#ava single dad au
pearlisinpain · 1 year
New fanfic alert :D
the lanterns caught in the storm (Single Dad AU fanfic)
The annual Lantern Festival is considered one of the most renowned events in all of the city. To the citizens, they are the days when people send all their hopes and dreams for the year.
But to a certain household, the festival is a reminder of the hardships they had gone through to keep the small family safe and sound.
(Or, Second went missing after the festival, as Chosen and Dark frantically tried to find their little bundle of joy.)
ehehe, i haven't been on tumblr for a long time-
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writerpetals · 29 days
just like the movies | 🔞
; optional male lead smut |  ☁️
// it's here it's here! the first thing i've written in SO long so I hope it brings you some entertainment hehe i decided to go with a sweet, silly fluffy single parent au smut for this one to get me back in the swing of things! i'm also going to try to queue some stuff for the week until i get to write more this weekend (i have a 4 day weekend this week so yay! writing time! this is why i love my job, i only work 3 12 hr days, then 4, then 3, switching every week haha) thank you for all the support! <333
Settling down into the scratchy polyester seat of the concert venue, you look over at the excitement on your daughter’s face. Ava can’t contain the wide smile and bubbling anticipation of seeing her very first concert, with her favorite band in the world. She twists one of her braids around her little finger before pushing her glasses up a little farther on her nose.
“I swear if Asher looks at me I’ll die!” she exclaims, bouncing in her seat just a few minutes before the show is scheduled to begin.
Your ten-year-old daughter might be getting way ahead of herself for her age considering her favorite boy band, including her favorite member, is years older than her, but who are you to dim her excitement? You were a fangirl once, too. Even if boy bands aren’t your thing anymore since you’ve grown up, one thing you do love is seeing Ava happy, as well as spending a fun night in town doing whatever you can to spend time with her.
“I hope so,” you say to her, smiling. She giggles and pulls out your cell phone she borrowed for the night to take a few pictures of the two of you.
As you’re smiling and posing in your selfies, the seat next to you shifts a little with the weight of someone sitting down. Within the view of the phone screen as Ava snaps away, you notice the man now sitting on the other side of you, whispering something to his just as excited daughter.
Or, you assume it’s his daughter at first, and the assumption is confirmed when she squeaks her thank you to him for bringing her to see her favorite band, and calling him the best dad ever!
Your smile widens a little at that. You’re not the only parent tagging along just so your daughter can have a fun, memorable night. Your heart melts a little, guessing the last place he wants to be is seeing a group of teen boys singing and dancing, but he’s here for her.
You only wish Ava’s father could be so attentive to her. You don’t want to cloud the night with bad thoughts and memories, but you can’t help to have flashbacks of all the ways her mostly absent father failed her when you see another showing up for their daughter. Envy, guilt, and the what-if’s hit you hard, wondering what you could have done differently to make a difference with your own family before it fell apart. 
The bad thoughts quickly fade once the speakers start blasting the band’s latest hit while showing pictures of the boys on a huge screen ahead. Ava jumps up and screams. So does the girl sitting two seats to your left, as well as most of the attendees around you. You decide to stay seated, knowing you’re taller than most of the little girls around you, not wanting to block anyone’s view.
The grinning dad next to you does the same, remaining seated as he watches his daughter’s excitement. 
“First Dreamwave Boys concert?” you ask him with a grin, leaning over a little so he can hear you over the singing. He turns to you, looking a little surprised that another parent is sitting next to him for the night. He smiles wide, and you can’t help but to finally notice how handsome the man is. His smile is charming and his eyes are warm and inviting. 
“First timer, here,” he jokes with a chuckle, and his voice is smooth like honey, earning a little heated flush to your cheeks. “How about you?”
“First time here, too.” He smiles wider at your answer. “Ava just loves Asher, so I had to splurge on tickets.”
“My little Jayda here loves Noah so much that I love Noah by association. Never knew I’d know everything about some teenage boy band member down to their birthday and zodiac sign, but here we are.” A genuine laugh loudly escapes your lips, so he continues with a big smile. “Noah is a pisces, by the way. Highly creative and compassionate.”
You can’t stop your giggles as the arena full of singing girls drowns out around you. At least you would enjoy the company tonight while your daughter got lost in her own little world. As your laughter settles, you tell your concert buddy for the night your name, as he does the same. Butterflies flood your stomach when he takes your hand in a gentle, friendly shake of introductions. 
Then you tell yourself to snap out of it. This is someone’s father, probably married, and you know you shouldn’t be getting butterflies over a handsome stranger. Maybe it’s because you haven’t talked much to other men since your ex left the two of you. Maybe it’s the way he’s so invested in his daughter’s interests, you wonder, but it shouldn’t matter either way. You’re here for Ava. Not to flirt with probably-married-dads.
“Your husband didn’t want to come?” he suddenly asks as the countdown for the concert begins. Your heart nearly stops. That was forward… way more forward than you were expecting. 
“No husband,” you reply with a shrug after giving your heart a few seconds to calm down. “Just me and my girl.” You look over at Ava anxiously counting down the seconds, a big grin on her face and an even bigger one on yours. When you look back to him, he’s sporting a small smile and an understanding in his eyes. 
He says nothing, however, as the beat to Dreamwave Boys’ debut single blasts through the venue and the screaming intensifies. The boys pop out from a lift in the stage floor and the crowd immediately starts singing along. Even you can’t help but to nod your head and mumble some of the lyrics to the parts you know. 
Neither of you can hear much to say anything else to one another for a while, only silently bobbing heads and tapping feet along while both of your daughters’ scream all the lyrics beside the two of you. It’s not until he’s suddenly moving out of his seat does he lean closer to whisper and ask watching Jayda and that he’ll be right back.
You nod and give him a smile, and he’s off down the aisle. His daughter Jayda looks over at you with a big grin, then notices Ava at the same time. The two girls wave at each other, with Ava being the more forward one out of the two as she steps closer to introduce herself. 
“Asher looks so good tonight!” she squeaks to Jayda, and you can’t help but to giggle.
“Okay, but Noah’s outfit during “Summer Crush”?! Hello?!” 
At this point, an interlude video plays on the big screens so the girls can chat for a moment about the show. Your heart thrums away in your chest at the sight. You love nothing more than seeing your little girl happy and in her element, enjoying herself and making new friends. How did she become such a social butterfly? 
You wish you could say the same as Jayda’s dad finally makes his way back to his seat, but realizes it’s now being occupied by your own daughter. With a chuckle, he happily sits in Ava’s seat on the opposite side of you, a few waters and snacks in his arms.
“I see our girls are bonding over boys that are too old for them,” he comments, making you laugh and shake your head.
“Ava’s going to make friends wherever she goes,” you tell him, glancing over to see the two girls huddled together and giggling over a silly video of the boys playing on the screen that shows some backstage access footage. 
“Wish my Jayda was the same, but she’s a little shy. I’m always grateful for girls like Ava that bring her out of her shell.” With that, he’s handing over the waters to you to pass along. “Got you girls something to drink. Need to stay hydrated.”
Your heart practically bursts as he hands over three waters, two to pass along, and one for you to keep. “Oh gosh, thank you!” You say, getting Ava’s attention so the two girls can receive their bottles. She happily accepts them with a thank you to him, then turns to Jayda and starts giggling. Jayda looks at you, then at her dad, then at Ava before she returns the same laughter, and suddenly they’re whispering something you can’t hear. 
“The snacks are for us,” he then says, earning your attention to see a pack of chocolate candies in his lap. “Figured it would help pass the time.”
A warmth settles over you as you watch him open the pack, then offer you some before himself. With a thankful smile, you take a few pieces and pop them in your mouth. 
“Thank you,” you say, cheeks heated as his smile widens. “That’s really kind of you. I’m surprised your wife isn’t here at the concert, too.” Now you’re the one to be forward, but it’s been bothering you since the two of you started talking. Not that there’s anything wrong with a father taking his daughter to a concert, it’s only unusual. 
“Jayda’s mom and I aren’t together,” he tells you honestly. “It’s my weekend to have her, and it was her birthday, so we’re celebrating together by being here.”
The two of you look at your girls at the same time, completely in their own little world as the intermission video begins to end and the show resumes.
“Well, she’s celebrating by spending time with her little boy band boyfriends and I’m just tagging along,” he corrects. You laugh louder than you have the whole night, and the satisfied smile on his face says he’s proud of it.
The show carries on without either of you being able to say much from all the noises and screaming, but you drink your water you’re now grateful to have, and snack on some of his candy with him. Jayda and Ava have instantly become best friends in the span of an hour as they dance and sing while holding on to one another. 
The power of boy bands, you think. 
The show lasts another forty-five minutes, with a fifteen minute encore and about five more minutes of saying bye to their fans, then everyone is hustling out of their seats. 
“Mommy!” Ava begins bouncing toward you, still completely full of energy and excitement. “Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a fun night! I got to see Asher and I met my new best friend, Jayda! Oh, give your number to her dad so we can hang out again! Please, please, please, pretty please?!”
She’s almost too much for you to handle. Sitting through the screaming and the loud music has you on the precipice of a migraine, but for her, you’d do anything. As you make your way out of the venue crowd, you look behind to see the father and daughter walking close.
“Sounds like a plan,” he says, looking down at Jayda to see her bounce with her own excitement. How could you say no to that? Plus, he seems like a genuine, sweet guy. Ava’s own father wouldn’t be caught dead at a place like this. Most of the time he doesn’t even care about her birthday, only getting a card in the mail you can tell was filled out and sent by Ava’s grandmother from the both of them. 
Before the thought has you burning with rage, you smile and accept the offer to give him your number. You hand him your phone so he can put his own contact information in, then the girls say their goodbyes, you tell him thanks once again, and you’re off your separate ways. 
Turns out, the two don’t live that far away from Ava and you. If it weren’t for the girl’s school and after school activities, as well as both of your work schedules, you would have a hang out date set for your daughters. The two of you text back and forth, trying to make time for the girls to meet up and do something fun, but even a week after the concert there are still no concrete plans made, yet.
Still, you don’t mind texting him that much. He surprised you the day after the concert when he sent a simple text to you.
Did you know Noah’s favorite movie growing up was Spy Kids?
You read the text at work and nearly busted out laughing during a meeting. You don’t think someone has made you laugh so much in such a short period of time in so long. You can’t even remember the last time you texted a man so casually. Since Ava’s father left, your life has been her and only her, so when he keeps texting just to say something silly, you can’t help but to give in.
I like knowing you’re laughing and smiling. Makes me happy.
A few weeks after the concert, with a few failed attempts to plan a fun activity for your daughters and a few more fun and pointless texts in between, his message takes you by surprise. You aren’t sure how to take it. He is a saint, so it appears. Maybe he’s only being nice. Maybe he understands the struggles of being a single parent and trying to do your best. 
It might be coming from a place of sympathy, not flirting, you think. You shake the thoughts away as you sit at your desk. It’s a quarter to three, your work is done for the day, and you need to leave to pick Ava up from school soon. You have nothing to do but overthink about his messages. 
What if he is flirting? Your mind wonders and then wanders. He’s incredibly attractive. Your heart begins to race thinking of him the night of the concert, a tight t-shirt on and jeans. So casual, yet it’s making your skin hot when you picture it now. 
I like when you make me laugh.
Your text is quick and short. You press send before you can back out. There’s nothing wrong with getting to know the person your daughter will be hanging around, right? You reason with yourself that you’re not doing anything wrong. You’re both single. You have a common interest: Ava and Jayda. He seems sweet and he is incredibly charming as well as funny. It’s completely fine.
Then maybe we need to speed up these plans of getting together… for our daughters, of course. How about a movie night next week?
Your heart nearly stops. He has been up front and direct since you met him. Maybe that’s another thing you like about him, as well. It’s clear he isn’t shy about putting himself out there, which only makes your message back to him easy.
How about next Friday?
Ava is thrilled to get the news she will be seeing her new bestie soon. Having a friend she doesn’t get to see at school made you finally crack and get her the cell phone she’s been wanting so she can message Jayda whenever she likes (within reason, of course). 
The two of them aren’t the only ones that have been talking back and forth for a little over a month. He texts you nearly every day at this point. Sometimes it’s not even about Jayda or Ava. Sometimes, he’s just asking about your day. One afternoon, you even spilled to him the troubles you were having at work, and he let you vent. There was another time he sent you pictures of the car he was fixing up after informing you he was a mechanic, and has been so for about thirteen years. 
The sight of his veiny arms in the shot with grease streaks did nothing to settle the attraction you’ve been feeling for this man. With every text, your feelings only grow stronger. You wonder how that can be when you’ve only been around him once, but each day with your messages back and forth, you get to know him a little better. 
You walk into the movie theater on a Friday evening with Ava at your side and butterflies filling your stomach. It’s silly, really, to be so nervous when it’s only a movie night for your daughters, but you would be lying if you weren’t a little excited as well. 
Okay, a lot excited, and it doesn’t help that when you see him in the arcade with Jayda playing against each other in a racing game, your heart swells. The pair are laughing while clutching their fake steering wheels, until he swerves into a fence post near the racing track and Jayda comes in first. For a moment, you watch the two, until Ava pulls you into the arcade.
“How are you so bad at driving, daddy? Someone needs to take your license!” Jayda throws her head back and laughs. Meanwhile, he can only shake his head until he spots the two of you. 
“Hey, you made it!” There’s smiles on everyone’s faces as you say your hello’s. He reaches out his hand a moment later to drop a stack of coins in Ava’s palm. “You girls go have some fun. Movie starts in thirty.”
Then the girls are off, leaving you alone with him for just a bit. The two of you step away from the arcade to get away from all the music and flashing lights, finding a quiet corner near the concession counter to talk while still keeping an eye on the girls. 
For a moment, he only looks at you, one side of his mouth raised in a smirk. The worries of maybe having something on your face arise, until you notice his eyes rake down your body adorning a faded band tee and skirt, then back up to take in your lips, and finally he meets your gaze.
“What?” Your body burns beneath his stare. Weeks of texting with him couldn’t prepare you for seeing him face to face again. The tension builds so thick between the two of you so suddenly, it nearly becomes hard to breathe. You take in his tight t-shirt once again, casual jeans, and hair so messily styles it looks perfect. His gorgeous grin widens before he finally replies to you.
“No way you could have gotten more gorgeous since the last time I saw you.” Heat washes over your body at the words. You weren’t expected such a forward compliment right from the beginning, but you assume he’s not one to beat around the bush. You realize you like that about him even more so, though your heart is racing. It’s been so long since you’ve paid any man’s advances attention. Insecurities arise at the thought of dating again since it’s something you haven’t considered in so long. 
“Oh, um,” you begin, brushing loose hair behind your ear, “thank you.” 
“Sorry,” he immediately replies, catching you off guard. “Sorry, that might have been too much. It’s just I haven’t really connected with someone like this in so long and—”
He’s cut off by a familiar voice calling your name, snapping you out of the moment. Dread instantly replaces any and all butterflies. Your racing heart falls to the pit of your stomach. You know there’s only one man that could ever do that to you.
“Bryce?” The frown is evident on your face as you stare at your ex, Ava’s father, the man that walked out on the two of you and would rather come to the movies with whatever new chick he found than his own daughter. If you’re honest, he makes you sick, but he also has a way to make you feel so small, you could never stand up to him. Maybe that’s why he left. You couldn’t fight for him to stay in the way he wanted or needed. At least, that’s what his mother had said about you. 
“What are you doing here?” Bryce looks at the two of you, sizing him up and down before turning back to you. There’s a woman next to him that you’ve never seen, but she appears uninterested as she taps away on her phone. 
“Well, I don’t know what you typically do at places like this, but we’re here to watch a movie.” He clearly has no problem sizing Bryce up as well, and from his tone you realize he doesn’t like much of what he sees. 
“What? A date?” Bryce’s tone is more than mocking. As if he wants to make it clear he’s surprised by the fact that someone else would be into you. Another way to make you feel small. You aren’t even together anymore, but he still wants you to be that insecure girl he met when you were a teenager. 
“Yeah,” he replies to Bryce, wrapping an arm around your shoulders after stepping closer to you, “a date. Is there a problem with a guy taking his girl and her daughter to the movies?”
Now Bryce’s eyes go wide. Your heart hammers away in your chest. You don’t like this situation. Not at all. You only wanted a relaxing, fun night for the girls and to hang out with a possible new friend. 
“Ava is here? Where is she?” Bryce looks around, but you assume he hasn’t noticed the girls playing DDR in the arcade since their backs are to you all. You’re thankful for that. It’s never good when Ava sees her father. It only drills in the fact that she hardly ever does, and it gets her down for a while. If you can protect her from that sadness, you would do anything.
“The movie should be starting soon,” you turn to him to ignore Bryce and his question, forcing a smile. “Should we get some drinks and popcorn?” 
“Alright, then,” Bryce says before anyone can get another word in, because of course he has to be the last one to get his word in. “See you around. Tell Ava I said Hi.”
You won’t be doing that, you decide, as Bryce and the woman thankfully go to the opposite side of the theater. You watch as he wraps an arm around her to pull her close before leaning in and placing a kiss against the side of her head. She remains glued to her phone, but you can finally sigh in relief. 
“Thanks.” You turn back to him, too embarrassed and insecure to meet his gaze. “You didn’t have to do that for me.” His arm falls from your shoulders, but he suddenly takes your hand in his, caressing your skin with his thumb in such a gentle motion you nearly melt. It’s been so long since you’ve had even the tiniest bit of intimacy, it's evident in the way your cheeks flood with warmth. 
“First, you don’t need to thank me. No one is going to disrespect you in front of me.” He says it so matter-of-factly you nearly want to cry. You can’t remember the last time someone has stuck up for you so boldly with so much certainty. “And second, I kind of like the idea of you being my girl. One day, I mean. Like I was trying to tell you before, I haven’t connected with anyone like this in so long. I honestly thought I forgot how to even flirt, so that’s why I might have come on too strong. Believe me when I say this isn’t usual for me, or something I always do. I just feel like everything is right when I talk to you and the past few weeks getting to know you have been the best parts of my day recently.”
His confession leaves you speechless. It’s all the things you have been feeling but have been too afraid to even admit to yourself, let alone say out loud. This man really does wear his heart on his sleeve, you realize, but you know as you get older, there’s no point in playing games or leaving people guessing. Another green flag in endless green flags you’ve noticed since you first laid eyes on him. You wonder when the ball will drop when it’s too good to be true, but in the moment you decide you don’t care. If he’s willing to be so open with you, you’re willing to take a chance on something new. 
“I feel the same way,” you tell him with a shy grin, earning a wide, satisfied smile in return. His shoulders relax a little in relief, you assume. Maybe he wasn’t as confident as you thought, but it’s only another thing you have in common. “This is so unlike me to even do something like this, but to be honest, when I saw you with Jayda that first night, I just felt something right inside of me.” 
Before either of you can explore the feeling that’s bubbling in the moment, the girls come running over with a big, purple stuffed teddy bear.
“Look what we won at the ring toss game!” Jayda excitedly shows the two of you as she holds the teddy bear up.
Ava stands next to her grinning. “We named him Starlight!”
“That’s Dreamwave Boys’ first song they ever came out with!”
“Jayda’s going to keep him first! Then I will next!”
“We’ll switch back and forth every time we get to see each other!”
They’re speaking so fast you can barely keep up. He can only laugh next to you with a nod of approval.
“Sounds good, girls.”
In between all the excitement, you didn’t realize he was still holding on to your hand. It doesn’t take the girls long to notice. They each look at your hands, to your faces, then to each other. The sly grins that come across their features next don't go unnoticed, so you try to slowly pull your hand away with a nervous chuckle.
“Let’s go get some popcorn, okay?”
They both nod in agreement, but as you’re walking up to the concession counter, Ava leans over to Jayda, thinking you can’t hear her. “Oh my gosh, if our parents get married that would make us sisters!” 
He nearly chokes on his laugh while walking next to you, but you can only focus on the way your face swells with warm embarrassment. 
Lately, you've felt so unlike yourself. When you think about it, you know before you met him you would have never been so open to a new friendship so quickly with a stranger, let alone text back and forth for over a month and go on a movie date. 
So it shocks you weeks after your movie date as you get ready for him to come to your house, not being able to hold back your nervous, yet excited grin as you powder your cheeks with blush and do final touch ups to your hair. Since Ava is at her grandmother’s house for the weekend, you decided to put yourself out there and invite him for dinner. You told yourself it wouldn’t hurt since the girls would be seeing more of each other eventually and most likely hanging out, but you can’t lie to yourself. You want to see him again. 
It’s only a little after seven when he shows up on your doorstep, bottle of wine in one hand, flowers in the other. 
“Evening, gorgeous.” Your heart soars with the compliment, biting your lip to keep from smiling too wide. The way this man can make your heart flutter from a few simple words…
“You shouldn’t have,” you say, grabbing the flowers from him, roses in different hues of deep red and soft blush arranged in the center, and smelling their scent softly. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” He beams with pride at your own delight before following you into your house and toward the kitchen.
“Smells delicious in here.” You quickly grab a vase for the flowers to set them in water while he takes a seat in a bar stool at the island counter. “What’s on the menu, sweetheart?”
His compliments and nicknames come so naturally to him, it seems. Butterflies flood your insides once again, not being so used to such attention from someone you’re attracted to, but with each one you fall into something new and exciting with him. No longer wanting to ignore what this is between the two of you, you decide to accept it all from him, whatever he wants to give.
You describe to him the creamy chicken alfredo dish you prepared, hoping it’s something he will enjoy since it’s so simple, yet tasty. He assures you it sounds amazing, and together you prepare to eat. He makes himself at home in your kitchen by grabbing plates and silverware, and you finish up cooking before you both sit at the dining room table in the next room. 
Immediately when the pasta hits his tongue he’s groaning in delight. You love to cook, but sometimes Ava can be a picky eater, so it’s nice to have someone else eat your food for once. 
“Delicious, sweetheart,” he says in a deeper, lower tone you aren’t sure if he’s actually talking about the food. Or maybe your mind is playing tricks on you. It’s been years since you’ve been interested in anyone else. Clearly you’re a little rusty when it comes to all of this stuff. “A beautiful woman that can cook like this? That cooks like this for me? Have I died and gone to heaven?”
“Oh gosh,” you say giggling before covering your face with your hands. “You’re making me blush.” When you finally look at him, there’s a devious glint in his eyes and a smirk on his lips.
“Good.” Heat swells in your lower belly from the simple word. What is this man doing to you?
Once the moment of risky, heated flirtation dies down, you carry on eating your meal and getting to know each other. He tells you a silly story of his childhood and you tell him an embarrassing one from your high school years. He explains how he got started working on cars from his father and you talk a bit about the books you like to read. From one topic to the next, conversation with him flows so easily you almost think you’re dreaming. Before you know it, your plates are empty, the wine is gone, and hours have passed. 
“It’s almost like a movie,” you tell him, feeling light from the bit of alcohol you shared. Not enough to affect your judgment in any way, but enough to make the words come out easier. Or maybe it’s just because he makes you feel so comfortable. 
“What is?” he asks, crossing his arms before resting them against the table to lean closer.
“This. Us.” You chuckle, shaking your head. “It feels too good to be true. How do we meet like we did and get along so well and our girls get along so well and… it’s like a movie. But it’s not…”
“No, it’s not,” he says, reaching to take your hand in his. “It could be, though. It could be better.”
“How? Things never end up like the movies. Normally, there’s no happy ending. At least not for me.”
“You’ll never know unless you try, sweetheart.” His thumb grazes your skin, melting your bones and muscles away until you turn to putty in his hands. His touch calms you and feels so right. “And I don’t know about you, but I’d rather try than lose something that is becoming so precious to me.”
His words hit you hard. You know he’s right. Even if it doesn’t play out perfectly like a movie, you know he’s worth trying for. 
So are you.
You’ve been stuck so long in the role of being the wife to a neglectful, hurtful man, even after your divorce. It’s time you finish that chapter of your life and begin a new one. 
With your heart racing, you lean closer across the table, giving his hand a squeeze as the worries escape and a new kind of boldness takes hold. For a second, you meet his eyes, then your gaze lowers to his lips. Neither of you say anything as the seconds pass. Tension fills the air, the tone of the night shifting to something filled with desire and anticipation. 
“I’d really like to kiss you, sweetheart.” The deepness of his voice sends a shiver down your spine. “Would you let me?”
All you can do is nod and watch as he inches closer. Seconds feel like minutes in the moment of eager breaths and tension. Your insides shake with anticipation, suddenly dying to feel his lips on yours, skin on skin, heat swimming in the pit of your stomach before it races between your thighs. 
Then his lips are on yours. Breaths slow as you feel the softness of his skin, the heat, the desire, all wrapped up in a simple yet already explosive gesture. He leans a little farther in, pressing himself against your mouth while you suck in a deep breath, chest heaving and a moan spilling out before you can stop yourself. He deepens the kiss, opening his mouth while his tongue slips against your bottom lip just as his hand rises to the back of your neck.
Melting him into, you allow him to take control. You drop all defenses to let him guide you close as you kiss. Closer and closer until the kiss that was once just exploring now unleashes in passion. Your body follows his lead until you’re suddenly in his lap, wrapping hands around his neck as his palms fall to your waist. 
His kisses stray from your mouth down your jaw to end up against your neck. Without your mouth full of the taste of his skin, your mind begins to spin as you start mumbling the first thing that comes up.
“I don’t… I don’t want to rush this…” He groans against your neck as he sucks right beneath your ear. Chills race down your spine and heat floods your body to every limb. Heart racing, breath quickening, body nearly trembling and you know this is so unlike you, but you know it feels so good to be this free and trust someone again. Even if for a moment.
“Want me to stop, sweetheart, say the word.” His voice is a mumble of words against your heated flesh, speaking between kisses and sucking the tender spots that have you shaking. 
“No,” you whisper and he freezes in place, all kisses halted, all touches stalled, “don’t stop.”
The groan of satisfaction from his chest travels directly between your thighs. He pulls your body closer by the hips, guiding you to press yourself against him, panties rubbing against his jeans thanks to the dress you’re wearing. As he continues kissing your neck and you begin rolling your hips against him in desperation, his hands travel from your waist to your breasts, running careful palms over the highly sensitive peaks until he’s driving you wild.
Fire ignites in your body and you can hardly handle waiting any longer. Boldly, you take the straps of your dress to slip them down your shoulders, exposing a black lace bra before him. He halts his kisses for a moment to take you in. You’re nearly breathless from anticipation and yearning, watching his eyes glide down your body and back up again. 
“Fuckin’ beautiful, sweetheart,” he groans, each syllable dripping with a desire you can feel between your thighs as you straddle his lap. The words give you the courage to reach behind you and unhook the bra, letting it fall from your body to leave you exposed and vulnerable. He takes in a deep breath, his hands resuming their caressing of your body, thumbs rolling over pert nipples to send your back arching, pushing yourself more into his grasp. 
“Please,” you cry out, grinding yourself harder against his thickness between your thighs. Pleasure jolts through your body at the steady contact, lace panties rubbing about your swollen, aching clit as you ride his cock stiff against his jeans. Feeling good, too good, you’re sure you could come from this alone, but quickly enough his hands stall your motions at your hips.
“Not yet,” he growls against your neck, “I need to taste you first”
Taking you by surprise, he guides your body toward the dining table, settling you on top before falling to his knees. Your dress remains bunched around your waist as his hands slip beneath the skirt, up your thighs, gripping the sides of your panties and tugging them off in one swift motion. A gasp fills the air as he parts your thighs, getting a complete view of your pussy dripping with need before him. 
He begins by kissing a trembling knee, working his way up your inner thigh all while keeping his eyes on your own. You don’t break contact, even though your eyelids begin to flutter as he inches closer to where you need him most. A sharp breath, a heavy exhale, and he’s pressing a kiss to the top of your slit, then he moves lower. His tongue flicks out to slip down toward your clit, brushing skin against skin as a wave of heated need surges through you. 
“Oh God…” Your head falls back, finally breaking the gaze he held you in, hand reaching to run fingers through his hair. 
“Look at me, sweetheart,” he groans between your thighs. You have no choice but to obey him. He has you right on the edge of losing your sanity. Your head dips and you meet his eyes just in time to watch him press a kiss against your clit before licking from your entrance and back to the swollen bud. “Watch me as I eat this pretty pussy and make it mine.” 
Shivering at the words, you can only grip the strands of his hair tighter. The move causes a deep groan to build in his chest just before he buries his face between your thighs. His tongue reaches your clit in desperation, massaging the sensitive skin and swallowing all of your juices that he’s caused to drip out of you. Strong hands grip you at your thighs, holding you in place as you begin to tremble around his head. He devours you between your legs, sucking on your clit before diving down to your entrance to fuck you with his tongue. Then he travels back up, swirling his tongue around and around until you’re rolling your hips against his face. 
“God… please…” you begin to mutter a stream of nothing because you can’t even think of what you need to tell him. You just want more. You want release. “Please…” 
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he mumbles against your flesh, dropping a hand from your thigh to bring fingers up to your dripping entrance. He pushes two digits inside, causing you to squeeze your walls around them as your legs tighten on each side of his head. “Tastes so sweet. So perfect. I want to feel you coming against me.” 
He continues sucking on your clit as your moans and whimpers fill the room. He drives his fingers deeper to earn a sudden gasp falling from your lips, calling his name as you do as he says. Pressing harder against his face, rolling your hips to ride his fingers, you feel the bliss coiling at the pit of your stomach. The red hot pleasure swirls inside of you, building and building as he eats you out, until you can take no more.
The pleasure bursts through your body, taking hold as you tremble and cry his name. Walls squeezing around him, fingers gripping his hair tight, riding out the bliss against his face. He never slows his motions, continuing to massage your clit with his tongue, continuing to fuck you with his fingers, until you grow too sensitive between your legs all too quickly.
With a final lick of your juices, he finally pulls away as your body slumps, completely boneless from the orgasm he’s given you. There’s a sheen of your arousal against his lips and his fingers are coated just the same. The sight of him kneeling down, looking up, the remnants of your pleasure on his body as well as his wild hair thanks to your fingers do nothing but bolster your confidence in the moment. It’s like this man was made for you, not only for your pleasure but for your taking. You can’t deny what either of you want any longer. 
He rises quickly to pull his t-shirt over his head and toss aside. Your eyes rake down his body, taking in his bare, broad chest, every line of every muscle, before settling on the defined bulge in his jeans. 
“Do you have a condom?” He nearly pants, beginning to unbutton his jeans with one hand as he takes a step closer. 
The question barely registers, then it sinks in. No. No you don’t have any protection. You haven’t needed it in so long, it’s not something you even thought of having in your house. 
“I-I don’t…” Disappointment settles inside of you, but the urgency remains as well. 
“I hope you don’t think any less of me, sweetheart…” He reaches in his back pocket, pulling out a foil wrapper from within. Relief washes over you, not even caring about why he would bring it in the first place. “I didn’t have any expectations for tonight, but I did have a few hopes.”
You can’t help but to giggle at this perfect, perfect man. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him close to press your lips against his own, tasting your pleasure on your tongue. He grips your waist, tight, pulling you closer to the edge of the table before pushing his jeans and boxer-briefs down his hips. He pulls away only to rip the condom wrapper open, and you watch as he rolls it down his thick, hard and aching length. Your pussy pulses in need once again, dying to feel him inside of you, filling you up. 
“Hurry,” you gasp, pulling him closer to line the tip of his cock to your soaked and waiting entrance. “Please, I need you.”
“Fuck,” he growls, beginning to push himself inside of you, “a woman like you can absolutely ruin a man like me.” He glides inside of you with ease. Your pussy squeezes around him, feeling so full in seconds, so overwhelmed and so perfect. He fills you up completely, giving you a few seconds to accommodate his size with a few gasps and pants and heavy breaths until you can take it no longer. 
With a roll of your hips against him, he begins to thrust his hips, shaking as if he’s trying to hold back. With his fingers tightening against the dress still around your hips, a deep groan builds in his chest the moment he slides back into your tightening pussy. 
“God, you feel so good.” His mouth comes crashing down onto yours moments later. Hips work himself in and out of you between your thighs, tongues tangling together and hands desperately gripping to hold on to something. “So perfect, sweetheart.” 
Heat begins to build once again, pleasure swirling throughout your body as you let go of all your worries, insecurities, and cares. Right now it’s just the two of you. A man between your legs giving you something you haven’t felt in so long. The trust and assurance that follows wraps itself around your heart, leaving you breathless as you succumb to all the things he’s offering. 
“More,” you gasp, legs trembling around him, so close to the edge once again from the overwhelming lust and pleasure and freedom. Before you know it, a hand reaches between the two of you, finding your clit and rubbing circles mercilessly to reach your end. “Yes, please,” you cry out in a strained whisper, moans of his name filling the space as his cock hits the spot to fill your body with red hot tension that feels so good you would swear you’re dreaming. 
“Come for me,” he orders with a deep, raspy groan in your ear. “That’s my good girl, come on my cock, baby.”
You’re shaking around him, body tightening with the need for release until the threat finally snaps, breaking all control as the heated bliss surges through your body for the second time. Your head falls back in cries of passion, so lost in him you don’t even know who you are anymore. He drops his hands to grip your hips tight, thrusting harder into you as you ride out the pleasure against him. 
His motions become quick, breaths even more so, until his release inside of you. His own head falls back, eyes screwing shut while groaning, panting, coming undone within your walls and you feel his cock pulsing. Together you’ve made a mess of absolute pleasure, limbs tangling in limbs as your mouths crash. Heavy breaths and sticky skin colliding are all that can be heard for a few moments, until he finally becomes too sensitive to remain inside of you.
He pulls away with another satisfied groan. Your body grows limp once again. Tired eyes find one another, until giggling and breathy chuckles are shared between the two of you. 
“One hundred percent,” he suddenly says, causing your brows to furrow.
“Oh, I thought you asked what are the chances I’ve died and gone to heaven. One hundred percent.” You’re giggling again at him before he’s pressing his lips to yours in a quick kiss. Then two of you make your way to get cleaned up, dressed again, and to clean up the table you’ve just made a mess of. He stops to press a kiss to your cheeks, forehead, anywhere and anytime he can in the process, and you realize you haven’t felt so genuinely cared for in so long. You could get used to this.
When it’s all done, you end up on his chest as he lays across your couch in the living room. His hand on your back, yours beneath his shirt on his stomach. Your eyes flutter closed as the night, including the pleasure, takes its toll on you. 
“Just like the movies,” you mutter, halfway to sleep.
“Ready for your happy ending, sweetheart?” You can’t even laugh at the question. No giggles or smirks or chuckles.
Because you are, and you know it’s with him and your two girls now. “So ready.” 
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wordstome · 7 months
Single Dad!König (Dream Daddy au)
(+ a bit of Ghost under the cut)
Thank you to everyone who indulged (said exactly what I asked them to say 😅) me.
Here’s the paragraph I wrote:
I imagine his heart sinking when Ava comes home sad and quiet, unwilling to look her dad in the eye. He recognizes what that means: that used to be him as a kid. His worst fears are confirmed when Ava admits she's being harassed by a boy at school, replaced by anger when Ava says her teachers simply shrugged and told her that boys will be boys, and has she considered that maybe he just has a crush on her? Needless to say, by the time König's walking out of that school, nobody will ever be hurting his little girl ever again. Honestly, one glimpse of Ava's dad by her classmates will keep her free from bullying for the rest of her life.
Now here’s a bit more about single dad König, namely, how he came to be a dad…and single :( Angst and death tw ahead (nothing graphic)
With Ghost, I said he would only have had Caden due to an accident, because of Simon’s previous trauma involving his family. He was firmly in the mindset that he would die in the field, he’s just not built for civilian life anymore, he's a danger to everyone who loves him. However, when Caden shows up at his doorstep, all he can think about is Tommy and his nephew Joseph when he looks at the boy. He probably does his best to get Caden sent to a different family member, but let’s suspend our disbelief that any responsible social worker would leave a kid with Simon “Ghost” Riley for a moment and say that the social worker is like “It’s you or the foster care system.” Realistically, Simon would probably be like “foster care is safer than living with me” but for the purposes of the AU, he took the kid in.
With König, he doesn’t have the same trauma/hangups regarding kids and family. He’s in the same boat as Simon: he’s a human weapon, and can’t function properly in civilian life. For König, his work is an outlet and keeps him stable. I’m gonna have to sit down and make a proper post about my König’s character (Alexander), but for my König, violence is a method of regulating his emotions and a way to manage his anxiety. Having power and being hyper competent in the field is key to his mental stability. However, I think he would be able to settle down, it would just take a very patient, special woman. (For the purposes of the AU his first partner is AFAB she/her.) Here’s where I start breaking hearts… 🤭
In Dream Daddy au, König considers his first wife the love of his life. She deeply understood him as a person and wasn’t afraid of him, even when he was socially awkward and intimidating. They were honestly kindred spirits: both of them had their neuroses and flaws, but instead of trying to fix each other or mold the other into some ideal partner, they accepted each other and thus were able to grow together. (And tbh they were already a match made in heaven anyway.) König’s wife never asked him to quit, and was completely ready to raise a child with him frequently being gone. She was a badass woman, and she really, really wanted to start a family with him, so they had Ava.
For three years, König was probably the happiest he’s been in a long time, and if you asked him he’d probably say it was the happiest time in his life. He was moving up the ranks at work, his mental health was in check, and he had a wife and adorable little daughter to go home to every leave. He started planning to transfer to a safer/more stable position, because as much as the military has done for him, he’s ready to step up as a father and a husband. Then he gets a call that changes his life forever, and suddenly he doesn’t get a choice anymore.
(I'm eternally sorry to the little fictional people I made up in my head because I entertained the idea of putting the Brooklyn 99 "Guess who got murdered!" gif here...)
One thing y'all need to know about my man Alexander is that he is the embodiment of "I am not meant for casual. I was born for soul-crushing devotion." His problem is that he never had devotion before his wife: he craved it like a starving man, and it engulfed him like water flowing into a basin when he got it. He had it for a handful of years (I'm thinking 6 but that's a flexible number), and now it's gone again. You know in movies when something horrible happens and they cut all the noise and there's just a high pitched ringing sound? That's König getting that phone call.
God. All I can imagine is König dropping everything and taking the next flight home. He’s in a daze, in a way that he’s never quite been before. His mind is finally quiet, but the emptiness is not peaceful. Then he finally sees his little girl, she runs into his arms, and the dam bursts. He just holds her and cries. He’s numb, a dead man walking throughout all the business that needs to be taken care of after his wife’s death. The only thing that brings him back to the land of the living is Ava. She’s so small, so sweet, and she doesn’t really understand what death means: all she knows is that her mama’s gone somewhere, and her dad is so, so sad all the time. She’s all that keeps him going, and the only reason he keeps himself alive.
By the time you come into his life, it’s been several years, but Ava is still a little girl. She doesn’t remember her mother at all except what König tells and shows her, because he’s determined to keep her memory alive. König’s been slowly rebuilding who he is as a person from whatever scraps are left. There’s a gaping hole inside him, and he’s reconstructed himself around the hole. In some ways he’s a totally new man, in other ways, he’s gone back to who he was before his wife came along. He’s bitter and angry at the way his life has treated him just as he was as a young man, but now he’s swallowed up by guilt and self loathing. He's gotten better at coping and functioning as the years have passed and life has continued on, but his grief has never really gone away.
(alexa, play "right where you left me" by taylor swift)
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avalentina · 5 months
The Kindest Team Guy (TKTG)
TKTG Masterlist
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(image not mine, the white suit was giving me Navy dress white vibes tho)
Growing up, you were always around the same people, your mom had up and left shortly after you turned two, after that it was you and your dad. At the time, your father's call sign was 7 alpha 3, the demo guy, but that was when he was deployed and you were staying with Raina and her mom.
By the time you were 8, your dad was 7 Alpha 1, Master Chief Brian Fraiser. Your dad's team was your family. Heck to you they were your uncles. There was uncle Mitch-7 alpha 2 and Raina's dad. Uncle Jensen-7 alpha 3 (he was always the fun one, snuck you extra dessert), Uncle Craig-7 alpha 4 (he was gruff, but also a softie), Uncle Andy-7 alpha 5 (he was your favorite, because whenever he was there, so was Cheddar), Cheddar was uncle Andy's dog and the team K-9, Uncle Derrick-7 alpha 6, Uncle Dante-7 alpha 7, and Uncle Shane-7 alpha-8.
During a highly classified mission gone wrong shortly before your 16th birthday, your dad lost his life getting the rest of his team out safely. When the team returned to Coronado his body was in a pine wood box, a flag draped over the top. Now this easily could've been the traumatic life event that sent you spiraling into the world of drugs, alcohol, and all of that other horrible stuff, but it wasn't, at least not immediately. You graduated high school top of your class, you attended MIT and graduated with honors. And then you moved back home to Coronado, California. Uncle Mitch was now 7 Alpha 1 and you begged and pleaded with him to give you answers about what happened to your dad. You got the same hero speech from him and everyone else on Alpha team, including the new demo guy Harry who had just finished green team. Your formal request to the base and up the chain of command went absolutely nowhere. And finally after a year of begging for answers the right way, you turned to what you knew best, hacking.
You started small just to make sure your skills were still as sharp as could be. You chased down lead after lead after lead. Every single last tiny breadcrumb, until finally it clicked for you, all you'd need to really break open the system was access, and what better way to get it than by exploiting your connection to Seal Team 7 Alpha.
Harry was definitely the easiest mark, he knew of you but he didn't know you the way the rest of the team did, plus he was still a single male in his late twenties who enjoyed getting his dick wet. You took your time setting the trap, making it foolproof, all the way down to the strappy red top, denim miniskirt, white converse low tops and the perfect red lipstick. You walked into the cookout looking like straight fire and Harry ate it up, plus the other guys knew that Harry was one of the good ones and thus actually kind of encouraged the two of you, after all a six year age gap was nothing compared to Derrick and his new wife's 16 year age difference.
Harry asked you out on a date the very next day. To your surprise he set the bar quite high, after all he took you to Il Fornaio. He also didn't try to hide where you were going, he knew that wasn't the place you show up to in jeans and an old Coronado Amphibious Base t-shirt. Honestly, had you not been playing him, you could've seen yourself falling for him then and there. Harry was a gentleman at dinner and he insisted on holding your heels for you while the two of you just walked along the beach. He had gorgeous soft green eyes, currently trimmed dark brown curls, tattoos littered across his body like most other SEALs, and a smooth deep British accent that you found out came from his mother, his parents were divorced and he always enjoyed visiting his green beret father in the US, he had held dual citizenship almost his entire life. He told you how his father's line went back to the very first class of green berets and his decision to become a SEAL was hard on their relationship. His father was proud of course, him choosing to serve the US, but always made comments on how being a green beret wasn't good enough for Harry. In all truth, Harry just wanted to forge his own path. He was not his father and though he admired his service and bravery, Harry just wanted to carve his own way, leave the Styles name out of things.
Harry was also a very bright person as you found out, you knew he had to be in order to be a demolitions and explosives expert, but he wasn't just that kind of bright, Harry was quite the colorful person. He wore a black button up with lavender colored shorts, black gazelles, and had pink rimmed aviators folded on his not even half buttoned shirt, having undone another three since the two of you started your walk.
A chaste goodnight kiss outside your apartment building led to a deep, heated one and an invitation upstairs that he gladly accepted. Harry was strong enough to just toss you and your mildly curvy self around with ease, as was evidenced by how he quite literally just lifted your feet up off the elevator floor and threw you over his shoulder nonchalantly asking which way to your door. You kept your eyes on the way all the muscles in his back flexed as he walked and the firm ass hiding behind those shorts. You could honestly just tell that you were about to be ruined for other men, which sucked because you knew you wouldn't be able to see this one again. When he stopped in front of your door you gave his ass a quick smack just to confirm your suspicions.
"Heaven help me, even his ass is all muscle." You whispered to yourself, apparently not quiet enough though because a deep chuckle emerged from Harry.
"I'm a SEAL, and underwater explosives are one of my favorite things to handle, of course my ass is muscle." He continued, setting you upright so you could unlock your door.
"And not even a little bit cocky about it either." You commented back.
"You haven't seen me anywhere close to cocky yet love." He answered, pulling your back flush against his front. You moaned at the feeling of his well endowed package against the fleshy curves of your ass.
“I’m looking forward to it.” you said while opening your door.
Immediately after stepping over the threshold, harry had your door closed, locked, and your front pressed against it. He gave you a quick swat on the rear and moaned at the sight.
“Fuck,” he cursed before kissing you again. Harry’s mouth demanded access and you couldn’t stop him even if you wanted to(which you didn't).
“Har, touch me, please.” You practically begged, having had enough of your teasing banter for one night.
“So desperate you can’t even say both syllables of m'name anymore.” He taunted you before quite literally ripping your dress off your body, the black lace set you wore underneath was stunning on you but it didn’t stand a chance when set between the man and achieving complete mission success. It was like watching a singular piece of paper go through an industrial grade shredding machine, or ripping a flimsy receipt in half, there one second, completely gone the next. The sting from the snap of the thong sent tingles to all the right places. A quick glance up showed Harry still fully clothed as your fingers rushed to even the score.
“Well, go on then, get rid of it, know you wanna touch them, I saw you eyeing my ink.”
“It’s just… they’re just so… i just want to lick them all.” you stuttered at first before just letting it out. Harry’s eyes darkened even more as you shoved the shirt off his broad shoulders and pushed him onto your bed. You immediately climbed over him and lazily traced the ‘17 Black’ tat with your tongue before moving inwards to the swallows and down to the butterfly. Harry rid himself of his shorts while you took your sweet time on the butterfly loving the way his muscles tensed and relaxed as you swept your tongue over the lines of ink. You heard his breath catch as you reached the laurels and wet them before jumping straight to the tiger. You took a bold chance and scraped your teeth along the tiger as you made your return to his brief covered cock that is definitely leaking if the wet patch on said briefs is anything to go by. You take a hot second to feel him up over the cloth restraint before taking his cock out and looking up at him.
You bat your eyes innocently and descend, wrapping your lips around him. Up, down, hold. That’s the pattern you use, after a bit you take him further, brushing your nose against the littered hairs and running your tongue along his sac.
“FUCK.” you hear him curse and you smile before popping off for a breath. Harry pulls you up and smothers your lips with his, one hand wound in your hair and the other kneading your ass. With a quick smack he rolls so you’re pinned under him. “My turn for a taste.”
With that he lowers his face to your tits, licking and suckling until they both stand at attention for him. Leaving his hands to play, he continues south until he is right over your dripping cunt. Harry is not the jump right in and get it done kind of guy. Well, that's not true because he can be if he wants to be, or if his companion for the night begs him enough. But tonight is not one of those nights. He starts slow, completely avoiding the spots he knows you want him most. Instead going for your plush thigh, trailing his tongue down further still he presses quick kisses from the back of your knee all the way down to your ankle before repeating his movements going up the other leg.
By the time he reaches your mound again, you're a panting, whimpering, moaning mess and he loves it. Would bottle up those sounds and replay them over and over again when he needs to get himself off.
Harry continues to tease you, pressing the softest barely there kisses all over your soaked pussy.
"More, Harry, please, I need more, FUCK!" You cry out until at long last he sucks your clit right into his mouth, pops off after just a second and dives head first into your dripping heat.
"Oh, GOD! Harry, I'm about to come."
"Let it go y/n. I want every last drop." Harry replies, his voice sending vibrations through you, and just like that you're flying over the edge into the best, longest, most intense orgasm you've ever experienced.
Harry doesn't let up until he's sure he cleaned it all up.
"Fucking delicious." He says before kissing you again. The lingering bit is passed back and forth as you continue to twirl your tongue with Harry's. After a moment he pulls away and grabs a condom out of a side pocket in his shorts.
"Up to you love." He says, completely genuine, but also with a full smirk.
"Yes please, Petty Officer Styles." You teasingly sass back.
"And for full points?" He teases, slowly ripping the condom packet and rolling it on.
"Petty Officer Second Class Harry Styles." You reply, using his full rank.
"Good girl." He answers and slowly sinks into your cunt until he bottoms out.
"Fuck, you're so fucking deep Harry. Feels so fucking good."
"This fucking pussy was made for me, damnit, taking me so well darling, the perfect squeeze.
"Oh God, go, GO HARRY!" you command and like an obedient soldier he follows orders, pulling out halfway and thrusting back in. Further and further he pulls back until only his tip remains. Fucking you so thoroughly, you're glad you have a corner apartment and no shared walls in your bedroom. There would be no mistaking the moans of pleasure, the thorough banging of a headboard, and the slick sounds of Harry gliding in and out of you at a ruthless pace and consistency only a SEAL could.
You screw your eyes shut as he plunges impossibly deeper, so deep your sure he'll split you in half. He's relentless, not slowing down, not letting up. Harry plunges into you, again and again and again, you can feel the bubble rising ready to pop when he stills inside you, effectively removing you from the edge.
"Not…yet… want…to…see…if…i can…get…a…good…gush…from…you." He says in between deep, quick thrusts.
"Harry, I haven't squirted since college.
"Don't need you to squirt, just a good gush, I want you to drench my fucking cock. Makes me come harder, and I'm barely holding it back now you're so fucking perfect. Can you do that f'me? Be a good girl and gush all over m'cock?"
"FUCK!" You let out as his dirty words wash over you and make you want nothing more than just to please this hot as fuck man. Whatever he wants, you will give. Your vision goes fuzzy as you feel yourself tip over.
"Atta girl!" Harry praises you and flicks your clit just right, you can't help but continue to gush. A pleasured cry of, "Shit, yes baby," leaves his mouth as he spills into the condom.
After just a moment, he carefully pulls out and heads into your ensuite to dispose of the rubber. He returns with a warm rag and ever so gently cleans you up before tossing the rag in your towel bin. After which he climbs back into your bed behind you for a warm cuddle.
"Do you want me to stay, or would you prefer I head out?" He asks you quietly.
"Stay." You whisper just before falling asleep.
The next morning you awake to the sound of your shower running and realize that now is your chance. His wallet is still in his shorts and you quickly nab his military id before cloning it and returning the original.
When Harry exits your ensuite you're back in bed, eyes wide open as he steps out, towel drying his trimmed curls.
"Oh, you're awake. Hope you don't mind that I took a quick shower. If the guys catch me smelling like sex this morning they probably won't be happy."
"Instead you can smell like citrus and lavender?" They'll still know it's mine, I've used that stuff most of my life, helps me stay calm and it's not overbearing. Hell it's been in Mitch's house. From my sleepovers with Raina." You reply.
"Oh well, too late now. But I was thinking I could pick up a few things after my day and cook you dinner?" He asks, not being shy about wanting to see you again.
"Not tonight, I've got a full day of coding ahead of me. Won't be out of my office until late, like early morning late." You say as you walk him out. "Call me tomorrow?" You add with a wink. Harry smiles and then heads towards base.
*Harry's POV*
After a nice ride to base, on top of everything last night, I'm on fucking cloud nine. Y/N was just so fucking perfect, she's beautiful, intelligent, witty, and being in her presence is like rays of sunshine peeking through the clouds. She definitely has the spirit to be a category five hurricane, but she also just doesn't give a damn if she doesn't want to. The perfect switch, that complements mine real well. I'm practically daydreaming as I walk through the halls duffle in hand and badge at the ready. When I hit the cages, I change quickly before slapping on my tracking bracelet and slipping in my earbuds for a nice long run.
After a good hour, I swap my shorts and tank for the dive gear in my backpack. A waterproof earpiece from base command tells me where I'm headed and outlines a few details about my 'mission'. When the timer starts running down I'm quick to dive under and head towards the sonar signal. I diffuse fake bomb after fake bomb, inspect entrance hatches and disarm explosive after explosive meant to kill me and the rest of my team with tripwire traps and riggings. I go until my oxygen tank gets too low to continue at which point I head for dry land and a quick briefing with Mitch.
"The fuck are you doing looking into that op Harry?" Mitch hollers, glaring daggers at me.
"What op? I haven't looked at a digital screen other than my tracker and cell all day. I've been underwater for the last four hours, sir." I reply, having no clue what the fuck he's going on about.
"Prove it, pull up the tracker," he commands and I follow my orders without hesitation.
"Who was your acting command officer?" He asks, now clearly pissed about something else. "And give me your damn badge."
"Lieutenant Commander Danielson was my ACO sir." I reply and hand him my badge.
"With me," is all he says before leaving the room and I don't hesitate to follow.
When we reach Danielson's sector Mitch calls out, "Danny, were you Styles' ACO today?"
"Yes, Master Chief." Is the reply but Mitch is already turning to head somewhere else.
"Rai (pronounced Ray) tell me who hacked it." Mitch says to his Lieutenant daughter. She works mainly in command and is the youngest on her team of 5 highly trained data software mechanical engineers. Rai earned the respect of each and every person under her command with her impressive talent and knack for leadership she shows.
"Whoever hacked it, knows what they're doing, that's for sure, but it also wasn't actually hacked. It was cloned, meaning there's a duplicate of his id running around, but since they aren't the same composite I can't track the clone like I can the original." Rai explained.
"Just shut down his old one and get him a new one Rai, now." Mitch added before going back towards the cages. "Styles, go home and do some soul searching, see if you can figure out which of your little girlfriends or hookups or whatever you call them would've done this."
*3rd Person POV*
That is precisely what he does. He has some random movie on just for the noise, but he sits at his table making a list of all the people he’s hooked up with in the past 6 weeks. There was Britt, Katya, Grace, Brad, Liz, and you. Britt was a friends who sometimes hook up kind of thing. Grace was a really cute waitress at a diner on the pier. Brad is an intelligence officer for Seal Team 3 Delta, and Liz was on a layover to tokyo from New York that got grounded due to mechanical failures. You were obviously well, you. But something in the back of his head remembered Mitch saying ‘that op’ which could only mean your father’s op. However Katya was an American born to Russian parents who fled shortly before Putin took office. Her father was an officer in the Russian military, but not a fan of Putin. Which could make Katya seem unlikely to flip. With that he was down to two options, you and Katya. For your sake he hoped it wasn’t you, Mitch would take that personally, but Katya would be an international spy and Harry trusted his sense of someone’s character and Katya was very nice, Harry felt like she had a good head on her shoulders.
-The next morning-
Harry had an early briefing with Mitch to reveal where his soul searching led him. Walking into that briefing with unease swirling in his gut.
“Well?” Mitch asked him.
“I’m down to two, but I did bring all six names with me for you to look at as well.” Harry said to Mitch.
“Brad’s clean, we both know that, but I’ll have Rai look at the rest of these, wait, seriously?” Mitch trailed off towards the end having finally spotted your name. “No way she’s capable of that Harry.”
“With respect sir, her background is in computer science and analytics, she is extremely proficient in statistics and probability, and an eval was never done on her after that incident, as much as I hate to say it because I really do like her, we’ve no idea how losing her father affected her. She was raised by soldiers, she knows how to brush things off and make it appear like she’s coping well, she knows all of you and could easily manipulate how her emotions come off in front of all of you, which is why I consider her the prime suspect.” He states although his shoulders drop with the last part of his statement.
Mitch steps out for a few minutes and comes back with Raina. “Ask her, Rai knows Y/N better than anyone, and Rai this doesn’t prove anything.”
Harry explains his thoughts one more time and after a few seconds of deliberation and a deep breath Raina turns to Mitch and responds, “You want to know if Y/N has the skills required to pull off cloning a military id, my answer without a doubt is yes, she absolutely has the required skills, and I agree with Harry, she is excellent at masking her emotions, i’ve seen it, it hurts me to say this, but we do need to look into her. My best suggestion would be to send Harry in unannounced.” She finishes speaking, her voice conveying the warring emotions she’s currently feeling.
“Fine. Harry, any objections?” Mitch answers.
“None, Sir.” Harry responds.
“Then its on, I want you recording, it won’t transmit, we don’t want anything going up the chain yet, I still want to shield her from the worst of this if I can, right now I have to believe that she’s just a kid looking for answers. If only i’d tried harder to get them for her.”
*Y/N’s POV*
I wrap up an intense line of code before I start my 30 seconds of this hour in the military’s system. It’ll take approximately 4 days to complete that year’s worth of files doing 30 seconds each hour, but I designed this program myself and I know it will work. My VPN is completely untraceable during those 30 seconds and the same engineer would have to be watching the computer for 48 hours straight in order to see the pattern (the same 30 seconds of each hour, with 24 different combinations so that they only repeat the same 30 seconds on a military clock), because it looks like Harry is just scrolling through old files without opening any of them when they are actually being backed up to an untraceable cloud drive, where I can flip through them.
“Y/N? Are you home? I brought lunch.” Harry's voice sounds from outside my front door. I exit and lock my office quickly knowing the program will shut off and exit the navy’s systems by itself.
“Hey, I thought we said you weren't going to swing by today. Luckily you caught me while I had a few minutes of downtime from my project for work.” I say to him after opening the door.
“Yeah, sorry about that, they didn't need me on base anymore today, so I thought maybe I'd surprise you. I brought tacos.” He smiles sheepishly.
“You're lucky you're cute Styles.” I say with a smile.
After we finish eating, I go to make a move on him, sitting myself on his lap, but he surprises me by flipping us so that I'm in the chair, and being a kinky fucker he slips a pair of handcuffs around my wrists.
“I know you cloned my military ID and used it to hack into the navy's system, care to explain, something about a certain op.”
“I have no idea…”
“Please don't make this difficult Y/N, Mitch already knows. The system records who logs in and the exact time stamp, as soon as I used my badge and access code on base this morning before going for training, which I was dark for, they knew it had been hacked.”
“Harry I never meant to hurt you, that's not how this started, ok fine, hurting the navy is exactly how this started.”
“You are going to have to tell me everything, or Mitch and I can't protect you. Because for some reason, I have this need to protect you even after you hacked my military ID.”
“I haven't been the same person since before my father got killed Harry. His death is the reason I went into tech. After his death I threw myself into my degree, hoping that with time the details would be declassified, after five years they still weren't, so I tried making an official request, I just wanted to know how my father died, and not the bullshit hero excuse they use when trying to cover something up. Plus the team's story was too perfect, it was word for word, even I know that means they're hiding something. So I decided I was going to exploit my connection to 7 Alpha. You were hot, the guys were encouraging you to get with me, and frankly the sex was the best I've ever had. I hesitated that morning while you were in the shower, mainly because part of me wanted to see you again and I knew we couldn't once I actually cloned your ID. I've been chasing answers for so long Harry, and I am finally about to get them. I can't let it go, I won't let it go.”
“I know you won't, nor would I expect you to. Now I have to ask if you were planning on selling any of the information you retrieved to other nations, or putting it online anywhere?”
“No, honestly the thought had crossed my mind at one point, but I wouldn't be my father's daughter if I did. And he taught me to always get justice for those that can't get it for themselves. That was the whole point of being a SEAL. Truth, justice, and protecting those that can't from the people who mean us harm.” I wrap up and Harry pulls a device out of his back pocket and switches it off.
“A recorder, it's private don't worry, Mitch just wants to make sure we don't have to get command involved. He was blaming himself earlier. My hope is that we can forgive each other, because whatever this is between us, that's been going on for months, even though our first official date was three days ago, I don't want it to end either.”
“You… you can really forgive me for hacking the navy? Command isn't going to arrest me?”
“The teams are a family, one you were born into, they aren't going to turn on you. Especially when they all wanted to tell you in the first place. And someday, our kids will be a part of that family too.”
There was an awkward bit of silence for about a minute before the laughter broke out.
“Yeah, I can't believe I just said that.” Harry said, though the smile on his face told me he was seeing it too. This was just the beginning for us.
Hope you enjoyed! Let me know what your thoughts are!
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maysrinn · 3 months
I wanted to ask but who are the snowbaird children married to and how many grandchildren do Coriolanus and Lucy Gray have in the District AU?
Actually I never really thought about this 🤔
It's evident that Clementine is with Nathan, but I'm uncertain about their marital status considering Nathan's legal constraints. Do Covey weddings hold legal weight? If not, then they're not married; if yes, then they are. As of now, they don't have children, but if they did, it would likely be just one ✨opsie daisy✨ gremlin.
I'd love for Rosie to be back with Augustus, but I'm not sure how that would work out just yet. Maybe Coriolanus arranged something, but that's a whole other story since Rosalyn doesn't have a district birth certificate and isn't technically from the district. Maybe Auntie Tigress could play a significant role in this storyline, with Aurelius being the first official grandkid.
Xanthos is with his own gal down the road, who died in the Capitol AU in the games. Her name is Ava, and together they have two little devils named Olivia and Romelia.
Unlike the Capitol AU she is never reaped, which is Coriolanus doing
Janus hasn't had a wife up to this point but sure is a player. However, I'm this close to giving him a kid from an eventful night. ✨SINGLE DAD✨ status, but that's just thrown in as an interesting idea to explore.
Aubree, Audrey and Cedar don’t have spouses planed yet.
I should make a District AU Family tree once I figured everything out, surprisingly Coriolanus and Lucy Gray don’t have that many grandkids YET.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years
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Organization xiii Masterlist
Rating the Seven Hearts of Light 😝
Kiss me Idiot (Strelitzia)💕
Sora Masterlist
Ventus Masterlist
Olette x Nobody!Reader 💕
Twilight Town Trio x Sick!Reader💔
Terra x Aqua’s Brother!Reader Headcanons💕
KH Boys Masterlist
Yandere!Twilight Town Trio x Innocent!Reader🖤💔
Wayfinder Trio x M!Reader Zombie Apocolypse Headcanons 💔
SoRoku x Clueless!Fem!Reader💕
Destiny Trio x M!Child!Reader💕💔
Overprotective!Riku x Fem!Reader💔
Our Forbidden Love (SoRoku)💕💔
Overprotective!Riku x Fem!Reader Part 2💔
SoRoku x Reader Part 1: The First Floor💔
SoRoku x Reader Part 2: The Second Floor💔
Heart Hotel x Chub!Reader💕
Strelitzia x Fem!Reader Soulmate Headcanons💕
KH Girls In A Modern AU
Wayfinder Trio x M!Reader Dark Inferno Headcanons💔
Sleep Tight (Terra)💕
RokuShi x Teen!Reader💕
Ira Imagine💕
Yozora x Fem!Reader 🖤
Destiny Trio x M!Reader Part 2💕💔
Dad!Aced x Keykid!Reader x Dad!Ira💕
Please Be Okay (SoKai)💔
Destiny Trio x M!Reader Part 3💕💔
Cuddle (Riku)💕
Beach Day (Strelitzia)🥵💕
Terra Imagine💔
Terra x M!Reader Headcanons Part 2💕
Compliment (Naminé)💕😏
Compliment Part 2💕
Heart Hotel x Chub!Reader Headcanons💕
Naminé x M!Reader💕
Kingdom High Masterlist
Wayfinder Trio Imagine😝
Wayfinder Trio Imagine Part 2😝
Aqua and Olette x M!Reader😏
Twilight Trio x GN!Reader💔💕
Fake Love (Xehaqus)💔
Friends (Lingering Will)💕💔
Naminé Imagine😏
Terra Imagine💕
Destiny Trio Imagine💔
Naminé Imagine (feat. sea salt trio)😝
Wayfinder Trio Reacting To You In Their Armour💕
Naminé Imagine😏
Larxene and Naminé in Bunny Suits💕😝
Kairi Imagine😏
Destiny Trio Imagine💔
Naminé NSFW Headcanons🥵
Wayfinder Trio Imagine💔💕
Terra and Demyx as dads💕
Kairi NSFW Headcanons🥵
Jealousy (Riku)💕
Riku and Terra NSFW Headcanons🥵
Why (Terranort)💔
A, F, G w/ Kairi🥵
D, P, and S w/ Terra🥵
KH Girls Reacting To You Having A Shield💕
U, V, W, and Y w/ Naminé🥵
KH Girls Tasting Your Potion💕😝
Ephemer NSFW Alphabet🥵
Terra NSFW Alphabet🥵
Ira Imagine💔💕
The Dandelions As Older Siblings💕
Aced Imagine💕
Yandere!Ephemer Imagine🖤
Eraqus Imagine💕
Twilight Trio Imagine💔💕
Twilight Trio Imagine Part 2💔❓
Naminé w/ a Mermaid Headcanons💕
Aqua Masterlist
Riku Imagine💔
Soroku Headcanons💕
Wayfinder Trio Imagine💕
Wayfinder Trio Imagine Part 2💕
Wayfinder Trio Imagine Part 3💕💔
Twilight Trio Imagine💔❓
Twilight Trio Imagine Part 2💔❓
Even and Aeleus Imagine💔❓
Even and Aeleus Imagine Part 2 (feat. Ienzo)💕
Even and Aeleus Imagine Part 3💔
Even and Aeleus Imagine Part 4💔
Even and Aeleus Imagine Part 5💔❓
Ephemer Imagine💔
Ephemer Imagine Part 2💔💕❓
Ephemer Imagine Part 3💔
Aeleus Imagine💕
Experiment (Yozora)🥵
Lauriam as a Single Dad💕
Worry (Riku)💕
Ephemer Imagine💔❓
Ephemer Imagine Part 2😝
Ephemer Imagine Part 3💕
Ephemer Imagine Part 4💕
Ephemer Imagine Part 5💕❓
Ephemer Imagine Part 6💔💕
Ephemer Imagine Part 7💕❓
Brain Imagine💕
Wayfinder Trio Imagine💔💕
Kairi Imagine💔💕
Olette Imagine💕
Aced Comfort Headcanons💕
Yandere!Seifer Imagine🖤
Aced NSFW Headcanons🥵
Yandere!Seifer Imagine Part 2🖤
Yandere!Seifer Imagine Part 3🖤
Yandere!Seifer Imagine Part 4🖤
Midnight Struggle (Kairi feat. Sora)💕
Bad Mission (Terra)💕
Aced w/ a Smol!BF💕
Left Behind (Xehaqus)💔❓
Fun Time (Xehaqus)🥵
Not Real (Xehaqus)💔💕
Surprise (Xehaqus)🥵
Hayner Masterlist
Riku Masterlist
The Lost Princess Mega Masterlist
Aced Twt Links🥵
The Angel (Olette)❓
KH x Danganronpa Part 1❓
KH x Danganronpa Part 2💔
KH x Danganronpa Part 3😝❓
Y!Eraqus x GN!Reader💕
KH x Danganronpa Part 4💔❓
KH x Danganronpa Part 5💔❓
KH x Danganronpa Part 6❓
KH x Danganronpa Part 7💔
Meet Sky
Gula NSFW Headcanons🥵
Yandere!Seifer Headcanons🖤🥵
Rivalry Love (Ava)💕
Olette Imagine💔
Ephemer w/ a Sick S/O💕
Lauriam Imagine💔
Terra Twt Links🥵
Dandelion (Eraqus)💕💔
Dandelion Part 2💕
Brain Twt Links🥵
Newcomer (Strelitzia)💕
Ephemer Twt Links🥵
Yandere!Strelitzia x M!Player🥵
#1 Fan (Yozora)💕
Pestering (Brain)🥵
Dandelion Part 3💕
Yozora Twt Links🥵
Ira Twt Links🥵
The Legend of Hana Masterlist
Naminé Twt Links🥵
Terra Comfort Headcanons💕
Angelic Amber Twt Links🥵
Young Eraqus Twt Links🥵
Tsundere!Riku x Fem!Reader x Yozora💔❓
Kairi Twt Links🥵
AquaLarx x Reader Headcanons💕
Ienzo Masterlist
KH Girls When You’re Related To The Organization 💕
KH Girls W/A Pinocchio Like S/O 💕
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catrawoods · 1 year
Marcus, Stan, And Barry Headcanons ( Because they're being the best bros in the world )
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they're all raised by a single Trans Father in 70s and 80s ( with no mother i guess )
Stan was born in 2 minutes early than Barry who's born in 1 minutes late than his was
not only, Marcus was 15 and knew that Barry censors of bullying in his first day in school with Stan as they were 8 years old. sometimes Marcus comforts him and saying that he's not fat, ugly, stupid or a freak because he believes that some people was beautiful, smart and talented in this world
after the graduation of college, Marcus left his brothers when they were 15 in middle school
Stan and Barry had arrived home form school and heard and knew that their dad was dying in a heart attacks during impact
Marcus arrived to see his brothers and knew that their father has died for no reason
Marcus told Stan and Barry about his wife's death crying in pain while holding 3 year old Johnny and being comforted by them
however in the prison when Marcus has trouble memories of disowning his son, Barry comforts him of passion because he knows that Johnny wasn't blaming him expect for Ava's death
Barry was helping Stan how to spell words but Stan was forgotten how he learned in spelling classes in school
they and Johnny heard Marcus' singing voice and knew that his voice sounds as a deathful and egotistic
Barry was smart to speak Filipino and he only said in pick up lines but His Brothers didn't understand but Barry told them the meaning in English
( Human Au ) Stan And Barry recognize or discover that rick is greater 5 inches than Marcus who's less 5 But Marcus was born in 4 month older than rick who's born in 3 months.
( Sorry, short Headcanons )
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kradogsrats · 2 years
Rewatch Shitposts: Ep 5-9
I’m so bad at recognizing voices that I didn’t notice until watching with captions that the “previously on The Dragon Prince” intro line is a different character each episode
oh my god Viren don’t just leave your butterfly carcasses on the floor when you’re done with them, were you raised in a barn
also MAYBE tone down the ominous theme music, just saying
Rayla, trained assassin: apparently skipped the lesson on the mechanics of Moonshadow ritual assassin bindings
As someone who also gets violently motion sick, I have mixed feelings about Rayla being said to have a water phobia when she’s just… violently motion sick at all times on water transport, like she can clearly swim and swim well?
boat: /goes over waterfall, me: … and then they all died
Love that while Amaya can otherwise lip-read, Gren automatically signs for her when she’s facing away from someone speaking to her
Viren: I will task my own children with finding the princes, Amaya: With all due respect--which, I will note, is none--your children are idiots
Soren’s just so happy to be being mean with his dad, A+ father-son bonding opportunity
”I guess I was afraid of being afraid” yeah according to my old therapist, that’s “anxiety”
The artbook says they originally planned for Viren to eventually imprison Opeli with Gren and for her to find him really annoying, and ngl I think we were robbed by that not happening
Ah fuck, I forgot Claudia already knew about Viren’s secret dungeon?
Corvus: /falls off a cliff, me: … and then he died
Even in the secret mission conversation, Soren’s not dumb???
AND the mirror, jfc Claudia knows everything and I’m very annoyed on behalf of my AU
I guess Viren needs someone to narrate to other than talking to himself
Claudia: DEATH COMES FOR US ALL... probably? Maybe you’re immortal.
Harrow how did you not teach your children ice safety? Maybe the river by the Banther Lodge doesn’t ice over?
What did they do with the dogs…?
”This isn’t even my biggest sword” also also peak humor
ngl I hope the sunfire dagger mercenary guy reappears more
Seriously… where did the dogs go? I’m gonna lose sleep over this
”If I fail, I don’t know what Dad will do to me” hmmmMMM yeah
”Cute braid, though!” Claudia, please never change
Animal doctor honestly best character
Ava could have saved a lot of time by just telling Ezran from the start about Lujanne
Ava: also hasn’t had a bath in two years, actually
Claudia’s problem is definitely “18 INT, 6 WIS”
Hard to believe the entire Cursed Caldera sequence is only like two episodes, it felt like it took forever the first time I watched it
Ellis manifesting true weird little girl energy, love it
”This is my slish hand” ngl that is probably the single joke from this series that I just... think about a lot
Okay, answer to my pending question of “how does Runaan pee while imprisoned” (look just trust me, it has relevance, okay) is, in fact, simply that he’s so dehydrated he doesn’t need to
Which still leaves the question of “how does Gren pee while imprisoned,” but I actually don’t care about that because he’s 80% less likely to choke you out with his thighs if you look away for a second
We were definitely robbed of seeing Viren get the mirror down that tiny spiral staircase
“I’m just a guy who can draw and make wry comments from time to time. And they’re not even that wry.” WOW okay shots fired, I am in this picture and I DO NOT LIKE IT
Rayla, unlike Viren, reacts 100% correctly to bugs crawling on her
Nice callback in the credits sketches to Ziard’s relic staff right after Viren uses it for the coin spell--kind of feels now like I ought to be compiling spells that actually make use of the staff because that’s probably a subset with future significance
Yeah okay this sequence still feels like it takes forever
Again, Ava could have saved everyone’s at least one pretty boring episode by speaking up earlier
God the horrifying disintegrated mummy-corpse was just… SO unnecessary, Lujanne please
All giant fantasy spiders descended from the tarantula that bit JRR Tolkiens Georg
Always gotta break the dramatic scene for a fart joke, it’s storytelling law
Lujanne is the only bigger drama queen in this series than Viren (Aaravos is a distant third)
Don’t mind me literally tearing up when Zym hatches, whoops
And the circulation returns to Rayla’s hand, which then carried a blood clot to her heart and... yeah, she died
WOW spoiler of Aaravos’s hand on the inside of the mirror in the credits sketches??? did not realize that one showed up this early
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corignemarchive · 2 years
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steve & being a single dad (five years post season ending au)
this isn’t fixed canon for steve but rather an au i write in a discord group and would love to explore further! 
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it was a one time thing. the kind of reckless mistake steve wasn’t meant to be making anymore. steve wasn’t the same guy he was all of those years ago. he did do random hook ups anymore. except, apparently, on this night, he did. his mother and father had been especially hard on him that day about his chosen career path. apparently, becoming a teacher wasn’t enough for them. a lazy option, so they said. 
so he got a bit... worked up. and rather than go to any one of his friends or found family about it, he chose the reckless option. a few too many drinks and a bar in the town over from hawkins he’d been living in. 
it’s how he ended up going home with poppy lewis. 
they were both cool about it the next day, had both been looking for relief in one another. something quick and simple. they both thought nothing more of it and went their separate ways.
until nine months later, poppy turned up on steve’s doorstep with a bag of baby things and-- a tiny little newborn girl in her arms. ava harrington was born april 11th 1991 and steve’s life was turned upside down from the moment she was dropped on him. 
but in the best kind of way. all steve’s life, he’d known he wanted a family. admittedly, this wasn’t exactly the plan and he was nowhere near ready for it. but... he had a good pay job. was studying to do better. he had his own apartment. he could do this. and he was definitely not about to turn his own daughter out to the cold. not a chance in hell. 
he loved her from the moment he saw her, and steve would do anything to protect her. he’s felt similar fierce protections before, especially for the likes of dustin. but this is something else entirely. it didn’t exactly make his parents proud, but for maybe the first time in his life, he stopped caring about what they thought. steve felt proud. 
steve has almost full custody of ava, with poppy taking care of her during the summer months from may to september, living a town over from steve. 
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pearlisinpain · 1 year
After a ton of brainstorming on how to draw this AU, I finally got around to finishing some drawings of one of my favorite AUs, Single Dad AU :DD
Cue context: Chosen is a single dad raising Second before he met Dark, his friend since high school in a well-known company. He remarried after 5 months of trying to realize Dark's love for him, and soon enough, Second becomes fond of him as they live happily together, with shenanigans happening every day.
The small child proudly calls Chosen 'pa' and Dark 'da', both very protective of their son after what happened to the boy in the past. You can imagine Second being unintentionally bullied by Dark for fun, sometimes running to his father for help, or just taking advantage of his stepfather.
(warning for poor quality pictures ;-;)
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Now, this proves that Dark has no knowledge of cooking. (Honestly, I wonder how Chosen could tolerate that one after throwing all of their dinner away-)
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Also, Victim is Chosen's one-year-older brother, Second's uncle, who is a kindergarten teacher and fond of children. Sometimes, he just asks what he is not supposed to say when Second is around.
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Second: What are you two talking about?
Anyway, the ask is open for this AU now! You can leave any questions about this AU, and I will be very glad to answer them!
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Well, because I’m bored, I got the great idea to write sad, sad, stupid AU angst…
It’s partially inspired by one of mine and my Dad’s favorite songs, “Same Auld Lang Syne” by Dan Fogelberg
One Year
Word Count: 2,786
One year.
Ava and Lilly have been broken up for one year now.
Three-hundred and sixty-five long days of living alone in their separate houses.
They had broken up because of Ava's job, her job that caused her to have to move.
It was her dream job, being a game developer, and Lilly told her to follow it, not knowing the toll it would have.
Ava moved three hours away, which was manageable at first.
The barely long-distance thing was manageable, but there were some days where Lilly would make the drive only for Ava to be sucked into her work.
"One more line of code..."
"Let me finish this one last thing..."
It was a few too many one more's, that would lead into a hundred one more's every single visit, to the point where they barely spent time together and Lilly would leave, where the guilt would fill Ava's stomach when the job was done, but Lilly was gone.
They tried to talk it out, but Ava, to no fault of her own, was often too literal, too focused on her career, thinking she had all the time in the world with Lilly.
She didn't, she really didn't have all the time because Lilly cut things off with her after a point, saying maybe they can pick back up where they left off some other time.
And that was that, they were broken up, willing to try again at a later date.
A year later, on a seemingly random Friday afternoon in the dead of Winter, Lilly strolls down the isles of the local grocery store, picking up a few things for the next few days.
She turns the corner to grab bread and peanut butter for breakfast and she has to do a double take.
She can't believe her eyes.
There Ava is, standing in front of the all the jelly options.
How is she here? Did she move back? When did that happen? How long has she been back in town?
The racing questions in her mind are halted when Lilly takes a second to look at her.
Ava looks thinner, much thinner, like she hasn't been eating well since they broke up.
Her hair is shorter, too. Her long, down-to-her-waist-length hair traded in for a short, chin-length cut.
Lilly doesn't know if that has to anything with the breakup, she hopes it doesn't.
Lilly takes a quick peak into Ava's grocery basket and not much is in it, just a box of cereal, a small carton of milk, and a loaf of bread.
Ava's still working on picking out the jelly and Lilly thinks it so she can stall on going back to an empty home.
She knows herself that the empty home and the empty bed is depressing to come home to.
She gives props to people who are happy single, who can genuinely live their best lives in a house all their own, because she cannot.
Lilly has tried filling Ava's space in the bed with other people, becoming desperate for someone to lay with at night.
She'd found girls who vaguely looked like Ava, and girls who were very into gaming like Ava, and affectionate girls like Ava.
But none of them could compare to the real Ava Graham, none of them.
She feels guilty about breaking up with Ava and even more guilty for trying to fill that space in her heart with other people.
There came a point where she thought Ava was happier without her, happier alone and engrossed in her career.
But maybe she isn't.
Ava seems to almost get fed up with herself as she huffs and pulls a jar of strawberry jam off the shelf.
Lilly wants to tell her to not be so harsh to herself.
She doesn't say that, though.
She has a chance now, a chance to make things right between them.
"Ava," She starts, almost hesitatingly.
They haven't even called in a year, due to Lilly's anger and feeling of being pushed aside by Ava's career, so hearing herself say Ava's name is strange.
Ava picks her head up from her grocery basket quickly and she looks instantly delighted and anxious and confused all at the same time.
"Lilly... Hi." Ava replies and Lilly wants to go beat herself from a year ago up.
She wants to kick Lilly-from-a-year-ago's ass for an hour, because she was an idiot.
Hearing Ava say her name and looking so genuinely happy to see her shreds her heart into a million pieces.
How the fuck had she been so stupid, such an idiot to let go of the best person she's ever met?
Lilly had her head so far up her own ass that she wouldn't even let them be friends.
She dropped Ava completely!
What an idiot!
"Hi. It's... good to see you." Lilly says and Ava still has that calming affect on her that she always had. This isn't as awkward as she first thought it would be.
It's more sad than anything.
Ava smiles at her, warm and faint.
"I'm happy to see you. I've missed you."
Lilly will do whatever she can do in her power to have Ava back into her life.
Long-distance, using her stupid brain and communicating better, anything.
She'll go through and do anything.
"How long are you in town?" Lilly asks her.
"I, um, I moved back two months ago." Ava says, "I didn't know if you wanted, to, to see me and I didn't want to bother you."
An idiot, the biggest idiot in town, Lilly is.
She's never wanted to hug Ava more than she does right now.
"Oh, alright." For a moment, Lilly doesn't know what to say, she hates herself and she's stunned with the simple beauty and kindness and hyper-empathy that Ava has.
But, Ava does know what to say.
"Are you... doing anything tonight?"
If Ava lets her, Lilly will hug her for the entire weekend, for an entire forty-eight hours straight, because that's all she wants to do now.
Hug her and apologize, apologize, apologize for being the biggest idiot on the planet and then some.
"No, I'm not." Lilly answers a little too eagerly, desperately, she'll admit.
That earns her a kind smile from Ava, as it dawns on her that they've been in this one section of the isle for too long and that they should move as to not cause any trouble.
"Do you want to... come back to my house? For a bit?"
"Yeah, I do." Lilly answers and the sound of relief is ever present in her voice.
They walk through the store for a little longer, picking up their respective, and Ava's few, groceries, then head towards Ava's house.
Lilly had kept their old house, which was small and cozy.
Ava's house is even smaller, fit for one person.
And Lilly can see Ava's attempt at making it cozy, with warm colors thrown all around the beige colored house.
There's a small Christmas tree on the coffee table in the living room and a few seasonal signs hung around, with a wreath on the front door.
Christmastime last year, when they lived together, was heavenly, Lilly remembers it now.
Spending hours putting up the Christmas tree, going out to find their own Christmas ornaments for the tree and their own festive decorations.
Hanging a mistletoe plant in their bedroom doorframe and lingering there before work and then coming home at the end of their shifts to snuggle on the couch and watch an old, "Rankin and Bass" Christmas special or Hallmark Christmas movie.
Because she's so nice and Lilly needs another reason to get herself run over, Ava let's Lilly store any groceries she needs to in the refrigerator for the night so they don't spoil.
The kitchen, which is adjacent to the living room, has the medieval tankard-style mug that Lilly had given Ava as a gift for their first Christmas drying on the counter.
It was and always has been Ava's favorite mug.
Once the groceries are settled, Ava takes a glance around her living room, going to pick up a couple pieces of trash and lint off the floor by the couch, a couple piece of trash and lint that Lilly didn't even see.
"I'm sorry if it's a little-" Ava starts.
She's cut off by Lilly's arms wrapped around her tightly, tight enough to knock an, "Oof" sound out of her chest.
But, on instinct and longing, she hugs Lilly back.
"I'm sorry." Lilly sighs. "I'm so, so fucking sorry. I'm an idiot, Ava."
"Why are you an idiot?"
Lilly has her hands clasped against Ava's back and she pulls them closer together.
"I lost you. I let go of the best thing that's ever happen to me, the best person I've ever met! I was so stupid to give that up over something so ridiculous..."
Ava finds herself pulling Lilly closer, too, as guilt bubbles in her stomach.
"You shouldn't, you shouldn't have to put up with me being a workaholic... I know the word for it now." She says softly. "I'm sorry for never spending any time with you. I don't know how I got so lost in everything."
Lilly leans back a tiny bit, but she'll be damned if she's letting go of Ava yet.
She tilts her head up to look at her.
"You're passionate, that's what it is."
"Maybe a little too passionate. I messed up."
Ava looks down at Lilly and her heart thumps quicker, looking right into her eyes, her eyes which are full of regretful sorrow.
"Why did you never call?"
"I'm stupid, Ava. Haven't we already figured that out?" Lilly says, laughing bitterly at herself.
But that laugh, though it is bitter, gives Ava a feeling she hasn't felt in a year.
"You aren't stupid, I think you get your anger from your mom."
It's snarky but truthful and Lilly hates that it's truthful.
"You might be right."
The two of them move to the couch and they aren't leaning on each other, but they are still close.
"I want to be different. I want to do better." Ava tells her.
"I want that, too. I want to do better. I want- I need you in my life again."
She sounds desperate again, but it's a type of desperation she'll run with if she can see Ava again after tonight.
Night falls slowly and they talk on the couch until the stars come out, where Lilly begrudgingly stands up and says,
"It's getting late, I think I should go."
Ava looks at her with almost puppy dog eyes, pleading that she doesn't walk out the door.
"No, you don't have to. You can stay the night, if, if you want to."
Ava doesn't want her to leave and Lilly herself doesn't want to leave.
So, she stays the night.
She offers to sleep on the couch, but Ava shuts that down quickly, saying she can sleep in bed with her.
And then, Lilly says that she'll just sleep in her shirt and underpants, and Ava offers her a baggy t-shirt and loose shorts.
Ava wants their closeness again, she wants to rewind the clock a year back and scold herself for never shutting off her computer.
She's elated, though she is trying her best to hide it, to have Lilly sitting in her bed, swimming in her large shirt and shorts.
Ava makes her nighttime shower faster than normal and sits on the edge of the bed to comb her hair, looking in the mirror in front of it.
"I like your hair, I never got to say it earlier." Lilly comments, smiling a bit.
"Thanks." Ava replies simply, continuing on her brushing for only a second.
She doesn't want to explain why she cut it so short to Lilly, not now at least.
She doesn't want to tell Lilly the reason she cut her hair so short is, because having long hair reminded her of all the times Lilly would brush it out for her after a shower or would take her time washing it when they were in the shower together some nights.
But now it's short and a hasty, five-minute-long shower is all she needs.
No intimacy to be created with it.
They lay together in bed and good lord does it feel good to have someone in bed with them again!
For Ava it definitely is.
She can only pile so many weighted stuffed animals on top of herself before it starts to get pathetic, until she gets blatantly sad that her pile of plush friends isn't Lilly.
Lilly has had other people in her bed, but they don't lay the same way that Ava does, with a look of absolute adoration in her eyes, and a hand always ready to hold Lilly's or caress her cheek when she's overrun with utter love.
Other people don't hold her like Ava does, where they can spoon each other or face each other and fit comfortably and perfectly together.
And now she wants Ava to hold her again, but she doesn't know if that's too soon, they're already in bed together after not seeing each other for three-hundred and sixty-five days.
Ava wants a million more hugs.
She has the hunch that it might be, "too soon" to cuddle, but that phrase often doesn't exist in her mind.
They do things at their own pace and sometimes, that pace is diving in and never letting go of each other.
"Lilly," Ava says through the dark, save for the tiny bit of light from the night-light in the corner of the room.
She still sleeps with a night-light as a woman in her early twenties, she has no shame.
"Can I, can we- is it too soon if we, um, hold each other again?"
For a dumb split second, Lilly thinks Ava means sex, but then she knows that if Ava meant that, she would've said it directly.
She doesn't want sex right now, because she doesn't want to think about how other girls don't worship her like Ava does in bed, how they still love her but not in Ava's way, the way she's used to and loves the most.
Ava means cuddle and Lilly definitely wants that.
"No... I don't think it's too soon." Lilly answers.
Her sentence is barely over before Ava is shuffling towards her, scooping her up in her arms and holding on for dear life.
It's a big break in tension, tension that neither of them wanted to admit was there.
The hug in the living room was a start and this feels bigger, even though it probably isn't.
They both cry holding each other like that, fitting together in a way that they've both missed so fucking much.
And they let those tears fall, let those emotions out.
"You have no idea how long I've missed this." Lilly says through a sniffle.
"I think I know, Lilly." Ava sighs, looking at Lilly in the dark, her face is red from crying.
Ava brushes a tear off Lilly's face and that gentle touch breaks another sob out of Lilly.
"Please tell me we can fix this, fix us?"
"We can, we can. I know we can."
Ava isn't promising anything, she's saying it definitively. She knows they can fix their relationship.
They get to work, little by little, starting out with spending that weekend together, huddled together close in bed at night and in the morning.
They then trade off going to each other's houses to visit and spend nights, Ava's new house is legitimately a half-hour away from Lilly's.
It takes exactly twelve visits before they kiss again.
Ava revels in it, kissing Lilly long into the night because she's missed it to no end. Her heart stops for a moment when Lilly pulls her hands off Ava’s face to push some of her hair behind her ears. Ava might keep her hair this length for a while.
Lilly holds back her tears so she can focus on kissing Ava and when they take a short break, Lilly thinks about all the other people she tried to replace Ava with and that none of them would ever compare in the slightest.
She loves Ava and she'll always love Ava more than anyone else.
They talk things through civically some visits and other visits are simply spent making up for lost time.
But they work together, patching things one day at a time.
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vanrelationship137 · 2 years
Princess dating in nedlands
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Doctors want proceeds from the redevelopment of the Princess Margaret Hospital site to be used to build a maternity hospital in Nedlands.
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Works will now commence on Monday 28 May 2018 instead of Monday 14 May as previously advised and will take up to two weeks to complete.Works will include the removal of existing slab pavers and the installation of a new concrete footpath which will be slightly wider than the existing footpath on the northern side of Princess Road, between Mountjoy Road and Marita Road. The City will make the. (5)School of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Western Australia, Nedlands 6009, Western Australia, Australia; Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia, Nedlands 6009, Western Australia, Australia; Department of Respiratory Medicine, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth 6001, Western Australia, Australia. Caffe Latte Nedlands. 71B Princess Road, Nedlands WA 6009. Phone: (08) 6389 1001. SMS these details to your mobile phone for free: Send. Enter a 10 digit Australian mobile number in the format 0400 123 123. Enter an 11 digit Australian mobile number in the format 614 00 123 123. We won't use your number for marketing purposes.
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Doting dad Chris Hemsworth picks his kids up from school.
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I in Nedlands. Before this arrangement private services had been held in the Arcadian Tea Rooms (on the Nedlands foreshore) and in private residences. In 1923 the association between the Presbyterians and Methodists ended when the Methodists buill a church hall (called Way lnne) in Princess Road. The land was donated by Mr W D Toy. Search for the latest permanent and temporary jobs in Nedlands, Western Australia in Australia. Find job vacancies, submit your CV. Kelly Day Property Consultant mobile Kenny Yu Property Consultant mobile Alex Gillan Property Consultant mobile Alison Gibbons Property Consultant mobile Magda Grek Property Consultant mobile Views View Edit History.
124 Princess Road, Nedlands WA 6009 - house For Rent - R.
Almost 100 children are being shifted from Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) in Subiaco to the new Perth Children's Hospital (PCH) in Nedlands in one day. Health Minister Roger Cook said it was a.
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
literally loved the single mom emojis you did so here's some more! I'll add random emojis and give context but chose to ignore if u want
🦁-zoo trip and/or school field trips
📚-Ava learning to read or her first day of school
🌙- you chose!
I’m glad you loved them💕💖 I really enjoyed writing them and these are so fun!
🦁 Zoo trip Headcanons
Considering the fact that Jasmine absolute adores animals, it’s no surprise Ava loves them too
Like she’s absolutely obsessed with anything fuzzy, small, and 4 legged so they take her to the zoo one day and she is in HEAVEN
Like when I tell you she didn’t stop smiling and she was just 🤩 all day
Daya and Jasmine definitely got there steps in because omg Ava is a bolter, like she just runs to the nearest exhibit
Eventually she gets but in the baby carrier which she isn’t happy about but then falls asleep
If they had to big there favorites to exhibits to see, Jasmine likes the big cats obviously, Daya adores the butterfly sanctuary and Ava only ever wants to go see the bears
No but the funniest thing happened when they went to the big cat exhibit
So Daya was holding Ava in like the carrier, like ones you clip onto strollers, and Ava was already asleep in there and while Daya and Jasmine were looking at a leopard
And ya know Dayas like swinging the carrier around, chatting with Jasmine
The leopard was literally watching Daya swing the carrier and it kept on getting closer and closer till it was like right up to the glass and they both freaked out and sat like 😦
But the biggest struggle at the zoo is the gift shop at the end because Ava grabs like everything and Jasmine is such an enabler because have you seen those eyes??
Ava ends up with just one stuffed animal, took a lot of negotiation, and she sleeps with that polar bear every night
Jasmine also may have bought the cutest little koala onesie and surprises Daya with it one day
📚 First day of School Headcanons
Obviously this is a little further into the future but Ava absolutely loves learning and she can’t wait for school to start
She can’t sleep the night before, she has her entire outfit planned down to her hair bow, her backpack is right next to her bed, she’s even practiced how she smiles in the mirror- she is ready
Daya and Jasmine are absolute wrecks seeing her act so big and they know they’ll only cry more in the morning
Morning of, Ava is running the house and keeping everyone on schedule cuz she doesn’t want to miss her first day like she goes and wakes up her moms and Jasmines like ‘5 minutes’ and Ava literally sits on the bed and watches the clock until it’s five minutes (Daya laughs at that)
Jasmine goes and makes breakfast (chocolate chip pancakes that look like a cat, Ava’s fav) while Daya gets Ava dressed and they way Daya almost cries seeing Ava in her uniform—
She does the little twirl with her skirt and Daya hugs her so tightly and Ava laughs at how silly her mommy is
Jasmine goes and does Ava hair into her favorite braid and that’s when Ava gets a little nervous and asks if it’s scary and Jasmine just 🥺 and gives her all the kisses and says that she’ll be fine
The photo shoot they have before getting to school 😤 top tier
They get to school and there standing outside of the classroom when Ava just kinda freezes and gets so scared and holds onto her moms hands
She gets a big big hug from her proud mamas and she’s off to class smiling and already talking to other kids
Now, if you think Jasmines a crybaby, Daya outdoes her by a country mile
It’s like a constant stream of tears all the way home and Jasmines like laughing at how adorable Daya is and they go home and just cuddle till Daya stops crying
📆Work Headcanons
So Daya performs like night shows on the side to her day job and Jasmine loves having a kinda rockstar as her girlfriend
When Daya has like late shows or gigs, Jasmine always FaceTimes before she puts Ava to bed so Daya can say good night to her and wish her luck before her performance
Jasmine tries to stay awake till Daya gets home but when she does get home, Jasmines usually asleep on the couch
Daya thinks it’s adorable and has so many pictures of Jasmine
Jasmine surprised Daya at one of her performances and she was extra sexy that show, and Jas and Daya get very well acquainted with the storage closet
Whenever Daya has like a lunch or afternoon gig, Jasmine always stops by with Ava who wears her dragonfly onesie that Daya got her and loves seeing
When Ava’s older and she comes to see Daya perform, she always dedicated a song to her
When Jasmine has long rehearsals and Daya gets super bored, she makes TikToks of her and Ava doing the most random of stuff (all not posted for privacy’s sake)
Just like the funniest stuff every and she even does some of the dances with Ava in the carrier strapped to her chest, who’s so chill and smiles through her moms dorky antics
Jasmine comes home and is very confused to see Daya dancing to Lizzo while Ava’s in the carrier with her sunglasses, totally unbothered and done with Daya
One time Jasmine comes home to see Daya holding a blanket wrapped around Ava and lowering her to try and grab the pacifier off the floor with the mission impossible theme playing in the background
She stands there for a good minute and really questions why she decided to date this dork
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galaxysgal · 4 years
Does anyone want to read the stuff I've written for the rough draft of the finnpoe Au I thought up last night
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annathesillyfriend · 3 years
Anna's August Fic Recs
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Welcome to my August fic recommendations masterpost!! This has been quite a busy month for me but I'm holding onto last weeks of freedom. I am trying to read as much before uni starts and I had a pleasure of reading some brilliant fics this month. I am so excited to share them with you all! I hope your summer is going amazing and to those, who have just started classes - good luck!
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
✨ Tom Holland
revenges is sweet by @t-lostinworlds
series, social media au, college!au, football player!tom, fake dating, idiots to lovers, all of our fave tropes, i am invested in this series more than i am in my own life, it's just that good
sunkissed by @duskholland
one-shot, 18+, surfer!tom x lifeguard!tom, exes to lovers, h's great mind at its finest 👏
souvenirs of the heart by @veryholland
one-shot, brought me to tears no joke, such a beutiful story, mila did such an amazing job!!
heartbreak girl by @lauras-collection
one-shot, 18+, lead singer!tom, based on 5SOS song, this is so goooood 😫😫 this story lives in my heart rent free right nextdoor to laura!!
act 1: scene 5 and 6 by @youandtom
one-shot, best friends to lovers, helping tom with learning lines, i loved this very much!
happier than ever by @vendettaparker
one-shot, tom being the great lad he is comes to save an awful date and we stan
the trial of the eldest holland by @reawritesthings
one-shot, ex!tom, welcome to the angst town! this is so deeply heartbreaking but so beautifully written!
lucky to be in love by @hollandsvogue
one-shot, rose is going staright for my silly little heart :')
slide in by @uglypastels
one-shot, frat!tom, i fall in love with this story time and time again
white winged dove by @muhollands
one-shot, 18+, conuntry!tom, insert country boy i love you vine here (also, i'd like to take this moment to kindly invite you all to go through d's whole masterlist cause it's brilliant. this mj blurb has sent me straight to hell but it's so worth it)
abide by @hazofmyheart
one-shot, 18+, mob!au, tom x reader x harrison, this made me feel some type of way 👁👄👁
getting ahead of ourselves by @/hazofmyheart
one-shot, 18+, college! lacrosse player!tom holland x tutor!reader, this is soft, this is cute, this is hot, this is everything! 12/10 would recommend
✨ Harrison Osterfield
little lune by @dovenymph
one-shot, celebrating your birthday with haz, made me want a refund for my birthday cause it's so lovely 🥺🥺
it will come back by @greenorangevioletgrass
one-shot, part of the rich kid!au series, 18+, richkid!haz x richkid!reader x actor!tom, there are no words in any language that would let me express how much i love ava and this au
✨ Harry Holland
wild side by @softholand
one-shot, 18+, best friends to lovers, that trope was made to be written about mister harry holland, i swear
lost in your light by @spider-barnes
one-shot, 18+, best friends to lovers, bloody lovely 💛
falling in love at a coffee shop by @/spider-barnes
one-shot, college!au, oh to fall in love with harry holland at a coffee shop 😫
hope is frightening thing by @peterplanet
one-shot, writer!reader x first da!harry, her book gets a film adaptation and harry is being is wonderful self 🥰
my forever by @unsaidholland
blurb, talking about your future with him, it's just 🥰🥰
circles by @farfromharry
one-shot, rich kid!au, enemies to lovers, so wonderful!
🎂 Suz's birthday fics
this total babe @samwilsons-pillowpecs gave us four beautiful gift on her birthday! we adore you, lovely 🥰 these stories are all wonderful anddeserve their own category 💛
you're the glitter in the dark
one-shot, 18+, mob!bucky
if i could touch you...
one-shot, 18+, boxer!steve
love you in a thousand ways
one-shot, 18+, ceo!sam
miss your kiss
one-shot, 18+, biker!thor
🎂@rodrikstark ’s 1.5k follower celebration!
collecion of headcanons with our favourite marvel boys as well as some other characters, i bloody love them all but my numer one has got to be joaquin teaching you spanish 😌
✨ Sam Wilson
book smart by @indyluckycharlie
one-shot, librarian!sam x PhD student!reader, such a warm and comfy little story by my dearest cate who i love very much 😌
he we go again by @/xbuchananbarnes
one-shot, idiots in love 🥰🥰
adventures in babysitting captain america and winter solider by @princessmisery666
one-shot, reader takes the boys to disneyland and it's just so amazing!
stay awhile by @lacapucharoja
one-shot, black!reader, a saturday morning with sam 😌😌
slow motion by @ambrosiase
one-shot, 18+, sam in baggy grey sweatpants and no underwear, need i say more?
✨ Steve Rogers
bullies, bullied by @anika-ann
one-shot, my main babe is blessing us with protective steve and i love her 🥰
there's a peace in dreaming by @babycap
one-shot, i don't have the words to tell you how stunning this story is, please go read it
✨ Bucky Barnes
timer by @xbuchananbarnes
series, soulmate!au based on the movie TiMER (2009). i could go on and on about how incredible that series is but with dani it's a given, sooo 🤷‍♀️
the kids will be alright by @imaginationintowords
series, social media au, lawyer!bucky x interior designer!reader, single dad!bucky, single mom!reader raising their kid together as friends, also reader x clark kent. honestly this is one of my fave social media aus of all time. and it's got a sequel is coming!!
quick fix by @ocean-bucky
one-shot, tfatws!bucky x ofc, vidra is the queen of ofc's, you simply can't not love her characters!
grant (part 2) by @coffeecatsandsarcasm
two-shot, bucky's in a relationship with a single mom with a little boy, it's so soft, i love this little family!
before sunset, i fell by @buckysbiota
one-shot, modern!au, when i get drunk i get myself cake, when reader got drunk, she got herself a husband. a very fine husband 😏
alcohol you later by @/xbuchananbarnes
one-shot, is it the 4th of dani's fics on this list? yes, she's just that powerful
three flags up by @starbuckie
one-shot, 18+, campcounselor!bucky x campcounselor!reader, best friends to lovers, buck being a cute little puppy in love and i adore him very much
and he kissed me right there by @sunmoonandbucky
one-shot, veteran!bucky, age gap, this is so full of feelings and it's gonna steal your heart!
lost and found by @sunshinebuckybarnes
two-shot, neighbour!bucky, alpine being the matchmaker of the year and we love that for her
hazy dreams and good mornings by @angrythingstarlight
one-shot, 18+, firefighter!bucky, i think that's enough encouragement to read this gem 😏
✨ Joaquin Torres
red by @remmysbounty
one-shot, a truly exceptional story!!
hold my words, keep us together by @/xbuchananbarnes
one-shot, soulmate!au, just simply stunning!
✨Peter Parker
love lies by @rosyparkers
series, social media au, y/n is silk but peter doesn't know it, peter is spiderman but y/n doesn't know it, sarah is the brightest star in the universe and everyone knows it
sunset lovers by @duskholland
one-shot, college! au, soulmate!au where what your soulmate writes on their skin, appears on yours. i don't think i have to tell you that eveything written by h, my beloved is pure gold. the softest thing!
always waiting (for you to come home) by @peterbenjiparker
one-shot, reader comes to peter cause she needs him to patch her up after patrol, it's so funny and sweet and i just love it so much, m is the bestest!!
perfectly a little late by @/t-lostinworlds
one-shot, college!au, reader forgets about peter's birthday. or does she 👀 please, give a round of applause for this wonderful writer who's been feeding us so well this month 👏👏
this fic by @peeterparkr
one-shot, last kiss with peter :') nancy knows all the most beautiful ways to break someone's heart
the plan by @spideyyeet
series, aveneger!reader, reader likes peter, peter likes mj, mysterio shows up, lots of angsty things happen. it's so bloody good, my mates, go read it!!
burning red by @spideyspeaches
one-shot, avenger!reader who who describes people's personalities as colors, it's just a stunning story with wonderful writing and i love it!!
this fic by @mcumendes
blurb, peter brings y/n flowers and is very very adorable!!
kiss me more by @celestialholland
one-shot, first make out with peter and i'm just 😫😫 in love
the reveal by @cloudybarnes
one-shot, best friends!reader where she finds out about him being spiderman, so lovely!!
always by @ptersmj
one-shot, an absolutely adorable best friends to lovers moment
red-handed by @/vendettaparker
one-shot, stark!reader, morgan interrupts y/n and peter's alone time 😏😂
✨ Spencer Reid
as told by flowers by @reidingmelodies
one-shot, story about the progress of the relationship with spencer told by flowers (duh 😂), it's just wonderful!!
✨ Frank Adler
thnks fr th mmrs by @wiypt-writes
one-shot, 18+, reader goes to frank the night before his wedding, i love this with everything i have
will you hold on my love by @writerwrites
one-shot, don't come anywhere near this piece without tissues!!
✨ Ransom Drysdale
undercover boss by @chase-your-dreams-away
series, reader's working at drysdales' company and hooks up with ransom not knowing who he is. this series is so bloody good! i love the reader in here so much!!
a/n: if you catch some kind of mistake or if you see that i miscredited someone - please let me know so i can change that!
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winterhawksamplers · 2 years
Winterhawk Samplers: Kidfic
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And then there were children. Clint blames the magic. Or possibly the former marriage. Alternatively, it was that shady alternate universe's fault. Regardless, suddenly, Clint and/or Bucky are responsible for tiny humans, and hey, dumpster fire tendencies aside, it doesn't always go so bad. Is it because Clint's canon backstory helps him know exactly what to avoid when raising a kid, or did Bucky help his ma with his sisters back in the forties? Or is it just that Clint's kind of eternally part child anyways? The verdict is still out.
Barnes, Barton, and Nine Brats by @intermittently-ava length: 10k | rating: T | tags: de-aged avengers, magic, feelings development, nightmares summary excerpt: During a massive battle, the Avengers are turned into small children. All except for Barton and Barnes who are delegated to caring for them while Pepper, Jane, and Bruce are trying to find a cure. In the midst of the chaos caused by crayons, wet tissues, and bed time stories, Bucky and Clint obliviously discover things about each other. Why this one? This fic utilizes the age-regression trope to help Bucky and Clint realize that each others' competence extends beyond the battlefield, and each others' compassion extends, perhaps, to each other. The author also manages to capture some really key, heart-string tugging characterizations in the tiny versions of the team.
Paternal Error (In Which Clint Keeps Picking Up Strays) by: EVVS length: 34k | rating: T | tags: barton farm, canon-adjacent, kid!Peter, teen!maximoffs, teen!kate, adopt all the strays, nightmares, recovery summary: Bucky has never once thought of being a parent. Not since the Winter Solider happened. Until he falls in love with Clint Barton. And that idiot just keeps collecting children for his flock. Now Bucky has to pretend like he's good at parenting. Why this one? This fic exemplifies another common trope in winterhawk: adopting all the strays. Both Clint and Bucky identify with being left behind, and are equally determined not to let that happen to these kids, no matter how difficult it is as C&B themselves cope with canon-typical trauma.
and when the cold wind's blowing by: @pantstomatch length: 7k | rating: T | tags: single dad!Bucky, werewolves, no powers au, snowed in, cabin fic summary: When he sees the wolf he thinks fuck it and thinks it’s probably a decent way for a moron like him to die. -or- Clint gets snowed in with Bucky and his daughter over Christmas. Why this one? This fic pairs a common kidfic theme -- single parents -- with two killer tropes most winterhawk folks can't refuse: werewolves AND cabin fic aka aw, stuck in a cabin together, no.
Complete State Circus by @winterhawkkisses length: 8.4k | rating: T | tags: guardian Bucky, gymnastics instructor Clint, mutism, ASL summary excerpt: "Hey," she says, with a painful looking grin. "Welcome to Hawkeyes' Circus Training. D'you guys need me to tell you about our available classes, or do you already have something in mind?" Why this one? This is a real heartstring tugger disguised in deceptively adorable circus-themed wrapping. This fic showcases a great-with-kids Clint and a Bucky who's doing everything he can to create the best environment possible for his child.
Outnumbered by: sara_holmes length: 18k | rating: T | tags: no powers!au, and they were neighbors, veteran!Bucky, single dad!Clint summary: Bucky Barnes returns to Brooklyn ready to get back into the world, make friends and sleep with Steve's super hot neighbor. The fact that the guy turns out to be a single dad to two-year-old triplets who spend most of their time causing mischief, trouble and mayhem doesn't deter Bucky at all. Steve would like it on record that he thinks Bucky is insane. Why this one? This fic has a sassy yet soft Bucky reclaiming his life post military service, and brings new life to the trope of 'chaotic but competent in the field' Clint -- it's just that the field here is wrangling three toddlers. It also has found family feels as other marvel characters round out the apartment community to support Clint.
The next six fics show different amazing interpretations of clint&bucky + kids, and are in descending order by length.
Choose Us Every Time by: @lissadiane length: 33k | rating: T | tags: canon-adjacent, farm fic, uncle clint, babysitter bucky, fake dating, kid characters with real agency and emotions Zephr in the Sky by: @ladyladylady1 length: 33k | rating: E | tags: single dad!Clint, hawkeye clint, no powers Bucky, college kid!Bucky, tarot, age difference, teenage barton kids Out On A Limb by flawedamythyst length: 27k | rating: T | tags: de-aged Clint Barton, past child abuse, vent Clint, protective Bucky Barnes A Thistle Cannot Grow by: ccbytheseashore length: 12k | rating: M | tags: single!dad Clint, canon-adjacent, getting together, hurt/comfort Whatever You Give Me by AWriting length: 6.6k | rating: M | tags: single dad! bucky, small town au, no powers au, veterans Make It Feel Like Home by patsys length: 2.6k | rating: G | tags: canonverse, multiple dimensions, magic, fluff.
A quick note that two subgenres of kidfic that aren't done proper justice on this list, but definitely round out the theme: Clint and Bucky standing in as 'best protective uncles ever' for other Avengers' kids, and accidental baby/child acquisition.
What are your favorite winterhawk kidfics? -- reblog or add in the comments for your fellow readers!
And find other themed winterhawk samplers here.
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