pixels-art-stuff · 7 days
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Work in Progress...
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pixels-art-stuff · 13 days
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I sketched this yesterday and it fits todays episode alarmingly well in the worst way possible. Maybe I'll do a better rendering of this later. Have this abomination for now.
Based on these two memes:
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pixels-art-stuff · 13 days
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Lineart of the found family from Hello from the Hallowoods. Yaretzi is in an in between state. I love the description of her being like a liquid shifting seamlessly between human and wolf. I love all of them a lot.
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pixels-art-stuff · 14 days
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So... I finished both Portal games a while ago and had to draw something :)
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pixels-art-stuff · 24 days
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Jonny in a red dress for your amusement. But don't insult him, or you will get shot. This was inspired by @vickozone
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
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Part of the Gunpowder Tim vs. the Moonkaiser project I'm working on. I still have a hard time figuring out what kinds of weapons to include, but nerf guns as reference help.
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
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Something quick, silly and low effort, after a really long day, today. This took literally only 12 minutes and I hope it makes someone else smile. :)
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
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Because it's still @melandrops birthday and I just cursed you with my Bonzo art, please have this Gerry as an apology.
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
The amazing @murderandcoffee wrote a thing about this (I saw it just after I hit post, so now this addition)
The light from the candles in the corner illuminated the barest hint of him. In the dim, flickering light I could see the curve of his ass and the hard lines of his shoulders. His waist twisted, a naughty invitation. The virulent boils that marred his skin beckoned, begging to be touched, caressed carefully lest they pop in a sinful wash of fluid. He eyed me, lashes fluttering--a question. My heart stuttered in my chest, and I nodded. His eyes closed, and I could see the tension ease out of his body. Slowly, I took a step forward.
This is poetry... or something, I don't know. Definitely cursed. I love it.
Mr. Bonzo
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I did two light situations as I couldn't really decide. I think I have an idea how to draw the pink spots now.
Drawing Bear Bonzo starts to become a weirdly relaxing activity. I will do other artworks, I promise, but there are three more Bonzo sketches waiting to come to life.
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
Mr. Bonzo
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I did two light situations as I couldn't really decide. I think I have an idea how to draw the pink spots now.
Drawing Bear Bonzo starts to become a weirdly relaxing activity. I will do other artworks, I promise, but there are three more Bonzo sketches waiting to come to life.
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
What to do when you keep having bad art days?
Regarding a comment on this post
First of all, it's normal to have a few bad art days every few weeks, but I don't want to give you a "just deal with it" answer, so here are some things you can consider or do that might help. @stardestroyer81
First a few questions you can ask yourself:
Have you had a lot of stress lately? Art is a way to relax, but if you have a lot of stress, you might just not be in a mindset to calm down and relax, so your art turns out bad, because you are in a bad mindset while doing it. (I will propose solutions a bit later)
Do you take enough breaks while creating?
Are you getting back into art after a long break?
If so, do you expect yourself to be instantly as good as before the break, without warming up first?
Are you actively trying to learn something new?
Are you unsatisfied with your art style?
Are you using all the tools at your disposal?
Depending on your answers there are a few things you can do.
You can let off some steam, do some sports, play a video game, go outside for a walk, change the scenery and get new, less stressful input. Than get back to your art and do some warm up sketches. Set a timer for 1-2 Minutes for each drawing. They will turn out shitty, but they are just to loosen up your wrist. Start drawing after doing 10 really quick warm up sketches.
Breaks are super important. Make sure to stretch, drink enough water, eat enough and get enough sleep. I know it's standard advice, but it really makes a difference. You are not a robot. You can't concentrate without fuel and you can't concentrate for infinite amounts of time. I know, I will ruin my art, when I don't take a break every 90 Minutes, because that's when I start making mistakes.
After a long art break (what's long depends on the person, but for me going a week without making art makes me rusty) do some warm up sketches as well, preferably in the area you are most interested in. Learning how to do Portraits? Draw the head from different angles and try to get the features roughly right. Draw individual parts of the face seperately, to study them and than try to put them, where they belong on the skull. DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP! If it doesn't look right, try again, preferably with photo reference.
Lower your expectations. You are no old master. You are still learning. Don't compare yourself with other people, but compare yourself with yourself. That's why it's good to keep old artworks and look back on them every once in a while. I have come a long way since middle school and those old portrait studies I did back than are a great reminder of how much I've grown.
If you are actively trying to learn something new, don't beat yourself up if you don't get it right the 30th try. I needed to practice drawing the face for a whole year, before it didn't came out wonky anymore and I still screw up every now and then. Just search for some good drawing instruction videos and practice a bunch with pictures you find on the internet or take yourself. You will get good with a little bit of time and patience.
Do master studies. Your masters being the people you get inspired by AND whose art style you are trying to emulate. If you would like to draw like loish, try to break down how loish does art and copy that process. If you would like to paint like picasso, look at his art and try to break people down into forms. Learn a bit about the history of different art genres and see what you would like to include in your own art. If you are young and just starting out, you will not have a defined style yet. I certainly don't. But you can learn from everything and everyone and you will develop your own style and voice over time.
Use everything you can to help you learn and produce art.
There are no rules in art.
If you are working from photo reference, but can't get it right for the life of you? TRACE IT! You are allowed to trace something, if it helps achieving the end goal. If you are trying to learn how to do it without tracing, do it anyways, but in a specific way. What I usually do is:
Draw the thing I want to draw without tracing, trying to break it down into parts, trying to get the proportions right.
Put the image I try to recreate/use as reference under it with lower opacity, to see my sketch (you can do that with a window and a printed out image, if you are working traditionally)
Use another layer over my sketch and use a different colour to correct my sketch by tracing over the parts I got wrong.
Put the corrected sketch as reference to the side and try to draw the thing again, using the reference image and the corrected sketch as reference. (It's easier the second time, because you can see the parts you got wrong on the first try and can try to avoid making the same mistakes.)
Take your own reference pictures of things. Try to recreate a pose you want to draw. You will understand the pose better if you feel the movement of your own body and the position of your own muscles while striking the pose.
Use guidelines and reference pictures and probs and tools.
There are no rules in art.
And if nothing of what I've written is helping at all, maybe you just need to take a break. Some days off of doing art. That's okay as well. Refuel your creative energy by gaining different experiences. Go outside with some friends and have some fun. A change of scenery can make a lot of things better. (that said, look around your room. Is it a mess? Mine certainly is. And a cluttered space can also lead to a cluttered mind and influence your art badly.)
I hope any of this helps. This got longer than expected and I could keep going, so if you have any questions or need some recommendations for learning materials, feel free to reach out. I'm happy to help, when I can. :)
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
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I think this happened sometime when Martin was living in the Archives...
This is an apology for my Mr. Bonzo drawings.
I think I'm slowly getting better at lettering.
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
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Another quick Bonzo idea my brother gave me. I sketched this on a train. Poor Nigel is sitting on the ground. Still thinking about a design for him. Is there a Showmaster person that interacts with Mr. Blobby, who I could rip off?
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
Twink Bonzo
I managed to twink Bonzo (somewhat successfully) and I hate it.
Have a sneak peek on this abomination I created. As well as some sketches of bear Bonzo under the cut.
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This is not finished yet, as I am not happy with the details and his skin. But I thought I might share anyways. I also really need to figure out his hands...
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Those two will come as well... and my brother just gave me another really cursed idea. I cant wait to render these /s
Do you think he kills people with an enormous toy hammer? I think it would fit him. I also gave him pants, because I really don't want to draw dangly bits.
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
Mr. Bonzo
I am sorry in advance but I will be venturing into real horror art territory with my next few Mr. Bonzo illustrations. I managed to twinkify him in the most horrible way....
For everyone who is not interested in seeing that, please blog the tags mr bonzo, mr bonzo twink or horror bonzo, as I will tag all of these like this once I upload them.
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
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Some portrait studies I did after having a really long day. I have not deleted the ugly bits and I seem to get a grasp on how to draw noses, so yay me :)
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pixels-art-stuff · 1 month
Mr. Bonzo
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Quick sketch of Mr. Bonzo. (Very quick, because I didn't want to stare at it longer than absolutely necessary.)
His teeth are not soft.
Will I try to make him sexy? Yes, because it is a big challenge.
Will I fail? Most likely, but I will try my best.
Does he need a tiny top head? Yes, definitely.
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