oops-i-write · 5 days
When Sam is furious and tries to supress it as always, Gabriel wants to help him.
"Lash out on me, love," he says softly, and says something along the lines of perks of dating an archangel.
Sam Winchester is an explosion trapped in an impressive strong male body, and Gabriel can take him in all ways possible. Yet Sam hesitates, tries to supress it, because even a mere thought about hurting his beloved makes him sick.
Gabriel doesn't provoke him further as one could expect. He is surprisingly gentle. Sam loves this side of him, which has been hidden for a long time. He doesn't feel weak when eventually his anger becomes tears and he cries his heart out while curling against Gabriel, and Gabriel strokes his back and plays with his hair until Sam gets better.
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oops-i-write · 23 days
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It shouldn't have ended up like this.
Eyes to eyes, intense stare, trying to find something. Something special that they had once. And now there's a wooden sword that is pressed against the solar plexus in a hand that's trembling treacherously.
It shouldn't have been like this. Children shouldn't have died for their father's cowardice and weakness.
Revenge for a revenge. A complicated mess. They never had a future. They both always ran away. But he hoped it would bring them closer, minus into minus equals to plus, but they only repeled like two magnets.
When Gabriel first came to Loki for help no one knew it would end up like this. It wasn't necessary, it just... Happened. Two runaways, they found each other and grew closer in their despair.
Revenge for Odin's death? Bullshit. But no one should know how shamefully hard pagan god fell for an archangel. And no one will ever know how hard an archangel fell for him.
There are tears in the eyes.
Gabriel still remembered an almost sweet kiss that Loki gave him before betraying him so painfully, and even hell's torture couldn't erase the lingering taste.
"I'm sorry"
There's a chaste kiss to the lips before wooden sword moves through the body.
It shouldn't have even started.
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oops-i-write · 2 months
"It was a heat of the moment..."
With first notes of the song Gabriel who chilled on the backseat of the Impala immediately went tense, eyes wide. Sam hurried to change the radio station, fighting unwanted flashbacks but there was a distinct flap of wings and Gabriel was gone.
It's not like they never acknowledged their past. They did, actually, and Gabriel apologized for what he has done, not once. But they never had a direct confrontation like this, like a slap in the face.
Dean surprisingly did not comment, was going to say something but changed his mind under Sam's heavy stare.
When they were back in the bunker Sam half expected Gabriel to not show up for at least a few days, but when he entered his bedroom - their shared bedroom - he saw a dark silhouette of the hunched over archangel on the bed. Sam didn't even say anything, didn't have time before Gabriel turned around abruptly. The archangel's eyes were red and puffy. Sam's heart shattered. He almost could read the archangel's thoughts, they were written on his face. Sam knew this look, has seen it a few times, and he knew. Despite being together for a few years already, despite all the words of love shared between them, Gabriel still thought he didn't deserve it. Not after all the wrongs he has done.
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oops-i-write · 10 months
[sabriel ficlet]
Sam takes a few more steps until he realizes that Gabriel is not by his side. He turns around and there he is, squatting on a reasonable distance from a stray cat.
Sam rolls his eyes a bit and just waits. There's no point in trying to hurry Gabriel, they've been through this and a short man will move only when he wants to.
"Pspsps," Gabriel says and grins wide when a cat lazily turns it's head towards him.
Gabriel makes sure cat looks at him and blinks slowly. Ever since he learned that this presumably is the equivalent of a kiss, he's bugging literally every stray cat he meets.
Sam can't help a warm smile that spreads across his face. Gabriel makes a few more attempts and when the cat blinks slowly in return he basically bounces on his feet, turns to Sam with shining eyes, looking like a kid on a Christmas morning. Sam's heart flutters.
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oops-i-write · 10 months
Hi! My name is K, she/they, 20+
I'm non-native English speaker and this blog is a way to push myself out of my comfort zone and prove myself that i, in fact, can write at least shortest drabbles in English.
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