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please interact or credit if using!
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Happy pride month to insystem couples & polycules btw.
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How does someone who is likely a part of a system (based on mounds of evidence I will not get into) navigate figuring out who is fronting, who is who, what roles people have, etc when I no longer have access to therapy nor have anyone I have shared this info with irl?
I highly suggest Simply Plural! You're able to log alters and add all kinds of information on them as well as log your switches, which is super easy to do, and you can look at your front history as well
There is also a chat function where you can chat amongst alters, you can make polls for big decisions, and you can add friends if you so desire!
We use it all the time and it's really helped us keep track of everything, we highly recommend it!
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Our fictive heavy experience is most of us being male bc of sexism in media :/ (shout out the literally one fem fictive in our sys lmao)
What a damn mood. Most of our fictives are masc or masc adjacent because of this. It's honestly kinda annoying sometimes? Like, can I get a good fem character to split, pretty please?
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Our system experience is thinking we had gender dysphoria but it just turned out to be a bunch of alters, each with a different gender lmaoooo
What a mood! Gender is so wild when you're a system lol we collectively ID as gender fluid ourselves
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Shout out to the other chronically mentally ill systems who’s disorders and traumas have severely impacted your quality of life and functioning
shout out to polyfragmented or complex and highly complex did systems
shout out to the systems who are RAMCOA survivors, childhood sexual abuse survivors, or childhood torture survivors
shout out to systems diagnosed with other comorbid mental disorders
shout out specifically to systems with BPD🫂
shout out to systems who have lost relationships with people because of your mental health
shout out to the systems struggling with substance abuse issues or addiction
shout out to the systems who’ve been in and out of mental hospitals
shout out to fellow black systems and other poc systems with many intersecting marginalized identities
shout out to systems who can’t attend in real life school or are graduating late due to their mental health
shout out to the systems who can’t get a job or a drivers license
shout out to the systems who lost their childhood and teenage years due to constant mental health struggles
shout out to systems who have to take multiple medications for their disorders
shout out to the lonely systems who can hardly ever leave their homes and build friendships
shout out to the systems that struggle with the scars their sh addictions leave
shout out to systems who can’t take care of themselves without needing support
try to keep in mind that you are not the average persons, so we shouldn’t expect ourselves to be able to function just like the average person would. know you are all loved and are trying your best to navigate a society that wasn’t designed with poc, disabled, or neurodivergent people in mind. i wish you systems the bestest recovery possible and i’m sending much love and support.
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Your existence is not inherently syscourse, nor should it be treated as such. You should be able to talk about yourself without having to expect people wanting you to convince them that your experiences are real.
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Shout-out to systems who have alters based around horror. Shout-out to systems who have alters based around spiritual concepts. Shout-out to systems who have alters based around cultural urban legends and/or myths. Shout-out to systems who have alters based around their own horror creations. Shout-out to systems who have a large amount of alters based around horror.
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Here’s some positivity for headmates from hell!
Lots of systems may have headmates who feel like they are from somewhere else. Whether introjects or not, headmates who feel like they’re from hell are still valid as headmates and are important as members of their system! So here’s to all the headmates from hell out there!
😈 Shoutout to fictives who are introjects from a creator’s fictional depiction of hell!
🔥 Shoutout to headmates who are demons, devils, imps, damned souls, fallen angels, or Satan!
👹 Shoutout to headmates who believe they are from hell as a result of religious trauma!
😈 Shoutout to headmates from hell who struggle with low self-worth or feel like they are evil as a result of being from hell!
🔥 Shoutout to systems with headmates from hell despite the rest of their system not believing in hell!
👹 Shoutout to systems with psychosis involving hell who have delusions or hallucinations about their headmates being from hell!
😈 Shoutout to introjects who have exomemories or source memories from hell!
🔥 Shoutout to traumatized headmates who feel like they are from hell due to the trauma they were forced to live through!
👹 Shoutout to headmates who come from a hell within their own system’s headspace or inner world!
There is nothing wrong with being or identifying as a headmate from hell! Being a headmate from hell does not make you evil, and it doesn’t mean that you’re undeserving of love, kindness, and respect. You deserve to be cherished and accepted for who you are, no changes necessary! And we truly hope that you can find this acceptance within your own system and the plural community as a whole.
Headmates from hell, know that where you’re from doesn’t have to define you if you don’t want it to. Still, if you identify heavily with being from hell, that’s okay too! You are unique and special just the way you are, and we promise, you are wanted and you belong in our spaces. We hope you can try to take it easy and have a wonderful day today!
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For anyone curious where that earlier ask went
Hi, I'm the anon from @our-system-experience, the singlet. My friend just came out to me as plural and I really want them to know that I care about them and their system, do you have any suggestions?
Honestly, the best first step is to do a little research on systems and disassociative disorders (if they told you which one they have, look into that one specifically)
The next best step is to let them know that you care about them and their system and want to get to know their primary fronters. Take as many notes as you need so you can remember pronouns and details! It'll come naturally to you eventually but be patient with yourself at first, it's a lot to learn
Last thing I can think of is to make sure you listen to them. All systems are different and therefore it's best to ask them about their personal systemhood than someone on the Internet who doesn't know them
Best of luck and if you have any other questions feel free to come back and ask more or DM us!
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Hello, I'm a singlet but I have a question, is that okay?
This is a plural space only, sorry. If you have any questions about system related stuff though, you are more than allowed to ask on our main Blog @xaocchaos
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Writing Prompt #146:
“Don’t you have a problem with your monsters?”
“Nah. We have a truce in place.”
“A truce? What?”
“If they don’t bother me, then I don’t blast All Star at three in morning.”
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Ur comics rlly help me (a singlet) understand my friends w did! Ty sm for making them!!! Also if u don't mind me asking do only one of y'all all draw the comics or is it just one of u? You don't have to answer if you don't want to ofc! I'm just curious
Thank you, glad to hear it! :-)
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Usually it's one of us 3 who posts on here ^
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