanimated,” she said as Zen’s consciousness once more faded to darkness.
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nannyswritings · 11 years
Do You Remember
            The bookstore was packed. Light poured in from the large windows at the front of the store. As if books weren’t already magical, the light bounced across the shelves like faeries dancing from book to book. It was quiet, but the kind you expected from a place like this.
            In the back, a young woman of around her mid-twenties was unpacking large boxes of books to place on the shelves. Her hair was a mess of curls and whiter than snow. It draped her face as she leaned over the boxes of undiscovered worlds. Her small frame stood delicately, but her attire spoke a different tune. The clothing she draped around her was tight-fitted. It consisted of a corset, tight pants, and boots up to her knees. She seemed a little out of place, but something about her actually raised clientele numbers. No one quite knew why.
            Meanwhile, entering the store was a boy of no more than late-twenties. He was followed by a couple of friends whose loud voices broke the silence of the bookstore. More people spoke out as if they thought they weren’t allowed to speak before. The bookstore filled with quiet murmur as the boys set off for a shelf filled with comic books.  
            The young woman of snow white hair had made her way towards the front with a new set of books. She started placing them on the shelves as one of the boys noticed her. He seemed like the shy sort and the young woman paid no attention to him. After all, she was here for the books. The boy approached her and grabbed one of the books she had just set on the shelf. She gave a look of disapproval but never really looked at him. She was used to this sort of thing happening. She expected him to place it in the wrong spot when he was finished, too.
            “Why do these comic books always dress women like they’re going out stripping,” he laughed as he held the book closer to his face, reading the summary.
            “Would you buy it if they were dressed like nuns?” the young woman replied, still not looking at the boy.
            He laughed again, “No, I guess not.”
            The woman continued to shelve the new books. She was starting to wonder when he was going to move on… or if he was ever going to. She sighed and he seemed to take notice.
            “I bet if they dressed the men like they dress the women, more women would buy comic books,” he said, trying to engage her.
            “I’m not sure I’d enjoy staring at a man wearing a bra and booty shorts, but if you’re into that…” She trailed off, wondering if she could say anything to get him to leave sooner. Something told her he wasn’t going anywhere for awhile, though.
            He laughed again and it echoed through the bookstore. “Alright, alright,” he laughed again. He got quiet for a minute and then spoke softly, “Ferin.”
            The woman stopped, almost dazed. Slowly, she looked up at him. The light from the windows seemed to encompass him like an aura. She noticed he had soft features. His dark hair was pulled back on top while the sides hung down, cradling his face. He was also tall with an average build and definite arm muscles. It took her a second to realise what he had said, but she soon replied, “Baolf.”
            Ferin’s friends had started making a raucous over another book two aisles over. He looked a little embarrassed, but smiled as if to say “I’m sorry about them.” He placed the comic book back on the shelf and appeared as though he would be leaving. Baolf went back to placing more comic books on the shelf, assuming their conversation was over.
            “This might seem odd since we just met, but would you maybe want to meet up for coffee or something tomorrow? I’d certainly love to talk more about what men should wear in comic books to get women to buy them more,” he laughed again but sheepishly.
            Baolf again stopped shelving to look at him. She seemed to be questioning him, silently. “Well,” she started slowly, “I don’t like coffee.” Now, she was the embarrassed one.
            “Oh, it doesn’t have to be coffee!” He tried to correct his earlier statement in the hopes of still leaving with another chance to see her.
            Baolf guessed he was greatly hoping not to mess up and she could sense something odd about him the more she kept looking. It was something familiar, but it also made her uneasy. “Meet me here tomorrow at noon.”
            Ferin smiled so large, it almost seemed impossible to say anything to wipe it off his face. And in a split second, his eyes changed colours to a glowing gold, but it was over sooner than it appeared. And with that, he nodded and left, dragging his obnoxious friends with him.
                “Do you remember the day we met,” Ferin asked, softly, as his face neared Baolf’s, the gold returning to his eyes only to dissipate shortly after.
            She smiled, looking into his eyes. “Of course! I don’t think I would have been able to leave that bookstore without making plans to see you again,” she chuckled, rubbing her hand through her curly locks of white. “I knew then what you were. It was no mystery. And, I’ll admit, I was curious.”
            He chucked along with her as the silence slowly took over. They had known each other for several months now. He still looked at her as if it were for the first time, although, they were definitely not an item. He cares for her like no other and he knows she cares for him, even if she doesn’t show it like he does. He knew her life hadn’t always been favourable and he wanted to make sure her life now would outweigh the negatives she’s already faced due to what she is.
            Ferin had been writing in a small, black journal. He did this every day and Baolf always gave him time to write what he needed. He suffered a backfired memory charm when he was younger, set by his own father. His father insisted on using the charm because of Ferin’s mother’s passing. His father believed Ferin couldn’t handle losing her and risked his own son’s life to erase the loving mother Ferin once knew. It somewhat worked, but it certainly had undesired effects. Some of his memory is gone completely. Other parts, he remembers somewhat, but he doesn’t know what’s missing and what isn’t. He’s lost many friends because of this. His friends could never understand how he knew them one day and completely forgot them the next but still remain completely sane. At least Ferin didn’t have to worry about the emotional toll losing friends can take on a person. If he didn’t remember them when they left, he wouldn’t remember them ever again.
Baolf made it imperative that she remain a large part of his life so as to never be forgotten. Of course, asking anyone would result in the same answer, “He could never forget you, Baolf.” That could be true, but she wasn’t going to take a chance. He had become a large part of her life, as well, and she wasn’t about to lose him like she’s lost others. What she is to others like her and Ferin is an abomination. They tell her whenever they can, so she’ll never forget. While she may act like it doesn’t hurt, she knows that this is her life. This is her pain and she may never overcome it or simply die trying. But, to Ferin, he has no idea of the true horror that has plagued her life. She had told him barely anything of her past, but he never wanted to push either. What she had been through was hardly a grain amount of what was to come, and Ferin would be pitted against what he knows and what he believes. But, for now, he quietly continued writing in his journal about the day he’s had so far with not a single thought of anything more in sight. 
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nannyswritings · 11 years
Baolf Story Characters
Story title is currently unknown.
Certain supporting characters are currently unknown.
Protagonist: Baolf; female; Caelisori/demon mixed. Ostracised by the Caelisori because they were told she is pure evil and will destroy their way of life. 
Sub-Protagonist: Ferin; male; Tier 2 Caelisori (one human parent; mixed is not effected). Aids Baolf in an attempt to find her resolution of peace with Caelisori.
  Antagonist: Creol; male; father of Ferin; tier 1 Caelisori (purebred). Developed the Rogues in an attempt to spread the fear that Baolf will harm all Caelisori.
  Supporting Characters: 
Drekin; male; Sovereign of Caelisori; adopted father of Baolf; tier 1 Caelisori (purebred); brother to Creol. Was the first to assume Baolf as the Pure One of which a prophecy spoke of in regards to the fate of the Caelisori race. His intentions are not always clear for he cannot decide between Baolf and being the Sovereign.
Geryon; male; full demon; blood father of Baolf; protector of the Underworld. He attempts to make up for the time he's lost with Baolf, but he mostly interferes in her business, which puts him in a state where she wants nothing to do with him.
Samson; male; full demon; guardian to Baolf; given to her by Geryon. He understands Baolf better than anyone and knows that she needs to do things on her own and in her own way. It becomes a problem to Geryon as he doesn't believe Samson is doing the job that was asked of him.
Desún; male; Tier 1 Caelisori (both Guardian parents). History is mostly unknown. He forges a bond with Baolf when Ferin's away. His bond is best represented as a love interest.
  Static Characters: 
Miyria; female; tier 1 Caelisori; blood mother of Baolf. Trades the death of Baolf for her own because of her raison d'être (reason for being) and that of Baolf's. Death occurs shortly after Baolf's arrival.
Harlem; male; demon god of the Underworld. Focus is on moral obligations and doing the right thing. Rarely does he interfere, however advice is given to Baolf.
Other characters currently in need of creation and/or development. 
0 notes
nannyswritings · 11 years
Caelisori Species Bio
Race Name: Caelisori
  Classification: Evolved straight from single cell to what they are now - no branching off of other species.
  General Overview: Planet is divided into 10 districts, each controlled by one male council member. The districts are divided in long strips going north to south, evenly. Soverign controlls everything/one, inluding the counil members. The population is well-to-do. There's no need to fight with one another and they don't technically have jobs because there's no need for money. They can materialize what they need, for the most part. They live half in a technologically advanced world, but also half lack-of technology, such as using candle light.
Personality Traits: Three types of classes: commoners, guards, and the superiors. The commoners are typically kind, sort of out-of-sight-out-of-mind. They don't cause trouble, but can easily be persuaded by their council member of the district. The guards are very reserved. They typically don't speak unless asked a question. They also do not leave their posts nor have families. If one wishes to become a guard, one must give all of himself to his duties. The superiors tend to have the superior mentality, believing they are the best of the best and should be treated as such. The sovereign, however, is a bit different. He's very caring and generous, though he still maintains his superiority status when it comes to laws and rules, especially regarding how others talk to him.
  Physical Description: Three types of physical appearances: human, anthro, and Caelisori forms. The human form is exactly how it sounds. They appear human. This is typically their main form because it doesn't require much energy for them to appear in. Typically, most have an average body type to athletic. They aren't overweight, for the most part, because they don't live sedimentary lives. The anthro form is considered their sexualized form. It incorporates the breedability aspect of the human form with the sexual view of the Caelisori form. Again, they typically aren't overweight in this form, either. It's usually based on their human build but with the colouring/markings of their Caelisori form. In the Caelisori form, they appear as full-blown dragons with horns, wings, teeth, and vicious elemental abilities. There's a ratio of fur to scale in both anthro and Caelisori form. There's typically more scales than fur and the use of white never comes up whether as fur or as scales. White is more of an absence of colour and there has never been inbreeding, thus, no white has ever become a mutation.
  Clans/Tribes: This is dictated by each district and each council member. Some council members prefer the Caelisori in their district to be more or less tough and rigid. It varies between districts, but there's no such thing as gang violence, so to speak. Some families will grow large and be considered their own tribe and sort of rise through the ranks of a typical "high society" though they are still considered commoners.
  Relations: Caelisori are the only sentient species on Afreya, however, they are very caring of other species. They're called Caelisori because they go to other planets, protecting the innocent from harm. They live well next to the other species on the planet, however. The other species consist of wild birds, variations of cats and dogs, etc. The planet itself is a rather tropical planet, so there's no need for cold-weathered animals.
  History: The history isn't much of one to be told. They've done the same things for eons. However, there is one interesting aspect found on Afreya: the Void. All Caelisori are born with a "raison d'etre" or reason for existence. If a Caelisori dies before figuring out their raison d'etre, they become part of the void. They don't technically die, but live eternity in a crazed state. They cannot remember who they once were and could kill their family/friends without a second thought. The Void itself appears as a giant black cloud that, as it grows from the Caelisori deaths, takes over the land. If a living Caelisori goes near it, they get sucked in and never return. It's highly likely that the entire planet will become engulfed by the Void, because the Caelisori don't quite know how to deal with it.
  Alignment: Overall the race would be considered indifferent. There are few that do their Caelisori duties and then there are few that are bad. For example: a part of the species (roughly 20% of the overall species) has broken off to become the Rogues because of different opinions about rules/laws regarding superiority and the such. However, the Rogues have taken up home on the sister planet, Creolsis, created by the brother of the Sovereign.
  Religion: The Caelisori know that they evolved from single-cell organisms and they know where they go when they die, whether they know of their raison d'etre or not. So, there's no need to look up to a higher deity an there's no need for racial culture unification by certain groups. 
  Languages: Most, especially the commoners, speak the language of the Caelisori. The more superior of the Caelisori, including the ones that go beyond their planet, can speak the multiple languages depending on what planet they end up on. This is an advanced ability that allows a Caelisori to tap into knowledge banks within each society of a single planet. Their knowledge is hardly limited.
  Names: Daughters take the first name of their father as their last name, while sons have no last name. If there's a need for a "family name," they go by the name of the first male ever within a family - typically someone who has done something impressive within society. Common names, however, do appear as well. Most male names through all generations end with -in or -en. Names are typically short, but differ greatly. Examples: The Sovereign is Drekin, his brother is Creol, and Creol's son is Ferin.
  Adventurous: Caelisori are not typically science-forward. They have no need for such things. If they get hurt, most can heal themselves. If one cannot heal him/herself, there are doctors that have the ability to heal others. Illness is something else that doesn't really affect the species. Not to say they cannot get sick, but it's the same procedure as if they get hurt.
  Physical Abilities: Average human foot speed is around 18mph, or 28km/h. Anthro foot speed is about 30mph, or 48km/h. Caelisori form is unmeasurable due to their huge size, however their flight speed is roughly 90-100mph, or 144 -160km/h. Each Caelisori has its own elemental ability and an equal weakness from such. Fire obviously is weak against water, nature is weak against fire, etc. In Caelisori form, their horns, teeth, tails and claws also provide some serious weaponry. Caelisori cannot heal themselves during a fight because it takes all their strength and power to put fourth the energy for, say, a fire attack. 
  Advancement: To reiterate some things, they are half advanced and half not. They feel no need to advance any more than what they already have because it works for them. They do have headstrong individuals, but it's bound to happen in any society. As far as intelligence goes, most commoners need not seek out more than what they need to know. They somewhat tend to live just at the edge of their means.
  Laws/Rules: Laws are deemed what was created by nature, such as the law of gravity, while rules were created for the society by the council members/sovereign. Laws cannot be disobeyed, however there are consequences for rule breaking. Jail isn't something they consider a real punishment, so they've developed collars that cannot be taken off except by an expert. The collars are a form of punishment because those wearing one are ridiculed. The collars also extinguish all abilities. Example, the head of the house has a collar, he can no longer provide for his family. If the head of the house is and has been the only one to provide, this can be a serious offence that puts the family in jeopardy of starvation and well-being. 
  Mating: Females only ovulate for one full week every one hundred years. This means, they cannot bear children unless it's during season. For the entire week, a sort of party is held at the Sovereign's castle where individuals can pick their mate. Females must be courted by an interested male through a form of dancing. If she chooses him, she'll continue to dance with him. They don't need to court during season, however, both individuals must be at least 2,000 years old as this is their age of sexual maturity. The mating ritual, or how they marry, typically takes hours to complete. Once they do, only the female can be impregnated by her mate, but still only during season. Unmating, or getting a divorce, is a rather painful process, so most stay mated all their lives and work out their differences. Though, they are more animal than anything else, they can usually tell who their perfect match is. 
  Education: When a female becomes pregnant, she'll know early. A mother can speak to her unborn child/children. Most mothers will take advantage of this and teach their children basics of their world. After the child is born, slowly they lose the mental contact with their mother and learn to speak out loud. A few months after the child is born, they are sent to school to learn more of their world, such as the history and their abilities and how to control those abilities. By age 7, children understand their abilities, but may not be able to fully command them. By age 13, they are able to transform into their Caelisori forms and start flight training. Typically, they remain in training for 100 years. This isn't just through school, though. Many take on an internship based on their elemental ability. The life of the planet is based on the Caelisori ability to take care of it with their individual abilities. 
  War: The Caelisori are more of a peaceful society, however, they have preparations in times of war. Their main weaponry, aside from their abilities, consists of swords. Their armour is more relaxed, though. The guards wear pants and long coats with just-under-the-knee boats. They have had boughts of war with other planets, though the fighting as calmed down. They never let their guard down, though. 
  Planet: Overall, the planet is tropical and has a sort of rich purple hue with pink/blue skies and deep blue waters. There are various floating lands, typically for the superior living spaces, including the Sovereign's castle. The planet itself is roughly 2.84 billion lightyears from Earth. The Caelisori use black holes, or portals as they call them, to get from Afreya to Earth and back. They can only use the portals in their Caelisori form because the portals are located in the sky. They need to project themselves fast enough so that they make it through the portal. If any part of them goes beyond the confines of the portal, it will be broken off and lost in space, such as a wing tip that was spread too far out. Most can project themselves fast enough that they fold their wings, legs and arms close to their bodies until their reach the other side of the portal. This tends to take a lot of magical ability, so if one is hurt, they may not be able to go through the portal. 
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nannyswritings · 11 years
Baolf Bio
Name: Baolf Geryon
  Age: Almost 2,000 years old
  Height and weight: 5'2" and 120lbs
Body type: Small frame, not too skinny, but she has hips, butt, and breasts
  Eyes: The iris is a light icy-cyan color with jagged T pupils. When demon mode is activated, the icy-cyan colour takes over the entire eyeball.
  Hair: Rather long and incredibly curly. Bangs sweep from left to right in a high curl
  Race: Caelisori/Demon
  Nationality: Home planet is Afreya, however, she lives on Earth. Her accent can best be described as Russian.
  Birthday: May 5th
  Other phys. traits: She wears her Caelisori mark on the nape of her neck. It can best be described as a half circle at the top, with an arrow pointing down in the middle. (This mark is actually upside-down compared to all other Caelisori marks.) She's also right-handed.
  Preferred outfits: Corset vest that ties in the front; white blouse underneath with the sleeves as puffs on the arms; dark waist-high pants that are tucked into knee-high boots; a belt that hangs loosely from her upper hip to her thigh, it has silver  enclosure rings; the boots have silver plates on the toes of the bottoms.
  Family background: Mother, Miyria, was a Caelisori(deceased), her father, Geryon, is a demon. No brothers, sisters, nor any other relative. After her mother died, she was adopted by the Sovereign (King of Afreya and all Caelisori).
  General history: Mother and father had an illicit relationship, according to the Caelisori's law. She was spared, but her mother gave her life, knowing the Caelisori could kill her daughter at any moment. Father was so distraught, he didn't realize his daughter was taken until it was too late. As she grew, it became clear to everyone that she was the one a prophecy spoke about. The prophecy being: "Revelation will be brought to the Caelisori by the Pure One." Revelation, meaning, good and bad. (This mix of meaning lead to some Caelisori breaking off from the rest and going to live on the sister planet, Creolsis. These Caelisori are known as the Rogues.) Growing up, she was tormented by the older children for various reasons. She ignored it until the first time she activated demon mode at 10 years old. She ended up killing an innocent boy and was, thus, exiled to the forests. The Sovereign felt guilty and allowed her to come back to the castle. When she turned 15, she gained her Caelisori abilities, and at 20, she was finally able to transform into her Caelisori form. However, she was brutally attacked by three elders and the Sovereign was afraid she would be killed, and so, he sent her to Earth to find her father and learn more about her demon abilities.
  Schooling: The usual Caelisori schooling from birth, minus the exiles, up until 20 years of age. (Average schooling for Caelisori last up to one hundred years.)
  Pets: Technically, noo pets, but she has a demon protector, Samson, the minotaur.
  Talents: Plays piano and can sing and dance.
  Special powers: Controls lightning. She can also sense electromagnetic waves (for lack of a name for electricity in the human body) with all creatures. This helps her to "see" them and know where they are since she's partically blind. She can also manifest items at will, usually a house or motorcylce to blend in with society (but only items that are needed).
  IQ approx.: Irrelevant. She can tap into knowledge banks (people's minds) to get the information she needs. In a way, she's infinitely intelligent.
  EQ: She doesn't always understand people, however, she can sense their emotional levels with the electromagnetic waves. She's rather a loner, so she isn't much of a socializer. She's okay with herself, but she wishes people would stop telling her how to live her life.
  General personality: Sassy, loner, highly protective when she needs to be, quite a bit stubborn
  MBTI: INTP - Introvert(22%)  Intuitive(62%)  Intuitive Thinking(50%)  Perceiving(22%)
  Maturity: Rather mature, even though she's still considered young by the Caelisori. (Sexual maturity is reached at 2,000 years)
  Relationship status: Single. She's rather big into sex because of her demon mode. It's the best way to calm the "beast within." However, she doesn't get sexual with those she truly feels a connection with or those she protects. She's also never been with a Caelisori.
  Siblings: None. Mother was murdered shortly after her birth and her father refuses to love another.
  Social standing: Caelisori's fear her, Rogues despise her, but demons love her.
  Philosophy/Values: She firmly believes that there are two sides to everything. If someone is more evil, or does more evil, they deserve to be brutally murdered. Otherwise, if they do more good, she will find them to be a likely friend. She does not judge, but only when needed. 
  Quirks and mannerisms: She sort of floats when she walks/makes any sort of movement, especially her hands. She also has a way of intently staring, almost like she's reading someone's soul. It's endearing more so than disturbing, though still very mysterious.
  When angry: She has a greater chance of activating demon mode and once that happens, she becomes a cold-blooded, merciless killer that will rip your body to shreds. 
  Values violated: Her values are usually only important to her life. Everyone is free to violate a value of their own choosing. Something she has come to hate, however, is when someone tells her what she must do concerning the prophecy. She honestly doesn't care about the prophecy one bit and believes that people should be responsible for their own actions. As in, not rely on someone else to fix the world's problems.
  Misc. Views: She believes the Greeks have it all right, for the most part. Harlem (aka, Hades) is one of her greatest allies. Murder is essential for a better society.
  Minor Notes: She can only eat raw meat. She absolutely loves bourbon (which is actually a Caelisori recipe that is so strong, if you were to pour it out, oxygen would set it on fire). She also tends to smoke black cigarettes when she needs to relax. However, alcohol and smoking and zero effect on her.
  Strengths: She's confident in what she does, as far as fighting goes. She's a skilled fighter, no matter the form she takes.
  Weaknesses: Water is her major weakness, because of the electricity flowing  through her body. She's not very great at getting close to others. She fears that they'll come to despise/fear her like the others. 
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