pinkandblue078 · 7 months
sweet dami.
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Finally finished this mini talia comic, two weeks for four panels, seems like a fast workflow no? anyway it’s my birthday
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pinkandblue078 · 7 months
I’d die for her
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pinkandblue078 · 8 months
Sometimes fanon damian wayne makes me want to bang my head against a wall cause he is literally so boring??? like he has no personality, no sense of humor, no hobbies or interests. Of course aside from either being a raging ahole who has no manners, is crazy aggressive for no reason at all times, acts entirely on evil impulses, and loves to stab things (and therefore can not have any skills, capabilities, or activities outside of stabbing things and behaving inappropriately in public spaces); or loving animals so much that he does nothing but love animals and constantly adopt every creature he sees even if they already have a home and he always breaks into every zoo to free all the animals and he never does anything but cuddle with his 70000 pets (and of course they always think his love for animals doesn't come from the al ghuls, the al ghuls are evil and hate animals and never let him have pets, in fact he would have been killed for it). like PLEASE bffr, have y'all ever read a comic? ever? y'all are making him so incredibly bland.
However on the flip side of that, i do recognize how when writing large groups, like the bats, characters tend to get boiled down to one note in order to fit everyone in and make them distinct, but i'm not gonna lie its painful to read sometimes.
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pinkandblue078 · 8 months
Sometimes seeing the way that supersons fan talk about the supersons reminds me that they are exactly that: supersons fans. More often then not people who are huge fans of supersons aren't really fans of damian or jon but rather fans of the supersons.
It sounds kinda stupid cause like damian and jon are the supersons but its different. In order to make the supersons work, the writers wanted to create contrast between damian and jon. The sort of classic like grumpy and sunshine dynamic that draws peoples attention and often becomes fan favorite. Which like it worked, supersons is really popular and people enjoy that dynamic between jon and damian but the big issue is that the characters personalities and character had to be changed in order to fit into that mold.
The effects of this are present even in the current comics now that there is no ongoing supersons run. For example the weird stuff happening with jon in injustice right now and how he is kinda just playing the middle man with his evil dad and being like "omg no guys i just don't want anyone to be hurt! pls this isn't you", that is a direct result of making him a softer character in order to create a more harsh contrast between jon and damian.
This is probably most clearly highlighted for me with two different panels just a few years apart, one from damian's solo series: Robin: Son of Batman, and one from one of the more recent supersons issues. In damian's solo series he has to get his haircut by alfred and clearly states that he doesn't want alfred to cut it too short. This series went into detail with and took a lot of care with developing damian as a character and fleshing him out. Because of that it's probably the best guide when it comes to characterizing damian. However in the supersons issue it has panels of jon and damian side by side, with jon saying he doesn't want his hair too long and damian requesting that his hair be cut short. I know that hair cut length is small and insignificant however it just rubbed me the wrong way cause it was showing how willing the writers are to completely reverse things established about these characters in order to make them seem more as though they are each others opposites, even to their expense.
So basically, hardcore fans of supersons who believe that its the most accurate characterization of the two of them and it isn't flawed, aren't really fans of damian or jon, they are fans of the supersons and that dynamic. And that's fine, like what you like, but they are different.
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pinkandblue078 · 10 months
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edited a panel of damian from that weird teen titans run to match my head canons a little better.
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