shera-dnd · 56 minutes
So Nukoku's design fucks and I adore her title, BUT
I can't take her seriously when she's just covered in danganronpa blood
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shera-dnd · 4 hours
Did design Charlie and Vaggie as keyblade wielders back int (goes through archive to find exact year) 2019, might redesign them at some point
Some random AU thoughts could be Hell is in the realm of darkness and Lucifer was cast out similar to canon but from looking into how light and darkness could be balanced, then also got the thought of Charlie wanting to save the Heartless and help them return to their bodies but it might technically go against how the other Keyblade users see the creatures and think they should just be exterminated
Also Hello, haven't really spoken in a bit, hope you're doing well
I'll be honest I've never played a KH, so I have no idea what the metaphysical implications of light and darkness in that setting are. I just thought that this crossover thingy would look really cool
Would also fucking love to see what designs you come up with for them now
Also hi! Yeah it's been a while. I'm doing mostly alright, even if my health really hasn't improved in the last couple of months
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shera-dnd · 6 hours
So would Sora end up as a sinner or imp during his visit to Hell?
I was thinking more along the lines of filtering the characters and events of Hazbin Hotel through a Kingdom Hearts lens
Imp Sora sounds adorable, especially if we see him be scandalized by all the things normal imps do and have to deal with
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shera-dnd · 7 hours
Considering that the logo has a giant key in the middle of it, and we see both Lucifer and Charlie use that key to do magic
I'm genuinely surprised by the lack of Hazbin Hotel Kingdom Hearts AUs
Come on! Tell me that wouldn't be the funniest shit!
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shera-dnd · 9 hours
Reblog so everyone can hear what they need.
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shera-dnd · 6 days
As long as Gog remains on her bullshit I'll remain on mine!
And this time the victim of her bullshit is none other than our dear Cio
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Or Cio's memory... or Anathema... or whatever this thing is exactly
What matters is she is playing Gog's game and now it's her turn to be trapped in Gog's influence, which in turn trap her in Gog's tv screen-like panels
And you might be thinking, "wait! isn't Allison trapped in these panels again now?" but nope
Even when she's inside one of those she is still not fully contained by it
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Both her speech bubble and her foot break containment, because even tho she is taking part in this nonsense, she's still not being contained by it
That is until she's done with this crap and knocks both herself and Cio out of Gog's game
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By violently body checking her out of that framing
Now I cannot fucking tell what is gonna happen next, but I can confidently say that neither can Gog. She completely lost control here, and now it's all about the Seven Part World's WORST couple's therapy
I am back on my bullshit, and with my bullshit I mean over analyzing small details in media
In this case the recent pages of Kill Six Billion Demons (read it! READ IT! IT'S REALLY GOOD!)
Specifically the framing and layout of the pages
so if you're familiar with Tom's work you know he's pretty much allergic to normal comic layouts and simple panels
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and even when there are two panels side by side they're never the exact same size
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but then we get to Wheel Smashing Lord, pages 77 and 78, where Gog Agog puts our protagonist, Allison, through the horrors of a talk show
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and we got side by side panels, with the exact same size, evenly spaced, and with no art or anything between the panels
Of course this is partially done so as to simulate the framing of a TV show, so we get stuck in this TV screen format
buuuut I wouldn't be making a long ass post if this was the only cool thing this paneling was doing
Because what it does is also trap Allison in this neat little box of Gog Agog's influence
Bitch is literally controlling how Allison is framed. She's limiting Allison's range of motion and limiting how we get to see her
but then what happens?
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Something that is outside Gog's control. Someone who she has no influence over
So they get to exist outside of the framing, because they're not part of her show
Then the very next page Allison decides she's sick of Gog's shit and how do we see that happen?
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She breaks the frame. She gets up from the interview chair and just like that the TV format is broken, and with it Gog Agog's control and influence
Gog cannot contain Allison anymore and so neither can the frame
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From this point on we're back to classic KSBD page layouts, except for one little detail
Now Allison gets to exist unbound by panel frames, while Gog Agog herself remains almost entirely trapped, because this bitch just managed to put herself into a corner
aaaaand that's all I got because that is literally the most recent page and it came out yesterday
So uh yeah this comic is really fucking good. Now go read Kill Six Billion Demons!
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shera-dnd · 10 days
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Blep 👅
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shera-dnd · 11 days
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The police in Scotland have the chance to do the most funniest thing right now.
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shera-dnd · 13 days
Did anyone else notice that Liurnia of the Lakes is literally The Moon Arcana from Tarot
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Like seriously
For starters the card shows a marshland, which like "Liurnia of the Lakes"
Then there's the crayfish right in the middle and I'm sure no one can forge these fuckers
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Then there's a red dog and a wolf side by side
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Flanked on each side by two large structures
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and of course, above it all, hangs the moon
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That is not even considering the road down the middle that leads into the mountains, which is obviously the great road that leads to the lift and the Altus Plateau
And of course there's the whole symbolic tie to be considered. Not only is Liurnia ruled by a family with strong ties to the moon, but the Moon Arcana is also strongly tied to dreams, illusions, the unconscious mind, and knowledge
All things that are strongly tied either to Raya Lucaria, to the Carian nobles, or Ranni and Rennala themselves. And are all things you'll find in spades in this region of the game
...so yeah. I guess I'll start comparing other Elden Ring regions to tarot cards to maybe see if that's a real pattern or if I'm talking out of my ass here
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shera-dnd · 14 days
Did anyone else notice that Liurnia of the Lakes is literally The Moon Arcana from Tarot
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Like seriously
For starters the card shows a marshland, which like "Liurnia of the Lakes"
Then there's the crayfish right in the middle and I'm sure no one can forge these fuckers
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Then there's a red dog and a wolf side by side
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Flanked on each side by two large structures
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and of course, above it all, hangs the moon
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That is not even considering the road down the middle that leads into the mountains, which is obviously the great road that leads to the lift and the Altus Plateau
And of course there's the whole symbolic tie to be considered. Not only is Liurnia ruled by a family with strong ties to the moon, but the Moon Arcana is also strongly tied to dreams, illusions, the unconscious mind, and knowledge
All things that are strongly tied either to Raya Lucaria, to the Carian nobles, or Ranni and Rennala themselves. And are all things you'll find in spades in this region of the game
...so yeah. I guess I'll start comparing other Elden Ring regions to tarot cards to maybe see if that's a real pattern or if I'm talking out of my ass here
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shera-dnd · 19 days
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A lesbian and a straight man
United in their unshakable simping for the same woman
No force in this world can match their combine power
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shera-dnd · 21 days
Ah crap, guess that's what I get for making assumptions. What I was misinterpreting was how the music video was working in combination with the words to showcase how unhappy Stolas was with Stella and his marriage from the beginning and how he wants to make his relationship work with Blitz but each day he's realizing why Blitz doesn't seem to want that because of all the ridicule he's already had to face for just being an Imp. Guess I should at least try to run things through a translator before making assumptions about what people are saying, huh? My bad.
It's fine. I just found it funny is all
I guess I don't even have to do media analysis, people just assume that's what I'm always doing
...which isn't that far from the truth
I just find it funny that that's my brand now
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shera-dnd · 21 days
Is it weird that even though I don't know Portuguese, I was still able to somewhat follow your breakdown on the themes of the Look My Way music video, lol? Like I know I didn't get everything, but what I could understand was just as good as your other literary theme breakdowns.
I'm sorry to tell you but... I wasn't breaking down the themes at all
I was gushing about this brazilian fandub that I like and praising the VAs they chose for Stolas and Blitz
But now I'm curious as to what you thought I was saying there
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shera-dnd · 21 days
Testando Testando
aposto q vcs esqueceram q eu era BR já
esse aqui é pros meus queridos brasileiros
Como uma pessoa q tem um amor por tradução e localização (fazia parte do meu curso na faculdade), eq tbm é extremamente "normal" sobre Helluva Boss
Eu gostaria de compartilhar a melhor fan dub de Helluva Boss q eu já vi, pelo canal É o Dublas
Eles fazem um trabalho fantastico adaptando o humor da serie para ptbr, com incriveis cenas como a Stella chamando o Stolas de "um passaralho de merda" ou a troca de Michael Crawford pra Zé Ramalho no terceiro episodio ou a Millie dizendo "eu não venho nesse lugar desde que eu era uma capetinha"
Sem falar da qualidade do trabalho dos dubladores. Eles ainda são amadores, mas mesmo assim a dublagem deles é muito bem feita
Eu quero trazer atenção especialmente para Samuka Beludo como Blitz e David Mendes como Stolas, pq PUTA QUE PARIU ELES NASCERAM PRA ESSES PAPEIS
Samuka é simplesmente fantastico como Blitz e me fez perceber o quão BR o Blitz já é como personagem. Ainda mais quando ele ta soltando falas como "SAMBA VADIA!" e "CAMBADA DE CORNO!"
Eu quero muito ver oq ele consegue fazer nos episodios 7 e 8 quando o personagem tem os seus momentos de vulnerabilidade emocional.
E meu deus David é perfeito pro Stolas. A capacidade q ele tem pra fazer tanto as falas serias e mais emocionais com a Via, E as putarias q ele fala pro Blitz constantemente ("meu blitzy pirocudo")
E é claro, vc não pode falar do Stolas sem falar das musicas dele, mas pra q falar quando eu posso mostrar o quão boas elas ficam em ptg
Especialmente a mais recente
Enfim se vc é br e fã de Helluva Boss eu recomendo de mais essa dublagem
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shera-dnd · 23 days
trans women are everywhere and are so eager to be seen and heard but only if they feel safe around you. if you hardly ever have trans women interacting with you, especially online, then consider there might be a reason for that and you should address it
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shera-dnd · 25 days
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How trans women flirt
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shera-dnd · 26 days
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what studying literature feels like
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