pearlisinpain · 1 month
...i wanna cook this up
which fandom
The villain held your power ring in their hand, “With this out of the way your powers shall no longer work, relent.” You look at them and began chuckling before breaking out into maniacal laughter, “that doesn’t give me power, it gives me empathy dipshit.”
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pearlisinpain · 11 months
no context, maybe a new au :D
(Hero & Villain AU)
Second: Sensei, I think I have gotten better these days. I just don't know how I got that way...
Dark: It's all because of my wonderful teaching, see? Second: ...but you haven't taught me anything useful besides memorizing your stupid drama sensei... Dark:
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...good luck surviving that, Sec- (I promise i will color it at some point-)
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pearlisinpain · 11 months
New fanfic alert :D
the lanterns caught in the storm (Single Dad AU fanfic)
The annual Lantern Festival is considered one of the most renowned events in all of the city. To the citizens, they are the days when people send all their hopes and dreams for the year.
But to a certain household, the festival is a reminder of the hardships they had gone through to keep the small family safe and sound.
(Or, Second went missing after the festival, as Chosen and Dark frantically tried to find their little bundle of joy.)
ehehe, i haven't been on tumblr for a long time-
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pearlisinpain · 1 year
Oh god, this seems like fun! *quietly goes to order with an empty paypal*
Three months ago I pitched an idea for a party game. Today, ‘WHAT THE PLOT?!™’ is a real game and available for pre-order! I am so excited. Thank you everyone for your support!
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pearlisinpain · 1 year
I throw pearls at people and make them feel pain.
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pearlisinpain · 1 year
After a ton of brainstorming on how to draw this AU, I finally got around to finishing some drawings of one of my favorite AUs, Single Dad AU :DD
Cue context: Chosen is a single dad raising Second before he met Dark, his friend since high school in a well-known company. He remarried after 5 months of trying to realize Dark's love for him, and soon enough, Second becomes fond of him as they live happily together, with shenanigans happening every day.
The small child proudly calls Chosen 'pa' and Dark 'da', both very protective of their son after what happened to the boy in the past. You can imagine Second being unintentionally bullied by Dark for fun, sometimes running to his father for help, or just taking advantage of his stepfather.
(warning for poor quality pictures ;-;)
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Now, this proves that Dark has no knowledge of cooking. (Honestly, I wonder how Chosen could tolerate that one after throwing all of their dinner away-)
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Also, Victim is Chosen's one-year-older brother, Second's uncle, who is a kindergarten teacher and fond of children. Sometimes, he just asks what he is not supposed to say when Second is around.
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Second: What are you two talking about?
Anyway, the ask is open for this AU now! You can leave any questions about this AU, and I will be very glad to answer them!
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pearlisinpain · 2 years
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pearlisinpain · 2 years
Persona introduction - Pearl Eugene
"The key to a good life is sunshine of positive energy every day!"
Pearl is a hyperactive eagle hybrid with shoulder-lengthed dark brown hair, with two small strokes fluttering by each side of her ears - the small replica of the wings she had. Her eyes were heterochromatic because of a black eye and an oak brown one. The wings were the direct inheritance of the fastest eagle race alive - the Golden Eagle race - with dark brown feathers with golden outlines, different from the actual avian itself. With a considerable height of 5'3, she is enough to be considered… short.
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Pearl's personality is just as normal: she loves jokes and riddles and even laughs at the tiniest bit of entertainment every time she can. Creative and imaginative, she serves as a daydreamer, sometimes distracting her from performing her duties, leading to her usual forgetfulness. She views herself as the shy one when that is actually half the truth: she can be confident whenever and wherever she wants, but she doesn't like show-offs, they are so scripted.
Her best and worst personality has to be counted: calmness and patience. They do not work alone as the tempo like the instruments, crescendo here and descends there, they go off without any alarm. She can be so calm and patient, all while being short-tempered and impatient. Usually, showing patience is not her strength, but she tries her best. When she gets fustrated, instead of the patience, is the impatience that masked the patience, and opposites. The same with her calmness.
For Pearl's past, she didn't remember much. A normal life, until half of her vision, was ripped off instantly, leaving her to see the world just as half as normal people do. And as an eagle race, it was much more difficult for her to be considered normal. That didn't bother her one bit, as long as the fake one didn't start rolling randomly in its place, making the aches painful. Other than that, she thought she had had a very good life: a family she cherished, and a life to enjoy.
Pearl's philosophy in life is quite interesting, as she valued fun and entertainment more than the knowledge we need. It is not that she doesn't value the knowledge she currently has, she is grateful for that, but her point of view in life is more entertaining and joyful than people's. To her, no laughter means no good life (of course, no fun at the funeral, she has to be careful about this). Because of this philosophy, sometimes with her openness and expressiveness, people viewed her as selfish and cold-hearted and tried to stay away from her.
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She enjoys creative-related hobbies such as being involved with art and music, which are her really strong forte, as sometimes she writes music in her own randomness. Writing is also one of her favorite hobbies as she loves scribbling down the trails of thoughts in her mind that she longed to share with someone who have the same view as her. Cooking… we don't have to say much about it, she is a lazy genius about it. She will galdly do anything for you, except maybe your Geometry and Chemistry homework. Playing games and rage-quits when she loses her 50/50 in Genshin or doesn't get the character she wants, listening to music as a weird way of procrasinating a story in just five minutes… you can name them, especially her ability to sleep.
(Questions are appreciated for this character! Up next will be an interesting original character!)
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pearlisinpain · 2 years
Purify - (Medieval Fantasy AU)
Chapter 3: The King Election
Orange received a letter from the Octavia Royal Council about a request to be the High Judge of the Election. He seemed to doubt the situation, after all.
Dark whispers spread in a dark corner where the election commenced, a soft glow illuminating from the weapon, fused with the deadliest kind that mankind ever created, with the swarm of the most lethal creature alive, ready to make a show out of it.
CW: violence, blood, wound, minor character death
Eventually, for the citizens of the abundant Octavia Kingdom, the next day had come by in a flash, with everyone worrying about how this would turn the tide of the kingdom's future. How the new king would make changes to the rules. No matter what happened, they had to hope for the best.
The next morning came by, and a dove swoop inside Orange's bedroom, with a letter with the royal crest. He woke up like usual by rolling off the bed in surprise, as he noticed the bird and took the letter off the bird. Stroking the avian, he set it on the table while he quickly opened the letter, and was taken aback by its content.
Greetings to the High Royal Artist of the kingdom,
You might have received the sorrowful news of the king's passing, and the paramount King Election will commence today at noon. This arrangement was seen as new to the royal inhabitants, and we require a person with wiseness and judicially. This is an important role we need to hand to the exact person.
As you are the person that had the requirements, on the behalf of the castle's inhabitants, the Court of Octavia formally inquires about your appearance at the Grand Election as the High Judge for the arrangement.
Please give your response as soon as your letter had arrived.
The Sovereign Octavia Royal Council.
He looked dumbfounded at the letter as he tried to recall any moment of himself being a 'wise and judicial person' the castle was looking for. He scratched his head for a moment before standing up from the floor, dusting himself before rummaging through his drawer for his quill. 
It seemed like he had no other choice.
Did they count the person who had only advised his Majesty twice in his life?
As an artist too?
...he decided not to think about it again, as he dipped the quill into the ink bottle and started scribbling away for the letter. He would never know why he agreed to do this, but he guessed he would not refuse it. This was a sign of trust the High Council was putting in him, and it occurred to him why they didn't handle the situation themselves.
Finishing the letter, he folded it carefully before tying it to the bird again and sending it off into the sunrise. It rose like a glorious firey red globe, the orange aura signaled a new day slowly approaching. But the sun's rays were not as strong as yesterday anymore.
He felt something was... off about this.
He looked at his golden bay leaf pin shimmering in the weak sunlight and frowned a bit. It was one of his lucky charms, based on his experience with it in the past- what past? It gave a weird signal that only he could feel its presence before it lay motionless again. He didn't quite remember the last time it warned him about something. Maybe he was living in peace for far too long to get back to the constant danger before. 
This time, it was giving out something he could not describe. Something like a bad omen, it was well-hidden that he could not contemplate. 
He smelt out the stinky metallic aroma lingering inside him before it eventually faded away. The thoughts slowly ate him as he glanced solemnly at the scenery that grew duskier even when the sun was not at a considerable height. 
Then, something - a blur of blight red flashed across his windows as he stood up and backed away, dumbfounded. He could not describe his sudden chills, as he stared at the window frame for a whole minute before breaking his paralyzed state.
It did ring the bell inside him about that blur, but it was just out of reach.
"What..." he muttered quietly. "...the heck just happened?" 
He then stood up and glanced at the door, hoping to hear any movement or sound coming from his friends, just to make sure, before walking out of the room, mentally sighing in relief.
This was not going to go well. 
"Hello? Earth to Orange?" Red called as Orange snapped out of his trail of thoughts and looked up at them, the small piece of tomato fell off his fork since he knew when visibly confused. "Are you good? You didn't hear what we have been talking about, did you?"
"Uh... sorry, just zoning out a bit..." he mentally panicked as he quickly put up his sleepy facade and yawned. "You know, those sleeping disorders kill me each day."
"...and you gracefully accepted it into your life since when and start nodding off ever since." Blue sighed as he finally got a cup of juice for Orange before drinking his own again. "You should try to find the cure for the disorder. Really, it might be progressively becoming worse. I'm afraid that potions can't do much in this field."
"Don't worry Blue, I am perfectly fine," Orange waved half-heartedly as he drank a bit of the liquid, feeling a bit more awake as he stretched his arms. "Any thoughts about what is going to happen today?"
"Oh, they did announce that this morning, didn't they?" chimed Red, as he had finished feeding the farm animals, if not striking a long 'talk' with them. The group knew he had connections with animals, but they would never know how he had the patience to sit with them for a whole hour. "I heard them marching outside our house early this morning- like  it was still 'sleep o'clock'."
"Well, I doubt that, since it was such news." Green shrugged as he popped another tomato slice into his mouth. "Well, any other things we need to be cautious about?"
"I just got the request letter from the Council to be a judge for the election-" Orange joined in suddenly, the letter finally getting its attention after all that ruckuses in his mind. "I-"
Orange looked up, only to see four sets of eyes at him. He glanced around, confused and all. "Did I say something wrong?" he asked, mentally praying that he was not being an idiot in front of others. 
Well, he didn't expect this was the reaction. He had thought they would be more optimistic about this, but this silence as an answer could be a good one too, indicating that they all felt something fishy was going to happen. 
"I know, this is not going to go well," he decided to continue when the silence was too long. "I think something is up about the King suddenly passing away, he was certainly normal when he gave out the speech at the summer festival not very long ago. He didn't seem to have severe symptoms of an incurable disease. But..." 
He swallowed. 
"I think someone else is getting a hand in all of this. It might be a shot in the dark after all, but I am not one claiming without evidence."
Green nodded as he silently looked away. Orange was right, royalties could have such a conflict that residents could never be imagined having once in their life. How they would do the dirty work to achieve what they want, or a secret, forbidden alliance with enemies over the borders. Royals and normal citizens like them were not the same at all. 
"I notice that," mused Yellow as he finally decided to join in the conversation that was getting deeper in observation and investigation. "Did you notice the conflict between House Embezzle and House Pelitos? You all know, the House of Wisdom and Medical respectively in the Royal Octavia Academy. The two powerhouses of the Academy, yet they are in conflict for a year under his Majesty's very nose!"
"Oh yeah, I do notice that," Blue remarked. "Also, have you heard about the Viceroy also? With his aide, I think he seems to be plotting something."
"The role of the King is a spot that everyone wants to reach, yet when they have reached it, they had no idea to keep their kingdom's prosperity," Green said, joining in after shaking his head violently, letting himself back into the real world. 
"Does that have anything to do with the upcoming Election after all? I mean, about what Orange is going to go through?" Red asked, and soon they all focused on Orange again.
"Orange, you know how honorable and dangerous this can be. One wrong decision and your head might be off by the Grand Council, this can affect the whole future of the kingdom." Green stood up and looked into Orange's soft green eyes, which were blinking in a puzzled manner. "Just, please. Keep yourself."
"I know Green," the orange-haired man smiled as he shifted his position on the chair again. "I just wanted to say that... you all need to be safe. I can also sense a row later on, and maybe a commotion."
"We all need to prepare for that, I agree, but can we save the serious talk for later?" Red finally said again, his face frowning. "Morning is supposed to be calm and relaxed, or at least energetic, not like this serious attitude we all have to wear all day."
"I supposed you are right," Blue sighed before standing up, smiling a bit. "All right, who wants some good drinks?"
"Make me a watermelon juice!"
"A cup of coffee, then, would be nice to be a little bitter."
"I will go with a cup of cinnamon tea then."
"I'm going with some fresh juicy strawberry for a change then."
"Be patient! Coming right up, fresh just for you all!"
Orange was nervous as soon as the guards pushed the door open, revealing the royal family themselves. He had remembered his curtsy, he had prepared himself the best he could. Never had he ever gotten himself roped into this kind of formal situation, even when addressing his Majesty in person himself a couple of times. But this was a whole lot different than the King's himself.
"Greetings, your Majesty, your Royal Highnesses, and your Graces," he bowed to the people inside. He swore he could hear his heart thumping louder and faster than ever. "I am here for recently receiving a requested letter to be the High Judge for the Election."
The woman gestured at him, a small and sad smile planted on her face. It seemed... forced? "Greetings to you, we have been waiting for your arrival." 
"No trouble your Majesty," Orange said again, trying to keep his tone level. "If I may ask the Grand Council for the requirements for the later Election," he turned to an old male at the corner of the room and nodded. "If you please, Grand Councilor."
"I hereby introduce to you the Royal Highnesses: the eldest Prince Arthurous Octavia, the younger Prince Caspetor Octavia, and the youngest Prince Aelliouso Octavia," the old Counselor said and gestured to the three people standing near the Queen. "They will be competing for the throne in today's Election."
He was pretty sure that the names of the Princes were more royal-liked versions of the elegant, yet simple.
(He was pretty sure that the Princes' names are respectively Arthur, Casper, and Aelius. The royals were like that, just adding more letters into the normal names to make them seem unique and interesting. Nor did he deny that those names were actually good.)
"I was wondering something, Sir," Orange interjected after the man had finished his line. "If we could identify who is the eldest among the three Highnesses, shouldn't we just declare the eldest prince to claim the throne?"
"Oh, I forgot to inform you, our young royal artist of the kingdom," another Council member joined in the conversation, and Orange noticed that the Octavia Royal Family had left. "In the Octavia Kingdom, inherited after the fall of the Indigous Empire, puts the ability to its equal. We could not have a ruler with such good combat skills yet without knowledge and the judicially that the people need, upon fitting the three requirements: strength, knowledge, and the rhetorical and judicial mind to gain the trust of the inhabitants."
"I see..." Orange muttered as he tried to picture a perfect king that fit all of the requirements. He had only seen King Octavia the Seventh as the most inspiring ruler so far, yet alone having his fair share of art and beauty, kindness and festivities. "When shall we start the Election, your Graces?"
"It should be around a few more hours, so you have plenty of time to prepare yourself."
"Why am I actually worried about this?" Red asked as he held a book close to him as he ran behind with his friends, realizing that they were late to the scene as they were rushing forward to the town square. "Like, something in Orange seems off today."
"I know Red, we will just have to hope for the best," Blue said before stopping himself to have a breath. "Gods, I cannot imagine how nervous he would be when he faced the royal family himself, yet along with the members of the Council. He had only been there once only when doing a painting session with the royal family?"
"I gotta say, as someone who once experienced life there, it is quite stressful," Green said as he looked into the sky. The sun was illuminating every place, and the clouds did not attempt to seal the harsh light. "It is kinda triggering some of the things I should not remember... I need not remember it..."          
"Green, it's alright," Yellow pat his back as they finally encountered a crowd surrounding a high-up stage inside the castle grounds. "Come on, see if we can make our way closer to the stage. The princes are the mystery to every citizen, you know."
"Yeah, that does make sense," Blue agreed while he double-checked his pouch. "Okay, I hope I have not over-prepared anything. The potions, the netherwart..."
"Why are you bringing your netherwart into this? What will the people say?" Red practically jumped at the amount of the red fungus Blue was having inside his pouch. They looked like they were stuffed into the place, and it seemed to take too much place for the potions. "And how on earth did you bring this many? We are not going to a festival! And this is not food either!"
"Well, it is my comfort food, it eases my mind when coming to situations stressful as this," Blue replied dryly as he munched some netherwart he retrieved from the pouch. "It does not seem like a big deal to me."
"We must be quick, the Election is starting at any moment now," Yellow interjected as they all nodded and sprinted faster into the city, silence slowly embracing them as they tried to get what was going on.
Why is there smoke and screaming everywhere?
Why is the sky suddenly turn black- or red?
To Orange's view, it had been going pretty swell so far. Prince Aelliouso was sure to be the King because of his immense intelligence with keen strategy in battle. Although his strength was not the most ideal, he was overall good. The two Princes were the two main powerhouses of the royal trio, but intelligence in battle was one needed. They did inherit their kindness and juidicialness from their father, which was a plus.
As a High Judge, he had to make sure no cheating is allowed or sabotaging of other competitors. He had also been tasked with checking the surroundings if there were any impacts from the outside that could potentially help the competitors to cheat, or cause severe damage to the royal family. Of course, the general was also in charge of the safety of the royal inhabitants in the audience. But observing from the closest, it had to be him. After all, he was the only Judge. So he must ensure the safety of the Princes.
About the High General, as if he had seen him before... he looked so familiar, maybe he had connections with him also, but could not quite recall the moments. Maybe it was just hallucinations.
Gosh, he needed to stop sleeping too much...
"Time for the third round is up, all contestants please put your product down! Now for the High Judge to determine the weapons!"
He totally didn't forget to judge the third round of the Election: weapon forging, did he?
Orange stood up, sweat rolling down his forehead as he stopped by the first Prince. He slowly picked up the spear. It was a pure iron one, the blade being shaped in such an elegant style of a pen. He took it carefully and swung it after maintaining his distance to not hit his Royal Highness. He smiled a bit before placing it back on the table.
"The durability is high, your Royal Highness," he said, smiling calmly, trying to keep his composure. "However, the tip of the blade is not as sharp as usual, for it has to be enough for..." he traced his finger carefully on the edge of the blade, and lifted out, his finger barely having a scratch. "This, the finger would have been cut a bit if the edge was sharpened enough. Overall, this is still a good spear, but it could use some more sharp-edged."
"How do you know about all this?" the eldest Prince frowned at him and asked, he could not help but gulped a bit. Prince Authurous was intimidating and quick-tempered, so Orange needed to make sure he didn't get to his bad side. 
"Your Highness, I have been honing the weapon crafts for some years before I decided to continue with art," he said, fighting to keep his tone level once again so he could conceal his nervousness. 
"Very well," the Prince sourly said as Orange heaved a sigh of relief, before going to the youngest Prince to check on his dagger. A silver-coated dagger, but he couldn't quite make out the actual material used for the dagger. Sharp, the techniques were really good, but it seemed that they lacked the strength needed to make the piece of metal flatter. He tried swinging it in his hands before looking at it closely.
"Your Highness, Prince Aelliouso-"
"Just address me as 'Prince Aelius', if that makes you comfortable."
"Uh- uhm, I'm sorry your Highness," Orange quickly apologized and went into his work. "It seems like you have some knowledge about blacksmiths, but it appears that your strength isn't enough to flatten the blade out, even though it was coated, and well-made. Req"
He moved on to the second eldest Prince, the last one he needed to check on was the iron sword, but not before he smelt something metallic lingering in his body again. He tensed up for a moment before turning his back to the Prince, taking the sword, and quickly slashing the red blur launching right in front of the royals.
"My apologies..." he muttered as the crowd practically exploded with screams as a swarm of red covered the supposed blue sky. He motioned to the guards and the General, who immediately took action. "Protect her Majesty and their Royal Highnesses!"
The crowd was horrified, and everyone wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. The swarm of red covered the unlucky people and slowly made them dissolve, adding even more to the scene.
Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow were running forward instead, aiding the guards in capturing the imposter of all this ruckus.
The guards were trying to aid the royals in evacuating, even though the Princes insisted on helping the inhabitants. They rushed forward, weapons in their hands, and started fighting back.
A horrific scene opened before people's eyes as the three courageous Princes rushed forward.
A red blur, as fast as lightning, went across their chest as they tumbled, trying to keep themselves grounded, but soon buckled to the dizziness and the exhaustion catching up, before closing their eyes, laying there emotionless, letting the crimson liquid pooling out of their chests.
The Queen let out an agony shout for her sons before falling with a strike, the guards could not catch the moment.
Orange was horrified, as he felt something rushing from behind. He only took out his small paintbrush and countered the attack with a loud clank, as the brush turned into a shape of a spear.
"What?" he breathed out as he swung the spear forward and pushed the hooded figure back. He swung again, performing a perfect uppercut that made loud contact with the other's pair of blades. The hooded figure rushed forward again, briefly disappearing before his eyes as he looked around, desperately trying to comprehend what was going on. 
A loud clash from behind, and he was barely in time to counter it once again. He would have been dead if his reflexes failed him this time. 
"Reuben, forward!"
Orange perked up at the sound to see Red with his book levitating as the powerful pink boar appeared out of nowhere and rushed towards the figure. They seemed to let out a 'tsk' before disappearing, but not before their voice slipped into only Orange's ears.
He looked around, confused, and tried to listen carefully, hoping to hear the sound of the same person speaking the same words to him. Green rushed forward as he quickly embraced Orange, which pinks spread on his already red cheeks.
"Gosh, Orange, are you safe and sound?"
"I- well, yeah, I sorta am..." he mused quietly as he glanced at his four worried friends again and had a small smile. "It was supposed to go all smooth sailing... but instead..."
"Man, it was not your fault letting the massacre happen," Blue said softly as he withdrew a pink glowing potion from his pouch. "Here, you look like you have just survived a war, drinking the potion might help you get better."
Orange took it hesitantly as he took a quick chug, feeling the liquid going through his body as he slowly felt better. Now he felt the sore muscles catching up to him as the spear turned back into a small paintbrush in his hand.
He could not help something chilling running through his veins once again as he remembered what had happened.
At the corner of his eyes, a devious smirk was visible.
The sharp tone rose again in his ears. The words to him, and for him only, that started to cast doubt on himself.
"We will meet again, the Second Coming."
Question for this chapter:
How many Houses (representing the fields of the Kingdom) are there in the Octavia Royal Academy? What are they?
(this question is just for fun, answer if you want to because hell I put a lot of Kingdom's lore in this. Also, the Royal Academy will be shown as an important location for the story later on!)
Also, did you notice any small details of the story that might hint the content of the next chapters?
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pearlisinpain · 2 years
please send help
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pearlisinpain · 2 years
Purify AU Sprinkles (Part 2)
Red and Blue are considered the parents of the group, but the most responsible one is actually Orange, although he sleeps a lot.
Orange has a special brush that can bring drawings to life permanently, he just doesn't know where he left it.
Blue's shop is the only potion shop in the kingdom, and hence he always has a day off to restock everything. He always leaves things to the last minutes, before frantically drinking some swiftness potion to speed up his work.
Sometimes when enraged, Orange's eyes turn from a lime green hue to a bright red one. No one has ever seen Orange truly angry before (simply because he is too easy-going on people).
Green's guitar was a gift from the inhabitants of a place called the Musical Valley. It could attract animals and plants to sing (and vibe along) to help Green communicate with them (through music, sometimes just gestures).
Orange was once promoted to a royal adviser but he denied it before going into hiding for a week, thinking that the king would hunt him down for refusing such a role.
Yellow had almost been caught thrice because the people thought he was stalking people by his midnight strolls.
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pearlisinpain · 2 years
Purify - (Medieval Fantasy AU)
Chapter 2: Once In A Blue Moon
Green went outside to admire the full moon scenery. The sounds of the stream, the rustling of the leaves, the soft light from the moon illuminating the scenery. This was a peaceful scene since forever.
Until when he had a small talk with his best friend, he slowly realized the honeyed seed slowly blooming inside him.
"There is some news out there about King Octavia the Seventh who had passed away suddenly, so the inhabitants of the castle are planning for a rushed, newly king election tomorrow."
Soon, all of their works were abandoned, as they gathered around the table, with Orange finally jerked up from his small power nap on the wooden surface. The silence lingered as they all gave each other occasional glances, only the sound of fire crackling in the kitchen remained audible.
"Uhm… so Green," Yellow finally decided to break the silence as he gathered himself to retrieve a glass of water. "Are the rumors verified yet? We could not risk talking about it and getting ridiculed if that news is all a joke."
"No news coming from the Castle itself considered as a joke," answered Green, his eyes trained toward Orange to find a moment of confirmation. "If they ever so desired of getting their head off, I don't think they would make up such news like that. Considering his Majesty had been a peaceful and admiring ruler for years."
"I am gonna regret letting those words out if any passer-by hears it, but his children are not that sprightly," Orange mumbled as he looked at the others, his tired lime green eyes seemed to shine, showing interest through his sleepy facade. "Hope no one heard that, or I am gonna be demoted straight away."
That let out a small ring of chuckles as they thought about it.
The Octavias had always had only one successor to take the throne after the predecessor had retired from the role. This had been passed down for seven generations. However, the seventh king had given birth to a set of triplets, which made things far more difficult. This had never happened in the history of the Octavia Kingdom before.
"Can't they pass it down to the eldest?" Red asked. He had never gotten the impression of complicated royalties-related situations, for one point, never had he gotten into the castle in his entire life. His thinking was just simple as his lifestyle.
"Everyone knows that the king has given birth to triplets," alleged Blue, who stood up to finally checked on the roasted chicken before placing it onto the plates. "And one more, the princes don't even know who is the eldest among themselves."
"Seems like so," Yellow nodded as he hummed. "How will they plan for the election to commence? They don't just… voting on the spot and count heads? I swear, that will be too unorganized-"
"Wise words from the one who never bothers to clean their room." Green snickered and later earned a hit on the head, and everyone roared out in laughter. "Again, let's hope that none of the citizens- heard that. We will not want to be beheaded."
"At one point, yeah, we don't wanna," Red nodded. "Anyway, can we talk about this later? Wouldn't want this roasted chicken to go waste and cold on our table, you know."
"As always Red, always the one to remind us when to eat- and when to cause chaos." Orange smiled. "We might start calling you and Blue our father and mother."
"Hey! You are supposed to be the responsible one out of us, Orange!" protested Blue as he finally tucked into his meal. "I might quit doing housework because of you all. Imagine doing all of the gardening, potion brewing, and being a housewife-"
"Wait a minute- whose housewife-" Yellow glanced at him, his mouth twitched gleefully. "Don't tell me it's-"
"I MEAN HOUSEWORKER-" the prussian blue hair male could only blush hard as they all laughed again. "Just- just eat your food or I am tossing it all away!"
"As you wish, mother." Green grinned, and they finally settled down for their good dinner.
Night had fallen as the moon appeared, half-covered by the cotton clouds in the twinkling night sky. The stars seemed to be brighter than usual, and instead of the air of the hot summer like in the morning, the fresh breezes of the night came from the small river nearby, echoing along with the stream.
The night was more enchanted today, had Green's wish, perhaps, come true?
Now, he was staring at the stream running across their home, his green eyes trained upon the picturesque scenery bathing in the illuminating moonlight. He was thinking about the news he briefly heard, the talk with his friends, and now, he was left alone to think this through. Although it did not have much impact on his future achievements, it did occur to the changing future of the kingdom, maybe their lives too.
He was not supposed to think about this, he was not a royal inhabitant to worry about those things-
That soft, warming voice slowly pulled him out of his reverie. Turning around, he was met with a pair of soft lime green eyes, seemingly staring into his very heart. He found himself stunning while looking at the other, before pulling himself out and returning a tired smile to him.
"Hey, what got you here?"
"I just want to have a breathing space," Orange sighed and waved dismissingly. "But in all honesty, the scene is once in a blue moon to miss out, isn't it?"
"I think I can never find any word to outspeak you in any way, Orange," Green chuckled a bit, gaining strength back. "You always appear to be the considerate one. In every action, in every word you are about to speak."
"I- isn't that thing-" Orange found himself looking dumbstruck for a second. "But, everyone in our group do that, don't they?"
"Orange," he sighed as he hummed for a bit before speaking. "We all have our unique ways of addressing our thoughts. Red is more straight-forward with his words, sometimes without thinking stuff through. Yellow is more logical, though we cannot really make out what he says at times. Blue is more quiet, and I don't want to offend anyone so I will not comment anything about his wordings…"
"Wait, slow down Green, this is out of topic-" Orange quickly protested as he came to notice it. "Maybe you are the one who sometimes goes off a topic. Not that we blame you for, though."
Green just chuckled a bit as he looked at the moon. The clouds seemed to disappear, and now it was just the moon, as an eye staring at him and Orange. Feeling the warm light landing on his flesh, he shut his eyes and smiled a bit. The feeling of having his best friend right here to give him comfort, even just by his appearance. Seeing his sweet and soft smile made him be himself even more. And as he was about to say earlier…
And you, Orange, you are the one with the wise and caring words. You are also the one with the straight-forward attitude, even having some logicalness in it sometimes.
But most importantly… your words guide us. A noticeable sign that helps us know that we can trust you in any scenario.
"Uhm… Green?"
Wait, had he been in a reverie again?
He looked at Orange, who was looking at him, concerned. He quickly shove it all away with a fake cough and grinned. "Yes, what's up?"
"Actually, I have never seen you as quiet and calm as this before," Orange commented while motioning his hands in an awkward gesture. "You always seem to be boastful and seemingly a perfectionist. Not that I mind, that's a part of you… And I think, I am enjoying this kind of you, your other self too."
"Heh… that's nice." Green smiled a bit as he looked at Orange again, that soft smile visible on his best friend's face. His eyes facing forward, now gleaming under the soft moonlight, a bright lime green hue mixed with an unusual soft, glowing blue hue of the moon. That made him from beautiful to far more beautiful…
Why was he having butterflies in his stomach anyways?
Feeling his face suddenly heating up, he quickly excused himself to bed. "It is kinda late you know, I am heading to bed. You should too."
"Thanks Green, I will," Orange waved goodbye to him as he calmly walked through the door and closely it lightly, before bolting into his room and shut his door, panting heavily. Feeling the heat rushing to his face, he leaned against the door and slid onto the floor slowly. He glanced back at the door before regained himself and posture, he went to bed, with a thought lingering in his mind, aside from the election tomorrow.
Am I in love with my best friend?
That thought kept him awake for sometimes, rolling over and over on his bed, thinking about that theory before tiring himself to sleep.
Maybe that is true…
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pearlisinpain · 2 years
So I stumble across an AvA/M fic called Café Chaos by ChocoCherriez, and I immediately thought-
"bro I should totally draw Orange, poor our boi"
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(stick ver)
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(humanized ver)
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pearlisinpain · 2 years
Purify AU sprinkles (Part 1)
Red can communicate with animals, understanding and befriending them at ease, although he struggles with the more hostile beings, such as dragons, or maybe just a small hostile animal/insect.
Blue not only addicts to netherwart, but also swiftness potions. That makes his eyesight not as good as the others in the color gang, but his accuracy somehow is still sharp and good.
Green asides from being a musician, and always performing, is the one in charge of constructing buildings all around the kingdom. Or, easier to the phrase, an architect.
Yellow's room is always the messiest out of the five due to his habit of throwing redstone dust everywhere in his room for inventions. His health system is also a little bit weaker than the others due to his insomnia.
No one in the kingdom, even the color quartet, knows Orange's real name. Orange also briefly forgets his real name due to the lack of using it.
Red's best animal friends: Reuben, Cream, and Leafy can enhance themselves. Reuben can transform into a powerful, speedy and more intelligent boar (a reference to those super pigs in AvM), Cream the wolf can also transform, and have white wings attached to itself, making it fly with ease. Leafy has better eyesight and speed compared to other parrots.
Fantasy things are bound to happen to the group and the world around them, and so is Orange. His drawing can come to life for a short time, but it can be at surprising moments. (like, imagine when Orange is in session with some nobles or the royalties themselves and the person inside the unfinished painting just walks out...)
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pearlisinpain · 2 years
Purify - (Medieval Fantasy AU)
Chapter 1: How A Day Went By
The brushing contact with the canvas, the soft guitar playing, the clattering of flasks and thumps of dirt, the movement and explosions of the inventions, and the noises of the animals.
It was just a normal day like any other for the group in the peaceful Octavia Kingdom.
A day in the life of an artist for Orange was just as normal as any artist in the world, just with a different approach, and... more royal-liked involved.
Truth be told, Orange wouldn't consider himself a famous one, despite his name being called out for any outstanding and beautiful paintings he had done all over this kingdom. From the nobility to the royals and the normal citizen... from having a small art gallery to being promoted as a royal artist.
Every rare occasional commemoration with the royalties, he was always seen with such a fancy outfit: a white with golden outlines and decorated golden bay leaf pin that he attached to his artist hat, with a dimmer white color of a long sleeve shirt, his art supplies were always by his side as he had a small bag he attached to his belt, with the concerning amount of paint brushes, pens, pencils, erasers... (he could not recall how he had shoved all the things he needed inside, but surely not the big canvas). A painting must be painted on spot, and he needed to do his best.
Which... a painting session lasted for about two to three hours in the villas and the castle of Octavia's royal family... was a bit stressful sometimes. 
Working at home, he simply had his usual light orange shirt and an apron, carrying out his liking for simplification. Occasionally, he was idiotic enough to wear his pajamas to work, giving people a good laugh before he went and changed.
Orange personally enjoyed his humble art place at home. Not too big, but it was where all of his inspiration were stored. The small, messy room had a window facing a small garden in the backyard, illuminated by sunlight every early morning. And the only things he could hear while doing his artworks were the watering and planting outside, occasionally accompanied by animal noises. 
Today was a day like usual. He woke up falling off the bed with a thud, jerking him up almost at once and rubbing his head lightly. He ended up bringing his breakfast into his small art workshop room of his, munching away as he started to sketch something on his notepads.
Sometimes the poppies, sometimes daisies, and sometimes... forget-me-nots. The garden was filled with a variety of unique and even weird-looking flowers he had never seen before, he drew them all. Their beauty, and their colors, bring more sights to this small house of surprising chaos every day.
Sometimes, he would draw his friends doing their work, claiming all the time someone asked about how did he do his art: "Art is my passion, and my friends are my special inspiration."
Sometimes... he redrew the tales that had been passed from generation to generation. Only one stood out to him as familiar, but he could not make clear any memories about it. 
Today was just a normal day, with him sketching the Octavia Grand Castle, secretly admiring the details. Even for him, the sketches were harder, since the castle had details on every bar. He didn't want to know how he remembered the details, and since it was going to take a long time to finish his sketches...
He slipped the notepads inside his small bag, along with his small bag of pens attached to his belt. Checking himself one last time, he bolted out of the room and waved goodbye to his friends, who were remaining at the table. 
Now god knew where he went until nightfall...
Actually... Blue was the first one out of the five to wake up at a reasonable time. 
Sitting on his small bed as he looked out into the dimmed light from the sun slowly arose, he looked at his notes, pinning them on the wooden board just by his bed. It was scruffily made, a pleasant surprise for him that it hadn't fallen off at the first minutes.
...speak of the devil. He sighed as he picked up the broken wooden board before placing it on his bed. He could fix it afterward, if not for so much work was waiting for him on a sunny day like this.
The cook, the farmer, the alchemist.
He did do a lot of things, huh?
He made his way to the kitchen and quickly shuffle through the cupboards for the ingredients for the breakfast. Some flour, eggs, and a bit of juicy and fresh fruit were just picked carefully and sorted not long ago. Blue decided on making pancakes before pulling out the pan, and beginning to mix the flour and eggs, also not forgetting to put some more flavor in it. While pouring the mixture into the heated pan on the fire, he turned to the fruit and made some orange juice. A small meal for a change from the fat portions of bacon and tomatoes.
Placing the plates on the table and setting down a jug filled with iced orange juice, he cleared away the mess in the kitchen before getting the others, they were still sleepy after all of that snooze. Orange just picked up his plate and his cup of orange juice, before rushing into his small art workspace. Blinking at the sudden dash, Blue finally sat down with the others, enjoying the meal for about half an hour before eventually work separated them all.
The farmer, the alchemist.
Blue after quickly clearing the dishes rushed to his small garden before checking the plants, with the sprouts slowly popping out of the ground. Grabbing the hose, he began to squirt out icy cool water for the crops in the middle of the harsh sunlight, even though it was just eight in the morning. Tending to the crops for some more time, he went inside with a crate filled with newly harvested vegetables and fruits. In his other hand was a pouch of red, crimson-colored fungus that smelt sweet but bitter at the same time. Placing the pouch on the counter, he double-checked his plants, before nodding and dragging the crate outside and onto the cart, before being taken aback by the sudden dash from Orange. 
The alchemist.
After a good period of trading and selling the vegetables, he returned with various pouches of potion ingredients before stepping inside the house, only to be greeted with silence in the main dining room. The others must have retreated to their workspace...
...and Blue swore he heard some explosions coming from the room facing southeast. Deciding that he would not pay any attention to it, he went inside his room, now bubbling and steaming with various scents of potions. Settling the pouches down, he rummaged through the big storage chest for some more flasks and began boiling some water, not before adding some of the netherwart in, all while munching that same fungus. Stirring the big cauldron that slowly sent out the bitter-sweet aroma of the netherwart, he knew that the base of every potion had been completed. 
Pouring the water into the bottles, he carefully checked their volume before placing them on the brewing stand and did his work of preparing the stuff for the potions.
He understood the citizen way too much that the Night Vision potions were always out of stock by the end of the day. Today was his monthly week off to restock all of the potions in the shop, mostly the potions that helped the citizen in their work. He could not help but drink several a day just to speed up his work, because... hell he had too much to do in the household. 
Popping some rare golden carrots into one brewing stand, all while putting sugar into the other, he watched as the flasks boiled as he set up some more brewing stands, putting all of the bottles filling with mundane and awkward potion bases, before adding some rabbit feet, pufferfishes, even some incredibly rare ingredients such as ghast tears, magma cream. Turning to the stands that had finished brewing, he pulled half of the bottles out, before replacing them and adding the same ingredients, and tossing some redstone dust and glowstone dust inside.
Hopefully, that should be enough...
That was a buff, as no sooner than five minutes, three bottles of glowing cyan liquid had been chucked down into his throat, as he began working faster than ever, all while munching some netherwarts.
The first sound that greeted Yellow when he woke up in the morning was a breakdown of some contraptions at the corner of his reeked, dusty redstone room. Coughing a bit, he looked at the mess he had made and just left them there last night, mentally telling himself that he could clean them up afterward. He was not in the mood, at least when he was just about to lay back down, a bang of a door being kicked awoke him as he groaned and finally got out of bed. 
The door had fallen off with a thud, the dust being tossed up creating a browny mist, as he mentally groaned about how he needed to fix the door. Again.
"I am an engineer, not a furniture repairman!"
Shuffling through his messy closets, he changed his clothes before bounding outside of the room, greeting the others before eventually hopping onto the dining chair, all while getting a frown from Blue.
"Come on, and help me with breakfast!"
Yellow groaned as he helped Blue balance the pancake dishes and placed them on the dining table, before eventually greeting the others, and noticing Orange fell off his bed yet again, before dragging him to the breakfast table, only for him to pick up the plate and bolted away. He sighed as he glanced at the others, who all just shrugged and continued munching on their pancakes, Blue sprinkled some of the weird fungi on his again. 
After finishing with his pancake, and drinking the juice, he quietly retreated into his room. He remembered that the door had been knocked down by a far too enthusiastic kick, as he fetched the screws and the stuff he needed. Must he do some kind of trap beneath the door so he wouldn't have to worry about it being kicked down again? Screwing the last piece, he stood up and looked at the door for a moment.
Good, now he could focus on his redstone contraptions.
He peaked inside his chest to check for iron, before he grabbed some of it out and started piecing it together, using some redstone to connect the wires and the pistons, in some way making it more efficient. Some kind of working clock should work, as he had made many of it on spot. Or maybe some kind of launcher would be great, too, if not risking their house being blown up.
Speaking of that, he should grab some of his explosions-
It exploded the whole chest of junk that he probably didn't use, as he scrambled over and checked for himself. Coughing once again, he thanked that the others didn't come in to check. Maybe they were slowly getting used to the explosions after all, or they were too tired to tell him about workplace safety. That could potentially destroy his room...
He made his way into his other nearby chests to check the damage before pulling out some more of the wires and redstones and strapping them together for hours on end. Pulling his goggles on, he started connecting them, the sizzling sounds and some frequent explosions rang out for the entire day.
Red started his day a little bit more enthusiastic than the others, but it was necessary for his work later on. Waking up the earliest, he dropped himself off the bed with a thud, as he began his morning routine for about half an hour, then decided to head out to do his farm animal work. Grabbing some wheat in the chests near the barn, he stepped inside and was greeted by a swarm of animals.
"Hey, hi! Chill out, I have your morning snacks here!"
Slowly feeding the animals, he ventured his way to the back of the barn and greeted his most beloved pets, friends, and allies.
"Hey there Reuben, hey there Leafy, hey there Cream," he smiled as he fed the animals: a pig, a wolf, and a parrot. "I brought you your favorite food! Come on, we can go on a hunt later on!"
Sitting down by their side as he watched them munching their food away, the thought of having breakfast came back to him like how quick it went away earlier as he grabbed the broom and swept the floor for a moment, before leaving his animal friends, smiling at them before he closed the door, and still heard their morning chattering. This was a time he truly missed the silence of nightfall.
But well, it was a sunny day in the middle of June, he should remind himself that. 
Marching into the dining room and being greeted by all of his friends, he smiled a bit as he sat down to enjoy his simple breakfast, all while striking up a conversation with Blue about the crops and the animals in the barn, having a quick talk with Orange about the free time at night for fencing, chatting away with Yellow about his inventions, and finishing the morning conversations with Green. After they had all left for their work, Red eventually packed up his sword and crossbow, before glancing at the backdoor.
He went up to the barn again, this time, through the backdoor.
"Ready to go hunting, pals?"
Climbing onto Reuben, the pig, it- no, he should be more friendly- transformed and got bigger as it looked more menacing, more powerful, but the kind black eyes still stood out the most. Cream, the snowy wolf also got bigger as it looked at Red with his stern eyes. Leafy the parrot just fled up and started leading the way, as all of them galloped their way into the forest.
The hunt began there, until nightfall when he returned with more than the group needed.
Green was hoping for a better day when he could grab his guitar and strum the chords every time he wanted. He was still laying on the bed, thinking about how he should spend his day before it struck him and got him up at once. The new royal chamber draft wasn't finished yet, and he would have to get to the castle soon, hadn't he? 
But no need for that, the materials were not even ready yet, so he had a day of relaxing before his eyes. So, he hopped out of bed and did his normal morning routine like any other human being. Looking outside, he stretched himself, hoping to have the most of his day as normally as he could. Strumming his guitar as he silently hummed along with it, the melody slowly soothing his tiredness as it was abruptly cut off.
"Green, come out, breakfast is ready!"
He huffed a bit and went outside, only to see Orange dashed through him, plate and cup in his hands before he stared at the direction he ran for a moment longer. Staring for exactly thirty seconds (if he had done the mental count perfectly), he found himself walking to the dining table, where the others were talking, looking far too energetically. He ate his pancakes, and soon found himself talking with Red about the daily routines, and what they were going to do for the day.
It had been like usual. Yellow with his contraptions. Blue with the garden, the plants, and the potions. Red with taking care of the animals, and went hunting in the forest for more food and resources.
He could have chosen to go with Red or Orange who just dashed out of his room with his art supplies. Shaking his head a bit, he decided that the blueprint could wait, he wanted to do something for a while. Returning to the carefully decorated room, Green grabbed his guitar and the coat, despite the weather being harsh sunny, with barely a cloud visible in the clear blue sky. Then, with a small smile, he looked back at the house once more, and closed the door quietly, making his way into the town center. 
Of course, his appearance alone was enough for the citizens to go wild about things, as he smirked and picked up his guitar, and began his little concert. His 'little' performance...
After what seemed like an hour and a half, when the sunshine was getting too harsh, he quickly excused himself and went to the construction, and pulled out the blueprint. Glancing at the detailed planner, he muttered something under his breath for a quick moment before giving instructions to the builders. He, after all that, was going to stay and inspect all of the work for today.
A pleasant day had passed, and the sun had settled down the horizon line like a blazing globe. Blue was busying himself by making dinner with the abundant amount of food Red had hunted for the day, it could help them for about a week with their best appetites. Red was clearing away the stuff and lent a hand in making dinner with the prussian hair male, who was exhausted from the day's work.
"You know what Blue, you should have done all of the potions yesterday," Red commented, cuts and scratches visible on his face. "You wouldn't look too tired today if you did-"
"Oh, please don't make any comments about my sudden laziness yesterday," Blue groaned as he slammed the knife on the board too hard that it cut through the chicken with ease. "I deserve a rest, considering that I always work like a servant every day."
"It is half past six now, surely Orange and Green will be back by then..." Yellow muttered as he looked at the door being swung open, revealing a matcha-haired male and an orange-haired one marching in, looking far more exhausted than they were at home. "...speak of devils, welcome home you two."
Orange dumped his art stuff on the floor, smiling tiredly as he sat on the chair and sighed. Green also sat down by his side and gave Orange occasional glances. 
"What happened?" Blue asked suddenly while roasting the chickens he just cut. "Surely it was something serious that happened right...?"
Orange nodded sleepily as he rested his head on the table and dozed off slowly. Green just nodded curtly.
"There is some news out there about King Octavia the Seventh who had passed away suddenly, so the inhabitants of the castle are planning for a rushed, newly king election tomorrow."
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pearlisinpain · 2 years
Hello there, and welcome to my Tumblr!
[Basic information]
You may address me as Pearl! Any OC names of mine would still be fine though!
(updated: will be using my name from now, you may address to me as Pearl, or even close, a very dumb gem of yours)
I mainly write fanfics, but I also do art as well!
Dream SMP (on hiatusy)
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Harry Potter
Genshin Impact (you might see me ragequit on here because of losing my 50/50 all the time)
Twisted series (I am soooo into books)
I mostly post snippets, drafts, or deleted scenes from all of my current fanfics. Also, I will be focusing on answering your questions in the fanfics as well!
I do art about OCs, and they are mainly from the Dream SMP fandom (I am not very active in the fandom at the moment)
I post arts about AvA/M in my various AUs
For every chapter of the Purify AU I post on here, there will be a short headcanon sprinkles in there also!
[Writing platforms]
AO3: Pearl_It
Wattpad: Pearl_Its
That's all for now! Leave all your questions and I will answer them all!
(to mark all of my posts, the tag #Pearl's in pain will be used)
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