You are not defined by your past
Evan Buckley X reader X Eddie Diaz
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*Gifs are not mine*
Pairing: Evan Buckley X reader(She/Her) X Eddie Diaz
Summary: When your past comes back in the middle of the night, your boyfriends are here to help you through this moment
Trigger warnings: Polyrelationship/ Past rape, sexual assault/ Ptsd/ Trauma/ Nightmare/ Self harm(sort of)/ Loads of crying/ Panic attacks/ Anxiety
A/N Like I say everytime, English is not my first language, so if there is any mistake, feel free to tell me. Be really cautious reading this story, there are heavy topics talked about in this story, it's just me trying to cope with my feelings with writing
You woke up in a pool of sweat and sandwiched between Eddie and Buck after yet another nightmare. It was the third one this week. You got out of bed, making sure you didn't wake up any of your boyfriends. After you went downstairs, you slipped yourself into the bathroom. You started the shower and went in. You scratched your skin until it was red and raw; you had to get off the feeling of his hands on your body. Some of the scratches even started to bleed after a while. You didn't know a long you had been in the shower until you heard the door opening and the voice of Eddie, calling you."Baby, are you okay in there? You've been in there for quite a while. " If it wasn't for the shower curtain protecting you, he would have seen you and your body full of wounds. You tried to answer with a steady voice but failed miserably."I'm fi-fine, I'll be out in a mi-minute." You couldn't make out what Eddie whispered to Buck, but a second later, the curtain was being opened. Buck and Eddie gasped when they saw the state of your body; covered in wounds and bleeding. They immediately went to hug you but stopped when you flinched violently. Buck tried to reassure you."Honey, we aren't gonna hurt you. What's going on? Talk to us, please. " You stood there frozen, tears filling your eyes while you felt like you couldn't breathe anymore. When you started clawing at the skin of arm, Eddie stepped in and held you so you couldn't hurt yourself any further. You thrashed and tried to free yourself from him, but there was no use he won't let you go. "That's it, honey, breathe. Can you take a deep breath for us?" It was like you couldn't hear him because you kept trying to push him away."Let me go, please. Please, don't hurt me, don't don't hurt me. " " Sweetheart, look, it's me, Eddie, and here is Buck, look" He said while pointing Buck standing in the middle of the bathroom. He was looking at you worriedly with tears in his eyes, like he knew what was going on. After fighting to free yourself from Eddie for a long time, you ended up tiring yourself out and fell on the shower floor. Eddie and Buck were at your side in a moment and were careful to ask "can we touch you honey?". And when you gave a tiny nod, they gathered you in their arms. Holding you so hard like you were going to disappear at any moment. You didn't how long you sat there, on the shower floor until you felt Buck picking you up and carrying you and bringing you to your shared bed. Once the three of you were settled, they landed a kiss on your cheeks and Eddie said "We'll talk tomorrow, sleep well our darling girl."
While you were sleeping
Once you were asleep, Buck asked Eddie, "Do you know what caused that?" "No. Do you think it has to do with what happened on call today?" "No it seems to be much more than that. What happened today was scary, but it can't be the cause for tonight breakdown." "We'll talk to her in the morning. Maybe she'll open up" And with that, Eddie and Buck placed themselves on each side of you: Buck on your right and Eddie on your left.
In the morning
You woke up once again sandwiched between Eddie and Buck, but this time you weren't scared out of your mind, feeling his hands everywhere. You tried to get out of the bed without waking up your boyfriends, but as you were sitting up, Buck's eyes started to open. "Good morning honey, how are you feeling? Better than last night?" "Better, but I'm pretty sure you are wondering what happened last night. Why I was acting so scared and panicked" "Eddie and I are worried about you, but we won't force you to tell us something you don't want. You tell us what you feel comfortable telling us" "I want to tell you what happened to me, but I'm scared of how you will react" "Angel, whatever happened to you in the past won't make us leave and we won't ever judge you for it" Tears brimmed your eyes, and you started shaking. Buck brought you close to him, you buried your face in his chest. Eddie woke up hearing your cries and looked at Buck worriedly. He touched your back in order to bring comfort, but you flinched violently. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I'm sorry" "It's okay, it's alright honey" Eddie reassured you. "But it's not, I'm not okay, I'm scared that he will come back and do it again" "Who's he baby?" "The man who-the man who-who" " The man who what honey? It's alright, we won't judge" "The man who ra-raped me when I was younger" You sobbed. They both asked simultaneously "Can we hold you honey?" "But I'm dirty, filthy, impure" "That doesn't matter to us. What happened to you in the past does not define you, you are not defined by your past" "In our eyes, you are still the girl we fell in love with, regardless us knowing about your past or not. We won't ever leave for something that you didn't choose to happen. Something that was brought upon you, against your will" "For now, all we want is to help cope with your past. Help you through the difficult times and love unconditionally" "We will love you forever"
Thanks for reading. Again I apologise for any grammatical mistake in this story
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With the love of a father
Mark Sloan x daughter!reader
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*Gifs are not mine*
Pairings: Mark Sloan x daughter!reader; Callie x Arizona
Trigger warning: Self harm, Eating disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Suicide attempt, mention of throwing up...
Summary: Mark sees his daughter being rushed in the E.R
a/n: In this one shot, Callie, Arizona and Mark(and obviously his daughter) live together in the same apartment. And Mark didn't die during the plane crash. Also I am not a doctor, so if there is any medical mistake, I apologise. Last thing English is not my first language, so if there's any grammatical mistake feel free to tell me
You just took the last pill from the bottle. The pills and the cuts on your body made you drowsy. Last thing you heard before you lost consciousness was Callie calling your name from downstairs.
"Y/N Sloan, 17 years old, overdose and hemorrhage, crashed once in the ambo!." The emergency team screamed.
Mark couldn't believe what he just heard; you, his precious daughter, were just brought in the E.R, because you overdosed. He tried to run in the trauma room you where in. But he was stopped by Bailey"No treating family members, you know the protocol. " Mark looked into the room; you were hooked to different machines while Bailey stitch your cuts up trying to stop the bleeding. He was dragged away by Jackson who sat him in a chair nearby. Mark couldn't take his eyes off of you."You need to drink some water, please" Jackson said handing him a cup of water. Only then, Mark started crying and realising he could have lost you today. Jackson saw in the corner of his eye, Callie. He motioned to her to come and she explained him what happened to his daughter."I came home with Arizona and we heard crying in the bathroom. When we reached the bathroom, she had already passed out. I saw the bottle of pills and the blade next to her. I immediately understood what she had done to herself." Callie explained while tears were streaming down her face. At this moment, Arizona rushed to the nearest bathroom, Callie following prompt. "Arizona! Wait!" Callie screamed, but Arizona already locked herself in one of the stalls. Arizona threw up in the toilet bowl what she'd eaten today. After she was done, she unlocked the door and fell into Callie's arms. Callie sat them down on the floor and rubbed her back. She knew you and Arizona were really close since your mother died. After a moment, Arizona's cries died down and she finally was able to get out of the bathroom with Callie supporting her. The moment they came out, Bailey got out of the trauma room. She began explaining "We were able to stop the bleeding, but she has lost a lot of blood, so we're giving her a blood transfusion. We also found out some old cuts on her body and we think that she has been cutting herself for a while. We think that she may have been straving herself too, but we can't be sure before we ask her. We restrained to keep her from hurting herself further. You can go see her now, if you want to" Mark immediately got up from his seat and rushed into your room. He then saw your pale body. You looked almost lifeless and this sight made him break down again. Jackson, who entered right after him, supported him the moment he started to fall down on the floor and sat him in the chair with was in the corner of the room. "How did I not notice she was dying inside?! I'm an horrible father, she deserves so much better than me. I let her down." Mark's voice cracked and he couldn't stop the sobs from coming out. Jackson explained that it wasn't his fault and that he was and amazing father for you. At this moment, you began to stir and the moment you realised where you were, you began to panic. Throwing yourself down into a full blown panic attack. Your BP rose quickly and the machine was glowing red. Your dad was at your side in an instant, reassuring you "Shh, it's okay, you're safe. Can you take a deep breath for me?" You shook your head unable to talk. The nurse put an oxygen mask on your face to help you breath. You were finally able to breathe and started crying and trashing around when you realised you were restrained. You pleaded your dad to take them off, but he explained to you that he couldn't do that, because you were still a danger to yourself. He gently hugged, being aware of all the things you were attached to. You began to fall asleep in his arms, in the comfort and the love of your father, exhausted from all your emotions.
Hope you liked it. I may do a part 2 for this story
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Please Open the door- Marceline x Princess Bubblegum
Relationship: Marceline x Princess Bubblegum
Type: Hurt/comfort; fluff
Trigger warnings: Self Harm; Crying; mention of eating disorder...
Summary: One night, Marceline comes home to find her girlfriend, Bonnibel, laying on the bathroom floor; blood pooling around her...
*Gifs are not mine*
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Please open the door
Bonnibel’s POV
I woke up in the late afternoon, in an empty bed; Marceline wasn’t in the bedroom nor in the house ‘She must have left; she probably was tired of me’. I got out of bed and sighed when my vision started to go black ‘I always get dizzy these days’. I walked to the couch and opened my phone; I didn’t have any message from Marceline. I started to type a message, but then deleted it ‘If she didn’t text, she doesn’t want you to text her. Don’t bother her’. I got down to the kitchen and saw a piece of paper on the fridge. It was written by Marceline ‘Hi Sweetheart, sorry I couldn’t be here when you woke up. I’ll be home around ten tonight. Take care of you and don’t forget to eat’ Relieved, I let go of the piece of paper, and put it in my pocket. ‘Marceline was so protective since she’s found out my eating habits’. I opened the fridge and took the milk out. When the coffee was done, I added the milk in it. Marceline would probably want me to eat something else with my coffee, but somehow I couldn’t bring myself to take something else out of the fridge. After I drank my coffee, I went to the bathroom. As I was brushing my teeth, I saw something shiny on the side of the sink. It was my razor blade, I must have left it here the last time I used it. Without thinking, I took the razor between my fingers ‘Once couldn’t hurt and Marceline would not find out’. I brought the razor to my upper arm and cut the flesh here. After an hour, I had cut my two upper arms and my thighs. I got up and instantly my vision went black. I came around and realised I must have lost consciousness. I tried to sit and realised someone was banging on the door...
Marceline’s POV
When I got home tonight, I had a strange feeling, I knew something was wrong. I opened the door and shouted for Bonnibel “Bonnibel! Sweetheart, where are you? Honey!” I immediatly started to panic and ran to our room. Bonnibel wasn’t here, but the bathroom’s door was closed. I tried to open it, only to find it locked. I banged on the door and screamed for Bonnibel “Sweetheart, are you in there? Please open the door, please” I was only met by the silence, I then grasped the knob and forced the door open by using the spare key we had. What I saw will forever stay on my mind; Bonnibel was laying in a pool of her own blood, a razor in hand. I ran to her side, she was barely conscious, she had so many wounds on her skin that I didn’t know where to start. I grabbed the nearest towel I found and pressed to her right upper arm where the cuts were the most serious. After a few minutes, Bonnibel came around and realised what had happened. “What happened? What are you doing here, you were supposed to come back at ten tonight.” “It is ten, you lost consciousness and I figure out for a long time. Now, come on, I’m gonna carry to bed” I brought her to our bed and went to grab a change of clothes for her, since hers were drenched with blood. I changed her in her new clothes and took her in my arms. She instantly started to cry, and I whispered in her ear “You have nothing to be scared of, sweetheart. I will always be here to put your broken pieces together. I love you, to the moon and back”
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this fic. If there is any grammatical mistake, feel free to tell me
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Adventure Time
Marceline x Princess Bubblegum
Please open the door
Grey’s anatomy
Mark Sloan x daughter!reader:
With the love of a father
Evan Buckley X reader X Eddie Diaz
You are not defined by your past
Leo Wyatt X Piper Halliwell X daughter!reader
After a while
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